When Family is Not As They Seem Ch. 05

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Maralah connects with her dad and uncle and feels the power.
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This story will contain mmf/ffm/ff/mm It will also contain anal and probably many other things that you'll find exciting. My imagination is going wild with this fantastic family.

Reading comprehension please... This story contains father/son male/male intimacy. Please do not read and then complain because your retinas were burned because of a cock touching a cock.

This chapter has some fantasy and imagination for Maralah, her Dad, and Noshi. Get your slippery stuff ready. This is a 9-star lube story.

Esadowa (Esa) is the father to Tama, who is the mother to Maralah. You'll have to read to discover in what depraved way Paytah is related. There are many surprises along the way so fasten your seat belts.


When Family is Not As They Seem

Chapter Five


I found Maralah in the barn with the horses.

"I wondered where you were, little one."

She was petting one of our American paint horses that we used for ranching.

"We need to give them some exercise."

"We do. Would you like to ride with me? To a secret place?" I asked, smiling.

"Of course!"

I came back with a backpack that Maralah offered to carry. She had the horses ready, so we could leave.

Our horses had always been ridden bareback with just a blanket of soft leather suede.

"I was wondering..." She toed the dust with her boot.

"You were wondering what?"

I tipped her chin up to look at me.

"I was thinking how exciting it would be to ride naked. I mean our ancestors practically did. They just wore those small loincloths and..."

While she was talking, I was already shedding my clothes until I stood in boots and cowboy hat.

She raked her eyes over me and swallowed hard. I hopped up on the back of the horse and picked up the reins.

She stripped down to her boots and hat and was already heading out. Little puffs of the dry earth around each hoof.

Looking at her from behind was an exercise in frustration. Her plump globes were spread into an upside-down heart. Her long black braid tickled the crevice of her ass.

She stopped and turned around.

"How did I ever get such a sexy Dad," she said. "Sitting so proud and straight. Your chest rippling with muscles. Your balls and cock on display between your spread legs. Mmm mmm. I hope I can wait until we get to where we're going."

Her words had my cock hard and lolling on my balls as we trotted across the landscape.

"It's not much longer. You'll be glad you waited my little tease."

She turned in her seat so I could see her breasts bouncing while they trotted on ahead. Her legs gripped her pony, and I knew what it was like to have those legs around me. Holding me tight while I was buried deep inside her.

"Oh, look at all that green!" she said excitedly. "Is that where we're going?"

"It is!"

The horses sensing excitement ahead took off at a gallop.

I had to admit the freedom of riding in the air and sun naked was something I'd never done but am glad she suggested it. It was exhilarating.

The horses walked right up to the spring, and we dismounted.

"This is gorgeous," she murmured. Watching the smooth surface of the spring-fed pond. A bug landed and we watched the tiny ripples spread, but otherwise, the surface was mirror-like.

I pulled my boots off and stepped into the cool water. I shivered for a moment because my skin was hot from the sun.

I turned and took her hand as we were submerged in the glistening blue water. Her long braid floated on the surface for a moment before disappearing under the water.

She came to me and wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms around my shoulders.

"I love you so much. Is it wrong that I almost love you more as a man and lover than my Dad?"

"Of course, not baby. Our relationship has gone through quite a transition lately. It's something we both must adjust to."

"I would want us like this forever," she whispered in my ear.

I didn't reply, but I felt the same. It was as though if I verbalized it, I would be doing Tama a disservice.

"What is this place anyhow?" she asked, looking around. "I'm feeling something?"

I nudged her underwater with my cock.

"I know what you're feeling."

She laughed. "No. Seriously. I can hear voices. Faint. I know no one is around, but I think they'd sound like our ancestors."

I was a bit taken aback and studied her face. She was listening, a serene smile on her face.

"When I bought this place, one of the main reasons, in fact, was they told me this area was used for Native American rituals."

She looked into my eyes for a moment, tipped her head back, and closed her eyes. Her long braid floated on the surface behind her. Her legs were still wrapped around me, and I held her.

Her lips parted and she started a low hum. Maralah didn't move and didn't seem to take a breath while she made that sound.

I knew this was sacred ground. That was also why I bought it. To protect it. I had been away from the reservation so long, some memories were vague of the Medicine Man. He was the reservation healer.

I wondered if someone was trying to communicate through Maralah.

Suddenly she gasped, jerked, and her head shot up. Her eyes were wide with fear.

"Baby, are you alright," I hugged her closer.

"I heard the voice, then a flute and rhythmic drums," she said, clearly shaken.

"I'm going to call my brother Noshi. He's still on the reservation and he has powers. I think you need to talk to him."

She nodded, finally calming down. My brother always had powers. If she did as well, it was a right of passage that she mixes with him to empower an offspring. It was the only way.

I walked out of the water with her and laid her on the soft green grass, then went down between her legs.

"Mmm, I love it when you're between my legs. You know when we were riding and I felt the horse's muscles, I thought about you. You have the same power as the horse."

"Then love I think you should climb on," he rolled to his back, "and ride me."

This beautiful woman straddled my hips, opening herself wide to me.

Our eyes locked and she held my cock, teasing the head in.

"Mmm, this is a big fat dad cock now," she teased.

"Fat for you girl, "I replied.

She slowly lowered. She looked like a wild woman. Her black braid was wet and clung to her shoulder and down over her breast. Her nipples were hard as bullets.

She tipped her head back and closed her eyes while she picked up speed. Up and grinding down. I let her set the pace. My hands on her hips, thumbs in the tiny black bush at the entrance to her heat.

She rode faster, grabbing her tits and kneading. She plucked at her nipples, pinched and twisted. Her head was still back, lost in her own sensation.

It was amazing to see and I willed myself to wait to see her through to orgasm.

Her lips were parted in a low mew as she rode faster, still kneading her tits.

"Ahhhh." The long low wail got louder and louder. She ground her pelvis into me, driving my cock deeper. She rocked and the wail got louder.

Her cunt was tight and gripping and squeezing my cock. I gritted my teeth to hold off. I wanted to watch her through to the conclusion. She was mesmerizing. A true Indian goddess.

My Indian goddess. My daughter.

Her wails reached their peak, her cunt gripped me rhythmically and she shuddered out a long hard orgasm.

My cock exploded at the hard milking, and I shot deep inside her.

Her head came up and she looked at me and blinked, as though wondering where she was. She had been in a trance.

She whimpered and fell forward on my chest.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I don't know. It was as though we were connected in a spiritual sense as well as physical. I don't know. I've never felt anything like that before."

"It was as though I was hypersensitive to your cock inside me. I could feel the veins. Each throb of your pulse. I could feel it filling and swelling. It was powerful... I don't know... It was as though something moved between you and me."

I hugged her to me. I'd heard of a trance-like state from older relatives when I was younger but never knew much about it. That would be something that my brother would know.


Out of body. Surreal. Those words seemed lame compared to what I went through. I do know I've never felt closer to anyone in my life. It was as though something passed between us. I couldn't even explain it to Dad, but from his time on the reservation, he was aware of trancelike states.

The flutes. The voices. I could hear but not see. It was as though I was missing the power to see. That I should be seeing, but just couldn't.

I rode behind him on the way home and my horse followed. I had my arms wrapped around his strong body.

I wondered if we looked like a warrior and his woman on the horse as we slowly rode back.

"You are a warrior," I said, my chin on his shoulder.

He patted my hands that were on his stomach.

"In your eyes maybe, my love."

"What is your brother's name?"


"Were you close?"

"When we were younger yes. We kept in touch after I left the reservation but haven't seen each other in a while.

"Do you think he will come?" I asked, giving him a quick squeeze.

"Without a doubt."

We did not speak of what happened at the spring. Pay and Mama were working on dinner. By the time we got to the house, Dad and I were suitably clothed.

We didn't often keep secrets from each other, but I was glad that Dad didn't mention what happened. I had much to think about.

The next evening the doorbell rang, and I swung the door open to a man that was no doubt Dad's brother, Noshi.

He had the same build but had a more rustic, hardcore red man appearance. My uncle was obviously younger, but he was well-tanned and looked like he would be more comfortable in a loincloth, headband, and feathers.

"You must be Noshi! I'm Maralah... Your niece!"

He grinned broadly showing perfect white teeth that were enhanced by the deep tan.

"I could tell by your beauty," he said, and I blushed.

"Hey hey hey," I heard Dad's voice over my shoulder and stepped aside.

They hugged warmly and exchanged a few words in their native tongue. Whatever Noshi said made Dad look at me proudly and smile.

"Tama!" Noshi cried. "So good to see you!"

They hugged and Mama introduced him to Paytah. Dad said he discussed our family with Noshi so there would be no surprises, and he said Noshi was quite accepting of our situation.

But he too was blood family after all.

Mama and Pay went to the kitchen to finish dinner, Dad went to his office, and I showed Noshi his room. Dad put him on the first floor thinking it would be quieter and he wouldn't see any of us going back and forth between rooms.

"You would be coveted on the reservation," Noshi said while putting his clothes away in the dresser.


I sat on one of two chairs near the window in his room wanting to hear more.

"Yes, Pure Native beauty is rare anymore. We have been diluted."

I nodded understandingly.

"Living on the reservation means you wouldn't lose touch with your roots," I said.

He came over and sat facing me.

"Beautiful and smart too. A niece I'm proud of."

I smiled and blushed a little.

I realized I was staring.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you look so Indian. I mean I can see you in a loincloth, headband, and feather."

He smiled. "I did bring my breechcloth. I'm so used to wearing it that I couldn't bear to leave it, even if it wasn't appropriate here."

"Mmm," was all I could say, because my imagination was running wild.

He read my mind. "Maybe someday. But just for you."

I blushed and nodded.


I came because I knew my brother was close to a change in his life. Maybe not physical, but certainly emotional and spiritual.

I had a way of reading others, and even more so family. Near or far. So, when I called, he was happy to have me visit.

He explained his family and I had no thoughts but understood the transition my brother was going through. We talked of many things on the phone, and I was prepared for everything but what met me at the door.

I was not prepared for the warrior princess that I found.

I asked her to tell me what happened at the spring and she did, including every detail.

She belonged on the reservation. I could sense her powers. I knew that she was not yet able to feel mine, but she would in time. And it would be potent and strong for us both.

I had no equal on the reservation, but Maralah would likely end up outshining me.

There was a tap on my door and Esa entered.

We sat in the chairs by the window after making sure the door was closed.

He began to explain what happened to Maralah as he saw it. The trancelike state when they were joined.

"What did you feel? Any of what she was feeling?"

He shrugged. "Maybe a little but nothing like her. I mean I know we use it for healing... But this was totally different."

I nodded, wondering if it was different.

"Do you feel any different towards her?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "I'm not sure if it was from that, but I haven't been with Pay or Tama. Almost exclusively with Maralah. That didn't happen before."

"Well, my brother I don't think it's anything to be concerned about now. I talked to Maralah more in-depth about what she felt." I stopped and looked at him. "I do think she has no clue what she is capable of."

He nodded. "I figured as much. She doesn't know what they are much less how to use them."

"The way on our small reservation has changed. We got rid of all the drinking and violence and turned them around. It's a loving group now. We live together, help each other out, farm, and grow our own foods. We're self-sustaining." I looked out the window for a moment. "In one way it's just like your family here."

He nodded. "That's wonderful to hear. I was young when they took me away, but I was fearful of the violence."

"Well, I will spend some time with Maralah and help her discover her powers."

Esa got up and hugged me.

"Thank you, Noshi. I appreciate it." He turned to walk to the door and stopped. "It's great to have you here. I've missed you mightily."

I nodded the same. But wondered how he'd feel when I took Maralah back to the reservation with me.


It was wonderful having Noshi here. He regaled us with tribal stories. He was quite a storyteller and had us doubled over in laughter one moment and crying the next.

He was quite interested in Paytah's schooling and career, and they talked in depth. Esa, Paytah, and Noshi took a bottle of bourbon out to the deck while Maralah and I cleaned up.

"He's quite the character isn't he," I laughed.

Maralah wiped the counters and turned to me.

"It's odd but I feel as though I've known him forever."

"He is a lot like Dad," I said.

"No, not that. I don't know. I feel a closeness to him. Like I want to tell him everything."

"Well, you can certainly trust him. Go with your heart, love. Noshi is quite connected to our roots and has lived on the land all his life."

"And he is my uncle so I trust him."

"Yes, there is that" I laughed.


I was in my bedroom gathering clothing to take to the washing machine when I heard a light tap and turned to find Noshi knocking on the doorframe of the open door.

"Hey! Come in! No need to knock if the door is open."

"Your Dad said you ride. Would you like to show me around the ranch some?"

"I would. I'll have to change. Not really dressed for it."

He scanned my body quickly and said, "Perfectly dressed for it."

I wore jean shorts that were cut high enough to show half my ass cheeks and short enough in the front that the seam ran between my pussy lips. Dad liked them so I wore them for him.

"Okay then, let's go!"

I led the horses out and placed the suede cloth on their backs.

Noshi had taken his shirt off and wore low-slung jeans. I wasn't sure how he kept them up because they were lower than his hips.

Before I knew it, he sprinted to the horse, mounted him from behind, and landed on him light as a feather.

"Wow," I murmured, and he grinned.

"I've spent a few years of my life on horses."

"Yeah, I guess so." Still amazed at the move.

I slung myself on the horse and didn't realize until I was straddling him that I definitely should have changed shorts. When my legs spread, the narrow welt from the jeans slipped between my pussy lips, hiding essentially nothing.

Then to top it off, as soon as we started to trot, the strap began to rub between my lips and got pretty intense on my clit. I didn't intend this trip to be anything sexual.

Noshi sat tall on his horse. He wasn't as muscular as Dad, but long and lean. The waist of his jeans rode even lower on him and seemed to barely contain his cock and balls. The bulge was quite pronounced, and being so aroused I had to take a few peeks at it when I could.

By the time we got to the springs, I was so excited I could barely contain myself.

He was off his horse and helping me down from mine. His hands on my waist pulled my jeans up even tighter and I gasped.

"Are you alright?" he asked, seeming concerned.

"Yeah, sure."

He stood so close to me I could feel his body heat. It was then I realized I was gripping his upper arms and let go, but he took a moment to step back.

I looked down to try to unobtrusively pull the fabric out of my cunt, but stopped when I noticed only inches from me was a bulge in his jeans that clearly showed he was hard.

"So, are we going to get in a swim here?" he asked quietly.

I looked from him to the water and back.

He was already toeing his boots off and unfastening his jeans. I couldn't help but notice that he was even better built than Dad. I finished undressing and followed him into the cool aqua water.

He stroked his arms back and forth on the surface of the water and looked at me.

"This is sacred land. Can you feel it?"

I looked off. "I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. I think I am, but I don't." I said, frustrated.

My hair was down today and splayed out around me on the water's surface.

"You are like an Indian princess."

"Thank you."

"No. I mean you are like a princess. You have those qualities about you."

"I heard things here. Before. When I was with Dad." I said nervously. "I wish I knew what those qualities were. I'm just me."

He came closer. "Nothing to be afraid of Princess." He took my hands.

It felt as though I touched an electric current. I jerked away.

"You felt that," he asked, smiling. "It was your power and mine traveling through us."

He took my hands again and pulled me against him. The electric tingling took my breath away.

"It is strong, Princess," he said, breathless.

"What is it?"

"It's what we make of it." He looked into my eyes, the same black eyes as mine.

I had to break the connection and leaned back until my head hit the water. I remembered that was what I was doing the last time I was here. When I had that trance thing.

The only difference was my Dad's cock was inside me.


Maralah was unaware of the seductive qualities she had. Of course, as a woman, but more than that. There wasn't anyone she could not seduce if she wanted to. That was a small part of her power. I needed to get her into a tribal ritual. That's the only way she can discover her own power.

The power that coursed through us shocked me. I couldn't let her see it though. We had to take this further to see what we had.

I held her around the waist, and she steadied herself with a grip on my shoulders. I looked into her eyes, mirrors of mine. Her legs floated around me, so my cock probed between her legs.