WICKed Hormones Ch. 02

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Jacob's problem continues...Karen crosses boundaries.
9.5k words

Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 03/24/2024
Created 02/11/2020
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This is a complete work of fantasy. All sexual participants are 18 years of age or older.

I want to thank you all for the positive feedback from chapter 1. I hope you will enjoy this installment.


Jacob was the first one down to the kitchen on Saturday morning. He sat at the table, eating cereal and scrolling through his cell phone when Karen walked into the room. Even though she was fresh out of bed, Jacob thought she looked radiant. Her long chestnut brown hair was up in a ponytail, and she wore a knee-length pink satin robe. The sash was tied, but Jacob could still make out some of his mom's deep cleavage.

"Oh, good morning, baby." She flashed her beautiful smile. "I slept in a little this morning...your dad and I were up late last night."

Jacob thought to himself, "Yeah, I heard."

Karen went over to start some coffee, "Would you like me to make you some breakfast?"

Jacob pointed to the bowl with his spoon, "No, Mom...this is fine." "I'm going over to Matt's house as soon as I'm done."

"Oh, Okay. Well, I have a meeting at the church today. We're making plans for an upcoming bake sale."

Jacob took another bite, "What about Dad?"

Karen replied, "Your dad is going into the office for a few hours to work on some reports." She then started up the coffee maker, "We're planning on going out for dinner tonight...how does that sound?"

"Sounds good." Jacob took a sip of juice then said, "Oh before I forget, would It be okay if later today, Matt and I came back here to swim in the pool?"

Karen set out two coffee mugs onto the counter, "Of course...Matthew is welcome here anytime. In fact, you can invite him to join us for dinner if you like...just check with Nancy first."

"Okay, I'll ask him to clear it with his mom."

Karen then sat down in the chair beside Jacob and spoke softly, "Jake, you really need to watch what you say around your dad."

"I know Mom...I'm sorry about last night...it just...came out."

Karen put her hand on his shoulder, "Sweetie, we have to keep this between us. We really need to be careful until everything is back to normal."

"Yes, ma'am." Jacob then looked down at his cereal bowl, "Speaking of that...it's hurting again."

Karen leaned closer and replied in almost a whisper, "Have you tried what I showed you?"

He looked back up at his mom, "Yes, but I'm still not able to finish."

Karen leaned back, "Well, Jake, you have to keep trying. I cannot keep doing that...it's very inappropriate."

Jacob whined, "But Mom...it really does hurt."

She crossed her arms, "Jake, I have shown you twice...that should be enough."

Jacob realized that he had lost this round and best not to push it. He then sighed, "Okay, Mom...I'll keep trying."

Karen's expression softened, "That's the spirit...just remember the little engine that could." She then stood up, patted Jacob's shoulder as she walked over to the coffee maker.

As Karen poured the coffee, Jacob turned in his chair towards her, "Mom...I really wish you would stop saying stuff like that. I'm eighteen years old...I'm not a little kid anymore."

Karen smiled and walked back over to Jacob. She then leaned over and kissed him on top of his head, "I don't care how old you get, you'll always be my baby boy." She then picked up the coffee cups and walked out of the kitchen and called back, "Have fun over at Matt's."


Later that day, Karen was driving home after her meeting at the Grace Baptist Church. She was hoping Robert would be there because she was ready for a repeat of the night before. The sex with Robert was satisfying, but as time went on, the arousal returned.

As she drove in her SUV, her nipples hardened and tingled inside her bra. She mindlessly scratched at the protruding nub from outside her dress. This sent a spark to her vagina, and she squeezed her legs together, feeling the moisture in her panties.

When Karen neared the house, she clicked the garage door opener. As the door raised, disappointment set in because Robert had yet to get home.

She parked her Jeep and got out to enter the house. When she entered the kitchen, she remembered that Jacob and Matthew were probably out back in the pool. She thought maybe a dip in the refreshing water might cool her down a bit. Hopefully, in more ways than one.

In the bedroom, Karen sat her purse down on the dressing table. She then went over to the window that overlooked the back yard and pool. She saw Jacob and Matthew were there and decided to go join them.

Karen could not find the swimsuit she wanted to wear. It was a black one-piece that she wore for swimming or when entertaining guests. After a few minutes of searching, she then decided on an alternate. It was a conservative red two-piece that she had worn on vacation last year. This one showed a bit more skin; however, was still considered modest. It had wide straps and full cut bottoms that should be safe enough to avoid any "wardrobe malfunctions."

Karen removed her sundress and laid it out on the bed. She then reached back and unfastened the hooks of her lacy white bra. It was such a relief for her breasts as she removed the garment and allowed the "girls" to breathe. The cool air licked at her nipples, making them harden even more than before.

She then removed the matching white panties and tossed them onto the bed next to the discarded bra. Karen put the bikini on and made the necessary adjustments. She took a look in the mirror. There was more skin on display than she would like, but not enough to be considered improper.

After putting on sunscreen, Karen decided to wear a white linen cover she purchased not long ago. She put her hair up in a loose bun then collected her sunglasses, a bottle of water, and the novel from her nightstand. She put all the items into a canvas bag, and she made her way outside.

She walked out onto the patio to find the boys sitting over by the pool. Karen called out, "Hi guys...I hope you don't mind if I join you." The two teens looked up and watched as the beautiful MILF walked towards the pool side table.

The boys joined her, and Matthew enthusiastically replied, "No worries, Mrs. Mitchell, you are welcome to join us anytime!"

Karen began to unload her items from the bag, "Why thank you, Matt. You are such a sweet boy." She was unaware that Matthew was taking the opportunity to enjoy the view of her exposed cleavage. "Did you boys remember sunscreen?"

Both of them replied in unison, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good because Jacob, you are fair-skinned and it's easy for you to sunburn."

Taking off her swimsuit cover, she said, "Well, boys...I think I'll go for a quick swim". Both Jacob and Matthew stared at her as she walked away towards to pool steps. Neither boy could avert their eyes...nor wanted to.

Karen swam a few laps in the refreshing water and could feel her internal "heat" begin to subside. She exited the pool and went over to her lounge chair to catch some rays and read her novel. The afternoon sun felt great on her skin.

Karen was very relaxed until she came across an erotic scene in her book. She could feel the tingling sensations return. She thought to herself, "What is wrong with me lately?" Karen did her best to ignore it, but the feelings began to intensify, and waiting on Robert was becoming less and less a possibility.

Reluctantly Karen set her book down beside the chair, then stood up and began walking towards the house. "Would you boys like some lemonade? It's getting hot out here."

Jacob replied, "Sounds great Mom...do you want some help?"

Waving him off, "NO, no, I got it, sweetie...thank you, though."

Karen entered the kitchen and closed the door behind her. She went over and got some glasses from the cupboard and the lemonade from the refrigerator. As she filled the glasses with ice, she glanced out the window.

Jacob and Matthew were again sitting on the edge of the pool. She could not help but notice how small and frail her son appeared sitting next to Matthew. It was hard to believe they were the same age. It was even harder to believe what Jacob was packing in his swimming trunks.

The two boys seemed to be in a very animated conversation...most likely arguing over Star Wars vs. Star Trek or one of their silly comic books.

"Come on, Jake...you have to admit...your mom is smoking hot!"

"Dude...that's my mother you're talking about."

Matthew smiled, "Yeah, I know...she's the hottest MILF at our school. I mean, she looks a lot like Denise Milani. How do you live in the same house as her and not go crazy?"

Karen watched her son through the window, and her mind became clouded with memories from the last few days. The feeling between her legs was growing more intense. She could not help but run her right hand down across her tummy until her fingers slid between her legs and across her mound. Her pussy was so wet she could feel the dampness through her bikini bottoms. Her fingers only helped to stoke the flames, and she groaned, "Darn it Rob, I can't wait any longer."

She eased her right hand inside her bikini bottoms and slid her middle finger along her juicy slit. "Mmmmmmm," she moaned as her fingers found her little magic button. Karen would have to hurry and chase down the orgasm in case the boys came looking for her.

She held onto the counter top with her left hand while keeping an eye on her son. Little did Karen know that she was the main topic of the boys' conversation as she watched them through the kitchen window.

Matthew continued, "You know every guy in school wants to do her."

"Shut up, Matt!" Jacob kicked water towards his best friend, "Hey...how about we talk about your mom. She's hot." Matthew's mom Nancy was a beautiful redhead. Jacob thought she resembled the actress Christina Hendricks.

Matthew replied, "Yeah, you're right about that. My mom is pretty hot...but I'm more into brunettes."

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Karen's fingers were soaked, and she could feel a trickle of fluid run down her leg. As she neared her goal, her knees began to weaken, and she gripped the counter top even tighter. She rubbed her pussy faster and bit her bottom lip in an attempt to keep quiet.

Karen groaned out loud as the orgasm quickly blossomed and radiated throughout her body. She closed her eyes and leaned forward against the counter. She whispered, "Oh yes!!" as her body jerked and twitched in ecstasy.

A few moments later, Karen remained still, enjoying the gentle aftershocks. Once she was able to catch her breath, she stood up straight and removed her hand from her bikini bottoms. She grabbed a kitchen towel and wiped the evidence from her leg. Speaking to herself, "Well...that helped some...too bad, Rob missed out."

After a few minutes, she was able to straighten herself up. Karen then finished pouring the lemonade. Se placed the glasses on a tray and then went out to rejoin the boys by the pool.


On Sunday morning, Jacob got out of bed and threw on his robe then made his way down to the kitchen for some breakfast. When he got down there, he found his parents sitting across from each other at the table.

Like every Sunday morning, they were drinking coffee and reading the Sunday newspaper together. His mom was in her pink satin robe but appeared to have already showered, done her hair, and put on her makeup. His dad, however, still had the "fresh out of bed" look.

"Good morning Mom...Dad."

"Morning Champ," Robert replied.

Karen chimed in, "Hi sweetie...how are you this morning?"

"I'm okay."

Karen sipped her coffee, "If you want, you can eat some cereal for breakfast. After church, we're going out to lunch, and then your dad has a golf outing this afternoon. He's playing with the President of the company. This could be a good sign of his promotion."

Robert was currently a Regional Manager for Conway Enterprises. He had been with Conway for ten years. With dedication and long hours, Robert worked his way up through management. Now he was the top candidate for a Vice-President position. It would mean a bit more traveling, but the increased benefits greatly outweighed the sacrifice. He loved his family and wanted to ensure their financial future.

Jacob saw the cereal and milk already on the table. He went over to the cabinet and got a bowl and spoon then sat down beside his mom at the table. While pouring cereal into his bowl, "Dad, you haven't played golf in a long time."

Robert replied, "Yeah, it has been a while, but I am looking forward to getting back out there."

Karen interjected, "Your dad used to be quite good. In fact, back in college, he was on the golf team."

In mock amazement, Jacob replied, "Wow!...imagine that...Dad, the athlete."

Karen looked at Jacob, then winked, "Your old mom is into jocks!!"

Jacob laughed, "Wow, Dad...Tiger Woods dodged a bullet." Karen then busted out laughing.

Robert folded down the newspaper, "I'll have you know I always wanted to be more like Jack Nicklaus."

Jacob frowned as he poured the milk over his cereal, "Jack who? OH! You mean that old actor that played the "Joker" in the Bat-Man movie?"

Robert looked at his son in confusion and replied, "What? NO!! That's Jack NICHOLSON! I'm talking about Jack Nicklaus...the greatest golf champion of all time."

Jacob looked at his mom in confusion.

Karen laughed again.

Robert looked up at the clock on the microwave, "Oh, it's getting late...I better go get a shower." He looked to Karen, "Honey, did you remember to pick up some new razor blades?"

Karen set down her coffee cup, "Yes, sweetheart, I put them in the drawer in the bathroom. Do you need me to show you where?"

Robert stood up, "You might...I can never find anything in there."

Karen stood up, "Okay, come on...stop being so dramatic." She led Robert out of the kitchen.

Robert stopped and looked back at Jacob, "Jack Nicklaus...the Golden Bear." Jacob shrugged his shoulders and continued eating his breakfast. He could hear his dad as they went up the stairs, "But the boy doesn't even know about Jack Nicklaus!!"

After a couple of minutes, Karen returned to the kitchen and sat down in her chair next to Jacob. Taking a sip of coffee, "I swear...I love that man with all my heart, but he would have trouble finding his rear-end with both hands."

Jacob laughed at her comment and took a sip of orange juice. Karen then continued, "So...what do you have planned this afternoon?"

"Not much, why?"

"Well...while "Jack" is out playing golf, I was going to go to the mall and do some shopping. You want to come along?"

"Maybe," Jacob replied, "I have been saving up for the new Star Wars game that just got released, but I may be short a few bucks."

Karen put her elbow on the table and rested her chin in her hand, "Well...if a certain young man would be willing to escort his old mom today...those last few bucks might just find their way into his pocket."

Jacob replied happily, "You got a deal!!" He then stood up and took the empty bowl and glass over to the sink behind them. "Mom...I do have one problem, though."

Turning in her chair to look at him, "What's that, sweetie?"

Jacob turned back towards her and opened his robe. "I have to deal with this somehow."

Karen looked down to see the massive bulge in his boxer shorts. Motioning with her hands, "Oh my goodness, Jake...cover that up...your dad could come down here any minute!!"

"Mom, don't worry...he's in the shower, right?"

"Yes, he's in the shower, but not for very long." "Go up to your room and take care of it."

He closed his robe and retied the sash. "I tried earlier, Mom, and I am still having trouble finishing, and yes, I tried what you showed me."

Karen stood up from the table and walked over to the sink to wash her coffee cup. "Well, I am not doing that while your dad is in the house." She looked over at Jacob, "Maybe I can help you later."

"But Mom...it hurts now."

Karen turned the water off and turned from the sink, "No "buts" Jacob. Now...go try a cold shower or something." She grabbed a towel and dried her hands, "We need to get ready for church."

Jacob could tell she would not budge, especially with his dad in the house. "Oh, alright." He left the kitchen disappointed, but he could always try again later.


Later that morning, Karen was at church with her family. They sat on the sixth pew from the front with Jacob to her left and Robert on her right. Karen had been attending the Grace Baptist Church her entire life. Her grandparents were founding members. This was where she and Robert were married. Last year their daughter Rachel got married here at this church also.

Karen usually loved attending service, but today was different. She sat in her usual spot like every other Sunday only to feel guilty and anxious. She had a sense of paranoia that the entire congregation knew what she had done with her son, and it made her feel like a dirty hypocrite.

She clutched her Bible and prayed for forgiveness and guidance on how to move forward in this situation. If only she could receive some sort of sign or message to help ease her conflict. Ironically enough, the sermon from Pastor David Miller that morning would do just that.

Pastor Miller's message was about the role of the family unit in God's plan. He spoke about how families should cling together and help each other no matter the obstacle. The pastor pointed out scripture that helped Karen to realize that it was her duty as a mother to help her son. Her child was in need, and she could not abandon him. She felt, after all, partially responsible for his condition.

As the sermon continued, she began to feel better and felt the burden on her heart lifted. Karen made the decision then and there to walk with her son through this valley, but at the same time, she would need to set strict boundaries.


After lunch, the Mitchell family was back home. Jacob had changed from his church clothes and into shorts and a Star Wars tee-shirt. He was in his room playing on his computer awaiting his mom for their trip to the mall.

Robert was in the master bedroom with Karen. He was buttoning up his polo shirt, preparing to leave for the golf course. Karen stood in the walk-in closet wearing only panties and a bra, trying to decide what to wear for the afternoon. She called out to Robert, "Were you able to find your golf clubs?"

Robert walked up to the closet and leaned against the door frame. He laughed, "Yeah, I found them...had to clean off the rust. It makes me wonder how rusty my actual golf game will be."

Karen pulled out a dress that she decided to wear. She walked over to her husband and said, "Well, just remember, Honey, you haven't played in quite a while. Don't worry about impressing anyone...just go have fun." Karen then walked past Robert to the full length mirror, where she began to get dressed.

Robert admired how lovely his wife looked in her matching bra and panties. As she pulled the dress up past her curvy hips, he couldn't help but notice how the movements made her big lovely tits jiggle inside her bra, "After all these years and you still have the best rack I have ever seen."

Karen sighed as she finished putting on the dress, "Rob...you know I don't like derogatory terms like that." She then turned her back to him and asked, "Zip me up?"

As Robert ran the zipper up her back, he said, "I'm sorry, Honey, but you do have beautiful breasts."

Karen turned back around to Robert, "Thank you, Sweetheart, but when you refer to my breasts as a "rack" it makes me feel like a game animal tied down to the hood of "Billy Bob's" pick-up truck."

Robert laughed, "That would be an interesting sight."

Karen sighed and rolled her eyes.