Wolves Ch. 02


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"So you see the problem right?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and then as one said "No."

"You don't see an issue with telling my family that I'm a polygamist and all of you are white and brothers?" I asked.

"It seems to me that the only one of us who sees any of this as a problem is you." Louis said softly, "And I really hate the term polygamist at least for us." he added.

"No I don't see it as a problem but..." and then I stopped myself, "How do you tell your family about this?" I asked.

"How about this, cousin and racist twerp, meet my husbands Matt, Kevin, Louis, Paul and Tony." Paul said, "Doesn't sound too hard to me."

They didn't understand and I didn't know how to make them understand that it just wasn't that simple.

"Allie, explain it to us. Tell us why this is going to be so hard for you." Matt said.

I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts.

"Guys in the human world, this just isn't normal and it's unaccepted. It probably happens more than we know but it's not broadcasted and you have to know my family."

I went on to explain the long line of Baptist ministers in my family and the views of Cecil my cousin's husband.

"He won't let me see the kids again. I know that I don't see them that much now but he'll never let me see them after he finds out about this" I said, "and although he says he believes that all people are equal..."

"Are those the only reasons that you don't want them to know about us?" Matt asked.

I frowned, other than not seeing the kids and not wanting Cecil here what other reason did he think I had? Then it hit me, he was wondering if I was ashamed of him, of them. I had to make it clear that that wasn't the case.

"Matt, I love you; I love all of you and I'm not ashamed of you or that but..."

"You want to keep us a secret." Kevin said quietly.

"No! I just don't know how to handle this! Come on guys give a girl a break." I said but I understood their position too, "There's more to it than what I'm saying, this is my dream come true. Before you all showed up at my doorstep, I prayed and fantasized for something like this and I don't want Cecil to ruin it." I said.

"Allie sweetheart, we understand that you're nervous and a little scared; maybe a lot scared but Cecil will only ruin this for you if you let him and he's not the first racist that we've ever dealt with and he won't be the last. We're not ashamed of you and are proud that you are with us and we don't care who knows it." Tony said as he stroked my leg.

Maybe that was the crux of the matter, we hadn't been out as a married group since I got here and maybe it was time for that to happen. And Matt was right, if Cecil ruined this for me, it would be because I allowed it. I'm an adult with all of my mental faculties and I don't have to justify or explain my decisions to Cecil or anyone else for that matter.

"You're right." I said, "Maybe we need to start going out in public, I think it'll help." I said.

"We thought you'd never ask!" Tony said, "We've been waiting for you to let us know when you were ready to face the big bad world with us."

We planned to go out the next evening, there was a hangout where almost everyone was a werewolf but there were other species there too. It would be a good place to start before we branched out into the general population.

"They've been wondering where we've been hiding you." Matt said as he gave me a squeeze and a kiss.

That still didn't help me decide on what to tell my cousin and her twerp but I had time to figure it out.

"Alright." I said, "Your turn; what's the deal with you guys and Vincent?" I asked.

"There was a time when we were actually friends." Matt said, "But it all went to hell in a hand basket when Vincent's father started a separate pack within the pack with the goal of taking over the then current leadership which was always in our family. The only way to change that was a challenge exactly like the one that occurred a few weeks ago."

"So Vincent's father challenged whoever was pack leader at that time." I said.

"Exactly and that would have been our father. By that time it was also clear that the five of us would share a mate which added more fuel to the fire but at any rate, Vincent's father challenged our father for leadership and when it became clear that he was going to lose, he tried to cheat. He allowed himself to be knocked down but it was near one of his followers who was equipped with a hypodermic needle filled with a poison of some sort. Fortunately for us, someone saw what was happening, intervened and the fight ended with Edgar, Vincent's father forfeiting because he cheated or tried to."

"What happened next?" I asked totally engrossed in the story.

"As alpha, our father had the choice as to whether Edgar should live or die and he chose that he should die. From his point of view if Edgar tried to have him killed once, he would try it again so he chose to eliminate the threat. Vincent, his sister Misty and their mother moved in with Edgar's parents until Lana their mother found another mate and joined that pack. Misty and Vincent came back about five years ago and began to slowly rebuild the pack that had been disbanded when their father died."

"You didn't stop them?" I asked.

"We knew about them but decided to just watch and to let them know that we knew what they were up to. Their growth was slow but things escalated when we brought you home. Vincent saw an opportunity to take over and then to claim you as his mate before either exiling or trying killing us although I suspect that he would have wanted us dead." Kevin said.

"What about Misty?" I asked.

"Misty was well... very generous with her body, she fucked anybody who she thought could help her in whatever goals she had set for herself. She thought that she could get into our family by convincing one of us to take her as a mate but that was impossible because she wasn't for us...."

"Wait." I said, "Did you guys and her have sex?"

Their silence was all I needed to know that they did.

"Was it after that that she decided that you were all going to be one big happy family?" I asked.

"Well no, she had that idea before that but..."

"You took advantage of her?" I asked pissed.


"Don't you Allie me!" I snapped, "You knew what she wanted and yet you fed into it by having sex with her?"

"Yes but..." Paul said.

"But what?" I asked.

"If you'll calm down we'll tell you." Matt said.

I forced myself to shut up and listen.

"Alright." Matt said, "But damn you've got a temper!" he exclaimed before going on. "Once a month, close to the time of the full moon all of the unmated females send out a scent that is all but irresistible to the unmated males, humans call it pheromones. During that moon time she showed up at our camp site and we were unable to resist. Afterwards, we tried to make sure that she understood that in no way did it mean that we were her mates but that was what she started telling other pack members. We ignored the rumors and they eventually stopped. The next moon time, we left not wanting to repeat our experience with her. That one time was the only time that we had sex with her."

"But what made her think that you were her mates?" I asked.

"Remember when we first found you and we told you that there aren't many women that could handle the five of us? Misty was one of them. Women like you and her are few and far in between so we didn't let any opportunities pass us by. But because of her rarity, she chose to see that as a sign that she belonged to us and it was also a way to get what she wanted, to be the mate of the pack leaders."

I understood the looks now; Misty had been dealt a double whammy. She lost her brother and any chance at being the mate to the pack leaders in one night. I felt sorry for her, that had to have hurt but I still had the feeling that I hadn't seen the last of her. I looked up to see Marshall standing by the door and listening, it dawned on me that it was Misty that he had been talking about. I wondered if the guys knew how he felt about her.

"Any more questions?" Matt asked.

I looked toward the doorway and saw that Marshall was gone.

"Just one, did you know that Marshall had feelings for Misty?"

I saw by the expression on their faces that they hadn't a clue.

"That's why he's been acting so funny." I said.

"He never said anything or tried to claim her at least not that I know of." Matt said.

"I think he did and she turned him away because she wanted you."

"It's true." A soft voice said from behind us, "I wanted her but she wanted you but there was a reason for why I didn't fight harder for her, it had to do with what she believed and what she wanted to do. Up until the night of the challenge, I tried to change her views from those of her brother's. She was planning to try to kill you all off one at a time if she managed to convince you that she was your mate and then she and Vincent would rule the pack. I was planning to tell you but then you came home with Allie and I didn't see the point in saying anything, the problem had been solved. For the past month, I've been in mourning for her and for myself but I'm fine now, there will be another for me someday."

Matt eased me off of his lap, stood and went to Marshall.

"You should have told us not only about her plans but of your feelings for her. We discussed her in less than complimentary terms and in your presence. As a result, we hurt you and for that we apologize. But how did you know about her plans?"

I didn't think that Marshall was going to say anything but when he did, it was with a quiet and graceful acceptance.

"I knew of her plans because I followed her home one night. I wanted to talk to her once more to try to get her to change her thinking. I heard her and another wolf talking about the whole thing. You were gone at the time and there wasn't anything that you could have done from where you were. When you came home with Allie, I considered the issue resolved. I accept your apology because I know that you would never knowingly hurt me or anyone else in that manner and also because the things that you said about her were true. I offer my own apology for not coming to you with what I knew but I truly believed it to be a moot point especially after Vincent was defeated and she left. "

Matt took Marshall by the shoulders, looked him in the eye and then embraced him; I found out later that the embrace is a part of the whole apology thing. Marshall returned the embrace without hesitation and all was right with the world again.

Matt came back to the couch and sat down beside me.

"Now for the last topic of discussion for tonight." He said, "How have you been feeling?" he asked.

"Good." I replied, "Why are you asking?"

"We just want to be sure that you're being taken care of, is there anything that we should know about?" he asked.

This was so unlike Matt, he never beat around the bush and frankly, he was making me nervous.

"Matt, whatever it is you want to know just ask." I said exasperated. One of my pet peeves was when people pussy footed around.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked.

I was speechless, pregnant? Granted we'd been making love every night and several times during the day but I was sure that I wasn't pregnant.

"No." I said, "Why? Would that not be a good thing?" I asked.

"On the contrary, it would be a wonderful thing but we just needed to know so that if you were we could be more careful with you." Louis said.

"Alright, that makes sense but there's more so spit it out." I said.

"The time of the moon is coming and that is when the chances for pregnancy among the mated are the highest and the lovemaking can be rather...vigorous." Matt said.

"What are we talking about here? Whips? Chains? What??" I asked impatiently.

"Nothing like that, it's just that we may not be as gentle as we usually are and we needed to be sure that you aren't already pregnant." Matt said.

"Is that all?" I asked, "I'm thinking that I can handle it." I boasted.

They all looked at each other and grinned, I suddenly felt like I was really in the wolf's den.

"Good, now it's time for bed; go on up and we'll be up in a few minutes." Matt said kissing my cheek. I caught a glimpse of his wolf in his eyes as he watched me get up and head toward the stairs.


I hated all of them, her especially. Not only did she come from what seemed to be nowhere but in one fell swoop she took everything away from me including Marshall. Not that I loved or even wanted him, but he was my last resort for a mate if all else failed. He wasn't in love with her or anything like that but she had his loyalty from the minute he heard about her. The entire pack with the exception of those in our little group supporting Vincent was thrilled that the brothers had finally found their mate and was bringing her home. I got tired of hearing about her, "Allie this or Allie that" it was if her shit didn't stink but for all I knew maybe it didn't.

When they brought her home, the place went into an uproar. I got a glimpse of her when Tony carried her into the house and from what I could see she wasn't all that but as I said, I didn't get that good of a look at her but what I did notice was the way that they all touched her. Even when I fucked all of them that one time they didn't touch me like that.

Did I love them? No but I wanted to mate with them for reasons of my own and now it wasn't going to happen at least not in the way I'd planned. I had even spread the story that we had mated hoping to force them into it but I should have known better, they weren't pack leaders because they were weak. They didn't even respond and the rest of the pack stopped listening to me instead treating me as if I was a sick love struck puppy.

It's been a month since the reception and when they killed Vincent. What pisses me off is that I tried to tell the fool that he wasn't ready and that it wasn't time but he always thought with his emotions and not his head. He was so caught up in claiming the bitch as his mate that he lost sight of the big picture. All he had to do was wait, he might have had to wait for months or even years but it would have paid off and he still would have had the bitch to fuck and force to have his cubs.

After the challenge I tried to get him to leave.

"All isn't lost." I told him, "let it go and we'll come back."

Did he listen? Fuck no and he ended upsetting himself killed because of that bitch! I still blame them; they could have let him go into exile. Yes, I know what Pack law says but Matt Christianson was and is pack leader, it was well within his power to make an exception, he knew that Vincent was all that I had left in this world but yet he took him from me.

I went to live with my mother for a week after Vincent was killed. She cried for a few minutes and then said that he got what he deserved. I was shocked! I knew that she didn't agree with our politics but he was still her flesh and blood. I left shortly after that and moved in with an unmated male of our group, it's a beneficial relationship for the both of us, I have a place to live and all of the sex that I want and he has all of the sex he wants and then some but I have other plans for him.

As of yet, Matt and the others haven't made a public appearance with the bitch, I wonder why? If I had to guess I would have to say that they're waiting for her to get acclimated to her new life. If they had chosen me, that wouldn't have been an issue and maybe one of them would be dead by now putting me one step closer to where I want to be.

But still all is not lost, even without Vincent I can still take over. The only issue is that because I am female I can't be pack leader which is where August comes in. He's the male that I'm living with, I haven't worked out all of the details yet but I do know that the bitch sleeping in my bed has to go.

Just as I'm about to go to sleep my phone rings, I cursed as I picked it up.

"What?" I snapped.

My irritation gave way to surprised pleasure; it seemed that Matt and the others were taking the bitch on her first public outing at the club tomorrow night. Too excited to sleep, I got out of bed. I had plans to make.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So far so good.

Jujubee58Jujubee58almost 12 years ago

There's always some asshole waiting to screw things up!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707over 12 years agoAuthor


GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago

That's the term for having more than one husband at the same time. I don't know if it would be useful for your story or not, but I thought that I'd pass it along.

darkfaerdarkfaerover 12 years ago
I ain't hatin'

Allie is lucky woman. You go girl. Only drawn back sex scenes need to be more explicit other than that it is good.

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