Wyex: The Dysfunction

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Jack has a prostate problem. Wyex can correct that, sort of.
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Disclaimer: All persons depicted engaging in coitus are over the age of consent. This story involves gender transformations, both full and partial, through the use of not yet possible science fiction. That had to be said because a previous Wyex story actually had someone complain that hormones couldn't possibly do what Wyex does. Seriously.

A great big, super-huge thank you to DickMarks for editing.

This is the third in the Wyex anthology, reading the others is not required to enjoy this one. Chronologically, it comes after the events in both The Cure and The Pregnancy. Enjoy!


"It costs how much?"

I sighed and turned back to the medication estimate. "$167.32 for two weeks."

Diane glared at me for a long moment. "Your asshole is going to cost us three hundred and fifty bucks a month!? How much is it after insurance?"

I shrugged helplessly. Her math was off, but that wasn't the point. "That is after insurance."

"Our insurance sucks so much dick, it's unbelievable," she flatly proclaimed.

I worriedly watched my wife of sixteen years stalk from the room in a snit, then fisted my hands in my hair to stare at the paper of numbers more.

'Your prostate is enlarged', they said. 'We can treat it with medication', they said.

'Your sex drive might come back', they said.

It was no wonder Diane was so irritable. She hadn't gotten laid in months and months, and not getting sex always put her in a foul mood. On a side note though, that lack of getting fucked is what made her bully me into seeing a doctor in the first place. Then there were her own health problems on top of that.

Yeah, Wifey had good reason to be pissed off in general.

I cast my mind back, remembering when we were young, and life was good.

We were never supposed to be together. She was this tall, extremely voluptuous black girl, and I was this short, skinny white guy. We wound up at the same house party, and after many drinks I took her home with me.

The next morning, I made her breakfast, and basically never let her leave.

Not one of our friends thought we would last. She is three inches taller than me, and though she won't tell me her weight, she's got to have at least a hundred and fifty pounds on me, too, but the upshot is she does carry a lot of that fun weight in her orchestra and balcony sections. Let's just say that there's never been a time when Diane was afraid of me. Even the thought was laughable, and if she didn't want to be with me, there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop her from leaving.

Everyone we knew thought that either the size difference would break us up, or the race thing would. Instead we've been running the distance. Together.

Well, there was the one time she tried to leave me for my own good, when her PCOS tanked her health and she couldn't hold down a job anymore. Like I was going to let something like having to be the sole income for us break us apart.

We never tell anyone, but she was the one to propose to me, shortly after that little incident.

I shook my head, dragging it back out of the past. I had to figure this shit out. Money was tight, and the medication I needed was going to bend our bank account over without lube.


I got home from work, and went straight to the shower. Industrial mechanics don't come home all that clean.

I braced my hands on the shower wall, stressed over work, over money, over Diane's increasingly irritated demeanor. I got maybe a handful of minutes under the water spray, and then my naked wife was pulling the curtain back and getting in with me.

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me from behind. "Rough day, Boo?"

"Been a rough life this last week," I admitted. "Short-handed at work, then the prostate thing..."

Diane kissed my neck, briefly, and held me closer to smash her big old boobs against me more. "I looked on the 'net, and made some calls today. There's a cheaper solution for your asshole. Almost free, after insurance."

"Sounds like a con," I worried. "Wouldn't the doctor have mentioned it if it was real?"

She shrugged, "Not if they wanted to sell you that expensive-ass shit. No, our insurance will cover the cost of it, mostly, but it'll change things around here. Might be weird for awhile."

I turned in her embrace, looking up into her concerned eyes. Her plump lips descended to meet mine in a chaste kiss that seemed to be barely holding back a lot of passion.

Diane loved to kiss, and she had the lips to make it amazing for whoever was lucky enough to get her kisses. They were huge, and unbelievably soft and plump. Her lips, her giant tits, her big ol' booty, they were all made to entice. And there I stood in the shower naked with her, with a rock-bottom sex drive.

Still, the kissing was very nice. Diane always was good at it, and only got better with practice over the years.

"Jack, you ever hear of that Wyex shit?"

I shook my head. "It's not ringing a bell, Honey."

She searched my eyes for a moment, then squished me as tightly as she could into her plush body and tucked her head over my shoulder, like I was either going to run away or lose my cool completely.

"Diane?" I questioned, a hint of warning in my tone. Whatever she was thinking, I wasn't liking being held in place for no good reason.

"You ain't gonna like this, Boo," she apologized. "Don't want you to slip if you get upset enough. There's this stuff, okay? And you inject the shit into you, and it changes your dick into a pussy. They use it for medical shit all the time. I called 'em, and our insurance will pay for it. Barely any out of pocket. Then you won't even have a prostate to be all fuckin' up your ass."

I stood helplessly in the shower water encircled in my wife's arms. "What!? No way is that real."

She held me tighter. "No, it's for real."

"No." The word left my mouth before I even thought about it.

"You listen to me, Jack. Insurance will pay for both of us to do this. You'll have a pussy, and I'll have a dick, and the shit makes you like what you used to have, so we won't have no problems there. We'll be fucking again, and I'll be able to get a job and keep it, cause it's gonna fix my fucking ovaries, too."

I shifted nervously. She sounded like she had her mind made up, which was never good for me. "I don't know, Diane."

She pulled her head back to look at me. "Look, the longest lasting stuff of what we need only lasts a week. Give it a try, okay? One week as a test run. I need to get laid, and I want to feel better for once."

"You want me to go down on you?" I offered.

She shook her head. "No. I know you want nothing to do with that right now, and that makes it suck. I want you to want me again, Jack. This Wyex stuff? They say it makes you horny, too. Lots of couples use it to bring some spice to the bedroom. Matter of fact, the only places that sell it are pharmacies and sex shops. Guess which one takes medical insurance?"

"So you're going to the pharmacy tomorrow?" I guessed. I could try it for a week, I decided. See if it was actually worth the cost in something other than money.

She snorted and kissed me again. "Naw, I was fucking with you. They both take insurance. I'm going to the pervert store, and I'm getting a vibrator for you, too. Gonna have that bitch good and broken in for ya before we shoot up."

I chuckled. "You're so kind."


I entered our home after work, warily. I shucked my jacket, and then Diane was hustling around the corner, a huge smile on her face and giving me a great big hug and kiss before I'd even gotten cleaned up.

"Uh, Diane?"

"I feel fucking amazing!" she triumphed. "I didn't even know just how shitty I felt all the time until it was gone!"

"Oh, uh... You used it already?"

"Yes," she nodded seriously. "And let me tell you, I've got more than enough downstairs to give you one hell of a good time tonight."

I shifted uncomfortably, and very carefully did not look at my wife's groin area at all.

She noticed my reaction and started chuckling, of all things. "Here's what's gonna happen, Boo. I'm going to clean up where you need to shoot it in, then I'm going to shoot you up, and then I'm getting in then shower with you. They really didn't lie when they said it makes you horny. I've been waiting for-fucking-ever for you to get home, and I wanted to wait to play with it until you were here with me."

She snatched up an alcohol wipe and squatted in front of me, untucking my shirt and tugging my pants down, then she was wiping off my skin halfway between my useless dick and bellybutton.

She pressed a canister of pink fluid in winding tubes to the spot she just cleaned, and looked up at me. "Take a deep breath, and don't jump. It barely hurts."

Of the two of us, Diane was the brave, adventurous one. I knew, and she knew as well, that if she'd not taken charge and steamrolled me with it, I'd have chickened out.

I felt the pinch of the needles, and watched the pink fluid drain down the tubes and into me.

Shortly after, I felt weird. Diane set the injector aside and stood, supporting me with an arm around my waist as things happened beneath my clothing.

It was hard to categorize the sensations. I could feel things moving, skin touching skin where there shouldn't have been. The slight pressure deep up my butt, that I never really noticed until it wasn't there anymore, eased away.

I blinked at nothing for a minute. I felt better! As a matter of fact, I hadn't felt this good in a long time.

Suddenly I noticed that Diane wasn't wearing a bra, and she had one of her giant tits pressing into my side, loose and shifting, warm with body heat.

I looked up at her knowingly smiling face. Diane seemed to have a pretty good idea of what I was feeling now.

I reached over and started to fondle her boob. Not only did she not ever mind, but often when I kissed her goodbye in the morning she'd insist on a grope to say goodbye to her 'girls'. For years, in fact. I was well aware I hit the jackpot when I found Diane, and I've never forgotten it.

Her hand clamped down over mine, and increased the pressure of my grasp in her voluminous breast. "It worked? You're horny!?"

I shifted my legs uncomfortably. "Maybe? It feels strange. Like I have semi-wood but also it's been covered with a hot and wet cloth."

She grabbed my other hand and moved it to her groin, placing it over the straining bulge there. "Tell me about it! It's weird to be so turned on and still dry. Feels like my clit is so hard it's gonna pop like a fucking balloon."

She had a terrifying amount of dick in her pants. I couldn't tell if my new pussy was excited or crying in fear. "So... shower?"

Diane grinned lecherously. "Mm-hm! Shower. I'm washing your skinny white ass, and then I'm going to fuck the shit out of you. Gonna be wild tonight, Baby. We're getting laid, you and me."

I blew out a breath as my wife excitedly pulled me behind her to the bathroom to get started. For the first time in months and months, I was actually enjoying the way her big ass shifted with her walk, and I started to perk up.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.


I stared, wide-eyed, up into my wife's heavy-lidded, lusty gaze.

"This was such a bad idea."

She rolled her eyes. "I ain't gonna hurt you, Boo. I'll be gentle."

"Your dick is a monster!" I whispered harshly. "It's not gonna fit!"

My legs were spread wider than I thought was possible around Diane's wide hips, and she had a lot of her weight resting on me. She ground the long, thick tube of her cock against my pussy, impatient for any kind of contact.

"It'll fit. Pussies are magic like that. Just might take a little work at first. If you put my titty in your mouth, don't you fucking dare bite down on that shit," she warned.

I shifted my shoulders, then grasped as big of a handful of her boobs as I could with both of my hands. She had plenty left over.

I knew that I'd been starving Diane's libido for so long. Usually it was the husband begging for sex and getting scraps, I'm told, but not us. We were the other way around.

"Okay. Go for it, Honey."

Diane searched my eyes for a moment, then kissed me with those big, plump lips. Her tongue slithered into my mouth, and she moaned at the action she was finally getting.

Then she went down my body instead of spearing me like I was bracing for.

Her (and I can't emphasize this enough,) fantastic lips left lingering kisses and sucks all the way down. My neck, my chest, a tease to my nipples. My stomach, my bellybutton, and then her head was between my spread legs, staring at my new addition.

"Is something wr-"

My head hit the pillow, I stared at the ceiling, and I froze, not moving a single muscle. Not even to breathe.

Diane had just slammed her entire face into my pussy. Those big lips and talented tongue I was so enamored of went from zero to sixty in about half a second.

How could it feel that good? I was a big fan of getting blowjobs, but this was on a whole new level.

The way I figured, either it was because it was all brand new, or the Wyex made it feel even better than it should, or my wife just knew her way around a pussy, having owned one her entire life. Probably all three at once.

I finally remembered to breathe, and I took deep breaths. Diane snaked one splayed hand up my chest to stick an ebony finger in my mouth, and dug her free hand beneath me to firmly grasp and fondle my skinny butt.

I just went with it. I could worry later about how weird it was, or about the alien thoughts I was having about my wife's big black cock. She'd told me I would like dick. I was warned fair and square.

I sucked and tongued the finger in my mouth, making Diane moan into me. She explored my mouth aggressively with her digit.

Then I came, I think.

It felt really good, I knew that much. It was so very different than what I was used to, though. Cumming with a dick is like a pressurized bomb going off. Cumming with a pussy is like storm waves crashing on the beach. I don't have better words for it.

Diane pulled her finger from my mouth, a smug smile on her face. She sat back on her knees, stroking the near-foot of tubing she had now.

"Gonna fuck you now, Jack. Get all up in that pussy."

I owed her at least a try. Both for all the times I said 'Not tonight', and for what she just did for me. I opened my arms in welcome, and spread my legs wider. "Come on, Baby. Give your new toy a test drive."

She crawled back up my body, dragging her big tits over me, and I'm glad they blocked the view. What I was feeling was enough.

I felt her part my folds with her crown, and then mile after mile of Diane's tubesteak was getting stuffed inside of me. The foreign sensation of being penetrated where I wasn't even supposed to have a hole was... weirdly good. Not only the feel of Diane's rigid member as she slowly bored it through my defenses, but also the stretching of everything down there around it.

She touched something inside of me, hit a wall. She wasn't bottomed out, I knew, I couldn't feel her pelvis on mine. "Jesus. You have too much dick!"

She grinned down at me, her teeth so very white in the dim bedroom, and a drop of glistening sweat beaded on her forehead. "Don't worry, Baby. Gonna get you stretched out in no time."

Then she started to move all of that dick out of me, and back in. Some involuntary muscle contractions began to happen in my newly installed front door, fighting to keep her dick inside of me and failing at it.

I slung my legs over her wide hips, and Diane eased her knees further apart. I wasn't getting my legs back down after that.

She started kissing me, panting through her nose. Diane's face was glazed with my wetness, but that wasn't a bad thing. Her pace increased, and it started to feel really good, both the stretching around her girth, and the friction of her piston inside of me.

I didn't feel the gentle taps at first. But then I noticed the slaps against my ass as her balls struck me with every thrust. She'd gotten it all inside. I felt another series of those orgasm waves flow through me.

"Fuck. I think I'm gonna cum, Baby. Gonna cum all up in that tight little pussy. Gonna cream you so good. You ready? Ready to take my cum?"

I ran my hands down her back, grabbing some of her giant ass as she used all of the weight back there to really hammer me. "Cum, Diane," I begged. "I made you wait too long. Cum in me."

"Fuck," she grunted, and I felt her big fucking dick pulse rapidly as she buried it as far inside of me as she could. Searing liquid heat bloomed somewhere around where my stomach was supposed to be.

Diane buried her face in my neck, and made a strangled grunt in time with every throb of her monstrous cock. The liquid heat spilled out to run down the crack of my bent ass.

The pulsing tapered off, and it seemed like she was finished, but she just stayed there. Buried in me to the hilt, smothering my body in soft ebony flesh, breathing deeply against my neck.

I rubbed her back as she shuddered violently once or twice, and then she was lifting her head to give me one more kiss, grateful and satiated for the first time in a long time.

"That was so good, Jack. I'm sorry, but your horny bitch is back in the saddle. We're gonna be fucking a lot this week. Might want to think about taking some vacation time, here."

I poked her. "Gonna cream you so good!?" I asked laughingly. "Who the hell says that?"

She grinned, completely unapologetic. "Some punk-ass I knew before me an' you. Got a lot of shit-talk I can use now that I'm on this side of the thing."

"Alright," I laughed. "Now get off me. I can't put my legs down until you get off."

She looked over her shoulder, and turned back to me with a lecherous smile. "Guess these big-ass hips are good for something after all. Get to pry my hubby's legs apart and keep him all spread wide and shit."

I frowned at her. "I love your hips, and you know it. Ain't no one's wife got an hourglass like mine does."

Her eyes softened. "I do love you, my man. Now come on, and I'll teach you how to get my cum out of your cunt."

She lifted off of me, sliding her telephone pole out of me a lot more gently than I expected.

"Can we not call it a 'cunt'?" I begged as she led me by the hand to the bathroom.


Diane's hand left the back of my head. "Hey, your job. They still hiring?"

I eased up and off of her dick to answer her, but kept low so people couldn't see me. Her monster cock was even bigger up close to my face.

We weren't actually going anywhere, just slowly driving down empty residential streets.

It was my idea. Diane and I had been with each other for two decades. Twenty years wherein my affectionate wife had sucked my dick on the regular in a lot of different places. With her fantastic lips, she had the ability to make it amazing, every time.

I didn't have her lips. What I did have was the driving need to let her experience some of the greatness she'd showered me with, year after year. On the top of that list was road head.

Maybe someday later I could repay the favor of a hand job in a movie theater. Jacking off a dick was something I had a lot of practice with.

She was right about taking time off work. I woke up barely able to walk, and completely unable to sit. My wife tore my pussy up with her giant dick.

A night of sleep after good sex did a lot for my state of mind, though. It wasn't so weird anymore, and I didn't worry about my altered sexuality. It was still Jack and Diane, like always. Just different and new.

I rested my head on her soft thigh and stroked up and down her anaconda. I knew what I had to work with before yesterday to the quarter-inch, and I knew how my hands fit around it. I used to have five and three-quarter inches, and Diane had another four, four and a half on top of that, plus she was a lot thicker. Oddly small head on it, though. Like her dick was streamlined.