Wyex: The Pregnancy


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"Oh, that feels like heaven, Karen," I groaned, and tried to pull myself closer. She obliged me by digging her fingertips into the small of my back, and a pleasured moan escaped me.

I just basked in the feeling, but soon started to notice that my wife was hunching over further and further, and was looking very uncomfortable. "What?" I asked her.

Karen backed off of me with an uncomfortable smile, dug her hand into her pants and wiggled around a bit before straightening back up with a very relieved look on her face. I looked, of course I looked, and she was tenting out the crotch of her scrubs.

She apologized, "Sorry. It was really uncomfortable tucked back there. Probably about the last thing you want to see right now, huh."

I flushed. "I'm kind of all over the place. I mean, yeah, I'm upset and feeling really ugly, but I'm really horny at the same time. I... I did this to you? Even looking like this?"

She kissed me, and I got the sense that she was holding herself back. "Honey, you're sexy to me. Even more so now that you're carrying our baby. On top of that, you know I have a thing for your boobies, and I just learned that they're even bigger than I thought. On top of that, I've got my Wyex making me horny at the drop of a hat, and I have my sexy wife cuddling into me in only her underwear. Knowing all of that, it's not really surprising now, is it?"

I bit the corner of my lip, debating with myself, and Karen eyes locked into the pinched flesh. I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra, tugging the cups out from under my heavy swollen breasts and tossing the new garment to the side.

I led her by the hand to the bed, and laid on my side. My boobs pillowed on each other, my belly pushing them upward, and they looked even more massive like that.

My nipples and areola had darkened quite a bit, which Karen assured me was completely normal, but the contrast between them and my pale white skin was a little startling. I pulled Karen down onto the bed next to me and tugged her in to pay my breasts some attention. She happily indulged me.

Her gentle squeezing and ferocious suckling made my whole body light up. I reached down, slid my little hand past her waistband, and started to pay her some attention as well, stroking her turgid member.

I was really getting into it, and her huge, thick cock was leaking enough precum that my hand started to make wet smacking noises where I was stroking her. She abruptly pulled off of my nipple with a surprised look. "Oh," she stated, staring at it.

I stopped stroking her and froze, absently tightening my grip on her dick. "What?" I worried.

"I... uh, colostrum. It's very early, but you're producing colostrum. I wonder if the Wyex made it come early?" she wondered.

"Okay... what the fuck is colostrum?" Couldn't she see I was bordering on a panic here?

She finally looked up at me. "It's... consider it as pre-milk. It's what your breasts make before actual milk production.

I pressed my hand into my boob, deforming the shape and tilting my nipple to where I could see it. A bead of yellow, thick pre-milk welled up on it.

It didn't look all that appetizing. "How did it taste?" I asked.

My wife licked her lips and smacked them. "Not bad. Like, oh, milk after cereal? Just hot and thick."

"Oh. So, no more boobie sucking then," I pouted. I liked getting my nipples sucked.

"Well, if it doesn't weird you out... I'd kind of like to drink from you?" she ventured.

I blinked. "Really?"

"It's turning me on just thinking about it. You won't mind?" she checked.

I bit my lip, and glanced around. My belly would be in the way, otherwise I'd have her put her head in my lap. That would've been nice. "I don't mind if you don't. Go to town, honey, but can you get naked first?"

Karen grinned, jumped off of the bed in a way that I suddenly envied, and began to yank her clothing off as fast as she possibly could.

I wiggled myself out of my wet panties, the only bit of clothing I still wore. Then Karen was cuddled into me, latching on to my hard nipple and sucking powerfully, like she was trying to drain it through force.

Her cock pressed against the underside of my tummy, so hot and hard, the head swelling periodically as she strained. I licked my palm and started slowly stroking her.

I started having small orgasms from just the attention she was paying my breasts, switching back and forth between them. I loved it, but I wanted something stronger.

"Play with my clit," I whispered. Karen dutifully reached her hand between my legs to rub me. I had to lift my leg to grant her access, but after that it was smooth sailing. Mutual hand jobs plus I got to have my tits sucked. I figured I came out ahead on the deal.

I wasn't paying enough attention, locked into a really good orgasm, so I missed the warning signs. Her cock swelled and started pulsing in my grip, splattering the underside of my protruding belly with her scalding load.

Karen's mouth opened in pleasure, and I lost that delicious suction she'd been giving me. I whimpered at the loss, but kept stroking her through her orgasm.

When she petered out, I rolled onto my back and tried to wipe her cum from my skin with my hand. I noticed she was watching me, and a naughty thought hit me. I made eye contact with her, and licked it all up from my palm.

"Jesus," she laughed. "And you were thinking that you aren't sexy?" she teased.

I chuckled, and then the baby kicked. I froze, looking at my stomach in wonder, and it happened again. "Give me your hand!" I demanded.

I pressed Karen's palm to about where the little one was complaining. It took a little bit, but eventually Baby kicked again.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, and then completely unminding of the mess she'd just put on me, pressed her face to my belly and put her hands on its sides. I lovingly stroked her hair as she excitedly waited for any movement at all. We laid on the bed like that for over twenty minutes, until I had to pee. Stupid tiny bladder that Baby was squishing.


I woke in the middle of the night to pain in my crotch and a very, very wet mattress. I pulled the blankets back, and everything was wet.

Oh God. My water broke.

I was too hot to spoon while we slept, so I reached over to shake Karen awake on her side of the bed.

"Karen. Karen!"

She blinked sleepily at me. "Amber? What's wrong?"

"My water broke!" I panicked.

That woke her up. Suddenly she had full use of her considerable faculties. "Okay. Calm down, honey. Have you had any contractions yet?"

"I, uh, I think so. I think that's what woke me up. We have to go!"

"The baby is coming, honey, but it's not coming right this second. Go get cleaned up, okay? I'll get the bag and make sure we're ready to leave. Bath, not shower, okay? You really don't want to fall in the shower because of a contraction."

"But..." I protested. We needed to get to the hospital!

"Amber, look at me. Worry about a bath right now. Worry about what comes after, after. I'm taking care of everything, okay?"

I scooted to the edge of the bed, waddled my fat ass to the bathroom, and started filling the tub. If there was one thing I could trust in, it was that my brilliant wife could and would think about everything that needed to be done. Me? I just needed to take a bath.


After eighteen hours of the most excruciating pain I'd ever been subjected to, Tyler Reginald Johnson, Jr. came into the world with a healthy scream, a very healthy eight pounds, eight-point-eight ounces. No wonder it hurt so bad.

I was drenched in sweat, I may have broken some of my wife's fingers, and I may have also did a lot of threatening that I didn't really mean. But when Karen placed that precious little boy in my arms, and I got him to latch onto my nipple to feed him for the first time, suddenly it was all worth it. Every moment.

Karen ran a shaking fingertip over the tuft of hair on his brow, and smiled at me tremulously. "You did it, Amber. My God... I... you are amazing."

I smiled tiredly at her. I was exhausted. "We did it. I still don't understand why you couldn't deliver him, though. I probably wouldn't have broken your fingers if I couldn't reach you."

She held her hands up to me, and they were trembling. "This is why, honey. It's against policy, for very good reason."

"Fine. Are you sure you want to name him after me?" Being the one giving birth, sole discretion of his name fell to me, which was something I didn't know.

"Absolutely. I can't think of any name that could be better," she assured me.

I looked at my son, and the name Tyler did fit him. As much as any name fit a beautiful wrinkled peanut. "Hi there, Junior. I love you."

Karen sniffed wetly. "My family. Look here, this is my family."

For the duration of my recovery in the hospital, Junior and I had visitors non-stop. Karen was well regarded at her work, and everyone from the orderlies to the administrators wanted to come meet me and our son.

I only wished any of our parents were still alive to see him.


I gently rocked Junior, feeding him as he greedily slurped at my breast. I loved this time, feeling a connection with every feeding. Even the middle of the night ones.

"You've got about two weeks left Amber. Excited to be a dude again?" Karen asked me with a grin from where she was watching our son eat. Probably also perving on my boobies too.

I stared at my boy, and ran a hand over his head. "About that... what would you say if I did one more year?"

"Seriously?" she asked. She seemed stunned.

"Junior is still breastfeeding. If I get a booster shot, or whatever, I'll still make milk, right?"

"Well, yeah. But are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure. I'm not putting him on formula if I don't have to. This is better for him."

"Well, okay. I'll make an appointment at the hospital."

"Thanks Karen, I love you."


Twelve months later, we welcomed our daughter, Brooke Summer Johnson to our family.


Four days shy of three years since I'd taken that first dose of Wyex, it wore off.

I had Brooke down for a nap and was feeding Junior, cajoling him in his highchair to just please try the carrots, please, when I felt a strange tingle on my scalp, and my hair started to shorten up.

Junior's eyes went wide as he stared, and he started to cry.

Oh God. I needed to get out of these clothes before I exploded out of them. "Just stay there, Junior, and be good, okay?" I wanted to tell him that 'Mommy will be right back', but she wouldn't be. Not really. I quickly moved everything from his tray and hurried into my bedroom.

I shucked off my clothes as fast as I could, feeling the second stage start as my fat supplies dwindled and my muscles started to swell.

I laid down on top of the bedspread naked, not trusting myself to stand as my bones shifted. For long minutes I impatiently waited as Junior got louder and louder, eventually waking his sister.

Feeling the change slow to a stop, I eased myself up off of the bed. I had forgotten what it was like to be this big. I tore into the bottom of my closet, opening the boxes of Tyler clothes and putting on whatever would fit.

I was a little chubbier than I'd been three years ago, the baby weight not completely gone, but they fit well enough. I hurried back out to my children and found myself with a very big problem.

They didn't know me.

The screaming picked up to a higher register at the stranger in the room with them, and I didn't know what to do. I got Junior out of his highchair and he scampered away into his bedroom, to hide most likely, and I tried to calm down Brooke but she wasn't having it.

At wit's end, I called the smartest person I knew.

Doctors don't carry their cell phones on them, so I had to call the hospital, have them page her, and tell them it was a family emergency. It really was, from where I stood.

"This is Karen Johnson," she answered after I'd been on hold for forever.

"Karen, I need you to come home," I yelled over Brooke's wailing.

"Who is this?" she asked suspiciously, and I stared at the phone in my hand for a moment, dumbfounded.

"Tyler," I spoke through clenched teeth. "Your husband."

"Oh, uh... Tyler! Um. Sorry. What's wrong?"

"The kids don't know me! We're all freaking out here, and I need you here to calm them down!"

"Okay, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and tried to sing to Brooke her favorite song, but it didn't help. I was about to lose it.


Karen finally, finally, got home, and traded me an opaque black plastic bag for our daughter. In her Mama's arms, Brooke finally started to settle down.

"Junior?" she worried at me, bouncing the girl in her arms.

"In his room. I don't... what do I do?"

"That, in your hand, is a seven day shot of Pink Wyex. The way I see it, you can either stay as Daddy, and work through this, or... you can be Mommy again. I got that for you incase that's the direction you want to go, but the choice is yours, Ty. I need to go see to Junior, think about it."

She hurried off to our son with our daughter in her arms, and I stood there in the living room and stared at the bag in my hand.

I had bonded with my children as Amber. Gave birth to them, fed them, bathed them, loved them and was loved in return by them as Amber.

Was being Tyler really all that important in the grand scheme of things? No, I decided. No it was not.

I marched into our bedroom, read the directions very carefully, and shot myself full of the transformative drug.

Ten minutes later, Mommy left the bedroom in almost the same clothes I was wearing earlier.

My breasts had jumped two cup sizes during my first pregnancy, and another one during my second, but all of that was erased when I went from Amber to Ty and back again. I had to dig out the one pre-pregnancy bra I had to fully get dressed.

I walked into Junior's room, and he ran from where Karen was comforting him to wrap his little arms around my legs.

I picked him up and held him close. "I'm sorry you were so scared, baby. Mommy's not going to leave again, okay? Never again."

"Amber?" my wife questioned.

"I can't do this again, Karen. Are you okay with having a wife from now on?"

Karen grinned and held Brooke a little tighter. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I can handle that."


"Grandma, Grandma, Lookit!"

I looked down at my grandson as he held up a scribbled drawing that I couldn't make heads or tails of. I ran a loving hand over his hair. "That's very wonderful, Steven! Why don't you go show Grandmama?"

I watched him for a second as he raced out of the room, before getting back on task on getting Thanksgiving dinner together.

Brooke nudged my shoulder with hers, gave me a grin, and went back to making her pies. "You didn't know what that was either, did you Mom."

"Not a clue. Still, he was very proud about it, wasn't he?"

Thanksgiving was my favorite time of year, even more than Karen and my yearly vacations. All of my family was in one place at the same time, and I greedily clutched every moment.

Junior, his wife Eve, and their three kids. Brooke, her wife Emily, and their two. Then Joshua, my third, and his wife Jessie. Lastly the baby of the family. George, currently Gina, and his wife Francesca.

I looked up from the turkey I was currently stuffing and stretched my back. I'd been carrying a lot of weight up front for a long time, and it was catching up to me. "Do you know when Joshua is getting here?"

Brooke shrugged at me. "The very last minute, Mom. He's being all weird because Emily is pregnant again."

"He doesn't seem to have a problem with Gina trying to get pregnant," I observed. George and Francesca had the same reproductive problem that Karen and I did. Karen spent a lot of time having heart to hearts with Francesca, and I spent a lot of time on the phone with Gina coaching her through whatever new thing she was having trouble with.

"Yeah, well since Emily used to be Josh's best friend Billy, as you well know, he's being weird. He was weird all through the first two, and he'll be weird all through this one too, Mom. It's fine. Emily wants us to let him be. He'll get over it once he has a new niece to spoil. It's just her being pregnant that gives him the willies."

I frowned. It wasn't Emily's fault she got brain cancer, and had to go on Wyex just to live. That she found love with Brooke, and was happy to have their children was something wonderful. It wasn't like she could get Brooke pregnant, Emily was already on Wyex. "I'm going to have to have a talk with that boy."

"Leave it, Mom. Really. In three months or so it won't matter."

"Fine." I turned so she couldn't see my mischievous grin. "I have pictures of your Mama's and my last vacation, did you want to see them?"

"NO!" she exclaimed. "You know how much seeing you as a guy ooks me out!"

Once a year, when my Wyex lapsed, Karen and I took a week's vacation. As man and wife. It was fun, but the kids hated it.

When the kids were all old enough, we sat them down and explained about Amber and Tyler, Sr. They agreed to give me going back to male a shot, but I was a stranger to them when I wasn't Mom. No matter how hard we all tried. Being female was easier all around for everyone.

"Are you sure?" I queried.

"Yes, I'm sure. Got the next one planned?" she tried. I let her think she changed the subject.

"Mmm. Hawaii. I think this year, though, I'll keep being Mom, and Mama can be Papa for once."

Brooke dropped everything she was working on and left the room with flour-coated fingers in her ears. "I'm not listening!"

I laughed and laughed, until the love of my life wandered into the kitchen, still every bit as beautiful as the day I married her.

"What is that all about?" she wondered, gesturing to the door our daughter had just left through.

"I clued her in our plans for the next vacation."

"Ah. That makes sense. How much longer do you have here?"

I looked around, tallying what had to be done. "Maybe an hour, now that I have to finish the pies. Why?"

Karen took a quick glance around, making sure that we were alone. She hefted one of my heavy breasts and squeezed, giving me a naughty grin.

I raised an eyebrow.

Karen stepped close to me. "Emily's taking a nap, and I talked the kids into taking their families out for a couple of hours. Just you and me, all alone. Want to have some fun? Or are we going to be two old ladies?"

"I am most certainly not an old lady. Consider your bluff called. You're going to lick every inch of these boobies. Better pack a lunch, it's going to take you awhile." Have I mentioned that I hate gravity? Well I do.

Karen took another quick glance around, put her head into my cleavage through the cloth of my dress, and motor-boated me. Sixty years old, and she was still a teenager at heart. Still loved my tits, despite my age and weight gain.

I swatted her playfully, and got to hurrying on finishing up my work. I may be a grandma, but I still craved my wife's cock as much as I did when I was twenty-nine.

I was going to put Karen's Wyex-enhanced sex drive to the test. Two old ladies, my big ass! I was going to turn Karen's balls inside out.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fantastic story is too bad Whex didn't really exist i'd love to be changed sex for a while couldn't put the story down kept on jerking off all the time it's fantastic I really love your story maybe you can continue it onwards it's fantastic thank you

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Obviously SciFi - one can wonder where Karen got her Y-cromosomes to make male babies(?). Transgender stories are usually not my cup-of-tea, BUT this was a great story, giving a very different (and enjoyable) perspective on the female and male bodies and sexualities. And well written too! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Super story I really loved it and I really happy that the that they stayed together that is really super good anyway if you ever decide to have another series let me know thank you

Jayleigh_AuraJayleigh_Auraover 1 year ago

What a great story. I absolutely loved it. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Just occurred to me a woman can totally father a child on herself in this Wyex universe - she takes Wyex to give herself male genitals and stores the semen she ejaculates. After the Wyex wears off and she gets her female reproductive system back, she squirts her own semen into herself, and knocks herself up. She's both the father and the mother of her child - a true single parent!

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