You Can’t Rewind Reality


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"Fuck you?" Larry groans, shuddering beneath me.

"Yes," I gasp. "Would you?"

"Yes," Larry groans. "Yes, I would."

I know he would, and tonight, soon, we're both going to find out how big Gunnar is. Larry won't find out like I will, though, he'll only be watching. I'll be the one actually experiencing Gunnar's cock, and my insides ripple with anticipation. I'm not scared, really. Not of Gunnar's cock. I'm afraid of what we're doing. Afraid, and so excited. I've seen Larry's excitement too. I can feel how excited Larry is now, and I press myself against him.

"Have you been this hard all evening, Larry?" I breathe, my lips brushing across his. Not really a kiss, just another teasing brush of my lips. I smile, I know he has. "Have you? Tell me, because I've been so wet since we left our apartment."

My sex spasms at the memory. "Gunnar knows."

"Oh my god," Larry chokes out, his hands on my butt. "Did he... in the restaurant... your face... was that? ...did he? ...with his...?"

"Mmmmm," I say, drinking in that look on his face. "He did, Larry. You saw his hand, he was fingering me. His finger was all the way up inside me. I almost climaxed."

"Oh my god," Larry gasps. "I thought he was just.... I didn't realize he was...." He swallows, and he's holding me tight, looking into my eyes. "Tiffany..." he chokes out. "Are you... do you... I mean... this is..."

I shiver. "I want him to, Larry, and I'm going to really enjoy it, because you want me to, don't you?"

I want it to be good for Larry, too. I want it to last a long time, for him, just like it will for me, and I know it's going to last a long long time for me. All night, maybe. Gunnar's a bull.

"Tiffany," Larry groans again, shuddering as I brush him with my nails, again, through his trousers. "I love you..."

"Are you going to love me when Gunnar's fucking me, Larry?" I whisper. "Tell me you will, Larry."

"I do love you, Tiffany," Larry says, holding me in his arms. "I love you... and I'll love you when..."

"...when he makes me spread my legs so wide for him, Larry? You'll love me when I do that for him, won't you? You'll love me after he fucks me all night, won't you?"

"Yes, Tiffany," Larry groans, sweating. "I love you, Tiffany."

"You'll love me after he cums in me, won't you Larry? He'll probably cum on me, too, like in those movies. Will you love me after he cums all over my face, Larry? Will you? Because you know he will. He'll do all those things, and he'll fuck me really hard, you know he will. He's going to really enjoy fucking me hard in front of you. He's a bull, Larry. That's what bulls enjoy."

"Yes," Larry groans. "I know."

Really, I'm not sure how Larry knows. I don't, not really. All I know is what I've seen in those movies, and read online. How much of that is true? I have no idea, and I doubt Larry knows any more than I do.

"I'm going to enjoy that too, Larry, you know that. I'm going to enjoy him fucking me so hard while you watch. You do want to watch him bull me, don't you, Larry?" I shiver with excitement, just thinking about it. Larry's so hard against me, and I smile again, my lips brushing his face.

"Yes," Larry groans. "Yes, I do."

"You do what, Larry?" I whisper in his ear, and my tongue licks him, delicately. "Tell me what you want."

"I want to watch you." Larry swallows hard, and he's so tense. So hard. Hard with his excitement. "I want to watch him be your bull, Tiffany."

He shudders beneath me, he's shaking now. Shaking with tension and excitement, and now if I tease him too much longer, he'll cum, and that would spoil it for him, and I don't want to spoil it for Larry. Not after I went to all this effort to arrange this evening with Gunnar for us.

"What if he wants to do..." I hesitate, and now I am scared, just a little, because I remember some of the things in those movies that those big bulls did to those Asian girls. "What if he wants to do..." I swallow and shiver. "...other things."

"Like..." I can't say them, but Larry knows the sort of things that were in those movies. Larry whispered them in my ear, while we were making love, telling me he'd like to see some big bull doing them to me. "Like in those movies," I gasp.

"You'll love it, Tiffany," Larry groans. He's sweating even more now, and he's finished his tumbler of whiskey. I'm not going to get him another one. I don't want him passing out. That would be such a waste.

"I will?" I gasp. Why does he think that? I've always been a good Chinese girl, and Larry knows I was a virgin when we married. He was so proud of himself, after that first time for me.

"You will, Tiffany," Larry groans. "Remember that first time we made love?"

"Yes," I breathe. "Of course I do."

"Remember how many times we did it, and you wanted to do it again and again."

I giggle, remembering. "Seven times," I say. "You did it to me seven times that first night. I was so sore, afterwards."

"You loved it," Larry says. "You gave me that blowjob to get me hard again, and you kept asking me if there was anything else I wanted to do to you."

"Mmmmmm," I say, smiling. "I remember." I'd never have thought of using my mouth on him to get him hard again if Vicky hadn't spent a lot of time before the wedding coaching me.

"You'll do that for Gunnar, won't you?" he says. "I know you will, Tiffany. You're going to be so... so..."

"Mmmmm," I say. "So what?" My lips tease Larry's jaw, I lick his ear. "So easy for him? You already said you're going to tell him he can do anything he wants to me, Larry. You know he will."

"Yes, but you shouldn't..." Larry gasps, his hands sliding down and under the hem of my little back evening dress to rest on my thighs for a moment, before they slide up to caress my butt. His fingers find my butt cleavage, trace down that delicate little string of black beads, and he shudders against me, a wordless groan escaping him.

"Of course I'm going to be so easy for him, Larry," I breathe, and I smile, using both hands to ease my little black dress higher, exposing my sex to my husband. I can expose myself, because those little bead and elastic panties conceal nothing, and Larry knows what panties I'm wearing. He watched me put them on. He looks down, and he sees my sex.

He groans wordlessly.

"You can see how easy I'm going to be for him, don't you, Larry?"

"Yes," Larry groans. "Yes, I know you will be, Tiffany, but... but I don't think you should be...." His hands knead my butt, under my dress, and he can see how excited I am. My sex is wet, glistening wet, and my labia are pink and puffy. "I don't think you should be too easy."

"Mmmmmm." I smile. He's come such a long way in such a short time. From wordless hesitancy, to " don't think I should be too easy?"

I'm a little breathless as I let go of my dress, but it doesn't fall back down. It remains where it was, rucked up around my hips, held up now by his forearms as his thumbs trace those strings of black beads across each hip.

"No," Larry groans. "No, I don't, Tiffany."

"Okay," I smile. "I was going to wait for him on the bed if you wanted us to stay, but I think I should stay out here with you."

My heart's really pounding, because it's been a long time, and Gunnar will probably be arriving soon. I swallow, and my sex pulses hotly, telling me what my body wants. I don't need to look to know how wet I am, and Larry keeps glancing down. I'm sure he can see, because straddling him like this, I'm very very exposed.

"Unless you want me to wait for him on the bed?"

Larry's sweating. I can see the beads of sweat on his forehead. "Out here," he says at last. "I think you should wait out here. Waiting on the bed for him, that's too..."

"Easy?" I smile. "I know. You don't want your wife to be too easy for him, Larry, do you?"

Larry shakes his head, mutely, looking down, and I look down with him. I balance myself with one hand on his shoulder, and my other hand lifts my dress a little.

"But I'm so excited, Larry," I gasp, knowing he can see exactly how excited I am. "Just like our wedding night. I was so excited then, Larry."

"I remember," Larry groans.

"I'd never, not with anyone, ever, before then," I murmur. "Are you sure you want us to stay here, Larry? You're the only man I've ever... you know, with, and Gunnar looks like such a bull. You know what he wants to do to me. He wants this, Larry..." We both look at my sex, and from that pale expression on Larry's face, he does understand how excited I am.

"He wants to take me, Larry, like he did in the restaurant with his finger, right in front of you. He wants to use me..." I lean forward, and my lips brush Larry's ear, and I whisper as I lick his ear. "He wants to fuck me with his cock, Larry, right in front of you, like those guys in those movies you like do to all those Asian wives and girlfriends."

I run my fingernails up his length yet again, even more lightly, enjoying what I'm doing to him. Enjoying that wordless groan, and that helpless shudder.

"He's going to fuck me, Larry. His big hard gweilo cock is going to fuck my pussy so hard. He's not going to make love to me. He's going to use me like a hot little Chinese slut, Larry. He's going to use me lots and lots of times, all night, and you're going to have to sit here and watch him use me, and listen to him using me again and again."

I shiver with excitement. I can't wait to be used like that, and I wish I'd listened to Vicky when I was younger. Vicky knows. Gunnar's her friend. Of course she knows. She told me Gunnar was great, and she'd smiled. I understand what Vicky's smiles mean.

I smile, and my lips brush Larry's. "I'm going to love what we're going to do tonight, Larry. You know I am, but are you sure you want me to? Gunnar's really going to... you know what he's going to do to me... he's such a bull... he's probably going to stretch me, and he's going to fuck me so hard, he's going to leave me full of his cum, and he'll leave bruises, and he's not going to use any protection... are you sure you want him to do all that to me?"

"Can't you... shouldn't you ask him to use a... a..." Larry stutters.

My tongue teases Larry's ear. My whispered words tease Larry's mind. "No," I whisper. "I'm not going to ask him to, Larry. I want him..." I know the words from those movies, and from Vicky. "...I want him bareback, I want to feel his cock in me, and I want all his cum in me, and afterwards..." Now I smile, a hidden, secret, wicked smile.

"Afterwards, you can fuck me while I'm full of his cum, Larry, but you might have to wait a long time. You might have to wait until after we go home tomorrow morning. Gunnar's a bull, and he might not want to share me, Larry. He might want to keep me all to himself, and you'll have to watch, all night."

I do wonder how many times Gunnar will fuck me tonight. I hope it's lots and lots of times, and I smile. Vicky said he fucked her bow-legged, and I know Larry will enjoy waiting. I know I won't have to wait at all. Everyone will get what they want, tonight, and I do remember what Larry's said to me, so many times, as we made love after we watched those movies he likes together.

I'm sure he's going to enjoy me being full of Gunnar's cum, with Gunnar's sweat all over me. I wonder if he'd like Gunnar to cum on my face. I'm not sure I'd like that, but I think Larry would. Larry's probably going to have to wait a long time though, because I'm sure Gunnar's going to want to fill me with his cum so many times tonight. If this is what Larry really wants, of course, but he's still here, and after everything he's said, I'm almost sure this is what he wants. It almost doesn't matter, either, because...

"He's going to be here any minute now Larry, are you sure you want this?"

My nose brushes Larry's, I look into his eyes, and then I kiss him, slowly, my tongue teasing him, until he's kissing me back, on and on, and it's all I can do not to undo his trousers and guide him into me. At last, my lips lift from his, just a little, brushing his.

"He's probably going to make me give him a blowjob too, Larry. Do you want to see his cock in my mouth? He might cum in my mouth too. Do you want me to swallow his cum, Larry?"

"Oh Jesus," Larry groans, shuddering, and I know he does. He wants that.

I smile. "I will if he wants me to, Larry, because you're going to tell me to do anything Gunnar wants me to do, aren't you?" My lips tease his. My fingers tease his length, and his hands grip my hips, his fingers are digging into me. If I wasn't so excited, it might hurt, but it doesn't. It's good.

"You're going to tell me to be a hot little Chinese slut for Gunnar, aren't you, Larry? You want me to be a hot little Chinese slut for him, don't you?"

"Yes," Larry groans.

"Say it then, Larry," I whisper. "Tell me now. Before he gets here. Tell me what you want me to be for him."

"Jesus, Tiffany," he groans. I love that groan. I love that expression on his face. Anguished excitement, and I know he wants this, but he's afraid. So am I, but I'm going to do it, just like he is, except I'm going to be fucked. Larry's going to watch. There's a big difference, although I'm almost sure Larry's not even thinking of that. It doesn't matter though, not now, because Larry's fantasy is on the verge of becoming reality.

For me.

Because it's me Gunnar will be fucking. Larry's fantasy will become my reality, because I'll be the one taking Gunnar's cock. I'll be the one being taken and used. I'll be fucked, not Larry. Larry's fantasy will become reality before his eyes. Larry will watch Gunnar take me, but only I'm going to feel his cock inside me, fucking me, cumming in me. Larry will see, but he won't experience it like I will. Fantasy will become reality for me, but for Larry, that fantasy will always be a fantasy, a vision for his eyes, but not for his body, and I wonder if he understands.

"Tell me what you want me to be for him," I whisper again.

"I want you to be a hot little Chinese slut for Gunnar, Tiffany," Larry chokes out, and then he kisses me, hard. "I want you to let him do anything he wants to you. Anything at all," he adds, breathing hard.

"Okay," I say, smiling, my heart pounding with excitement, because I'm going to do what Larry wants me to do. "But only if you really want me to, Larry."

"I do," Larry shudders. "I want you to, Tiffany."

"Are you sure?" I murmur. "Because once Gunnar walks in that door, he's going to use me all night, Larry, and there's no going back once he's here. You know that, don't you? Are you sure? Are you really really sure?"

"Yes," Larry groans. "Yes, I'm sure, Tiffany."

"Mmmmmm," I say, and I take one of his hands and move it, placing it on my sex so he cups me there. So he can feel how wet and excited I am. "I'm your wife, Larry, and only your cock's ever been there. After tonight, you'll know another cock's been there, fucking your wife. Using me. You'll still love me after that, won't you, Larry?"

"Yes," Larry gasps. "Yes, I'll always love you, Tiffany."

I smile. "Happy Valentine's Day, Larry," I breathe. "I love you, and I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day present." I lick his ear again, enjoying that shudder and his groan. I wonder if he's going to shudder and groan like this all night. I hope so.

I almost giggle, except it turns into a moan as I think about it. "And I know Gunnar's going to enjoy his Valentine's Day present."

The knock on the door startles me, and beneath me, Larry starts, his eyes suddenly wide.

The door clicks behind me.

My heart thumps, almost jolting me. It's too late to change anything now. Gunnar's here, and I know it's going to happen. Soon. Because now that Gunnar's here, I'm not leaving. Not until Gunnar's finished using me, and I want him to use me for a long long time. All night if he wants to, and I know he wants to.

"Oh my god," Larry gasps. "Oh my god."

It's too late for Larry, too.

* * *

"Larry, shush," I gasp, urgently, sliding off him and onto my feet. "Stay there."

Larry stays. I stand, frozen for an instant before I take two or three quick steps towards the door, just before the door opens wide, and Gunnar walks in. He sees me, he smiles, he closes the door behind him, and he walks towards me, taking both my hands in his, his smile growing. My hands are tiny in his. The top of my head doesn't even reach his shoulder, even with my stilettos adding two inches to my height. I'm a little China doll compared to him, and looking up at him, I know what Gunnar is.

He's a bull, and all it takes me is one quick glance down, at the front of his trousers, to know what he wants to do to me.

There's going to be lots of bruises tomorrow morning for Larry to kiss better. One look up at his face, and I know it's going to be tomorrow morning before he's done with me, and Larry might have to wait a long time. Gunnar's face says it's going to be a long hard time for me tonight. I can't wait to get started.

"Hello Tiffany," Gunnar says, looking down into my upturned face, his voice soft. Soft and caressing, but there's an undertone of hunger and desire, low and husky, that reverberates through me. "I'm glad to see you both decided to wait for me here."

He looks past me and smiles, but he says nothing.

"You know what I want, Tiffany," Gunnar breathes. His voice is a whisper, and I know he's asking me. He smiles. He looks past me towards Larry, and his voice is so quiet that I know Larry won't hear a word. "Are you both sure?"

"Yes," I whisper back, my heart pounding. "Larry..." I'm not sure what to say. My husband wants to watch another guy fuck me? Well, he does. I know that. We wouldn't still be here if he didn't.

Gunnar smiles, he reaches down, he takes my hand in his; he places it on him, where he's hard. That rigid bulge in the front of his suit trousers tells me everything I need to know.

I hear Larry's groan from halfway across the room. So does Gunnar. His lips quirk.

"If you're sure?" he breathes, for my ears only. "Because you really do it for me, Tiffany." He grins. "And fucking you in front of your husband's a bonus. I'm going to enjoy fucking you while he watches." He smiles. "Fucking you hard."

There's a pause. "All night, because you won't be leaving until I'm done with you."

"Yes," I whisper back. Gunnar fucking me hard in front of Larry, that thought's so exciting. "If you want to, I'd like that. I can stay all night."

Poor Larry, he'll have to stay all night, too, and he won't get much sleep. Neither will I, but I don't care.

"Undress me," Gunnar says, loud enough for Larry to hear, shrugging his jacket off and placing it over the back of the chair beside us.

I obey without question. Without any hesitation. My fingers unfasten his tie, work it off, and then it's time to unbutton his shirt. My fingers work their way down, until every button is undone, including the cuffs. My hands brush his shirt off his shoulders, down his arms, and I take it and place it over his jacket.

"Would you... would you like a drink, Gunnar?" Larry's standing beside us, and I was so absorbed with removing Gunnar's shirt that I hadn't even noticed him. He's standing almost next to me, a tumbler of malt whiskey in his hand. He's watching me. Watching me as I serve Gunnar. Watching my hands undressing Gunnar.

Gunnar's muscles are beautifully defined, almost chiseled, his skin smooth and tanned. Not pale olive like mine, but that Caucasian tanned, almost glossy. I want to run my hands over him. More than my hands. I want to kiss him everywhere. Lick him. Caress his body with mine, but my hands will do to start with. I do run my hands over him, slowly, over his chest, my hands pale olive against that light tan. My hands circle, feeling his muscles moving under my fingers as he takes the glass from Larry's hands.
