Your Love


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The moon was out, which sucked. I didn't want any tempting or romantic overtones to this evening.

I would try my best to keep things light and breezy.

Of course it didn't help much when she came up behind me and I jumped out of my skin at her words.

"That smells really good, Honey," she said softly. She looked at me and giggled as I jumped and flailed my arms in surprise.

She reached out to touch my hand and I started again.

"Okay, Wayne, what's wrong?" she asked. "Why are you so jumpy all of a sudden?"

I didn't say anything at first. I didn't want to sound stupid.

"Lyss, seeing you dressed like that makes me uncomfortable," I said.

"I've always loved it when you call me that," she smiled. "I guess you don't remember coming into my bedroom to read me stories five or six years ago, when I was dressed almost exactly like this."

"But five or six years ago you weren't ..." I began.

"Hokey!" she said angrily. "Let's hear it! Why are you acting so weird?"

I started to try to make something up. But she stood there with her hands on her hips glaring at me. Her blouse sagged open and I saw her boobs in all of their glory. They were more incredible than I had ever imagined.

I was speechless. I also noticed that I'd been wrong before. Alyssa didn't have a pair of short shorts on under the blouse. She was wearing a pair of lacey boy cut panties.

"Don't tell me it's my boobs again!" she said. "Look Wayne, you see and handle Josie's boobs all the time, so what's the problem. There has to be something else going on here, so spill it!"

Again I thought about making something up but surprisingly I told her the truth. I told her that I loved her, but at that moment I was afraid she was trying to lure me into something. I told her about the JPB story and before I could finish she was roaring with laughter.

She headed for the house and turned the steaks over as she passed the grill. "I don't like mine burnt," she threw over her shoulder. I knew it was in reference to the fact that Josie actually preferred her meat a bit charred.

I sat there stunned as she flitted around in the house. I could still hear her giggling from time to time. She came back with the fries that she'd put into a large salad bowl. She placed the bowl on the table in front of me. I flipped the steaks again while she went back inside of the house still giggling from time to time.

When she returned again she was talking on the phone. She turned and looked at me over one shoulder. "Get us a bottle of wine, Honey," she told me.

"Alyssa, you're only nineteen," I said. "You're not old enough to ..." She silenced me with that imperious hand again.

"Daddy, our dinner is almost ready," she said. "Can I have one glass of wine with dinner, like I do sometimes at home? You know Josie doesn't care but you'll have to tell Wayne ... Okay, here he is."

I heard the voice of my father in law telling me to loosen up a tiny bit and let Alyssa have a glass of wine. He told me she did it at home all the time and kids far younger than her drink wine all the time in Europe. He went on to tell me it was better for her to have an occasional drink at home than to go out and binge drink with her friends and get into trouble.

Alyssa took the phone back and told him to have a good night and that she'd see him tomorrow or the next day.

"See I won't be driving after I drink my wine," she smirked.

"But ... But ..." I said.

She went over and took the steaks off of the grill and brought them to the table.

"Now," she said. "I have no idea who this Plain Bob guy is but no one is ever going to read those stories ..."

I didn't tell her that I was a huge fan of his and that I had read every story he'd ever written. I also didn't tell her that I had at least a hundred of them stored on the computer so I could reread them whenever I wanted.

"Wayne, it doesn't make sense. I mean if the guy's wife wanted to go out and fuck some big black guy, she wouldn't go to such ridiculous lengths to do it. She'd just go out and fuck some guy and know that her husband wouldn't find out unless he came home and tripped over them. Men never notice anything. You guys are pathetic. You think too linearly. A man thinks, "My woman loves me therefore she would never cheat on me." So his mind actually rejects the possibility of it happening.

"It's funny Wayne," she said. "You guys can sense it when your fuel injectors are dirty without even starting the Damned car, but ... Okay let me give you an example. Remember what my aunt and uncle went through?

Remember they were having that argument that stretched for weeks with them not speaking to each other? Remember how he thought they were arguing over money? It turned out that she'd told him that she'd need a lot of new clothes because she couldn't fit the old ones.

He finally got angry and told someone that he didn't see the logic in getting her all new clothes just because she couldn't fit her fat ass into her old ones. It made more sense for her to just go on a diet. It turned out she was pregnant with their first child. You guys never notice anything"

I nodded because I remembered the story. It took a lot of time to save that marriage. And to this day her uncle Will only says two words to anything his wife asks. The two words are "Yes Dear."

"Wayne, before we start I need you to know something," she said between bites. I was so nervous that I could barely nibble my food. I knew that something was going on and it was beyond my control.

"If Josie did want me to do something, I would never side with her against you for ANY reason. I heard Josie tell you earlier this evening that I had a crush on you," she told me. She looked at me when she said it. I almost choked on my steak as I saw the look in her eyes. The gray eyed cheetah was back. And she was hungry.

"It's not a crush," she said. "I love you Wayne. I always have. And I hate Josie. It's not a jealousy thing. My sister has always treated me like shit. When other people are around she puts on a front. But Josie has a dark side that most people don't know about."

I burst out laughing. "I've been married to Josie for six years," I said. "We dated for two years before that. I was your age we got together. If she had a dark side, I'd know about it."

She just smiled at me. The cheetah was playing with her food again.

"Josie isn't here to defend herself," I said.

"Josie's on a vacation far away," she smiled. "I came around to talk it over. So many things that I want to say."

My heart was thudding in my chest. I felt like I needed to break the conversation up, so I blurted out the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"You know, I like my girls a little bit older," I said. She just smiled that same smiled but her eyes got a little bit brighter. She got up and walked back in the house. When she returned she walked straight to me and dropped something at my feet.

I was so nervous that I couldn't look away from those gray eyes.

"What's this?" she asked. I looked to see what she'd dropped on the floor. It was Josie's carry-on bag.

"You stole Josie's bag!" I said in surprise.

"Oh my god you're so cute," she said. "I can't wait to have you that loyal to Me." she picked the bag up and placed it on the table.

"Wayne, let's get started," she smirked. "Why is her carry-on bag locked? Think about it. It doesn't make sense to lock it since it would be on the plane with her."

She paused to let her words sink in. "Josie played with your head, Honey. She had you pack her bags for her. Why would a woman let her husband pack her bags? Do you remember telling her that she didn't have a swimsuit? Josie let you pack one of her cases while she packed the one with her laptop and all of her business junk in it. That was all to distract you from this bag Honey."

She went into the kitchen and came back with a knife.

"No," I said. "You can't cut Jo ..." One look from the cheetah's eyes and the antelope went silent.

She sliced into the heavy canvas bag and then looked at me. "Wayne, I would never do anything to hurt you," she said. "Are you ready to see the Matrix?"

I just nodded. For some reason, I felt as if I had to follow where Alyssa was taking me.

Alyssa reached into the bag and started pulling out lots of pieces of silk and lace.

"Wow," I said. "It's her underwear. Big deal."

She picked up one of the items. "I didn't know my sister wore crotch-less panties," she said. "And why would she take them with her on a business trip, especially if you weren't going."

She picked up and showed me a few more sets of lingerie that got more and more risqué as she showed them. "When was the last time she wore this one for you!" she asked with one of her eyebrows arched accusingly.

I just stared at her like a dee ... Okay an antelope caught in the head lights.

"Hmmm," she said. "Most of these things still have the tags on them. It's kind of like she bought them for this trip. She reached into the bag and brought out Josie's cell phone. She placed it on the table.

"Wayne you know that we're a really close family, right?" she said. My mind was spinning. My heart was breaking. And I had no defenses left.

"I hate to be so personal, but did you know that Josie plans on going off of the pill so you guys can have a baby?" she asked. "She was talking about it with mom a few weeks ago. It takes a few weeks to a month for the woman to become fertile again, so Josie should still be okay. But you know my sister; she doesn't like to take chances. I guess that's why she needed these."

I watched horrified as Alyssa pulled out a bunch of condoms. "Damn there's a lot of them in here," she exclaimed. "There must be at least fifty of them!" She looked over at me.

"Are you sure you weren't supposed to be going on this trip?" she asked.

"Alyssa, leave me alone," I snapped.

"Wayne, I'm sorry," she said very softly. I couldn't take it anymore. I slumped down onto the table trying to hold back my tears. A lot of people think I'm a really tough guy, but my heart had just been shattered.

Alyssa came over and wrapped her arms around me. She kissed me softly on my cheek. "Wayne, I wouldn't hurt you for the world," she said. "But you had to find out. I couldn't let that bitch play with you anymore. I mean you're the very best guy I know. I couldn't wait around for her to get pregnant. Then you'd be tied to her for the rest of your life. This had to come out. To be honest with you, until a little while ago, I thought she'd stopped ..."

"What do you mean stopped?" I asked.

"Honey, I honestly don't know what she's been doing since you two got married, but Josie used to sneak men into the house all the time when I was growing up. And they weren't very nice men either. She'd be okay for a while but then she'd get that weird restless look in her eye. That was when she used to pick on me too. And it wasn't violent. But she'd just do really shitty things behind my back.

"Do you remember five years ago, just after your one year anniversary?" she asked. "Josie told our parents about me smoking weed. She went to them all teary eyed like ratting me out was hard for her. And she told them. What she didn't tell them was that I had only smoked it twice and had already decided that it wasn't for me. She also didn't tell them that the first time I tried it had been with her.

My parents were shocked and angry. They put me on lockdown for the whole summer. I wasn't even allowed to go on my class trip. The whole summer I was never allowed away from the house without my parents. Wayne the only bright spots for me that summer were when you came over. I hated Josie by then. And that's one of the reasons why a fourteen year old girl still wanted her hot brother in law to read her bedtime stories.

Come on Wayne, I could read really well myself. I was in high school. I already had boobs. They weren't this big then, but they used to stand up pretty well when you were around.

Josie is not the woman you thought she was. I know this is hard for you but it had to come out."

She grabbed the phone off of the table. "What's her code?" she asked.

"Five one five zero," I said. I was still having problems processing what was going on.

Alyssa sat down right next to me. We were so close that we were touching as she went through the phone. My mind was spinning in a hundred directions.

"Wayne, Honey, I'm not a cheetah. I'm a tigress. I'll protect what's mine from anything in the fucking jungle. Nothing is going to hurt you. Especially not some mangy assed lioness," she said.

A few minutes later she pushed the phone in front of me. She showed me a series of text messages and e-mails that went back for nearly two years. It was almost as long as she'd been working for John. So apparently they started right after she began working for him.

That was it. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I got up and went into the house with Alyssa trailing behind me. I grabbed the phone off of the table and called Josie. I heard the phone ringing and after a couple of rings, she picked it up.

"Josie, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed.

"She can't hear you, Honey," said Alyssa over my shoulder. "Remember, we have her phone right here. And it's only been about three hours since she left. She isn't even there yet. Wayne, I want you to take a couple of days to calm down and process this. Anything you have to do or say to her can wait until she gets back."

"But she's going to be ..." I couldn't even say.

"She's going to be fucking her boss," said Alyssa. "News flash! She's been doing it for years. The only difference is that you know about it now. You have to clear your mind and start deciding what you want to do about it."

I sat down on the sofa and Alyssa brought me the glass of wine I'd left in the table outside.

We sat there in the dark sipping wine and not talking. After a while Alyssa stared telling me things. She told me how much she had always cared for me. And she told me how, in her opinion, Josie didn't deserve me. At some point she asked me if I wanted to get revenge.

And I told her that I was going to kick John's ass as soon as I saw him. She asked me how kicking John's ass would mean a thing. "John isn't the one who betrayed you, Honey," she said. "He didn't vow to be faithful to you. My bitch of a sister did that."

"Can't hit a girl," I said. My tongue felt really fuzzy. At the same time I felt slightly dizzy and fuzzy headed, but my dick felt as if it was hard enough to pound nails.

"Hoh Boy," I slurred.

"Oh boy, what?" asked Alyssa. She had that hungry cheetah look again. And then I realized that she was rubbing my dick through my pants.

"Lyssa, stop that," I said loudly.

"Revenge," she said softly. "This will hurt Josie more than anything else in the world. This doesn't even have to be YOUR revenge against her. This can be my revenge against her for all of the twisted things she's done to me over the years."

"Can't do that to you, Lyss," I mumbled. "Yer like my baby sister. Can't use you."

"You have to start seeing me in a different way, Honey," she said. "I'm not your sister. And you won't be using me. I'm using you." She stopped talking and kissed me. As our lips met, I saw stars and explosions. She slipped her hand down between us.

She unbuttoned my pants and slid the zipper down. I started to say something but she put a finger over my lips to silence me.

"Don't think," she said. "Just feel." Before I knew it she had slid my pants and boxers off. She dropped her blouse and slid her panties down those long legs. She crawled back up my body holding on to my dick as if she was afraid it would get away from her. I started to pull away from her, but she looked into my eyes with that predatory look. It told me that she knew what she was doing and she wanted it.

"I just wanna use your love, tonight," she whispered.

"I don't wanna lose YOUR love, tonight," I replied. She giggled at that and then lined her opening up with the head of my dick.

"Baby, you will never lose me, no matter what," she said. Maybe it was that look in her eyes again, but even in the weird state of mind I found myself in, I believed her.

She lowered herself onto me settling down slowly. It was the tightest, warmest pussy I had ever been in. She let out a moan that was part pain and part ecstasy. "Ohhh ... It's so fucking hot," she cried. "I never thought it would be ... Ohh fuck!"

I was having all kinds of thoughts too. I remember reading all kinds of stories on the internet where guys screwed sisters or mothers and daughters. They always described the women's vaginas as being similar.

Josie and Alyssa were very similar except for their height and weight. They had the same beautiful, expressive, gray eyes. They had the same large breasts, although Alyssa's looked bigger because she was thinner. Why the fuck didn't they feel the same.

Then I remembered. Alyssa was only nineteen years old. What I was doing should not have happened. But I couldn't stop myself. Every time she lifted herself off of me and then settled back downwards she rotated her hips and squeezed her vaginal muscles.

It was like when you're working out with weights and you give your muscles that little squeeze at the top of each rep.

I could no more have stopped than I could fly. And then I noticed that Alyssa was moaning with every thrust. She reached her hands down and grabbed mine.

"You're obsessed with my titties, so squeeze em' for me," she hissed. "Oh Wayne. You're finally fucking me. And it's so good good good good goooooood. I'm gonna cum again soon if you keep ooooooooooooon! Oh God! Wayne you can be my God if you keep doing that to me."

I was out of control from that point. I flipped her over and she yelped in surprise. I got on top of her and slipped my dick back inside of those velvety folds. "Yes Wayne," she cried. "Fuck me again. Keep fucking me until we can't move."

And that was what happened. For some reason I couldn't stop fucking her. My dick refused to go down. I must have cum in her at least four or five times. The last few times she sucked me back up so we could keep going.

I woke up the next morning with a naked nineteen year old goddess sprawled across me. One of her hands clutched my shrunken dick for dear life.

My head was pounding and my life flashed in front of my eyes. I was a dead man. Josie was going to kill me. I had no idea why I was naked and in bed with her baby sister.

I tried to slowly move to extricate myself from the bed. Maybe if I wasn't in the bed when she woke up, I could salvage things. Maybe if she was as fuzzy as I was, she might not remember what happened.

I moved as slowly and gently as I could. Then I noticed that she had a death grip on my dick. What was even worse was the fact that as worn out as I was it was getting hard.

I looked Alyssa over and freaked. There were small bite marks on her neck. She looked like a vampire had gotten loose on her. There were tiny red marks on her breasts as well. And her breasts were incredibly beautiful. In terms of size they were about the same as Josie's but they somehow seemed different. They rose and fell, flattened against her chest, with every breath.

I looked at her taught tummy and marveled at its beauty. Maybe it was her youth but her body was magnificent. Yeah, I thought to myself. I can tell all of the guys in prison about it.

Alyssa's public hair was very sparse. It was neatly trimmed and because of the light color of the hair you could see right through it. Some of that hair was matted with a white, sticky substance that appeared to have dropped down from her angry pink lower lips.