You're The One Ch. 01


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"What are you cooking? I'm starving and thirsty." She released her arms from me and walked over to the cupboard for a glass.

"Well, I bought juice while you were out cold. It's in the fridge. We're having smoked salmon steaks seared in parsley butter with a Greek salad and home made mozzarella and garlic bread for dinner. There's dessert too... but that's a surprise." I turned around and removed the salmon from the stove top then turned off the oven. I dished up for us then joined Elise at the table.

"You sure can cook, my Angel. This looks great. At least I took cooking classes, so I can cook for you when you don't feel like cooking." She smiled lightly at me, taking a bite of her food.

"My mother's a chef. She taught me everything I know. I love cooking. I planned on opening my own restaurant one day but... as you can see..." I took a bite of my food.

"You and I have a lot in common. Being a chef is my first choice. I love cooking, too. I started writing my own poems after my father..." She trailed off remembering her past. "Anyway... I used writing as an outlet, a way to express myself without hurting anyone else or myself."

"I know what you mean, Honey. I am a published author myself thanks to my dad. I wrote a book about my previous relationship and it reached second best-seller here in South Africa alone, not to mention other countries." Elise looked at me in awe. Her gaze was filled with love and interest.

"Yes, I remember you telling me that before, but you didn't mention ever selling in other countries. We both like writing and cooking. Our favourite colour is lilac. We love animals and nature. We listen to the same music and we enjoy the same kind of movies and books. Is there anything I left out?" Elise rested her chin on her crossed fingers.

"Yes, there is. We both love outdoor sports and dancing. We both adore children and we both love each other more than life itself. We also like the same flowers: Lilac and Dahlias." I gazed into her cerulean eyes.

"God I love you so much, Shannon." Elise stretched her arm over the table to take my hand in hers.

"I love you too, Elise." I raised her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles.

We finished the last of our dinner. Afterward, we sat in the lounge with a glass of wine. We fed each other strawberries dipped in chocolate then dipped in whipped cream, while watching movies. I sat up against the armrest of the couch, with Elise resting against me between my legs. I had my one arm resting around her waist. We spent the rest of the night in bed licking whipped cream off of each other's bodies until we passed out, with Elise spooned in front of me in my arms.

I awoke the next morning with Elise's head resting on my shoulder. Her one hand cupped my breast. The warm morning air blew in through the open window. It felt great to wake up to a warm naked body next to me. A sense of calm settled deep in my soul. I took in a deep breath. I smelled her sweet scent wafting up my nostrils from under the covers, teasing my senses. I felt Elise stir on my shoulder. She draped her leg over mine and pressed her mound against the side of my thigh.

"Mmmmm, good morning, my Angel," she said and placed a kiss on my nipple closest to her mouth then raised her lips to meet mine.

"Hhhmmm, morning Honey," I replied. I kissed her again then moved my leg a little bit to tease her.

"Oh, I have to pee. I'll be right back." Elise jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I smiled as I watched her tight naked ass rush away. I licked my lips at the sight. Feeling nature call me as well, I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I leant against the doorframe. I stared at Elise's naked body as she got up from the toilet. She walked over to the basin and washed her hands while I relieved myself. I stood up and washed my hands after her.

"Hhhmmm, you have a gorgeous body." I walked towards Elise. She walked into my arms and cupped my ass cheeks in her small hands.

"You have a sexy body. I don't know how you can find the time to stay in shape with the work you do and a relationship." I looked down into her blue eyes and smiled.

"That's easy; my parents turned my old bedroom into a home gym. I work out every weekend when I go visit them." The smile on Elise's face grew into a grin. Her eyes turned violet.

"I'd love to see you in a work out session, all sweaty and hot." She squeezed my ass, causing me to thrust my breasts forward. She quickly sucked a nipple into her mouth, eliciting a moan from me.

"Mmmmm... you learn quickly. You already know how to get me hot and sweaty for you." I leaned forward and kissed her hungrily.

While kissing my young lover, I reached into the shower and turned the water on. I lightly trailed my fingernails up and down her spine with my other hand. I felt Elise's body shudder against my body. I pulled her into the shower with me without breaking the kiss. The hot spray rinsed the sticky residue off our bodies from our night of creamy fun. Our tongues danced in our mouths. I could still taste our creamy adventure in her hot mouth, which renewed the familiar tingle in my core. Elise sunk her fingernails into my ass cheeks.

Our kiss became more urgent. She rocked her hips to rub her erect clit against my leg. I pushed her up against the wall and spread her legs with my feet. I pressed my toes against the wall between her feet, resting my heel on the floor. I then pressed my knee against the wall between her legs just above her knees. I pressed my body against hers and picked her up. She released my ass cheeks. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her one leg around my waist.

She held her other leg between my legs, rubbing against my own erect clit. She bucked her hips to rub her clit against my hip, with my hands resting on her hips. In a short time we reached two small orgasms. We didn't let up. My core felt ready to explode again. Elise moaned non-stop into my mouth. I broke our kiss. I felt a huge orgasm coming.

"I want to look into your eyes as we climax together," I said breathlessly. Elise opened her eyes; I could feel her orgasm nearing as well. I could see it in her eyes. Bucking our hips faster, we finally climaxed together.

The magical explosion sent waves of pure ecstasy coursing through our veins. Our eyes stayed glued to each other while we rode out the waves. Something passed between us, something unexplainable. I saw our whole future together in her now bright clear blue eyes. She hugged me tight against her body. Elise rested her head against my shoulder and breathed into my neck.

"What just happened? I just saw our whole future together in your eyes. It felt... no... feels like my soul and your soul are one, like we were meant to be together. We were born to be together. That sounds crazy saying it out loud." Elise raised her head, stared into my eyes and furrowed her brows.

"No... it doesn't sound crazy. I saw it too. I feel it too. Our destiny is with each other. I somehow feel that we have a stronger connection now than before. I can't explain it."

We slowly leaned our heads forward and closed our eyes, kissing each other affectionately. This kiss felt different, as if I could feel what Elise felt.

We washed each other's bodies with soapy loofahs and got ready for the long day ahead of us at school. We would resume our separate lives as student and teacher. Standing in front of the closet where she hung some of her clothes, she turned to face me as I sat on the bed.

"I just wish we didn't have to go to school today. I would love to spend the day with you before you go visit your parents. I won't see you for the whole weekend until Sunday evening." Elise pouted her lips and widened her eyes. She always looked cute and sexy when she did that.

"The weekend isn't that long. You have the whole of next week to keep me captive. Also, your final exams are starting on Monday and then you will have me for the whole of December and two weeks of January. My parents are spending the Christmas week here with me this year."

My heart clenched in my chest at not telling her the truth about the weekend. It was a surprise and I wasn't going to spoil the surprise just to please my heart. I hate telling Elise lies and keeping secrets from her.

"Oh, I actually forgot about my first exam on Monday. I have to study English Literature. I'm not really worried about my English. The lowest mark I ever got was a B, without my studying at all. I still am going to miss you this weekend."

"Elise, you'll see, this weekend won't be that bad at all. Before you wipe your eyes out, I will be in your arms. I miss you every weekend when I'm there." Elise stood between my legs and hugged me tightly with my arms around her waist. She cupped my face in her hands. I looked up into her blue eyes. She leaned in and kissed me affectionately. I rested my head against her stomach and held her tight.

All the students were excited and already started to register for college or university. Those that couldn't afford to go on had already started working. I had a free period. I sat in my classroom and thought about what happened between Elise and me earlier that morning. My phone buzzed on top of my desk. I picked it up, to see who it could possibly be. It was my mother.

"Hi Mom, how are you doing?" I greeted her.

"Hi Shannon, we're doing great as usual. What's wrong?" she asked, as if reading my mind.

"Nothing Mom, I'm alright. Why are you asking?" I pulled my face to no-one in particular.

"My girl, I'm your mother. I know exactly when you need to talk to me. Talk to me and don't pull faces at your mother." Silence followed as she waited for me to speak. I took a deep breath and released a sigh.

"Mom, I don't know how you do it, but okay. It's hard to explain though," I said into the phone.

I stared out the windows at the students, scurrying about between classes.

"I'll try my best my girl. I'm listening," she said into my ear.

"Well, Elise and I had a shower together this morning and after... you know... we kind of had this... moment where we... connected. It was like our souls became one. She told me she saw our future in my eyes. I saw the same in her eyes. I had one hell of a fright when it happened. Now, somehow, we feel closer than we have before. I don't know, maybe we imagined it."

I sighed loudly and waited for an answer. There was silence, as if my mother was thinking.

"Shannon, let me tell you something. When a couple truly loves each other, they can just look at one another and know what the other is feeling or going to say. You and Elise had that moment." I could feel my mother smile on the other side.

"Mom, so what you are saying is that we both found the true love we have been searching for... in each other. We truly are meant to be together." It was more a statement than a question, but my mother answered nonetheless.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Your father and I have that connection, we are soul mates. Now you have found yours. It's nothing to worry about, Shan. Are you still bringing Elise today? I would love to put a face to the name of my future daughter, you know?" I started laughing at that question.

"Yes Mom, I'm bringing her with me after school. She doesn't know anything yet. I should have introduced her to you and Dad a long time ago." The school bell rang for the next period.

"Yes, you should have, but I think you were waiting for the right time and we had to finish the pool house first. I don't think the two of you could fit on the tiny couch you sleep on every weekend. Well my girl, I heard the school bell in the background, so I will leave you to it. I love you, Shannon," she said softly into my ear.

"Thank you Mom, I love you too. See you later."

"See you later, Shan." She ended the call.

The students walked into the classroom. It was the last period and they would be going home in an hour. I let them all go through their study material. Every now and then a student would ask me a question about the work or talk among each other as the time passed by unbearably slowly. Elise sat in her usual place in front of my desk with her nose in her books, as usual.

"Okay, settle down... before the bell rings, I just want to remind you to hand in your textbooks after each test paper. I wish you all luck for the exams. Don't miss me too much when you graduate." They all laughed at my last statement. The bell rang; some students gave me hugs as they left. In seconds, my classroom was empty except for Elise and me.

"I just want to close the blinds and then we can leave. I have a surprise for you before I take you home." I closed the blinds and then picked up my bag.

"Oh, I hate surprises... I always get over excited. I can't handle the suspense of not knowing or having to wait."

"I know, makes it more fun for me." I smiled impishly. We left school and stopped at a supermarket for drinks and sandwiches before we hit the road. My parents own a horse farm almost an hour away on the other side of town. The farm is situated in a valley surrounded by mountains. There is a stream running through the valley. It truly is a spectacular place to be. Elise loves horses, so I knew she would love it on the farm.

Elise had asked me all sorts of questions till about halfway through our trip. She got quiet and started thinking about the small hints I had given her. My phone rang in the console between the two front seats. I pulled over and answered it.

"Shannon hello," I answered. Elise looked at me curiously.

"Hi Shannon, are you girls almost here?" my Dad greeted me.

"Yes, we're halfway there." I listened.

"You're making good time. Are you speeding?" he asked.

"No, I'm not speeding. You can ask my girlfriend if you don't believe me," I said eyeing Elise.

"No, it's okay my girl. I believe you. Let us know when you're on the gravel road, okay? See you soon."

"Okay, I'll let you know. See you in a bit." I put the phone back in the console and pulled back onto the road.

"Are you okay there, Honey? You have been very quiet the last few minutes and look very nervous," I asked, concentrating on the road.

"Yes, I'm okay my Angel. I'm still trying to figure out what you are up to. Would you like your drink and sandwich?" Elise reached for the drinks and sandwiches on the back seat, then handed me mine. She couldn't sit still. She was excited and giddy. The suspense truly was getting to her. I will have to calm her down before we stop at my parents' house. She took several small sips of her drink.

"So... where are we going? The suspense is killing me." She looked at me expectantly and took a bite out of her sandwich.

"Well, if you really want to know, I'm kidnapping you for the weekend." She looked at me puzzled.

"I don't even have clothes or toiletries packed." I passed her a lopsided smile.

"I have everything sorted already. I packed a bag for you yesterday afternoon while you were sleeping."

"You sneaky witch," she exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Oh, now I'm a sneaky witch. That's not what you called me last night." Elise's face turned ten shades of red.

"You sure are a sexy sneaky witch."

"Now that sounds fascinating. That reminds me... I was thinking about trying role play to spicen things up a bit." I watched Elise's face turn blank and her jaw drop.

"Do you mean dressing up like a teacher and a student and having sex in a classroom?" Elise still had a blank expression on her face. I nodded and grinned at the picture she planted in my mind, reminding me of my day dreams in class of her and me. A smile grew on her face. Then she surprised me. "Okay my Angel I'll try it, if you want to. Would you try BDSM?" I looked at her shocked. I couldn't believe she would ask me about the rougher stuff. Then I thought of something and shot back.

"Which would you be Honey, the slave or the master? Would you like to be tied up giving me total control of your body and the situation?"

Elise shot a look at me with violet eyes then smiled shyly at me. We were almost at the turnoff to the gravel road. We sat in silence for a while and finished our drinks and sandwiches.

"I think playing your slave or naughty little student should be fun. I have a school uniform I can tweak a bit and you are a teacher after all. Would you like to spank your naughty little student with a ruler?" Elise licked her lips at the thought and smiled teasingly at me.

"My God Honey, you do know me too well by now. I never thought you could be such a tease. Maybe we should calm you down before we get where we're going."

I turned off on the gravel road. After a short distance I pulled off between some trees and led Elise to my favourite spot next to the stream. I grew up on this land. There is a huge flat rock next to the stream. I stop there every Friday to relax. The sounds of the stream flowing and the animals scurrying about gives it a very tranquil atmosphere. No-one really goes there because it's on my parents' farm land.

I sat on the rock and spread my legs. I tapped on the rock between my legs for Elise to sit down. Elise sat down and settled her back against my torso. She took my hands in hers and pulled my arms around her, entwining our fingers. We sat in silence for a few minutes just listening to nature all around us. Elise let her head rest against my shoulder.

"It truly is remarkable and beautiful here. There is something so calming about this place. How do you know about the place?" she asked, stroking my hands with her fingers.

"Yes, it is an amazing place. I stop here every Friday."

"You're taking me to meet your parents, aren't you?" Elise turned her head slightly to look at me.

"Yes, I am. I've talked about you so much since the day we've met. Last weekend, my mother asked me when I'm going to bring you with me. I promised her she would meet you this weekend. My parents even have a birthday gift waiting for you."

"I was kind of wondering why I haven't met them yet. You talk so much about them. They sound like good people. You talked about me?"

"Yes, I did. I couldn't stop talking about you. My father and I were building a pool house next to the pool for you and me to stay in on weekends. We finished it last weekend. My father spent this whole week painting it out and furnishing it."

"You are a very thoughtful and loving person, you know that? Do they know that I'm still in high school?"

"Yes, they know, I also told them about your parents. They know you live on your own. They are very eager to meet this strong independent young woman who stole my heart."

A short silence followed. I couldn't help but think about what Elise would want to do after graduating high school. She is nineteen and I am twenty seven. She is still young. She would want to do things she always wanted to do before she settles down. How would I ask her without upsetting her in a way or causing a fight?

"Shannon? What are you thinking about?" she asked me, as if she were reading my mind. She knows me a little too well.

"I might as well tell you what's been bugging me the last few weeks. What are your plans when you graduate high school? I mean, what would you like to do before you settle down?" I sighed loudly to prepare myself for the worst.

"I was thinking about going to college here, to be close to you. I want to move in with you and make love with you whenever we want to. Maybe even get married one day and have children together?" The last bit was more a question than an answer.

"Honey, I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess I'm just afraid of being used again and left like I was nothing. I know you wouldn't hurt me like that but I still have this feeling of dread deep down inside me. That dread is the reason why I come here to my spot so often," I explained.