Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred

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What will she choose?
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/06/2016
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I wrote this in response to the standard "strange car in the driveway" scenario that is prevalent. I know that there are hardcore BTB lovers, some RAAC lovers and some cuckold lovers out there. I will be putting up my ending to the story in part two with a shift in perspective from third to first person. But I thought I would leave this first part open ended so anyone who wanted to pick up from here could create their own story. This is my first time publishing anything so I am expecting to learn going forward. -BS

===== Thursday ====

Bob sat at the table and looked at his bottle of Miller Lite. He had only bought a six pack because if things went wrong in the next few minutes he didn't want to have enough beer to get drunk. He heard her music stop upstairs so he knew she was about done getting ready. Normally he worked late on Thursdays because it was his wife's girls night out with her friends. His parents would watch their daughter Casey while his wife went and had a few drinks with her female co workers. He would finish up the week's paperwork so he could scoot out early on Friday and have more time with his family. It was actually a great arrangement. He got some control over his busy schedule, his parents got some time to spoil their 5 year old grandchild, and his wife got some personal time to relax and commiserate with friends. At least that was what he had thought. As he heard her moving around upstairs in the bathroom he thought back to the lunch he had with Vicki last Tuesday.

====== Tuesday =====

"I gotta get out of the shop more," he thought. "Or at least see if they would deliver these sandwiches because they are amazing!.

He had taken a seat so he could watch the door and soon saw a familiar figure step into the restaurant. He noticed her looking around so he stood up a bit and waved his arm. She saw him and started walking in his direction.

At 31 years old Vicki was the oldest of the friends his wife went out with. She was also his favorite and the only one who was married. She had a way about her that put everyone at ease without being the doormat of the group. He had to admit she was pretty good looking also with her dark wavy hair and white complexion. No boobs to speak of at all but she had a really beautiful face and legs that went all the way up. Her husband, Ron, thought she hung the moon and the feeling was reciprocated. She still got her share of male attention as she pulled up a chair and sat down across from him.

"Thank you for meeting me Bob. I know how busy you are at work and taking this time out can't have been easy." she said as she looked intently at his face.

"Um, uh, no problem Vicki," Bob replied. "Although I have to tell you I feel a little uncomfortable meeting you here without Sharon. I don't make it a point to have lunch with pretty ladies that I am not hitched to. But you said it was about Sharon so I am all ears. I am guessing you want to surprise her for her birthday next month?"

He was not expecting to see the sad look on her face when he mentioned having lunch with her. He also was surprised to see her face fall more when he mentioned Sharon's birthday. What was up?

"Bob I know you and Sharon love each other and I have seen you together enough to know that what you guys have is special. So it is only because of this that I am coming to you. This may end up ruining my friendship with her but if you can save your marriage I am okay with it. There is no easy way to say this but Sharon has been seeing someone for the three months."

Bob was shocked. This must be a joke. A bad joke and he told Vicki as much.

"I am so sorry Bob but it is not a joke. About two months ago after you picked up this project you are working on Sharon was in a funk. At work she was grumpy and when we went out she was even quieter than usual. After a few martini's we were able to pull out of her that she was missing you and feeling abandoned. She also started talking about how she felt you two were just a middle age married couple who were letting life pass you by." At this point the waiter stopped by to take Vicki's order. She ordered a cobb salad along with a iced tea with lemon.

Bob was still reeling from the idea that his wife would be sneaking around. Over the eight years they had been together he would have bet his life that Sharon would have told him if she was unhappy. He thought they had always been honest about their feelings even when they knew the other would disagree. He looked at Vicki and asked the question he needed to know the answer to immediately.

"Has she fucked him?" he whispered.

"NO, at least not that I know of and I think I would be able to tell. Believe it or not your wife is a pretty open person. That is why I am shocked by how she is acting. Bob you have to know that every woman I have talked to has said these same things. I figure it is almost how you guys always complain about being dragged down by the ball and chain. Or whatever terms you use amongst yourselves. When she started talking about this we all commiserated and told her the same things, she's a hell of a catch, you should pay more attention to her, yadda yadda. Unfortunately that night my sister was there."

"What does your sister have to do with anything?" Bob asked, fighting down some anger.

"Frankly my sister is a slut." Vicki replied. The waiter that brought her tea raised an eyebrow as he overheard her comment. Vicki took a sip then continued.

"My parents were serial cheaters. I have no idea who cheated first but they were always looking to get revenge on the other. When I was 17 I asked them why they bothered staying together and they looked at me like I was from another planet. They told me they loved each other and that is all that mattered. This affected my sister and I differently. I felt like cheating was the best way to ruin a happy relationship and my sister felt that cheating was fine as long as you loved each other. I love my sister but she is such an idiot about things. Anyways back to the story. My sister Geri made the comment that if she wasn't getting romance at home maybe she should try finding it somewhere else. I told Geri she was wrong but Hannah and Gail started talking about the best way to pick up a guy and how to keep it secret. I think for those two it was purely an academic conversation especially since they aren't married. At the time Sharon said she would never go behind your back but I think my dumbass sister planted a seed in your wife's head."

"Why do you think that?" Bob asked. Now that he wasn't sure she had slept around he was beginning to process more information. None of this was fun to hear but he had always believed that knowledge was power.

"Because the next week Luke Jonas and his crew showed up at the Red Horse Saloon where we were drinking. Sharon says she didn't invite him but she did mention to him that we were going to try line dancing that night. It was actually kind of fun having more people try something new and it would have been great except for Luke."

Now he had a name. Knowledge is power.

"Tell me about this Luke shithead." Bob growled.

Vicki smiled a little at the tone of Bob's voice.

She continued. "Luke Jonas is the company romeo. He takes a run at every female and any who give him the slightest interest find themselves the recipient of his "charms". He doesn't care if they are married or even if they are particularly good looking. He just likes the chase. Your wife shot him down early on and he never pushed until that night. Now he is chasing your wife and she is running instead standing her ground putting a stop to it. It is an open secret that if Luke gets any more charges of harassment brought against him he is fired. She could end his advances and she isn't. In fact they have been regular seatmates at the cafeteria for the the last couple months whispering and giggling. I have tried talking to her about this but she just gets angry and tells me they are friends and that Luke listens to her and understands her problems. I asked her if she would act like this if you were sitting across the table and she had the decency to blush. Then she got mad and said something to the effect that you wouldn't even notice. After that I backed off and decided to keep an eye on her. They seemed to cool it off at work and I thought that things had run it's course until three weeks ago."

Vicki's lunch came at this point and she started eating it while looking at Bob for a reaction. Bob took a long drink of his lemonade but didn't taste it at all. His chest cavity felt empty and his eyes didn't want to focus. He was wondering how she could think that he wouldn't care about her flirting with another man. He knew he had never been overly jealous but that was because he loved and trusted his wife. And as for not noticing her, he wondered if he had been that distant with this work project. It was gonna be a huge payoff but maybe he had taken it too far. He wondered what had happened three weeks ago? Did he really want to know?

They ate in silence for the next five minutes or so while he tried to process what she had told him. He was angry no doubt. There was no reason for her to be so tight with another man but he could almost see her logic. If he had been more attentive then maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened. Also other than not telling him about being so flirty with this shithead she hadn't actually lied to him. Lies of omission sure enough but so far he could overlook her behavior and work to fix this. He would talk to her and get her side of the story. As long as she was honest and agreed to stay away from asshole they could move on. So far he didn't see any lasting damage done. Unless something happened within the last three weeks.

"So tell me about three weeks ago, how bad is it?" He was back on some solid mental ground. He had his feet under him. He could work with this.

She looked at him with sympathy.

"This is where it gets rough Bob. Three weeks ago we all ended up at the Red Horse Saloon again for line dancing. Luke and his boys showed up and we were all dancing together and having a good time. Sharon had been drinking a little more than she usually does, Luke had been buying her drinks all night, and was getting quite tipsy. I went to the bathroom with her and she was more out of it than I realized. When she came out of the bathroom stall she had her panties in her hand and put them in her purse. I asked her what that was about and she said she wanted to feel free. Well she was almost drunk so I chalked it up to the alcohol and helped her back to our table. I started rounding up Hannah and Gail to take Sharon back to my house so she wouldn't come home too drunk when I noticed that Sharon and Luke were bumping and grinding on the dance floor. The line dancing was done and it was just a jukebox for the rest of the night. I saw her panties in her hand and she put them in Luke's pocket as the song ended. Unfortunately so did everyone else. There were catcalls from all over the bar and Luke was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Then he went and gave her an almost pornographic deep kiss. One of his friends was holding up a cell phone. I wanted so bad for her to stop him or something but she just went along with it. Oh Bob I am so sorry!" she stopped as she saw his reaction.

His jaw was literally hanging open. He had to get out of here.

"Excuse me for a second. Bathroom." he stuttered as he got up and walked away.

He went inside and locked the door behind him. He splashed some water on his face and gripped the sink as hard as he could.

He remembered the night she was talking about. Sharon usually got home around 11:30 but that night it was almost 2:30 when she came in. Vicki had called and told him that she was staying at her place for a while because she had had too much to drink. She would call a cab for Sharon when she was more sober. This had happened a few times before and Bob had always been relieved that Vicki and the girls were so responsible about not getting a DUI. He always thought that getting a little blitzed was part of the fun of going out and cutting loose. He honestly wasn't mad about it.

He also remembered what happened that night when she got home. He remembered being woken up to the warm sensation of Sharon's lips on his cock. After about 30 seconds of her attention he was rock hard. She took his cock deep into her mouth and drew back, trying to wrap her tongue around his width. After 10-12 deep strokes she would swallow his entire length so he could feel the back of her throat. She would hold it there for a second then go back to those long sucking strokes. This whole thing had taken him by surprise and before he knew it he was shooting his seed down her throat. Her eyes widened as she started to swallow the unexpected gift and a little of his seed escaped from the corner of her mouth.

"Oh my God honey, that was incredible!" he said. "I am sorry it was over so soon but please let me make it up to you."

She giggled as she wiped the drip of come from her chin into her mouth. "Okay big boy. Let's see what you got."

As she stood up he grabbed her head and gave her the deepest tongue kiss he could. He tasted some booze and a little bit of himself but he was not grossed out at all. After her performance the least she deserved was a kiss.

He broke their lip lock and started kissing the crook of her neck. She always giggled and squirmed when he would do that. He traced her collarbone down to between her breasts. He gave each nipple a pinch and a suck as he went to his knees. He had heard that some women had really sensitive nipples but Sharon was not one of those. that was fine with him though because after 8 years together he had found a few other places on her body that would get her wet. He let his tongue drift slowly all the way down through her narrow strip of hair and between her swollen lips.

He pushed her onto the bed and spread her legs wide open. He looked up and saw her gazing at him as he lowered his head between her thighs.

"Please baby, make me squeal." she said as she gripped the sheets in preparation for her tongue lashing.

Instead of going right to her fragrant kitty, he turned his head and kissed the inside of her thigh high up where it joined her poubic area. He heard her gasp as he knew that was one of the most sensitive areas he could touch. He took a few light nips with his teeth then moved to the other side and did the same. He heard her suck in a deep breath so he knew she was getting into it. He adjusted her hips and started his tongue just outside of her puckered asshole and licked his way up her perineum to the beginning of her opening. He could smell her arousal and could see a drop of liquid starting to run down her pussy. He grabbed it with his tongue and used his fingers to spread her lips and gain access to her sweet nectar. He stuck his tongue deep into her pussy and was rewarded with copious amounts of juice that he could lap up.

He could feel her body tensing up so he stuck his tongue as deep into her as he could and moved it around. He could feel her orgasm as her hips started bucking and her legs clamped down on his head. He let her ride the wave for a few seconds before he slid his tongue up a little higher and managed to coax out the little pleasure button from it's hiding place. With his tongue firmly on the little man in the boat he put two fingers into her well lubricated hole. He moved them in a little running man fashion then curled them up inside her until they found what felt like a little rough patch of skin in warm wet velvet. Tapping on spot inside her and licking and sucking on her clit outside he caught her just at the end of her first orgasm. She panted a couple times then started tensing up again.

"Ohhh baby, give me a sec... oh yeah RIGHT THERE! DON'T STOP BOBBY PLEASE DON'T STOP YOU BASTAR... UGGH OH MY GOD, OHMYGOD, OMIGOD!!" she shouted.

He wanted to warn her about waking their daughter but she had his head in a viselike grip with her legs plus he was enjoying licking up as much of her juices as he could. It was as if there were a faucet down there and it was the best tasting liquid a man could drink. She released his head with her legs and roughly dragged his face up to hers.

"That was fan-fucking-tastic! Oh my god baby I haven't felt that good in a while!" she stopped talking after that and they engaged in some of the hottest tongue wrestling they ever had.

"MMM, I taste pretty good don't I?" she said as she broke from their kiss.

"Sweetest thing ever baby." he replied. "But don't think we are done, you started something that I now have to finish." he smiled, this was turning into the best night ever.

"Fuck me lover." she growled as she looked at him with lust filled eyes.

His cock was back up to full mast and he climbed on top of her. She reached down to line him up and in one thrust he went all the way inside her. She was so wet that there was no pain but the sudden feeling of being filled up took her breath away. Normally he would ease into her and start with slow strokes but tonight was different. Tonight he had a beautiful woman who wanted him to take her. And take her he did.

He went balls deep and ground his hips into her. Then he came out almost to the tip and slammed it back in. After that it was on. there was no finesse, no gentleness, just straight up pounding. She spread her legs as far apart as she could and pulled her knees up as close as she could to her chest to allow maximum penetration. She started to groan.

He could tell she was getting close by the noises she was making and it was getting tough to hold himself back. Suddenly he couldn't and he shot what felt like rope after rope of semen in her waiting pussy. His climax must have put her over the edge also as she let out a high pitched squeal and thrashed all over the bed. He looked into her eyes and saw a glassy stare returned.

He snapped back to the present. Now he was shaking with rage as he felt that she got all worked up over her boyfriend and came home to take it out on him.

" Damn,", he thought , "what if she was thinking of him while I was trying to get her to cum?"

He splashed more water on his face, dried himself off and went back outside. As he sat down he saw a look of sympathy on Vicki's face but had no idea how to respond. His sandwich was forgotten on the table.

"What else do I need to know Vicki?" he asked

"Honestly Bob that is about all there is. The last couple of girls nights have been at Hannah's house with wine and lingerie parties. At work Sharon had been acting very cool towards Luke even though he has been really sniffing around her. I had thought that it was done but just yesterday I saw them talking. They shut up when I came around the corner so I have no idea what they are up to but I am done with it. I figured you need to know and maybe you can do something since she is not listening to her friends anymore." The waiter came to bring us our check. He grabbed it before she could touch it and started fishing out his credit card.

"I want to see these guys in action together and maybe scare them straight." he said " Sharon says you guys are going to the Red Horse saloon this week. So this Thursday when you guys go I am going to show up and observe from across the room ... " he stopped talking abruptly as he noticed the horrified look on Vicki's face.

"What did I say wrong?" he asked

"Bob, Hannah has a doctor's appointment early in the morning Friday and Gail is going to see her brother in Florida. If Sharon is going out Thursday it isn't with us." She reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "I am so sorry honey." she said sadly " I know better than to ask if you are ok but here is my home phone number. Call anytime to talk to Ron or I." Her husband was a marriage counselor by trade so talking to him could potentially be helpful.