
Poetry by LorenzoAbajos

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Watching and stroking as I enjoy the tiny titties.

4.4 1.5k

His little one returns and is rewarded as she should be.

3.5 1.5k 1 1

A Daddy/Dom says goodbye to his little one.

4.5 1.3k 1

Our luscious love is better than fantasies

5 2.1k

Flaunting our beauty

3 1.6k 1
3.5 1.6k

It hasn't been long.

4.5 1.5k

We play a secret game.

4.5 1.6k 1 1

Continuously, utterly astounding.

5 1.6k

I will move you, set your body moving, move you.

5 1.6k
4.4 2.4k
3.8 2.2k 1 1 1
4.67 1.9k 1 1