
Almost four years later and I am back with some new materials. Be seeing you soon.
hey everyone. Just wanted to let u guys know that I am working on the next chapter of you will. It will come soon.

Hey people!! I swear, I'm not dead, lol. I'm still around and I'm working on the chapters for Gale and Patrick. I will be posting the next chapter soon. Thanks for being patient with me.

Guess who submitted a new chapter. I know everyone that it's been awhile and some of you guys have given up on me but I have been having a busy summer so far. I had a couple of plays I had to write and put on but it's all good now. I did submit another installment of Gayle and Patrick, it's about to get heated between the two so enjoy. It's a little short but it sets up the next chapter. Thanks guys for waiting.

I want to thank everyone for the well wishes. Like I said I'm recovering from everything, but I did have a question. I was wondering if I could share part of my story with you guys in a new story. I know I'm in the middle of Patrick and Gale, but I feel like I need to get this out, but I am still working on Patrick and Gale. Let me know. Thanks again guys.
Hey guys!! I'm sorry for not updating the story. I have had a lot of personal problems overtake me and I'm still recovering from. I do plan on updating soon so I am still working on it. Although I'm getting the idea that it's not a big favorite lol. Stay with me, though. You will like Patrick.
Hi everyone!! I am currently working on the next installment but I did want to clear up a few things. Gail's name is Abigail, I never brought it up because that's something I'm saving for later on in the story, but back in the day Patrick called her Abby as a pet name, which will get into later in chapters about why Gale doesn't want him to call her that. Patrick is a rich man but there is a story behind him, so don't write him off as an asshole just yet. lol, besides the way I have him in my mind, I'm falling in love with Patrick. So far as editors, I know I need one I have a bad caseof the get so excited that I miss little things and I try not too, but I still end up missing them. I maybe a little dyslexic but I will save that for my therpist, but I am looking for an editor. I have a couple of offers so I hope to make my next two installments, blow the other ones out the water. See you soon!! Thanks to everyone for the helpful advice, because I know it comes from a good place.
I know I'm a little late. My resolution besides trying to lose weight is try to get my stories out sooner and because of that I have submit the last chapter of Good Doctor. lol I appreciate everyone that reads my stories and leave me emails. I really appreciate everyone. Love you all and hope you enjoy it and the upcoming one.

Hey good people. Thanks to everyone that has sent me feedback on the latest Dominique and Nik saga. I'm currently working on that and expect a Christmas present of the last chapter of their story and also the beginning of someone else's story. Which I am still taking suggestion of who should be next. I appreciate everyone's feedback and ideas. Happy Holidays!!!
Nov. 12, 2010
Hey Guess what....I just submitted the next chapter of the Good Doctor and guess what...after this chapter, there is one more left and after that I will do...I'm going to leave you on a cliff hanger, but at the end of the last chapter of Good doctor, I will definitely let you know which story is next.

Oct. 26, 2010
Happy up and coming Halloween everyone. I wanted to just post an update that I'm working on the next chapter of Good Doctor. It's going to be hot but more importantly it's going to be a break through moment for Dominique. Now I do have question for everyone and just let me know what you think. Whose story should be next: Gale and Patrick or Nicole and Ramon? I can start either one when I finish Dominique's story just wanted to know what you guys thank. Alright people, I'm going back in. I should have the story submit hopefully by the end of next week if not sooner.

Sept, 01 2010
Hey everyone. I had a little birdie tell that I should update my profile. I want to say thank you for everyone sending me emails and that I am still working on Good Doctor and also the next series. Life just happens. I have started school, started working, and my fianc



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