
28 April- If you've emailed me, I didn't get it! I can't access my outlook live account, this site isn't allowing me to update my email addy, and I'm getting no reply from tech. If you'd like to correspond, comment and I'll e-you back directly!!
25 April- The next section of TT2 is finally up, as is the CORRECTED ch.3 of Slave (vs repeating ch.2). I'm half finished with BC 4, ALL finished with BC 5, and just completed new outlines for Chapters 13 &14 of Beast. Along with grieving the loss of my parents, moving, long-distance parenting, breaking my right hand, bilateral meniscus tears (and a brand-new stage 3 ACL!) part of my delayed return to this story, in particular, was my lack of enthusiasm for what was supposed to happen next. Silver lining, I came back with fresh eyes and realized what SHOULD happen. So, I rewrote chapters 11&12 (mostly for clarity), and outlined the new stuff. I'm quite satisfied with the rest of the story now. Chapters 15 & 16 are already half-written (wholly outlined) and I have a first draft of the Epilogue. SO... hopefully we'll get a new chapter of something soon. Thank you again for hanging in with me.
PS- For anyone who thinks I have too many irons in the fire, I've completed six novels, three non-fiction books, a dozen novellas, and a plethora of short stories and essays, all while working on five projects simultaneously. So THERE!
... also, I can't access my old email & site isn't letting me update, so if you're trying to contact me, comment please!

I'm sorry for not posting regularly. Both my parents died abruptly last year, and my muse has been muffled by grief and missing my sons, who still live back in RI, five hours away. I'm still struggling, but I'm trying very hard to muscle myself into a regular writing schedule again. If you're still here, still reading my work, thank you for hanging around during my involuntary hiatus! Your hearts, stars, and comments still mean a lot to me. Love-- Stef

TT2 is available on Amazon, if you can't stand the wait . . .

If you're enjoying the story, please consider posting a quick review there!! Independent authors live and die by Amazon reviews, and any of your favorite Lit authors would appreciate a sentence or two more than we could possibly say.

In the meantime, if you want the luxury of sitting down with a whole book to read instead of piece-by-piece, "All the Perils of Being Betty" has what I think are some of my best sex scenes ever:

o—If you'd like a copy of one of my non-erotic stories, use the contact form and I'll be happy to send you one-- no spam, no signups, just a good read. Same deal if you want me to drop you a line when TT3 is done.
o—One other item: For all you wannabe-Bill's-Club-members (I'm on the waiting list with you!), I hope it won't be TOO long, but please remember there are quite a few things above BC on my To-Do list.

As always, thank you for taking the time to write or comment or vote. Whether your words are kind or critical, I appreciate every thoughtful response. Knowing that something I've written captures another person's imagination is really, truly, sincerely awesome. Love—Stefanie

I swear on the grave I'm digging for my ex-husband
— I will NEVER leave you without an ending —

OR you can follow me on Facebook-- —where I post maybe once a day—never about politics or religion—a few geeky jokes, writing quotes and updates, squealing glee when the newest Star Wars or Star Trek movie opens, and ZERO game invites.(if the link doesn't work, just type Stefanie Olsen into your fb search bar—I'm at the top of the list).


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