
Artworks by Wyldefantasy

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Licking a Lollypop

4.6 33.2k 8 3 8

If my characters could live in the "real world..."

3.67 54.1k 5 6 6

Dominance is all about who's on top!

4.14 64k 11 2 11

Veranon cross-dresses in exchange for a HUGE dick

4.67 48.3k 5 7 5

Bondage, Naiad Style

4.17 41.6k 7 4 7

What we see when Blaize forgets to close his legs...

4.67 48.2k 7 3 7

Gift For a friend: Thal gets wrapped up.

4.29 31.7k 5 3 5

It's romantic butt sex. Dante style.

4.75 41k 8 1 9

Naked, hot male fae in his well-hung glory. Oh baby!

4.56 48.5k 13 3 13

Dante and Blaize get it on under the gaze of Nyssa, the Niad

4.33 31.4k 6 1 6

Sexy, naked Fire fae with big boobies!

4.43 94.6k 21 4 21

What would happen if Veranon met himself?

H 4.6 32.4k 13 8 13