Beautiful Melody

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An appreciative quickie.
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'Hi Harry!!

I must say you have one brilliant mind for lyrics. The words you wrote for my new hit single moved me deeply and I had to reach out to you and say thank you! If you weren't on the other side of the world I'd love to show my appreciation. Looking forward to singing more of your wonderful lyrics in the future!

Lots of licks, kisses and sucks for your cock, Bella'

Harry Shepherd, read through the note about ten times, unable to believe what he had read. When he'd submitted the lyrics for the song 'Beautiful Melody' he hadn't even expected it to get recorded, let alone by a pop superstar like Bella.

Harry was a professional songwriter based in New Zealand, he submitted hundreds of songs to various record companies around the world, and up until 'Beautiful Melody', very few had been recorded and published.

Bella, was the smoking hot singer of the newest pop-rock megastar band Tres Belle. 'Beautiful Melody' had given Tres Belle their first US number one song and rocketed them onto the cover of Rolling Stone and onto the screens of MTV.

Bella, the sultry, seductive, lead singer, was well known for her flirty, teasing interviews and stage performances, but for her the comment seemed extreme.

"Lots of licks, kisses and sucks for your cock," said Harry, reading the note aloud in disbelief. He chuckled to himself and tucked the note into the top drawer of his desk for safe-keeping. That should give him some inspiration to write a new hit song for Tres Belle!


Four years later.

Harry was in Hollywood for a meeting with a record executive. He'd been given a contract working with some promising up and coming heavy metal band to ghost write a bunch of songs with them.

Harry had stopped into a local music store to pick up some blank sheet music pages, even though he somewhat doubted the band would be able to read music.

As he was queuing up to pay, he heard a surprised voice from behind him.

"Harry!?" it was a woman's voice.

Harry spun around to find himself looking into the face of an angel. She was gorgeous, with long shining hair, striking eyes, flawless skin and full, red lips that had a slight natural pout. She looked strangely family too, but he couldn't quite place her.

At a quick glance, the rest of her was even better than her face. She was tall, slim and leggy, dressed in a tight fitting red dress that clung to an impressive set of curves; huge, round, out-thrust breasts and a tight, firm ass.

"Harry Shepherd?" repeated the woman, smiling dazzlingly at Harry, who hurriedly tugged his gaze up from her sinful figure to her angelic face.

"Err...yes?" he replied hesitantly. He definitely recognised her from somewhere.

The woman smirked back at him. "I knew it was you!"

Harry blushed a little, he was a little nervous talking to such a beautiful woman. "Um. Sorry..."

The woman cut him off, putting him out of his misery. "Bella," she said introducing herself. "You wrote a killer song for me a few years back."

"Of course!" agreed Harry enthusiastically, realising that he did indeed recognise her. "Tres Belle."

Last Harry had heard was since having huge success with Beautiful Melody for a few years the band had imploded and broken up, he hadn't heard anything from Tres Belle for the past two years. He vaguely remembered reading somewhere that Bella was going solo, but nothing seemed to have come of that.

Now, here she was, standing in some small music store, Harry glanced down and saw that she was carrying an acoustic guitar in one hand, apparently buying a guitar.

"What the hell are you doing in the U.S.?" asked Bella.

Harry shrugged, "I'm just here for a few meetings."

Bella gave a slightly mischievous grin, her lips slightly parted and her tongue touching the underside of her top lip as she paused thoughtfully for a moment. "You know I love those lyrics you wrote for us," she said.

"Beautiful Melody?" asked Harry, somewhat stupidly as that was the only song he ever did for Tres Belle.

Bella nodded. "I never did properly thank you for that."

Harry blushed, immediately remembering the note of thanks. Licks, kisses and sucks for your cock. Of course, he doubted she was referring to the note, or even remembered what she'd teasingly written.

"I got well paid," Harry assured her unassumingly.

"Hey," Bella reached out warmly and lightly touched Harry's wrist, "Can we get out of here and maybe grab a coffee?"

Harry hesitated, his hand tingling where the beautiful young woman had touched him. "Err..I have a meeting soon."

"Oh come on, surely you can spare quarter of an hour?"

"Okay sure, why not," agreed Harry impulsively. There was something about Bella that made him want to spend a bit more time with her. Actually it was probably her fantastic rack.

"Great!" said Bella.

They both paid for their purchases and then Bella took Harry to a grungy little coffee shop a few doors down the street.

"So how've you been?" she asked him once they were seated, coffee's in front of them.

"Not bad," replied Harry with a shrug. He sipped his coffee and grimaced slightly, American coffee's always tasted frothy for his liking.

Bella nodded, sitting back in her chair and crossing her long legs. The motion caused the hem of her already short dress to ride up slightly, revealing an impressive portion of her smooth, creamy thighs. God, this girl had great legs.

"You know I'm serious about wanting to show my appreciation for your writing," she told him, her smirk disappearing.

Harry chuckled nervously. "I know. No thanks necessary," he assured her.

A brief mental image of those full, pouty lips wrapped around the tip of Harry's cock flashed into his brain. But that was crazy of course. Bella might no longer be a pop superstar, but still, there was no way a hot girl like her would be interested in someone like him.

"No, seriously Harry," Bella said, reaching across and touching Harry's knee, almost causing him to jump out of his chair. "I want to thank you for Beautiful Melody. I want to give you one of my famous blowjobs to show you my appreciation."

Harry's eyes went wide. Had she really just said that!? Surely not. He laughed nervously as if she'd just made a great joke. She was joking right?

"Harry, I'm serious," repeated Bella in earnest.

Harry's laugh quickly faded. "Look Bella, you don't have to do anything like..." he swallowed, "...that at all. I'm just pleased you liked the lyrics."

Bella sat back in her chair, sighing dramatically. The action caused her considerable bosom to swell outwards. The plump upper slopes of her breasts lifting slightly and deepening her fantastic cleavage.

"Well if you don't find me attractive that's fine," she said.

Harry shook his head in disbelief. "No, wait," he struggled to find the right words, most unlike him. "You're an incredibly beautiful woman Bella. It's just...I don't know. You don't have that."

"I want to Harry," Bella told him sincerely.

Harry swallowed, not sure what to say. Bella licked her full lips teasingly.

"You got my note right?" she asked him.

Harry's throat felt dry. "Yes," he croaked in reply, his voice a husky rasp.

Bella leant forward, sliding her hand up across Harry's leg, gently squeezing his thigh through his trousers.

"I want to smother you with kisses on your cock," she told him, her voice a whisper as well. Leaning forward Harry had a fantastic view down the front of her dress, the mouthwatering globes of her boobs jutting forward, almost threatening to spill over the neckline of her low-cut red dress.

Bella's hand slid higher, dipping down between Harry's thighs to cup his crotch. The gorgeous pop star gave a murmur as she squeezed his cock through his pants. There was definitly a slight stiffness in his pants.

"Feels like someone wants to come out and play," Bella said teasingly. She reached up and tugged on the zipper of Harry's pants, pulling it partway down.

Harry's eyes went wide and he hurriedly pushed away her hand, at the same time glancing furtively around the coffee shop to see if anyone was looking their way. "Not in here!" he hissed.

Bella grinned. "So that means you'll let me blow you then?"

Harry squirmed slightly. It just felt wrong to say yes.

"O...okay," he agreed. "But not here!" he added quickly.

Bella licked her lips again. Her hand moved back up to Harry's crotch, her index finger sneaking it's way inside his half open zipper and teasingly tracing the hard line of his cock through his briefs.

"My mouth is watering and I can't wait much longer," the gorgeous busty singer told him. "Let's go out back," she said, looking towards the back door of the shop.

Harry glanced over his shoulder at the exit. "Where?"

"In the alleyway. No one will see, trust me," Bella assured him.

Harry reluctantly allowed himself to be led out of the shop. It was only ten o'clock in the morning, but sure enough the alley behind the shop was deserted. The view to the main street at the far end was conveniently blocked by a large rubbish skip.

Harry glanced nervously up and down the litter-filled alleyway to be sure they were alone.

"You don't have to do this Bella," he told her as she pushed him up against the rear wall of the coffee shop, her warm body close to his.

Bella put a finger to his lips, silencing his protests. "Shush you," she scolded him, leaning in close.

Harry licked his dry lips uneasily. The ample swells of Bella's full breasts were now pressing against his own chest. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not, but he was sure he could feel the hard jut of her nipples digging into his chest.

As Bella rubbed her big tits against Harry's torso, she reached down with both hands to unfasten his belt and zipper, tugging open his trousers.

Harry was nervous as hell, repeatedly glancing up and down the alleyway, almost certain that they would be interrupted at any minute.

"Hmm," murmured Bella as she stuffed her hand down into the front of Harry's underwear and grasped his cock. "What do we have here?"

The gorgeous Bella stroked Harry cock in her hand, her other hand slipping down into the front of Harry's pants to gently toy with his testicles.

Harry glanced downwards with a slight sense of dismay. Back in the coffee store he'd definitely been hard. Now his penis was soft and rubbery as Bella attempted to tug it back to life.

The limpness of his penis didn't seem to dishearten Harry's buxom companion however. Bella slipped down to her knees in front of him, taking no notice of the hard, litter filled concrete she was kneeling on.

The beautiful singer tugged Harry's trousers and underwear down to his knee's exposing his soft cock and dangling balls.

Harry's breathing was short and shallow as he looked down at the lovely woman on her knees at his feet. He was no longer worried about someone seeing them, that was suddenly the last thing on his mind. Bella's face was less than a foot away from his exposed penis. Her full lips glistened moistly in the mid-morning sunshine and Harry couldn't wait to see them wrapped around his dick.

Standing above her, the view of her cleavage was astonishing. She had the best pair of tits he'd ever seen in person, and the lush melons were pressed up against his bare thighs as she knelt at his feet.

Although at this point his cock didn't seem to be co-operating, Harry was turned on beyond belief.

Bella looked up from Harry's penis, meeting his gaze. "Thank you for your writing," she told him, a naughty glint in her eyes.

The buxom beauty turned her attention back to Harry's dick, leaning forward to plant a soft tender kiss on the topside of his flaccid shaft. Harry gave a sharp intake of breath, her lips felt moist against his penis.

Bella tilted her head slightly and kissed the other side of his cock, further down the shaft. "Mmm," she gave a small moan and moved lower, planting another affectionate smooch on Harry's organ, close to the tip. Bella's tongue flicked out, giving the tip of Harry's cock the slightest of licks before her mouth moved back up, kissing him near the very top of his shaft, near the base of his penis, her nose brushing the dark thatch of his pubic hair.

Bella glanced briefly up at Harry and then her tongue came out, giving him a long, slow lick, right down the full length of his cock.

"Oh man!" groaned Harry, leaning back against the cold concrete wall behind him. His cock twitched ever so slightly beneath Bella's licking tongue.

Encouraged, Bella's agile tongue worked around the head of Harry's dick, teasing the tip of him with circular licks. Harry gave a moan as his dick once again trembled, slowly starting to thicken and expand once again.

Using the tip of her nose, Bella nuzzled aside Harry's flaccid cock so that her tongue could get at his testicles.

Harry sucked in a short gasp as Bella swiped her tongue across his scrotum, this was so surreal, he could hardly believe it was actually happening. He was not the short of guy that got random blowjobs in alleyways from hot gorgeous strangers.

"Mmm," Bella once again gave a moan as she kissed and nibbled at Harry's ballsack, her tongue lapping nimbly at each of his testicles. Harry's cock was laying against Bella's soft cheek as she worked his balls over, and with each lick of her tongue it was growing, rapidly returning to full erection.

Bella gave another soft moan as he hand came up to touch Harry's now semi-erect penis, rubbing the shaft against the side of her face.

"That's more like it," she breathed as she drew back slightly, gently tugging on his now swollen penis with one hand.

Bella leant forward and once again started making out with Harry's cock, covering the length of his shaft with kisses and licks, now spending more time focusing on the head of his cock. Before long Harry was erect. Hard as a rock.

"Here we go," announced Bella softly. She leant forward and engulfed Harry's cock in her hot mouth, immediately sinking her lips a good three quarters of the way down his hard shaft.

"Oh fuck!" groaned Harry, lurching against the wall behind him. Hopefully no one was close enough to hear his grunt of pleasure.

There was a slurping noise as Bella began to bob her head over Harry's cock. The firm grip of her full lips sliding up and down the length of Harry's hard shaft.

"Jesus Christ!" whispered Harry as he stared down at the gorgeous woman sucking on his cock. It felt fucking amazing!

Bella sucked at Harry's cock vigorously, moaning as if she was just as turned on as Harry by the course of events.

One of Harry's hands dropped down onto the top of Bella's bobbing head, urging her to go faster, and his hips began to gently rock in time with her sucks.

"Fuck that's good!" he gasped as he gently humped the beautiful singer's mouth. His hips were pumping a little faster now, trying to push more and more of his raging erection into Bella's talented mouth.

Keeping one hand on the back of Bella's head to ensure she maintained her sucking, Harry leant forward and reached down with his other hand, grasping at Bella's impressive bosom.

"Mmm," Harry groaned in appreciation as he groped one of Bella's enormous melons through her red dress. They felt astonishing, so big and firm, and yet at the same time soft and squeezable. Unable to help himself, he slipped his groping hand down inside the neckline of Bella's dress and began to fondle her bare breast.

While Harry eagerly squeezed and pinched Bella's big jugs, his hand buried down inside her cleavage, fondling excitedly, the lovely singer continued to work on his hard cock, sucking, slurping and slobbering diligently.

Harry let go of Bella's head, letting her resume control of her sucks, his other hand moving down into the front of her dress to join the first groping her boobs.

Bella apparently decided it was time to show Harry her skills. Harry stared down at her in awe as Bella's engulfed the entirely of his erection. He gave a loud groan as Bella's lips worked their way down to the very base of his cock, the head of his shaft lodged right in Bella's tight throat.

"Oh shit!" swore Harry in admiration as Bella held his cock their, deep throating his whole length. He gave her tits a squeeze and felt his balls churning.

He knew wouldn't last a whole lot longer, Bella was a blowjob master as far as he was concerned.

With a snort of lust, Harry's hands pulled hurried out of the front of Bella's red dress and grabbed handfuls of her long hair, gripping her head tightly. He began to fuck Bella's mouth with a jerky rhythm, driving his cock right into Bella's willing throat with each shove of his hips.

"Oh fuck yes!" grunted Harry gleefully as he pumped Bella's mouth, his swinging balls bouncing of her chin. And to think that earlier he'd tried to talk the busty beauty out of sucking his cock.

Bella skilfully took Harry's thrusting length without gagging, sucking him like a pro as he wildly jackhammered against her face. Bella was moaning as he fucked her mouth, clearly enjoying giving the songwriter such obvious pleasure. Each time Harry's raging erection thrust forward she found herself with her nose buried in his pubic hair, his cock almost constantly enveloped in her tight throat.

Harry was on cloud nine, his balls churning and ready to unleash. Why he'd resisted Bella's initial advances he didn't know. He deserved this blowjob after all!

"Oh yeah!" Harry gave a cry as his cock exploded, his cock buried in Bella's mouth. Thick streams of cum, spurted across Bella's tongue and she immediately gave a moan of surprise and started to eagerly swallow his seed.

Harry's hips lurched forward as his cock squirted heavily into Bella's agreeable mouth and she drank down every last drop.

When he was finally spent, Harry sagged back wearily against the alley wall, breathing heavily.

Bella's hand came up to lovingly grasp Harry's depleted erection and she tenderly licked and sucked him clean. Making sure she got every last drop of jizz.

"Well, fuck that was good," gasped Harry, grinning down at Bella like an idiot. She'd just given him the best blowjob he'd ever experienced.

Bella gave Harry's rapidly softening penis one last long suck and then she stood up, standing close in front of him.

Almost instinctively Harry reached up with both hands and squeezed Bella's big tits through her dress.

Bella grinned at Harry's obvious expression of ecstasy. "Told you I wanted to say thank you," she said.

Without another word she leant forward and gently kissed Harry's right cheek. She then turned and left, walking sexily off down the alleyway, leaving him leaning against the wall, watching the sensual sway of her perfect ass in her tight red dress as she departed, his pants and underwear down around his knees.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

ā¤šŸ’šā¤šŸ’šā¤ (5)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
LOVED IT (ā¤-): ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†ā˜†- [5- (4.6/5=92%!)] Life is like a box of cocolates; you never know what you are gonna get.

šŸ’š, šŸ‘!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Might be the best yet!

This seriously is one of your best stories ever and that is saying a lot!!!

tresbella2002tresbella2002about 14 years ago
Penned inspiration

Mmm who would have thought ud write about me soo soon! I'm flattered! But u have an even better email this time....

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