All Comments on 'Big Mouth Ch. 01'

by Slirpuff

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1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanalmost 12 years ago
I can see the RAAC coming

As usual the story is good. The writing is good. Character development is spot on. I can see the RAAC coming. So far there is no reason for reconciliation, in fact the story is so good all the facts against are present. How do you prove a negative because that is what is needed for a reconciliation to occur. But still I see it coming. I gave this *****. Oh and btw I hate RAAC stories because in real life they are an anomaly.

nakdsubnakdsubalmost 12 years ago
I don't really see it as a RAAC...

She hasn't cheated, at least so far,and believe it or not, that kind of talk goes on all the time between wives. She missed her opportunity. When they were with the same group of friends she should have made a public apology in front of everyone.

I will anxiously be waiting for the next chapter.

FD45FD45almost 12 years ago

It's probably a D-RAAC (Divorce then RAAC).

It was emotionally engaging for me. I could feel his anger. I'm not exactly feeling anything from her. She says she's sorry, but the quality and eloquence she put into her put-downs made it quite clear and explicit how she felt so it's 'sorry you heard this'.

I think the thing that puzzles me the most is how quickly he got back to normal with his friends. It would be hard to do that and doing another party seems unlikely. Maybe he was looking for ANYTHING to get away from the wife...though if she went to the party alone, that would still have ensured that.

His last dramatic exit seems a bit forced. She was asking a question and he went off. I get it (sort of) but still, seems an overreaction to me.

Good story and I'm looking forward to how it goes. I smell a Brian coming, but I could be wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What's RAAC?

I'm a newbie to Literotica, can you folks give me definitions to the list of different acronyms?

The story itself is great, though I remember a similar one where the wife gets an op done to tighten her vagina.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Rather than guess at what might happen, and complain about a story I haven't even read, I am going to enjoy the story so far (check!) and wait anxiously for the next part. As always, well done. No need here to slap a label on a piece of fiction that isn't even published yet.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 12 years ago

Hey, it's always fun to guess a story's outcome. As for me, I'm with FD45 on this one. Divorce, then reconciliation.

"I'm not exactly feeling anything from her. She says she's sorry, but the quality and eloquence she put into her put-downs made it quite clear and explicit how she felt so it's 'sorry you heard this'."

My exact thoughts about Heather.

How's this for guessing the outcome?

Steve will get fed up (more inconsiderate talk from Heather), they divorce.

Everybody and his dog (all the wives, husbands, parents, grandparents, coworkers, and ofcourse children) will comment that Steve is an asshole, his fragile male ego is hurt, that Heather is utterly broken about all of this (she sits at home crying all the time!), and that he should just suck it up and get back with her (already one of his male friends is suggesting this).

If Steve doesn't comply, they'll either browbeat or trick him into meeting up and talking with Heather, or else none of them will ever talk to him again.

In the end, he caves, he accepts half the blame for Heather's words, and they get back together. The end.

I wonder on how many points I'll be right...

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 12 years ago
Wow !! This story is written with a lot of emotion in it.

I really enjoyed the well written story and think the storyline is fantastic. The character of Steve is deserving a lot of sympathy, especially since he knows his wife is fantasizing about her old boyfriend when she is fucking her husband.

Thanks for the great read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
She showed him no mercy

So why should he show her any?

I say destroy her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Compared to your normal stories this needs a conclusion otherwise I would have given 5 instead of 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Hey Anon, did you not see this is the FIRST chapter, are you blind?

and I'm done trying?" The leak could wait. Why was that a question?

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007almost 12 years ago
Well Done

Wow! I feel the husband's pain. He will never be able to feel the same way about his wife again. A man's ego is a fragil thing. The trust he once had in her has been destroyed. She will never truly comprehend how much damage she has done. He now sees himself as a pay check with a dick, a dick that she has merely settled for. His self image has been shattered. It is impossible for him to completely over come his humiliation or to really forgive and forget what she has done. I think divorce is the only workable option.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Look forward to ...

the next installment!

I get the feeling that there's a lot of stuff to "come out in the wash"!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
this happened

to a friend of mine but he stayed and told his wife she was the worst he had ever had too and she didn't like it one bit and to prove a point she started running around on him to which he dumped her and is happily remarried to a friend of hers while she is miserble i know because it is my sister.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Seriously? This asshole is a fucking douchebag.

An I the biggest or best my wife has had? Nope. Don't care. You see, my wolfe loves me, in other words, I win. She has toys she uses and I'm more than ok with that because real men aren't threatened by a toy.

Her husband us an insecure little bitch and she should divorce his ass. because if she treated him the same way he's treating her, all you retards would be demanding divorce.

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

which leads to other motives and agendas, TK U MLJ LV NV

bruce22bruce22almost 12 years ago
Really engaging Story

Good to have a LW story which does not seem to have adultery as the cause of divorce! She really should not run for office.... Though the press would love her.

The bit about Brian seems to close out most avenues of escape... I was expecting Steve to reply to the question about what happened this morning with, " who me? Naw that was Brian who dropped by for a few minutes. Can't you even tell who is in bed with you?" Basically there is no way for Steve to ever know who is making love to her.

It would be best to not have children and be able to move on, but she did not tell him soon enough.... The only solution is to get Alzheimer's and tomorrow all will be well...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Good Start

This is shaping up to be one of your great stories. can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very Well Written

Jerry in Washington state, USA - I haven't re-read your other stories recently, but this is a good one so far. I don't see a happy ending for this story. If I was the husband, the main problem I couldn't overcome was her thinking about Brian to get off during their love making. I don't think even marital counseling would help on this one. I look forward to the next chapter.

RePhilRePhilalmost 12 years ago
Really amazing start!

This one really has legs!! Looking forward to the next chapter. Hopefully our hero keeps his balls throughout!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 12 years ago
I like it so far.

I wrote a short story about a wife humiliating her husband in front of friends. Commenters complained that I never explained why the wife said what she said. How do you explain something like that? Friends get together and shit happens and things get said. Some are true and hurtful and some are not true but still very hurtful. Do wives ever demean their husband's sexual skills? We know it happens. We also know, as men, that we need to feel competent, adequate, and are enough for the wife. What the wife did to the husband in this story was horrible and I can see his problem getting past it. (I was not too happy to know that he was chasing his wife back when she had a guy she was sleeping with.) This beginning really got my gut in a knot while reading what she did to him, so I think it's a pretty damn good chapter. Endings are the test of a story, however. so let's see how this plays out.

kakashi524kakashi524almost 12 years ago
lol Very nice read

Quite entertaining, keep ir up.... I just loved the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
bout time he left the whore

a whore is someone who fucks for money, a prostitute. A woman who does not love her husband but fucks him so he can pay for her life is a whore, nothing more, nothing less

magmamanmagmamanalmost 12 years ago
Some things can't be fixed

Sometimes words are far more painful than actions, and words in front of close friends can be the most painful of all. This is very well written, and an interesting subject matter.

How does one go about fixing things like this? Thinking about what I might do, I do not see a way.

I guess we all get to wait and see where the author takes us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Excellent start...

Just, PLEASE, don't make him into a cuckold wimp. She cut his balls off in public and he needs to find a life where he is not humiliated by his wife. In his friends (especially their wives) eyes he has been destroyed as being a man. She needs to pay a price for her actions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
If there is no trust, then he needs to man up.

In other words, time for a divorce. She's better off without him. Then he can enjoy lots of the judicial system fucks him up the ass. Deservedly so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Anger and Truth seldom mix


Her big mouth in front of friends....

Whether the sex is good or not.....

If not, she lies and that is a MAJOR issue, why does she....

If it is good, then why did she need to put him down.....

Problem is does he want out or does he want to solve this. If out, do it and move on. If he wants to fix it, acting like a asshole on the verge of violence is not going to get it. I understand the emotions of betrayal and humiliation. I would have major issues, but the character at this point needs to decide what he wants, and do what is needed. That is being a man. Ego gets put aside, pride and honor take over.

spud65spud65almost 12 years ago
Open mouth insert foot

Most men think that they satisfy their lovers in bed, but the truth is we don’t all the time, for many reasons. In this story the author reflects the true feelings of this man who thought everything was great only to hear his loving wife disparage his sexual skills to all of her friends. So now not only was she laughing at his feeble lovemaking attempts, so were all of her friends. This would be hard to get over regardless of whether it was the husband or wife being described as merely an "adequate" lover. Really interested to see where this one goes.

Gale82Gale82almost 12 years ago
Excellent first chapter

As a woman, I confess that I’ve heard the kind of conversation that set the story off – many times! Whenever I’ve been asked about my partner I’ve always said something like “He’s fine. I’m happy.” (I even said that once when a relationship was about to break up because he’d become obsessed with someone he could never hope to have).

Quite honestly, if men could hear everything their wives say – and probably if wives could hear everything their men say – the divorce rate would rocket!

For me, the important thing is that the talk was about ‘sex,’ not about love, or lovemaking.

In my teens, I had a lover who was everything a woman could possibly ask for in bed – but a total asshole the rest of the time. My present partner is a gentle and loving man I wouldn’t want to swap for anyone. We’ve learned, together, how to please one another and that provides me with everything I need in bed.

Do I ever think about the past lover? Yes… of course I do! It was part of my life’s experience. And, yes, sometimes I fantasise about it a little – but not without sharing it with my caring and loving partner – and I would hope that will be the direction this story takes.

I look forward to catching up with the succeeding chapters, but I’ll hold off on the voting for now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I look forward to reading the rest of the story, ...

... but I'm not sure there's anything more to say. You're the writer, and I assume that you have a lot more creativity than I have. I think you'll need every bit of it to continue this story. I don't believe anything can be done now that should satisfy the aggrieved husband -- or any reasonable person in his situation. Please prove me wrong. I generally want married couples to find reconciliation when things go wrong. In this story, however, the wife's remarks are vicious and hurtful, and are expressed with enthusiasm and in great and colorful detail, even if she thought at the time that he would never know she said them. That might even make it worse, in my opinion. I give you a five so far for telling an astonishingly cruel story in believable terms. Don't keep me waiting too long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
this for all big mouths

respect your spouses at all times.

BTTapBTTapalmost 12 years ago
Good story

The verbal castration by the wife to hubby's friends' wives was brutal. Bad enough she belittles his talents, essentially in public, but to also admit that she fantasizes about her old lover/boyfriend while sleeping with hubby just so she can get off (even names one of her vibrators after him)? Even if that is true (and she has a point-who doesn't fantasize about others from time to time, even while in bed with your partner), that is so fucking disrespectful to actually say in public. I would have a hard time getting over hearing something like that.

What is cool about this story is that there is no cheating (presumably), no 'secret relationships' that could be a warning sign (except her relationship with her vibrators, but that doesn't really count), no bad behavior by wife (she's a good wife, mother, etc., it seems), just a really fucked up statement to the couple's friends. Something about words being sharper than knives comes to mind.

Well-written and an interesting conundrum. Shows how hurtful words can shake the foundation of a man's entire belief system and confidence. One hopes he realizes that she chose him for more than his earning potential, and lets her make it up to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
No way back.

Can't see this ending happily. What she said was either based on fact, or made up to run down her husband for a few laughs, or both. If it happened to me, I doubt I could ever forget it. However, that said, I look forward to Chapter 2.


Sidney43Sidney43almost 12 years ago

I really don't have much sympathy for poor downtrodden hubby here. He has serious anger management issues and needs to go to counseling, as in right now. Either get his head out of his ass or leave and continue to shoot himself in the foot, he is pretty good at it I must say. He has a good looking wife, home and two nice kids, but hey with a little more work, he can have a small apartment, no money, part time kids and the wife can have a few male friends instead of her toys. He can use his hand, as he will have no money for dating.

He knew he was competing with Brian, the school stud when he fought for the hand of his wife and he should have known he had the reputation of being good in bed. Just because he overheard some stupid girl talk is no reason to become the village idiot. The author is either going to end the marriage, or have to do some serious writing if these two are going to survive. But, no worries, she will have no trouble finding a replacement for Mr fragile ego of the year.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wow, nice story...

I agree with some whats been said by others so far. He seems to be over reacting to the situation. Dont get me wrong, it was definetly an ego busting, very disrespectfull, unloving attack from his point of view (and mine too). But he was able to deal with Brian in person, competing for her. Its much harder to compete with her memory/fantacies of Brian. Its damn near impossible to compete with your wifes perception of you and your sexual abilities. Gale82 said it best about how women talk about thier spouces behind closed doors. I have been in a few of those closed door sessions when a males perspective was wanted. I remember being asked for my opinion about what a friend of mine should do about her husband. I asked her if she wanted a divorce. She hesitated and said no. I told her that the first thing to do was stop talking bad about him to everyone and work on whats good about thier relationship. When she left I asked the other two women in the room what they thought, and they both said she will be divorced in six months. He filed for divorce in five months. Neither one of them cheated but she couldnt stop(in my opinion) talking bad about him and disrepecting him. I see that in this story, only he cant verbalize it to her and she cant see what she has done is wrong or how bad it says about her feelings for him. Perception is reality when you dont take the time and effort to show and demonstrate to your lover the true feelings you have for them.

Thank you and I eagerly await the next chapter,

Dan Brown

ps men talk about thier wives too but not nearly as bad as the wives do about men. Its just something I have observed.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 12 years ago
I see the manhaters came out on this one

for all of those that say he's overreacting, the same people would say that same thing if she got mad and went out and fucked someone. He over reacted because of something so little. Make up your freaking minds. Sidney43 is another one, he didn't say anything bad about his wife to anyone, yet you feel he has anger issues, really. I hate to see what you'd say if found out the kids weren't his. You'd blame him for her fucking around like most of the women are so helpless crowd. She knew what she was doing and now it's come back to bit her in the ass. I just hope he doesn't pussy out like the husband in "No One Won". In the end slirpuff turned the husband in to this little bitch. He brought the fire and brimstone, but backed off in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Didn't we already read this?

There was already a story like this one last week. Oops in that one the guy's dick was too small. Sorry, carry on

NIGHTW1NGNIGHTW1NGalmost 12 years ago
Good Start

Slirpuff is one of the best writers,IMO, in the LW arena. You know how to draw people into your story,as seen by the comments so far. Looking forward to chapter 2 - hopefully soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
She was wrong to insult her husband

He was wrong in his reaction. Neither actions are defendable; but his reaction leaves one of two outcomes. Either she will have to abase and humiliate herself to regain his love (which would be difficult to respect someone who does that) and by extension, wouldnt be very loving of him OR they have to get a divorce.

After all, why stay married to someone you call a bitch? Someone that makes you sick just looking at and nauseous by thinking of having sex with? (the authors words, not mine). So the solution is plain. Give them the divorce he seems to want, and let them both be happy with someone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Revenge-addled Misogynist

Slirpuff, I don't read your stories in detail, but I do skim the first few paragraphs, hoping against hope that you have emotionally matured. Too bad, no such luck this time. However, I do always go to the end of your stories, to give you one star. I do that for the habitually revenge-addled misogynist authors here.

DunaDunaalmost 12 years ago
The male ego injures (plural) and the sexual dreams

1. The sexual dreams are good helps for the normal sex that's why we read erotic website, however I tells several times my excellent example the sexual cannibalism which maybe a helping for somebody's sexuality but to achive the sexual cannibalism as living thing is MURDER. So Heather was stupid to talk with others which was overheared by the husband. We do not know the next chapter(s) if Heather achived her sexual dreams exactly she cheated at all?

2. If she had not cheated she was extrem stupid when her husband managed a sexual marathon for her pleasure and she reminded him and his male ego for the starting hurt. The 50% of the women are good actresses so (I tell my opinion in that knowledge she did not cheated, which may be not true....we will know in the next chapters) after this sex marathon she must have talked about future plans, "we have enough money to go Bora-Bora with children without children or Phuket Island in Thailand with Bali Island togeher with children without children, if cocko palm is good in snowy garden or Pine tree, the children would chose soccer against football, what a good fun the voluntary work why we do not try any voluntary works at the local hospital, at the local natural park etc.. To write on the wall many common future with the children. However as in Ohio's story the "Surogate" the extrem stupid wife injured her husband's ego again and she is near to lose her husband forever. Again I write this in such knowledge she did not cheat at all...........

3. I like stories where the exhusband finds Second Chance women, if the Author choose this plot I would be curious the Author wrote a divorced woman with children for Second Chance woman...............

DunaDunaalmost 12 years ago
I forgot

BTW I gave 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
anonymous your an idiot

He had ever right to be pissed and call her on it or she would have continued.

The only reason she stopped saying he was inadequate was cause he caught her and her lack or respect for him started it. Fuck her let her enjoy her toys and make her self less sexual to her husband and his needs. She already divorced him but was just there since he was her meal ticket.

none of his responses were incorrect if she would have thought before she opened her mouth none of those responses would be necessary but lets blame the guy. If i did that to my husband he would have kicked my ass out. If i would had caught him saying shit like that about me and had a pocket pussy to please him self cause he said i couldn't i would have super glued it to his cock

MadBrownMadBrownalmost 12 years ago

This is for all you women out there who apparently don't a have clue. There isn't a man alive who would react favorably to having his wife belittle his manhood in public and he would be justified in being more than a little upset. I can,t think of a single thing a wife would benefit from by "talking trash" to her girlfriends about her husband, especially bringing up how great an old boyfriend was in name unless she's was trying to deflect interest in her husband by one of her friends. It simply shows that the wife has no respect for her husband and would place her under suspicion for cheating. Maybe if you got rid of your massive dildos, your husbands package would be more of a fit to you. Over reaction? Nah, don't think so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
For the

women out there guess what mens egos are that fragile you destoy it that way and it takes a long time to get over it .My first wife hit me this way as we were splitting up and it has taken 20 years to get me out of the mindset.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
sorry guys but that's the real difference between men and women

I heard it almost to much. while guys brag about how super their woman is (eventhough they weren't) I was really astonished (I worked at a pretty hip bar) to see that almost all girl groups do nothing else than badmouth their actual partner. All those angel faced girls and women hat only sleaze bags at home.

it's just a fact try it out if one or ten years together, place some mikes to register what they talk and if one guy gets a compliment, a true compliment ( not something like the idiot is so nice he does whatever I want), then he is really lucky.

MattblackUKMattblackUKalmost 12 years ago

Waiting for further chapters!

piratejonpiratejonalmost 12 years ago
More too much information

Your first foray into this subject is one of my favorite stories, so I look forward to this new treatment of the same theme. Great development of the male character so I hope that subsequent chapters deal with the woman's POV. 5 stars!!

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartalmost 12 years ago
I dont condone hitting women......

But when a cunt is running her mouth like that and talking out of school, Steve had every right to bitch slap her into next week.

Great story so far Slirpuff, worth every bit of the five stars I dropped in the tip jar. Can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Sharper than knives

BTTap wrote that the story brought to memory the adage that words are shaper than knives. Had the wife attacked him with a knife the wound would have been more shallow and the healing quicker. He could have understood her acting out of anger or in a drunken fit. However her assualt was while sober in a reflective mood. It revealed her true feelings towards her husband. It was a public humiliation of the most hurtful type which attacked the very essence of his manhood and, once spread, would travel to many unknown places and persons. If she had taken a lover in front of him and their friends at least she would have denigrated her own character in the eyes of others. But how does he deal with the knowledge that all their friends now know that he is inadequate, indeed laughable, as a man. Even if, in reality, that isn't the case, it is true in their perception. It will dog him for years, whether or not he decides to deficate or get off the pot with his marraige. He could enter another relationship but he will wonder if his new lover is faking it, lying just as his former wife did for 9 years. The question in his own mind can result in performance anxiety and E.D. It can affect all his relationships, including his work performance, and result in eventual clinical depression.

I noticed that the comments here seem to fall into 2 camps; "Terribly Devistating" and "Big Cry Baby". One commentator indicated he was Mr Fragile Ego of the Year. In fact, it's the difference of opinion that makes LW so popular and contentious. I enjoy reading the comments almost as much as I do the stories themselves. Many women, in particular, do not have a full understanding of the relationship between a man's ego and his perception of his sexual ability. The foundations are laid in seventh grade in the locker rooms, or while dreaming of a sexual fantasy. It ties sexual performance to self concept and remains for years unless replaced by other things such as career achievement, wealth accumulation or love of family. This is why our troops are making promises overseas to kill each other if their genitals are blown away by an IED which are designed for that expressed purpose.

Women do not have to have the same level or type of sexual concept in order to perform sexually. Even if they are not excited enough sexually to lubricate there are products which can take care of this problem. If this situation had been reversed and the wife had come into a conversaton where she overheard her husband telling the men what a terrible lover she was and that he has to think of his old girlfriend in order to climax, she would have been understandably upset, but at least the males listening to him would not be laughing at her behind her back. Instead they would have probably been thinking it was due to some deficit on his part as a lover, unable to get his wife excited enough. No one thinks a thing if a woman goes into a store and buy a tube of KY, but if a man goes into a pharmacy to get a cock ring or erectile pump the female techs behind the counter begin to smile at each other.

So, for those who see this as another tempest in a teapot, as a mental health counselor for the last 39 years I would like to state my difference of opinion. This will present a significant obsticle both to his marriage and his self esteem. I am looking forward to seeing how the author is going to handle it.

Bill from Ohio

harbormaster1harbormaster1almost 12 years ago
more to come?

I hope we have more chapters and more interesting in-sights. Solid writing so far. Keep up the good work.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 12 years ago
Is Steve over reacting ? -YES of course the wife IS cheating at SOME level

After reading 50+ posts I can safely say that there are certainly a lot of stupid people in the world today and it seems that most of our posting here on this story. In order to figure out whether not Steve it is overreacting ....we need to see and look at the reasons WHY he is so angry. It is astonishing that some of the god damn fucking idiots the post their feedback in this story can accuse Steve of overreacting were being insecure without actually discussing were mentioning ANY the words or events that took place .

FIRST when they were dating. **** WHY was the early dating kept a secret? ** I think this is going to be pretty important part of the story or least it should be

.....because it sets the tone for the entire relationship. It seems to me quite likely that -- and this is just a guess on my part -- that the wife was sort of interested in Steve as someone to marry but still wanted to have the fabulous sex she was getting from Brian. This is a pretty god damn underhanded way of doing things never mind that it's unethical and very unfair to Steve .

SECOND ...To assert that Steve is insecure man because he thought he was the best lover his wife ever is to tell everyone else that if you hold that opinion you are an idiot . In fact in the story more than once Steve goes out of his way to assert that is not the case.

THIRD ... Heather did not assert that SOMETIME Steve does not get the job done sexually. That happens to every man at one point. No what the wife actually said was at the party was that he NEVER gets the job done.


FOURTH Heather said this in front of ALL THEIR CLOSE LONG TIME FRIENDS. Indeed it would of been been far less damaging if she is said that in front of strangers. *** An integral part of the story is the fact that Steve can no longer go out and see his friends and talk to them " man to man" without an overwhelming sense of shame and humiliation. ***

FIFTH ... Everybody at the party knew about his Heather and the other guy -- Brian. She was NOT referencing some long ago flame that spouses can occasionally tease each other about. Heather was specifically citing this one guy that everybody in there group knew about.

SIXTH and I think the most important point-- is that throughout the 9 year marriage the wife never really made a concerted effort to communicate about Seve's less than barely adequate sexual performance. Steve comes across is a pretty decent guy and not some knuckled dragging Neanderthal . So WHY has the wife never borthered to tell Steve ?

The problem here is that the wife has a serious character flaw. While it is true that she may not have physically cheated Heather certainly has been cheating sexually the relationship for long period of time.

ALL men the equate SEX with Love at some level... especially more so with married people. The combination of the fact that Heather cannot be bothered to communicate any of her sexual needs to Steve AND that she can continue to have great Fantasy sex with Bryan even if he's not in the room ... on some level is communicating to Steve... that he is not really wanted or loved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great analysis Harry VA.

Harry made some damm good points! Keep it coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Back in bedside table drawer.

Why didn't she just shove his ass back in the drawer with the other three when she finished with him at night? Being used as replacement therapy is not my idea of a good relationship.

ohioohioalmost 12 years ago
One of Slirpuff's strongest stories, so far.

I'm with HDK all the way--it's a powerful story (and quite reminiscent of his own story, called "Misery" I think)--but let's see how the author finishes it off.

Thanks, ohio

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 12 years ago
one other point the significance of B.O.B.

BOB battery operated Boyfriend

Lots of women have them for when the husband or boyfriend is NOT around. NOT a big deal.

Naming B.O.B. after the greatest lover you ever had is risky-- if the husband/ boyfriend finds out.

Naming B.O.B. after the greatest lover you ever had right before you met your husband/ boyfriend ... and he knows who this lover was.. VERY risky

Naming .B.OB. after the greatest lover you ever had right before you met your husband/ boyfriend ... because your husband ALWAYS put you to sleep ... and he knows who this lover was..


mike2710mike2710almost 12 years ago
Good one

You can always tell if it was a good story through the comments being made.Especially when a lot of the commentors are authors.

My take is it will never be the same even if they stay together, and they may, not sure if it warrants divorce , but the total loving husband is gone.

Thanks for the entertainment. Mike from Texas

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 12 years ago
I have to agree with HDK and Ohio.

This is ope of Sirpuff's strongest and most believable stories yet. I can almost see the action and people. Very realistic.

Wish I could write this well.

Best regards


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Good story so far

but call the lawyers and call it a day. It's not even about "ego" or "disrespect" any more, it's about trust. She either lied to her friends -- the spouses of his friends to disrespect him when she remarked on how completely inadequate he is, or she lied to him for 10 years. Both are really ugly alternatives

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very good

Just hearing those comments about your sexual prowess from your wife to some one else is devastating. Whether making those comments in public to close friends or to another woman over a phone. Face it, once you hear your wife's real opinion of your lovemaking...and its have serious mental issues.

Just as bad is realizing on your own that you do not stimulate your wife when having sex with her. We all have experienced that with someone. You know? Performance issues...and then mental issues afterwards. Read some of the Cuckold stories that abound on this site and see how they start out.

I can also see a man that knows he is a stud. One that has been told many times that he is. I can see him laughing it off and just proving he is because he is confident in his abilities. Of course, a lot of us are not great lovers and we know it. Most of us just couldn't handle what this wife did to this husband. I couldn't handle it myself, but who knows? Maybe he will go out and prove to all his friends and his wife that he "is" in fact a real stud. Thus the problem becomes just her lying ass...right?

Great story Slirpuff... OldMarineVet Ron Wood

Mousse9Mousse9almost 12 years ago
Female ego

There is one thing that keeps bothering me when it's mentioned, whether it's in the story itself or in the comments (more often in the comments).

Male ego.

"Female ego"? Who's ever even heard of that?

If you specifically attach "male" to something, then the counterpart "female" must exist as well, so why is it never said?

Why is it that anytime a man feels hurt by something a woman has done to him, it's his "fragile male ego", and that this is NEVER the case when it's viceversa?

If a guy cheats on his girl, she's terribly hurt, her feelings devastated.

If a girl cheats on her guy, his male ego is hurt.

If a girl says that her guy is bad in bed, has a small dick, or is a wimp, his fragile male ego is hurt, and he should just suck it up and get over it.

If a guy says that his girl is bad in bed, fat (definitely this one), or a bitch, everybody thinks he's the scum of the earth.

Do men not have feelings but just ego, is that what people generally think? And ofcourse, there are bad connotations with that word. Egoist, egotistical.

I'd love to read a story where a guy badmouths his wife in front of his friends (she's a frigid bitch, and utterly horrible in bed, in fact, he has to think of at least a few Playboy models to be able to keep a hard-on), she overhears, gets angry but then gets told by everybody that her fragile female ego is hurt, and she should make up with him....Would be hilarious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Her Task: Unring the Bell

Many of my points have been discussed already. Heather completely disrespected her husband in front of the worst possible group of people. Steve was justifiably enraged with his utter humiliation. Add using the memory of her ex to Steve’s active lovemaking, and there really was nothing to salvage.

Think about it. Women hate to be lied to (not that anyone really likes it). In every relationship I have been in, that has been the constant. It doesn’t matter if it is a ‘little white lie’ or a whopper, the betrayal of trust hurts and has lasting effects.

It rarely goes the other way. They tend to view their lies as being of no real consequence and we should ‘get over them’. In this case, Heather seems (and the rest of the story will tell) to have lied to him for their entire relationship, and about something about which both men and women are highly sensitive. Even if she was exaggerating, the depth of her attack on his virility was unconscionable. His ability to believe anything she says, no matter how inconsequential, is gone. No trust left. What marriage can survive that?

Did he overreact? Placing myself in his stead, no way. Steve knew he was going to blow up and maybe do something that he would regret, so he left her at the party. His pride kept him from her bed for quite a while, but eventually time, libido and a relentless campaign by his wife got him to at least sleep with her. But as Slirpuff makes clear at the end, that wasn’t enough to fix their problems.

How can he forget what she said? Brian will forever be in bed with them from now on. She admitted that she used her memories to get off when he ‘wasn’t getting the job done’, and we all know that from time to time even the most virile of us have an off day. That is the life he has to look forward to. And now he absolutely knows that his wife finds him inadequate. Ego shattering under any circumstances.

She does not understand that. Yet. And that part is on Steve. He should have sat down at some time within that first month and told her about how this cuts him off from his friends, how it compromises his very sense of self as a man, and how his assumptions about his entire marriage are now suspect. That would have been a tough conversation, but it would have put her on notice that this problem would not be solved by a couple romps in the hay.

Steve’s responsibility for this debacle begins and ends there, folks. After the party emasculation, after Heather’s lame and half hearted attempts to apologize (in private despite his very public humiliation), she should have made a real attempt to view things from his perspective. Not once is counseling brought up. Not a genuine attempt in my eyes.

Heather is 95% responsible for this mess by story’s end, and 100% for how he feels after the party.

Either she lied about his sexual abilities and humbled him for a cheap laugh, or she meant every word and she should never have married him. At the very least, Heather should have discussed it with him before venting it to her girlfriends. Neither person listed is someone a decent person would prefer to be married to. Heather forever altered how his friends and their wives look at him as a person. Even if they thought it was a joke, they had to watch his reaction and hers. That alone would change their opinions. The women will take her side, as alluded to in the story, and expect him to ‘suck it up’ and cave; the men understand the depths of his despair and can’t see a solution that doesn’t remove testicles.

Slirpuff writes conflict well, with a natural conversational style. In this chapter, I could feel the tension and anger Steve experienced. But that same skill has essentially placed our author in a corner. No rational man could take her back after this. Heather doesn’t really respect him if she could do this to him. Her love is not true. And his will never be the same, knowing how she feels. But I love watching the train wreck. Isn’t that why we read LW stories?

Well done, Slirpuff. This is the hallmark of good writing, making people think well after the reading ends. I look forward to the next chapter.

An aside: There are a lot of people that think reconciliation should take place simply because a divorce tends to go in the wife’s favor. Well, the cost of a man’s pride is higher than half of his assets, spousal and child support. Money can’t buy his self respect back, or restore his reputation in his friends’ eyes. Better to end things than and find someone to be truly appreciated by than suffer a sham marriage. His kids won’t grow up to mirror their relationships on falsehoods. If his wife goes out and sleeps with lots of men afterward, so be it. Her kids will eventually figure out what happened and she’ll pay later. Money won’t fix that one, either.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
A Lot of Advice and Contradiction...from your readers!

Just some thoughts.

They are both educated, well informed, supposedly responsible people and in comfort with their persona, their character, feelings and emotions as well - their interfacing with friends, relatives and coworkers so......

....................she portrayed, presnted and showed no respect for herself or her husband with demeaning and derogatory comments about her husband - something you would expect from an ill educated, low class, no common sense kindergarden dropout; therefore, her smug remarks should be considered as fact and utterly stupid on her part to share with her friends - NOT a good wife.

Under the circumstances - I would deem her comments to be factual. She obviously, other than sex, likes being married to him and is perfectly content with their relationship..

Do I think she has cheated - NO, not yet anyway!

Good story so far Slirpuff, only concern - the children, otherwise they could part and attempt to be friends - just no BFF with benefits.

No recommendations, you've already decided on the ending, just hope you can make it redeemable, agreeable, acceptable and realistic with reference to real life realities - no cuck or wimps - he's obviously all male!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Beyond the pale

For what it is worth, this is my point of view: I am a 65 year-old man, married to the same woman since we were 20. I was a terrible husband - cheated repeatedly for 30+ years. I don't know whether she ever did, but I am certain she knew I did. An extraordinarily patient wife, to say the least. And still now, I am still solid/muscular (the gym 2-3 hours of very hard lifting/cardio, every other day) and still very good-looking (25-30-year old girls still give me "the eye" and "breast-bumps"), my equipment still works - and I have a solid sense of self-worth - bolstered by decades of success - including sexual success.

I have a big, intact, gray-haired-18" bicep-ego.

But I have got to say that I would have been mortified and severely injured, and unable/unwilling to maintain any relationship with my wife - from any point in our 45+2=47 years together - had she ever pulled the stunt in this story. I guess something like this has really happened before. Everything has happened. People kill each other. And even worse. I've heard and read about that, but thankfully, I've never been witness. I have heard women and men say horrible things about each other in the throes of a nasty divorce. But never a blind-side like this. However, I can place the thought. In this case, I would have permanently separated myself from her immediately. Come on heartache and pain, financial ruin, the scorn of friends and family, the enrichment of bloodsucking lawyers - come what may - but I would have become as cold as a stone, from that moment forward, from the heart outward. I would never have given her a single word again.

But kudos to you, Slirpuff, the story got to me. After reading this, I was quietly angry at my dear unsuspecting and blameless wife - and womankind in general - for at least 5 minutes. I am over it now. I will make my best effort to make her happy tonight.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 12 years ago
Good so far

I think Steve is a pretty decent character. He has been publicly humiliated by his spouse. It doesn't matter that women do this kind of stuff all the time. When you are confronted with it, it hurts.

Heather on the other hand is a very thin character. Why did she do this? How much truth is there to her statements? She had a bunch of big dildos so there is some truth to that. And for 9 years she hasn't said anything to Steve. If she really is happy with Steve, WHY put him down? You put down people that you don't like or at least that you're upset with. Steve seems like a stereotypical male but a nice guy. So what's the problem? We get nothing from Heather except "I'm sorry". Does she think if she fucks him a few times he will get over it? He does seem to have that tendency but it will be a major disappointment if that's what happens.

The real issue here is, what kind of guy is Steve. I'm not really sure yet. To me, honesty in a relationship is critical. I could never trust a woman who publicly humiliated me but hadn't said a word to me about it. Like Steve, if I know it's a problem, maybe I can fix it. Not knowing, I have no chance. You owe your spouse the right of first communication and certainly not a public outing. I couldn't live with dishonesty However, many people are not as bothered by dishonesty. They tell each other little lies all the time.

There is no sexual cheating but they have a dishonest relationship. I understand that a bit but the public humiliation, not at all.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartalmost 12 years ago
Another thought

Something occured to me between my finishing this story and now. The dildos. My ex's and curent love have had toys. I have never been jealous mainly because I knew about them and they were not extremely larger than my own sword. Heather not only hid the fact she had faux schlong, she had larger than hubby to a point that she was loosened after use schlong. While it might be a stretch, pardon the pun, to consider that cheating, it is not a huge stretch. If Heather is dishonest enough to hide this and talk about Steve's ability, or lack there of, behind his back, who's to say she hasn't been getting some strange. She is not trustworthy...not by a long shot.

cpetecpetealmost 12 years ago

The writing, character development, plot, and conversations in this story were just..on a different level them most all of the LW stories.

The author did a fine job in painting the wife Heather as simply "settling" for the husband character Steven. The story showed Heather as letting know everyone know the husband was -basicly as one poster noted he "a dick with a paycheck.."

As far as the fantasy of a former lover when with your current spouse-I can only quote the great Rodney Dangerfield speaking about laying in bed with with the wife and nothing happening...

"What's the matter? You can't think of anyone either?"

Look forward to the rest-you have set a very High bar with this chapter.

FD45FD45almost 12 years ago
Cpete is correct

This is well written, and when one checks Slirpuff's earlier entries, before he discovered the joys of editing, I am doubly impressed.

He has improved as a writer quite a bit.

chytownchytownalmost 12 years ago
Great Read****

Damn good story that is very entertaining. Thanks for sharing looking forward to CH 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Dude Why

Your story man.


Biggest boner killer ever.

Why the negativity?

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 12 years ago
How does a marriage go on so long without him catching the "cheating"...

Harry summed up so succinctly? How do so many people justify marriage when having such pathetic communication? More tragic satire.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
DWartface, that IS you, isn't it?

...commenting under anon? You'd be one to call Slirpuff a "Revenge-addled Misogynist", admitted that you skipped through the story then gave it a '1 star'

What's wrong, you get tired of attracting so many supporters and admirers?

Well, even if it isn't you, I just KNOW you are borrowing DW's bib-and-brace, you also have a razor-sharp crew-cut, and your about 4'6" and weigh 200+.

You know what? Nobody cares that you give this 1 star, because the average score for this story so far is 4.51. So the FAR GREATER number of people think this story is just fine. Guess what? The larger body of opinion could be defined also as the average opinion... or even redefined as the NORMAL opinion, because they are all normal, unlike you.

The stories you tend to approve of (you know, the Matt M and UKResearcher ones), well, they rate somewhere around 1 to 2.

So go sit with your masses of friends and keep bitching. I'll sit over here and share a beer with my buds.

I'd be in the camp that says "fuck knows how to fix this one, nobody deserves to be disrespected like Heather did to the man who keeps her in too much comfort".

Just imagine what a controlling woman like her would do if she heard her partner trash her so utterly to their friends. Whatever Slirpuff has in store for her is too good for her.

One of you fine authors, why don't you start a trend, of naming you LW characters something like Daisy Williams, or Dione Walker, or something else that pays homage to our favorite socialist lesbian commentator, DWMoron?

victoriangentvictoriangentalmost 12 years ago
Why would I make myself look stupid.

After reading the story and after some thought (knowing what I would do) it lead me to think I would ask a woman's opinion as to conversations that ladies had together privately and the general conversation subjects. So, I would ask my lady friend. True enough she told me that many times the conversation would include the sex and adventerous antics in the bedroom with their husbands. So, I gave her the general senario of Slurppy's story (she had not read the story). She responded with a sharp reply and said "I would never intentionally make a fool of myself" because the first thing my "friends" would ask me is "why do you stay with him?". So despite the analysis of many commenters and as to what they would do, you have to ask yourself what you think your wife said. I know he heard the conversation, so then he has to think that maybe he is inadequate. And knowing he stole her from one that had given her so much pleasure before and the fact she named one of her "friends" Brian, leads him to believe he is less than adequate, at least less adequate than Brian. Even at my advanced age I realize that if your wife has fantacies, which are usually private, and they become known to you of your inadequacies and then to have it publicly displayed among mutual friends demands dire consequences. Does she have a place in my life, not likely. Blatent infidelity is not the only killer of love. In my opinion she practiced infidelity every time we made love and she used me as Brian.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please, not again

Too many of your stories take a situation where the woman really stuck the shiv in her man and then you accuse him of merely "suffering a fragile male ego." Pure BS. This woman is a prime example. She publicly humiliated and denegrated him, and to his closest friends no less. She obviously has no love or respect for him, regardless of what she says. If you love someone, you don't grind them in the mud behind their back to their closest acquaintances. It is not a matter of ego, it is a matter of right and wrong, and she has wronged him BIG TIME!

He had it right the first time - he has no idea why she married him and she is dead to him. That is how this needs to end. He should have a DNA test done on the kids (becaue if he is that lame in bed that she has to dis him to their friends, she is fucking around!) and file the papers and move on.

Her lame protestation that she didn't have sex with anyone while she was out was a virtual confession that she has been fucking around on him, and probably just used a condom that night.

You are an excellent writer. you really know how to engage the reader and draw forth our emotions. That said, you need to loose that "male ego" crap and just recognise that right and wrong exist, and the best way to destroy a marriage is to wrong your spouse. when either the husband or the wife have no respect for their spouse their marriage is in trouble, when they publicly humiliate, defame, and disrespect their spouse there is seldom any outcome but divorce.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 12 years ago
Mixed Emotions About the Characters but Not the Skill of the Author !

If there a such a thing as a sloppy masterpiece , this is it. I reread the story & got just as mad as the first time around. I echo all the compliments bequeathed to Slirpuff. I will quibble, however, & say that Steve must be carnally obtuse to a degree to not know of his wife's dissatisfaction.

Yet in no way does this alleged ineptness merit being broacast to the world at large. Heather has betrayed a good man & must find a way to atone for her thoughtlessness. This offense came out of the blue but in real life there would be warning signs of this woman's self absorption.

In end analysis though, all petty criticisms aside; this is a fan-f---g-tastic read . I thank the author & wait impatiently for the conclusion. Breakup or makeup ? Slirpuff has done a wonderful job of giving the lead character , a reason to make either choice.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Well Written

Excellent story of betrayal without cheating. Heather certainly has a big mouth and said all the wrong things. Who knows. Maybe she is cheating. Where is chapter 2?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

its a drama. but it does happen. at least, no violence in this tale.bad

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Is This a Rewrite?

Is this a rewrite of "Too Much Information" by the same author? To me it appears to be and is a much better retelling. Actually I'm looking forward to chapter 2. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Excellent story!

5 stars. I assume from the "Ch. 01" that there will be subsequent chapters. If you are looking for plot suggestions, I would like to see Steve and Heather get back together for a while, have the next group party be at their house, and have Steve place a hidden microphone in the kitchen to find out what the women are saying (hopefully, more trash). Or maybe spy on the wife during her next night out. Torch the bitch!

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
finally read it

very good - i bet she is really fucking the guy and so are the other wives. gvaeu a 5

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307almost 12 years ago
Wow, this is first time, that I know of, for any plagerism from you... least, you've plagerized Harddaysknight's theme from "Misery". The major difference that I've seen ,so far, is that Claire from "Misery", unlike Heather ,seemed to have an agenda. Heather took conversation that should have been reserved for a "girl's night out" and used it in mixed company. Talk about the height of stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Comparisons.Liked the story so far and have always loved you writing. Always interesting story lines and characters. Lookin forward to part 2 and possibly 3 and 4. Everyone makes comparisons. If it was't for that nobody would have anything to complain about, She's not happy and has been the whole narriage. He's frustated and humiliated. Are they his children. She see's nothing wrong, except for her husband and his love making. Husband gets DNA tests in children. Tow other sets of donors for each child. She had to compare everyone to Brian. Brian will suddenly appear in town for a job and she will try him again and compare him to their old lovemaking. She'll have to choose or give her husband the option of becoming a cuckhold which is a no go. They will separate and then divorce where she will find out she loves the ex more but he has moved on to non other than BETH. He then can compare his ex with her. What the final out come will be is anyone's guess. Just remember that everyone compares everything that they do. Hopefully part 2 comes out soon. A faithfull reader.

NeuroBillNeuroBillalmost 12 years ago
Nice Set-Up

The problem is clear. Steve has his back up and his mind skeptical. Heather, after months, does not even know what the real problem is. Slirpuff, what will your fertile mind do now? I look forward to seeing how you create a resolution because I can imagine too many ways this story could go. This beginning is just as good as you ever are! (5 is too limiting)

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 12 years ago
Love it!

One of the best I've read on here. Cant wait to read the rest. You did a great job of making me feel his pain. Wow! this story hurts.

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
Wow -- what a bitch!

I really have no sympathy for heather, true when a group of married women get together they compare their spouses-- but this wasn't anything I'm used to or ever did myself. When my friends & I talk about our spouses sexually we NEVER EVER put our men's down like heather did to her husband, what I read was a total lack of respect & contempt . She told her friends he doesn't satisfy her & he was just at the right place & time when they conceived their children; yet she can't fathom why he's so angry & why he just don't get over it, I bet if it was Steve bashing & belittling her the way that she did him she'd be very angry & make him sleep on the couch for the next 6 months. She says she had too much to drink; you know what they say, when your drunk that's when you tell others how you really feel about them. If she felt that he was bad in bed she could've come up with ways to spice things up, but she chosed to buy & hide 3 vibrators & she fantasizes about her ex loser boyfriend while her & he are being intimate. That's wrong! Everyone has fantasies -- it's heathy, but Some fantasies should stay just that --fantasies. fantasies are meant to be played out with each other, it seems to me she was the only one getting off on her Brian fantasy. How would heather feel if she found out that Steve has been fantasizing about "barb throughout their 10 year relationship? She'd be furious! But I feel he should sit down & talk to her she obviously doesn't comprehend how her words cut him. I'm not a man but I understand how he's feeling, she obliterated his male ego / pride. I would never do that to my husband. She just has to try & put herself in his shoes & maybe than she can have an understanding as to why he's so angry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Good story.

I like it. But I don't see any plagiarism here.

Your story Way too Much Information was much closer to Misery than this one was.

And Misery was not the first to use the idea of the wife making fun of the husbands size or prowess in the bedroom. So you could call that plagiarism as well.

But if we are going to call those plagiarism then most of the stories in the Loving Wives genre would also qualify.

So to mention plagiarism here is pretty ridiculous.

In a world of seven billion people how many original thoughts do you think there really are?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
You are very angry man...

Fuck the wife, but it's hard to follow a one dimensional character that only has one emotion and burns hot from start to finish. It's like I want to sympathize with him, but he keeps throwing temper tantrums. I wish the protagonist had a calm coldness about him that was vindictive without having to express himself in comical, pathetic ways.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
To the last commentor

"I wish the protagonist had a calm coldness about him that was vindictive without having to express himself in comical, pathetic ways."

Sounds like a woman in a mans body to me. Trying to confuse things by not letting her know how you feel? Pull some balls out and let her know, that's how guys

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

and little egos are easily bruised, TK U MLJ LV NV

carvohicarvohiover 11 years ago

What an asshole! Women say stupid things all the time. The man in this little story was abig dumb stupid as hole.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Still love it!

This is my second time through reading this tale. Still heart wrenching. Beautifully written. However, with a bit of perspective, I am puzzled as to why Steve doesn't immediate talk to his wife and work this out somehow. Is he overreacting? Not in his initial anger. I would react the same way. He is overreacting in how far he is taking it. The best stories make the reader feel like they are a part of the story. I feel Steve's pain deeply. I would feel the same way. But I would need to know, need to talk it out. I understand not trusting what she says, but you can get at a lot of truth by talking to someone, even when they are not being completely honest. You can at least get a glimpse of their heart. I have no doubt she was not completely lying to her friends. I do think she no doubt exaggerated a bit. But truth was there and that needs to be dealt with.

I agree with Harry in that men equate love with sex, especially when married. Thus, if he is convinced he doesn't do it for her, then he will conclude she doesn't love him. But the reality is that if we were all honest, we have probably all fantasized about old lover - even during sex with our significant others. To me that is not a cardinal sin. The true problem here is that she verbalized this to others, thinks about the same guy all the time while having sex with her hubby (that's quite different than simply flashing through random images from time to time), and just doesn't seem to get why this is such a big deal. These are major issues. However, you have to talk it out bro, civilly. If after that you are still not satisfied, kick her to the curb.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

the fucking slut said she named a 10 fucking inch dildo after her "best" lover. she named it brian. hell if the cunt was always stuffing a 10 inch dong up her cunt no wonder it never goes back into shape. if it cam get smaller after a fucking baby she has to be stretching it daily. this bitch would go nuts if she had to deal with a husband who said her fucking cunt was stretched to the damn limit and was so sloppy a dump truck would not hit a side driving in and turning around.

i have read both stories and never thought he should go back with her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I am sure

it has been already observed, but she cheated on Brian. She went for the money ticket and had to - oh boo hoo - give up the big penis. She got herself a meal ticket and someone to take care of the kids and then bitches about him. I now Slirpuff will get them back together. But this is one self-centered selfish woman and my direction on this story would have been to Burn the Bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Good Story

This is a story that I keep coming back too for some reason, I really don't why but I do.

The only problem I have with it is that it seems a little drawn out, but I suppose the reason for that is the author is trying to add the psychological aspect to the story.

That being said I think the ending to pt.2 could have done with a little more polish but I think the right conclusion was reached. Kudos good story.

FD45FD45almost 11 years ago
Re Read

On a second reading...the guy is overreacting...SOME!

Let me clarify before the haters go off on me.

I believe what she said at the party was the truth. She was not always (or even particularly) satisfied with Steve as a sexual partner. She had her dildos, she had her ex boyfriend etc. (the fantasies about others...sorry dudes. Let the man who has not had a fantasy while screwing throw the first stone. I bet there are damned few stones thrown)

HOWEVER...she stayed with him for NINE YEARS. She has made him happy, being sexually accessible, providing him services a wife provides (non sexually), raising his kids, cleaning his house, etc. She has, as far as he can tell, been happy with him...EXCEPT sexually as he discovered.

So why can't he mentally separate the two: sex and marriage. Perhaps he sucks at one, but obviously his other aptitudes more than compensate. And no, I am not talking JUST a paycheck. He wasn't rich when he married her. She seems genuinely concerned about her marriage.

No, she doesn't get the pain he is suffering, certainly not to the degree he if feeling it. BUT...he doesn't get that sex isn't exactly as important to a woman as a man. A semi-adequate lover is enough for most women.

This conflict is overblown to drive the plot. I get that. Why couldn't he have talked to her girlfriends about how she saw him at a husband in toto.

Granted, the bitches would lie for her at this point...

Still...I see this story going in a different direction than Slirpuff took it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
anyone who drives a mustang LX carries a purse

call it a "satchel" if you want peterpuff, but it holds you tampons and nail polish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
cansellyou = closet cuckold

can't call it paranoia since like his buttbuddy huecuck he has been viciously cucked in RL, but a no-talent wanker like cansellyou trying to write in facts to superior author's stories?

most pathetic fucking thing ever, aside from cansellyou's eunuched cuckhood.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 10 years ago
Well now, just how in the hell would you feel?

Your best friend, your confidant, the mother of your children, the person you trust most in your life. Tells all your friends that you are a dead fuck? Thats a question for someone a whole lot smarter than me. Wife ass me, cow shit I know, bare go asshole Joe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Hmmm, all this ...

for nothing. Thanks. *

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
How would she react if

he told all his buddies she was "as loose as a goose" and was not as good as the class bicycle he dated before her?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
re: cansellyou = closet cuckold

look dude, me, huecuck and few other guys gangbanged your wife at least 40 times in the last two months. You need to stop calling anybody a cuckold and get a DNA test for your little cucky rats at home.

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