All Comments on 'Brisket'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

All I can say is wow! That is one unusual Ohio story! I can't even begin to think strait let alone type a comment, but I'm gonna try.

For once Ohio doesn't make him out to be the villain. For once she doesn't get to justify her cheating as a mistake or a mental break down. She was a cheater and she paid. His violent reaction was a BIT extreme, a bit unrealistic, but a very welcome change to the usual fare.

I know you wont be able to write like this all the time. It's too different from your usual reconcile if at all possible theme, but damn it is nice to see one like this once in a blue moon.

Grant in Newfoundland

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good, but...

Good story, but it demands a sequel. The point the author may have been trying to make is that the why doesn't matter. While one can see how it doesn't matter for the husband in this case, it does for many readers. People are naturally curious about the whys and the follow up - what happens to them in later life? I dislike it when authors have characters act in unusual ways, like a very loving wife cheating so much, and not even offering the slightest explanation for why. It makes the story quickly forgettable because there's not much understanding or depth to it. Wife inexplicably cheats on husband over and over again, he finds out and throws her out for good, the end. There's not much point to a story like that without exploring the whys and the emotions on her side as well.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
Goofy story

You get off on cuck stories and humiliation dont you? You just dress it up a bit but the theme is always the same. Nice guy husband gets fucked over by slut wife. What in the hell is the point of writing a fictional story about a guy who has his whole life stolen from him unless you get off on humiliation and misery? Guy wanted sex for his whole marriage but held it in because he loved his wife and now finds out she hasnt been doing without at all.

So he chucked her out - big deal. He's too old to fuck without chemical help now anyway. You must have been laughing your ass off all those times people were telling you that you just missed the mark a little. When they were explaining why a certain aspect of a story seemed a bit weird or why a husband wouldnt act that way. You were hitting the mark all the time and giggling to yourself about how you got us chumps to read you cuck stories that really feature nothing but endless amounts of shit and abuse being heaped on the nice guy husband.

PS - if you are planning on a second part, dont bother. I dont give a shit if she was uptight for years and got drugged/forced into her first affair and found she liked it. I could care less if she continued finding lovers but wouldnt fuck the husband because she didnt want him to find out or think less of her if she became more wanton. As the husband said, it hardly matters why now. His best years are gone with nothing but blue balls and frustration to show for it. He cant suddenly become younger and more virile and have a satisfying sex life so everything else is just gloss. You got what you wanted - a total dupe of a guy who lost everything and cant ever get it back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Finally... got it right and realistic! I especially liked the fact that the husband didn't want to hear any more "reasons" for her infidelity. Why would he? There is NO excuse, as we all know, for cheating. If there are problems, they can be worked out before cheating becomes an issue. And, if cheating becomes an option to either party, then break up the marriage and go on with your lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Some of your critics are sick. He is married to a

woman who he adores and loves to the point of taking her sexual adversion in stride out of his love for her. Finds her in the middle of a sexual bout with a neighbor and someone thinks he is enjoying being a cuck, get real. He reacted as a real man. He found out what was needed and got rid of the trash. Why a woman, or a man, cheats doesnt really matter, never did, never will. It is the fact they took the love so lightly, the marriage as meaning nothing, and not caring about disease or ruining the lives of all involved, that is the WHY. She may be mentally ill, genetically unstable, dysfunctional, who cares, she is still a lying, disrespectful, cheating, humiliating, slut, nothing more, nothing less. Time to put out the trash and he did. No need for another story, no need for a sequel unless it is about his finding a warm sexual being who really wants to share life with him. Who cares about a used up piece of trash thrown to the gutter. Opps forgot the littering laws but with vagrancy against the law she wont stay there long.

toesmantoesmanover 17 years ago
Great story

Ohio, you already know that I am a big fan of your work, but this one is one of your best, if not indeed your best, to date. Although I would have liked to hear what possible motivation Helen could have dreamed up, ultimately, he was right, the "why" did not matter. Her cheating was in all respects even more egregious than the female character in "House of Cards". Keep writing, as what you are doing just keeps getting better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
how did it happen?

i still need an answer.a very fine story,but!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 17 years ago
This was emotional

This sort of story makes a man angry. Average Joe hit on the reason. The husband gave up an active, passionate sex life with his wife because of his love for her. She didn't apear to like sex. Then we learn she gives it all to everybody but him. It doesn't get much worse than sacrificing for someone you love, but that is getting everything behind your back that you are giving up, and more. He cannot get those twenty years back and that really pisses me, and most guys, right off! He had no options and to tell him why she chose to ruin his last 20 years will not solve anything and nothing she can say will make him feel better. Nothing can replace the time she stole!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

GREAT writing. A sequel, from Helens pov would be appreciated.

Rock on.


Blue88Blue88over 17 years ago
Well Done

The husband really had no choice = the betrayal was too damaging, too devastating. He didn't want to listen to her reasons or explanation and he was right - nothing she could have said would have changed anything. Well written, emotional tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good work

Love your writing style. I don't see how the wife can provide a reason for her adultery other than claiming some pshychological bull shit. I think the readers need not know all that.

The fact was she knew she was playing with fire and fucking around, so the end would be as is written. Probably she got away easily as the husband only threw her out and did not tarnish her image, as she seems to have kept her good image secure till the last among people who know her.

ErotonautErotonautover 17 years ago
No excuse

I can't say I'd be interested in a sequel in which Helen tries to justify her appaling behaviour. This story is strong enough to stand on its own, and was all the better for avoiding many of the usual cliches. Instead, maybe a story, set a year or so later, in which he gets together with Joe's ex, Stephanie? After all, he should be due for retirement from the force real soon. Maybe Helen could turn up at their wedding (if you really wanted to give her a chance to explain her actions, that would be it).

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good Story

This was a strong and belivable story. Hope husband has a good life without her.

K.K.K.K.over 17 years ago
A great but sad story.

Ohio, you did a nice job with this story dragging the reader through the pain and anger Rob felt as the scope of his wife's infidelity was revealed to him. Not sure there is another chapter in this but it would be interesting to delve into the wife's behavior. What would make a woman give other men what she would not give her husband whom she professed to love? While not being a likable person she certainly is an interesting character. Ohio, Thanks for a good read.

TLeeTLeeover 17 years ago
You finally got one right

I have been your harshest critic, until now. This story is not about cheating. It is not about revenge. It is not about forgive and forget. It is not about happy trails. It is about consequences. It is about a guy that refuses to be a weak roll over cry baby cuck wimp. Forget about "What would a real MAN do?" His actions are those of a real person. Not just some hack in an erotic story.

Thanks for finally writing a believable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
give us a full story

ARE the kids his does it go that far back????????????

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Not much here that's erotic, unless revenge fucking your wife counts.

It's well written, I hope the author can try again with something that will get a rise out of me.

CarlM69CarlM69over 17 years ago
Powerful, believable

I'm a big fan of yours anyhow, but this story knocked me off my seat. Almost all your male readers will be able to identify with this guy, especially those who have had a wife like Helen when it comes to her gift sex. But put me in the poll of those who would love to hear from Helen in a follow up story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Awesome and so realistic!

One of your best yet! Life will be tough for awhile but life goes on. We kind of hope the stupid slut hangs herself or drives into a cement wall at a high rate of speed. Thus the betrayal will be over faster. Some readers might want to know why she did it-but in reality what differences does it make? She did it multiple times and deserves the new life style.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What? you mean your feet weren't frozen in place.

You didn't get excited? You didn't take a drive, crying? You didn't just walk away with tears in your eyes. You mean the husband actually got the cheating bitch and the fuckwads that cheated on him with her...WOW.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 17 years ago
Intense and well written story.

This story is well-written and really rocks. However, I would like a few loose ends tied up so the "revenge" would be more complete. The marriage counselor may or may not remember this couple but he/she probably has records. It would be nice for the marriage counselor to find out how duped he/she was regarding the wife's behavior, basically getting hubbie to accept the fact that wifey "just did not have much sex drive" but obviously still loved hubbie so sex every 10-14 days, sex less than vanilla and about the same as doing it with one of those inflatable dolls, should be the way it should be. I would love to see the look on marriage counselor's face after this revelation. Educational to say the least. A cop sees a lot of dirt in his profession; I'm surprised this one did not become suspicious about his wife's lack of sex drive after the first few years. Probably she was cheating on him way back when; I echo the thought of "Anonymous in freeport, IL" vis-a-vis, are the daughters really his? Of course, this story is fantasy in that most men get screwed royally in a divorce. Judges usually impose alimony on the man, and the woman gets the house, even if she was the one who had the affair(s). Hubbie also gets to pay her lawyer's fees. Despite our hero's yelling and cold-bloodedness, I think he is the one who got hurt the most and while her comfortable world was shaken up, his ex will have his money, half his pension, and who knows what else as he clearly provided most of the support for the family and for her.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 17 years ago
Very well done!

He handled it as well as possible. The only question I have is: was she EVER faithful? He might want to DNA check the girls. There is no other option but throw her ass out, nothing she says will make up for 25+ wasted years. To find out that most of your life is an illusion is devastating. Another good one from You, thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Ho Hum

I remember Ohio's "House Of Cards" and how entranced I was with each new chapter he posted. That story was new and fresh in its approach to the subject matter. "Brisket" is a new name but that’s it. I've read a dozen stories here on LE with the same scenario expressed in this story. That’s very disappointing. Oh, sure, the spelling was checked, the syntax was correct. The dialogue was realistic, and the character development acceptable – but I expect more from Ohio and I didn't get it with this post.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Excellent story but

it would be interesting to have a reason for Helen's behavior. She couldn't be a loving wife if she gave him little or no sex but was a raging hormone (whore moaning) with everybody else. There has to be a reason if there is any verisimiltude.

I thought the story as a whole was entertaining. There was some doubt briefly whether the wife was at fault or if Mark was really a rapist using date-rape drugs and blackmail.

Ohio, you writing is better than most here, and the plots are approaching Just Plain Bob in variety---Just Plain Bob is the male AgathaChristie of Loving Wives Stories---so on plot development that is a compliment.

And you have streamlined your writing. No more psychological gushing or boring legalisms. This story was well-written. Maybe put a little more eroticism in the stories in the future. Have the little woman wear a thong or something red and lacy---have her tits just peeking out of a low cut blouse. Have the orgasms loud and long---give the reader a little eroticism. Then you can contrast it with the depressed husband's slap in the face, or the anger that tightens his temples, takes his feet off the floor as he rushes the dirty bastard that's fucking with his wife. The reader should hear the smack and crack of the punk's nose. The reader should reel over a boudoir chair, should see the white lightning caused by the assaulted nerve endings. The reader should hear the wife gasp, feel the blood drain from her face, tremble as she cowers and loses herself in hysterical crying and shock.

That is the next step in writing. Main thing is for the story to be interesting and entertaining---more suspense and mystery will help, but this is an excellent effort here. I enjoyed the narrative flow until the end. Yeah, some loose ends but the loose ends should be tied up succinctly. I'd be interested in hearing Helen's reasons for her actions---none of which are justified---it is amazing in these Loving Wives cheating stories that the wives stay with the husband & don't walk out with the lover. They can't really love the husband if he is being made a fool of. Is she staying just for the money, the house, appearances sake. Perhaps 30 years ago that would be valid reasoning but today's society is so musical chairish. Morality, social mores---observed by the faithful spouses. Is Helen just seeking cheap thrills? Why deny the husband everything but masturbation sex?


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
something missing

it not finish or something isn't right.

Irish_DomIrish_Domover 17 years ago

I liked this one, but as someone else said there is something missing. This seems to me to be what would happen more often than not in RL, but there still seems to be something else. Like what about his or her life after this.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
someone else

Dont you think the wife might have another sister maybe a twin sister that may be the culprit give the wife a chance to explain why she did this ?



BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
Try a different ending

I'm certainly not into the revenge genre but you write so well. The problem with these revenge stories continues where the woman suffers dire consequences for her cheating but the man suffers nothing for his revenge actions. He would never be able to just grab his wife and take her rings off her hands without a trip to jail and the gun play was probably just not necessary. Just tell the asshole cheating with your wife that he's an asshole and make him do the 10 mile jaunt after that. This cuts down on the trips to criminal court. Also, and I have written this many times, the woman gets the house. Changing the locks only gives you practice for when you have to change them back after she takes the house in divorce court. I know you can be more creative within the realm of a revenge story by coming up wit an ending different than the woman out on the street. Meanwhile it is a fantasy and you should be able to write what you want. That's the point of this website in the first place but coming up with a different ending is a challenge worth taking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Maybe he doesn't need to know why

but without it, the story suffers.

So much of your set-up deals exactly with that. So much of his thoughts are why did she do it, why didn't she to the same things for him? In such stories, in many ways, it isn't about the characters as much as it is about the readers, their reactions.

This is all the more glaring considering his statements that he knows she loves him. The dichotomy between the two aspects of her personality and no resolution is a big plot hole.

There's also one other thing. As someone else pointed out, we don't know how long this has been going on. Are the girls really his?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I thought the name of this site was literotica...

This story was not erotic in the slightest. Why not put this up on another site?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Excellent story, it needs nothing else. This story is about a complete betrayal, and I'm not talking only about the infidelity. She was cheap with him. She refused him and would just lay in bed like a martyr while she shared herself completely with other men. If that isn't a complete betrayal, I don't know what is. Plus the woman that he fell in love with was a mirage. She never existed. And if you add that he gave her several chances to tell the truth, to have her say, and instead she lied to him, there's just nothing more to add but a goodbye. Which he did. Next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Rob doesn't need to know?

Maybe not, but I want to know! Oh well, we will find out in Part 2 maybe.

Alexand MorganAlexand Morganover 17 years ago
Very well written

Something everyone seems to have overlooked is that he gave her ample oppurtunity to come clean and she lied. After that it is likely that everything else will be lies so an explanation does not matter. She had an one chance to come clean and she pissed it away. Story does not need a sequel but follow your instincts with it as you should. Thanks for sharing the tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Spare, yet nice

Ohio, I remain a big fan of your stories. This one was interesting because of two aspects: the decisive character of the husband and the veiled character of the wife. I'm not a big fan of the background sections usually included in these stories (perhaps they all focus on the heroine's 42DD breasts and the hero's penis size), but I grant in this case the absolute necessity of grounding the reason for the husband's actions. It was a bold decision to have the wife be cast as a woman who has had no real interest in sex. I think that there may have been a subtle clue planted here in the background - is it possible that we are to conclude that the wife was in fact uninterested sexually in her husband specifically from the start? Was the counselor who helped the husband "learn not to get so angry" in fact one of the early conquests of the wife? I ask this because we see a completely one-sided interest in sex, requiring KY jelly for any form of penetration, the complete refusal of foreplay in most cases. IANAP, but it's hard to believe that any counselor worth his salt would regard her grusging submission to his advances as anything remotely resembling healthy sexual behavior. This isn't a low libido, it's disinterest. And it's a sad thing that the husband puts up with his wife's unwiloingness to give herself to him, telling himself that his wife loves him because of their companionship, and resigning himself to grudging physical intimacy. It's possible that many couples are in this boat, especially with women who come from unstable or abusive situations; most women take years to get fully comfortable with their sexual feelings and expressions, and even longer to understand the value that their husbands put on joyful sexual receptivity. It's possible that the wife is just an extreme case of a woman who needs maturity to enjoy sex. But we're then left with the question: why not the husband? Why is she seeking sexual joy only outside the marriage? My best guess remains that she loves the security of her marriage, but finds her husband unattractive, and therefore seeks her sexual pleasure elsewhere - an act of crass selfishness and stupidity.

It was interesting and illuminating to have the husband, even while reeling in shock, act decisively and craftily to gain information about what has been happening. He uses his understanding of the guilty and his anger to effectively interrogate the known lover, and uses that information to gain a confession from the next lover. In both confrontations, he is depicted as able to use violence and the threat of death to cow the men into confessing the details of her affairs. Unsurprising that a polic officer knows exactly how to use force to gain his ends. He also shows his decisiveness by immediately confronting his wife and forcing her with his knowledge of her infidelity to give him some denied favors and also by immediately informing the wife of his old friend about her husband's affiar - with tape! This is a man who keeps his faculties despite his emotional distress, to the extent that he does his investigation, ruins his friend's marriage, informs his children, and arranges his divorce in just four days. That's impressive.

the wife's attempt to lie her way out of trouble and hope that she would be forgiven was interesting. Either she's an accomplished off-the-cuff liar or she had a good story for whnever she got caught. Because the husband was both prepared and experienced, her lies were useless, and the husband unsurprisingly confronts her with the death of the marriage and ejects her from the house. A sad story.

Others have commented on the most painful part of the betrayal shown here, that the husband was denied his wife's sexual involvement for 25 years only to find out that she had been giving it to strangers for at least a few years (I counted 11 months for the two affairs with other men indicated). Any man confronted with this sort of behavior would be unlikely to reconcile - she is a cheat in the truest sense, paying the husband for years of devotion with the counterfeit coin of uninterested, passive sex, while spending the sexual passion on herself. I'd have to say that she's lucky that he's a disciplined man.

I think most readers are left unsatisfied by not knowing why she's done what she did, and I admit I'm interested in her point of view as well. On the other hand, he's NOT interested in hearing her, because she's completely untrustworthy. There's no likelihood that he will believe her anymore - her ability to hide her true nature was so complete that he has to doubt his own ability to sort out her story now. For what it's worth, I'm using the tubal ligation as the last piece of evidence to convict her of being a lifelong (or at least post-child-bearing) adulteress. That's heavily invasive surgery, and unlikely to be undertaken by a couple instead of vasectomy. So I assume that this means that she wanted freedom from embarrassing pregnancies while having a good time, making the cause not a premenopausal hormone change or midlife crisis, but rather the sad story of a woman who was indifferent to or repulsed by a loving husband. Very sad, well drawn. I salute you.

sherlock40sherlock40over 17 years ago
I'm like the husband, there is no need to know

why she did it, just that she did it. There is no excuse that could possibly make up for what she did to him. I have to applaud the fact that he was a strong confident man that was not going to be wishy-washy about what he was going to do and how to go about it.

I mean, it might be funny to read whatever unbelievable reason she had for betraying her husband so completely, but it would probably sound like one of JPB's wives dumbass excuses.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Thought-provoking Story

First, is a treat to look through the day's submissions and see a new Ohio story. This one did not disappoint!

<p>To me, this story was very realistic. Rob's actions paralleled very closely what I would have done. However, Rob is not out of the woods yet. She could very easily obtain a better lawyer than he has and cause much trouble. Or, I could see her killing herself (losing her husband, likely losing her relationship with her daughters, and her history of narcissistic behavior) in one last push to hurt her husband for not listening to her lies and excuses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
okay, so what happened to the woman?

this couple --- after having been married for 25 years --- is likely in the forties to fifties, right?

where is this "sexy" mother/wife/slut gonna go now, as she asked herself?

you can't force a spouse out the door like this guy said, no matter what! after 25 years, the house is as much hers and it is his... so this nonsense of "I packed her bags, took them to her car, and opened the door and demanded that she take off...." IT DON'T WORK LIKE THAT, author!

her fucking around on you is ONE THING; you kicking her out of her own fuckin' home is SOMETHING ELSE! don't let the dick do the thinkin' for you, deary! look what happened to her when she let her vagina do her "thinkin'"!! ;o)

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
I was in a bad mood this morning

I shouldnt have taken it out on the author. The story made me mad though and I guess that means it was good and did what it was intended to do.

I still think it was overly depressing for fiction though. It did provoke emotion (anger) well but I really dont think stories need to be this bad to get a rise out of the readers. Losing his whole productive sex life is too much imo. At least its not as bad as h2o's stories that usually feature disfiguration in the form of cock nubs.

Even though I prefer a light at the end of the tunnel, the story obviously struck a chord with me or I wouldnt have gotten angry. Thanks for writing and sorry for my overreaction.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
Its fiction and the guy is an authoritiy figure

You cant say that kicking a spouse out of the house isnt plausible. He is the police so anyone she called to complain would likely know him and side with him. He is angry and bordering on losing his cool and she is on the defensive. Lots of more stuff including that this is fiction (the most important part). Maybe the wife will get a lawyer to file a motion to let her back into the house but the story doesnt cover that. What it does cover is an angry husband kicking a mixed up/defensive wife out. That is perfectly believable. Since the author doesnt even imply that the eviction stuck or that the husband got to keep the house in the settlement, there is nothing wrong with having him kick her out. He just used threats of physical violence and death to get info from 2 men. What is the wife gonna do, wrestle him for it?

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Good Story

It's interesting that the author made Rob a cop rather than an attorney, an accountant, or any other profession. Cops are constantly being thrust into situations which call for instant analysis and immediate corrective action to minimize further destruction or damage. Rob certainly fulfilled that role by assessing his wife's infideity, extracting information from Helen's partners, visiting his daughters in person and leveling with them as to their mothers activities and then ending up by confronting his soon to be ex-wife just before kicking her out of the house.****This story wasn't about why she did it or with whom or how many times she had sex with others. Nor was it about reconciliation or revenge. This was a simple and direct tale of one man's response to the ultimate betrayal by his wife.*** A very good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Confusing story!

Most of us will concede that you are one of the best writers on this site, but this story is, so far, missing something. You portray a loving couple married for 25 years who are convinced of each others love, except for the wife's total lack of interest in sex, For years she has been almot asexual, putting up with sex as a wifely duty. Then he suddenly discovered that his wife is a sexual volcano with his friends and neighbors and has been for years. When he finds this out he throws her out , but has no interest in finding out why. Impossible. any husband's first questions would be, how did I miss this and why is she a different woman with friends and neighbors. It's against nature not to want to know what caused this betrayal. I assume there will be additional chapters to explain this contradiction.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Part II please

You have to let us know the rest of the story. Were just left hanging in the air.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I eagerly await the sequel

Maybe you'll call it 'Helen Gone" or 'Helen a Hand Brisket.'

I have a lot of ideas about how it could go, but I look forward to yours.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIover 17 years ago

untile the guy comes back and admits,

"Shit, one one thing,,, even as a police man, I can't go around snatching my slut wife's lovers, driving them miles away, putting a gun in their head, demanding them confess to what I wanted to know.... Well, you guested it: I did it and I lost my job...."


"Two, the bitch hired some kind of an SOB and she was able to come back to the house which, naturally, caused me to bail out,,, as I no longer wanted to be close proximity to such a soiled woman...."

Until the author/main character comes back and admits that, the story is NOT a believable one.

The main objective in story-telling is to EXPLICTELY and readily make a story (sci-fi, romance, mystery, cheating, what-not) believable, NOT to assume that the readers would make the assumption that it be made believable in their minds!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Funny name. As usual, a more than above standard demonstration of imagination and skill. Plus a paddle couldn't have stirred more emotions than your words.

Credibility marched up and said - a policeman could get away with this in a manly and systematic way in 1 chapter and so he did.

It was brown bagged in clarity and directness which was refreshing from ohio. It mirrored a strong possibility of life and the reality of measured consequence as it should have given the circumstances.

A second chapter to satisfy some and the plaintive why would dilute and diminish this direct effort which really explained why not to.

KUDO's Author!!! And another reality when possible will also be appreciated. I am sure that you noticed that 40 some comments of applause {so far} and didn't need another chapter nor oscillating emotions or medicine men. Kanga40 will love you for this - soon.

With Very High Regard

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Excellent! (so far)

Once again the Ohio monster raises his/her ugly pen. Do we finally have a hero with some balls? Can this be a stand alone story with a happy ending? Will Rob escape with his cojones and pride intact? Or are we about to start another long slow decent into unbelievable pussy/wimp hubby hell? I sure hope this is no "House of Cards" or worse yet that pathetic sod from "An Innocent Question" (which is still one of the most whorrorfieng stories I've read). With this authors history of hero emasculation, things don't bode well for Rob. For once I am hoping for no sequel to ruin a perfectly good happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I always look forward to reading your stories. The characters are so real and the plot hard to stop reading. After saying that, I really hope that you have somemore to say about this story and it's characters. Please don't leave your loyal readers hanging! Thanks again for your stories on this site!!!


jaggers0053jaggers0053over 17 years ago
not quite

good story but........

'anon ' poster who titled his posting 'good but' said it all very well. not allowing the wife to have any dialog, other than her initial lie to her husband,makes the story seem unfinished. the husbands final speech, with the drama of the photo albums and the wedding rings was great. but what is the probability of that happening and the wife not saying a damn thing???

the all for a followup story would probably take the story further than your mean it to go.


SalamisSalamisover 17 years ago
Now THAT was enjoyable.

This was about a well constructed as ANY story of a cheating wife. The one word that came immediately to mind after my first read was…realistic. This story was realistic, and more importantly, it was a damn good read.

juanwildonejuanwildoneover 17 years ago
Meaty stuff indeed

Simply excellent! Anymore would have been too much - any less a crime. She absolutely did not deserve to utter a single word in her defense - not one. The extent of her cheating, the fact that she was the instigator - well tough shit bitch! Nothing else needed.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Outstanding Story!

One of the most realistic stories I have read on this site. Why some may ask? Rob read like a real cop who had been betrayed by someone he had trusted for years. Helen became a lying cheating spouse who had convinced herself that is was just sex and as long as she was not caught it was ok. The other truism is that once Helen had established the pattern of limited sexual expression between herself and Rob she had to maintain her cover otherwise Rob would suspect where she got her sex lessons. ________________________________________________________

Readers are obsessed with the why question but for a spouse who had dedicated for a quater of a century to his marriage any answer Helen gave would sound hollow. There really is not a good reason for her cheating on him. Besides, what is the point? Rob is not going to take her back. Perhaps you might write this story from Helen's POV.


Thanks again for an outstanding story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Just one more bad story by Ohio; neither believable; nor erotic; nor stylistically competent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Violence was the saving part of the story

Violence was the only interesting part of the story as action always is. Sexing a tramp for revenge as the talky parts like a Dr. Phil oral exam is too cliche and Bob just plainly.

Look if you're going to break the law pointing guns in people's faces and beat another one rightly why didn't you come up with a nice cop solution of prison where the cheaters all could become the biotch of some queer.

Nope you can't plagarize my idea as it will show up in my stories for profit, but this story was reruns and it is only February.

Nicholls9Nicholls9over 17 years ago
Mmm, brisket.

This story made me hungry. Alright, seriously, this is a good story. No follow-up is needed. Notice folks, the title is not "Brisket Ch.01". That doesn't mean that ohio or someone else won't write a story from Helen's perspective--that ought to be filled with enough stroke material to satisfy those that object to this story being posted on Literotica. To all the complainers, if stories devoid of sex scenes weren't allowed on this site, Literotica would not have a "Non-Erotic" category. Sheesh! Back to the story, their whole relationship, Helen has been stingy with the pussy . . . to Rob: He didn't even get to see her naked until they'd dated for months, fer crying out loud! This calls into question the paternity of the kids. They're both grown now, and living on their own, but Rob will always be their father--the man that raised them. Helen held out on Rob from the start, and it lasted over a quarter of a century! It's been said by at least one other commentor, she had a chance to come clean but she lied and said she only fucked Mark. How can a man live with such a deceitful, rotten wife? Any follow-up would have to chronicle the sexual gratification Helen got from denying hubby and giving it all to others. That must be what got her off; her motivation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
More, please :)

This story has teeth, I look forward to reading your next instalment of it.

Give us more, please :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Story...

All of the coments have emphasized what I would say. Great Story....

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago

It's a well written story but, lord, is it sad. AND when you get right down to it, he doesn't KNOW if the kids are his.

But, so many lives destroyed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Written nicely.......... content sucked. Take the story to a divorce forum or write it into a soap opera

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Police Violence

From here in the UK it's hard to believe in a US policeman who treats suspects so violently. Irony!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You used the word but I don't see love in either of your shallow characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the end

a bit short but i dont know what i would add. she denied her "love" for decades while freely giving other men what he had begged for, to me that does not define love.

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 17 years ago
I dunno ..

I’m with the naysayers. Unrealistic, done to death and could have been written in a few sentences. Yes, the misogynists loved it. They always do when an author gets their hate flowing.

“The Brisket” is not a story; it’s a vignette from hubby’s POV. It’s spare but not clean. There are huge plot holes where questions arise. It’s half a story. The reader assumes the author wrote the story for the reader but this one is written for one of the characters that, IRL, doesn’t exist. As many have pointed out, in order to have a complete story, the rest of the tale must be told.

As usual, well written. Despite my intended-to-be constructive comments, at least you’ve written. It’s more than most can say. Thanks.


Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
An interesting story

Tolerable read as ohio's writing style is quite good. The plot is basic, uncomplicated and the author handles it well. The tale breaks no new ground but highlights well the idea that "it doesn't matter why the cheater cheats. It violates the marriage contract and that's reason enough."


My discontent with the story lies in the characters of Rob and Helen. I can't imagine how Rob wouldn't have discovered her extracircular activities that involved multiple partners over multiple years. ohio is asking us to believe that Helen is able to hide her indiscretions perfectly and Rob never has a clue until the urge for brisket led to his discovery of her adultery. Humans aren't perfect and I can't believe Rob never got a hint of what she was doing. Clearly, he didn't know his wife as well as he thought but this requires a level of cluelessness akin to fiddles, conflagration and the city of Rome.


I can't give the story a one hundred because I can't buy the characterizations. It's good otherwise and I thank you, ohio, for your effort.

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
You don't usually see me defending Ohio often(^_^)

<p>But I have to now. Because some of the reconciallation at all cost crowd members are getting ugly. (^_^)</p>

<p>Alvaron53, I can believe what you say. Humans can only understand and believe only what they can rationalize. But in the case of a husband and wife doing this, I know a guy, and I mention him often, who had something similar happen to him, where his 17 year old son had to tell him his wife was cheating on him in their house, in their bed, and usually when he was at work at nights and she thought the kids were sleeping. She was sleeping with his best friend, she was a swinger who was swinging with the neighbors and going to swinger parties, and sleeping with various other friends, while he was at work. And had done it for years. And I wouldn't have believed it either if I'd not seen her during the divorce. Her excuse was "He forced me into doing this. It was all his fault". Like it was his fault she decided to sleep with all his friends. She didn't ask him she just did it and blamed him for not catching her sooner, not having friends with stronger moral character, and not giving her what she needed so she wouldn't have cheated on him. It was everyone fault but hers, kinda like how the wife in this story make it out to be with the guy her husband caught her with. So to me I can see this happening because I've had a front row seat to see it happen to someone else</p>

<p>But I didn't think it was so much a rehash as a change for Ohio. Sorry Ohio, but often when you write it has a touch/taste of romance to what happens. Thats not to say it's bad, but it seems to make it seem as less than what it really is. This was different, you made it out to be what it is in the cold light of day. Lying and cheating. For me that was something new to see in your writing style.</p>

<p>And I didn't see it as a Cuck story. Ok, maybe not an <i>intentional</i> cuck story. This guy found out that his wife, who he begged, took to see a councilor, and then later accepted that he was going to have to learn to do without sex for month's at a time, was doing everyone under the sun with the level of intensity that he had <i>begged</i> for, for years and she never once loved him enough to do it with him. She may have loved being married to him. She may have loved his company. She may have loved keeping house with him. But she didn't love him completely and kept part of her self, the part he thought in the story was one of the most important and begged to be part of, to herself and shared it with his friends, the neighbors, her clients, and who knows who else. Just not him. Like her husband didn't deserve it. And when he found out he started to divorce her. That wasn't a bad thing to do. Doing it that indiscriminately who ever you meet and take an intrest in is what leads to diseases.</p>

<p>So for me this was a change of pace for Ohio, and I enjoyed it as: 1.) The change of pace it was, and 2.) The fact that it felt like cheating wasn't turned into some form of justifiable romantic idea that both of them just managed to get past to build a stronger marriage. Those levels of betrayal are <i>Rarely</i> gotten over to.</P>


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
like they say....

love is blind. nothing has changed, so he kept on believing that everything is fine. but surprise, surprise. the one he loved is cheating on him. the spouse is the last one to know? well, maybe not the last to know, but his supposedly best friend did know first hand for quite sometime.

very well writen. emotional as its supposed to be. and i do like ending. no need for sequel or a POV of the cheating wife.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Good story as always BUT!

I am of the mind set of why as that is my bent of why people do what they do.

Very well done and thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Almost Perfect...

To the UK wimp, I say the perps got off too lightly. To the one who complained it was not erotic - that's perfect. Not meant to be erotic. Infidelity and betrayal are not erotic even if some wimpy cucks want it to be. Let's not feel overly sorry for cunt,I suspect the wife and her whoremonger Joe will find a crib somewhere to share, where she will put him on a twice a month emotionless loveless quickie routine.

Kanga40Kanga40over 17 years ago
One of the best LW stories I've read in years

And, it's worth the 100 - first of those I've managed for ages too.


This story stands just as it is.


Harddaysknight and juanwildone's comments are absolutely spot on.

Any reason or excuse she could give would matter shit to hubby.


Those of you who can't handle any violence best not read the newspapers or watch TV news - you're gonna be in for a brain overload.


Also to those other whingers, it WAS NOT a policeman who belted the slimeball neighbour, or who bailed up his friend, it was a very disappointed and hurt husband.

Kanga40Kanga40over 17 years ago
Risq -

please email me - I have a question for you...

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
This time I agree with Alvaron53'

this time I agree with my nemesis Alvaron53....

FIRST for OHIO this was a great story. Most stories from ths author feature reconciliation at all costs though lately OHIO has been moving away from that POV.........

This was a MALE/ man story and character that super wimp writers like NICI and angiquesophie dont have the 1st clue about


I have a friend who get sex from his wife 3 or 4 or maybe 6 times a year and that frigid bitch is INTO it occasionally.

In the martial therapy it comes out that she wants sex almost never. And this Guy is a cop/ detective? and the therapist says... sure this is normal....???? how the fuck is THAT possible ????.....................


there is a difference between Justification and Motivation and in our fucked up moral relativist world these are often confued. I am glad he threw her whore ass out.............................


BUT on the other hand I really DO want to read about what she was going through in her head........ I do wnat to know what she did she do next.... what hapened when she talked to her kids?.......... Given that this has been going on from the beginning are the kids his? Probably NOT!!!................ does she committ suicide? I HOPE so...... of course even that act would be the Ultimate self centered act.....................


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Another fine Ohio story

Ohio is one of the best writers on this sight. His stories are emotional, insightful, well written, thoughtful and very well done. However, this is the first time I have not given him a 100. I felt little emotion coming from the husband, other then anger. The hallmark of an Ohio story is the exploration of the emotions in the wronged spouse. The outcome is appropriate, the getting there was thinner than usual. I remain impressed by Ohio's extraordinary talent.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
She owed him all the information

The husband should have asked why, not for her sake, but for his. Where there any signs? How did I miss them? How much he knew of her life before he met her? A person who comes with a trauma usually sexual abuse at earlier age could develop this split approach towards sex as something dirty and low (all associated with the wrong if forced relations at childhood) even with self identity being identified as bad evil corrupted guilty for taking part in the say incest relation. Many times those feelings could be only partially conscious as far as the origin of them goes.

All the above does not go to either take away responsibility from her or to lure him into accepting her. The importance could be in terms of educating him for his future life.

1. Taking away some of the sense of humiliation or emasculation. It was his bad luck to be involved in such terribly dysfunctional person. He could have left but he chose to stay, because he loved her. But that was his choice.

2. The wife would have done the split Saint/Whore along the dividing line of marriage vs. sex with whoever she might have ended up marrying. On the deepest level, it is most likely that she would have liked not to be “fucked up” emotionally/sexually, so that for her real intimacy and love could never be associated with the dirty and the ugly sides of her which I am assuming she would have liked to get rid of, or at the least was ambivalent about.

Coming to understand that would have helped the husband to move on (for his sake not hers) as it would be clearer to him that those were her mental problem and all “about her” not about them as a couple certainly not about him.

3. After getting all the information he could from the big fish - his wife (just like he did with the small fish) he would have had a lot of material to take to his own personal therapist. Believe me this cop would need all the help he could get. Among other things he could have learned about the importance of.

A. Listening to your own needs first and trusting them. It means learning early on about the background of your future partner and being alert to any warning signals and not sweeping them under the rug.

B. Not Accepting as a final verdict any therapist’s advise who tells you to accept s.t. you do not feel comfortable accepting. Family and couple cancelling are not like going to surgery. You can’t be passive and be fixed. It’s not even just answering questions and following instructions. If you are not activated, putting your heart and mind into it - no therapist would solve your problems for you. So:

C. keeping vigilant and active and involved with your future girl friend/ spouse on problem solving and any time a problem is not resolved to your mutual satisfaction at home, then do it with professional help.

D. And if not with the first therapist then with the second third or eighth... true, until there is a good match... Look how much suffering and wasted life might have been saved.

Regardless, I enjoyed the story as a whole very much

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Rob as modern tragic hero

I am going to take a different read with higher emphasis on the literary allusions. I thank ohio for your wonderful dramatic (in more than one sense) and thought provoking story. <P> *********

The story gave me the impression of an almost perfect modern tragedy. An honest honorable man loving and devoted to his wife despite a life time harsh and testing conditions: those of sexual depravation. Many loving men, being weaker than him would have strayed - but not him. If such a man does not deserve the intimacy, love and devotion of the one woman who was so lucky to be his wife, than who does? <P> **********

By coincidence (the modern version of fait?) he gets to know that all his life were a cruel joke played on him. There was no real love; no real intimacy. Not as far as his own eyes could show him the real picture in its full ugly visual details. He was blind all his life up until now. And with what he sees, I would not have been surprised if he considered that being blind for real at that moment would have made him a luckier man… <P> *********

In the classic tragedy the blow comes from external, higher powers. In modern tragedy the blow comes as a result of a flaw which usually lies within the characters. In tragedy you don’t find happy ending or simple justice for the wronged hero. If anything it’s more like a harsh school of life, teaching you by doing –some mistake of your own doing, which you were never warned about, then paying a disproportionate price for. GREAT!!! We

all cry together, and you call this fair? NO! Say together all the dramaturges classic and modern together, but it’s about life, and who says that life is fair? But it’s about pursuit of fairness and justice anyway in a world that has none of it! Right, so? They say, can you or even if you could would you ever choose to live in a world without the concept of justice? Before you have a chance to add that its all confusing unfair and incoherent and therefore you want to have nothing with tragedy from now on, they would say - Don’t even go there! From the beginning of civilization Tragedy had an irresistible power over man and women (the latter only since when they were allowed into the public arena). That is because it touches on the core of human condition, the suffering, the struggle the effort to be human despite overwhelming odds, betraying beliefs and Gods. Why are we then so attracted to those stories of sorrow? Are we masochists? Maybe some are, but you should not be surprised to know that there are long shelves in the classic libraries filled with books dedicated to the effort to answer exactly this question. My intuitive simplistic answer is that it’s relevant to all of us. We want to prepare. We want to compare and see how we fare. Maybe we have some compassion and fell virtuous for it; maybe we feel lucky that it has not happened to us - but to someone else (The Jerry Springer Show Syndrome) and have a secret guilty pleasure from it, maybe both. <P> ***********

No wonder the Modern Existentialists like Camus and Sartre went directly to the classic dramaturges and their works as icons of their “modern” philosophy. <P> ***********

What was the husband’s tragic flaw? I tried to suggest some options. The story does not elaborate on that. In my comments I suggested that it would have been advisable for him to learn as much as possible from his soon to be ex –wife for his own sake, not in any way for her benefit. But that suggestion came to the most part from the “mental health” perspective, not the literary perspective. With the latter perspective in mind, it IMO does not really matter which particular flaw was he inflicted by. As my favorite humorist Calvin Trillin says:”There is always something…” exactly right! If it was not his over accommodation and self denial it would have been being overbearing or a cheater…there is always something, say the dramaturge of the Tragedy that would make us all suffer unfairly, learn in hindsight, and who knows maybe even die…All you can do is fight it with dignity as the heroic characters in the tragedies do or and in between the blows smile as Trillin offers you. <P> **********

Why did I say almost perfect? That was not a normative evaluation on my part. Just the extent to which ohio followed the characteristics of the ‘profile’ of a typical tragedy. Rob does not pursue the nature of his flaw. For all I know he may not even know that he has a flaw. But as humans, we are all flawed. Not necessarily morally. The fact is that he did not know; was not insightful enough to sense that something was going on under his nose for so many years without him noticing a thing. It said in a neutral, non judgmental way. In some ways I like ohio’s take better (philosophically speaking) than the typical tragic stance, of pursuing the nature of the flaw. It’s like Trillin’s stance Ok, I get it: “There will always be something”. But I will keep my decency as a human being and try to be the best human being I can be at a given moment. The rest is up to you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Ohio should be feel honored- Alvaron53 gave a 75!

The author-Ohio must feel honored that the goddess of Lit [the idiot called Alvaron53] blessed this author's work with at least a 75. Unfortunately, the rest of us, will never see any of Alvaron53's ultimate creations because this site does not pay this idiot for his esteemed pile of bullshit. So sad! LOL But hey, the site does have a vast array of other highly qualified authors such as Ohio that definitely worth reading. Keep up the great work and tell the idiots like Alvaron53 to get real life.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Gosh. What a thrill!

I'm flattered by your praise, Anonymous. It warms my heart to know that you appreciate quality commentary when you see it. Keep up the good work!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
KOLKORE makes a good point

in likening this to a modern tragedy.

We too often, as readers, always expect things to be realistic. In a classic tragedy, such as Hamlet, we don't have those same expectations. Hamlet at times with its ghosts and almost tragicomic use of poison at the end certainly requires a suspense of belief to enjoy. Yet, we have had no problem in doing that as Hamlet has for hundreds of years enjoyed its status as a fine tragic drama.

And that is exactly what "Brisket" is, a fine tragic drama. It is well written, finely plotted, offers a satisfying conclusion and provides entertainment as a dramatic presentation.

It is what it is and does that quite successfully!

Regards, Jack

daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago
Crazy bitch

This story for me is of a man who cheated himself with self delusional thinking. When you don't get total gratification from the woman you love something is very wrong. It doesn't take a rocket science to figure out something is wrong. This crazy bitch is just a serial cheater. Holding her husband in complete contempt. He's well rid of this cunt. A man in his position in life will replace her with a better younger model. Ohio keep them coming and I'll relish reading all of them. Thank You Luis.

Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 17 years ago
Good storie, easy read

Thank you for writng it is a very good storie. Look foward to more.

bruce22bruce22about 17 years ago
This one got by me,

but it is a very interesting and

well communicated story. Thanks for

writing it. I admit that I would love

to hear the story of what was going on

in Helen's head during her affairs and

especially after the discovery. Perhaps

it would be worth doing and then take

it all to the counseler to have him comment

about what went on in the marraige from his POV

and how he tried to help(he just might enter orbit).

But basically there is no way that the

hero would be interested in the why, once it

is clearly established that she was in the

habit of cheating on him and that there

was no way that he could believe anything

that she told him. It is interesting that

he did not in 24 years discover that she had

a tendency to lie, either by omission or by

rewriting events to make her role sound better.

Thanks again and please give us more about the

Blue Van!


daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago

Please finish the blue van story. It's been almost two months. I'm dying to find out how she explains her swinging lifestyle. With very high regards, Luis

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
He was right, why wont take back the cheating

or make it go away. Why really doesnt matter, all that matters is what was done, adultry, cheating, betrayal, disrespect, and in this case lack of love for her husband whom she used as a provider and failed to provide real sexual love to him. I really wonder how she kept this mental illness she had within herself for 25 years?

acs_1acs_1almost 17 years ago
Aggressive but fair.

Good story. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Hehehe...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Perhaps there should be a site for the smallminded, angry, want to beat their wives up type to post ttheir stories of violence away from a site like this! They could have a section titled "Violence against women and others for this type of "think he is macho" creep to post their garbage and rag on like they do against other writers on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
You're the piece of garbage.

To the last guy who posted, need I remind you that the main character never struck his wife. He beat up that Mark guy, but never a woman. Besides, the damn woman CHEATED ON HIM! Hell, I hate GUYS who cheat, and they're my own gender. Anyone who cheats should be put on Paradise Island for the rest of their life (which isn't a good thing, either. Paradise Island is a place where the military tests nukes).

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great Story

Normally don't like these stories, but you made it sound good and kept it intersesting! keep it going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A great story!

Stupid slut deserved it all!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

surely doesnt make things go away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Proud of you. The only way to get it out of the system, that is, if you don't juust love being cuckolded :) Hopefully not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Reply to the cunt!

Ya really? May be you can be a very kind and understanding SOB and lick your wifes cunt after she's done???

roadbirdroadbirdover 15 years ago
just a big wow

totally a great story ....yes i agree knowing why wouldnt change anything....i hope she stares at nothing the rest of her life

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
just for curiousity

the 'why' ? how many ? etc

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I actually felt good for the husband that threw

out the trash. This wife was a piece of work. It really never matters why, the end result is all that matters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Geat writer-- confusing story

Ohio's stories are always well witten, but this plot is pretty disappointing. Loving couple ,married for 25 years with one major problem. Wife is asexualor disinterested in sex for most of the marriage. Then husband finds out she has been a sexual tiger in affairs with some of her neighbors for some years, as often as 2 or 3 times a week. Husband understandably goes berserk and throws her out but never does find out why she is asexual with him and sexual tiger with neighbors. Strange story.

the Ct. Yankee

KlausTheMausKlausTheMausabout 15 years ago
Oh boy

we surely need another forum here for all the little Charles Laughtons down in God's own Land: What about "Violent husbands" ? Or "Gun penetrators" ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
As he said the why doesnt matter, only the act

matters. And he was wrong, she did not love him, no woman that loved her husband could have done what this woman did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
The Brisket

Bad ending. The only payback for all the humiliation of not giving him what she willing gave to others is a divorce.

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
I agree the why dont matter

WOW .. OHIO you realy wrote a captivating story here..It touched on so many basic instinctive levels that it was scary... For most of us readers it raised a basic anger for what She did to Rob and their relationship..Going out and finding others to be sexual with while denying it to the Husband,and worse doing it with His Friends and Neighbors and in their home...Obiously the "Friend" was not a Friend or He would have told Rob about Her offer...That marriage was dead the first time She cheated...Its hard to believe He never caught on for such a long time..It also makes the paternity of the Children questionable...Rob got screwed over royaly..I agree with Harddaysknight and Average Joe that Rob wasted 25yrs on Hellen that He can never get back...And that makes most of us angry on a base level as We identify with Rob in this story and realy feel for Rob..None of Us ever want to be in that kind of situation with our Wife/Husband.. The insightful comments of Risq and Kolkore were interesting to read and I agree partialy with them about Her mental state...I loved Robs burning of the Picture albums and smashing the Vase it was a totaly symbolic act of what Hellen had done to their marriage..There was no explanation or anything that Hellen could have said that would have changed anything,no excuse...He did the right thing to end it the way He did..I dont think I could have controlled my emotions like He did...Damn good story OHIO You always impress me by your writing...I see the story got posted 2yrs ago so I guess We will never find out the rest of the story even though it would have been nice to read what happened afterwards ....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Fairly well written, but several comments:

1. The wife would hire a lawyer and get at least 50% of the house, etc. The husband didn't even have proof of her infidelity.

2. When this shit hit the fan, Stephanie filed for divorce, the wife sought a court order to regain the house, etc., it would come out what the man telling the story had done to the wive's lovers, and he would be charged with numerous felonies (e.g., assault with a deadly weapon, battery, kidnaping), and the husband would probably go to prison and get nothing in the divorce.

3. I don't care if a husband in this situation would want to know why, although I think he would. But as a reader, I would have liked to hear the author's thoughts about why the wife did what she did. It was just lazy to cheat the reader out of hearing the wife's explanation, which could have been the climax of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Who cares what she feels, wants, or tries to get

All of the pains, suffering, and problems are hers and hers alone. She virtually destroyed a man, her marriage, and her family. Let her go and commit suicide by car, it doesnt matter. He has proof, are you an idiot, it is on tape and things can be gotten by calling her partners to court. His friends wife is divorcing him, so the proof is there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Want to know the wife's reason why? Why?

Who really wants to hear the mad ramblings of a mentally deranged individual who is a slut, and since she may have done a client, a whore.

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