Chiara and Annie Ch. 06


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"Well mom and dad told me not to use the fact that we have money to influence people."

Annie laughed with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she gave me a peck on the lips, "I know we're not hurting for cash either, but influence away pipsqueak!"

I laughed at Annie as we picked up our bags. Marc looked at me kind of funny so I was ready for him when he asked me the same thing Annie did.

Mom led us up to our rooms, she gave Marc and I a look that said 'don't wake us up', and told Annie she was in the room next to ours, which was separated from ours by a bathroom.

"Get yourselves settled then come down for lunch kids." Mom said as she left.

Annie, Marc and I decided to unpack later and just lounged around in my room for a bit. Marc and Annie exchanged a glance and I knew it meant I was in trouble.

"So pixie-girl, how much does a house like this go for? A mill? Two million?"

I looked a bit embarrassed, "Two and a half actually when my folks bought it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. It's just sometimes people act like they're my friends but they're not really. That's why I don't talk about it, but I should have known better with you guys, I'm really sorry."

"Sorry if this is being rude Kiki, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but just how rich are you?" Annie asked point blank.

I lowered my eyes and blushed, "Last I heard over fifty and growing. My mom and dad set up a lot of bursaries and scholarships and donate to charities but they can't spend it faster than it comes in."

"I'd be paranoid too if I had that much money." Annie whistled.

Marc was pale as a ghost, "Are you serious? So uhm, why did you settle for me? Not only am I not in your league we're not even playing the same game."

I took Marc's hand in mine and smiled at him, "Loverboy you've got it wrong. I'm not in your league, and believe me I didn't settle, you're the best guy I could ever find. I don't know about you guys but I'm starved, let's get some lunch."

We went down to the kitchen and dad was just serving out some pasta e fagioli (Italian pasta and bean soup). There were fresh panini buns and all sorts of cheeses and cold cuts. I saw we had some prosciutto and told Annie and Marc to try it. The looks on their faces were priceless and they both stacked it high on their sandwiches.

We all chatted back and forth over lunch. Marc the stomach went back for thirds on the soup.

"So how'd you guys do on your exams?" my dad asked.

We all told mom and dad that we'd passed with flying colours.

"That's great you three! You all must be glad for a little R&R now. Any plans while you're home?"

I looked at Marc and Annie, "My friend Julie is having a party tomorrow night if you want to go. There should be a few of my friends there, Jules throws great parties."

Annie got an evil look in her eyes, "Hmmm, it might be fun to get the skinny on our little poppet don't you think bro?"

Marc snickered, "Yeah get her friends to spill all her dirty little secrets."

I stuck my tongue out at them, "I don't have any secrets!"

Mom and Dad laughed at the three of us and shook their heads.

I gave Marc and Annie the nickel tour of the house, although it was large my mom insisted that we decorate it modestly. It had a definite moneyed but casual look to it.


The next night we headed over to Julie's place. When we got there, there were only a few cars in the driveway. Jules met us at the door, "Let me see it Chiara, are you really engaged? Oh my God it's gorgeous!" She said when she saw the ring.

Julie looked over my shoulder and her jaw went slack. "Come with me you three, they'll never believe me unless they see it."

We walked into the family room where my closest friends were hanging out by the pool table and TV. Phil and Mardi were playing pool with Rich and Joe, while Jeff, Curt and Allie were hanging out drinking beer and playing xbox.

Julie whistled and everyone looked at us. "Guys, Chiara's here and she's brought Marc and Annie with her."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and the girls crowded around me and wowed over my engagement ring while they eyed Marc. Annie was surrounded and all the guys were flirting madly with her, trying to one up eachother. I couldn't help but giggle at the whole thing. These were my best friends from when we were kids and they just brought Marc and Annie into the gang like they'd always been there. And the flirting was probably the funniest thing of all. Annie was lapping it up like a cat drinking cream, while Marc looked almost embarrassed by the attention from the girls.

We all got the house ready for the party, getting snacks and drinks out. We had a few minutes to kill before the real guests would start showing up. Joe exchanged looks with Jeff, Curt, Phil and Rich.

"So Marc, how did you manage it? The rest of us have set our sights on Chiara and were all politely shot down. What's your secret?"

Marc cracked a wicked grin at the girls, knowing he'd get the best response from them. "Well she seems to like the fact that I'm hung like a moose, and can breathe through my ears."

The girls shrieked and laughed while the guys cried bullshit on what Marc had claimed.

He was acting all offended but I knew Marc was still playing the guys. He pointed at me and said, "Ask her, go ahead Kiki tell them!"

Phil seemed a bit embarrassed asking but he finally managed to ask if Marc was telling the truth. I smiled then nodded, "Yeah, he can breathe through his ears, and he's hung like a mouse....A MOOSE! I MEAN MOOSE!!"

Everyone started laughing hysterically, and Marc clutched his chest and dropped to the floor, "Oh the humanity! To have my reputation destroyed by this evil little nymph. Nay not a nymph, but a shrill harpy shrieking out her vile curses upon my flesh!"

I giggled at Marc's drama queen performance. "Are you done princess? You may not be hung like a moose loverboy, but I hear elk are pretty big too. Will that shut you up?"

Marc grinned up at me from the floor, "Yeah I guess that'll do pixie-girl."


Something was wrong. I had a bad feeling something very bad was going to happen. That was bad news number one. Bad news number two was bumping into Chad Carlton. His family was old money and flaunted it, we weren't and didn't so he had 'issues' with me.

"Well! If it isn't the Mafia princess of Oakville!" he said in a smarmy tone.

I poked him in the chest and said something about if I was in the Mafia he would've been offed years ago for being an ass.

Bad news number three was not noticing two of his goons come up behind me and grab me by the arms. I could only manage an 'eep' when they hustled me in to a side room and closed the door.

I knew I was in trouble. I tried to pull my arms from Chad's buddies' hands and glared at them.

I tried to bluff him with bravado I knew I didn't have. "Just wait until my Fiancé gets here, you're going to regret this Chad."

"Regret what? A simple private chat with my favourite little rich bitch?"

"Why do you hate me and my family so much Chad? You guys started off at the bottom of the heap too. It's not my dad's fault his ideas made us as rich as you in five years instead of three generations. We were friends, we could have been a lot more but you had to be a dick."

"Me!? What about you and your whole 'the money won't change me' act? That was pure bullshit and you know it, Chiara."

"Fuck you Chad. You, me, Jules, Jeff, Mardi and everyone else used to be friends remember? None of us cared who was rich and who wasn't. Then my family suddenly had money too and you went all asshole on the rest of us. So if my folks' money changed anyone it was you Chad, you're pathetic."

"Ha! Sounds to me like your boyfriend's pathetic if a skinny little runt like you can get him to propose. You must have some kind of magic pussy Chiara. Maybe I should take it for a spin and see what all the fuss is about hey?"

Now I was really scared, I always knew that Chad had a bit of a mean streak, but rape!? He told his buddies to hold me over the back of the sofa as he moved behind me. I felt him flip up the back of my skirt and pull my panties to the side, exposing me to him.

"Chad don't do this, you don't have to prove anything to me. Just let me go and we'll forget this happened okay?"

"Forget what happened, Pixie?" Marc asked from the doorway. Annie was beside him and the gang was crowded behind them.

Annie cracked a nasty grin as she looked Chad up and down. "Lemme guess, you're the fluffer? 'Cuz that little cocktail weinie you have couldn't satisfy a Barbie doll. There's only one thing bothering me about this little tableaux, it took three of you to abduct my little sis? That's messed up."

Annie wouldn't let up on Chad and really taunted him hard. "So pencil dick, you look ready to nut off, wanna give me a test drive too?"

Chad's buddies let me go and I pulled my skirt down and stepped over to Marc. He wrapped his arm around me protectively.

"That's enough Annie, remember we're guests here." Marc admonished his sister.

"You three weren't invited, I think you'd better leave before we decide to call the cops," Julie said as we all made room for them to exit the room.

Phil and the guys made sure to trip up Chad as he passed them, causing him even more embarrassment.

Marc hugged me tight, calming me with the heat from his body. I was shaking with reaction after my brain started processing the fact that I'd almost gotten raped.

I started punching Marc's arms and chest, tears welling up in my eyes as I cursed at him.

"Shhh, I'm sorry pixie-girl, I didn't know anything like this was going to happen. Luckily Phil saw that Chad douche and his buddies grab you. I'm so sorry sweetie."

Julie and everyone else crowded around us and apologized for not coming quicker. Annie looked like she wanted to follow Chad and his buddies and kick the crap out of them.

"You mean we're just going to let those shits go?! He was gonna rape Kiki! At least let me beat them up a little bit, please?" Annie fumed.

Marc gave his sister a look that could've cracked diamonds. "Annie let it go, the important thing is that Chiara's okay. Sorry Julie but I think Annie and I need to get Kiki home."

"I understand, and I'm so sorry Chiara." Jules said with tears brimming in her eyes as she hugged me.


Annie drove home while I cuddled into Marc in the back seat. He was gently stroking my back and wiping my tears away, murmuring to me that he was sorry and would never let anything like that happen again.

My mom and dad were surprised to see us home so early. Dad looked up from his laptop, "Everything okay kids? We weren't expecting you back so soon."

Annie looked at me then turned to my folks, "She had an ugly run-in with a guy called Chad. It really upset her so we left early."

Dad got his angry face, "Not him again! For Christ's sake what's his problem?"

"It's okay daddy, Marc, Annie and the gang backed me up before it got bad." I said between sniffles.

Dad grabbed the phone and started dialing, "I'm going to talk to his folks just the same. Hold on. Hi Janice? It's Dan, apparently young Chad crashed a party Chiara was at and gave her a bit of a scare. No she hasn't told me what happened and from the look of her she probably won't. I don't want to do this but if he continues to harass her things may get messy for him. Okay, thanks Janice and Merry Christmas to you too."

"So?" mom asked, "What did Jan have to say?"

Dad cracked a wry grin, "I feel sorry for Chad, she doesn't put up with his shit like his dad does. Marc why don't you and Annie take Chiara up to bed, she looks like she needs to lie down."

Marc and Annie took me up to my room and got me changed into my pj top and bundled me into bed. They each took a side and snuggled me, adding their body heat to my chilled bones. We lay there cuddling for a little bit, then Annie started to snicker.

Marc lifted his head and looked at her and asked what was so funny. Annie snickered again and this time I gave her a dirty look.

"Oh come on!" Annie laughed, "Was I the only one who noticed that Kiki was wearing her 'Hello Kitty' panties tonight?"

Marc frowned at us, "Chiara almost gets raped and you're worried about what kind of panties she's wearing?"

I couldn't help but giggle, "Well I sure hope that's all the guys saw, they'd never let me live it down if they saw my kitty!"

Marc laughed too, "And a cute little kitty it is pixie-girl."

"I can't argue with that," Annie said as she pecked my cheek.

Marc asked me if I was seriously wearing 'Hello Kitty' panties. I told him to check for himself. With a twinkle in his eyes he pulled back the covers and lifted my pj top. He sputtered with laughter when he saw my panties.

"Do you shop in the girls' department on purpose just to surprise us Pixie?"

"You have no idea how hard it is to find adult clothes in my size do you loverboy?" I giggled.

"Trust me baby brother, I've gone shopping with her. We always end up in the kids' section."

Marc traced his fingers across my bare stomach, causing me to shiver. Annie kissed my cheek again and grinned at me.

"I'll leave you two alone tonight," she said with a knowing smirk as she slipped out from under the covers. "I think Marc got a bit hot 'n bothered seeing you bent over that couch earlier."

"Annie you're terrible!" I giggled.

Marc threw a pillow at her, "Get outta here sis."

"If it's okay with you guys I'm gonna go back to the party. I've got some unfinished business there I have to deal with."

I got out of bed and got my house key and tossed it to Annie and grinned, "Have fun but try and be quiet when you come in okay? Let my mom and dad know you're going back out and tell them I'm okay now."

Marc rolled out of bed and stripped down to his boxers then cuddled behind me when I got back into bed. We snuggled like that for a bit then I asked him if it really did turn him on to see me like I'd been at the party.

Marc nuzzled my ear and murmured that I'd never looked sexier. He ran his fingers across my tummy again making me gasp and squirm.

"Marc my folks are still up," I giggled.

"Your mom told us not to wake them up, they're not asleep right?"

"Well no, but what if they hear us?"

Marc chuckled and let his hands roam over my body, raising goose-flesh wherever his fingers touched, "They're at the other end of the house, and besides you're the noisy one!"

I giggled and snuggled closer to him, "That's not my fault loverboy, you tease me until I can't help myself."

Marc kissed my special spot on my neck and I moaned softly. His fingers lightly tweaked my aching nipples and I felt my pussy get wet as little electric shocks raced from my nipples to my clit. I could feel Marc's cock grow and start to throb against my bum and slipped my hand between us. I gently stroked it through his boxers and he groaned with lust and nipped my ear lobe.

"Now who's teasing who pixie-girl?" he whispered in my ear as his hand drifted down my body until his fingers parted my lips. His fingers strummed my hard little clit which caused me to purr with desire.

I slipped away from Marc and skinned out of my top and panties as he dropped his boxers over the side of the bed. I knelt between his legs and popped the head of his cock into my mouth, lightly sucking it as my hand stroked his shaft.

Marc's fingers twirled in my short hair as he pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. "Fuck Kiki, you have the most amazing mouth. Take it baby, take it all."

I did as Marc asked and gobbled down the rest of his cock, not stopping until his pubes tickled my nose. I sucked hard and started to bob up and down, my tongue wrapping around his throbbing cock as he groaned out his pleasure.

I let his member pop out of my mouth and grinned up at him as I slid up his body until I was straddling his hips with his cock wedged between us. I lifted my bum and guided him into my entrance then dropped down until he filled me completely.

I whimpered as I began to ride Marc, feeling him touching me as I ground myself onto him. My pace quickened as I became more excited and Marc met me stroke for stroke. He surprised me when he rolled on top of me and began pounding into me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he thrust deeply into me, his strokes coming faster as we both neared climax. I could feel his cock swelling inside me as he got closer to cumming and it set me off. I began kicking his back with my heels and clawing him as I bit his shoulder to stifle my scream. Marc responded in kind and almost bounced us out of the bed with the force of his thrusts as he came inside me.

We laid in bed gasping for air for a few moments before Marc rolled off of me. I smiled at him and ran my fingers through his hair, "Maybe I should almost get raped more often loverboy."

Marc kissed me tenderly and ran his fingers along my ribs, making me shiver again. "No pixie-girl, I wouldn't want that. If Annie and the rest of the gang hadn't been there I'm not sure I could've kept myself under control."

I snuggled under Marc's arm and rested my head on his chest. "My protector, I love you Marc."

"I love you too pixie-girl," Marc said as we drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I was up way earlier than everyone else so I tip-toed down to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I was just pouring my second cup when I heard the front door open up. Annie followed her nose and soft-footed it into the kitchen.

"Are you just getting in now sis?" I asked her when I saw her.

Annie's hair was all mussed up and her lipstick was smeared. She gave me a conspiratorial grin and sat down as I handed her a cup. "Well the party lasted a bit longer than I thought it would."

I looked at the clock and giggled, "You were at Jules' until now?"

"Well no, but the fun didn't end until about half an hour ago pipsqueak."

I rolled my eyes and asked her who her latest victim was now. Annie grinned again and told me how Phil had been really glad that she'd made it back to Julie's. They'd hung out and flirted quite a bit through the evening, and when the party ended he invited her back to his place.

"Oh my god you didn't do what I think you did, did you?" I asked as I stifled a giggle.

"I sure did and let me go on record as saying that he was fucking awesome Kiki. You know you broke his heart when you let him down pipsqueak."

I smiled sadly at Annie, "His wasn't the only one that I broke sis. Mine hurt like hell for months after I told him no."

Annie took me in her arms and hugged me tight. "Oh sweetie! And here I am bragging about bedding him. I'm so sorry Kiki!"

I sniffled and wiped my nose. "It's okay sis, I don't mind. I'd rather have you two happy and together. I saw how you looked at eachother before the whole Chad thing. Neither of you was very subtle. Just keep what I told you between you and me okay?"

Annie pecked me on the lips and nodded, promising that she'd keep it a secret.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything girls," my mom said from the door.

I just about jumped out of my skin and said I was going to hang bells around everyone's neck so they couldn't sneak up on me. Mom and Annie laughed at me.

Mom went and poured herself a coffee then looked at us with a raised eyebrow. "So are you girls still?" She asked us.

I blushed as Annie put her arm around my waist possessively. "Yeah we are mom."

"And does Marc know?"

Annie lifted her chin, "Yes he does, and the minute he tells us to stop we will. We don't keep secrets from eachother."

"Well you're all adults, as long as you're all on the same page and happy who am I to question it."

Mom looked Annie up and down and grinned, "Judging from the looks of you missy I'd say you just got in after an interesting evening."