Chiara and Annie Ch. 06


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Annie gave my mom a sly grin, "Well I was just telling Kiki about going back to Julie's party. Her friend Phil and I kind of had an after party party."

Mom laughed and said that she'd always liked him and couldn't figure out why nothing ever became of me and him considering how close we had been.

"Mom I told you before that we're just friends and nothing more. Besides now I've got Marc, he's the only one for me." I said with a bit more heat than I'd intended.

"Chiara you can say what you want, but I would've had to be deaf and blind to not know that you and Phil were more than just friends. For whatever reason you chose not to pursue a relationship with him, that was your decision to make sweetie."

"I'm sorry mom, I'm just sort of touchy about Phil okay?"

"What about Phil?"

"Jesus! Marc you scared the hell out of me!" I said as I jumped in surprise again.

Mom and Annie laughed as Marc put his tee shirt on the counter and moved to get himself some coffee.

"Holy crap bro, what happened to your back?" Annie said as he turned toward the coffee maker.

Marc looked over his shoulder at us, "What? Where?"

"Man it looks like you got the losing end of a fight with a wildcat..." Annie said as she looked at me and started to laugh.

My mom started to laugh too as I just blushed. Marc's back was bruised and scratched and there was a definite bite mark on his shoulder.

I started to giggle too, "Well we didn't wake you up did we?"

Marc winked at me as he grabbed his tee shirt and put it on, " Actually I was on the winning end of my little wildcat."

Well that just set us all off and we were laughing and gasping for air when dad came into the kitchen. "Wow I'm sorry I missed the joke!"

"Mar-Marc, show dad your back," Annie gasped.

Marc lifted the back of his shirt and now my dad was laughing as he saw the evidence of our previous night's love-making.

I tried to look peeved but it didn't work. "I'm glad everyone thinks my sex life is so funny."

Mom wiped tears from her eyes and took a deep breath, "Sweetie it wouldn't be so funny if you and Marc were a bit more discreet about it. Waking up Marc's dad, beating him up here. You've got to admit subtlety isn't your strong suit."

I grinned sheepishly, "Okay, okay I get it. We have to tone it down when we're at home. You hear that loverboy? Ease up or no nookie for you!"

"Me? Who beat who up last night?" Marc said indignantly.


Around eleven that morning the doorbell rang. Annie was closest to the door so she went ahead and answered it. I heard her call out that it was for me so I went to see who it could be. I was surprised to see it was Chad and his mom at the door.

"Hi Chad, Mrs Carlton, would you like to come in?" I said with reservations.

They came in and Annie closed the door behind them but stayed with us.

"Could you give us a few minutes Annie?"

"Sure, just call me if you need me pipsqueak." She said as she stepped into another room.

"So what's up Chad?" I asked him point-blank.

Chad looked at his mom then looked at me. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry Chiara. Sorry for what I did last night, and sorry for everything else I've done. My mom and I had a long talk last night and this morning. I was jealous of you, jealous for the fact that even though you had money you were still the same person you'd always been. I hated that no matter what, the gang didn't care about the fact that you were rich too. I don't know why, but every nice thing you did bothered me. I felt like you were doing things just to get to me. I never saw that you were still the same girl who would do everything she could for her friends, and that included me until I started being an asshole to you and everyone else. I'm sorry, I know I can't take back what I did but I just thought you should know that. Please give my apologies to your Fiance and his sister. What I said and did was so wrong, last night and every other time I tried to hurt you."

I was stunned, I didn't know what to say or do so I let my instincts guide me. I moved to Chad and hugged him tight. I could feel him shaking as he began to cry and hugged him tighter. His arms wrapped around me and he hugged me back.

We stepped back and Chad wiped his eyes, "D'you think I could meet them? Will they even want to?"

I smiled at him and called out for Annie and Marc. They came out of the side room and walked over to me.

Chad looked at me nervously but I smiled encouragement at him. "Marc, Annie this is my friend Chad. Chad this is my Fiance Marc and his sister Annie."

Marc held out his hand and Chad shook it shyly. He went to shake hands with Annie but she beat him to the punch and gave him a hug instead.

"Kiki doesn't call just anyone her friend Chad, and anyone who's a friend of hers is a friend of mine." Annie said. "Oh, and sorry for wanting to kick the crap out of you last night."

Chad had a look of relief on his face. "I'm really sorry about last night. I was way out of line. I hope you all can forgive me some day."

Marc patted Chad on the shoulder, "I know it took a lot for you to come here today Chad. It takes a big man to admit that he's wrong. And it takes an even bigger man to do something about it."

"Thanks Marc, Annie and thank you Chiara. If there's ever anything I can do for you please let me know."

Chad's mom nodded and thanked us, she hugged me and apologized as well.

After they left we all kinda looked at eachother.

"Well that was an interesting conversation you two had pipsqueak," Annie said.

I shook my head in disbelief, "Five years he's hated my guts and I never knew why. He was intimidated by me. You know I had a crush on him in sixth grade? We were best friends, we were inseparable."

Marc nodded, "Do you think he meant what he said? Is he going to give you any more trouble?"

I thought for a second, "I think he did. I think his mom probably talked him through what was bothering him about me and told him his anger wasn't based on anything that I had done. Maybe now we can be friends again."

"I hope you're right pipsqueak. I'd hate to have to beat him up after telling him he was my friend too."


Christmas eve was always a big thing in our family. Even though dad was second generation Canadian he still liked doing the big Italian feast. When I was smaller and our family all lived closer together my uncles, aunts and cousins would all gather together with us at one of the houses and all get the dinner ready. My mom totally embraced this Italian custom but made darn sure that we did the traditional turkey and the works Christmas day. This year it was just going to be us, and my uncle Rob, aunt Nathalie and my cousins, Yvette and Greg.

Mom had started prepping some of the dinner the day before so we could actually spend time together instead of all of us slaving over the stove.

Uncle Rob and his family showed up around four and started helping with dinner. Yvette was so excited about me being engaged I thought she was going to pass out. She'd only recently turned sixteen and went totally gaga when she met Marc. My cousin Greg was strutting around like a peacock trying to impress Annie, which was really funny since he's only fourteen. Of course Annie being Annie, she did everything she could to encourage him.

My dad and uncle Rob were busy showing Marc the fine art of making deep-fried pizza dough out in the garage while us girls stayed warm inside and drank wine in the kitchen. Aunt Nathalie kept having to shoo Greg back out to the garage but he kept coming back in and offering to do things for Annie.

Annie grinned at aunt Nat as she sent Greg back to the garage for the umpteenth time. "You don't have to do that aunt Nat, I don't mind him hanging around. I think it's kinda cute actually. He's just discovered girls hasn't he?"

Aunt Nat rolled her eyes and smiled, "Oh yeah, he's just like his dad was, get a pretty girl in the room with him and his brain shuts off."

Yvette's brow furrowed, "But aren't all guys like that mom?"

Aunt Nathalie waggled her finger at her daughter, "Don't you go getting any ideas missy! I know you're the prettiest girl in your class but you shouldn't use people to get what you want."

Yvette huffed, "Yes mother! May I please have more wine?"

My mom poured her a half glass and told Yvette she could have more at dinner.

"Annie do you and Marc have a younger brother?" Yvette asked in as innocent a way as she could.

"Sorry kiddo, my mom and dad stopped when they had us."

Greg trotted back into the kitchen. "Did you want more snacks Annie?" he asked eagerly.

Annie grinned at me, "Sure sweetie, and I think I need my wine topped up too."

Greg hurried to do what Annie asked for, even though everything was within easy reach for her.

"Greg honey how are the boys doing out there?" my mom asked.

"They're almost done aunt Kris, dad said maybe ten minutes," Greg replied as he poured Annie more wine.

The doorbell rang and mom got up to get it. "Girls why don't you start moving stuff to the diningroom while I get the door."

We all grabbed a platter of food and took them into the diningroom. The cool thing about Italian Christmas is that it's all seafood. We had salt cod in tomato sauce, scallops, lobster tails, tilapia, calamari and all sorts of vegetable dishes too. The best thing was the deep-fried pizza dough. We'd dip it in the marinara sauce and anything else that was juicy.

Mom came into the diningroom with Marc's mom and dad trailing behind her. "Look who decided to join us!" she said with a grin.

Annie and I raced to them and gave them both big hugs and kisses. The guys were just coming in with two huge trays of 'pizza-lilies' as Marc called them.

Mom introduced everyone around then we all sat down to eat. Greg staked his claim and made sure he got the seat beside Annie, and Yvette made sure she got to sit beside Marc too.

Uncle Rob caught Brett's Texas twang and asked him how a Texas boy ended up in Canada.

"Well my dad used to bring my brother and I up here on fishing trips. There was this cute little blonde working at the lodge who kept eyeing me so I introduced myself. After a couple of summers we were in love. Once we were done college I got a job up here with an engineering firm then we got married."

Marc's mom laughed, " I kept eyeing you? I couldn't move without you watching me Brett! If I remember correctly you were too shy to say hi so you got your brother to introduce us."

Marc's dad chuckled, "This ain't a fight I'm gonna win. Besides Sarah's probably right."

Dinner was awesome, everyone was laughing and joking. The wine flowed freely and poor Greg didn't know what to do when Annie turned the charm up full blast. I was having giggling fits as I poked Annie and whispered in her ear to ease up on the poor kid.

After dinner we gave the kids their Christmas presents over coffee and dessert. Mom did a great job and had picked out great gifts again this year.

When uncle Rob's family was ready to leave hugs and kisses were passed around between all of us. Annie gave Greg a big hug and kiss then whispered something in his ear that made him blush and grin so wide his face almost split.

After we cleaned up, Marc Annie and I excused ourselves and went up to my room for some quiet time. We all flopped onto my bed and I asked them how they liked Italian Christmas.

Marc burped and said, "No room for any more, I'm stuffed."

Annie snickered and grinned. "Your little cousin is such a cutie Kiki. One of my best dates ever."

"So what did you say to Greg when they left Annie? He sure seemed happy about it." I said slyly.

She grinned again, "I told him to come back and see me in five years and I'd show him as good a time as he showed me."

"Oh God Annie you're terrible!" I said with a giggle.

"What?" Annie said. "He's a good looking kid who knows how to treat a woman. The least I can do is return the favour when he's old enough to appreciate it."

Marc chuckled, "Man you must be desperate for a man if you're willing to wait five years for one."

"Hey I got very lucky the other night with Phil. I'm not desperate at all, but I'm willing to wait and see just how hot Greg grows up to be and see if he's as good in the sack as I think he'll be."

"What about Phil?" I giggled.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Phil a lot. I just want to make sure he feels the same way about me before we get too involved."

"Probably a good idea considering your last boyfriend was a cheating shit." Mark said.

"Phil's not like that Marc, he's a stand-up guy. I've known him since third grade and he's always been a loyal friend. If he's genuinely interested in Annie he won't look at another girl. It's just not in him to be like that." I said in Phil's defense.

Marc gave me a questioning look, "And you would know how?"

"When I shot him down he didn't date for almost six months okay?"

"All right you two," Annie said with a laugh. "That's the closest I've seen you get to an argument. If Phil really is into me he'll call me right?"

"Okay," Marc said.

I nodded and looked at them both with a cheeky grin.

"What?" they said in unison.

"Well we all got eachother Christmas presents, but there's a special one that I'd like you both to give me." I said slyly.

"And you're only telling us now?" Annie said in disbelief. "The malls are all closed now pipsqueak."

I giggled and told them it wasn't something they had to buy, but rather it was something they could do for me. Annie got a mischievous glint in her eyes as she twigged on to what I might want.

Marc was a bit slow on the uptake, which didn't surprise me. "So what do you want us to do for you pixie-girl?"

"Well I've seen Annie give you head and watched you go down on her. The best Christmas present you could give me would be to let me watch you fuck." I said with a naughty grin.

Marc and Annie looked surprised at first then Annie laughed, "Is that all?"

She tackled Marc to the bed and started kissing him. Marc resisted a bit at first, but when she started stroking his cock through his jeans he gave in and groped her ass. Their tongues were wrestling for dominance and their hands roamed freely. Annie pulled back and grinned at me‚ her hair mussed and her lipstick smeared again. She took off her top and bra and Marc played with her erect nipples. Annie moaned deep in her chest.

"I see you remember what I like baby brother," Annie said with a gasp.

Marc chuckled, "How could I forget? Grad night's all I've thought about every time I've looked at you."

Marc took one of Annie's rosy nipples into his mouth and bit it gently, making Annie moan again. His hands moved up under her skirt and he pulled her thong down her legs. Annie's fingers worked Marc's belt and jeans, when she got them undone he raised his hips and she pulled them off.

Annie got off the bed and stripped off her skirt then got onto Marc's lap, pinning his cocking between them. She began to grind herself on his cock, making both of them slick with her juices. While she was doing that I slipped out of my clothes and lay back down beside them. Thank god for queen beds!

"Do you love me baby brother?" Annie asked as she ground her sloppy pussy against Marc.

Marc grinned at me as he let out a groan, "Yeah sis, I love you!"

"Do you love my pussy?" she said with a gasp.

Marc grabbed Annie's hips and pushed up against her. "Fuck I love your pussy."

While Annie was teasing her brother I slipped two fingers into my messy little pussy and moaned softly as I watched.

"Do you want to fuck my pussy Marc?"

Marc's response was to flip her on her back and push his glorious dick into Annie's soaked cunny. He slowly thrust in and out, teasing Annie and making her shiver with pent-up desire.

I was moaning myself as my fingers twiddled my clit. I asked Annie how she was enjoying it and she smiled and said 'heaven'.

Marc slowly increased his pace, making them both groan with frustrated lust.

"Come on baby brother, make your big sis cum like you did at grad." Annie said as she wrapped her legs around Marc's back.

Marc sped up and began fucking Annie harder, "Like this bitch? You want me to fuck you hard don't you?"

I could see Annie was close to cumming and knew I wasn't too far behind her. Marc was pounding his sister so hard her ass was bouncing off the bed.

"Oh fuck Marc, make me cum baby brother, fill me up baby!" Annie cried out.

Marc groaned and his hips spasmed forward as he exploded inside his sister's steaming pussy. Annie pulled him deep inside with her legs as she came. Tears welled in her eyes and she kissed Marc tenderly. I couldn't stop my own orgasm and wound up like a tight spring as my body jerked and twitched. I couldn't help myself and I screamed loudly as my second orgasm hit me full force.

We all lay on my bed, spent and gasping for air. We all grinned at eachother and Marc and Annie both gave me a kiss.

"Merry Christmas pipsqueak."

"Yeah, Merry Christmas pixie-girl."

I was just about to wish them both a Merry Christmas when my mom poked her head into the door. "Everything okay kids?"

Annie smirked at her, "Everything's perfect mom, we were just giving Kiki her Christmas present."

My mom grinned knowingly, "Okay kids, have fun." then she closed my door again.

We all burst out laughing.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What a great story!

I loved the way you developed the story line. Just enough to make me want to read the next chapter. You have a way with the way you write. Keep up the good work.

JimSnivelyJimSnivelyalmost 11 years ago
If only . . .

I loved everything about your "Chiara and Annie" series, Chiara. While reading it I lived in a world that I wish our real world resembled: deliciously and healthfully erotic, of course, but also tolerant, sophisticated, kind-hearted, and generous of spirit. Thanks so much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
more please

i so hope you continue to post your story its lovely and very fun to read :) gonna bookmark your page and check back every now and again ;)

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