De Je Vue


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Sylvia looked at Mary and said, "I think I can go now. You're safe here with Jerrod."

Mary smiled and looked away. I was right about the slowness of her computer. I started cleaning out all the useless and non-used programs. I asked about other programs before deleting them. It took about forty-five minutes to get it running like a top. Then I used a cleanup program on it to make sure she didn't have any viruses.

"Well, are you ready for lunch?" I asked.

"Are you done already?"

"Yes I am and now it's time to get something to eat. Where would you like to go?"

"Burger King or McDonald's would be OK," she replied.

"No, we're going to eat real food. The Longhorn Steak House isn't busy this time of day. Is that OK with you?"

She smiled and nodded yes.

"Longhorn it is," I said as we headed out the door.

We got in my car and headed for the restaurant. I wanted to act cool but my stomach was turning somersaults. What was it about this girl that did this to me? Thank god I was graduating in a month. We ordered our dinner and a beverage to drink. I looked at Mary and I was just feeling different then I had in a long time.

"Tell me about yourself, Mary. No one seems to know much about you."

"Well, I was born in Ohio and grew up there. Went to school and graduated in Newark. Went to the local two-year college and then transferred here to state. I came here to get an accounting degree. I'm finishing my junior year. That's about it. Now it's your turn."

"I was born in Michigan and we moved my sophomore year to Ohio. I lived about forty-five miles outside of Newark. I wish I had known you back then. My life might have been different."

"Did you have a bad breakup with a girlfriend?" she asked.

"You could say that but I really don't want to discuss my past. You intrigue me and I only have a month before graduation. I would like to get to know you better."

"I feel something different about you, too, Jerrod. I've heard so many stories about you that I don't know what to believe. The girls all seem to like you but they all say you have a barrier that no one has been able to break through."

"Want to go to the drive-in Friday night and see if you can break through it?"

I laughed and she smiled. There were still a few drive-ins around in both Michigan and Ohio because I'd been to them. Our dinner arrived and we ate. We talked during dinner. This gal was getting to me.

After dinner, I took her back to her dorm. I wanted to kiss her in the worst way but I didn't.

"What time Friday?" she asked before going into her dorm room.

It surprised me but I said I would pick her up at seven. She smiled and I headed home. On Friday, she was waiting at the door when I got there to pick her up. The first thing she said was that her computer worked great. Then she put her hand out to give me the sixty dollars. Despite my steadfast rule, I couldn't take her money.

"You keep it, Mary. Let's just say I did a favor for a friend."

I couldn't believe it when she leaned over and kissed me and said thank you. I didn't say anything on the way to the drive-in. I went inside the concession stand and got us popcorn and drinks. Back in the car, we pushed our seats back as far as they would go. We were watching the movie and eating our popcorn but all I could think about was making out with her. During the second movie, she turned to me and I kissed her lightly. We stared at each other and then kissed again, only this time it was more passionate.

She looked at me and said, "Please Jerrod, not here, not now in the car."

For some strange reason I agreed with her. If we were going to make love, I wanted it to be special. We cuddled and finished watching the movie and I headed back to her dorm. I walked her to her door and she invited me in. She said her roommates were spending the night with their boyfriends.

As we entered the room, she put a red scarf on the door. She said that's to let her roommates that the room was being used. She said she never used it before.

"Do you really want to do this? I don't want to push you into anything."

I didn't give her my usual spiel about I didn't want any attachments. I really wanted her.

"Jerrod, I want you to know that I'm not the type to sleep around. I haven't been with anyone since I started here at State. I'm on birth control but that's just to be safe. I had no intentions of sleeping around when I started taking them."

Before she could say any more I kissed her. I mean I really kissed her with all the passion I could muster. I could never remember wanting anyone more then I wanted her going all the way back to Kathy. Mary backed up to her bed until her legs touched it. I slowly reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. With her bra still on she moved to the center of her bed on her back. I climbed on the bed and began kissing her. She had on a front release bra that I unsnapped and pulled away.

I began to slowly kiss her nipples and squeeze her breasts. They were every bit as beautiful as I had imagined. Mary was moaning and had her hands behind my head. I would take one nipple and suck it while squeezing the other breast. Then I changed every minute or so. I stood up, took off my shirt, and straddled Mary's legs. I slowly kissed down to her stomach and her belly button.

I undid her jeans and pulled them down and off her legs. I took mine off and got back on the bed. Then I kissed and licked the light fuzz between her belly button and panties. I went back to the top and worked my way over her nipples, past her belly, down to her panties. I hooked my fingers into the silky material and pulled them off.

Her bush was neatly trimmed and I rubbed my face in it. As I moved down to her pussy she seemed quite nervous.

"Jerrod, I've never had oral sex."

"Mary, there's always a first time and I promise not to hurt you in any way."

I move my tongue over her vulva and licked it over and over. I slid my tongue further down to her pussy and pushed it into her.

"Jerrod, oh my god, I'm coming, I'm coming."

She was yelling loud enough the sorority sisters in the building probably heard her. I must have licked her pussy for a good ten minutes. My face was soaked with her juices. I slipped off the bed and removed my briefs. I took a condom out of my pants pocket and put it on my hard cock. I got back on the bed in between her legs and slowly pushed into her. I went slow and only pushed a couple of inches in at a time.

When I was all the way in, I pumped a few times and Mary came again. I lay down on top of her but held my weight on my elbows. I began kissing her again with her pussy juices all over my face. I raised my head and started pumping harder. I knew I was about to come. Mary had tears in her eyes when she looked at me.

"I love you." she said.

I honestly wasn't expecting that. I didn't say anything but leaned down and kissed her again. I then came as hard as I ever had and Mary came a third time. I rolled off her and lay next to her. She eventually got up and went to the bathroom. I took off the full condom, tied it and wrapped it in a tissue and threw it into the trash. I slipped my clothes back on and waited for Mary.

She came back out dressed in baby doll pajamas She didn't seem sure of what to say but she leaned over and kissed me.

"I'm sorry for saying I loved you but it just came out."

I explained to her that I didn't want to fall in love since I was graduating in two weeks and would be going back to Ohio. I told her I had very strong feelings for her and would like to see her more before I graduated.

"How about breakfast tomorrow? You can pick me up at nine," she said.

"I'll be here with bells on. Is Bob Evans all right?"

She nodded and I kissed her goodnight. My head was spinning. I was in love with her but wouldn't admit it to myself. I picked her up the next morning and she kissed me. We headed for breakfast but we never talked about love or being together. I think it was a bit hard on both of us. Finally, Mary said she would be my girlfriend until I graduated. That took both of us off the hook since it was only two weeks away.

I saw her twice the following week. We went out for dinner, kissed and petted in the car some. We both had finals and I had things to do for graduation. It was now our last week. We went out for lunch and I asked her if she would go to a motel with me on Friday. I also invited her to my graduation on Sunday. I told her my parents would be there but they didn't know about her.

She agreed to both. I took her back to her dorm and she said her friends wanted to know if we were a couple. She told them that right now we were just friends with benefits. Friday I treated her to dinner at Red Lobster--it was always one of my favorites. Then we went to the Holiday Inn Express. We headed to our room and we had another round of sex like we did at her dorm room. The only difference was after she came the second time, I took her from behind, doggy style. Just like the first time, I used condoms.

After cleaning up, we cuddled and went to sleep. I woke up to her jacking me off. I didn't have on a condom but she had tissues, a washcloth, and a towel. I came hard, I don't know the last time I had a girl masturbate me. After cleaning off my cock, she leaned down and kissed it.

At breakfast, I asked her if she wanted to ride home with me. College was out and most everyone went home. I told her since she only lived forty-five miles away from where I lived we could see each other until she went back to school.

She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Jerrod, I'm not going home. Some of us sorority girls rented a place for a month in Myrtle Beach. We made the arrangements four months ago. But I can call you when I get home."

I was saddened but I got what I asked for. Only I wasn't supposed to fall in love again. We went back to the college and I went over to the gym for graduation practice. I was getting a couple of special honors for being the top of my class.

The next day as I was crossing the stage when they mentioned my name, Mary and all her sorority sisters who were not seniors stood up and cheered for me. She brought a tear to my eye. After the award ceremony, I went outside to meet my parents. While I was waiting for them, Mary came up to me and said she would really miss me.

I introduced my parents to Mary as a very good friend and told them she was from Ohio. They talked with her a few minutes and then mentioned she had to leave. She kissed me and whispered in my ear that she really did love me and then took off.

My parents brought a truck and we loaded all my stuff into it. I already had some things in my car. We left and headed back to Ohio. I had a great job lined up and would be starting in a week.

The ride home was hard. All I could think about was Mary. I hoped we made the right decision and could go on with our lives. I knew I shouldn't have fallen in love but the heart wants what it wants. Maybe she would call me some time. I knew her going away with a group of girls to Myrtle Beach wasn't a good sign.

I started work and was busy right off the start. As an Engineering Technician, I was responsible for the actual loading of the programs into the computer. It was a lot to explain but someone had to do it. If someone came up with an idea it was up to us to see if it could be done. I kept busy and worked a lot of overtime. At least I didn't have time to think about Mary. In fact, I didn't have time to think much about anything. I worked some weekends if we had programs near completion. The benefits and money were good but it didn't leave much time for a social life.

My first weekend off I went to Jenny and Rob's wedding. I knew half the people there. Kathy showed up with her boyfriend. She was one of the bridesmaids. I smiled at her and even danced with her once at the reception. I still had feelings for her but not nearly what they were when we were together. I danced with Jenny and she kept telling me I was still her best friend. I wished her and Rob the best.

I had a good time and talked to a lot of my old friends. Some of them were married and others said they were still looking. I told them I wasn't really looking but if it happened it happened. I left my cell phone at home. I tried not to depend on it for anything. I guess I was a bit old fashioned.

When I got back to the house, my mom said my phone had been ringing off the hook. I checked and saw Mary called me five times. I called her back and she said she missed me. They would be home the following weekend and she asked if I would be able to see her. I told her I'd try my best and hoped she was having a nice time.

I had mixed feelings. I figured she went to the beach everyday and probably had parties most every night. Plus only God knew what else they were doing. They were a group of girls on vacation. I knew if it was a group of guys they would be looking for girls day and night.

I went to see her Saturday. She came out, put her arms around my neck, and kissed me. I had missed her but she hadn't said anything so I didn't either. She took me into her house and introduced me to her mom and younger sister. Her dad was working that day. We went down the rec room and sat on the couch and talked.

She said they went to the beach almost every day and had a nice time. But she missed me. That's when she had called me. I could see she had a beautiful tan. I asked her about guys. She said they came around constantly and she talked to them but never did anything else. She said she couldn't say that about a couple of the other girls though.

They had gone to a few parties but even though she danced and talked with the guys, it never went any further. She told me other things she did but none of it included guys. I wanted to believe her but she was too beautiful to not get hit on. I told her that and she got a little agitated.

"Jerrod, almost all girls get hit on daily, me included, but it's up to me to make the right choices. I'm in love with you and I'm not going to jeopardize that for a kiss or fuck from another guy. I need you to believe me. I'm your girl and I want everyone to know it. Yes, I talk to guys and dance with them, but that's all. I won't date anyone but you. I'll go out with friends if there are both guys and girls. I have male friends but that's all they are... not friends with benefits."

I kissed her. She said her mom and sister were going shopping and we'd be alone in a few minutes. We heard them leave and Mary kissed me again. She took off her top and bra and slipped off her jeans and panties. She stood there naked and I saw exactly what her bathing suit covered. It wasn't much.

I took off my jeans and briefs. I put on a condom and she climbed up on my lap and put my hard cock into her pussy. My first thought was where did she learn this? We never did it this way. While she was riding me, she said her girlfriends said she should try doing this because guys liked it.

I laughed and told her she was right as I pumped hard into her riding my cock. She told me about a few other positions her girlfriends told her to try. She came hard and screamed out, leaned forward and kissed me passionately.

"I needed that Jerrod. I needed you so much."

We got dressed and went upstairs and she showed me her bedroom. Then we went into the kitchen and she made us a sandwich. We took a beverage and were getting ready to go back downstairs to watch a movie when the door opened and her dad walked in.

"Daddy," she said and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom and Cheryl went shopping. Dad, this is my friend Jerrod from college. He stopped by to see me. He just lives forty-five miles from here."

I put out my hand and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you sir," I said.

He looked at me. "It's nice to meet you, too. Any friend of Mary's is welcome here. She's a very good judge of character."

About that time, Mary's mother and sister arrived home. We went out and helped bring in the groceries. Then Mary said we were going downstairs to watch a movie and eat our lunch. Cheryl asked if she could come and Mary said, of course. Cheryl grabbed a bag of chips that they had just bought and we headed down to the basement.

I went home after the movie. I kissed Mary when I left. I knew Cheryl would ask her questions and wondered how much Mary would tell her. Mary had to go back to college in another month. I was hoping to see her a couple of times before she headed back. We talked a few times a week. I called her after work but sometimes it was quite late. Other times she wasn't home. I finally got hold of her on Thursday and we made a date for Saturday. We were going bowling and she said Cheryl asked if she could go with us. What could I say? Cheryl brought a girlfriend with her and we really had a good time.

Mary thanked me over and over for allowing her sister to come along. I told her that I was happy just to be with her. I took all the girls out for pizza afterwards. When we got back to the house Cheryl and her girlfriend both thanked me and kissed me on the cheek. Mary and I sat on the porch and talked. We made a date for the next Saturday. It would be the last time I would see her before she went back to college.

We actually went to the drive-in again. Only this time I parked in the back and we didn't watch the movie. I really disliked doing it in the car but we didn't have much choice. We both slipped off our shorts and underwear. I put on a condom and we took it nice and slow. We kissed practically the whole time. It kept Mary from yelling out.

We took a break and watched the rest of the first movie. We didn't dress so I was able to finger her and she gave me a hand job. During the second movie, I put on another condom and Mary wanted to try a reverse. She said her girlfriends said she would love it. Rather than facing me, she just sat on my lap with both of us facing forward.

Mary said, hey I can watch the movie while we make love. She did say making love. She came and I came shortly after. She asked me what I thought and I told her I liked her facing me better. I could play with her boobs and kiss her at the same time. She just laughed.

I took her back home and kissed her. I asked her to keep in touch. She said she would be home for the holidays. Then she repeated she loved me and would be true to me.

"Mary, I know I've never told you that I love you. It's because normally long distant relationships don't work out and I'm a rather jealous man. I'm going to take a big step here and tell you I really do love you and trust you. I promise to be true to you."

Mary had tears in her eyes as she kissed me and got out of the car.

I went back to work on Monday both happy and sad. Happy that I was fairly sure Mary loved me and at the same time we would be apart for the best part of a year. Could our love hold out?

Work was going really well and a few of the ladies at worked asked me if I wanted to go with them to lunch. I figured if a group of people went to lunch I'd go, but I didn't do one on one. I would feel like I was cheating on Mary. Some nights we worked late and the bosses took us out for dinner. To be honest, I was hit on a number of times. I let them know I was in a relationship and my girl was in school up in Michigan.

I seemed to always get the same answers.

1. Oh she'll never know. To which I answered that may be true but I'll know. I won't do that to her. I just hoped Mary felt the same way.

2. If she's in college, do you think she's being faithful to you. My answer was, you don't know her. She's as honest as they come and I trust her more than I've ever trusted anyone.

I honestly didn't know if I believed it all myself but I hoped it to be true.

I got a call from Mary and she said she wouldn't be home till Thanksgiving. She asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner. I discussed it with my mom and called Mary back and told her I would be there. My mom said she was going to have our big dinner on Friday. She had invited a lot of relatives over that day.