De Je Vue


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I worked hard and my bosses noticed. They complemented me on my work. I still did computer repairs in my spare time just to keep busy. Life was good but somewhat lonely for me.

I went over to Mary's on Thanksgiving dinner and asked her if she wanted to join my family the next day for our celebration. She told me that she promised some of her friends that they could get together for the day. They hadn't seen each other since their graduation. We spent our time with her family. They seemed to like me and treated me great. We both knew there wouldn't be any sex this trip but I was happy to see her. I kissed her goodbye and she said she loved me. I told her I loved her also.

She said she would be home for Christmas but was staying in Michigan for New Years. Her sorority was throwing a New Years Eve party and she was one of the planners. That was really a downer for me to hear. I wanted to start the new year off with her.

Dinner with all my relatives kept my mind off Mary. They asked me about my new job. Everyone seemed to ask me if I was seeing anyone. My family knew about Mary since they met her but they had no idea I was in love with her. I just told them I was dating a girl but in college in Michigan. That pretty much stopped the conversation because no one felt long distance relationships lasted. I had a couple of cousins ask me if I wanted to go bowling. They were running a special for the holidays. We walked in and the place was packed. I looked down the lanes and saw Mary with her friends. There were six of them--three guys and three girls.

I told my relatives that the place was too crowded so maybe we should just take in a movie. They agreed and as we were walking out Mary spotted me. It was her turn to bowl and by the time she got to the door, we were gone. She kept calling the next day but I wouldn't take her call. About the sixth time, I answered it.

"What do you want?"

"Why did you run out on me? I wanted to introduce you to my friends," she said.

"That would make one guy too many. I didn't want to mess up the numbers."

"Jerrod, don't be like that. They were only friends and we were bowling. There was no dating or couples. Please, I'm sorry. I didn't do anything wrong. I love you, no one else."

"Well Mary, drive back safely and I'll see you at Christmas. Goodbye."

I felt like shit. I somewhat accused her of going out on me even though she told me she was going out with friends. Now I was confused and she was probably mad at me. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I had to learn to trust her. Damn, it's hard not to let your mind wander when the person you love isn't around to talk things out and communicate better. At times, I wished I'd never met her because of the doubt that constantly entered my mind. I decided to call her sister Cheryl. I could use her help. I knew I wouldn't see Mary again till Christmas and by then a lot of things could change. I called and was happy Cheryl answered the phone. If I didn't mention it Cheryl was sixteen and almost as cute as her sister.

"Hello Cheryl, do you have time to talk to me?"

"Jerrod, I'd talk to you anytime. I guess you know Mary is a little mad at you for not letting her explain what was going on at the bowling alley. Jerrod, they were just friends that decided to go bowling. She told me that if she had known you were available to go she would have asked you. She was sad when she left back to school."

"Yeah, I really screwed up. There's not much I can do about it now. I won't be able to see her till Christmas. That's why I called you. If I gave you a credit card or money would you buy her some Christmas presents from me? I wouldn't know where to start, or what she needs or wants."

"Sure, I can do that for you. She's not only my sister but my best friend. I know exactly what she wants but not sure you want to buy it."

"What is it? I'll give you up to five hundred dollars to spend," I said.

"Jerrod, she loves you. She's hoping you will ask her to marry you. You're all she talks about. She wants a ring on her finger. Are you ready for that?"

"Not while she's so far away. I worry every day that she'll find someone else. A ring on her finger doesn't mean she couldn't. She'll be gone for another six months."

"OK, how about you come over Saturday and we'll go shopping for some clothes and other items. We'll also pick up a friendship ring as a hope for the future."

"You think that would please her? I'm at my wits end. I really do love her but I've been in this position before and lost out."

"You can explain that to me Saturday. I know that Mary's doesn't lie and that a ring would mean a lot to her. It's not the price but what the ring stands for. By the way, I expect a really good lunch."

"Thank you Cheryl. I appreciate it," I said.

I worked all week and on Saturday, I picked up Cheryl. The first thing I asked her was if Mary knew we were going shopping.

"I talked to her and she said she missed you and I wasn't allowed to flirt with you."

She laughed when she said it. I had to admit that Cheryl was a damn good-looking girl for her age.

We shopped till we dropped. We picked up jeans, a sweater, two blouses and some White Diamond cologne. Damn, no wonder she always smelled so good. We then went to the lingerie department and Cheryl picked out a light blue baby doll pajama set.

"Do you think your parents might have a problem with that?" I asked.

"Maybe, but Mary will love them."

We then went to the jewelry counter. Cheryl asked for the promise rings. She tried a number of them on and picked one out.

"Mary would love this one. In case you're wondering, Mary and I went shopping when she was home and we tried different rings on. Engagement rings, wedding rings, and friendship rings. Don't get nervous. We do it all the time when we go shopping. I remember she tried this one on and smiled at me."

I bought the ring. After shopping we went to the Red Lobster and talked about Mary. I explained to her what happened between Kathy and me and that she had been my first love.

"Jerrod, I feel so sorry for you but I know my sister better than anyone. She would never do that to you."

"I thought the same about Kathy, but I was wrong. Thank you for everything you did for me today. I really do appreciate it," I said.

I worked six days a week until Christmas. If it wasn't at work, it was at home. I didn't have much of a personal life. On Sundays, I went apartment hunting. I decided I was making enough money to get my own place. It was funny that I looked for places between my house and Mary's parents.

I came across a small three-bedroom home that I thought would be great. It was for rent with a year option to buy. It was actually cheaper to buy then it was to rent. I decided to rent it and have my parents look at it and see what they thought. I borrowed a friend's pickup truck, called a few friends, and started moving my belongings in to it. I really didn't have a lot to take since most of it belonged to my parents.

Everyone I knew was giving me their used household items. Mostly it was kitchen stuff like cups, glasses, and plates. Mom gave me washcloths and towels and all the odds and ends that I needed. I went to a second hand store and picked up a living room set and a kitchen table. My house came with a refrigerator and stove. Mom gave me some of her old pots and pans. I bought a second hand bedroom set but had to buy a new mattress and box springs. I stayed there for the first time the following Sunday.

It was a day before Christmas Eve when Mary came home. She called me and I went to see her after work. I had the next two days off. I was so happy to see her. We spent time apologizing to each other for our stupid actions and not taking the time to communicate. She had to go back the day after Christmas and I told her about my house.

I took her and Cheryl over to see it. She said she loved the house but my furniture was quite a mixed match of pieces. I told her it worked for a bachelor since all I did was sleep there. I didn't even own a TV or have a phone installed yet. I had internet because of my business.

Cheryl loved it. She jumped on my bed and said, "This is nice. You two should try it out."

I just smiled at Mary.

"Maybe next time. We have to get back to the house. Mom's expecting us for dinner."

We went back to Mary's and had dinner. It was getting late and I told her I would see her Christmas day. I was spending Christmas Eve with my parents. I kissed her goodbye but her family was there so there wasn't much passion.

I headed home which was less than twenty miles from Mary's house. It wasn't that late but I just got in bed and lay there. About an hour later, there was a knock at the door. All I had on was a T-shirt and briefs. I never had company so I looked out the door and there stood Mary wrapped in a heavy coat.

I let her in and she kissed me. She said Cheryl gave me one of her Christmas presents and she wanted to thank me for it. She took off her coat and all she had on was the blue baby doll pajamas. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight.

"Want to try out that bed now?" she asked.

We got in bed and were undressed in seconds. She didn't want to get her pajamas dirty.

We started kissing like we hadn't seen each other for a year. I played and kissed on her tits for a while before moving down to her belly. I knew I was getting to her when she pulled her belly in. I kissed below her belly and buried my face in her trimmed muff. I kissed and slobbered all over it and moved down to her pussy. I tongued, licked, and sucked her until she came. She even squirted and I loved it.

I moved up and stuck my cock in her and pumped like there was no tomorrow. It occurred to me that I wasn't wearing a condom. I had forgotten all about it. She had told me before that she was still on the pill so I decided not to worry about it. I came hard.

"Jerrod, I feel you coming in me. Oh, it's so good. I love you so much."

I got off her, lay next to her, and cuddled. Sometime during the night, she had her back to me. My cock pressed against her butt. I lifted her leg, pushed into her pussy, and slowly made love to her. She woke up as her orgasm hit. She pushed back as hard as she could and I filled her up again.

We looked at the clock and it was nearly five in the morning. She jumped up and went in the shower. She didn't want to get her hair wet but she wanted her lower half cleaned up. She put her pajamas and her coat back on, kissed me, and said it was the best night of her life. She left and said she would see me on Christmas.

I spent Christmas Eve at my parents and we had a lot of guests over. On Christmas day, I headed over to Mary's around noon. They were busy opening presents and Mary opened the ones her sister and I picked out. Every time she opened one, she kissed me, thanked me, and then thanked Cheryl.

When she opened the ring, she had a tear in her eye. The note said "Whenever you wear it please think of me."

She handed me a present. I wasn't expecting anything. It was a wristwatch. The engraving on the back said to Jerrod with love, Mary. This time I kissed her. I handed a small package to Cheryl. On the card it read, "To the best friend anyone could have." It was a gift card for two hundred dollars for her favorite store. She came over and hugged me.

After cleaning up the mess, we headed into the kitchen and had dinner. Then Mary, Cheryl, and I went down to the rec room and watched a couple of movies. Later I kissed Mary goodnight and went back to my parents before going home. I never mentioned New Years because I knew she wasn't coming home.

I went over to a friend's house for a big New Year's party. I drank and danced with a lot of girls. I figured that is what my wonderful girlfriend was doing. I got pretty drunk and at midnight everyone was kissing. I actually didn't kiss anyone but a number of girls kissed me. I had a good time despite thinking about Mary.

I fell asleep drunk on my friend's couch and his wife just threw a blanket over me. At eight the next morning my phone rang. It was Mary, calling to wish me a Happy New Year. She said their party went over pretty good but ended up with a lot of drunks. I wanted to ask her if she danced and kissed anyone but was afraid of the answer. I told her I missed her and would see her at Easter. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

It was a long time from New Years to Easter. I worked hard and pretty much put most of my money away. I talked to Mary about once a week and usually felt worse after I hung up. She said she was going out with friends for Valentine's Day so I thought I would do the same thing and called her sister Cheryl and asked her if she wanted to go out for dinner and maybe bowling.

She laughed.

"I'd love to. But why me?" she asked.

"Your sister's going out with her friends and so I'm going out with mine. You can ask your friend Diana if she wants to go with us."

Her girlfriend went with us and we went bowling first and then to the Texas Roadhouse. I paid for everything but thanked them for going with me. I just didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone. Cheryl said her sister was lucky to have such a good guy. She kissed me on the cheek when they got home. I knew she would tell her sister when she talked to her.

Mary called and told me she was coming home for Easter. She was coming to my house Friday night after leaving school. Her parents weren't expecting her till Saturday. The only person that knew was Cheryl.

She arrived around seven. We ordered a pizza and spent the night in the house. Since I last saw her, I got a TV. We ate our pizza, stripped down to our skivvies, and turned it on. There were movies on but we were too busy making out. She slipped off her panties and pulled my briefs off. She wanted to ride me while facing me. She climbed on and road me for a good fifteen minutes. The guys who say they can go for hours need to see a doctor. I'd bust a nut trying to hold back that long. I didn't wear a condom since Mary was on birth control. After the movie was over, we headed to bed. We were already naked so I lay on my back and she got on and road me again. She leaned forward and I sucked on those beautiful tits. I then held on to her and rolled over so I was on top.

I lifted her legs and pumped the hell out of her pussy. I couldn't believe how much I came since it was the second time. I was tired and Mary said she was too from driving all the way home right after class. We just pulled a sheet over us and slept like babies. The morning sun woke me up shining through the window.

I used the bathroom and then Mary took a shower. She did her best not to get her hair wet. I jumped in the shower right after Mary got out. She had to go because her parents were expecting her home. She warmed up a leftover piece of pizza, kissed me and said she would see me the next day and left.

I visited her on Easter and then we rode over to see my parents. My dad always said she was a keeper whenever he saw her. We visited for a while and I took her back home. She had to leave for college again.

She would be graduating in about a month. It would be a pretty rough month for her with finals and all. She told me she was going to her senior party in three weeks. That was where I met her a year ago only it was my party. She promised me she would be a good girl and showed me her ring. We kissed goodbye.

Life was good and work was steady. I was feeling pretty good. In a couple of weeks, Mary would be coming home for good. I called up Cheryl and said I wanted her to go shopping with me. I picked her up and we went to the jewelry store that we'd gone to before.

"Cheryl, which engagement ring did Mary like best?"

"You aren't kidding! Are you going to ask Mary to marry you?"

"Yes, at her graduation. Do you think she'll say yes?"

"I'm positive she will."

Cheryl asked the jeweler to bring out the wedding rings. We looked at several and Cheryl held up one that was two thousand dollars and said she loved this one.

The jeweler looked at me and said I could have it for seventeen hundred.

"Damn, that's a lot of money. What if she says no?"

"She won't Jerrod. She loves you," said Cheryl.

"OK, wrap it up. I'll take it with me."

Cheryl was as excited as I was. I told her she couldn't even hint about it to Mary. I really loved her and hoped I was doing the right thing. It took me a long time to get over Kathy cheating on me. Mary seemed so different from other women I dated. She was both beautiful and sexy and from what I could tell, she was very honest with me. I never caught her in a lie and never really raised her voice except when making love.

I never told her I broke up with Kathy because she went to her prom with another guy, had sex, and got pregnant. I don't know why I held it back from Mary. I guess I was afraid she would try to hide any affairs she may have had.

Even though I was only at my new job for a year, I asked for a few days off to go to Mary's graduation. Needless to say, it was granted. When you graduate, you have to clean out your dorm and take everything with you. I figured with Mary's car, her parent's car and mine, we could take everything. I got a call from Mary the Friday before she was to graduate. They always graduate on Sunday.

"Jerrod, are you coming to my graduation?" Mary asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. I even got a few days off work to help you bring your things back. What made you ask me that? You knew I was going to come."

"Jerrod I have something to tell you. I went to the doctor yesterday."

I thought oh no it's happening all over again. I wanted to hang up but I had to hear her say it.

"Jerrod are you all right? It's important I tell you this. I'm pregnant."

I started crying and knew Mary could hear me.

"Jerrod, honey, it's not like Kathy your old girlfriend. It's your baby, mine and yours. I was just so excited to tell you that I had to call you right away."

"How did this happen and how did you know about Kathy?" I asked.

"When I came home for Easter I was out of birth control pills and was going to pick up some. I used them for years and never needed them until I met you. And you wore condoms. When we got together on Easter, I forgot all about them. Since we met, there has been no one but you. As far as Kathy goes, you know Cheryl's my sister and best friend. She explained the reason you get so jealous and said you told her the story about you and Kathy. I wish you would have told me but I understand now.

"Jerrod, I guarantee this baby is yours. I'll do DNA or even prenatal DNA to prove it to you. If I read you wrong and you don't love me like I think you do, I'm still having our baby."

"Mary, who else knows about the baby?"

"I tried calling you but didn't get through so I called Cheryl. She seemed really happy and thought you would be too. Then I called you. I haven't talked to my parents yet. I'm a little afraid to tell them."

"Mary, I'm very happy. I'll be at your graduation. Don't tell your parents till after we get home. They are having a party for you and we'll tell them afterwards together. I really do love you, Mary."

I called Cheryl and asked what was new. She asked if I talked to Mary and I told her I had.

"What are you going to do?"

"Ride with me to the graduation and we'll talk about it. Whatever you do, don't tell your parents. A couple of days won't make any difference and Mary and I will tell them together. What made you tell her about Kathy?"

"Mary was worried about you and how jealous you got after the bowling incident. She's my best friend so I told her the truth about why you have a hard time trusting people," Cheryl said.

"Thank you. You're a good sister to Mary."

We hung up and I suddenly realized the impact of what Mary said. We were going to be parents. I couldn't tell if I was excited, scared or both.