Gramps' Legacy Ch. 03


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I was still pissing when the door opened. There was no way that stream was going to be interrupted, so I just waved them back out. Finally finished, I stood up and nearly fell forward onto my face from fatigue. Pan, as I soon learned she preferred to be called, was there to catch me before I realized I was falling.

"Shit! What's wrong with me. I'm as weak as a newborn baby," I complained.

Pan laughed. "Careful who you tell that to. There are some women here who might like to take advantage of that fact and have their way with you." Then her face took on a serious mein. "I understand you're somewhat new to the Body, and unaware of the benefits, not to mention the spectrum of consequences.

"What you did the other day, pulling me out of a situation half the world away, is unheard of, by anyone, let alone a neophyte. Although the effort is mental, the body has to deplete its energy stores to move the mass being teleported. It has the same physical effect on your body as running a marathon race. The question is not why you're so weak, but why you're still upright."

I laughed. "Right now, only because you're holding me up."

"I've had worse jobs," she said, shimmying her hips against mine. She sighed. "I guess if I tried to physically say thank you, your grandmother would be upset, wouldn't she. Something about this being 'her' day."

"Yeah," I replied with a weak grin, "she's a bit like a cat; cute and cuddly until some one invades what she sees as her territory, then she's all claws and teeth. Help me back into bed, then I'll have her come up and keep me company for a while. That'll keep her claws retracted for a bit."

Pan walked me to my bed and lowered me into it. When she started to stand up, I put my left arm around her shoulder to keep her against my chest. My right hand found its way between her thighs and up to her apex. "Pandora..."

"Just Pan, Will. For my special friends," she said with a smile.

"Pan, I just wanted to say thank you for your help." I pulled her down as I stretched my neck up to capture her lips. I felt her tongue tickling my lips and let it in to play, trading venues frequently. At some point, I heard her squeal and the kiss was broken. She was floating over me, horizontal, and her slacks were slowly making their way down her legs.

She looked at me in wonder, then broke into a giggle fit. "Don't drop me. There is no way we could explain the resulting damage. In fact, you better let me down now."

"If you insist," I said with a sigh, imagining her clothes piled on my dresser.

She was lying on top of me, resuming our kiss when she became aware of my hands caressing her bare back. She rose up on her hands and knees, saying, "What the f..." when she looked down to see herself naked, straddling me. "Well, I see you've learned some of the benefits," she said with a laugh. "With your permission, I'll go get Bess for you. I can wait until you're more rested."

"I'm not sure I can," I said, looking at her. She had the dusky skin of a Middle Easterner, with heavy CC breasts, the chocolate colored nipples perfectly centered in silver dollar sized areolas, only a few shades lighter than her nips . Looking down her body, she had a cute oval shaped navel, accented by a small diamond stud. Otherwise her abdomen was flat except for the small feminine pooching which covered her uterine area. Her mons was prominent, and covered with a dark brown down which appeared to be untrimmed. Her vaginal crease was just visible through it. If you are familiar with da Vinci's painting of Leda and the Swan, then you have a pretty good idea of what Pandora looked like at that moment.

She smiled, blushing. "I'll go get Bess for you. And tomorrow, you can rest. I'll see to it." Her clothing reappeared on her body, and mine was gone. She laughed and winked at me, walking out the door.

Nana came through the door a few minutes later, looking concerned. I was lying on top of the bed covers, with Charlie standing proud, poking through the fly of my shorts, which I had retrieved. Nana walked to the bed, a smile replacing the worry lines she had been sporting when she came in. "Are you sure, Will? You still seem awfully weak and tired."

"I'll be fine, Nana, but you may have to do most of the work. Pan says I need to rest another day to get all my strength back, but if I don't over exert myself with you, I'll be fine."

I reached out my hand to take hers. With a grin, I pictured her clothes leaving her body, one article at a time. She nearly freaked out as her dress left her and walked to the closet, to hang itself up, followed by her slip, bra, stockings and panties, along with my boxers.

" d...d...did you do that?" she gasped out. "Connie told me she has regained her ability to read minds, and after practicing with her and Iolande, I can if I really concentrate on the person, but I've never seen anyone do that. Is that something the girls can teach us?"

"I don't know," I answered and began to levitate her to bring her to bed. I positioned her over my face, looking toward my feet. I lowered her quim to my face and used the power to push her head toward Charlie. I heard her giggle, then felt her mouth slide over my snake head. I reached out with my tongue and hands, tasting her and feeling up her boobs at the same time. When she moaned, I finished lowering her to lie on top of me, and began to lave her puss with vim and vigor.

I explored her labia from top to bottom, and then right back up the middle to search out her love button. I knew I found it as soon as my tongue hit it. Nana nearly planked on me and drove her face down my cock to the root so she had the whole eight inches and part of my pubes in her mouth.

She was trembling like an aspen leaf in the wind, moving around so much I could barely keep up with her as she tried to drive her quim into my mouth. For about ten minutes she went into a spasm of quivering every time my tongue touched her clit. Finally she rolled off me, keeping my cock in her mouth, moaning while she buried her face in my balls.

When she had calmed down a little, she began pumping her head up and down my shaft, keeping the suction pressure on it constantly until I exploded in her mouth. My first shot went directly down her throat to her stomach, but then she pulled back to collect the next several shots in her mouth.

When I was done, she pulled off me and opened her mouth to show me the inside, coated with cum. With a big smile, she made a production out of swallowing it, then engulfed Charlie again and sucked everything she could out of him as he went soft.

When he popped out of her mouth, she shimmied up next to me, and bestowed a giant kiss on my lips, sno-balling the small bit of cum she had extracted from my cock. At first I was surprised, then a little nauseated.

It took me about half second to realize that she had swallowed nearly ten times as much as she was sharing, and that my reluctance was purely cultural— real men didn't swallow cum, or so I had learned from my peers in high school and college. But if I wasn't willing to share the total experience of our lovemaking, what kind of ass-hole of a lover did that make me?

Sure, I was here for Nana, "servicing" her, if you will, but that service was aimed at more than just physical release or pleasure. For it to be any more than a complicated attempt at mutual masturbation, there had to be some semblance of emotion attached to it. There had to be some love, and a willingness to share our experiences. I knew how much I enjoyed the after-fuck blowjob, not just for the physical pleasure it brought, but also for what it said about how my partner felt about me, that she was willing to ingest our combined cum because of her love, our love.

My tongue met Nana's, collecting the sperm laden liquid she had deposited in my mouth, and twirled my tongue around hers, smearing my seed over the surfaces of them both, then sucking it all into my mouth. Breaking the kiss, I pulled back so she could focus on my face, and swallowed. Her face broke into a beaming smile and she recaptured my lips in a fierce lip lock.

"Thad and your dad wouldn't do that," she said. "They said it wasn't manly; that swallowing cum was only for women and gays. They really had no idea what being a man was about. I think they were afraid they might like it and want to get it from the source, the way we women do. I've always thought a man who was secure in his masculinity wouldn't have any problems with it."


I felt her hand sliding over my lower belly, through my thatch, to grab Charlie by the root. In spite of having just come from a blow job which felt like it emptied my nuts, he was already, or still, hard. Nana moaned her approval into my mouth and threw her leg across my hips. "Just lie still," she whispered. "I'll take care of this."

I felt her move Charlie to the opening of her vagina. I swear, even before she slid down onto him, her quim was like a sauna. It felt like Charlie was being wrapped in that hot towel barbers used to use when they shaved you. The next sensation was Nana lying down on me, flattening her tits on my chest while her feet rubbed up against my legs as she straightened out on me.

She moved her knees inside mine and told me to squeeze them closed. I didn't think her pussy could get any tighter, but it did. Then she sort of shimmied around, getting comfortable. She turned her head so her cheek was against my shoulder and let out a long sigh, as if she was going to sleep.

It felt like butterfly wings caressing Charlie, right at his tip, then a progressive, rolling, squeeze and release from there to his root, taking about ten seconds, a short hiatus, and then it was repeated, over and over and over until I exploded in her, flooding her quim with cum, and precipitating her own orgasm . Screams and moans from the living room told me we hadn't been totally alone, even though there hadn't been anyone else in the room. This telepathy shit was going to take some getting used to.

We had fallen asleep, into that blissful post-coital haze. I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I found myself on my side, Charlie still partially buried in Nana, gazing into the prettiest hazel eyes you'll ever see.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. I was worried I might have worn you out for good."

"Almost. I have to say, Nana, that was one of the most awesome fucks I've ever had..."

"Only one of? I must be losing my touch," she said, laughing.

I blushed. "Only because of who..."

"Hush; gentlemen don't tell, and ladies don't ask.

"Connie stuck her head in the door a little bit ago, wondering if we were ready for some dinner. Do you feel like joining them?"

"Yeah, but I need to shower first. If this is still Tuesday, it's been at least three days. I must be getting pretty rank."

"Maybe a little, but not objectionably so; for some women, I hear, your body odor is just getting to the point of being a turn on; for some women, as I said," she replied, smiling.

"And you?"

"I'll join you in the shower." She laughed.

I sent a telepathic message to Mom, telling her we'd be out for dinner in a half hour or so. "Are you taking bets? Thad said he always figured on at least an hour more after a shower before he got out Nana's."

"What the hell? Aren't there any secrets in this house anymore?" I mentally shouted, and got laughter in return.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," said Iolande.

There was something in the air over dinner. Even Gramm could feel it, and she was the one person in the room who was not telepathic. As soon as we were done with dessert, she stood up and asked, "Bess, can you drive me home? It's been a long day and I'm getting a headache."

I gently probed her. "Shit, if I don't get out of here soon, I'll scream. I don't know what's going on, but these two strangers and Connie have been sniping at each other all day since Will woke up."

I looked at Mom. She was just standing up to gather the dishes from dessert to take them to the kitchen. Normally sociable, she kept her eyes on the table without saying a word. Gramm and Nana got themselves together, said their good nights, and were out of the house in almost record time.

"Pan, Iolande, I want to talk to my Mom, privately, and I do mean privately."

The three women looked at me, concern on Mom's face, alarm on the other two, but they both nodded and left the dining room. I grabbed Mom's hand and led her back to her bedroom.

"What's going on with you and our visitors? Christ, the tension in the dining room was so thick you could roll it into dumplings or something. Even Gramm picked up on it, and you know how unperceptive she can be."

"It's Pan and 'lande; they've been arguing over who gets to sleep in your bed tonight. They haven't come to blows yet, but they have been doing annoying little things. They aren't "Harry Potter" kinds of witches, but both of them are capable of small kinesthetic feats, like moving salt and pepper shakers just out of reach, or loosening the caps on them so they fall off when they're used. Once this afternoon, when Lande was talking to some one at the front door, Pan pulled her slacks down from the kitchen. That kind of stuff."

"Do they know about us?"

"I think so. They know Rose and Bess are your grandmothers; it's not a huge intellectual leap."

"But they're discounting you as a 'competitor' in the contest, and leaving me out completely."

"You? No, not completely. Pan was bragging that you had promised her the day after tomorrow, which Lande interpreted as meaning it was her turn tonight. Pan discounted that, saying you needed your rest, so she'd sleep with you to be sure you got it. That started the whole thing."

"Christ, they're just like fuckin' middle-schoolers!" I thought a few seconds. "Okay. Tonight, I'm sleeping in your bed, with you. I owe you an orgasm from Sunday, anyway, when Lande, (I like that; it fits her), when she arrived. They can share my bed."

Mom's face lit up like a Xmas tree. "Thank you, and not just for the climax. I'm sure either or both of them would have shown you a better time..."

"Not really. While 'strange pussy' may have some allure; it is usually long on promise and short on delivery. I'd much rather be with someone I love and I know loves me." I kissed her, playing the two tongue tango, pulling her to me with my hands grabbing her butt.

She pushed her hips into me, sliding them back and forth, seeking Charlie. "Are you sure about us tonight? Will you be able to..."

I shrugged. "Like with Nana, you may have to do most of the work, but I'm noticing that sex seems to aid in my recuperation quite a bit. I'm feeling a whole lot better than I did this morning. Let's go tell the girls about the sleeping arrangements, and come back to go to bed."

"You go. I need to shower, for my lover."

Back in the living room, Pan was sitting in the easy chair, reading a magazine. Lande, looking very guilty, was sitting on the couch, her face a portrait of pout. She wouldn't look at me.

"Lande," I started. She looked up at me, surprised at my use of the diminutive. "I'm very disappointed at you. If I can't trust you to respect my wishes, how can we work together?" She started to say something, but I didn't let her interrupt me.

"Mom is part of a promise I made to my father and my grand father, to look after, and to meet her needs, physical, emotional, and sexual. Their expectations were quite clear and explicit. The needs of the women in my family will always take precedence over anyone else.

"Beyond that, your arrival interrupted us and thwarted a unique orgasm for Mom, but I have a suspicion..." Her blush and expression told me my sudden hunch was correct. In a fit of pique, I sent her into my bedroom with a thought. I ordered Pan to follow me.

Lande was spread eagle on my bed, naked, her limbs tied to the four corners with invisible ties generated by her own mind, to stay there until I released her. I turned to Pan. "She will remain in this position until I release her in the morning, twelve hours from now. Your job is to keep her sexually stimulated, using only your fingers and tongue.

"I don't care if she climaxes or not, but it may not happen more frequently than once an hour. Let me put that another way, if she has an orgasm, at least sixty minutes must pass before she has another one. Is that clear?"

Lande heard my instructions. "No, please, Will. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I'll respect your wishes for privvacy. Please, let me go!"

I walked over to the bed and caught her gaze. It took some effort, but in a short time I saw her irises dilate, and her body slumped. I ran my hand over her torso. "Until I say otherwise, Lande, all your skin will be as sensitive as your nipples are now, and your nipples, as sensitive as your clitoris."

I moved my hand to cup her vulva, slipping my middle finger into her vagina. "To be sure you really enjoy yourself, this area will increase in sensitivity until it's three, and your clit," I went on, " four times more sensitive, than they usually are."

I pulled my hands away and broke eye contact with her. In a few seconds she came back to consciousness. I reached out and ran my finger around her nipple, which popped into prominence as soon as I touched it. She responded with a quiet grunt, as a look of alarm passed over her face.

"What did you do?"

"I just made sure you will enjoy what Pan is going to be doin' to you."

"What do you mean?"

I turned to leave without answering her. "Will! William! Willie!' she screamed after me, trying to get my attention.

At the door, I turned to look at her. "In the morning, if you want my attention, you will call me Master. You will belong to me as much as Pandora does. Is that clear?"

Her eyes went wide with disbelief, her head shaking. "Good night, ladies," I said, and closed the door.

From inside, as I walked away, I heard a long drawn out, "Noooooooooo..."

Mom's door was open, and she was waiting on the bed. "What was that?" she asked.

"Pan is punishing Lande for me."

Our lovemaking that night varied from sweet and tender to fast and furious, and I sent images of us to Lande every time one of us climaxed. Pan was keeping a close eye on her level of arousal and whenever I transmitted an image, she backed off the physical activity, further frustrating Lande.

The final time Mom climaxed, she said she needed to sleep, but bent down to clean up my cock with her mouth and tongue. I sent the image to Lande, who wailed, 'You bastard mother fuckers!" as Pan stopped sucking on her clit.

The morning sun was just starting through the window and woke me. I got up and tended to Charlie, then made my way back to my bedroom, the scene of Lande's distress. She was still spread eagle, and Pan was kneeling between her knees, drawing little circles on Lande's thighs with her tongue as she made her way up to Lande's quim.

"How many times did she come?" I asked.

With a laugh, Pan replied, "She hasn't yet."

I got up on the bed behind Pan and slipped my hand between her thighs, checking out her very wet pussy. Without waiting for permission, I slipped Charlie into her and began a slow fuck. A very short, slow fuck, as it turned out. I barely hit bottom before she collapsed in orgasm, her head on Lande's belly.

Aided by levitation, I picked her up and carried her into Mom's room and lay her on the bed, in my place. "Sleep, Pan, and rest. I'll call you if you're needed," I whispered, then returned to tend to Lande.

She was lying there, her body covered in sweat, tiny spasms visible under the skin on her arms and legs, and abdomen as her body attempted to relieve her frustration. Her hips were thrusting upward, not leaving the bed, but clearly indicating her desire.