Gramps' Legacy Ch. 03


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I knee walked up onto the bed from the foot, stopping at her knees. "What do you want, Iolande? What should I do now?"

"Fuck me, Will! Please! I need to come so bad," she begged.

"What's my name, Lande?"

"I...I can't...can't give myself to you like that, not like Pan. I..I c...can f..fuck you, wh..enever, wh..wherever, ho..wever you say; I..I'll for you, do as you ask, but I can't pledge my life to you, not like Pandora. I can't kill for you, nor die for you unless the moment calls for it." Her voice had started out raspy as she gasped her way through her answer. As she continued, it grew stronger, as if talking had taken her mind off her situation, but it was still frequently interrupted by her gasping for breath..

I leaned back and released her ankles, moving them up by her ears. Moving closer to her, so Charlie bumped her hungry cunt, I looked into her eyes. "With those exceptions, Lande, what's my name?" I bounced my rock hard Charlie off her pussy a couple of times. "C'mon, tell me, Lande; my name?"

"Master," she whispered, then screamed out her ecstacy as Charlie slid home.

I released her arms, then wrapped her in mine and rolled to the side, buried in her to the hilt. We just lay there while I held her, stroking her back and sides. It took several minutes for Lande to recover from what had been the strongest orgasm she had experienced in several years.

When her breathing was somewhat normal, I started to withdraw, causing her eyes to open as she began to feel the onslaught of another gigantic climax. "No, no," she whimpered while I continued to withdraw. Before I was half way out, she was moaning, fucking her hips at me to keep me in place, in her.

When there was nothing left of me in her except for my piss slit, I slowly made my way back in using a series of short, jerky stabs. By the time I was halfway back into her, she was nearly senseless from orgasmic pleasure.

Twice more that morning, I pushed Lande to the brink of orgasmic insanity. When I finally came in her, just the twitch of my cock was enough to set her off. She was still conscious, but barely. I kissed her on the lips, withholding my tongue, and entered her mind.

"Remember this day. Whenever I say to you 'pleasure unto pain,' you will return to this state, at my mercy." Then I commanded her to sleep, to recover.

It was mid-afternoon before Pan awakened. Mom and I were in the kitchen having lunch when she came in, naked except for her slippers. We looked up when she came in and laughed. Her dark hair was totally askew, some of it piled on top of her head, some in fly-away mode, some in mats, looking like it was glued together, looking a lot like her pussy hair. Most interesting were the bite marks and bruises on her boobs.

"Good morning, sunshine," I quipped.

"Unngh. Coffee?" she grunted in reply.

"Sit down; I'll get you some," Mom answered.

"Thank you and bless you, Connie. May the gods favor you with a long and prosperous life." She sat down beside me at the kitchen counter. "How's our problem child this morn...omigod, is it really three o'clock? What time did you put me to bed?"

"It was almost six. I'm surprised you were able to sleep, as aroused as you seemed to be."

She glanced at Mom, a smile on her face. "I, uhm, had some, uh, help. Thank you, Connie. If I can ever repay the favor..."

I looked at Mom, whose face was a bright red. "You're more than welcome, Pan. I'm, uh, glad I could, uh, be of help. Did I do that to your breasts?"

"What?" she said, looking down. "Some of it, probably, but some is also probably from Lande." Pan stopped to take a sip of her coffee, then looked at me. "How did you know that tying her down like that was the way to punish her? She hates to be teased, or dominated."

"What did you do to her? She was an absolute mess when I went in this morning."

"Just what you told me to do. I used my tongue and fingers, and searched out all her pleasure centers. In a sense, I may have disobeyed you; I also teased her with my boobs, dragging them across her lips, to tempt her to suck on them.

"I heard her screaming, so I guess she survived. Is she going to be in condition to help you?"

"I think so. Our biggest problem will be re-establishing the relationship between you two. I've been thinking about it all morning. I'm going to give her the chance to 'get even' a bit." Pan looked at me, the question clear in her eyes.

"You'll be her victim tonight. I'll increase your sensitivity, but not as much as hers was, and her task will be to make you come as often as she can. How long do you think you could take that much forced pleasuring, two, three hours?"

"With just mouth and fingers?"

"I'll let her include boobs and pussies, too."

"Pussies? Oohh...I wish I had thought of that last night. I think I can last three hours. How much are you going to increase my sensitivity?"

"Double should do. I don't want to make it too easy for her. Then, at the end, I'll come in and fuck you both at the same time." Pan's smile lit up her face.

I sensed Lande beginning to waken and went to help her. On my way, I started a warm bath for her. Using levitation, I picked her up, cradled in my arms, and carried her into the bathroom. When I lifted her, she had snuggled up to my chest, with her arms around my neck. She was lying like that when I sat down in the tub.

The warm water roused her. She woke with a start and tried to pull away from me. When I tightened my grip on her, she immediately relaxed.

"You're a son of a bitch," she whispered. "D'you know that?"

"Are you ever going to purposely eavesdrop on me again when I ask for privacy?"

"," she answered, so softly I could barely hear her.

"Are you ever going to disobey me again?"

"N..n...," she hesitated. "What if I think you're wrong, or if you're asking me to do something I think is wrong?"

"I didn't say you couldn't question me. I don't have all the answers; hell, I'm not even sure I know any of the questions. I'm still in kindergarten when it comes to using these powers. I'm bound to make mistakes, so I'm counting on you and Pan to guide me." At the sound of Pan's name, I felt her stiffen up. "You afraid of Pan? I felt you tighten up when I said her name."

She settled back into my arms. "A little, I guess. I've never had someone do that to me, for such a long time, tied down like that. It's not really fear, just..anxiety, I guess, knowing there's someone who can do that to me, make me that needy for so long"

"Would you like a chance to get even?"

Her head whipped around to see if I was serious. "Are you serious? Would you really do that to her? I know she'd do it, let me treat her like that if you said so, but why would you?"

"Because I can't let your fear and resentment of her interfere with your working together." I slid my hand up to cradle her breast as I described the session I envisioned for them without warning her about the finale I had mentioned to Pan. I felt her relax against me as she nodded.

As unobtrusively as I could, I entered her mind, much the same way I had Mom and Harry's that day. It was different from telepathy or simple mind reading. I was there to take control, if necessary. She turned to look at me, her eyes wide with wonder and surprise. "How did you..."

I shrugged. "It was just something I picked up. Usually, I have to do it to take control. I'm just checking to make sure you're okay with what we still have to do today."


"I'm a little shaky, but I'm really okay. Working with Pan will be a little weird, but we'll manage." She reached up to give me a little kiss on the cheek. "I'm not sure about how you punished me for disrespecting your wishes, but you were right to punish me. I won't promise not to retaliate, but, if I do, I promise you'll enjoy it just as much as I did, especially at the end, when you took over."

We spent the afternoon, or what was left of it, reviewing the powers the two witches had, and determining which ones I had. There was, not surprisingly, a lot of overlap beyond the telepathy. There were several the girls had, we learned, I would be able to adapt. There were also quite a few Mom would be able to learn. She also discovered there were some she already had but which hadn't been 'switched on' because nobody knew about them.

It was getting toward the double digit evening hours, and we were still trying to puzzle out how to transfer powers from one person to another. We were gathered in the living room, grouped around the coffee table. There was a soft cough from the area near the fireplace. We all looked, and saw my several greats grandmother, Yvette, standing there, surrounded by a penumbra-like shadow.

"We, the ancient members of the Body, have been following your adventures over the last few days with interest. This is one of the few times two or more legatees have met face to face without bloodshed.

"Iolande was sent here to assist William in learning to control his powers, so there was a ban placed on violence between them. Pandora's presence in the mix was unanticipated, not to mention the means by which that was accomplished." There was a long pause during which her gaze surveyed our small group. "And the discovery of a lost line of heirs.

"It was determined that you need some information about the Powers of the Body, so I was sent to you. Listen, as I don't have a great deal of time.

"The powers are inborn, present at birth. Normally, powers are switched on by the parent of the same sex. That's what happened to you, William, when Daniel, and, later, Thaddeus grabbed your arm just above the elbow.

Usually that happens in mid to late teens, and the powers that are initially activated are the ones the individual can control. As he develops, and his control becomes more certain, he finds he has developed other, more powerful skills. The earlier the skills are switched on, it seems, the more powers he can develop.

"If a man had more than one child, the powers were switched on only in the oldest son. If something happened to him, then they could be activated in the next oldest son. That is how Lucas was able to activate the powers in Thaddeus, designating him as a repository vessel for his son. It was the same in the daughters' lines, powers usually passing from mothers to daughters. But, when necessary, they could be passed to the opposite sex, or even skip a generation, to be passed to a grandson or daughter.

"Like many legacies, there are codicils. The appendix governing these transfers was that the switching on could only be done by someone who had already been switched on, and the powers which were turned on were only the powers the switcher, themselves, had.

"For reasons we aren't able to fathom, not everyone could develop all the powers, nor fully develop all the powers they had. Will, you can apparently levitate a small van, for example, while the women can barely manage a quart of milk. Some think this a result of Thaddeus being activated twice, but no one knows for sure, since your mother, apparently, is also a member of the Body, one of the few times two lines have crossed to produce a family.

"Now, I need you all to form a square, facing inwards. Good; now turn so your right arm is inside the square. With your right hand, firmly grasp the right arm of the person in front of you, just above the elbow. Will, relax any mental barriers you may have erected, and think how you read minds; now, let that image flow into your mother, who will let it pass on to Pandora and Iolande.

"Now, all of you open your minds, and let all your knowledge of the powers and how to use them pass on to the others. Maintain your grips until the energy flow ceases."

There was a snapping, crackling buzzing sound and the four of us were surrounded by an energy field which changed from yellow to orange to blue before fading to a light purple and disappearing. When it was gone, we all collapsed, as near to unconscious as you can be while still cognizant of your surroundings. When we were able to move, Yvette was gone.

At ten o'clock, I followed Lande into my bedroom. Pan had positioned herself on the bed in the same position Lande had been in last night. I walked to the bed and bent down to kiss her. "Until I release you later tonight, you cannot move your arms or legs. Your entire body is an erogenous zone; everything is twice as sensitive as usual. Once an orgasm starts, you are unable to halt its progress."

I passed my hands over her body as I gave her my instructions, tweaking her nipples and clit. She responded with a grunting moan. I went to Lande. "You have her for three hours. You are to bring her to climax as often as you can, using only your fingers, tongue, breasts and pussy. When I return, there will be no permanent disfiguring marks or fractures, and, of course, she will still be alive. Any questions?"

Lande looked at her victim, licked her lips, and shook her head. I looked at Pan. Already her cunt lips were swollen, clearly visible in her untouched thatch; a sheen of perspiration was beginning to glisten on her body as her breathing became slightly raspier, and her eyes, normally as blue as sapphires, were as dark as lapis.

"Get out of here, Will," she ordered. "Come on, Lande, fuck me!"

For the next three hours, if you were to judge by the sounds and screams coming from behind the closed door to that room, you could not tell who was fucking whom. It sounded like there were a half dozen women in there all climaxing at the same time.

I opened the door just about quarter to one, AM. Pan was still tied to the bed, spread eagled. The odor of sex was so overwhelming it stirred Charlie to wakefulness. Lande was sprawled across Pan, in the sixty-nine position. As I got closer, it was apparent she was only barely conscious. Her prey for the evening was in no better condition. Both were breathing heavily, eyes closed, hands and toes tightly clenched, obviously in the after throes of a massive orgasm.

I released Pan's arms and legs, then maneuvered Lande into the missionary tribadistic position before rolling them onto their sides and arranging their legs to give me access to their pussies. I adjusted them slightly so their clits were in contact and their vaginas abutting each other. I got on the bed, on my knees just below their pussies, and slowly fed Charlie between their bodies, so that I was massaging both sets of cunt lips and clits at the same time. Damn, it was like sliding him into a warm, wet, velvet glove.

Both women groaned/moaned at the same time, suffering from orgasmic overload, I'm sure. I backed out about half way, lubricating Charlie with their fluids, then pushed him back in between their two sets of labia. I kept this up for a couple dozen slow, sensuous strokes, then pulled all the way out and slipped my cock into Pan. I'm surprised her moan didn't rouse Lande. Mom called from her room to ask if everything was okay, and laughed when I explained.

I found that by angling my cock in Pan's quim, I could sometimes stimulate Lande at the same time. It also made it possible for me to directly massage the front wall of her vagina, hitting all the most delicate and reactive areas located there.

Pan orgasmed after only a half dozen full length stokes into her hyper-sensitive quim before I withdrew and entered Lande. This time Mom stuck her head in the door to be sure I wasn't physically torturing the two witches. I used the same technique on Lande as I had on Pan, only slower, since I sensed she was already aroused to the point of coming.

After Lande climaxed, I went back to the inter-labial frottage. By changing my angle of approach, I could control the speed of arousal in the girls until I was ready to come. I timed it so my cream bathed their clits, and triggered their final climaxes that night. I left them in that position, glued at the clit by my semen.

I couldn't help but wonder what their reactions would be when they awoke.

—to be continued

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

I find the story interesting because it is something I have not read before. I am overthinking about the psychological impact the powers have on those not use to them. Likewise, I am concerned about the damage to ego, self-awareness and self-confidence of mother. She accidently discovers her powers and now wonders what her life has really amounted to. What did she actually accomplish? What did she really want to do? Did she really love her deceased husband? Was he really her choice? The only thing she can be sure of is the fact she had a son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Got too weird for me.

I quit.

Bill S

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 10 years ago

Calling his cock "Charlie" gets a little irritating but the sex is hot. All the other shit, though, is still confusing as hell. Hopefully the next chapter will have more of the grandmas. They are smoking hot!

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 10 years ago

I thought I had imagination! I dip my colors to a master. WOW!

Gemini552Gemini552about 11 years ago

I've enjoyed your story creation and appreciate your imagination. You have made this one of my nicest weekends for reading erotica. I am now going to finish your next chapter with much anticipation and am sure you won't disappoint me. Too bad this stuff can't really happen, I'd be signing up for lessons. LOL

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