All Comments on 'Guilty'

by ohio

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thebulletthebulletalmost 17 years ago
Well done

<p>This was a very well written and totally new (as far as I can recall) look at the infidelity genre. I buy it. I buy the emotions. I buy the reactions. I buy the wide range of feelings boths partners experienced. I buy the reconcilliation.</p>

<p>My suspicion is, this story may well be acceptable to almost all of the warring factions of Loving Wives readers. I'm eager to see the comments fly.</p>

<p>Gentlemen, start your engines.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Isn't there supposed to be a wimp somewhere or...

a whore, so the LW police can condemn them, pronounce the marriage over, and suggest killing someone? Geez.

LEATBTLEATBTalmost 17 years ago
Very nice.

Very sensitive, very real. Well done!

Kanga40Kanga40almost 17 years ago
I agree with what others said

It is realistic, there is no wimp and it's well enough written.<BR>

So, why do I still feel unsatisfied?<BR>

I think it's because the "I can't really complain because I did it too" response to a spouse cheating always seems to me to be a cop out for the author. S/he doesn't really have to conjure up anything for an ending or resolution of the situation.

BardicheBardichealmost 17 years ago
Don't stop writing

Don't mind the hate filled comments. The people writing them are probably frustrated with their own lives or just immature. I am leaning more toward the second. Immature and cowardly as i have never seen one of those comments from others that Anon. Keep writing. This was a realistic story. Realism is what the anonymous commenter's should need in their lives.

cageyteecageyteealmost 17 years ago
A delightful read and an even more delightful

change from the secret cameras and recorders, hate, revenge, counter revenge, etc., etc.,that we have seen all too much of lately.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
wagon tongue

This was a very human story. You handled it very well.

It isn't always necessary to have a villain. Sometimes it is just a few good people, who have reacted in a very human way, and now have very human regrets. They will continue to have them, and they can't eliminate them, no matter what they do. They showed admirable restraint in the way that they handled a no-win situation.

waratahwaratahalmost 17 years ago
IMHO you are the master of this genre

The pace was perfect, the emotions sublime, the love making realistic and appropriate. And after a couple of suprises (House of cards, and Blue Mini Van both going the opposite way to what I expected) I just don't know which way you'll take it at the end.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
To pathetic souls on a one way journey.

Now we know both of them have feet of clay. Neither is good or perfect. Both tasted the grass on the other side of the fence and found it no better than what they had. Only erotic in that it was something new, just sex but good with someone new. There is a few writers here that make a few comments that need to be remembered. No woman cheats by accident, in every case it is always premeditated and contrived if not planned. Drinking to much is never an accident, an excuse, but then no one forces you to drik to much to control yourself and behave in a socially acceptable way, so you are still guilty. Another says once a woman cheats the first time it becomes easier and easier each time after and that she will cheat again given the opportunity and conver story. Once little miss dumpling here thinks about taking the guy have the night and that hubby had already cheated, she will conjour up ample excuses and rationals for her to cheat again and again for something new and exciting. Divorce was averted this time, but soon hubby will not be enough and divorce will be there within a year or two. Once a cheater always a cheater, that goes for husband and wife, it only time time and opportunity and an imagined reason.

Marilyn37MWFMarilyn37MWFalmost 17 years ago
Reading below it's easy to separate the Adults ---

from the children.-----The story is about ADULTS and how they handel tough situations---Children?--Well read the children's reactions below.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 17 years ago
Quite believable!

Travelling spouse + lonleyness + booze = problem. Very realistic and more common than most believe. Since both are guilty there is a chance to work it out. They are tormented by their own guilt more than what the other did. Well done Ohio!

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
Excellent, as always, story by Ohio

It sounds very realistic as it would have if one of

them suddenly had discovered that their partner's cheating was the only thing important to them and that what they

themselves was beside the question. People are hypocritical

and love to stone others for things that they have gotten

away with.

Still I would say that the marraige after the final lines is

fragile and could collapse with six monthes

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Oh, right!

the way for an author to resolve a spouse's guilty about cheaiting on his/her "loving spouse" is to --- half way through the story --- all of a sudden make THE OTHER spouse also feel remorseful, "Gosh, I know how she must feel, because I felt TERRIBLE, too, when I first did it, two years ago." <p>

fuckin' cliche and totally unwarranted, totally unimaginative and uncalled for! 25 is for the decent writing, and that's generous. <p>

and, then, "Honey, let's just kiss and make it up to each other and FROM NOW ON, let's be true to each other, even if we were not able, or willing, to uphold our words and promises to each other at the beginning of our marriage." <p>

and then they hit the sack and have loving kisses and are totally happy! how fuckin' stupid and cliched! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Too short

I've always liked your stories Ohio because we get really to know the characters and my emotions are invested to the point that I'm interested in what happens to them. But in this story it is not the case. I don't know if it was that it was too short or you did not take the time to flesh out these characters well, invest more in the plot in leiu of tons and tons of sex. There was more sex in this story than plot or characterization, and that's the reason why this story did not work for me.

People are different... Not every husband or wife are extra nice to a spouse because they feel guilty, so it was difficult to believe that he would immediately jump to this conclusion just because he had been in her so called shoes. The same way, just because a spouse has been unfaithful it doesn't mean that the would readily forgive the wife or husband if they cheated on them. It might be hipocritical, but that might be the case. And trust me, the first words out of the wife if her husband was unfaithful wouldn't be if her tits were bigger or if she was younger. She would be in deep pain. Stunned. Crumbling like an animal in pain. She would only ask why. And usually there is no good reason. It just is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
believable but...

I liked this story because it was believable, and like most of your stories, I felt like I knew the two people a bit more.


Where I would have left this story with is that both were left wondering...but now that I've done it once, will I do it again? See I don't claim they would, but why not leave them with real world angst, that sex with someone else is 'dirty' but that dirty can be fun, and yet at the same time realizing how painful it is to do what they did.

Truthfully, I've known three couples like this (where both did fool around, although in one case the husband had done so on numerous times)....two couples are still married because they not only forgave each other but eventually figured how that the little 'indiscretion' would be allowed for both. The third pledged never to do it again, and then she did, and the marriage fell apart.

Again, the problem I see is that Ohio thinks 'one size fits all' when we know that isn't true. But I still say, GREAT WRITING!

JakeRiversJakeRiversalmost 17 years ago
Really caught the emotions,

the angst of the guilt from cheating.

Superb dialog and nice pace.

Great stuff, Ohio!

Regards, Jack

JoesephusJoesephusalmost 17 years ago
I don't think I ever understood...

the sort of pain that cheating could bring until I got married last summer. Before I met my wife I was young and foolish, girls I dated were just... well things like swinging and orgies were just fun. Now, I don't know what I'd do if I found my wife had been unfaithful. I do know that with all the time we're having to spend apart I take real comfort in my confidence in her. I just need to make certain that I'm just as careful.


Reading your excellent story is a warning to me about how easy it would be to do something stupid. To cheat would be bad enough, but to cheat while your spouse is away defending her country would probably be more guilt than I could bear. Thanks again for your talent.

cloacascloacasalmost 17 years ago
I know what you were going for here

One suggestion: by having the husband reveal his affair in his own head so early you sucked out the dramatic tension. You know they'll get together and I think you became enamored of the symmetries. I would suggest that if you wanted to keep the revelation where it is, that you needed to create another twist to add tension. For example, he could have decided to let it rest - and you could have nice scenes where he tests to see if she backs off her super-attentiveness like he did - but then have an event come up where her affair is either revealed or she becomes afraid it will be revealed. He then is more the hero because he would have chosen to suffer with his knowledge.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Ho Hum

There is no tension here. We have 2 people who obviously can too easily forget their marriage vows. They describe their fall into adultery as if it "just happened". Their excuses were immature and childish. That they have some modicum of honesty with one another is nothing to applaud. They casually entered into extramarital relationships and quite frankly there is nothing in this story that says it's not likely to happen again.

What's worse is that I don't care for these characters. They are as shallow as a rain puddle. And last I must ask about the use of "dissemble". Ever since RPSuch used this in "Fifth Place" It has been popping up in stories. Even that word cannot help this very weak story.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 17 years ago

<p>On general priciples I liked the story</p>

<p>But there were a few things that left me wondering. I noticed that a few folks covered some of my thoughts, so I'll not cover them again, but I felt that both of them at first weren't too likeable as characters.</p>

<p>By that I mean, when the wife first cheated she didn't even seem to pretend that it was wrong till a case of the "oh no's" the next day. The fact that she so easily gave into to inviting another man in the house, letting him kiss, carress, and fondle her, and then let him take her up to the bed shared with her husband to do the deed left a royal bad taste in her mouth.</p>

<p>The only reason I didn't see this as a <i>greater</i> betrayal than what her husband did, was because the husband had a brief affair <i>two years</i> earlier and concealed it from the wife with the old "I'll make it up to her in secret" mentality. The fact he didn't get caught until he confessed after he knew what she did, didn't really endear him much. The reason I felt his might have been the worse, or greater evil, of the two, was that he got away with it for years before he caught her and fessed up. And that was the "only" reason he ever told her.</p>

<p>But I thought you did a very good job of showing the jumbled emotions between the two of them when they both thought that they got away with cheating only to be found out, then have to deal with the thought of the other one cheating on them. And you gave the husband some real strength of character to confess his affair while trying to deal with the knowledge of his wife's affair. That was a nice touch. It made him a better character because he was willing to deal with the problem on equal footing than pretend he was the sole wronged party. The wife's character at fessing up (albeit the second time she was asked) about her affair helped develop some strength in her character too. That she was willing to tell him everything, when she could have just as easily let out parts, made it seem like she was showing some real remorse in the face of danger.</p>

<p>The only thing that I didn't really go for was the fact that they both made up way to fast. I could see them both making up if what happened didn't really bother either of them. But what you showed to this degree was a man who, when he realized his wife had sex with another man, threw up while at work and went home and went to bed till his wife came home. You had a wife who, when she found out about the other woman, ran up to the bedroom and locked him out for most of the day. Both of them got angry and snapped at the other for what they did. But later that night they both went and had sex to make it all better. To me that was too fast to reconcile their feelings of betrayal.</p>

<p>And most husband would have been really more upset that, while they had their sexual encounter in a hotel for a short one shot deal, the wife entertained her guest for half the night doing it over and over again <i>in</i> their bed.</p>

<p>That's not fair, I agree. It's not rational, again I agree. But its like I read in a pysch class once: <b>Most</b> men (but not all) would rather their wife, or girlfriend, have been in a long time relationship with another man (before they started dating of course) where they might have admittedly been having sex 3-4 times a day for 2 years straight, than for their spouse or lover to have dated 30-40 <i>different</i> men in a year and had sex with each them just one time (52 weeks in a year). Its one of those you <i>know</i> its not fair things and <i>logically</i> you <i>realize</i> that it's not fair, but it still doesn't (and won't) change how most men feel.</p>

<p>That's why I personally thought the reconcilation felt rush by the end of the story. I'm not saying that women are better or worse than men at reconciling, I'm just saying as a man I know what would and what wouldn't have bothered me if this happened to me. And somehow I don't know if after all was said and done once we both knew what happened if I would have been having sex that same night to make us draw closer together. That's the only reason I didn't give the story 100.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very nice

WOW...Just an Excellent story about two people in love that made mistakes, Great work as usual!!!!

leapyearguyleapyearguyalmost 17 years ago
I agree with Risq

I read this story late last night and then again this morning. I love your work Ohio but something nagged at me. I felt the same way after the second read. First of all the way he found out about the affair. I would have rather had him find the note. It would have been clearer, more positive proof if you will. If he had accused the wife and found she'd dented a fender after all, how the hell would that have played out? As Risq pointed out, the reconciliation seemed rushed, no roller coaster, a very point A to point B story. Would have liked to see point C and D as well. Still it was good to see a story from you though. Thanx for the read LYG

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Funny, I read about all the bad comments, but they aren't here, Ohio only leaves the "100s" he gets. So it really is no suprise that most of his characters are gutless. If you can't face the music...... Only real redeeming factor is that he really does write well. I found both characters wishy-washy and the forgiveness way too soon after the way they both reacted.

The Snipe

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
Two wrongs turn bad into worse not better

Style wise It was written as well as you come to expect from ohio, and it translates into a read which you can't stop for a second. I wish I could say the same about all aspects of the plot though <P>

Throughout my childhood I used to hear: you do not fix one wrong by countering it with another. In the context of this story it feels like two wrongs were orchestrated to somehow fix each other. Like KANGA I felt that it came across as a cop out. Not that situations similar to those mentioned in the story do not happen, of course they do, but as they do, the accumulation of BOTH partners cheating on each other –be it a one timer or not, just exacerbates the picture of this marriage , not makes it easier to handle! Surely one cheating does not function as some sort of an antidote to the toxic effect of the cheating of the other. That, I am afraid is the way the double whammy of this plot is managed in this story. And the suggested solution? Talking a lot and prescribing many good shacks –what could be better right? Wrong, I am afraid. <P>

Both partners acknowledged the ample opportunity to stop the cheating; both acknowledged being aware to the fact that their behavior is wrong; both acknowledged their confusion regarding the reasons for their behavior after the fact or more precisely the fact that they both couldn’t seem to be able to resist temptation despite knowing that they were putting their happy marriage at risk (no indication of impulse control otherwise). <P>

Since the story does not raise those questions –I will. Nothing of such a major scale does not ‘just happen’-and even the characters, at least subconsciously know it(including the implied author) See the healthy strong guilt reaction of both parties. No one reacts like that to a simple accident or a benign mistake. Yet, they both decide on the easy way out in the short run and the most detrimental to the marriage in the long run – they both decided to go smoothly into denial (as far as understanding their individual reasons and the reasons which may be related to their relations which allowed it to happen. Left as it is, it will not rest. Rather, with no better understanding it will fester within each of them. It happens too many times to not be recognized. What looks like a solution for the moment, is just a temporary break before the next crisis probably a bigger one will visit them. If we don’t learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat them. But if we don’t understand how we came to make the mistakes – how can we learn from them? <P>

It’s ok to depict characters who are in denial, are not too self aware and overall are kind of shallow and selfish. What I was missing here is the commentary voice of the narrator to shed some light on them not to give their solution his blessings.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 17 years ago
HATEFUL comments? WHERE Please show me just 1

Can someone Please point out these HATEFUL comments have been made by those that dont like this story...??


You see if I were to say MARILYN MWF 37 a fucking liar and stupid bitch well THAT would be HATEFUL


Instead we have READERS assert the following


*well it was too short...OK that IS a reasonable comment


* another reader says well there is too much sex and not enough character development. Fair enough.


* another says the story is Cliche... with the husband revealing that he too cheated.


* RISQ pointed out that for most men / Husbands having the wife VOLUNTEERING to fuck the other guy in the martial bed is FAR worse then the husband having a 1 night stand at hotel and the reonciliation was too short.


* KOLKORE pointed out that Both knew they were cheating

.... both knew they could of stopped it... and both decided to LIE about it .... and this marriage is essentially OVER


<b>so where is the HATE speech? where are the Immature comments? </b>


The POINT is that these are ALL 100% reasonable rational comments. Yes there are LW Nazis here but its is coming from those asshole who have posted here and asserted that ANY comment other than a perfect 100 score on an Ohio story is somehow Hateful .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Great Story

I cheated on my wife once and feel no guilt about it. But it's great reading your story about the guilt tensions some people have. And while I'd never tell my wife a thing, I understand how your characters really still want to be together and are trying to talk it out. I'm sure it's a rare thing when a situation like this would work out for the best, but it nice to think about how true love may just win out on occassions. Keep trying to expore deeper issues like these. Also, ignore the people who bash you on your writing. They are one dimenional morons who haven't a clue about the real complexities of life.

Relish the diversity.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 17 years ago
As for the story itself BORING and shallow

It is not surprising that THE BULLET AND angiquesophie

think this is a great story.


It IS too short


the reconcilation is toooo forced


the Husband's reaction to the cheating in the Marital bed was laughably wrong


This marriage is essentially over. The idea that as some reader asserted that this was a "Mistake" proves that there are a LOT of stupid people in the world.


Both stories are remarkably the same... both had the choice to NOT cheat. Both acknowledged that they were doing was wrong EVEN THOUGH BOTH HAD TOO MUCH BOOZE.


so when push came to shove (get it??) they both cheated and both lied about it by omission.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
another coward of a writer,who scare to reach

she fucked someone who the friends know and in her what the coward of a writer do,rather then deal with the whore he chicken out.the hubby had affair ywo years ago.she fucked their friend cousin and everybody knows she a whore.get some balls and deal with betrayal and disrespect of the hubby in the martial bed.stop trying to cover for the female in these writers are coppping out.if you write good stories,then people with comment them good.don't pass shit off as ice cream.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Well done!

Well conceived and well constructed. It was not easy to tell SO MUCH without many, many more words. The essential things are all here!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
A Reasonable Plausible Mirror Except 4 The End

Yes it could have happened - Yes it was well written as usual but it ended awkwardly and indecisively from my viewpoint - which may be what the Author intended.<P>

2 quite flawed people trying to mend a singular relationship that isn't chaste anymore nor ever will be again.<P>

The implication of all that ends well-------. Well it didn't end well. It ended very tentatively and long term neither will now trust the other.<P>

I commend the Author for an excellent portrayal of 2 cheaters and how they felt in his mind.<P>

Neither were honest about their cheating and that will gnaw at the edges of their used to be mutual respect to the degree that there will be no trust [infinite or otherwise].<P>

One or the other will eventually give up on the other and choose not to invest any more future on someone who disrespected them in the worst possible way - then hid it.<P>

Author - You provoke consideration - Very well written and appreciated. More at interval will be looked forward to.<P>

With Very High Regard

BazzzBazzzalmost 17 years ago
The writer's a coward?

He's the coward yet you don't even identify who you are? Jesus, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
The Future?

A wonderful story,BUT;How does it end?I hope their marriage can survive but I don't know.Please finish it.Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Rather than write this story you can do one thing better. You can fuck your mother in her ass. Though JBP is better than you in this dept. Another motherfucker american.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 17 years ago
Very Realistic Story

People screw up. At least this couple was balanced in their screw ups. They should be able to forgive each other and have a stronger commitment to each other, but as Ohio already portrayed, there will be much work to get through it. Interesting that the husband figured it out - my experience is that we men would usually not be that perceptive.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Congratulations on a very well written and realistic

story, I don't think I have seen so many comments on something displayed here. You have struck a nerve, nice job. I can't wait to read more of your work.

batjac69batjac69almost 17 years ago
soap opera oprah

I gave you 25 as your writing is mundane like French authors telling the same story like a dream you can't wake up from, but all of this "understanding" and noble actions from people so ignorant thinking they can get drunk on the road and nothing will happen or end up at the neighbor's party and no one will bang them is completely too much of you Ohio in the gorilla costume.

The most interesting was the comment from the person who says they cheated on their wife and felt no remorse. Apparently now Lit is the bedding ground for not only wife beaters, gay recruiters, but now spouses who cheat and it is all fun.

Stop the soap opera Oprah repeats as your writing is falling into a rut and I have never told a writer this, but stop putting you into the stories as you do not fit in your intelligence with dim bulbs you create.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIalmost 17 years ago
High Numbers of Comments

do NOT necessarily equal "realism" or "good" or "a story well told." <p>

Within the last 5 or 6 months, two women authors who churned out two stories that garnered, each, over 100 comments within 24 or so hours. MOST were negative. <p>

If someone had added the "points" given ---"00," "25," "50," "75," and "100" --- neither of those highly "popular stories" would have averaged more than "50," at the very best. <p>

Author OHIO's story here is nowhere close to being that negatively noted; but I doubt his average score would be more than "60." <p>

Remember, statistically speaking, except for two small groups of extremes, on a "belt curve" graph, the majority of ideas, things, people, heights, weights, what-not, ON AVERAGE (meaning if they are, by themselves NOT outrageous stories or ideas or things or issues) tend to fall within 2 standard deviations. <p>

If the story/issue is good or worthy or liked, it pushes towards the one side of one spectrum; if it is bad, negative, not-liked, hated, average, what-not, it pushes toward THE OTHER end of the spectrum. <p>

In most educational or statistical or "grading" cruves, a "50" or "60," which is around the AVERAGE --- out of a "100 point" evaluation system --- is a "FAILURE" grade.<p>

Statistics can be construe to look and to say whatever SOME people want, but to a person who knows a bit of statistics, numbers don't lie! You can CONSTRUCT coherent models to explain whether a certain ideas or stories are judged a certain way, by ALL those who leave their opinions known!

thebulletthebulletalmost 17 years ago
KublaKhan: WTF are you talkin' about??

<p>Your long-winded pseudo-intellectual evaluation of Ohio's scoring is really unnecessary, since Literotica keeps track of the total score of each story, unless the author turns scoring off.</p>

<p>Currently, "Guilty" has a score of 4.32, which using your own analysis methods is just above 86%. Not bad in a genre over-populated by knee-jerk idiot readers. Of course by saying this I open the floor to 1-bombs by those very idiots who express their vitriol by trying to bring writers down to their own level. When the overall score of a story drops abruptly, you know the LW haters have struck.</p>

<p>Yes, I agree there are flaws in Ohio's story. But in some ways I suppose I am a bit of a knee-jerk responder myself. If a story comes from an original angle, if it makes me feel things, if I haven't read it a million times before, I am usually willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Thus it is with this story.</p>

<p>What makes readers respond so viserally to these Loving Wives stories? Why do they have this deep wellspring of hatred that just has to erupt? I don't get it. I'm looking for some reason that these guys read these stories that upset them so much. My theory: most of them have been burned badly by women, or have never had a woman. Most of them have never been in a true give/take relationship where actual human beings work at their problems, even big ones like infidelity.</p>

<p>It's easy to see how America fell under the spell of an asshole like George Bush. He appeals to the hatred in all of us.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Yet another stupid wife story

Good writing style, but I just can't get myself to read past the wife's seduction scene. What married woman (other than some Literotica reader's fantasy woman) would flirt with this man, allow him to dance close enough to rub his erection against her, LET HIM INTO HER HOUSE, and allow him to so much as touch her without at least trying to gouge his eyes out? Where is her motivation? I could see it if she were mad at or bored with her husband, or maybe if her slutty neighbor kept selling her on having an affair. Or maybe the batteries on her vibrator died ;-) Just another UNBELIEVEABLY stupid wife character.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIalmost 17 years ago
Per "thebullet's" outburst, gibberish

nonsense: <p>

Yes, Literotica seems to use at least two methods to gauge the readers's various sentiments with regards to stories they read in Literotica: <p>

The one ranges from "1" to "5". Presumably, this is to determine whether a story gets rated as "hot" or not. <p>

[[[ KublaiKhan doesn't know what Literotica's internal threshold is for a "hot" story.... It does NOT matter to him; that's for Literotica to tabulate and to label.]]] <p>

The OTHER ranges from "00" to "100"... <p>

It's obvious allowing readers to vote any number between "00" and "100" --- e.g., "3 1/2," "50 1/3," "99.878," etc. --- is too much work for Literotica. So, it compromises and simplifies, allowing only rough average numbers for READERS to estimate their over-all, their average, sentiments with regards to a story they've just read: hence "00," "25," "50," "75," and "100". <p>

But "rough" does NOT mean "meaningless." <p>

Presumably a rating of, say, "00" by A READER means something like, errr, "This is poor!" or "Dear author, this is pure crap. Either learn to write better or quit it!" on the ONE HAND..... and ..... a rating of, say, "100" means, "Wow, dear author, this is beautiful! It is brilliant and awesome! Interesting characters, good plot, and witty and intelligent dialogues! Thank you!" etc., on the OTHER HAND... <p>

NOR does a "hot" rating (in the 1 to 5 rating scale) always mean the story is "really good" in terms of some literary quality! It could just be that the majority of the readers, or the first 9 or 10, think it is a really good story to masturbate to....? <p>

There is NOTHING wrong with masturbation, or "pure pornography," mind you..... KublaiKhan just don't want THEBULLET to confuse it (such a "hot" story) with an intellectual or literary achievement of something, 'tis all!! <p>

That's "WTF" KuBlaiKhan was talking about ... <p>

Note: An outburst about a story, or a set of comments, being "too short" or "too long" is a lazy man's red herring diet; it's not an intelligent observation of any value...

Blue_FLADBlue_FLADalmost 17 years ago
Good one

Yet again, another good story from Ohio


zed0zed0almost 17 years ago
A Double Standard?

A Double Standard? Perhaps! Regardless, he's still a fucking wimp, as most of the Ohio "men" tend to be. I HATE WIMPS! It gives real men a bad name, and sets a poor example for impressionable minds (mostly those of women who will assume this is normal behavior for males).

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago
Flawed premise

Good prose by ohio but the hubby's miraculous "discovery" of his wife's infidelity wasn't credible. Accusing your better half of cheating on the basis of a gut feeling is a good way to be relegated to said person's shit list for an extended period of time which is why mere mortals usually eschew the practice. The story doesn't work for me but lots of folks liked it. Good enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Interesting story but Harry's comments ring true!

This author always generates an "interesting story line" but Harry makes some great & precise points related to the story's weak points. As noted, Alvaron53 back in the "professional commentators" circle - must be hungry for attention to move his standings in the commentators rankings.

TLeeTLeealmost 17 years ago

Just as expected from the ohio shitmeister. I only read enough to confirm your continuing ability to degrade yourself and travel down your road of cheating sluts and stupid wimps. Why is there never a real man in your lousy storys? You must have been castrated at a very young age to post the shit that you have become known for. This was another piss-poor post from a sick queer. Congratulations for failing to be normal. I'm sure that the other writers and your queer fans will score this pathetic contribution higher than it deserves. You can depend on their vote. And mine.

Alfie HigginsAlfie Higginsalmost 17 years ago
ouch! TLee needs to get laid!

I looked at his profile and TLee is over 60. Probably suffers from erectile dysfunction. His wife probably left him for someone who could get it up. So I suppose he takes out his anguish on writers of Loving Wives stories.

I look at things differently. Since I can get it up, I don't have that frustration in the background. I can evaluate the story for what it's worth.

No writer on Literotica is the JD Salinger of erotic fiction - but who cares? They aren't getting paid. They are providing we readers with some mild literary diversion and I for one am grateful for their efforts. I particularly appreciate a story that is put together by a competent wordsmith - such as Ohio.

This story tugged at the heartstrings a bit. It showed a relatively realistic view of a marriage in trouble.

People, what the fuck more do you want for your money? You ain't paying, you ain't writing. When you are ready to pay, and especially when you are ready to write, then you can go off on these dispicable rants like friend TLee.

I notice you haven't written anything, TLee. Neither has that other Roger Ebert of erotic criticism, Harry from VA.

If everything you guys read is so bad, why don't you write something that shows us what good is?

Those that can, write. Those that can't, criticize.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalalmost 17 years ago
Fair to middlin'

Ohio:<p>Very stylish and well written, trademarks of your submissions, but I just couldn't buy what you were selling.<p>I found this couple unremarkable and lacking in depth. The seduction of the wife was what has been proffered so often before. The requisite elements included: she loves her husband dearly, realizes what a wonderful marriage she has, and, while attending a party sans her husband and having consumed enough alcohol to impair her judgment, falls victim to a "really nice guy" who is aware he is pursing a married woman. While she is sober enough to recognize his "come hither" look at party's end, she doesn't find it curious that he is waiting for her afterwards on her porch? His request for coffee couldn't have been satisfied at his cousin's house? And what of the cousin who hosted the party? She couldn't recognize that her relative was hitting big time on her friend?<p>I agree with KOLKORE. This episode didn't just happen. She was an active participant. She wasn't impaled by a man lying on a falling bed. She was aware of her actions and chose to indulge in the indiscretion. Why? Who knows? Not enough background was provided. But spouses don't cheat when everything is as peachy keen as was described in this story.<p>I also agree with others who have expressed the opinion that the husband's infidelity was your way of evening the playing field. I also felt that his extrapolation in divining his wife's cheating was a bit far fetched. His hunches are apparently educated enough to have Ph.D's. As a previous person mentioned, what if she were just trying to hide that she had dented the car?<p>Accepting everything previous to the conclusion at face value, I didn't have a problem with the story's outcome. I can see a couple in these straits attempting to save their marriage. Given what has transpired in this union, I'm not sure how successful they would be. I just believe that in order for that ending to be credible it would have taken more than what you wrote. The resolution was much too short. In reality, I believe that they might have resorted to counseling of some sort to ascertain why a marriage as wonderful as this was so flawed. <p>Ohio, as much as I appreciate your effort, I felt the characters possessed too little depth and that the story was just too formulaic.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 17 years ago
Please note the difference!

I am another writer, and not one of your queer fans! I just took a few minutes off from writing comments on my own stories to read this effort from Ohio. I have decided to use a comment I was saving for my next story: "I always enjoy a story by HDK and this was no exception! You are one fine writer and obviously a hell of a manly stud!" (Please change HDK to Ohio, and maybe leave out the stud part?)

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Vey good story

A marriage in trouble but with answers to help them.. I am still wondering what would have happened if he hadn't cheated, also.. Of course, without his own insight he may never have thought anything was wrong.. A good look at the dual feelings each has and can't help it.. Regardless, it is always better when a marriage is able to stay together, maybe not quite as strong as before but strengthening every year afterward..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
OMG What a story.

Thanks for a great story that shows we can mess things up...but that doesn't have to mean the end of a relationship, that we don't love just in the good times, but also the bad times. Awesome freaking story!!!!!!

morris53morris53almost 17 years ago

Excellent work on mutual reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
some guilt

This author is good enough that i enjoy his stories but all his stories start and end the same way, someone cheats and he spends the rest of the story making sure they get back together and they are great with each other, the only problem is life doesn't work that way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
If these two were as gult riddled as you say.

Where was the suicide of each? YOu know when you force someone to stay together you simply increase the odds of the next adultry ending in violence? People that love their spouse dont cheat on them unless they are mentally unbalanced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

how DOES A SLUT LIKE THAT GET FORGIVEN,oh ya i forgot who wrote the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

A Ohio Bull--shit story--skank--dumb-ass male wine bread and a good cut of ripe head cheese.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Wow now I know I have a free pass forever

Being drunk means you arent responsible for fucking anyone else. You can fuck someone and be instantly forgiven, a free pass forever. Well since your wedding vows mean nothing if you are drunk, we have another dilema to solve. Who said you should or could get drunk or for that matter drink enough that you cant rationally think. Oh the immaturity of it all. To dumb to not cheat on your spouse and marriage. And to dumb to not know how much or little you can drink and still make good mature decisions. What was this story about 13 year olds? Oh I see only people with maturities of 13 yos, meaning they have IQs of about 50. You really pulled a rabbit out of the hat to give the wife a free pass by suddenly allowing the husband had a prior cheating affair. What did that do to the original plot?

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago

I can't believe how long it has taken me to find a cheating spouse story where both were guilty of the same thing. Thank you! Usually, the stories are soooooooooooooo boring, predictable, about cheating wives and either their wimp or psycho husbands. This story actually reaches deeper. It's true that cheating is easy. It's living with it that's hard. Bravo!

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
No winners here, or are there?

My respect for Jake and Marilyn are such that I can't offer anything more than they have already contributed. To answer my own question, we are the winners here for your having, once again, shared with all of us such and amazing talent!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Ohio - after reading your latest "failing effort" and going back to review some others, it appears that...

.. as an author, you have continued a trend of these wimp male characters and unrealistic slut wives stories that discredits your ability as a preferred author on this site. You of all people know this type of garbage belongs on the master cluck site and not in LW category on Lit. This particular submission shows the lack of character and tends to look just like the dog shit that JPB puts out and idiot fags like size 14 tend to adore. Not good by any stretch of the imagination. Get back to realistic tales without following these formulaic examples of crap.

victoriangentvictoriangentalmost 14 years ago

It's true, both cheated, it's true that both can forgive, but the fact remains that neither can forget. So, you have two distrusting people living together for the rest of their lives, always wondering what the other is doing when absent. This is why I don't believe in reconciliation. Wipe the slate clean, move on.

The story, as usual by this author, is well written. I enjoyed it very much.

jiminabjiminabalmost 14 years ago
To HarryinVA

Harry, if you want to see hatefull comments just look in the fucking mirror.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

How is Peter a wimp? Because he forgave his wife? He was guily of the same offense! People screw up all the time, sometimes it cannot be fixed but in some instances it can. But at least he didn't sit up on some self-righteous high horse and condem her. No he admitted his own mistake, which takes courage.

BOTH of these characters screwed up and BOTH of them realized their mistake and felt guilty. But love in the wake of storms can get people through a lot and I think they will weather this together. At least in a fictional sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

They were able to forgive oneanother, I was not able to do that and now I am a very lonely man unable to find that love that comes with your first love of your young life.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
No wimps here -

But clearly hypocrites in the audience -

He was a "slut" first - then she was - if it was "OK" for him it has to be "OK" for her or someone is full of shit.

If they manage to forgive and move on together more power to them it will not be easy and every time one of them is pissed at the other the risk of getting lost in the muck will be there.

But faith leads to trust which can be reforged - in this case it probably should be.

Nice job

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago
Equal indiscretions? I don't think so

Let me see if I've got this straight? He is out with 3 people on business celebrating their doing business together. One of the 3 blatantly comes on to him, insinuates herself into his hotel room and "seduces" him. He has said no several times and has made some effort to separate himself from the situation. After one fuck he sends her packing even when she wanted more.

She has gone to a party and spent lots of time enjoying herself with a man she has just met. She flirted with him and let him rub his hard cock against her while they danced -- or was it she rubbed herself against his cock. She was disappointed when he left the party. When she get's home he's sitting on the porch waiting for her and she takes him into her house well after midnight -- a man she just met. She fucks him most of the night and only feels regret the next morning AFTER he's gone. She fucked someone she she was hot for, drunk or not. She was playing with fire. This is the stuff affairs are made of. Will she be as "willing to be swayed" the next time as she was this time? When this guy comes back and "shows up on her doorstep" again so to speak, what will happen?

No, girls and boys. This is not equal drunken behavior. What about the next party she goes to when hubby is out of town? Does he wonder about her? Does she "have too much to drink" and fuck another man who turns her on?

She says and the author implies this is her first time. Will it be the last? Will the husband ever have peace of mind when he is away. He needs to look at the complete picture, not just the "both cheated" aspect.

I'm not of the "scortched earth" crowd but this is bad news.

He's not necessarily a wimp but he's letting his own guilt cloud his thinking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Well written, but....

not that believable. Difficult to believe that he would confess or that she would for that matter, although confronted I can see why. He was far away from home, the act is no worse, but the situation is very different. She was at a party with friends, flirted with a man in front of them, and later fucks him, in THEIR house and in THEIR bed. Tell me that would not make a big difference to the spouse.

Overall a good story but flawed and truthfully more than a little unbelievable.


DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Nice story but not realistic.

There is no way the husband would have known. Women excel at sneaky sex. Women are designed to keep their options open. Typically that means finding a good and dependable provider for a mate and then when ovoluting, seek the best genes for their eggs.

Furthermore, a considerate man would not insult a woman by kicking her out of bed and making her angry like the husband claimed.

Since both cheats are unrealistic, I only rated it 4****.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
The Science the science

Dear DWornock: Does not matter, because there is modern science and DNA test. I think it should be mandatory the DNA test for the husbands after the childbirth. The mother should not claim who is the father after the childbirth because sometime she also do not know and the husband could decide on divorce or growing up the not DNA test proof children. There is modern World men women equity and responsible for the sperm cell. Tha man shoul pay who gave the sperm cell and we avoid same psychopatic than Adolf Hitler (He did not sure who was his true father). That men who do not want financial responsibility they should emmigrate if they want to pay. I think with the DNA test this will be the future!

norcal62norcal62almost 13 years ago
Gee guys, give the author a break.

You all seem to judge the story only from your personal life histories. Does it occur to you that other individuals may not think exactly the same as you do about the identical story? How about how the characters were described and were their actions consistent with their apparent personages? I found the story fully believable and satisfying for that reason.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
Duna don't argue with a moron like Dwornock

these are stories and you judge them through your eyes, you'll like some, but not other. People like dwornock are fucking morons, I would ask why would either want the other. They both cheated. As far as OHIO goes, before you read the story, this author is a love over comes all type. OHIO can tell a story and puts his all in to it, I like that part, the hero's are wimpy but Ohio has his own reasons for that. His hero's have a heart.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wow. Just wow.

Mistakes happen and love does t erase them, It helps us overcome them. A wonderful tale of love and mistakes. Thanks.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Oh Well

They both cheated and they both were sorry. Fuck 'em.

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
You are guilty

of writing about real people trying to handle real situations! And you do it very well.

I'd agree with some of the comments that it could have been longer - that more could have been done to help the reader invest in the characters - especially the lover who simply disappears from sight, which doesn't seem to match up with someone who'd been so determined to seduce the wife.

If I may dare to suggest it, a revisitation to these characters, possibly after a year or two have passed, might make another very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

In their bed, more than once. You are a good writer but you short changed the story, the house you live in versus a hotel?

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

i agree with the other coment. he fucked a stranger she will never meet again in a hotel and the slut wife fucked someone he will probably run into obw day and who fucked her in the marriage bed. at least have the balls to toss the fucking bed out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good enough for this site...

Men and women have been cheating on each for thousands of years and just like one commenter said... A DNA test is the only way anyone can know for sure. Come on guys, sooner or maybe sometime and women want something different and if the right circumstances provide happens! Most times the other spouse never knows because both men and women can keep secrets from each other and do. Don't tell me that there is always a wonderful atmosphere of 'tell all' communication in all marriages. Be real!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It is an interesting senario. There are a lot of ways the story could have gone. It's just a story and you just presented one way it could have happened. Not your best story but you write well.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

A wonderful story. I think this one is your finest writing. The erotic images are sublime, the relational insights spot on, and the emotions authentic. Perfection. Perhaps one of the best I have ever read in this site.

Dubby49Dubby49almost 11 years ago

he cheated, she cheated, they're both sorry, have apologised to each other and are moving on. The energy people are putting in to differentiate the two acts of cheating and grade one as worse than the other is amazing. What gives?

amyyumamyyumover 10 years ago
Touching and realistic

You hit the nail on the head, it seems, though I don't have first hand experience. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
cantbuyabrain also cantbuy

a red H on his shit stories so he cries in the comments of a good writer - most pathetic loser-cuck on the site

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Blood tests, blood tests!

For them both. Then make up and never cheat again. Or, if you do, man up, bite the bullet, say "Fuck it" and keep on truckin'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
People who live in glass houses...

I agree entirely with Dubby 49; they both cheated, they repented to each oter and moved on...any further judgement should be dome only by GOD.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A very appropriate story. Thank you!

No matter how in love you are with your spouse, no one is above temptation or guilt. But you have shown how love doesn't make you forget the past, it helps you to forgive. I'm glad they both realized that their love is bigger than the past but also better than anything they could find somewhere else.

And "cantbuymylove" is an idiot for suggesting divorce is the only option.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

She went back for second and third helpings. She felt bad but went back and did it again anyway.

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 10 years ago
The most annoying thing was...

she already knew she'd cheated and she's asking him these questions about was the other woman beautiful, did she have bigger tits, did she turn him on more, was she good, better than her, younger, sexier, hotter...

And he could have just as easily thrown male versions of the same questions back at her...

I suppose in all fairness he HAD had a number of days to process it all... and HIS first reaction had included throwing up...

I guess the most interesting question is... will they both stop drinking socially now...? Maybe a good idea all things considered...

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
Contrary to the commentator below

Everyone is above temptation. You simply avoid it. She had no business going to a party alone! Disagree with me? Look what happened. Once you're married, you're a couple, and any socializing that includes the opposite sex, should only be done as a couple. I'm sure you can guess what I think of "girls night out"... Fidelity Suicide!

I should also add that a strong sense of right and wrong and honor help to maintain your commitment to your wedding vows.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 10 years ago
good story

nicely done, both felt the emotion involved in cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Two cheaters who deserve each other

And I hope they and all cheaters stay married to one another so they hurt only another guilty party, not divorce, marry someone else, cheat and then destroy their hearts.

Because they never quit cheating.


KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Another Difference

His feeble excuse of needing coffee before driving back to the hotel. Wasn't there coffee at the party?

As far as her going to the party alone. Get real! It was a neighborhood party, it's not like she was out clubbing alone!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
predators & alcohol = disaster

did a quick look through the other comments on this one .

not much talk about the two very manipulative predators that targeted married pple.

i don't have have much sympathy for any adulterers .. but the scum sucking predators that prey on drunk / vulnerable / confused pple wether they are married or single, are the ones i really hate.

we all make mistakes , hopefully sometimes we CAN learn from them ....

but the Predators that get a buzz out of repeatedly seeking out married pple to fuck with , those are the true villain's

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What an asshole

He's a total dumb fuck for telling her. What a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

What a wimp, he should have tracked down the other guy and kicked his ass.

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
Two years later they divorced

(Grin) Sorry. I couldn't resist.

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
Made for each other

I think it is great! I wish all the cheaters would get married and cheat on each other and leave the rest of us alone. Given that the ration of male:female cheaters is almost equal now this should work. Maybe that could be a question on the online dating sites to make them more compatible! As cozy as to turds in a toilet.

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
good story

just a thought about him lying about his cheating just to get her to confess, of course he wouldn't have known what to look for if he hadn't done it also, and realized what she was doing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Too symetrical?

Congrats. Good story. Well written like all your work. Four out of five. But the guilt here is a little bit too symetrical. It robs the story of emotional tension. You could have still preserved the RAAC theme, but had him struggle with the fact she allowed her lover to come inside her twice. What about concerns about STDs? Maybe his lover made him use a condom. Also she slept with her lover and he kicked his fling out so no snuggling and after glow. I would have liked to have seen a bit more struggle before the reconciliation. But I will keep reading.

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