All Comments on 'Her Blue Dodge Minivan Ch. 02'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

A good next step.

Now we are invested in these people. It would be interesting to know if Danny can get forgive her. I'm not sure that I could.

As you note the party was one thing, compounding it with the affair was another. If he does take her back does it just add to her sense of "having gotten one over on him".

Don't make us wait almost 3-months to find out if you have any of thos anwsers in mind.

Pa Rebel

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 17 years ago
It's so good to have Ohio back!

We've been waiting for this pleasure and it's worth the wait. Thanks for the story and I'll be waiting eagerly for the next chapter. If Ohio writes it, I'll gladly read it!

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 17 years ago
Good continuation

I think you overplayed the 'disrespect, lies, went behind husbands back' angle and didnt even mention the 'eww, thats fucking gross' angle. <p><p>

The husband was against even considering swinging so wouldnt he be a little bit more grossed out by her actions? Im not saying the disrespect and lying are trivial, just that there are other factors he would consider as well imo. Do I want to stay married to a person who thinks swing parties are the hight of sexiness even if she decides to never do it again? Doesnt it mean we disagree about an important issue (sex) on a fundamental level? Can I still love someone who behaves in a way I find repugnant? etc. The wife still thinks the swing party she went to isnt so bad and that the affair was the really bad thing she did (as well as the thing that got her caught). Does the husband agree with that assessment?<p><p>

Anyway, good continuation and thanks again for writing. Hope you have all your rl issues sorted and you and your family are healthy and happy. <p><p>

PS - thanks for letting the husband stick to his guns. Dont know if there is more coming or not but its pretty clear now that the wife still doesnt get it. The thing she seems to be berating herself most about is pushing her luck until she was caught. Doesnt seem like someone you would want back as she is now.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago
A Good Story...

with an appropriate ending. I was beginning to think that the minivan had broken down on the side of the road and had been towed to a junkyard. It was great to see that it was still chugging along with ohio behind the wheel doing some of his best driving. Thanks for the excellent effort.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
A good chapter waiting for the next

I’m looking forward to the next chapter. This has a lot of potential of where does life go for these two people.<p>Hope your personal trials are calming and wish you the best.<p>Thank you for your efforts and entertainment.<p>PT

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
Great story Ohio

The next chapter you write end it with Dave giving another chance but have dave have her watched every day .


NucleusNucleusabout 17 years ago
I've waited long ...

... and don't regret it. Thank you. Very nice sequel. Much better than "zekes" mad <i>"Pain, Anguish -Rreconciliation"</i>


bruce22bruce22about 17 years ago
I was wondering----

--if you had decided to let others write various endings

to your story. But now it doesn't feel finished yet. You

really write well and I have enjoyed everything you have published here.

I find that she really is too lost in herself and would strongly suggest that Jack get on with his life. But unless there is a very good friend (single female) waiting in the wings it will be difficult to start dating after all these years. Still he deserves someone better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good to Have you back

Very happy to have you back.

I hope all is now well in your non fiction life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
These MALE STRAIGHT ARROW- married to a ----------

CHEATING LOW LIFE WIFE stories belong in the Humor Catagory.----and the comments from other equally straight arrow males are sickening.-------------The 'tell' is that he threw her out of HIS HOUSE---------A real man would have moved out of THEIR house.He considers that after 20 years of putting up with his moral superiority that she doesn't own any part of that house---The divorce court Judge will take a few inches off of his dick

iddaj99iddaj99about 17 years ago
Comments to stories

Keep up the good work Ohio.....

The reason for writing this comment is different. I came across at least one comment that calls for a "real man" action about throwing the wife out etc.....

I just cant help writing something about these comment writers...

In my opinion such comment writers belong to one of these categories:-</br>

1) They got shit upon by a slut wife in their real life

2) They are just frustrated about not having a wife that runs around on them (U know the story about the Jackal and Sour grapes right?)

3) They are closet gays not having balls to come out in open about their sexuality.

People who read Ohio stories should know that most of his stories are going to have reconciliation in them. Knowing this when people come and read his stories and post time-wasting only reflects on their intelligence. Oh God..Why did u create so many dumb people?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Excellent continuation

Thankfully, you've perservered in your personal tribulations. It's an excellent continuation. I can't wait for the denouement.

As to the "straigt arrow" commenter, I posit this. She stepped out of "their" house and "their" life to do something hateful, destructive, and selfish. Once she threw away "their" life to follow some pipe dream, it became "his." Now, I know divorce judges see this differently, but once she threw her life away, she shouldn't have rights to it any more.

If a couple has problems in a marriage, and can't work them out, then the split should be as fair and amicable as possible. It could be incompatible personalities, differing wants and needs, or even a desire to see other people. However, infidelity is a marriage killer. It says to the faithful spouse, "you're good enough to provide for me, and be my companion, but you are not good enough to be my only love." Even in the case of reconciliation, the BEST one can hope for is a pale ghost of the full trust and love once shared.

I am of the firm belief that if a person cheats on his or her spouse, that person should leave the marriage with nought but their shoes. Before you ask, I'll answer. I'm in my second marriage. The first broke up due to my spouse's infidelity. To all those listening, take heed. If you only knew the depths of rage and pain that the discovery leaves in its wake, you would run like Hell. I tried for 18 months after the discovery to make it work, but I never felt the same about my spouse again. I stopped torturing myself with the "what might have been," and moved on. In the year and a half I stayed, we had sex twice. The thought of which was enough to cause me to throw up. I enjoyed her misery, and I laughed at her pathetic attempts to "make it up to me." I turned into something I hated. I was a cruel, sarcastic, vindictive man. Hatred is a strong emotion, and can destroy you if you let it.

So, I gave up my wife, and gave up my hate. I've met a beautiful woman who is the sun in my sky. We've been married for 16 years, and life is perfect. My ex has gone through 12 marriages. Why? In EACH case, the break ups were caused by her infidelity. A leopard does not change its spots.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
Sad and Very Realistic

It will be interesting to see where this one goes. I think if I were Danny I'd simply divorce her and move on. Good writing (as usual).

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Great story But I am afraid of reconcilation ?

this is a wonderful story.


I am deeply bothered by the ending with HINTs of maybe he will think about IT ( reconcilation).


what is there to think about? This was NOT a drunken 1 night stand... The wife even broke the swinging "rules" by seeing the other guy outside of f swinging location!!!


The therapy shows why this marriage cant survive.


FIRST she stats that she was happy to have her 1 time swinging experience over and done with.... but she knows the affair was wrong.


Yessireee I want to be married to the Bitch who thinks fucking lots of guys at swinging club is OK but having an affair is really wrong !!!


<b>SECOND... the wife admits that she REALLY got off shitting on her husband... laughing at him and his moral ways. It made the sex hotter. </b>


BUT at this point in the story DANNY does Not Know about this angle of Her cheating ... swinging and the affair.


<b>Given How DANNY was developed by this author How do you think he will react when he finds out about this aspect ofr Eileens cheating behavior ? </b>


THIRD .... in therapy she seems to be focused on what she thinks was the Biggest Mistake she made... which was "pushing Her luck" by seeing the other guy at the Marriott.


Taken together she doesnt get it... and has Not the 1st god dam clue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I myself would never ever be able to touch her or

trust her again. Who really wants to sleep with the enemy. She hated her husband enough for keeping her from playing with men, she totally betrayed him and her marriage, disrespected her husband and his stated wishes, and placed him at medical risk without her knowledge or consent. She loves him, in terms of how I define husband wife love, she didnt love him at all, she just tolerated him and his ability to provide her upkeep and care. She was unfaithful to him and provided all of their friends and neighbors knowledge that she was cheating on him and totally disrespected him. Take her back, never, not even in Hell.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Iddaj99 Keep in Mind chapt 1

Iddaja its obvious you did not read chapter 1.


Your reaction seems to be based on the idea that she tried something "New.... got carried away with it but thats all that happened.


In chapter 1 OHIO shows several instances where Eileen suggested swinging and /or Her being with other men. He was not remotely instance. not ever. At any point.


She asked. She suggested. He said Fantasy is fantasy.


</b>If she wanted to try other things well that is her right!! But she should not expect to stay married to THIS man. <b>


Even of you are one of those REAAALY stupid people out there that thinks the wife sexual needs are for some reason far more important the a Husbands... she certainly had no right to place HIS health at risk.


I mean do you think the hsuband is being controlling or demanding if he demands the right NOT to die b/c she wants to cheat?

Thanks for granting us men the right to live

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good second chapter

I have some of the same concerns expressed by some of the posters - is this marriage worth a reconciliation? Is this a woman he could ever trust again? Should he can this marriage and start over again? What about the children? The only thing I did not worry about or find illogical was that the husband stayed in the house. And I am a woman...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
You always wimp out, Ohio... far, so good, but you don't have the stones to do what should be done. Since she thought with her "cunt," maybe she can survive with its guidance, too.

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Not just skimming off the top

Ohio writes stories that go very deep into the thoughts and actions of his characters. This is very realistic and well written. Thanks for getting back to it and I hope there is another chapter. I also hope "real life" gets a bit easier.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What will the ending be?

I note with interest the comments of a number of individuals suggesting that Ohio always 'wimps out' or some other such drivel, and has the couple reconcile. Clearly these people haven't read Brisket, Catching Nancy, Forbidden Fruit, The Letter A, amongst others where the result of the wife cheating was a divorce, with no forgiveness by the husband.

Yes he has reconciliation stories, but in real life we find both situations, those where a couple can overcome and move on together, though with a relationship never as it was before, sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger, and those where the cheating and resulting breach of trust,mean the end of the marriage.

The circumstances are critical in what will happen, together with the people themselves. Taking somebody back doesn't necessarily make you a wimp, in fact it may show you to be a better, stronger person. In other cases, only a fool would take the cheater back.

I know these are just stories, and won't please everyone, however Ohio in his stories portrays real life with stories ending in reconciliation and divorce, and with an excellent portrayal of the various human emotions and responses in such situations.

Will Eileen and Danny reconcile? The one issue that makes me think no is the fact that he had explicitly told her no about encounters with others, her failure to heed his advice or attention to his feelings would in my mind make the betrayal even greater. But at the same time, he still has strong feelings for her, she has, maybe not fully enough yet, recognized how she has hurt him and disrespected him. Maybe this may make for a possible joint effort at counselling, and a reconciliation, but maybe not.

Whatever the ending, I know I look forward at reading how Ohio handles the situation, and further stories from an excellent author.


JakeRiversJakeRiversabout 17 years ago
Nicely done, well written as I would expect.

The story is fascinating. I'll patiently wait for more - hey, I'm a patient guy!

Good read - Jack

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great story!....but..

I can't see this one going to a reconciliation. She knows she disrespected her husband, but she seems to think that since she "realized" what it was he should take her back. She didn't just "realize" what she had done, she knew.

Obviously, the thrill came from doing something behind her husband's back that he had as much as forbidden her to do. This wasn't something he had no right to bar her from doing, like getting a new hairstyle, but a basic tenet of a marriage contract.

She claimed she was about to break it off with her lover soon, but that was only because she was getting bored with him. The only thing I could see happening was her finding another lover so things could be "different and exciting" again. I see this happening over and over ad infinitum.

Her husband should cut his losses and file for divorce, thankful that she had at least given him two great kids, who luckily are old enough to be able to handle the outcome, we can hope.

She can then continue to screw anyone she wants, but of course that won't be very satisfying unless she can find someone else on whom to to cheat, since the cheating is what appears to excite her.

I'd like to see ohio prove me wrong, but I can't see how.

Zeb40Zeb40about 17 years ago
Great story!....but..

Sorry for the screwup, but the previous comment with the same heading should not have been from Anonymous. It was me.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 17 years ago
Yeah, what's all those "tricks"?

Moving the van, giving her extra extravegant compliments, suck her vagina louder, harder, etc., etc??? <p>

And, then, get this: "What? Eileen, I'm so shocked!!! Why you cheated on me? And why not someone else but that bastard????!! Why him??" <p>

Excuse my wording, but it's fuckin' stupid! <p>

If you asked me, I'd tell you THAT kind of stupid personality was the cause of Eileen's disrespect: <p>

He does not come across as a serious, no-nonsense husband: he's one of these sneaky, double-taling, constipated guys who you don't really know if he'd allow you, the wife, to fuck another man for his enjoyment (by the edge of the bed with a camera videotaping or not),,,, so you, as the wife, have to negotiating both your thoughts and his, as to whether or not you ought to just go ahead and do things... <p>

That's the problem with a man, a husband like this. The story is not entirely bad. It's just not a good story about an upstanding but wronged human being.... It's really about an ambivalent man who's not sure whether --- despite his twice spoken words "Honey, your pussy is all I wanna eat, no other women's.... so, no swinging, dear beloved wife..." --- he would tolerate his wife's affairs, AND if she has already had them, whether or not he's gonna accept her as a wife... <p>

It's not only that he doesn't think; it is more the case that this man can NOT think or think properly, decisively, so he let circumstances and the wife and others dictate his mood as well as "thinking"... not a very resolute character. <p>

This, however, is NOT to say the circumstances he faces are easy; they are not. 'Tis more reason why he should have done MORE thinking before DIRECTLY confronting the wife --- RATHER then moving her van from the motel two spaces, TWO SPACES or so, (WTF for?) --- and THEN confront her directly, once you have the clear evidence, and see what HER RESPONSE was like: <p>

For example, a certain response would mean, "Perhaps the marriage could be saved" and a certain other response mean mean "This cheating, I don't know where she came from, but she's not the loving woman I married over 20 years ago and so this bitch needs the boots immediately." <p>

Does the man do any of that? NO. "What? You cheated on me? What????? You not only cheat and cheated with this asshole,,, but you WENT SWINGING with others, fucked many men before, too?!!!!! I am SO SHOCKED, Eileen!!" <p>

I mean, come one, dear author,,, such silliness doesn't become you as a writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
And Then There Was ohio

Always well written but soon to contort and twist the past and character traits - at least based on his recent examples.<P>

So once again, if you paint the cheater with multiple infidelities over a period of time - you just can't reasonably sell the non-reality of reconciliation. Throw in the other two folkers at the savored swing and this guy would certainly be da wimp you have often favored in the past.<P>

Why is that oh magic half baked healer?<P>

Note - don't paint the cheater so badly if you must put them back together so your credibility can be a good as your skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Glad to see you writing on this. She fucked up worse than I thought. Well written and interesting, I care about these people, mark of a good story. Waiting for the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great Ending!

Stop NOW! No more WIMPS! No more "Whorror" stories! End it now! Good ending, STOP NOW!

zed0zed0about 17 years ago
Good Ending!

Stop NOW, No more wimp stories! End It NOW! No more "Whorror" stories.

batjac69batjac69about 17 years ago
Too much hopping about

It takes a very good writer to do flashbacks and keep the story flow and your flow was like changing channels. The only good part was the dismal sex with a big dick actually being what exposed. You failed though to expose the reality of what drives swingers to swing in being just as dismal.

The Dr. Phil crowd will love the misery of the continuous whining of the story, but from literary and erotic stance your story was mundane literature and not at all erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
great story and ending...

This was a great story and an excellent ending. Yes, he did play tricks on her, but only to get her to quit her cheating and confess. She would still be cheating if she did not think Danny knew something. Danny held it all together during the two weeks until she confessed, but sooner or later it all would come out from him and it did.

Their marriage is over. He has lost the trust of his wife. Where there is no trust in a marriage between partners, then there is no marriage. She also broke their marriage vows. She lied, cheated and kept secrets from her husband and that is not something you do in a marriage that you want to survive. She got her just rewards, now she will have to live with the outcome.

Great Job of Writing, but now is the time for this story to end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not reconciliation

He said "That's fine for them, honey. Different strokes, and all that. But I could never, ever, share you with another man. That doesn't seem sexy to me, just painful. You married a one-woman man, and I need you to be my one-man woman." Never?.Don't change the way of thinking of the husband.

MinigalesMinigalesabout 17 years ago
A Major Flaw

<p>First, we do not even know if the story ended or not. This is one problem.

<p>Second, the second chapter was dry and uninteresting.

<p>Third, the point of view. This is the major flaw. I personally feel like I am watching Nightline or something like it (not a soap opera, which I hate anyway) when I read a story in multiple points of view, and I do not watch Nightline for entertainment. The meeting between the two spouses was so glossed over that we do not even know what Danny has to think over if he really intends to think about it. The fact that it is coming from the wife's point of view, we do not even know if he was the least bit serious or not. That completes the circle with the first point here.

<p>Fourth, I do not know what drove her to counseling. It might be there in the story but I do not recall reading it. The thought process when somebody is alone is more important that the bullshit they say to the counselor and suddenly realize that the sun rises in the morning and that is why there is light in the day.

<p>Finally, the story was decent but below expectations from an author of this caliber.

<p>Thanks for writing.

Use1ceOnlyUse1ceOnlyabout 17 years ago

but I liked it, particularly the detail of the party. I can't see another story in her situation but I like her as a character. I would probably enjoy a frustrated good time girl like her in real life if she took me on.

Kanga40Kanga40about 17 years ago
A good continuation

I saw a few comments wondering about the end???<BR>

Now, I would be one of the most vocal critics of unended stories.<BR>

<B>This ain't one! </B> What more is there to say about this couple? Anything further would be completely unnecessary.<BR>

I agree, the cahnging POV was unsettling and the flashbacks didn't always fit.

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
Count me amoung the curious Ohio

<p>I thought the story was good back ground filler, sorta like people always ask for. You know when they start the "Why did she do that" and "what made her cheat on her husband" or even the ever famous "That was a good story, now write it from her view point so we can see what she was thinking". Personally I saw this as getting it all out of the way early by writting the story like this so we all know how it happened and why</p>

<p>Now I'm just curious, like a few others, if this is the end? The ground work you laid for the husband in part one was one of tolerance up to a point. He was willing to do anything for his wife, that was in his power to do, long as it didn't involve her with other men. But I think the reason some folks (and I have to count myself again amoung them) feel this will probably be a reconcilation story is that the husband in first story felt so strong about his wife cheating with one man, that after finding out she went to a swingers party by herself to experience it, even though he said he was against it and thought she dropped it, would be enough to start divorce proceeding. But he's still married to her. I know that it was 20 years worth of marriage, but he it was effect to punch out and piss on another man, then kick his wife out of the house because it hurt him so bad, why is he still married and letting her cling to hope one day they will get past this?</p>

<p>All we need now is 60yr George to come along and comment on how evil the husband was for first not understanding the wife's need to sleep around, then for the lack of communcation for getting mad at her for sleeping around, then to finish it off how evil he was to move her car around while she was cheating on him. Then he'll add a comment about how justified she was for do it to the jerk she was married too. Totally forgetting how he only decided to do this <b>after</b> he caught her cheating, and how they <b>dicussed</b> that he didn't believe in cheating and even tried the role playing at her request, where he let her get felt up, and commented how that wasn't for him. (^_^)</p>

<p>Just kidding George</p>

<p>But I too am curious if this is the end. If it is the end, then it's more like a page in a book of their life than a story. But each story is how the author envisioned it, so maybe you envisioned it as just the page and not the whole story, because now we're left with more questions. Like: "Will the husband's character continue to act like he did in part one, or will he cave, change his character entirely, and take her back and act like nothing happened?" or "Will there be a 'forced' reconcilation where they are back together under some thinly veiled "she was temporarly insane" defense?"</p>

<p>I'm just curious how your going to make this story end, if this isn't the ending.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

....please? im getting soft.

Ack!! no flames please. i burn easy. lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Thanks-No Wimping PLEASE!

Outstanding writing as usual. She cheated-she's gotta go.

Period. Please! Let's have him toss her out of his life completely. There's just no reason he should let her under a roof he pays for, ever again. I am worried that for some bizarre, non-male reason he'll speak to her again without venom in his voice. He clearly stated his position on swinging-she ignored it. She gets the foot in the ass out the door. Simple.

I love your stories - THANKS!

bornagainbornagainalmost 17 years ago
Stupid bitch

Just let Danny give her a gun and let her blow her brains out that way we dont hear any more crying from her .

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
Husband (and chapter) dilly-dallying...

This is my second reading of this highly charged story. I was still as strongly and as positively impressed by the first chapter. I can’t say the same about this chapter though. <P>

The wife has very little to show for, as far as any new meaningful insights, as a result of the few counseling sessions she had taken. To some degree she acknowledged as much. To the most part, it was just a confirmation of what she had suspected already –namely, that she did what she did because she really could not let go of her desire to have that forbidden experience (husband’s feelings and requests notwithstanding), and that once she thought she had found a safe opportunity, she went for it, or as she put it: “I guess I just thought, 'to hell with Danny, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, I'm just going to try this once!' ". <P>

It should not be surprising that there was not more coming out from this counseling, as this wife clearly presents as a having a narcissistic personality. As such, she could not be “cured” by a short (or even much longer) therapy session. <P>

Now that she got what she wanted she would act as best as she can to convince her husband that “she gets it”. However, guilt and remorse have not and do not play a role for her type. They certainly did not stop her from continuing to play with her extra “sexual toy” both physically and mentally. She only stopped once she realized that she stands to loose more than she had been gaining, as her suspicions that hubby knows something grew to an almost certainty with his invitation to a party with her lover… At that point she simply made a practical – “utilitarian” decision that she should do damage control by “confessing” rather than waiting for a potentially uncontrolled explosion in this “party”. There was no true insight about the pain and damage she was causing; most importantly- no moral perception of wrong doing; Just the sense of doom and dismay of being caught and the concrete pain and destruction caused after the fact. <P>

As a Narcissist, she was not and remained unable to have these insights as much as she lacks the ability to empathize with another’s emotional perspective. The brief counseling in this case was pretty much wasted on her. <P>

Yes she “learned” about the contempt or the disrespect towards her husband and could recite it back to him. But as he correctly conveyed, those observations change nothing. And of course she has not changed her personality. The overpowering need to ‘self satisfy’ and the internal blindness to others’ perspectives will manifest in the future in other ways, no matter what and how much she promises now (she COULD be “reigned” by fear – but that is one petty and sad marriage to settle for…).<P>

In that respect I could not see how this chapter moved the plot forward. As many commented, the ball has been in the husband’s court; it has been ‘his move’, but he has been dilly- dallying for more than a chapter now- not a plus plot wise…

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
A no win situation

I agree with Kolkore so I wont repeat his comment..Up to this point of the story I see no way that the Husband has any choice but to divorce the Wife..He said no but She did the swinging anyways never mind the affair..As She stated that She disrespected Her Husband because She got away with Her cheating,now if He takes Her back She would disrespect Him for getting away with being caught and the husband taking Her back despite what He told Her about wanting a one Man Women..Hes in a no win situation..I see Divorce as the only solution ...Still a good read Ohio...Waiting for the end of the story...

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Still going good -

Curious how you will end this one -

Deep introspection is a scary thing and she seems to have pulled it off - might even have had that moment of epiphany -

Now can he get the help to move past it and put a perspective on it to resume living, if not he is done for a very long lonely time, if he does then he can actually make up his mind.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

I still am not feeling like reconciliation is possible. And yet, I get the feeling that is where you are headed. You have your work cut out for you.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Nicely written and holds my attention

But I was a bit surprised by the therapist asking so many leading questions. I always thought that it was important for the perturbed person to find these answers for themselves. Perhaps Ohio lacked the patience to write longer dialogues. In fact he seems to have strong together dialogues....

Finally the most surprising aspect is that it is eight weeks since he discovered she was cheating and he still has not filed for divorce. Hmmm, perhaps that is a dead giveaway.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
The saddest words that someone can believe

" it was just sex " usually followed by - but I still love you just as much as always

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Why agree to talk with the slut when there isn't a snowball's chance in hell you, or any rational man would take her back? AMF. Two more comments.....obviously I don't agree with some of the actions of your characters, but I do enjoy reading your stories. Harry made a comment at the end of the first chapter wondering why people read stories they knew they weren't going to like. :-) Harry, think about it, how would anyone know they didn't like a story before they read, I don't have that power

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
How convenient!

Danny was at a WEEKEND OUT-OF-TOWN training seminar. It's been six weeks - do the kids know? Please, no RAAC.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
Oh, was that bad?

Can you help me counselor? I gots something in my head but I don't know how to use it. Actually, I'm an evil cunt; but I want to pretend I'm stupid as an excuse.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Why do so many of these cheating wives even HOPE to be taken back, when you KNOW that if it was their husbands who cheated they'd ruin them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Danny's 1st mistake ... stop all contact with Dennis & Amy , as soon as the swinging topic raised it's ugly head .

this couple were not True friends .. if they were , as soon as Danny made his position on swinging crystal clear .... they would have not persued the issue.

instead because Dennis desperately wanted to fuck Eileen & no doubt Amy wanted to Fuck Danny , the "Friends" spend several months continueing to encourage / manipulate / influence Eileen into trying to talk Danny into it & joining them.

no doubt the " party " was carefully arranged to be on the weekend Danny was away.

ok, no excuses for betrayl / infidelity / adultery ...

but i really wish the BTB brigade , would also save some venom & vitriol for the fuckers that go out of their way to ruin other peoples relationships.



Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
good story

id like to say I can relate to the story, but I can't. I can relate to a wondering eye, and some flirting, but all in innocence. I do believe that love conquers all, but that's just me. how much anyone can stand the betrayal, and humiliation, is an individual set. I think they are both still in love. I think the ability to take one back from an affair, has to do with the amount of love they have shared, regardless of the damage inflicted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I like it

Congrats. Five for five. Well written, good characters, lots of emotion. I look forward to the conclusion. Swing for the fences, Ohio.

FD45FD45over 9 years ago

You are, in fact backwards.

Statistically, a wife is more likely to forgive a husband than a husband is to forgive a wife.

So when a wife asks for forgiveness, it is actually likely BECAUSE she would do the same for him if the tables were turned. Not always.

Granted, the 'why' of forgiveness is very important. Is is she's afraid of being alone? Not earning enough to not be destitute? Societal double standards?

What was it Laura Schlessinger used to say on her program: 'Women whine and men divorce'

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago
You Know

Sometimes forgiveness is warranted. In this case it is not. She consciously fucked three men at the swingers party and continued with one of them after. She knew he wanted no parts of other people involved in their love life and she did it anyway. Fucking cunt. Fucking cheating cunt. Last chapter. Let's see how it ends...

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“He wouldn't even really discuss it.” – He’s NOT interested! What is there to discuss?

Dennis and Amy are creeps! He should have his dick cut off and she should have her cunt sewn up! They KNEW how Danny felt, and STILL pressured her into joining them. And any halfway legitimate swingers group doesn’t allow individuals in.

She’s worried about being “rude” to someone who wants her to CHEAT on her husband?!

“I knew it was just sex, it didn't threaten my marriage,” – So, “just sex” doesn’t threaten your marriage?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I've read the three and agree with the walk away but a follow with a little revenge on Dennis and Amy would be nice. Also how they move on. Good story

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Reading Yet Again

“I'd been a swinger, for the first time!” – You WEREN’T a swinger! Couples swing, you were just a cheater!

And the trouble with the affair, it was WRONG, not just “pressing her luck”!

“that since Danny hadn't figured out what I'd been up to, I respected him a bit less.” – How could he figure anything out, he didn’t know there was anything TO figure out! As soon as he had something to figure out, i.e. your car at the motel, he figured things out pretty quick! Meanwhile, YOU couldn’t figure out your car moving, the extra roses, Danny’s ED!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
STILL Re-Reading,LOL!

Dennis and Amy were trying so hard to get Eileen and Danny because Dennis wanted to fuck Eileen and Amy wanted to fuck Danny, so how did it help them to wait till Danny was out of town?

"but didn't know how to say No without being rude," - I thought that "nobody could be made to do something against their will"? So just say NO! And as I think I said before, she's worried about being "rude"to a man that wants her to cheat on her husband? And I know asking her to think is asking a lot, but she and Danny socialize with these people - she isn't worried about the knowing smirks that Danny is going to suffer from these assholes?

"It was as good as sex with Danny sometimes is." - In other words,BETTER than sex with Danny USUALLY is!

"But he was patient and gentle, and kept teasing me, saying it was only lunch." - If it was "only lunch" he wouldn't have kept pressing!

To the Anon who said a "Real Man" wouldn't have thrown her out, but would have left himself! Why? Forgetting how a judge might rule,and with the kids out of the house all bets are off, but why should HE leave? He's the injured party, why should he suffer more?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Titanic bitch! 5*

Everyone involved needs to receive some pain for this. Not just Martin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Now I am scared.

I am agreeing with HarryinVa completely.... AGAIN

In both his comments

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
"will you at least...think about it?"

I'll think about giving you a fuckin black eye in a minute if you don't fuck off. Fuckin women man, they've got this ugly fuckin knife wound between they're legs and think we bastardwell run our lives round it. I don't recall all these tears and begging goin on about the horror of attending a swingers party?

In fact, say to her, ok i'll take you back but i must warn you, this erectile dysfunction thing is permanent, but as you say, that shouldn't matter if you love me as much as you claim to do, that ok with you dear?

Ha, then stand back and watch her taking off like a fuckin greyhound outa gate two at the races. Of that i am in no doubt!

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 7 years ago
Swinging wife?

I loved your story so forth. I think its been beautifly written. Only thing is I hope Dennis and Amy are made to pay for their part in this destruction of a marriage.

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
About What I Expected

From this chapter. Moving the plot along, explaining what really went on.

When a spouse rationalizes that "I knew it was just sex, it didn't threaten my marriage" it's the kiss of death for that marriage!

On now to chapter 3....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Better but not great!

This part of the story is 100 times better than the first part!

chytownchytownalmost 7 years ago
Good Read****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Please no RAAC!

Recap:. Eileen went behind her husband's back, deliberately cheated, lied, disrespected him, and deceived him. She was selfish, took on multiple partners, got off on pulling one over on her husband, broke her vows, and only confessed when she was forced into it. She was terribly sorry, but seemingly only because she was caught. Because while she did supposedly feel guilty during affairs, she did not stop.

Conclusion:. She does not love her husband no matter what she claims. You don't do what she did to someone you love. Plain and simple. End of story. You don't do something so deliberately that would hurt the one you love, so obviously she doesn't love him. You don't do something that you wouldn't do in front of your spouse.

Danny should divorce her because he will never be able to trust her again. However I have a feeling this will be an RAAC story, possibly one where the husband is somehow turned into the bad guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I HAVE A SENSE THAT Anonymous 09/24/17 IS RIGHT.


GymShortsGymShortsabout 6 years ago

A story where the psychiatrist speaks plain English and not some psyc mumbo jumbo that it was fine for her to explore herself, it's her body and her husband is just a Neanderthal.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
Late Comment

A while back FD45 responded to KarenE about the statistics of women forgiving husbands. I COULD be wrong, but I think KarenE was talking about the LW universe, not real life!

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 6 years ago

"A swing party was one thing, even though I knew Danny would have been very angry. "

Erm, you fucked three guys... I think "very angry" might be a bit of an understatement!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Danny is clearly a sadist

She should run fast and far away from him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Anonymous 9/2/18

Danny is a sadist? Hardly! In no way is he getting any kind of gratification from this situation. His wife shit on their marriage and he's stepped back and has told her exactly where he stands. He's not putting up with her bullshit excuses and he has a BIG problem with ever trusting her again. She conned him and fucked other men over an extended period of time. It's a situation he can't work his way out of and keep his dignity/sanity. She's as good as gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I mean, if cuckio didn't stretch the characters way out of any normal human psychological constraints to satisfy his extreme femdom fetishist audience, there wouldn't be any further discussion once someone is identified as a giant piece of shit. When that happens in the real world, people turn their backs to these worthless cunts, but that femdom fetishist literature is specifically written to exclude women being subject to gravity, or any other sort of real world phenomenon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
We Have Swingers In Our Neighborhood

I was chastised endlessly when I let it be known that I could go through life without adding them to my circle of friends. So, everyone's opinion to me is worthless since my wife was pulled into their circle, bringing about our divorce when I found out she had been the object of a swinnging gangbang.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago
Poor baby

What a cunt its always about them. Thinking there so damn smart, Now it all come out and she thinks its ok. Sorry piss off go fuck your fuck buddy that is if his wife didn't cut the damn thing off. Some one should super glue your cunt lips shut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
re: Preface comment

That's why I don't understand why authors don't finish a story completely before posting on this site. Shit happens. Do you really expect an avid reader to remember what happens to stories three months apart? Worse even, stories that are never finished. You authors should know better. Have some respect for the reader. Yeah, yeah, it's a free site, I get it, but still no excuse.

No comment on story, will wait until completely read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Has anyone of you read this authors (house of cards)

If he could turn that piece of shit story into a reconciliation, hell have no problem doing the same with this shit story. Ive read many comments about what a great author Ohio is , that his stories are true to life. Myself I think hes a cuckold. I read House of cards several years ago, I was so upset with that story and the way it was so far fetched for him or (her) to turn it into a reconciliation, I determined not to ever read anymore Ohio stories. Because I hate cuckold stories, Im not saying I doent like reconciliation in a relationship or marriage if its warranted, in this and the story house of cards, not so much. the divorce rate is roughly fifty percent, if there was no reconciliation in marriages, what would the divorce rate be? It begs the question, whats the point of getting married? Im not saying, just saying.

ohyessssssohyessssssalmost 5 years ago

I should have stopped after chapter one. You destroyed chapter two with the very last sentence. And I never heard her tell the husband, oh by the way honey, the third guy I fucked and sucked at the swing party was black. I had to see what it was all about . There is absolutely nothing to think about, but he’s gonna think about it.

xtchrxtchralmost 5 years ago
I agree With...

I agree with the previous comment (ohyesssss). This chapter is just excuses piled upon more excuses along with some other excuses. She wanted to do something and she did it and the hell with anyone else, but again once she is caught, she is soooooo sorry and really, really loves her husband. (sound familiar)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
this chapter

The thing this chapter established is that she's a conniving slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Interesting chapter.

Ugly discovering how the wife was really a selfish twit. I don't think this marriage could be saved. At all!

The swinging was as worse as the affair. No man could take that nonsense. Everytime he would see his wife, all he would see is somebody's else cum dump.

Their Intimacy was completely destroyed with her unbelievable amount of disregard to her husband's devotion for her.

She should have just shot him in the heart.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
She kept making decisions to cheat 3 times at swinger party and affair and each time

Close the door but burn the couple who started it with wife

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Not buying it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Agree

DIVORCE The Slut ...

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

No way to ever forgive or forget this depth of cheating and betrayal.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Why would you even ask her why? Divorce the slut!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

There is no reason why he should forgive her. It was repeated, premeditated, smug, and only stopped because he caught her. She said the thrill of stabbing her husband in the back made the sex better. She felt no remorse except for the consequences. And so far she has offered him nothing in recompense. What exactly is he missing? He can have sex with her anytime he wants- anyone can, 3 of the neighbors have. Why buy the cow, the milk is free.

Helen1899Helen1899about 4 years ago
No way back

There should be no way back for her, or should there be. He says he still loves her, how can he, but he does. Will he be happy if he divorces her ? Or will he regret it for the rest of his life? Only be can answer that.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

"I hadn't imagined that I it with Dennis, but didn't know how to say No without being rude" - Oh, no, we wouldn't want to be RUDE to the people who want you to cheat on your husband!


"It was as good as sex with Danny sometimes is." - To put it another way, sex with Danny is SOMETIMES as good as with Martin!


"I'd been a swinger" - No, swingers do it together, she was a cheater.


"It didn't threaten my marriage." - I guess she was wrong there!


"I knew it was wrong, I knew it was awful, but I didn't fully understand what I'd done. Now I do." - How could she not understand that? And it's awfully self-serving that NOW she does.


Good point by Average-Joe a number of years ago, her fundamental difference with him on what an exciting sex life entails. Even if they reconcile, won't she simply be suppressing it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ok. This was an interesting story. I did feel it needs another chapter, to give closure.

That being said, the wife’s actions were not those of a mentally healthy person. In my life, I have had the fortune of meeting many different women. Although there are some who will fall into bed with anyone when drunk, this is usually a reaction to some trauma in life. A normal, grounded , level headed woman could only be successfully encouraged to cheat, if she was unhappy in her marriage. Causing a divorce and splitting up your family, into something to be taken lightly. Most women don’t. So.... I believe the woman in this story who was head over heels in love with her husband, is also mentally ill. Another chapter to explore this, would be beneficial.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There’s nothing to think about! Do you want to be married to a child?!? Oh, Daddy told me no, but I really, really want to, so I’m going to do it anyway.


skruff101skruff101over 2 years ago

She told the councillor she went alone to a swing party and then had the affair but it was the affair which is where she thinks she crossed a line. Does she consider the swing party to have been a bit of high jinx?

If anyone doesn’t realise where part three is going you must be new to the LW category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very good analysis.

I very much appreciated Danny staying the course and leaving her behind.

Her narcistic bent makes her someone to never be trusted.

Actually. We would have been in counseling the first time brought up swinging.

Perseverance of the point thereafter would have ended in divorce.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Cheating is a sneak attack, no declaration of war is needed after that.

“People don't think with their cunts, Eileen,"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

not sure if you want us to feel sorry for the cheating skank, but it's not in the cards.I like his original idea of tossing her down the basement stairs. Nothing she's done or "learned about herself" will change that. He needs to get as far away from this lying cheat slut as possible.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

She just needs to make him a BIG BREAKFAST!!!

MarkT63MarkT638 months ago

Being g sorry fixes anything!!! Lol!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago reap what you sow...I haven't read that next chapter yet, but I hope you don't turn Danny into a wimp that takes this cheating whore back. He's already given her way too much consideration..she fuck 4 different men...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"I swear, thinking about hiding this was what made the sex so great."

=====> and so you kept on doing it until the sex was objectively poorer than your husband but by then he had already caught you. Some how your guilt was not enough to overcome your thrill of being deceitful. Whatever. Get help. You have a mental disorder or you simply never really loved your husband. Personally it sounds like a mental disorder. Way to blow up your marriage. That is why you don't get to have nice things.

Medussa55Medussa554 months ago

Just don't think about Danny just RUN! No matter what she says she enjoys the feeling making you suffer gives her. She'll eventually need that buzz again.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ohio can WRITE the hell out a story. Seriously impressed. Don't much like either character, pretty hard to do with this topic, but man I got lost in the story. Entranced. Thanks!

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