Home for the Holiday Ch. 02

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Brother & sister continue their innocent game.
3.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/16/2008
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The concert was fantastic.

By the third song, we had regained much of our energy and, I thought, recovered to where we should have been for the whole day. I kept stealing peeks at her, watching her mouth. The way she pulled her dark hair from her face. Thinking of how we had actually kissed.

Her shoulders were so small. It was the first time I realized how small she was, delicate. She had always been this larger than life person to me. Invulnerable.

I had never made her cry.

It was weird. She had a beautiful mouth. It felt so good. I chalked it up to my stirred up state, the absence of my girlfriend, and all the anxiety I was feeling, and the fight.

She didn't turn toward me, but was just watching the concert, swaying with the music, closing her eyes, and pulling at her hair - twirling the ends in her fingers.

The way she does.


When we got home it was not really that late, something like 11:00, and even though the day was exhausting I really was not tired anymore.

As we walked up the stairs, my sense was that the same was true for Rachel and so when we got up to the top of the steps, I asked if she wanted to maybe watch a movie.

Rachel smiled at the suggestion.

I added, "A peace offering."

"Yeah. That's a good idea, I'm not tired." She touched her dress, and looking down at herself said, "Let me get out of this," and stepped away and through the open door to her room.

"I'll change too. My pajamas still in here?"

"Nothing in your room, or mom and dads room, has changed - yet. Everything the same."

When we came back down, I was in a silly looking pair of long sleeved blue pajamas. She was in this red nightgown that clung to her shoulders, and fell lightly around her to about mid thigh.

We picked out a movie and settled in next to each other on the sofa. I went and found some beers. As I stepped out of the kitchen, she looked at the cans and asked, "I have some wine in the dining room. Would that be ok? I feel like some wine. You, can have beer."

I turned, trying to be as pleasant as I could. "Ok. I'll check." I went back to the dining room and grabbed a bottle, put the beers away and brought down two wine glasses. Poured hers and mine.

As I poured, she gave me an approving smile. Normally I would have been all huffy, handed her the bottle and drank from my can.

I thought about that. Is that how I am?

As the movie was playing we bantered back and forth about what we had been doing, about her work, school, about a scene as it flickered across the screen here and there.

I asked when mom and dad were coming home, and she said not until Monday - so two days. She had this grin as we talked, leaning back into the sofa, relaxing into the cushions, and turning her head to me as we were talking, holding her wine in both hands.

Her expression was not matching our conversation at all.

At some point I was piqued by her, this look like she had, of something in her mind that she was hiding.

"What is it?"

"Hmmm." Her eyes turned to me.

"You keep having this grin, like there is some sort of joke I don't know about."

"No. I keep . . . Nothing," but then the grin again.


"WE kissed!"

I reach for my glass of wine, thinking back, "Yeah, we did."

"Well, it's just that, that was kind of . . . weird."

"It sort of, happened."

"I know. You, kissed me first though."

"Did I?" I couldn't remember. I paused, could feel my heartbeat race a little, could feel how close she was just then. "I guess I did. But you kissed me second." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

She leaned back into the sofa, facing me, "Weird. WE kissed."

"Not something I'd say to anybody."

"No." And then reaching for the bottle, refilled her wine glass. We were both falling silent again, sitting side by side and facing the movie.

Without turning Rachel added, "You're a pretty good kisser."

It is a funny thing with me. When she said that, a feeling of pride rose in me. "Yeah? Thanks." I kept watching the show, just a sideways glance at her. A compliment, from my sister, I thought. Of all the compliments I might have been fishing for from my family, THAT one was wholly unexpected.

She brought the wine to her lips and drank. I reached for my glass and did the same, adding, "I been practicing."

"Oh really? Something I don't know about?"

I was very conflicted now. Diane and I had gone out for two weeks, not really a girlfriend. But WAS. I fully intended to talk about her, but not like this. Not now. It somehow became complicated.

"Well - us, you know, I'm in college now, meeting women."

"Ohhh," Deflected.

We were sitting shoulder to shoulder now, and I could feel each time she would turn to look at me, feel her hair brush on my ear. Holding her hair back with the flat of her hand as she looked at me, the way she does.

I looked at her again, "What?"

"Mmmm. I don't know. I'd, I'd let you kiss me again."

I was looking her right in the eyes as she said that, and watched as she sort of relaxed back against the cushions. I was speechless, didn't know how to read this. Was she joking?

"Yeah. Right." Was all I could think to say.

"If you wanted. I mean, just tonight, like before."

"All right."

We set our wine glasses down, and I leaned in toward her as she turned to me, expectant. She did not move away as I moved toward her, except to move her mouth toward mine, looking me in the eyes.

"Close your eyes."

"Hmmm," that grin again. "I kiss with my eyes open."

I began to brush her hair back, letting it fall over the back of the sofa. She has wonderful almond eyes, hazel, with these dark eyebrows and lashes that bring out the whites.

I paused right at her mouth, her eyes locked on mine.

"Ok." And she closed her eyes. I could see her mouth relax, her lips part, waiting.

And ever so lightly, like a bee on a flower I touched my lips to hers. We just touched our lips together, when I began to nuzzle in and, like before, took her lower lip between my lips and softly so softly we kissed, I sort of nibbled and chewed on her lower lip. She held her mouth open, held her lower lip out for me, tipping her chin back.

And we kissed.

She backed away, and lifting herself a little she looked at me.

"That's what it is. That's what I like."

She took my hand again and leaning to me, began to kiss and chew MY lower lip. This delicious little moan, "Mmmmm. That's nice."

I turned myself to her and opening my mouth began to run my tongue over her upper lip, and over the ridge of her teeth, could feel her begin to breath harder, pressing her mouth to me. I felt her lean back into the sofa cushion and I followed her back.

She ran her hand over the top of my head, tussling, playing with my hair as we kissed. The warmth between us rising, leaning as we did onto the sofa, sinking lower until we were laying there side by side facing each other.

We stopped, and quietly lay like that, looking at the other. Her eyes were moving over my face. She was looking at my hair, my eyes, my nose, my lips. I was looking at her the same way. My hand lay at her waist. We lay like that looking at each other.

"This ok?" I asked.

"S'nice." She took her hand away and pushed herself back into the cushions, away from me. I saw her tugging her nightgown down around her legs, and I noticed how it had ridden up her thighs; and honestly, I didn't even begin thinking about doing anything besides kissing. But as she did that and I noticed how her nightgown had ridden up, saw her bare thighs, the way the fabric fell around her waist, and the way her breasts pressed against the fabric. The outline of her nipples. I felt myself getting more aroused.

Suddenly, I was hard and I needed to adjust. Which, frankly is quite embarrassing when the person who has aroused you is your sister. I tried to discretely adjust myself, but she saw.

She basically looked down at my crotch as I tugged on myself.

"Sorry," she said as she noticed me looking at her.

"It's alright." I finished adjusting myself, the line of my cock ran up the front of my bottoms.

"I guess kissing will have that effect, no matter who you kiss."

I was red with embarrassment.

She brought pressed herself upright. I did the same and we both moved ourselves back to a sitting position on the sofa.

"We are being sooooo stupid," this playful voice that I had never heard from her before. She leaned back toward me and gave me one more slow lingering kiss as I sat next to her before standing up, twirling once, letting her red nightgown sort of spin out from her body. She looked at her empty bottle of wine, our empty glasses and then at me. She looked over at the movie, which was now a blue screen and had been for how long?

As she walked away from, without turning, said, "Thanks for a really fun evening." And pausing at the stairs, "If you tell anyone I'll have to kill you, nite sweet."

I simply called out after her, "Nite."


Here's another really weird element of the whole story. The whole time we grew up was in this house. Our rooms are on the second floor and we always during that time shared a bathroom. One side went into her room, and one into mine. She only owns the house now because our parents moved into assisted living. She wanted to move back in, and they sold her the house.

Anyway, even though it is her house, nothing in it has really changed. My room is still mine, hers still hers. We keep our parents room exactly as it was, and their private bathroom. They like to come over once in a while, and it is nice. It makes their transition not so final.

So . . . we still share a bathroom. Not a big deal at all. While we all lived in the house, we had sort of worked out a whole morning routine that resulted in no overlap at all. I knew when she was in there and she knew when I would be in there. Now we were back in our rooms and there was the one bathroom. It was not such a big deal and we could knock, keep track of whether the bathroom were empty or not empty.

But now, waking up and seeing the sunshine fill the room, the house all silent, exactly as I remembered, I lay in my bed looking over at that bathroom door, and thinking of her on the other side in her room.

I closed my eyes, and thought about last night.

The whole experience of running into her gave me butterflies. I don't really know what I was thinking, except that as I lay thinking about my girlfriend Diane, suddenly the feelings of Rachel and I the night before would slip quietly into my thoughts. Not that we had done anything besides kiss.

And her words, "You are a really good kisser."

Somehow the whole experience, everything, made me feel like a really sexy guy. I was hard again, and had to pee.

I got up, pausing in front of the bathroom door, and knocked. No answer. I tipped the door open and the lights were out. I went in, peed, and then rubbed a washcloth over my face and looked in the mirror.

As I reached for my shaver, the door opened. Her side.

There stood Rachel in the same red nightgown. Her hair was wild around her shoulders.

"Sorry. Habit. I should of checked. You aren't usually up yet."

I set the razor back on the shelf, "Here, let me go, give you a sec."

"No. No. Ignore me. I just got to pee."

As I stood there, she turned herself back onto the toilet and, letting her red nightgown fall around the seat, sat down and peed.

I was shaving, looking in the mirror, but stealing glances.

My heart was beating in my chest as she sat there. It wasn't that she was peeing beside me. It was that she had no panties on. Nothing under that nightgown.

What about last night?

I suddenly heard her, "Sleep alright?"

"Yeah, I did. You?" She had that same grin.

"Yeah, Fine. I think I had a little too much wine. I need some water and some Tylenol." She stood up and stepped over to the sink. I felt her brush in beside me, reach for the water, turn it on. The fabric of her nightgown touching my thigh. She was standing there, no panties. The fabric falling around her. "Might have done something stupid."

I barely responded to her now. I have to say right now that this is probably my ultimate fetish.

There is something about a woman who you know is not wearing panties. Whether its under a night gown, or dress, or even if she is pants on without panties. It is crazy. It is a thing I have, cannot control, and I could not help but imagine her standing there.

Just her nightgown on. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Nothing on underneath, nothing at all, leaving it all to imagination.

I knew she had no bra on last night when we were laying by each other on the sofa, but no panties?

I thought about the way we lay side by side, the way her nightgown had ridden up her thighs while we kissed, me laying there facing her. My hand on her waist. I could feel her bare skin beneath the thin fabric. I had barely touched her that night, so it was not like I had 'checked.' I had not even thought about anything else but our kisses.

Kissing my sister.

She drank her water and left.

I was rock hard again.


"I miss you so much!"

*God I missed Diane*

I sat on the bed and simply drank in her voice. Intoxicating. She told me to call her first thing I got up.

"I'm going crazy without you. It's been four days."

"Four days! I know exactly what you mean."

"We have eight more days before we see each other. I'm back in six days . . . can you leave early?"

"I, maybe."

"I'll make it soooo worth your while. What you want to do to me? If you come back sooner I'll let you do ANYTHING."

I was raging rock hard now.

"I can think up some pretty nasty things."

She laughed, "I bet you can. Name some."

"Sort of, maybe, back door kind of things."

"Mmmmmm. I don't know what you mean." Then, "Really! That is kind of nasty." She paused, "I'd go out without my panties on for you when we go out, a whole week. How about that??" She knew my fetish.

No panties. Again.

God I lay back on the bed and tugged my boxers down. I was dripping wet and started to rub myself. Closing my eyes, imagining Diane . . . and that red nightgown - Rachel. Her images filling my mind. "You making me crazy."

"I want you to finger me when we are in a restaurant, I'll let you taste me. Oh God David, God I need a fuck."

"Wait. Just wait when I get back."

"Why wait? Your here now. David, Fuck me."

"Oh baby, I'm laying on you right now."

"I got my panties off and my legs are wide open for you."

"Where are you?"

"Upstairs, my parents house."

"They there?"

"Hmmm. Hmmm."

"Turn around."

"Oh god you are so bad, I got my fingers all inside myself right now."

"Oh god I want to fuck you."

"Fuck me."

"My good little girl."

"Not so very good. Oh I'm on all fours now, like you want me baby. Come on, fill me up. Fuck me, oh god I feel it, I'm pushing back against you."

"Oh fuck," I could feel myself cumming, ribbons of cum. I was smearing it up and down my cock.

"I'm going to cum in you baby right, now. Take me in all of me. Rub your clit for me, harder, fast."

"Oh yeah, tell me what to do. Anything."

"Your cunt wet?"

"Oh god baby its so wet."

"I want to lick you so bad, I can fuck you hard, bend you right in half."


give it give it to me.

Oh god, oh yeah. Mmmmmm. That was nice.

I'm a mess.

Oh, not enough, I'm gonna have to cum like a dozen times today.

I'll try get back, promise.

I got to clean up now. Call me soon. I might need you again.

I laughed, masturbation hot line

something like that.


She was right, it wasn't enough.

I went downstairs for breakfast, and there was Rachel reading the paper.

She looked up at me, a sort of renewed awkward moment. I didn't really know what to say exactly, and I decided not to mention anything about the other day.

Right now, my awkwardness had nothing to do with the kissing. I was ok with that, it was the no-panties on.

She was still in her nightgown.

She was sitting and the bottom hem rode high on her thighs. She was not keeping her legs together. I was noticing all these things, because I kept thinking about the no panties and I was still totally wild from just five minutes ago with Diane.

Fucking God, phone sex and no-panties.

(To be Continued)

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

The first story seemed like they were in Rachel's house with Blake and it was a mansion. The all of a sudden it seems like they were in their old house they grew up in and some how shared a bathroom all of a sudden tho her bedroom should be half way across the house and his a guest bedroom. But now he has his own bedroom at Blake's mansion and it's connected to the master suite? No it throws the entire story off and for sure Blake has been out with another girl and it's why he made her go out to the concert so he could go off and do his thing instead of being home with her. The story is really all over the place and the build up isnt cute or sweet but just odd and pushed weirdly. Let's hurt each other instead of not hurt each other. I've tried to read all your stories but they just seem to piss me off and at all the parts when it should get good. The actions are different than the internal process and conflict with each other more than allowing the flow of the story. Seems like a cuck story where you are the cuck master and the readers are not getting what they want while you try to wave it front of their face laughing. Stretching out a story that could be done in less than 40k words. Making it chapter after chapter when it could just be a one story many pages 100k worded story. Not sure I want to read the next chapter as I know more than 80 percent will piss me off and then when they do finally do it he will go for 4 or 8 minutes and then be totally spent and then they will fall asleep and repeat their same problems. You repeat a lot of phrases and instances and say the same things over and over without progress. Maybe you just need a better proofreader or something but 2 stars for most of it tho you could be a 5 star writer if you didn't allow your real life to transcend through your stories revealing yourself. Maybe it's cause I've read thousands of these stories now and just don't get some writers while completely understanding others. Sometimes there's even amazing love stories and then all of a sudden the writer had to add dirty talk or bondage or pissing or mom fucking or pregnancy or the leads just turn into sluts fucking everyone and losing the entire focus of the one on one chemistry they build up for the two main leads. Maybe I'll never understand this and that's what most want. I've never cheated or wanted to expand my ways when in a relationship or having feelings for someone. Seems like everyone else is just a real creep with as much eyeballing and secret thinking they do. Disrespect is how I basically see it. These things do not turn On a woman and never have. Unless she is only in it for sex and I've yet to see a female lead be in it just for sex in these stories. It's always the female thinking the male is and he's so dumb he never has the words to emotionally tell her the things she needs to hear and the things that are right to say and easy to say. Ahh these stories could have been so good but most writers on this site just throw it away whenever they can. Let's make 3 chapters of a gray story and then in the last chapter destroy all that. Cause hey that's how life works.

Hart_cdnHart_cdnover 10 years ago
Getting hotter!!

Love the slow build-up

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123almost 11 years ago
"Home For The Holiday Ch. 02:" - David and Rachel - (Brother and Sister)

This chapter is a little slow on the up-take. Kind of like slow running water--you eventually get the amount you want, but the waiting is treacherous and tedious!!

Not too much to offer "at this stop", but the blooming and budding foreplay is showing promise!

Rachel has not mentioned what her husband is up to, working, out with the boys on the golf course, etc.?? Hopefully the dickhead can stay in the shadows and be a non-entity!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
So Good

I am SO glad to see your stories again. They're amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You have no idea how much you were missed. This is a great piece of erotica. You make me love teasing.

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