All Comments on 'Juliette, The Ultimate Loving Wife'

by qualitywheat

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steven857steven857over 8 years ago
not a loving wife

Juliette was not a loving wife, she is just another cheating wife that has no respect or love for her husband. When Dan finds out, then the family will be destroyed either through divorce or the complete lack of trust Dan will have for Juliette. The result is four children that will live in a broken home, never seeing the example of a truly loving couple, instead they will see another failed marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

i agree with steven she is not a loveing wife first she medels in her husbands job then stabs him in the back by fucking his boss. she an his boss both deserve to to be outed her as the slut an whore she is an him as a predator if i was dan id sue the man for medical an child support i demand paternty test let her slutty ways be as public as possible find anothert job away from the one his wife ruined for him leaqve her alone and in shame . she cant say she loves her husband an hide him fathering another mans child thats total disrespect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Such believable and predictable behavior, if your 13 years old, . . .

and you have never had a loving relationship with a real woman.

Epilog: Brad is found crippled in the back alley of a bar, after leaving the house of another employee, where he had just fucked the wife. He will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, eating baby food, and shitting into a plastic bag. Juliette will spend her life alone, raising Brad's child, and wishing she had known Dan better, and had never met Brad. Dan will excel in his new role, be offered a major promotion, which he will tell them to stick up their ass. Dan will instead start his own company, find a real woman to marry and have a family, and live happily with his dignity and self-respect intact. The end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Um... what language is this:

"That those that were there right now, were told if they didn't like it."

Seriously - this could really have used proofreading or an editor. I gave up on reading after a few paragraphs and just skimmed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
excelleent story of a LW!!

Gave you a 5

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
Needs a sequel.....

Dan needs to know the truth about his wife. He needs to know the truth about the baby as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Incredibly bad writing

Are you sure you speak English? You sure don't write it. I don't think I've ever tried to read a story that used such bad English, had so many typos and abused grammar so badly. Middle school kids write better than this. Just awful, awful writing and proof reading. Just stop, go back to school and learn how to make a sentence.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
gave it a 5 for a great LW story

Just go with it dear annony, if it's bad just leave and go back in the basement,.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Time saved

Happy New Year writer and I did not read your story but gave it a 1 based one the recommendation of Bastyvonny? who gave you some 5s so no harm done right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Wife becomes used bosses sex toy

Brad is moving on,leaving Paul I charge and his wife Julia pregnant with his child . So we need a part 2 to finish his story. Does dan find out he wife is having another mans child can she now stop having sex with others finding it thrilling and dangerous. Will she go on screwing other, will there marriage end. Will Dan becoming a chuck continue.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
what an ass wipe is. The fool didn't rad the story and voted a 1

This is what is destroying this site. Assholes like this tard is making all the good writers leave her. This is a great LW story and everyone should give it a 5! I did. Eat shit annony you fucking toad

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
Annonous is so damn boring

This dummy can't even us an original comments. he she it...IT as Bonnie tells us is really a sad fucking animal. So I gave it a 5 to help the writer.

NIGHTW1NGNIGHTW1NGover 8 years ago
I gave it a one. Why?

Well, Juliette knows who the baby's father is. And so will Dan. Since she withheld sex from her husband while cheating on him with his boss - it should be easy to figure out.

You aren't a bad writer, though. Do better next time .

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I see Bunny and Vostie are at it again

Between them they don't have the IQ of a rock. As for this poor story? Nothing new or original here. What didn't make sense is that, given the personality and fiery temper you supposedly gave Juliette, I don't see her doing anything but kicking Dan in the nuts when he tries to rape her. She would have been kicking, screaming and yelling. Dan would have been calling security and this mess would have been over. Of course Dan might have just stood by and watched. You gave him a wimpy, sad sack personality. Hard to even feel sorry for the dope. Badly thought out, lousy story. 1 star

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
wonder where asshole of Lit gets IT's information about anything

This story is good but annony like usual hates every story on here. I gave it a5 to help offset the boring ass wipe annoy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Too many oddities

Nicely written, but too many things don't make sense. Juliette's actions aren't supported by her personality. She is sooooo feisty, but folds in a minute to Brad. And starts out as Dan's big supporter who will fight for him, but then feels no guilt or remorse about her relationship with Brad?

And what about Brad? Here is this big hotshot from the home company who comes to town to "fix" the local branch and knows he is going to appoint Dan to run it.....but he has sex with Dan's wife, risking his entire mission for a couple of quickies. Doesn't match his all-business attitude at all.

So what if Dan figures out what is happening? What if Juliette gets guilty and tells him? What if he does a DNA test down the road? So Dan goes to intl HQ and complains about Brad? Or Dan quits and leaves Brad to explain why the guy he appointed to run the company left suddenly?

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
well you should know pure crap since that's your name asshole of LIT

You have never voted more than 1 or left a kind comment and never will for a LW Story. Since your wife left your sorry ass and you found out she had cheated on you youa re trying to keep LW stories low and hoping no one will rad them. But you'll loose asshole of LIT because people know about you now thanks to Bonnie and we'll all help her fight against your sorry fag ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

What of the marriage and who will raise the baby? What will Brad do after Juliette tells him?

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
Bonnie is right....

Anons should not be allowed to vote or comment. All they do is discourage potential authors from adding to the mix. I do believe that the authors do have the option of turning off anon comments but I'm not sure about that. Anons are like fleas on a dog. You love the dog, the fleas, not so much.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
why do you care asshole of LIT she isn't your wife

she just acted like her. Right you toad, she fucked around just like your old lady did. 5 to help your score writer. eat shit annony

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 8 years ago

So, they enraged wife goes to chew out the hubbys boss, that she's never met, dressed in a schoolgirl sex suit, complete with pigtails?? Kind of a dumb premises even for this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
re: vastiesmith2

Talk about boring. You have to use two accounts to spout off your nonsense. We all know you're also bonny, so why pretend you're some one else. How stupid can you be? Don't answer that, we already know the answer.

Do you really think you're helping any author by leaving your ridiculous comments? Actually there are more one star ratings given, just to offset your biased score.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
worst shittest story on this site

you should be fucking ashamed

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The "asshole" award for 2015

was rewarded to Bonny and Vasty for single handed causing more one star ratings for the calendar year 2015.

Authors take note, her comments are costing you.

Zed56Zed56over 8 years ago

So bonnie is right ? When did you become a Nazi? Only people.who use fake monikers like you and me are allowed to comment? You dumb fuck It's not the moron it's the content.Go crawl under your rock with bonnie/vastie/annony and have a circle jerk.BeIieve it or not it is bonnie and her alter egos running from story to story bashing anything and everything that is the probmem There is nothing constructive in what she says.NOTHING! As for this story not my cup of tea but I won't bash it.and won't vote. Juse do not see it as all that good.Damn agreeing with that psychopath?.Did you have to much to drive last night?

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
Oh Zed, you poor misguided fool.......

By and large, the Anons provide little to no constructive criticism for the authors to advance their writing skills. One anon said they hadn't even read the story and just gave it a 1. And those are the people you're supporting?

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
don't worry qualitywheat when ever the asshole of lIt votes 1 I'll give you a 5!!! And I will stay with this as long as it takes until dear annolny is dead.

He's old so we can out last the son of a bitch!!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
Amother LW story the asshole of LIT hates. Shocked as we all are asshole

of LIt did you even read it? I did and I gave it a 5!!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
What's with this we shit dear annony you have a mouse in your pocket?

You have no friends on here or on earth,. No one likes you and we are all laughing AT YOU!!! So go peddle your bull shit elsewhere old man!!! BTW asshole I gave this a 5

magmamanmagmamanover 8 years ago
Erotic site here

I voted high due to this being fairly well written, I don't think a subject matter is a reason to vote low.

Just MHO, is all.

I don't particularly care for the subject matter here myself, since it does involve what was clearly a rape.

Thus that alone makes the category perhaps an error, at least partially.

The idea behind the "anonymous" postings is not everyone has an account, or desires one. Sadly, that gets used by some to be hateful yet anonymous, which is clearly silly since even those of us WITH a user name are also.. anonymous.

Oh well. If being abusive pleases some, so be it. I know I have felt the blunt of some who do not like my own work, in nearly 400 tales I have posted, ALL of them have received abuse from someone.

I am likely far too normal for most here, and require something to actually happen in my life to get any inspiration.

I DID catch a 13 pound Ling Cod a few days back, but I don't think that would make a good story for this site...*LOL** Dandy one, tasted good, though, had it for Christmas dinner with a nice sauce I made. The wife and I had a couple of friends over, both attractive females, we ate, sat around and drank some wine, visited and then they went home. Their boyfriend (note I said "their") had to work Christmas day.

No sex for me.

Darn it!

Maybe next time?

My Debs is at work healing people, (Yep, New Year's day) I am just sitting around the house, reading, looking for something exciting to pop up.

Nothing yet, I will keep looking.

Anyway, thanks for the offering, I did like it some.


Zed56Zed56over 8 years ago
Oh Concritic you poor misguided moron

#1 I'm supporting free speech Not Nazi ideology like you.#2 Do you actually believe that bonnie/vastie/annony really read the stories before she bashes other commenter? You sir are a complete fool if you think that.#3 Show me a constructive comment from bonnie/vastie/annony anywhere in the last few days.THERE ARE NONE! Only about other commenters.Tell me how that is at all constructive. Lastly and this is typical of your muse. Yesterday she ranted like a banshee at anon comments but failed to realize there were none The author did not allow them Tell me Concritic if that's who you want to support more power to you but the fool is you not me

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
zed56 is so wrong!!!!!!!!! Bonnie never trashes a story she only comes after the asshole of LIT dear annony!!

She also doesn't say anything bad about the writer, only again dear annony!! So you don't known shit about anything. You're so wrong you stink lie the shit you at with dear annony. Bonnie gives 5s to help writers score since your lover dear annony only gives 1s. Go back into our fucking cave boy and leave the adult's alone, Lastly Bonnie tries to save the writers on here and not drive them away like you and your love \r a\the asshole of LIT are trying to do!! If annony keeps this up you'll be writing comments to him and him only. No stories and no writers just you and your boy lover annoy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"which is clearly silly since even those of us WITH a user name are also.. anonymous"

Couldn't have said it better myself....

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Teaching story

Instead of being happy for a teaching story which gives example to young bachelors and just married husbands that to check the newborn babies at DNA laboratory is wise thing for evrybody the commenters deal with each other!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
re:Zed's comment

Can you believe vasty is talking about her alter ego bonny like they were two different persons? How crazy is that?

I have never in the last several weeks read one comment of hers that was constructive or even referenced any part of any story. Her comments are always the same. " Eat shit and die" , "Anons are assholes" and other such nonsense words. Her scores are always the same on every cuck/slut story even when readers with a username disagree with the content of the story. It doesn't matter how poorly written a story is, if one anon disagrees with it, she is in favor of it. Is that the kind of reader an author prefers? I doubt it. If anything she's doing them more harm than good.

She claims she's doing this site a favor by bashing anons. How so? Every author can shut off anonymous comments/or voting. It's up to the author, not the reader to police their own public feedback. Don't want comments by anons, shut them off. Doesn't bother bony/vasty though, she still makes comments where no anon comments are allowed. How crazy is that?

I've started to avoid reading any story where she makes a comment. If the author doesn't have the balls to police their feedback I don't want any part of them. There are enough good erotic authors to fall back on, don't need the ones that support flaming trash talk. Most likely they're not worth reading anyway, given the low scores they receive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
re: zed56 is so wrong!!!!!!!!! Bonnie never trashes a story she only comes after the asshole of LIT dear annony!!

Actually, that's kinda true because if Bonnie makes any comment on a story it's generally a trite, cliche, and banal comment along the lines of "5 for effort and content." So, except for these statements, it doesn't trash or really praise stories. It doesn't really say anything substantial about stories. Therefore, the stance it is trashing others for daring to have a different opinion is an assumption.


What is really happens is that is so mentally unhinged it has to spew venom at anyone who makes a negative comment about a story, regardless of whether or not the story is good or not. This is especially since these aren't its stories

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
just die assholoe of LIt no one believes your sick and sorry ass

I only bash your fag ass for the hate you say to the writers on here. So eat dick head,. I dn't give a rat;s ass what you think of me or say to me. But when you tell writers to die or get AIDS I have to reply toyour nasty ass comments. And when you say I didn't read it but I gave it the 1 vote. I have to offset your outrageous vote. The writers know what you are or what you try todo. We are not going to get a cuckold section they belong under LWs just like your wife did.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
guess the truth hurts dear annony!!

Vastie has good taste calling you an ass because that's what you are. And you're the one who wants people to die. You even want them to get AIDS!! While I'm here I'm here i'll give this a 5

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
whatever she said was better than your nasty comments wishing the writer to die.

So get off your cross annony and realize no one likes you. You're out there on your own old man. You hate everything, you nevr praised any story or gave them any vote but 1,. So at least Bonnie is trying to help the writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

qualitywheat is a good writer. Period.

Juliette is a Loving Whife, totally. She is young & her original intent was pure but naive. She went to see her husband's boss to plead her husband's case, got fucked, had to keep quiet about that. She LIKED SEX with husband's boss because SHE IS VERY SEXUAL! She still has to grow emotionally but she is a dynamite!

SHE CAN MAKE 2 MEN HAPPY. Probably she will need to have 2 men to be happy herself.

Juliette is a keeper either as a wife or as a lover.

The story is totally plausible. Some women find honchos very attractive, they can't say no to them.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
1st comment: I agree 100% with @Zed56...

1st comment: I agree 100% with @Zed56...Those 2 hate the anon, and the anon hates them even more...They use all stories in here to vilify each others, and leaving the doubt if they even read the stories...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
well vastiesmith

You think the anons were bad last year, you ain't seen nothing yet bonny baby. This year we will drive you crazy with one star rating, negative comments and personal attacks only on you baby.

P.S. do get yourself a dictionary, your spelling is getting a little rusty, after all even flamers should rant with proper grammar. Get some rest, the year is just starting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"you ain't seen"

From the grammar police? Love the irony...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Ummmm, any chance we can talk about the actual story?

I'm left wondering how this plays out in the future. Juliette is used to getting what she wants. She knows and wants sex that Dan can't give her, and in a few months they'll be tied down by a baby. Brad is out of her life. How will she deal with the frustration? Then too, there are lots of ways for a bastard child to be discovered; if it happens, how do they handle it?

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
Loving wife, really?

Loving wife, really? This marriage has no future, soon or later the husband will find out the child isn't his...Then where will she go to support herself and the bastard? To her lover? He is married and with children...Will she destroy his marriage too? Then in the end the cuckold says. ""Yes Brad I have that, and Juliette will keep me in line, I'm sure you know that."...How did he knew his boss had met his wife? Until then for him, his wife didn't knew his boss and his boss didn't knew even her name...Finally: Will his wife be satisfied only with her husband from then on? 1* for the low characters in this story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
same old wheat

nothing new from this guy

loves to cuck his protagonists, and let the sluts win

it's 2016, how about trying something new, Wheaty?

this was old a long time ago

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
OMG Zed....

There is no free speech on the Internet. You're at the mercy of the owner of this site. At any time they feel like it, they can erase you out of existence, and me too for that matter.

steven857steven857over 8 years ago

Bonnie I agree with you, the anonymous comments are annoying. Now for the anonymous that email me a response to my comment. ---- I have no problems with open marriages, wife sharing, swapping, willing cuckold, or for that matter BDSM, all of that is openly done with both parties giving informed consent with actions ensuring the safety of all involved, and knowing what is going on. In this story the wife is cheating because they do not have an agreement, she is scared the husband will find out. She has no idea Brad is clean and disease free, thus her actions endanger her entire family. In my book the loving wives category is "Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more." Fun is not something --one person experiences at the expense, or mental anguish of another person. A person who experience enjoyment at the expense of another human is not "loving" in any sense of the word. Not to mention in this story there are three other children who will suffer the consequences of the wife’s actions once they become known or even worse if Juliette passes an STD on to the unborn child, her husband or her children.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More from shredded wheat.

His disdain for men - could he be a she - and joy at describing their failures is becoming monotonous. He/she describes a world where there are no consequences for the cheaters. What a fantasy. Put a little milk on the shredded wheat and it gets soggy and old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Freedom and voluntary slavery


1. The cheating is extramarital fun for the cheater so the part of the LW.

2. After the cheating the BTB, consequence are the extramarital fun (get rid of the cheater for the cheated on spouses so also part of the LW.

3. You mentioned the cuck stories. Yes it is part of LW, but we could have that freedom to give 1* to cuck stories. The cuck stories advertising the voluntary slavery (anti freedom) spouse gets liberty to fuck others and the other have possibility to eat creampies only.

qualitywheatqualitywheatover 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you

I would like to thank those who have commented on this story, I have read them all, and as usual I have deleted to nasty abusive and personal ones. I do this regularly. But those who criticise, then that's fine. All on the chin as it were. But I thank you for your support, 5 star or 1.

Ray RobertsRay Robertsover 8 years ago
5 star reading

I liked the the build up of the sexual encounters with the Boss and give it a 5 star.

There are women out there that just blow men's minds and they are sexually in need of more than one mans attention. These same woman really enjoy the loyal support of a loving caring family man who she chooses to make a life with. Yes they can still make their husband happy as well as a sexually charged stud. I envy anyone that can cope with a real sex bomb and also make a life together. Great read, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
re: anonymous- "you ain't seen"

I guess you didn't understand the irony. Figures. Let me guess, you gave this story a five star rating.

To bonnietaylor2-let me burst your bubble dear. Nobody is destroying this site, no matter how many comments are made. Stories of your liking are posted daily. Actually there are more stories posted for your preference than for the anons. Let's face it, you just like the attention you're getting, but don't think for one minute that your rants are going to change anything. A good guess is, that the more you rant, the more one star ratings will be giving to these authors that deserve better than a biased score, based on revenge. Food for thought.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
wrong as usual asshole of LIT the mre you bash these writers the more the good ones will leave

and as a result you;ll hate more and more until you find yourself reading only cucm stories and LW cheating wives. Then you'll know that what you did was destroy this site and flaming people leaves you with no friends. Oh wait that's already happened. No ferined no family and no wife!!!!! Living in the basement of your poor old momma's house jerking your 3 inch cock and sucking more cocks that in the gay section!! I see you never bitch about any gay stories, only really good stories of LW wives. You're one sorry old dried up 1/100 of a man!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
In reference to steven857 comment

Have to disagree with you. So, according to you, the comments made by bonnietaylor2/vastiesmith2 are not annoying. Slamming others for their comments is not only immature but non-productive. Some advice to you that bash anons. Don't like their comments? Why are you reading them? Easy solution folks, skip over the comments that seem to annoy you. But let's face it, truth time. You like to read the comments, because they give you a reason to justify your personal attacks.

I got nothing against stories like this. I won't criticize anybody either for not liking them. Why not concentrate on the story, instead of what others think of it. Bashing others opinion is really meaningless. Serves no purpose but to inflame. Steven857 made a good comment about the story and perhaps anon comments do annoy him, but he chooses to be annoyed by reading them, knowing damn well he'll get annoyed. Make any sense? Admit it Steven, nobody is twisting bonnietaylor2's arm to read the comments that she knows will annoy her. End of rant.

Thank you author for allowing me to vent the frustration that face many that read on this site.

There will always be those that slash, burn and trash. React and you cause chaos.

Remember this rule: Silence is Golden. Peace folks. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The cheater is a real thief, a TIME THIEF!

@Ray Roberts These type women have to prepare themselves a wife change.......

These type women become the biggest hypocrites when the husband discovers the extramarital sex. The cheater is a thief because she steals that time from the husband, Why?

1. This type wives steal a lot of time from the husband to find a second long time mate or second wife. (The marriage market changed a lot of 35-45 years women look for long time mate and a good ex husband is a good prey for them)

2 If the husband decides not to divorce for sake of the younger DNA relative kids the husband lost time (the cheater wife stole the time from him) to find extramarital adventures.

So a cheater is a THIEF!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
It's n ot that you comment dear annony it's the way you do it. The rage agaist thw writer

the nasty things telling them to die or get AIDs, etc. That's why I counter your fucking retarded comments and that's why I vote a 5 each time, like now/ So go peddle your BS some place else, I don't bash the writer I bash YOU!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Story could be cut down and needs an ending also needs a finale to their sex jaunt

otherwise I liked the beginning best

as far as the comments I think it is interesting to see whatever people leave though I would, if I could ban the self-righteous religious pervs.....................

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago

for effort and content

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 8 years ago
Good story, and I gave it 4 *'s, but...

it could have easily been a 5 * effort, except for the many word mistakes and misspelled words. But the eroticism, word descriptions, and emotional pathos was great. When Brad went to Juliette's house, she tried to go to another bedroom, but he insisted on taking her in their marital bed, always a gut-wrencher. She should have protested more, instead of so easily giving in to he ultimate shame. But the ultimate shame will come in 9 months when she delivers a baby that is not Brad's but thinks it is and will raise it, unknowingly as his own.

Get a good editor.

WiserbyageWiserbyageover 7 years ago

These type of stories really disgust me. The wife begins attempting to help her husband, the boss dominates, makes her all dreamy, impregnates her, leaves with no consequences, and goes to greener pastures; leaving the husband and wife to deal with her "best intentions". She dreams of the great sex, rejects her husband's smaller cock, and they raise the love child. Husband has a solid job, gets "gratitude promotions and raises", wife's life is great and uses her husband's success to justify her actions.😠😠

bworth1943bworth1943over 7 years ago
stone cold

The baby is born , Dan decides to have DNA done on all of the children as a safety precaution. Guess what happens when he finds out the last one isn't his.?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
bworth 1943

Knows what happens and no she can't go live with Brad, because he only screws married women... not divorcees with kids. Tough luck Julie baby!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

What a dumb stupit cum dump of a slut, soon as baby is born hubby will know wifey is nothing but a cheating direspctful unloving cunt, devorce will be swift and stacked on Dan's side, once Brad is named as dipshit father he'll lose a ton of money in lawsuit against him. All in all the cum dump wife fucked this up in a way that leaves Dan rich and he'll find himself a way better wife, via con dios cum dump Juliette.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What are you a pervert faggot!!

That crap call you a story?? Learn writing good stuff and then come back!!! Your crap is only for pervert cuckolds who dont get the money for psychological therapy!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Most of the writers of the irresistable cock story using women as an avatar of their own desire.

We all know who is really mesmerized by the boss's cock. Come on out of the closet and stop portraying women as stupid clit-driven cum dumps. Only a man could be that stupid about what makes women tick. And it ain't some random cock; they can get that all day any day. Get real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The last Anonymous comment is a bullshit

The last comment IS TOTALLY BULLSHIT!How in the world can someone think,even for a moment,that men can be "mesmerized by the boss's cock"!GET REAL,you FUCKING DYKE!WE ALL KNOW that SOME WOMEN ARE "stupid clit-driven cum dumps" and THERE'S NO USE in telling otherwise!ONLY A WOMAN can be that IDIOT to think that "men are stupid about what makes women tick"!IT'S OBVIOUS FOR EVERYONE that SOME WOMEN WANT EXACTLY what the slut from this story wants!And IT IS "SOME COCK" because ONLY SLUTS can have cock "all day,any day"!GET LOST,you STUPID DYKE!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

just another slut wife

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
5! The story reminded anony

of his love life and his marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Idiotic crap!!!

Only for the brain sick perverts called cucks!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

poor bastard doesn't find out he has a whore for a wife too bad he could have movedd on and left her with the babys father

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Another poor excuse for a husband

Wife reaps the rewards of cheating and the wimp of a husband gets to be the sucker to support her and her , not his, child!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 4 years ago
The truth always comes out

Juliette and her bastard will find the streets are cold. Brad is gone and so will Dan be gone. Was it worth it?

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

I skimmed what is just another cuck story in a long line of trash.

chloelovesfurchloelovesfurover 3 years ago

For the first time ive read others feed back. I was gobsmacked (from UK), that people would use this negative language in feed back. I love this kinda story. It turns me on reading this guys stuff. If i didnt like it i wouldnt read it. You know what the storys going to be about from the title. Crazy ! x

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Oh my dear Chloe, a little bad language is called for when dealing with cheating whores.

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