All Comments on 'Long After the Fact Ch. 01'

by ohio

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Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
Good, powerful story so far

Please, please, please don't have it die in the arse. Please.

Keep the intensity through to the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

My own experience is that depression is fatal to successful sex. The urge vanishes and if you force the issue nothing much happens. The effect on women, whose response is much less automatic, is altogether worse.

Feeling depressed, however badly, doesn’t lead to a breach of the victim’s moral principles that couldn’t happen at other times. Crying on men’s shoulders, is pretty normal; those of any sympathetic man except the husband’s who won’t do in this case because he is the visible face of the problem. A woman might open her legs if the shoulder requires this, though surely she should question the depth of her need, but no way is she going to experience the transports of fictional adolescents.

Your narrator’s initial thought of divorce in face of her withdrawal is sensible; none of us is indispensable. Even more sensible now he understands the circumstances

Your quack psychiatrist is pretty incompetent if couple counseling was not part of the original deal though clearly and rightly that would almost certainly have led to the exposure of her affair and a painful divorce.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
Great story BUT with SERIOUS problems

so far I love this story...

I am waiting for the OTHER show to drop since this is an OHIO story and the author does have a strong tendency to drive that RECONCILIATION AT ALL COST TRAIN.. right into the fucking ground.

To be fair however lately OHIO has NOT done this... and so far I can find No hint that OHIO is headed that way with THIS story.

However GARY APB seems to have help so I dont think we are headed that way...

FIRST... The wife and other guyy are teachers right? Yet this affair starts in late June and JULY and goes into AUG...?

Most teachers are NOT in schools during the summer break... anyone notice that?

SECOND... Is it possible for a woman to be depressed without losing a baby? Guess not.

THIRD... Doest depression STOP or lower the sex drive ESPECIALLY with woman? Indeed that is what ALL the medical literatures shows... yet here at Literotica sure seem to happen a lot the Other way...

even IF the hubby accepts that the affair was wrapped up in her depression... the decision NOT to tell him was made AFTER she got "better"

How does the hubby forgive and get past THAT?!

FOURTH... There is STRONG sense of familarity between this story from OHIO and Gary APB with HIS great work TGI chronicles.

Interestingly In both THIS stories the therapists in BOTH stories are EVIL twisted warpped Man hating bitch. In the TGI Chronicles- when the husband find out his wife has been givng the other guy LOTS of anal sex which it turns out she LOVED-- he cant handle it anymore and runs from the therapist (her name was ROSE) office.

when Rose confronts the husband the next day she craps all over him!!! saying that its too bad your wife had anal sex with another man and you are juts upset that you were turned down... your little ego is hurt ... and accuses him of acting like a little boy.

The idea that the husband MIGHT be more upset over what the anal sex act meant... what the wife thought of her own husband... how she preferred the other guy over him... what he thought marriage vows REALLY meant -- ALL those thoughts were totally dismissed in GARY APB good story TGI Chronicles .

Gary apb speaking thru ROSE let us know that the anal sex act was no big deal and the hubby has NO legit reason for being upset out side of his sexual rejection.

In this story I see the same thing happening. Moving back towards your husband ... after the wife cuts him off from HIS grieveing.... after a long term affair .... based on LIE... is NOT really movng back towards him ... is it?

Does anyone really think she wanted to Spare HIM the pain? If you answer yes to this question then you must be one of the dumb bastards who thought Clinton lied about his affair with Monica JUST to spare Hillary and Chelsea...

The fact is the wife is STILL lying!!!

She did not come clean about her affair b/c he didnt want to... NOT to spare HIS feelings. Maybe the wife was NOT strong at THAT moment to say something.... BUT the Therapist SHOULD of known that telling the hubby 2 years ago WHEN he knew his wife WAS depressed and mentally ill would of far more likely resulted in the hubby getting over the event and both of tem building a better marriage.

The hubby needs to file charges and / or a compliant against this therapist.

fregenfregenalmost 18 years ago
Very Powerful

Obviously she was the "victim" in all this. It wasn't her fault. Clearly she was "out of control" of her actions. And her not telling Dan was simply to "spare" him the pain.

Sorry. Don't buy it. The time to tell him was after she recovered. Better that it all came out then and HE had the choice of whether or not to continue the marriage. After all, he WAS the victim in this fiasco.

Having it revealed now, by accident, makes all her protestations to the contrary hollow. The damning content of the email, her secret mental comparison of her lover and her husband, her knowing that she had "put one over on him" makes me totally unsympathic to her.

It appears that the story may be headed to a reconciliation but I think Dan should go out and find another woman. One that can stay faithful to him and give him the children that this one refuses to do - even by adoption. Oh, and Dan do everyone a favor by exposing Teddy for the slime bucket that he is. He should not escape unscathed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I agree with fregen

Forcing reconciliation after the groundwork you have just put in place would not sit right with me. It could be done - after a divorce, several years of seperation and possibly some other serious relationships for both of them. Doing it straight from here would not be too realistic - that therapist is more likely to get herself strangled than achieve anything positive.

Speaking of which, the "depression destroying sex drive" issue is serious. If you look up "clinical depression" on health websites, a loss of sex drive is listed as a common symptom. That therapist should have been suspicious of a supposedly depressed woman having the time of her life in an affair. Not that an affair would be impossible, but enjoying it to the degree revealed by those emails is unlikely.

On those grounds said therapist strikes me as being at best incompetent and at worst actively sexist - it's OK for this woman to fuck around because she's "depressed". Talk about manufacturing excuses.

Alfie HigginsAlfie Higginsalmost 18 years ago
geez, these women haters just don't get it

Why don't these guys write their own stories? They don't believe what the author has written, even though the author of all people should know what the story is about. Instead they choose some random facts from the story and build a conspiracy theory that totally negates the author's intent. Those guys are some sick motherfuckers.

IMHO, the author has it absolutely correct. Seriously depressed, insecure, and doubting herself as a woman, this wife got seduced by an expert and found that for a little while at least the affair started to rebuild her tattered self-esteem. Of course as soon as she was talked into seeking professional help from a psychiatrist, she saw the hollowness of the affair and quickly ended it

She remained ambivilant about telling her husband about the affair, thus the subconscious reason for keeping the proof of her guilt on her old computer. Still, after the affair brought on by her depression following her accident and the death of her dreams of children, she has dedicated herself to being a good and faithful wife. There is nothing in the story to indicate that she has been anything but faithful and planned to remain faithful.

Any future infidelity is in the troubled minds of the women hating readers that must have been burned awfully badly at one time or another. Get over it.

Blue88Blue88almost 18 years ago
Good work

I'm enjoying this. A well written, well told tale without a clue as to how it will end. I'm anxiously awaiting part 2.

K.K.K.K.almost 18 years ago
Very Interesting story

Enjoyed the first chapter and look forward to the next. Whatever way you go with this is fine as long as the writing continues to be this good. Dan's response to the Dr. was outstanding.


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
Alife get a clue you Moron

wow what a moorn you are..

it is NOT a conspiracy to ask why is it the Drepession is PROVEN to Lower sex drives of men and woman BUT here in this story (and many others here at Lit) a wife's depression is carte blanche to fuck whomever she wants?

you know that that is called? a question

Then you embarass yourself by accussing the wife haters of making up facts only to see a imbecile like you assert this

..."this wife got seduced by an expert"....

where does this FACT come from? It seems to me the email showed the other guy was kind of in love with the wife... and NOT a player

all that some of the wife hatters as you call them are doing is arguing that we have a massive contradiction.

read closely you Boob..

No one denies that the wife might of gone off the deep end after losing the baby and her chance to ever have another one...

but after she got mentally better for her and the therapist to decide to rebuild the marriage based on a LIE and a deception is a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

Marriages that are based on lies are NOT a good thing. and that is true even in the shitty story you wrote

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A psychiatrist you are not ...

Your story felt somewhat disconnected in the beginning. Cannot explain why. Maybe it's the lack of realism.

Depression causes the depressed to feel wasted and useless, and is the anthithesis of the sexual drive. Most are incapable of maintaining a job because the primary response to depression (as recognized by others responders) is wanting to stay in bed (and not for sex). Sex is possibly the last thing on their minds. Women who lose children prior to birth are often depressed, not being able to cope with the loss, and I have heard of women rejecting their husbands for a time afterward (because they also reject themselves as worthy beings) but I've not heard of a woman who was simply consoled by another and turned to him for sex while in a depressed state. So I would have to disagree with your premise for her actions in this case and, therefore, I have to disagree with whatever your outcome will be, especially if they decide to reconcile. If the husband would shoot holes in her depression theory and rebuke the psychiatrist for her faulty diagnosis, then I might see some value to your story. However, I'm sure that won't happen because I have a feeling you've already sealed your fate, along with that of your story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great story so far- do not wimp out the husband!

Great story by a very good author! However, do not allow the "reconcilation at any cost" theme to prevail in this sad story. Simply, she screwed up and he should find someone else who does not continue to lie and cheat on him. If she was truely repentful, she would have confessed and at least erased the emails. Note- it has been awhile since her last adventure- how does Dan know it is really over? The other guy's significant other should be informed also. Lets see if Ohio wimps out the husband or not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Well told tale

with a couple of different tweaks told by a master story-teller. What more could I ask for?

Regards, DJ

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
WOW! You ever notice something?

The best most well appreciated stories on this site seldom, not never, but maybe only 40% of the time, have little or no actual sexual content except on the very periphery? Just an observation.

OHIO, at first, having been born in Sandusky and graduated from Elyia High, I was a bit put off by the Ohio travelogue. to me, Ohio was a great place too be from....just that FROM!. I was waiting for a Big Chuck and Hoolihan reference and fortunately that didn't come. Grounding your stories in reality is great, but you can take it too far. Most people don't know about Euclid or Mentor and since it does nothing for the story, don't care. Use the "local flavor" less next time.

Harry in Va did bring up a very good point: why were they having an affair in the summer? Is Ohio on year long school? I hope you caught this because although it doesn't affect the basic story, is is a rather glaring inconsistency.

The second inconsistency is that depression DOES lessen sex drive and satisfaction in both women AND men. You glossed over this.

However, having moved past that I found a very moving, powerful and tightly written story. I have been down almost the same path as Dan and can commisurate (sic) with his pain.

Most of the point I would make have been made already:

Susan left the email there because she WANTED to be found out. Not having the guts to tell him herself she engineered, albiet subconsciously, for him to findout. The pasowrd was just so she could have a clear conscience. Having a degeee in Comp Science myself, we know that any system engineer can get past that little thing. She would have known it as well.

Had Dan let the farce of his disapearance go on any longer he would have greatly jeapordized his "moral high ground". He was borderline as it was. Yes, she betrayed him, but he abandoned her. The punishment really didn't fit the crime. You handled that very well. Any longer and we would have been in a Hitchcock film. :-)

Last, the therapist is pretty much par for the course. $150/hr fees nothwithstanding, I know of no therapist who can legitamately point to someone and say "I cured her/him" unlike a real doctor. And Dan has a very good point, the therapist when from observer to participant when she did not caution Susan about the potential costs. Dr. B was certainly NOT acting in the best interests of her patient. What she did may not be illegal, maybe not trictly unethical in a certain sense. But it does show a level of imcompetency athat dan would do well to heed.He should have requested a different therapist.

All in all, a great read! I look forward t the next installment.

Ohhh, one last thing. This marriage is dead. Yes, they love each other, but marriage, contrary to popular belief, is not, and never has been about romantic love. Romantic Love in marriage is a fairly recent development to society. The respect and trust are gone. So is the marriage. So let them both leave with dignity.



SLC-OhioSLC-Ohioalmost 18 years ago
It's too long!

4 pages on Lit is like 40 pages on wordperfect. This tale should have been split into multiple chapters. And the interspacing of the emails, that style disturbs continuity. Not to say that the 'found out the wife's a cheat from her computer' is anything like a new story line, it's a tired old tale, been posted a thousand times. Ask yourself, why did you choose such a worn out plot? No writer can put new soles on that old shoe...

My hunch, Mr. Ohio, is that you are a wanna be teacher, and one who has the summer off. If you could write, why would you need 'help'?

And no professional mental health counselor would violate a patient's confidentiality; they'd loose their license.

Parting shot? In Ohio, 80% of all school levy money goes to teacher's salaries. Ever read that when they threaten to cut football? In Ohio, a rural school superintendent averages $165,000 a year - and that's in the sticks! In Euclid, they probably make $250,000. Your assistant principal would not be living in an apartment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
WOW - Very Impressive Author - The Best Seen Here

by you and perhaps by anyone else. You were in touch with his likely tendencies and in truth hers as well.

Your painting of their actions and emotions was very enveloping and comfortably close to life's possibles.

To Alfie - I maintain that it is very difficult for someone who hasn't gone through a cheating - a cuckolding to relate to what can and usually happens plus the realistic range of emotions portrayed so well here by the Author. Most of us aren't woman haters just folks wanting some type of fairness - call it justice or consequence fairly close to what life normally deals regardless of the offenders sex.

To the Author and other commentors - Please don't be horribly offended by Harry's comments. His emotions sometimes cloud his typing and rationality but usually he has the courtesy to later admit missing the fact that her seducer wasn't married at the time - for example. Harry - we know you mean well, but hope without offending you - may I suggest that you either reread a story or wait for 5 minutes before commenting. At times I admit that it is difficult for me as well.

So again and so well Author - you have spun the lifelike righteous emotions about your stage so much so that we all hope they fall out somewhat like life. But we should know that not everyone will approve your direction as true to the possibles as it may be.

To this point Author, this is the best you have done in my opinion. I think you have captured with great contemplation and talent some of the deep emotions felt by "both" concerned - and that is rare.

With Very High Regard

TiggerTooTiggerTooalmost 18 years ago
Well done first chapter.

I’d like to have the story all in one sitting. We’re tough; we can take it. Barring that, I’d suggest the author turn off comments until the last chapter. That way, comments reflect the whole story. It’s rather odd to see comments predicting which way a story will go or recommending it. They’re pointless, as the story is in the can already.

One comment about a personal encounter with depression highlights an important point. To me, the best of comments are those that show us a snippet of real life relative to the story.

Reconciliation or divorce should be based on the totality of the relationship. One thing does stand out though. Is the spouse a nice person? If so, then reconciliation may be in order. If not, then divorce is the way to go. Who wants to be with a bitch/bastard?

As far as comparison of sexual prowess, if a wife wasn’t a virgin when hubby met her, the comparison has long since been made. And what does hubby care whom wifey thinks about? She’s with him. That’s answer enough as to who won the comparison. If hubby makes sure to always offer to meet his wife’s needs, then he has nothing to worry about. Wifey will be very pleased at his efforts and reward him accordingly. Few of us are the best at everything and most everything is a compromise. Compromise can be very unpleasant to those of us who always want to win. A marriage that survives is the toughest series of compromises in the world.

Terrific story as usual. Thanks.


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
so I guess that TiggerT cheating is GREAT

great post of moral relativism there "PHIL"...

"....As far as comparison of sexual prowess, if a wife wasn’t a virgin when hubby met her, the comparison has long since been made. And what does hubby care whom wifey thinks about? She’s with him....."

Let see if I have this right... if my wife fucked 2 guys in the past year for several weeks I knew nothing about it as Long as she is with me NOW... everything is OK and I have no right to complain?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Why the hell all the women are into depresion

There are not the same women that cheat and make plans to cheat , to humiliate their husbands, that are so into depresion, that are so sensible and fragile???????

hey wimp, write about some reality not from your sick mind or from your whore whife real life

In all of your stories hubby have to take back his stupid idiot cheating slut wife....i think that is from your real life you wimp

TiggerTooTiggerTooalmost 18 years ago
Reread my comment, Harry!

I was talking about the wife having sexual experience previous to meeting her husband, not after marriage! Really!

"if a wife wasn’t a virgin when hubby met her"

No cheating during marriage involved here. The saying is "Measure twice and cut once." I'll metamorphasize it to "read twice and type once." Another commenter made this suggestion, too.


leapyearguyleapyearguyalmost 18 years ago

I guess I see where the story I posted a couple of days ago is heading. It seems that every time I push the subit button, a similar story appears before mine. Oh well, Nice clean read Ohio. Interested to see where it will go. I don't try to analize the stories too much, maybe thats why I continue to post my shitty little tales. I write them and send them, I'm not trying to post the great American novel. I enjoy your work, take the ending where YOU want it to go (Not that you could change it now anyway, as it has already been submitted) Thank you LYG

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
I did Phil...

and I dont see your point...

The comparison thing we all do even as married persons wit long ago lovers... sure fine. I get that...

But the wife was doing that while she was MARRIED...

hello M Fly? so your point that the wife is still with him... is not only irrelvant butits wrong.

she was not WITH her husband that summer was she?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
As usual...

I liked your story and I appreciate the second part is still to come; however, I’ve decided to air my uneasiness which lies in her depression. It rings false to me to be depressed and still have an affair (gut feeling).

Whether it is just the poetic license writers use, I was drawn to one particular sentence namely:

"Why don't you come inside?" he said quietly. Submissively she trailed behind..."

‘Submissively,’ hem now there’s food for thought.

My best regards

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Conversation with a Doctor

"Ah well there's not much we can do about your problem Dave, even if it has taken us three years to diagnose it. Anyway we'll put you on these pills. Take one a day to start with and build up to a maximum of three a day."

"What are they for doctor?"

"Depression of course!"

"But I'm not depressed!"

"Of course you are. It’s a typical side effect of your problem."

"Typical side effect or not, I'm not depressed!"

"Well, I only get depressed when I read the feedback on the stories that are posted on Literotica. They can be quite depressing sometimes. All these pseudo doctors who come out cast-iron descriptions of how people react when they are suffering from a depressive illness.

"So doctor if your insisting that I'm depressed. According to them I'm not interested in sex anymore - Gee I wonder who the fuck it is who keeps banging the wife every night if it isn't me because my sex dive is depressed. And another thing if I can't concentrate, shit Kenny are you writing my stories when I'm not looking"


Sounding stupid! Of course it is, I've got a fairly good doctor. I'm not depressed because the illness I'm suffering from has presented as a "atypical". That means it doesn't present as a typical case does.

Now it might surprise some folks, but the same thing happens with depression itself; sometimes it takes a bloody good doctor to spot when a patient is suffering from depression. If you look up depression on the Web, you'll find a nice long list of commonly occurring symptoms. Any sufferer can present with some, all, or possibly none of the symptoms listed. Or even a completely different collection of symptoms altogether.

So can we have an end to these silly comments about that doesn't happen with that particular illness. Talk to any doctor and they will tell you the same thing I have (unless they are a complete bleeding quack).

One other point, Harry you had better write to the film producers in Hollywood and let them know, that no teachers work during the summer holidays in American schools. You know, on more than one occasion in films, I've heard them mention summer schools for children who are lagging behind in their classes or even who just want get their grades up.

What do you guys do over there, get the police, or maybe the local road sweepers to go in and teach the kids or something? I know! You fly in a lot of unemployed teachers in from Russia. Now who's being idiotic here?

I can never understand why some people have to be bleeding pedantic. Any writer has the right to use a little artistic licence, up to a point. Americans seem quite happy to accept it when it comes to major movies. But in a story posted on an amateur web site, they claim the writer has committed a carnal sin.

But then there's a thought, teachers teaching summer school. There's most likely a lot less children around, and probably more time for the teachers to have a little private play on the side. Is there a story in there somewhere? Oh no, maybe not I think Ohio might have just written it?

Nice story Ohio and as I told you earlier, I'm impatient to read the rest of it.


Oh, Kenny's a friend of mine who's ill as well, he's often visiting and has sometimes replied to my emails for me when I'm laid low. He keeps saying he wishes he could write and I'm trying to persuade him he can if he try's. That's certainly better than trying to pick holes in other peoples efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
ladies and gentleman,who committed adultery

the wife committed adultery and the hubby is who is a wife hater,the wife committed adultery.the punishment for adultery is what?if it was the husband what punishment would've been in the wife state of mind.the doctor and wife decided to not tell the husband about the affair and adultery.the lie is moving and getting bigger and damage is going to be worst the longer the lie go's on.the doctor knew this if she worth her pay.the wife lover must pay also,as the doctor.the wife didn't do the affair by herself.wife hating isn't wife hating when the wife is wrong.respect and trust is missing in this marriage.

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 18 years ago
Very well done!


This is a good story so far, I look forward to the ending. It sure has stirred the passions of just about everyone who has commented so far! I didn't really know that the author of a story would be the subject of so much amatuer psychoanalisis. Maybe thats why I haven't written one yet, no desire to get beat up like that. An interesting discovery for sure. The only thing that I see missing is some sort of attack/revenge on the other half of the affair. Oh well, it's your story and will cover what ever you want it to. Thanks for a good one.

Orion623Orion623almost 18 years ago
An exceptional story

and very well written. Looking forward to Part 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Well Doctor

Well doctor, you're the fucking professional here, why didn't you anticipate that I might find out and what would happen to both of us? (Dan's line) Furthermore, I suggest that Susan and I would be better served finding another doctor, someone that knows what the hell they are doing!

I don't mind a reconcilation, just don't make him a wimp (and you have a bad habit of doing that) and don't try to make it his fault. For once let her figure out how to make it up to him and regain his trust and respect. She never lost his love, at least yet. And yes, I know it will take time, and will never be exactly the same.

OR, you could turn his character DARK.......just do a simple thing for me Susan, so I know you won't compare me to Teddy, just one thing, and all is forgiven and forgotten. All you have to do is kill the son-of-a-bitch. Buried him in their garden and lived happily ever after, hey, I've had a tough morning! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
This has got to be good work...

look at the debate you've started. Well done. My only complaint- I hate multi part stories. You lose a lot of tension by forcing readers to wait for part 2.

louguy35louguy35almost 18 years ago
I just hope...

that this story does not end in reconciliation. I know that the story has already been completed, but one can hope, I guess.

Dan has been and is being manipulated by both his wife and her enabling shrink. had an accident and lost an unborn child...that's OK, just fuck some man other than your husband. After all, your are entitled to do that because you are a woman. Never mind that the husband reflected on his marriage vows..."for better or worse", "in sickness and in health," and decided to make the marriage work. Never mind that the wife DID NOT REFLECT AT ALL on her marriage vows..."forsaking all others." She is such a poor, helpless victim of her husband's inattention, and he would really be a bastard to divorce her. BULLSHIT! She played him for a sucker during her summer affair. If she get's away with this one, she will do it again the next time she has a bad hair day.

I could go on, but what the heck...I just hope.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I look forward to the second part. It takes guts to post on this site, never knowing whether or not you will be praised or damned. And you get paid zero, zip, nada.


capecodmercurycapecodmercuryalmost 18 years ago
Can't wait for tomorrow

I wasn't planning on commenting until I read the second part of the story, but there was one thing I wanted to put forward as it is something I am addressing in a story I am working on.

One thing that is really interesting about this story is the way that the couple looks at the affair. For the wife, its over and done with and a memory from the past. The immediacy of her reaction is long past. She's had two plus years to deal with her guilt and build a justification for her response. Same thing with the Doctor. Because of that, it is is hard for either of them to acknowledge the possibility that they might have been wrong.

One the other hand, for Dan, the pain is fresh. It's like he found his wife in bed with Teddy. Even though he knows intellectually that the affair was a long time ago, emotionally, for him it just happened.

It creates a dichotomy of viewpoints that I find fascinating. I look forward with interest to see how you resolve it.

One last point, I'm not going to get into the "Dr. debate", but I do have to wonder why the Dr. didn't refer the two of them to a different therapist. It seems that any time you put a therapist into the position of defending and justifying their own approach, it doesn't allow for a good realtionship with Dan. I'm surprised that the good Dr.didn't say "Look, I've been seeing the wife for so long that I can't do a good job counseling the both of you. Here's the name of a colleague who is willing to see you for couple's therapy."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
so far

best ever

Risq_001Risq_001almost 18 years ago
Ok, Ohio

You normally won't ever hear me say this because I'm not a fan of revenge sex but:

If a story every cried out for it, this one does.

There I said it. I don't really mean it, but I said it. (^_^)

Some of the various critic voices are valid, and I'm curious how you'll balance out the story so I (and a few others it seems) won't feel the husband got shafted here.

As a general reader I think so far it's intresting.

As a "male" reader who might empathized with the main character (as I'm sometime prone to do) if I was in this husband's postion, where my wife lost a child (and on a personal note this did actually happen to my wife) and I was trying to do everything I could to be there for my wife, through all the grief, the accusations, or anything that might come up. Meeting her with kindness and compassion regardless of what the situation, only to find out she was sleeping with a co-worker as a way of dealing with her grief, I have to say that there really isn't anything that she could do or say that would keep us together.

Using the Dr's analogy: If a normal person under grief robbed a bank, that wouldn't keep them out of jail. It might lessen their sentence a little, but a jail they are o going. To me that example seemed more like a free pass than justification. She wasn't clinicly insane, according to the story. And to reason she was perfectly incapable of knowing right and wrong because she was depressed, all while functioning day to day, teaching her classes, meeting her lover, and sending her lover legible emails, to me kinda takes the wind out of that sail.

As my mother used to say: No one can convince you to do something you don't want to do. If that guy *forced* her to have sex, then it's called rape. But not if she keeps going back for more. And if she is sending emails to him of when and where to meet, then it's an affair that she is enjoying. Any other excuse of "She was seduced" is just written to minimize her part in the affair. And when that happens it's just an excuse to keep from assuming any real blame.

And I have to agree with a few others, the doctor seemed to me to lean more on wanting to bury the truth than help her deal with it and the conceqences. After she was strong enough to get past her depression that should have been explored, not buried. I mean what got me was when the doctor showed how hurtful it was then agreed with her it should be hidden from the husband. Then it was called a "loving act" to keep him in the dark. I'm sure everyone that cheats says that. That they love their mate too much to tell them they are cheating on them. (^_^)

But in any 12 step program you have to deal with those you hurt by your actions and try to make it right, this Doctor commented that while she was trying to help the wife, she secretly felt that telling the husband would do no one any good other than to hurt him. She couldn't tell him while she was cheating because it would damage her more during the depression if the husband left and she couldn't tell him after the affair was over because it would do no good to dig up something that was over. Based on that it really was a free ride to never tell the husband at all. For me that seemed morally corrupt. I mean how can she expect as a Doctor to help someone by helping them rebuild their life based on a lie?

And a lie by omission is still a lie. A lie is where you make someone believe something different than what is really happening. And that's what the wife did.

I'm curious again how you make this play out because as it stands I see laying around a lot of ground for reconcilation where the husband vents and rages, but in the end just accepts it and goes on. And for me that would be the ultimate shaft given to the husband.

And speaking again as someone in the postion of trying to comfort his wife after a misscarriage I know how betrayed I would have felt if for months I put up with a lot from my wife, all while remaining as understanding as possible, only to find out later she was having sex with someone as a way to deal with her grief. But while doing all this she was continuing to punish me for something beyond my control.

Waiting to see how you balance it out (^_^)


hammer17hammer17almost 18 years ago

All I can say is WOW great story Ohio, I can hardly wait for the next chapter...


also from Ohio!!!!

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 18 years ago
While I am waiting to the end

I’ll be honest. After “Forbidden fruit” this one (so far) is a bit of a let down. You are one of, say, five writers here who can actually remold the formula, and create truly non-formulaic stories. I realize that this is a high toll, and you would be more than justified in claming that stories like “Twenty Minutes” The Letter A” or “Forbidden fruit” could not come every week. Maybe you just spoil me for a while after each really great story is posted. As far as “the formula”, let’s see: H (husband) finds out W (wife) committed some type of I (infidelity); then H performs some type of D (disappearance). Later some sort of M (mediation) takes place and H rejoins W. The End. Let others write small variations on the formula. You are one of the few who can produce stories from a different plain.

As far as writing technique; characters depiction or plot development, they are flawless, as usual (Except for said feeling of over familiarity). I’ll reserve more substantive comments to the end.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 18 years ago
Nice concept!

As always, your writing is superior. Technically, you get top marks. Now for the plot; you have a wife that went into depression and did something stupid. She got over it. Now the husband has found out about her stupid adventure and has crashed and burned in throes of depression. He is shutting her out and suffering alone, as she did. That will be the light that turns this situation around. Now he understands depression and the inability to make rational, intelligent decisions. He has become her. Pretty cool plot. As far as pay scales and her seeing Teddy in the summer..... I never noticed or cared. This story has me sucked in and waiting. Thanks!

MatAbrahamMatAbrahamalmost 18 years ago
Ah, the dangers of ambivalence

The handling of Susan's therapy and her realisation later that 'Betraying her husband felt more horrible than fun' does not permit any inner solace and understanding on Dan's part that his soul mate had recorded in her email to her lover Teddy that "God, you were amazing today—I've never cum so hard in my whole life! You just turned me inside out." And she cant wait to meet him again, not on Thursday, as Dan would be home early, but on Friday. Susan definitely knew what she was enjoying, and it was clinically plotted.

Dan has therefore all the reasons to feel that his wife cheated on him, betrayed him, and must have compared her lover to him.

I am curious to know how you go about the ending. Therefore the heading of this feedback !!

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
To Anonymous in Romania.

You asked why all the women are depressed. Hell, if all you had to choose from in the male gene pool were arrogant assholes with cocks the size of a baseball bat,whining wimps, flatulating buttheads, or neurotic over-achievers, wouldn't YOU be depressed?!

Welcome to America! :-)



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
let me get it straight here

she did wrong but she didn't want to hurt him, right?

he didn't do any thing wrong, but HE SAID HE WANTED to hurt her bad, just to see how she feels?

and the shrink sessions, LOL

after hours of listening to her and the shrink, he's asked politely, nicely, as if to ascertain whether he liked one ice cream flavor over another: "and what about you, Dan, what do you have to say?"

Dan, of course, got "a bit emotional" and the shrink, quietly, said to herself, "this is a GOOD SIGN!"

"Thank you for that, Dan. That's really, ah, y'know, interesting, to hear and to see you like that. It's gotta come out, baby. It hurts, but like a puss, once broken and ozzed out, the wound heals better...

Dan: WT___!

"Well, folks, session's over. And, oh, Dan, can you save that for next session?"

she's talking to Dan like you'd talk to a 1st or 2nd grader, trying to be at least 1 step ahead of the game. "Thank you, Dan. You did a good job there; I know, it hurts, but you did real' well!"

And Dan inhaled and exhaled, deeply, but just sink back into his couch,,, trying to let out the air more slowly.

"And, Susan, don't forget the bread next time, okay. We can do short snack breaks, I'm sure Dan would love such little treat during these heavy sessions."


a bit exaggerated; but it's really ultimately like that!

next installment, we gonn hear from Dan how truly regretful his wife was and how BADLY he felt for subjecting HER to such emotional pains,,, He, as a result, got on his knees, in front of both the shrink and the wifey and tearfully admit:

"Susan ,please, forgive me,,, I said a whole bunch of hurtful things to you, because I was so hurt, but I know how badly I hurt you now. Can you ever forgive me for my callousness?"


This will be mentioned on the AH.

This is a truly riveting tale of a man who finds out after a long time that his wife had cheated on him. It was full of a serious conflict of views, thoughts, and emotions, which I found rather fascinating in particular. It isn't often that I find two diametrically opposed positions on whether or not tell your betrayed spouse that you've cheated. What will he really do? I don't know. Frankly, I don't know that I'd do. We might have the same first name, but I have never been in that situation.

I think, however, the clearest point is raised by what Susan asked herself: how would she respond to such a situation, if it were reversed? Answering that honestly makes it clear that he has every right to retaliate and consider divorce, if that is what he wants. That's up to him. I don't know exactly what I'd do, but I would definitely want the responsible parties to know what it felt like to be in my shoes. This one absolutely deserves a 5. It is a top-notch story.

PultoyPultoyalmost 18 years ago
I am tough on the wife here.

Ohio, you are one of my favorite authors. That said, I so hope that you do not reconcile this couple.

Haven't we all been around the person who never sees anything but their own point of view? She lost a baby. So did he. Her "depression" drove her to adultery. His reaction was to be extra loving, caring and compassionate, even though he had lost a baby too. For me, I have watched and been in situations similar to folks who just cannot ever seem to act responsibly even when the shit hits the fan.

I have no compassion on her, no more than I do on him. Kick her to the curb and let her create another diversion for herself. She is narcicistic and I hate that characteristic. It has no redeeming value.

Oh, How I love your writing. No matter how you do resolve this, I know I will still boil away...but I do enjoy the story.

I rated this 100.

Best regards,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Great story again. Hard to want the wife to suffer for what she did during her depression. She smartened up quickly and broke off the affair, she felt remorse and she invested all she had back into her marriage. That is a good response on the wife's part to the insights she garnered through therapy.

I would like the lover to do the suffering as he deserves it. Any reasonably intelligent man would see that the wife was vulnerable and suffering and that dink used her vulnerability to score some sex. I use the word dink because that denotes something small and that is what the lover is - a small low-life dink. He spent hours and hours with her, listening to her pain and thinking about how to screw her. He screwed her and he screwed the husband. Revenge please.

absoluterotterabsoluterotteralmost 18 years ago
Outstanding story, but...

it should be in non-erotic. Very clever storyline, very good writing, very real characters, just not erotic. I haven't read your other work, but I will. Also very brave of you to write such a long intro and publish on this site (assuming that you are going to develop this further).

Well done on the writing and on the bravery.


KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIalmost 18 years ago
A gentle response to the "Revenge?" guy

this depressed woman was the same who --- during her "depression" --- screamed (even via email we could hear her screaming in delirium, as she recounted the sex she and Teddy had just shared),

"God, Teddy, you made me come so much, so good, no body could ever match it! But my love, we have to be careful. I don't want Dan to know any of this. I should really break it off, but I know I can't do it, despite my repeated attempt at telling you, telling me! I love Dan too much to hurt him. We need to be more careful."

was that, is that, the sign of a "depressed" person?

you're jokin', right? LOL

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
Hey HDK wait a second! Your misisng something


I have to say after readIng your comment I was stunned by your remarks. You are by far the best writer here and most even and level headed... JMHO

but when you posted this I nearly tossed up my dinner


...."you have a wife that went into depression and did something stupid. She got over it. Now the husband has found out about her stupid adventure and has crashed and burned in throes of depression. He is shutting her out and suffering alone, as she did..."


How could you miss the KEY point? The CALUSION or CONSPIRACY by the wife and her Therapist NOT to tell the husband AFTER she got better /recovered from her depression.

I can understand those willing to give her a free pass on her fucking someone else while she was depressed.... which I guess you agree with. I dont agree with it... but I understand.

but how come the hubby didnt react that way with the loss of the Baby? Indeed he made a extra effort for weeks to reach his wife and no one notices? and she has all th sympathy?

The you said this .... I mean come on

HDK...."That will be the light that turns this situation around. Now he understands depression and the inability to make rational, intelligent decisions. He has become her. Pretty cool plot...."

are you crazy? NO he has NOT become her.

He did NOT cheat.

He did not Lie.

he did NOT have his therapist involved in EVIL morally unethical act to destroy a marriage.

The fact that the husband is NOW upset or depressed over his wife's massive lie betryal and cheating does NOT make them equal. MY god how could anyone say such a thing?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Was the wife really depressed

Somehow this story is more fictional than being realistic. The wife is depressed and then has an affair outside her marriage, exchanging very practical emails about how she enjoys the sex and would love to have more and finally when she is fed up with that guy returns back to her husband, finally claiming that all her actions were because she was depressed.

The story potrays the husband as very considerate, trying to provide all the help the wife needs, but for her at that time he is nonessential, a nobody.

Somehow, all these points don't click.

Yes, the trauma of losing a child can be serious but she always had the husband with her and if the marriage bond was really true, all these issues could have been solved amicably.

But the wife, in the guise of depression turned her back at the hubby and had an affair to her satisfaction. WAS SEX THE SOLUTION FOR HER GETTING BETTER???? HELLO?

When the hubby enquires about what their life toghether is all about (after the affair, once he is aware of her indiscretion) is a fair question. The wife , for all we know would be still experimenting on how she can get the best orgasm at the hubby's cost.

She was depressed and she gave in to her paramour and kept on doing it. For what? Why? Was she so depressed that she felt she could get away with anything???

Normal people just accepts reality as it occurs and if she could not do it, she is too fragile(like a glass when dropped) and she is a burden which should be best offloaded than carried as a baggage.

Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
Some words of wisdom from Capecodmercury.

He hit the nail right on the head - any reputable therapist would have referred the couple to another therapist. Whether her advice to Susan was correct or not, she should realise she is way too deeply connected to Susan. How can Dan ever think she is unbiassed after she agreed with Susan's decision to not tell him about the affair? No qualified therapist with any professional integrity would put themselves in such a situation.

Also, the other matter CCM mentions is the immediacy of the pain for Dan - another reality any properly qualified therapist would know about and take into consideration - unlike the therapist in this story.

But, let's remember - IT IS A STORY!

Almost every story will have some small innacuracy that an expert in a particular field will notice: an auto mechanic will pick up some slip in the description of a car problem, a cop a probelm with law enforcement, a doctor with a medical condition incorrectly described.

The question always has to be, "is the problem bad enough to spoil the story?".

So far, in this story, the therapist is on a razor edge. It really depends on where the story goes what the final answer will be.

This is another problem with posting stories in parts. I know some authors 'get off' on the controversy generated by their drips and drops of stories - to each his own.

As a general rule a story should be posted in one piece, then the silly conjecture is avoided.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Having suffered from depression

I can testify that having suffered from severe depression when my wife and I were working on a divorce (which we ultimately did) sex was NOT the furthest thing from my mind. As my wife had been playing around on me, sex was very much on my mind, and I did play around. My therapist did not condone it, nor did he try to get me to stop it. He simply let me talk it all out, and tried to make sure that I had considered all the potential problems and angles.

Based on my own experience, I don't think that you can say that anyone who is clinically depressed is going to exhibit any particular symptoms other than not functioning in a manner that they normally would. Wide ranging symptoms can be anything from not functioning at work to becoming a work-alcoholic. From losing all interest in sex to becoming essentially a sex manic. That's why clinical depression is so damned hard to treat. Sometimes drugs help, but the thing that is the most helpful is time, and understanding why you are where you are.

DeadWouldDeadWouldalmost 18 years ago
A couple of comments

1) Re the 'revenge' or not debate. I'm not so sure revenge is a great thing, but I sure as bloody hell believe in 'consequences'!!

Susan, up until Dan confronted her with her betrayal, suffered little or no consequences from her actions - the therapist helped her absolve herself from all blame there with the 'depression' excuse. There is the cheating partner to consider too. Why should he get away free? Any man who screws a married woman cannot deny he is taking his life in his hands doing so - that is the known risk of his actions.

Every action or decision we take has consequences which may be good, bad or indifferent. The just consequence of some actions is punishment. AND punishment is NOT the same as revenge. For justice to be served, some things people do deserve punishment.Yes, Susan was eventually an enthusiatic participant, but the email trail shows Teddy as the predator. Without his pursuit of her it seems Susan would not have succumbed, and she would not have chased him. That does not take much away from her eventual enthusiasm for the affair, but she didn't actually go looking for it.

I for one, will be VERY disappointed if Teddy is left free and unscathed.

2) I wondered how long it wold take Kanga to comment on the so-called therapist in this story - the therapist seemed way off line to me. But then, I suppose there are a lot of unqualified quacks out there calling themselves therapists in all sorts of fields, so why not in this story?

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 18 years ago
Interesting story, but... is difficult to have much sympathy for Dan. Yes he was treated badly, but his actions - quitting his job to basically become a full-time stalker - are pretty disgusting. He needs to crap or get off the pot - either his life is better with Susan in it or it is not, and if not he needs to move on immediately. Susan needs to ask herself the same question - perhaps she too would be better moving on.

luvpsyluvpsyalmost 18 years ago
Is that all there is?

I see the issue in this story is still unresolved. After four pages you seem to have simply stopped writing. I feel like I've been left to find my own way out of the very good story trance that you had me in. As a reader, I resent that.

The very least you could do is finish a story before you stop writing it. Also I wish you guys would stop crying in your beer. What's a piece of ass or two anyway. A little soap and water cleans it right out. Most women aren't virgins when they marry anyway. Does their previous fucking make them any less lovable? What we're really looking at here is stupid male pride. A guy might be called a wimp or a cuckold. Does this guy love his wife or doesn't he. If he'd throw her away just because he can't swallow his pride a little, and forgive her, then he isn't much of a man. Maybe she'd be better off without the whiney bastard. I don't give a damn if you want to call me a wimp or a cuckold. Under similar circumstances, I'd forgive her and get on with living a very good life. Under different circumstances I might even open up the marriage and play too. But I wouldn't throw away a woman I loved over a simple fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
KUDO's Author & other things

Not to stir the pot but:

The others being something not mentioned yet in the comments is that Hubbie went to her normal DR. to get her to see a shrink. What if he hadn't?

Secondly, it took her a month with her shrink for her to realize that cuckolding her loving supportive husband was bad and to stop. Hmmmm!

Thirdly, the scheduling of 2 days prior to welcoming her husband back into her loving ways and clutches, she has a big going away party with her other cock. Hmmmm!

True love rediscovered or scheduled as overdue or getting bored with old lover or getting beat up by her shrink and girl friend?

In either case, well no - you know which way I lean Author -you built this wall too high for happily ever after in any shape or form.

But damn - can I carry your keyboard. Just very Impressive.

With Very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
No summer school.

To the commentors beefing about going to school or teaching school all summer long please read the first page again. About two thirds down the first page there is a paragraph which starts "Once school let out the lunches began to include long walks in a beautiful.....". I believe that covers the fact that she did not teach the summer of 2003.

I believe the story is fantastic and am waiting for the next chapter. KW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Ohio is back!!!


While I enjoyed your last 3 stories (Catching Nancy, 3 Tuesdays and forbidden fruit) your other stories are more enjoyable.

Let's be clear they are stories; I doubt that many of us would take back Marianne from the house of cards, but its a story, (and it's your story). Some of the commentors seem to forget that fact.

These wives obviously have problems, they make mistakes and they appear to regret the pain that they have caused. In some instances a spouse will be able to forgive; forgetting is probably more difficult.

So thanks for a great story... I look forward to the conclusion tomorrow (regardless if its reconcile or separation)...

SalamisSalamisalmost 18 years ago
Opening Act is superb

How would a woman react to the death of a child and the concurrent loss of her fertility? Might she undergo depression? How does a depressed person behave? Might they act out sexually? Could they engage in an affair?

The late actress Vivien Leigh (aka Scarlet O’Hara of Gone With the Wind fame) would publicly disrobe, going so far as to do so on a plane. Should her husband have divorced her for being a slut? Should the full weight of our moral superiority fall unimpeded on the mentally ill?

Ohio, you have written a very thoughtful story with very plausible actions and reactions of the main characters. It is a compelling tale. I look forward to reading the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

you are therapy for me a great balance of purient intrest and real life human nature i love your stories and i always look forward to the next day you will hear my story g

phoenix764phoenix764almost 18 years ago

Another great story by Ohio. As a comment to those wondering about depression, I have suffered from depression my whole life and only received medical treatment for it once I was an adult. Did I consider having an affair when I was married? No. Did I consider suicide at any time during my dperession? yes, several times. Did I ever consider killing the people that went out of their way to be cruel to me? You bet! Depresion is no excuss for an affair.

Ohio, I'm not sure where you want to take this story, but I know you'll do it justice. Don't teachers have moral clauses in their contracts? If so, Dan should make sure Teddy loses his job, and preferably his career regardless of what happens to his marriage. In fact it should be a requirement of their reconcilliation that she provide evidence against teddy, and get him fired.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Shitty story

I read "Loving Wives" for juicy sex. Bah, none of it here. Just an improbable story about a jerk who feels sorry for himself, and has little empathy for anyone else. Maybe he should go out and write The Great American Novel, but please don't mess up the best adult sex story site with crummy fake psychological pathos.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

i was worried at first that the issue of hiding the truth was not a critical mistake, but you have kept me interested with the last therapy session

i do believe, as does the central character, that the doctor made a serious miscalculation and she can try to brush it aside with her reasoning, but i truly believe she was dreadfully fact if it were me i would be prone to feel as much or more violence at her than the wife

looking forward to the next chapter

littlecyclonelittlecyclonealmost 18 years ago
Very nice.

Very nice story so far. I look forward to hearing the rest of it. You definitely have some genuine talent. I'm just wondering whether this will be a happy or sad ending. And don't worry about hte knucklheads looking for sex ;) some people don't recognize a gem when they see it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Well written

I really enjoyed the story, found some of it a little hard to swallow, but I certainly couldn't write it better. I'd like to see him sue and end the Doc's practice, not sure marriage is over, but her behavoir hasn't shown any true understanding that she did something wrong. As another reviewer commented, the bullshit depression excuse just doesn't fly... in today's world of accepting immoral behavoir we want to brush off her adultry/betrayal and make excuses for it... of course if in her depression she had decided to molest a few young children every reader on this board would want to burn her at the stake. But adultry, ahh heck that's ok, everyone does it, he should just forgive and understand if he loves her... and we wonder why our world is becoming such a cesspool.

TLeeTLeealmost 18 years ago

Fuck the therapy. Why can't you asshole writers find a different crutch? You write a pretty good story even if you have no clue about the real world or real men. I know that you will put the blame on Dan although his cheating slut wife was the one at fault. I also expect a happy trails ending.

I skipped over the pages with the asshole therapist. Nothing is more boring than a writer resorting to a shrink for answers and justification concerning a tramp wife.

I'm holding my breath in anticipation of Ch. 02 where you turn Dan into a wimp cuckold. Their reconciliation will surely result in a great marriage. The slut will be more careful when she cheats again and the wimp will spend the rest of his days wondering if she is really where she says she is. Happy days are here again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I was going to read all the comments


Hell the comments were longer then the story. You've done your usual job of telling a story well and raising a great cloud of dust as the commentors flail you and each other. Anytime an author can raise that much of a ruckas it says much of their abilities. Can't wait for chapter 2. Thank You Ronnie W.

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 18 years ago
Good story

Dan is obviously quite hurt and quite adamant about feeling any other way!!

I'm a little confused about his constantly saying that Susan was lying when she said she sorry for the depression and was rekindling their love. It would seem, even by his own admission, that she did just that! She has proven the last two years that she loves HIM. So how is she lying??

On the face of it, it would appear that he is unable to alter his thinking and the marriage is doomed. What will happen in chapter 2 I am interested in reading. I don't expect Dan to change enough to accept Susan though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Too Much Too Late

Ohio,your way out there on this One.your story just dosn't hold water.Your hubby is a sick man and should get more help for himself.

louguy35louguy35almost 18 years ago
Just Curious...

Today is "tomorrow" and no second chapter. Are you, by any chance, re-writing the second chapter after all of the comments you received concerning the first chapter?

By the way, the story is really good up to this point.


DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 18 years ago
a bit of damage control

Hey Ohio..interesting story...i'll save most of my comments for whe it's over

as for part 2 not being out as of this time,

well it takes about 7-10 days after an author submits his tale to Lit for it to get posted.

That means ohio submited part 2 on the 9th to 12th of the month.

Why is part 2 not up? *shrug* sometimes Lit doesn;t get the 2nd or 3rd or whatever part up in a timely manner. Not a blast against the site, just a truth.

hey it's a free service folks, a great one at that, I'll live with a delay once and a while to save my bank account.

Now I am not in contact with the author but I bet that part 2 IS not only written but submitted and jsut waiting for it's 'time' in the pipe before hitting us.

So relax and enjoy...i know it's killing you but hey, that's a sign of a good tale..gets you involved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Excellent (as usual)

Ohio: Can't wait for the second half. Ignore those adverse comments. You are among the very best of contributors to Literotica. ---Katib

louguy35louguy35almost 18 years ago
Damn! I just had to write again!

This is an attempt to answer the question(s) posed by Harryin Va regading how HDK, or any others, could make statements, in effect, saying that the actions of the husband (on the one hand) and the wife and shrink (on the other hand) are essentially the same. I think HDK said that the husband became his wife.

The answer to Harry's question is that many people subscribe to the current, in vogue, philosophy of moral equivalency. It asserts that there is no such thing as objective right and wrong. Everything is equally right or equally wrong regardless of intensity or seriousness of an action. It depends upon how one views it...not upon any principle or set of principles. It is a subset of secularism, which is THE prevailing philosophy of the Nike generation..."If it feels good, just do it." In their view there is nothing wrong with adultry so long as it is practiced equally by both parties.

Harry, I hope this helps!


Risq_001Risq_001almost 18 years ago
Hey luvpsy, you crack me up

This had me rolling when I saw it today:

... Also I wish you guys would stop crying in your beer. What's a piece of ass or two anyway. A little soap and water cleans it right out. Most women aren't virgins when they marry anyway. Does their previous fucking make them any less lovable? What we're really looking at here is stupid male pride. A guy might be called a wimp or a cuckold. Does this guy love his wife or doesn't he. If he'd throw her away just because he can't swallow his pride a little, and forgive her, then he isn't much of a man. Maybe she'd be better off without the whiney bastard. I don't give a damn if you want to call me a wimp or a cuckold. Under similar circumstances, I'd forgive her and get on with living a very good life. Under different circumstances I might even open up the marriage and play too. But I wouldn't throw away a woman I loved over a simple fuck....

You know you sound like a guy I know. Have known him for years. He cheated on every girlfriend he's ever had over all the years I've known him, and he said almost the exact same thing to me when we found out a buddy of ours had a wife who was cheating on him. Of course he was sleeping with everything that moved. Once he had a threesome when his girlfriend went out of town. Even finding out that one of the girls he had the threesome with was HIV positive later (even though he didn't get it and she knew she had HIV going into this) didn't seem to stop him from sleeping around.

Funny thing was he got pissed because a girl he was seeing was trying to get together with another guy and he did everything to break it up. While normally I would find this a good tactic for him to finally show some devotion to some woman, it would have held more impact with me if the girl "WASN'T ALREADY THE GIRLFRIEND OF ANOTHER GUY". And she moved up to our state to be with her boyfriend when he got a job in our state. She said she couldn't bear to be apart from him. He had no problem helping her cheat on her boyfriend with him, often having her sneak over to his house while her boyfriend was at work, but he expected her to have more devotion to him than she was showing by lining up a third guy on the side. He even said to me that he thought she had more character than that. What the heck about him?

Some how you give me the impression you may be the same way. I could be wrong, but based on your comments I'd bet you are.

You know some of it breaks down to more issues than just "washing it out" once the other guy is finished with your wife. STD can't be washed away no matter how hard you try. >=)

And if your the lone voice saying letting your wife sleep around is no big deal what's that tell ya?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Response to comment by TLee

"Why can't you asshole writers find a different crutch?"

Nice statement. You don't like the way the story is going so you call the writer an asshole. A reader who calls the authors on this site "assholes" should try to remember that there would be no stories for you to criticize if it weren't for the authors who post there work here. Personal attacks on the authors just make you look small. Why don't you post something here and let us critique your work.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
well wife depressed angle is Over used alot!!!

In this story alone there are --at 8 pages of feedback and growing -- over 20 comments about DEPRESSION. Almost every one of them assert that with depression their is a LOSS of sex drive (eve more so with women) and NOT increased sex drive.

Yes I suppose there ARE exceptions. But here is the point... looking at OHIO 's stories ... The CELT... The Wanderers ... HDK Troubador... or CapeCodMercury and many others the ONLY thing that seems to happen from whenever ANY wife gets clinically depressed is a prolonged secret deeply sexual affair .

**** why is that when Men get depressed they NEVER cheat? ***

Now I realize that this is erotica site and NOT the Dr PHL web site. I read the stories just like most of you for mental and sexual stimulation. That being said is it too much to ask that someone some day write a story about a depressed wife who wakes up BEFORE the actual cheating act?

Or say a story about a depressed wife who Loses the sex drive over a number of years and it drives HIM crazy.....? to the point where he almost cheats? I know one guy... married 15 years ...whose wife is a serious Babe with a great body but she is so depressed that they have sex like 2-3 or 4 times a year and it is driving him nuts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great story- pathetic husband

I always look forward to your stories, Ohio, and am never disappointed at the quality of your writing. I guess I am one of the few who think the husband is kind of pathetic. Is he going to wallow around and feel sorry for himself for the rest of his life? Granted, the wife was guilty of cheating. Confront her, have it out and either divorce her or stay with her. Whether the therapiast gave bad advice or not, it's about 2 years too late to change her advice. Who, on Literotica established the rule that wronged spouases had to run away and hide for weeks or months before they discussed the adultery? Seems like a stupid policy. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Got to Agree with "Anonymous in Disappointed USA"

TLee and other "critic" should write and post instead of criticizing these fine works and their negative drivel being their only attempt at writing. Real writers just never write these negative comments and crass dismissals as though they are above the Authors. These stories are stories, not people. You cannot criticize these stories for their content and thus bring about a character change in the characters. They aren't listening! They are characters! Better to write and submit a story and try to hone one's own writing skills than do one's best to crush the reach of real Authors who want to and do write. (See my point? You probably won't be able to tell a single thing about what I just wrote here because I can't write a lick! I WOULD write if I had anything to say, but I don't have stories like this in me. The rich descriptions and characters are just like people that I really know including myself. I really admire Ohio.)

rooster1rooster1almost 17 years ago
If Dr. brandon was

a medical doctor she would be guilty of malpractice. To my way of thinking all she did was to conspire with the cheating bitch to cover up the affair for Susan's benefit, not to save Dan any pain, just to help Susan get away with it.

S-DesS-Desover 16 years ago
Interesting start . . . .

I know it's taken forever for me to get to this and I apologize. I like the premise and I think it's been a good setup for Ch2 (which I suspect is heading towards reconciliation, but I'll keep an open mind). I would quibble with a few of the descriptions and the way the characters are thinking (or behaving), but overall I thought the characters were interesting and believable. I'd like to see them fleshed out (I know practically nothing about the wife, other than how sorry she is).

On the other hand, I do buy the depression angle. It's very common for people to act out in very self-destructive ways while depressed. I'm not so sure about how glowing her emails were (one would suspect you added that to tweak some of the more easily-agitated readers ;-) ), but for her to withdraw from her husband only to take up with someone else who doesn't remind her of the Hell that is her life . . . that I get completely. Looking forward to Ch2.


bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Great Story

Just reread it and continue to be impressed. Emotions are a

real problem, anger and depression are themes and they are clearly self-destructive. Our protagonist has not done himself any favor by not exploding immediately and may end up unable to go back to Susan who obviously loves him. Having some contact with people who have mental problems I find the commentaries very strange. No one seems to believe that these are real reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Another fine story by Ohio. I am not an expert on depression and don't know whether alleged depression caused wife's affair with Teddy. I do find it hard to cheer for vindictive husband though and the "kill the bitch" crowd. Affair took place 2 years ago and wife was stupid enough to leave incriminating emails around for husband to find. His bitterness and anger are understandable but after two years it is obvious that she loves him. He can accept her love or divorce her for infidelity, but to disappear from sight and then wallow around in self pity makes him appear to be a petulant sulking child. Divorce the wife if your that upset but stop whining.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

I don't think that it was Ohio's intent to have all of us test the old adage, "The truth shall make you free!", but this story is doing that to me. It has me wondering about the outcome, if Susan had confessed the affair to him and tried to put them on the grieving path together.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Silly comments

Some how the husband becomes the worse party due to his response to the wife's cheating news: "vindictive...self pity makes him appear to be a petulant sulking child," than the actions of the cheating tramp wife herself? I'm not sure any of these authoritative commentators have been on the short end of cheating, cause for most that live some where other than the "hills" where that may be the norm and sheep run scared, it really hurts. 2 minutes or 2 years ago makes no difference, IT HURTS.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Excuse me!

Where in this story is the vindictive husband. It may come but it hasnt yet. He is still in shock and reacting to what the wife did to herself, to him, and to the marriage. The vindictive person if there is one, is two, the asshole that nailed the grieving slut teacher, and the woman to turned from her husband and took love in all the bad places. She didnt compare them? What does the words best sex of my life actually mean. From my intrepretation it means the sex with Teddy was better than anything she ever got from her husband. How is that for vindictive? Of course you could be of the PC crowd that always assumes the husband is at fault and should pay, do try to grow up people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Legal Malpractice!

......"they both wanted the marriage to succeed; and she knew beyond any doubt that she would never cheat again. Under the circumstances, keeping the affair a secret had been a reasonable, loving choice."

BS!! Selfish whore who attempted to cover herself and FAILED ... nothing more! All other excuses Should not &

DO NOT count! The therapist should be "disbarred" and tried for breach of duty and lose her license. To bad this "so called" doctor cannot be imprisoned! To bad the this "so called" loving wife cannot be "properly" dealt with!


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
It doesnt matter why! People tend to forget this.

Assume instead of coming back to life in August and making it up to her husband, she came home and announced she had AIDS from her lover and had given it to him, would it matter why? I guess being clinically depressed makes you not responsible for legal and moral acts. Wow and she, clinically depressed, was responsible for and taught kids? Say she was CD and robbed a bank and shot someone, would she not be tried because she was clinically depressed? Get real, in life we make decisions, some good and some bad, then you have to take the consequences of those decisions. In this story she and the therapist (who is legally at fault in this) made a group of bad decisions based on her previous adulterous affair bad decision, and since it was a work related affair with her boss made her a whore. Sorry I think the guy is being very mild and somewhat lame in this. She placed him at risk in many ways not just medically with diseases, STDs, and AIDS. And it is time her Assistant Principal was fired. He has the evidence to get him fired and to make him lose his professional credentials. As someone once said, payback is a bitch.

APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxalmost 14 years ago
Just read a pale immitation of this story

You do have some weird stuff... leaving home and hiding out for over a month is more than extreme, but you've done such a good job with the deeper emotions at play. This is one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
read harryin VA comments about this story-- expecting him to be wrong--as usual.

Only this time HIV is correct.

The decision NOT to tell dan about the wife's affair... was made AFTER he wife had come out of her depression.

The therapist was NOT depressed nor was her friend. Even at the end of this story ...after the Husband's emotional blow up...... the therapist still does not see why Dan cannot understand that decision.

Sure dan doesnt agree with it... but in this story the author has the therapist NOT even recognizing Dan's right to be upset about that decision.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
More feedback

I enjoyed it very much as I could just imagine myself wallowing in misery under such circumstances. It would have been nice though to have had it developed further. Another anonymous commentator has an excellent point in the that the seducer was clearly a predator and should have been brought to book. Still:- overall an excellent entertainment, thank you Ohio.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
Great storyline well written and delivered,......

The poor husband is being cheated not just by his wife but by the imcompetent therapist that he hired for her. He needs to cut his losses and kick both bitches to the curb. I don't buy that she didn't know what she was doing and if it tooks weeks of "therapy" to break off her affair with her supervisor, then she was conscious of the wrongness long before she did come back to her husband. The therapist had a professional relationship with the wife but she had a fiduciary relationship with the husband. While she couldn't reveal information from the sessions to the husband, she could and should urged her to reveal the affair to the husband and allow him to decide at the time whether to continue the marriage. The principal should have been reported to the police for rape because as the therapist said "she wasn't in her right mind and clinically depressed."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I know losing a baby is a horrible thing, but to use that to justify having an affair is disgusting, did she not even think about how her husband was feeling about the loss, no she was too busy fucking some asshole to care about her husband and it's a convenient excuse that she was clinically depressed. A very close friend of mine lost her baby and it didn't cause her to have an affair.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
The story is flawed in so many ways the story is impossible.

1. Dan would not be able to break the password and, even if he could, he would not waste time trying since all he needed to do was to reinstall the operating system. That is a sure thing rather than perhaps spending weeks attempting to break a password with no guarantee of success. And, certainly that is what any logical person would do and engineers are very logical.

2. There was no reason to look at her old emails and beside the email is password protected.

3. A person like Dan is not an engineer. Engineers are far more logical and therefore in control of their emotions. People with such little emotional control over their emotions are not capable of becoming engineers.

I gave the story a 3*** rating and considering that the story is impossible, that is overly generous.

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago

nr 1: I agree. Though she could have encrypted her harddrive, that way a new operating system wouldn't work but of course this is highly unlikely given that she could have simply deleted the mails if she would have thought about the problem at all.

nr 2: You can not know that for example my system is encrypted, but once you are in, you can read the mails in the archive.

nr 3: Why can't engineers have feelings? I think what you do when you are betrayed like that depends much more on your character than on your occupation. e.g. there are geeky insecure engineers but there are also ruthless calculating ones.

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago

I had to laugh so hard when he came back to susan an began to actually sing.

That would be corny even in a Bollywood movie, and thats i high standard for corniness.

YamiBoyYamiBoyover 12 years ago

Nice story. Let's check how the story goes... ^__^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Excellent Tale

Keep up the Good Work. The Shocks of life have different affects on people. They may reach out to anything to soothe the pain. This story makes good sense. Some of its critics have not felt great pain or lost or react differently. It's just life.

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
Excellent story

I'm really hoping that he divorces her! First off, she lost her baby , she was sad & depressed but so was her husband! She wasn't the only one grieving for the lost of this child; but yet she had someone to talk to. She had teddy, why was it so easy for her to pour her heart out to a man that didn't give a fuck about her lost child but she was content with pushing her husband away?! He too was feeling their lost but he chosed to be strong for her & help her in her time of need ; without even dealing with his own grief. He didn't fuck another woman behind her back. Her stopping the affair means not a damn thing! It never should have started in the first place, she cheated & lied about it, there shouldn't be any reconciliation, she went back to being his wife, she doesn't get to pick & choose when she will return to being his wife again! She doesn't get to say, I'm going to have a 2 month affair & after that I will return to my husband & finally be his wife. I think the decision not to tell him about her affair was idiotic, yeah he'd be hurt, betrayed, angry & lost but him finding out from other sources was much much worst! She was seeing a therapist-- which by the way I feel is trying to justify the wife's reason for fucking another man, I don't agree with the therapist, if Dan wasn't caring & supportive when they lost the baby ; the depression excuse might've worked but he was all those things & more so she really had no reason to betray him. The wife is upset because he knows & she's been caught if she really gave a damn about what she stand to lose she never would've had an affair --& not a 2 month affair at that. If the shoes was on the other foot she would've had his balls in the divorce there wouldn't be any talking, going to therapy & getting past it. She might love her husband but somewhere/sometime during the summer she forgot. When it happened the first time, it might've been forgiven if she confessed but the fact that she had not only a two month affair, but she established an emotional connection with teddy, I think that's even worst than the affair itself. I suffer from depression but I've never had an affair on my husband, if I can't talk to him I talk to my therapist... But I do not betray our marriage vows. The wife woke up & suddenly remember that she loved her husband & that the affair might cause her to lose everything; why didn't she think of the consequences before spreading it for teddy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Started out well..then went "south."

I love only was only sex..I can't live without you..blah, blah, blah. Typical bullshit from the mouths of cheating spouses. Hey, let's just cut his balls off because obviously he doesn't need them. She will get a "get out of jail free" card. He, meanwhile, better use a condom if they have sex to avoid an STD.

reddogs88reddogs88almost 12 years ago
I enjoyed reading it, but...

Well it's a good read. I thought at first that Dan had over reacted, But know I see that he had to clear his head somewhat. I like the ending. The Therapist is just another Bitch trying to justify a Bitch's cheating and lying "I found it reasonable to not tell you" and lie to your pathetic face. The wife was very selfish and only wanted to save her marriage because it is convenient. She obviously loved the sex from the other guy more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

she is nothing but a lying whore so treat her like it and dump her. She is lying there is no love there from her just wants to have someone now that she is a used whore.

kansasjackkansasjackover 11 years ago

I can remember talking to my neurologist in the summer of 1985 following an almost fatal accident I had where an 18 wheeler slammed into the driver side door of my car. Suddenly I broke down in tears and almost couldn't communicate with him and fortunately he referred me to a "Shrink". Hell, I thought depression was just being sad about something. This was my introduction to clinical depression and this shrink saved my life.

Your mind plays tricks with you and betrays your body and everything else about you. I still suffer with depression today just not on the same scale. I mean Hell, I was a guy for Christ's sake and a Marine Corp Vietnam veteran. I don't like what she did any more than anyone else but I can understand her wanting to spare her husband the pain and humility. It was just "one of those things" that he was able to discover the truth.

So, for all of you who want to tar and feather the bitch and run her out of town, I suggest you just be glad you haven't ever been in her shoes. Keep on keeping on ...

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Good Tale

I look forward to the divorce in ch.2. Anything less absolutely makes this tale worthless trash.

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