All Comments on 'Not My Type: Felicity Ch. 07'

by firstkiss

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BelliniBelliniover 13 years ago

I'm so glad that Flick's dad has decided to help himself. As for Matt, well, I'm not sure about him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A rather abrupt ending & a very Hollywood-ish scene at the end, but as always, great writing. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Not what I was expecting at all...Hopefully Matt will redeem himself in the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
loved the update

I'm really glad you let Flick's dad start to come back to himself. Sometimes there's nothing more painful than a dose of the truth - and sounds like he not only got a dose, but swallowed it as well.

Pity, really, that Matt is a dunderhead. Here's hoping he can dig his head out soon.

MissWizzMissWizzover 13 years ago
he deserves a kick in the butt...

what is wrong with Matt? I sure hope he will make it up to Flick.

I think it's great her dad is coming around.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Really spectacular!

But you've written Matt as such a dick. Fine story. Can't wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Okay, don't make us wait a week for the next one!

Have a heart, I want to love Matt again.

evanslilyevanslilyover 13 years ago
Tease :)

That's no place to end a chapter, you evil woman!!

Love that Flick's plain speaking's led to her father re-evaluating his life. Now, I hope to goodness Matt's got a really good excuse for being a jerk!

PS - It's a really good thing you keep posting on a Tuesday. This story hasn't actually appeared on the New Stories page here in the UK yet... I'd have missed it if I hadn't known to look.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I'm so pisswd at you right now lol.

I have been checking my computer day after day after DAY!!!! And when you finally have posted a chapter it's one that takes me FIVE MINUTES to read?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Wtf girl lol. Please don't make me wait much longer for the next chapter. Your stories are what get me through the days and nights of my slow boring college freshman life. Don't make me have to sit and do nothing all day!!!

gingerligingerliover 13 years ago
So not fair!

I think this is my favorite story so far, and the cliffhangers you're giving us are killing me. I know it'll all be worth it in the end, but I'm really dying for the next chapter already. I really want to be able to forgive Matt and for Flick to be happy again. You're pure evil!

smidgeonsmidgeonover 13 years ago
The trade-off was worth it

Matt may not have come around yet, but I absolutely loved how you brought Tom back into the land of the living. It was so touching to see his appreciation of her and her work, that he showed her he cares for and supports her completely. Those were sweet moments - very much what she needed and deserved!

Matt could use a good thump upside the head, but I'm guessing he'll get it pretty soon, one way or the other. If Flick doesn't deliver it, it's likely one of the other Tanners will do the job.

Love the chapter, love the story, love your work! Don't stop! And thanks for sharing :)

zooey4luvzooey4luvover 13 years ago
Not Fair!

I have written this comment 3 times all to have them deleted by my own clumsy and now-in-danger-of-getting-cut-off-if-I-have-to-write-it-again hand and have now decided that long comments are not for me, so I'll keep this as short as possible.

× You are a major tease - I barely made it through this week and got another cliffhanger, if I die of anxiety before then my ghost will haunt you forever.

× Matt is a dick - he didn't call! Not even to check if she got home alright! Ahhhhh men! Then he proceded to ignore her for the week, I don't care it her dad was there, if he loves her he has to prove it. Even if he was so 'camera shy' he lives upstairs and Flick always gets there before her dad so what's the freakin problem?

× I love this series - this series seems more...raw, as if they've been pining for each other for soooo long they don't realise that now that they've breached it it could be a 'forver' thing.

× I LOVE THIS SERIES - no seriously, with each chapter you reach new heights of emotion, character development and plot. I never know what's going to happen next and I don't try to figure it out, which is probably why I'm extremely impatient when it comes to waiting a week for your next post. This story is one of those very very very few that a reader wishes they could grade above the 5 star mark, so take it from me Felicity and Matt's story is more deserving of like a ... 47 star mark. Please keep up the fantastic work and post soon :)

Yes, I know it ended up being a long comment any way, still not as long as my first 3 atempts, but long enough and anyway this story was worth commenting on, even if my fingers fall off :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Okay seriously... I always post a positive comment. I honestly LOVE your writing. But these short two page chapters that always leave me hanging are starting to get really frustrating. For once I would like some closure... Its painful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You're amazing!

I'm patiently waiting for your next chapter. I love reading your stories! Thank you.

lostchickenlostchickenover 13 years ago

I don't know whether to pissed off at the cliff hanger or grateful that you didn't continue the conversation before I was ready. He didn't call, he didn't talk to her, he left her and for a whole week worked alongside her and said nothing! You wonder why so many men sleep on the couch with logic like that!!!

But I guess that although Felicity has been in love all this time, he is new at this and really unsure what is going on inside and out. Kinda feel a little sorry for him - although he could have made a better effort in front of the family.

I'm glad daddy is back in the shop - nice touch!!

As always, I love this story, love your work and looking forward to the next installment.

PennLadyPennLadyover 13 years ago

Glad to see some positive changes between Felicity and her father. I hope Matt's behavior is explained soon, because leaving your *own* apartment after being with someone is just too odd. Also -- not crazy over Felicity being so hung up on someone who's treated her pretty unevenly so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I don't get it....

Are you too busy to write something of substance that actually pushes the plot along?

You are writing fluff and isn't the same speed as your other work.


Prof_EmmaProf_Emmaover 13 years ago
I'm a fan

and I have really enjoyed your entire Not My Type series. I feel like I know the Tanners and their various loves. I'm still not entirely sure what Matt sees in Felicity and even more what she sees in him. But the longing is palpable. I hurt for Felicity. She hasn't been loved and appreciated in the way she deserves. But despite Matt being a total ass in this and the last chapter, I love that her Dad has come around and is supporting her. Maybe she needs to heal from the hurts of her relationship with her Dad before she and Matt can make a go of it. I look forward to what's next... and hope that it moves the Felicity-and-Matt pairing closer together!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I'm so annoyed

at your short chapters. I just get so dissatisfied at every chapter's ending now. I didn't mind getting one chapter per week, because i figured it would be worth waiting for. However i feel like you're just dragging it on and on. It's as if a Lost episode was 20 minutes...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I love this story but right now Matt is really pissing me off. Even if he is confused and feeling unsure about felicity leaving her alone the morning after is not excusable and the fact that she's not angrier about it is really frustrating. Obviously I want them to have a happy ending but not before he grovels and begs for forgiveness. She's turned into a pushover and I don't like it, she should have confronted him by now.

LakergirlLakergirlover 13 years ago
OK...I..uhm......WHAT?!......Are you kiddin' me!!!

First. You get five stars no question but..............What In The Sam Hill is going on with those two? The five stars are more for Felicity and her father turning an important corner and that was the touching part of this chapter. I was alot closer to my Dad than Felecity but the "pumpkin" thing just was too close to home. (He called me that for years way past the "pumpkin" stage) -- I digress. But....WHAT ARE THEY DOING!!!! I guess since I'm a girl that's going to demand answers, this situation just wouldn't have gone on a week. OK...Matt wouldn't have been able to return without an explanination and I'd have some HR issues for firing him. Nope. Nope. He just couldn't have shash-sayed his a$# in my garage without a word and lived to the end of the day without a "Whydidja hitme" knot and the side of his head. Nope. Nope. Couldn't happen. So I sure hope next week give some clarity and a pair of big girl/big boy panties/boxers for the two of them because.......DUDE!!!!! I take it Megan is a therapist because these two have issues and are in need of $200 an hr therapy. OK. Thanks bunches and see ya next week. Love ya FK. Always my girl!!!!


LakergirlLakergirlover 13 years ago
Just a note

Here's the feeling on Matt (for me alittle toward Felicity) --If you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a smack upside the head. People who need a smack upside the head affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a smack upside the head, except a smack upside the head, but we can ...raise awareness. :) Awareness for Matt (and Felicity!!) A little less soap opera in the next stories (Megan & Vi). It only last a short term before you begin to feel resentment. Too late for this one and I going to say it....I still really don't like Lilly and Felicity & Matt are soon going to join the club.

gainsaywhodaregainsaywhodareover 13 years ago
My fingers itch...

I have been admiring every piece of your work. Sometimes I was so moved I had to leave a comment. Sometimes I let it go, not because it wasn't good enough, but because I couldn't think of anything to say that was different than the other comments. This time my fingers just itch to type something. So here goes...

Bravo on the 60th chapter. Did you know that I have now spent more than a year of my life getting to know all of your fine characters? I endured the wait every week, and I enjoyed the read every so often. You know, after I read this chapter, I have just realized something and it bothers me deeply. And no it is not your cliffhanger ending everybody complains about, nor the fact that yes Matt is an ass who needs to redeem himself starting right at this very minute. It is that I couldn't believe how emotionally involved I am with these characters. I have all these feelings rushing through me: anger, sadness, disappointment, aggrevation... you name it. I felt like I needed to reach out and comfort Felicity, or even Adele, as a friend. I felt that I needed to do ... something. And then I paused and realized that these people weren't even real. They were a work of beautiful, fine fiction! I was so obsessed and I was even madder at myself that I couldn't let go! Do you see what is happening here? You could never make everybody happy, but nobody could ever deny that you possess a true talent as a writer. There will be comments which may discourage you from time to time. But know this. These people come back to check on your next installment the first thing on Tuesday. They are just as consumed about it as the next person.

Bravo, Firstkiss. Keep up the good work.

ahhhughhahhhughhover 13 years ago
New found love

So the only thing I have so far from this particular series is a new found love of David Gray! I have followed all your stories and LOVE them. This one is really starting to piss me off, yet I still find myself coming back for more! You are an amazing writer FK! Keep it coming!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Matt and Felicity certainly are two peas in a pod. He's been in love with her for years, and she's too clueless to see it. And vice versa, obviously. I think I understand why Matt left the morning after, and maybe why he hasn't said anything since then. Or at least, I hope I do -- it's going to make a good story. Bringing Tom back to the garage was a nice twist -- good job on that. I don't know if there's enough space in the story, but it'd be nice to see his relationship with Felicity continue to evolve.

This is a great story in a great series -- keep up the good work. The major problem with this chapter is that there's just not enough of it! I'd like to read a few more pages.

One thing: don't overuse the cliffhanger thing. It's fine once in a while, but you don't need to resort to that sort of thing to keep us coming back for more.

LeaAnneMeLeaAnneMeover 13 years ago
Give Felicity a Backbone

Felicity seems to just go with whatever life gives her. She finally stood up to her father and he changed. Why is she waiting for Matt to give an explanation? She had a week to ask Matt what's going on and then meekly accepts Violet's invitation to the family dinner.

Matt needs to man up! He mopes around and gives the silent treatment, very unattractive. Why would Felicity want a moody man after living with her dad? She needs to go out with the delivery guy again and Matt needs to earn her back.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

luv_romanceluv_romanceover 13 years ago
you did it again!!!!

another cliffhanger?? you are getting good at this. hahahaha.

Bravo!! What a nice chapter. Next time I hope Flick would ask if Tom can join the weekend getogether. The man has to have a life also... to get away from the alcohol. (this is just a suggestion... )

Again, i cannot wait for your next chapter.... i hope it will be very very tomorrow? yeah i can dream can i? :)

jg2291jg2291over 13 years ago

I'm on vacation right now and I am currently using the hotel computer so I can catch up on this weeks chapter. I'm completely addicted!!!

inidnainidnaover 13 years ago

How could you leave the story like that? This chapter was way too short and now we have to wait for a whole week before we found out what happens. Damn :P Your stories are way too good/addictive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This series has become pretty frustrating. I really want to like/empathize with these characters, but the long drawn out wait you put us through doesn't seem as worth it as it was with characters like Joe and Rhi. Just my two cents.

sprezzaturasprezzaturaover 13 years ago
Gimme a freakin' break

I've really enjoyed the NTM series, but this aggravated me. The cliffhangers every week are a good way to keep the readers coming back, but I don't think you truly need one every week to ensure we'll keep reading. Just be satisfied that we love the series and we want to know what happens with Flick/Matt! It's confusing why F stood up to her dad, but was totally spineless in confronting Matt. I'm a frustrated reader, but still hoping that the next chapter will be satisfying and explain why Matt is being a d'bag!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Come on.... Really

I am glad that your doing the weekly updates! Btw thanx! But what's with all the cliffhanger!!! That was no way to end the chapter!! ;)

louisville_ladylouisville_ladyover 13 years ago

I have to agree. This was just frustrating and annoying

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

so we don't actually know if Matt got his head out of his ass yet or not... please, please, please make the next chapter longer! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
it's about time! :P

lol i finally get a new chapter and it was so short and i was so angry with matt i don't even want them to get together i'm so mad at him. he doesn't deserve her at all. ugh. he's such an annoying butt.

ANYWAYS, feelings aside....great story writing. haha and like someone else said LONG chapter ...pLEASE? :D :D (giving my best smile here)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Be nice firstkiss You really shouldnt make us wait another week for a chapter with this one being so short. Good as always from ya but too short

mokkelkemokkelkeover 13 years ago

yay a new addition to the story. i missed this update, damn

kitten2102kitten2102over 13 years ago

Cant wait to find out what is going through Matt's head - how could he just leave such an awesome girl he obviously loves?? & how could be such an ass as to not apologise - say anything to her about it all week?

Though its wonderful to see that Flick's dad took what she said to heart & is trying to do something about it. Beautiful story & another well written chapter.

Cant wait for the next part, Please dont leave us waiting for long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
What are you doing out here?

That's all he has to say? Then she says "I don't know."

Hows about, " What do you care?" SMACK upside the head.

The rain running down his face making the red mark

redder. What are Matts siblings keeping their

mouths shut about. Not really like them. Joe

needs to pick him up and throw him into that

wild surf and tell him to grow up. He had no

problem telling Lilly what for. What if Matt was

messing with his Sophie? When men treat women

badly they need to put their current or future

daughter in her shoes and see what they think


bulltlrbulltlrover 13 years ago

all caught up! You weave a beautiful tale bringing REAL human emotion to your characters. I would have to say these two are my favorite from this series.... reminds me a whole lot of my man and his insecurities after we first came together! Can't wait to read the next chapter.

bulltlrbulltlrover 13 years ago
After reading the comments.....

I wanted to applaud gainsaywhodare for the beautiful comment they posted! I 100% agree...........

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


I really like reading your chapters; however like a lot of readers I'm quite upset with the shortness of the current chapeters and the inevitable (sp?) cliff hanger that seems to be a common theme throughout this instalment. Please please please don't leave it so long before your next update!!


Ps - I'm no writer but I think if you had Matt groaning in anger/frustration and then reaching for Flick and kissing her AND then ending the chapter people may not have been so disheartned. But like I said, I'm no writer; just an avid reader!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Marvellous ....

I really love your writing and am particularly enjoying this story. The characters seem so real with all thier flaws and hopes and fears, they seem more than just words on a page.

I can't wait to read the next chapter, hopefully Matt stops being an idiot and Flick tells him to man-up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Tune in next week...

...and once again, she leaves us hanging... =O

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 13 years ago

I love this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
To start with...

You are by far my favorite author on this site and I've read all of your stories, sometimes multiple times! I've laughed and cried with the characters, and you have a true gift for making them jump right off the screen and seem very real. I love it, and hope you keep it up! That said, I do agree with the other comments- not in the fact that matt is being an ass (which he is, but I can't wait to see how the story resolves!)- but in the short short chapters and long waits. I find it hard to keep up the same enthusiasm for the characters when they don't make real progress in between chapters. I know I'll still check in Tuesday, but it is becoming frusterating. Please give us a long chapter this week!:)

Ceet3677Ceet3677over 13 years ago
Love the story!

I love everything about the story, but for the love of mother earth could you make the chapters longer to give us at least something we can live off of while you write the next one?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I can't stand the suspense. I said I wasn't going to read this story anymore until it was finished but I can't help myself. You are such a meanie but I love it.

sweetpea265sweetpea265over 13 years ago
good good good!

You made me cry..........again. :P I enjoy your stories quite a bit. My favorites are usually the ones with perspective changes. Just because I think it makes a more rounded story and adds to the individual characters which I enjoy. But I think that's my personal preference. Hope you can add more chapters soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I can't stand waiting any longer!!!!!!! It's Tuesday! Why isn't it showing a new chapter yet!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

It's Tuesday and we're all waiting anxiously!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Waiting -.- but loving it

Loving the story but the cliff hangers are killing me and its tuesday and no new story :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

has already said it, but seriously it's Tuesday. I wait all week to get a new chapter and it's not here. Come one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

oooh, i keep checking back for the story, i hope its up tonite!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
pissed off

sooo this chapter did nothing really but take flick's dad out the house... and the chapters so ridiculously short and then tiday is tuesday and there is nothing? are you serious? after this weak chapter there is no follow through? really? come on..

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Hey kids

Firstkiss just came back from a week long vacation so she couldn't post a chapter this week. Give her a break and get a hold of yourself!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I just found these stories, and I am so in love. I feel like I am part of the Tanner family going through all of their trials and tribulations with them. They are a great family, and you have done an AMAZING job on characterization. My favorite was Adam and Lilly, but I'm thinking that Felicity and Matt could definitely end up being my favorite.

And oh jeez, I sooo want to know what happened to make Matt run away like that. If you can't post, at least tell us what happened. lol. I am dying here, but since you are so good with posting on the days you say, I will give you a freebie this week. Only because you have done such a great job with these stories. YOU DESERVE IT. So everyone--LAY OFF!

I cannot wait to read the next chapter, chapters, and stories from you. You are amazing.

firstkissfirstkissover 13 years agoAuthor
Keep your panties on!

As my mother was fond of saying every time I got even the least bit impatient... keep your panties on darling! That is to say... it'll happen, don't get all bent out of shape waiting. The last chapter will be up before the weekend - don't worry, I haven't forgotten all about you in my post-vacation haze of wine-damaged brain cells and 'it's-back-to-work' melancholy. And enjoy new postings now - once Flick's story is done I'm planning on a little Lit hiatus to work on my book. <kiss> Love you all! FK

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Some people...

...have a lot of nerve. Firstkiss is providing her writing for everyone's enjoyment for free on this site and all ive seen her ask for is critique and patience. Not pissing and moaning when life holds up a story.

I'm sure those that are griping are doing so because they love it and are anxious for the next installment but seriously, learn some manners. I for one will wait patiently (smell the baited breath) because Matt's explanation better be a good one! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Love it

I am absolutely loving this series. Please give us more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

SO excited that you're writing a book! Hope you will let us all know the title and info when it's published:)

honnabeehonnabeeover 13 years ago
Sighs. But contented sighs.

Firstkiss you are amazing. With every story you post you capture me more and more. I love your writing, the characterization is fantastic. I absolutely love that you bring Tom back in this one, I was getting a little annoyed with him. I really liked his down-to-earth character. I too am a little annoyed with Matt, but I know you will make me love him again. I hope you had a wonderful vacation and your work on your book goes well. Thank you for writing for us and for enduring everyone's petty complaints and comments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I put on the song "Shine" by David Gray on another tab then went on to the next chapter. Big mistake...or great combo, depends on how you look at it. I started crying and and thinking about life and all those things out there that make it so crazy and messed up and wonderful, and my cat just looked at me like I was crazy! Firstkiss, you really are a great author. You need to try to publish your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

This is breathtaking. Especially for someone in need of a replacement love life until she gets one of her own.... IT"S PERFECT. I LOVE THIS. YAY.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
It's been a long time...

since I've cried because of a story. But this one made me cry, and I was honestly surprised to find tears streaming down my cheeks as I read this. Your characters are so imperfect, so human that the emotions they go through are wholly realistic and raw to the point that I can fully relate to it. Beautifully crafted. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Again (from my comment on the last chapter), the relationship progressed way too quickly- too unrealistically so. Flick's dad didn't talk to her in anything longer than a few words, and one confrontation was all it took for him to 1. Talk to her as a father 2. Stop drinking (which would be MUCH harder with an addiction like his), 3. Leave the house, and 4. Work in the shop?? And what's up with Matt? I seriously hope you have a very good explanation in plan. Either way, I still enjoy reading this story, despite the many discrepancies. And I love how it was raining in the last scene- I absolutely love rain. Such a turn on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Wow! Flick turned into a doormat

Overall I like this story. Flicks father change of heart was a bit unrealistic but acceptable. My problem is with Fleck. She became a bit spineless and pretty much a doormat. Sad really. My guess is she'd take him back no matter what he would do to her. I really liked her character until this chapter. That said, I do like this story.

SoleSurvivor1969SoleSurvivor1969almost 10 years ago
I would have had Flick

Go to her car and driven home

While the family (I hope) racked Matt over the proverbial coals.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
wow, firstkiss...

you´re like our atlantic tides...such a range

ours, on the pacific are much smaller, 2.2 m at 0300, 0.8 m noonish today... I´ll be moving a mooring buoy then...

so happy i found you - i tell my sweetie i´m reading a harlequin romance - she laughs, and knows better.

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A lot has changed since I began writing on this site 16 years ago as a wet-behind-the-ears 20-something — met an amazing partner, got married, started a business, and became a mom. Life with a kid underfoot doesn’t exactly make for much free time for sexy writing. I still da...