All Comments on 'One in Ten Ch. 11'

by FinalStand

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HibernisHibernisover 7 years ago
Good good good

Nice to see this story dusted down, looking forward to it.

gnome_mangnome_manover 7 years ago
Very Good, FS

I've always wondered where you would have taken this soon-to-be-a-classic story. We need to get it on Smashwords and Amazon. Do you remember what I told you about this story, back when?

Some of the best Sci-Fi ever written. Heinlein and Wells weren't Better than this.

RedRhythmicSerpentRedRhythmicSerpentover 7 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised to see this chapter this morning. Well done and thank you FS.

J_Reader_ComicsJ_Reader_Comicsover 7 years ago
Dammit I passed out

A damn good chapter. I like how you are shaping everything. You're showing us glikpses of not just Israel, but the other sides of the story. I knew the story would be active afyer midnight my time, normally I'm up till 4am, so was looking forward to reading it. Guess my body had other thoughts lol. Thanks for the great read. Can hardly wait for the next chapter.

postiemanpostiemanover 7 years ago
good to see

great to see you haven't forgot your old stories james. Keep going m8 and thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
small correction

The phrase you are intending to write is 'malice aforethought.'

I LOVE your writing! ...and since in reading you, I've had to resort to a dictionary fairly often, I don't really mind being a little bit of a school marm, especially as it is not a typo, given that you used the phrase twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Historyical archives

I never thought I would see this story brought to light again. Great to see it here. Great to hear from you at all. Thanks.

Flymaster60Flymaster60over 7 years ago
Great Job Again

James you have done it again....Nice to see you are writing some follow up chapters on your beloved stories. Cant wait to see for your next chapter to amy of your stories....


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So glad you continued.

Fantastic, I would appreciate some more sex and brevity though. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You're gifted, you're talented and you're willing to share; it doesn't get much better than that. Thanks man, everything you do is appreciated.

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
interesting to see how the incidental players are linking together

as you move to the next phase in the series.

some authors reach a point where the characters begin to become so complicated and the plot starts to go in so many directions the original core of the story is lost. I hope this storyline is kept simple and a continuation of the life of Israel as the society he lives in swings from Patriarchal to matriarchal and (hopefully) evolves into one of gender equality? We have now seen both extremes will the pendulum come to rest in the centre?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wow, your writing again!

I make sure every day to check on the "New" tab to see if there are any updates to stories that I loved, which are plenty since I am a voracious reader. Then to my surprise I see One in Ten and think....that sounds really familiar....wait....could it be? I absolutely loved your first ten chapters and have every now and again (for over a year), thought back to your story and wished that you would continue. But, admittedly, I had lost hope and believed that this would be yet another story that would never be continued or finished. I love the direction the story has taken. Absolutely great character background and development. Thank you so much for this chapter and I truly hope you don't make us all wait for another (almost) 2 1/2 years before posting another.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please continue writing? And try to throw in some sex here and there.

francis_toliverfrancis_toliverover 7 years ago
One in Ten

continues to be remarkable. Thank you for coming back to it!

cliuincliuinover 7 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the plaque was an experiment went bad from one of alphabet soup agency and some power hungry people seing what are they still doing now in the 23 hours of humans extinction .

FinalStandFinalStandover 7 years agoAuthor

Dr. Fremont said as much to Israel at Isobel Diaz's party.

In my mind the Gender Plague came in two parts.

The part which made it the "GENDER" part of the plague was initially a very selective DNA manipulation which only targeting select traits 'associated' with the Y-chromosome. The thinking was you could 'poison' a village, or town, and it would only kill a very specific group of men ~ a type of ethnic cleansing. Think weaponize the flu. Insinuate the flu into your target environment. The women get it, get sick then recover. The men get it and mostly die. You move in with your (male) army and take over. Your guys may get a little sick, but they won't die. The women either submit, or flee. Either way, you 'win'.

Needless to say, it got out of hand. To make sure you - the Would-be World Conqueror - didn't get labeled a biological terrorist, you needed the weaponized flu to mutate into the normal flu after so many permutations so when whatever organization came snooping around, your ass was covered.

So, they made it so this Y-targeting strand 'naturally' mutated. Yes, the scientist knew this was dangerous. They probably assured themselves no one would attach their monster to a robust enough contagion which could survive enough mutations to become uncontrollable - most mutations die after all.

The second part was the Plague itself. Had someone attached the 'targeting' factor to a known disease, Global Society could have fought it off. Ebola, or smallpox - they could have been combated.

No. In my mind, someone created a disease for profit. It wasn't supposed to even be lethal, just different. People would have gotten sick, maybe a handful of unfortunate deaths and the governments of the World would have rolled out all sorts of grants and the 'creators' of the 'Plague' would be one of the beneficiaries of the largesse. $$$.

Then someone unwittingly married the attachment to this new disease ... and it mutated ... as the first group designed it to and the second group designed it to be robust enough not to normally do ... and the rest is Global history. The original creators of both projects had something neither one could stop. Neither group was aware of the other. Neither was going to step forward and confess to what was by that time the murder of millions of men. The first group couldn't do anything anyway. The second group - well, their cure no longer worked. They couldn't even save themselves. By the time their 'Masters' figured out what was going on they didn't want to be associated with genocide either even though it wasn't their fault.

The conversation probably went something like this:

[Person in the Black Suit]: "Can you fix this?"

[Lead Scientist]: "We don't know what went wrong."

[BS]: "So you have no idea?"

[LS]: "We have no idea." (dodging the blame)

{BS turns to one of his/her goons}

[BS]: "Kill him. Then round up the rest of his team and kill them. We'll bury them in an abandoned mine shaft, burn their records and run all their computer through the best electromagnet available before tossing them in the mine shaft too. When you're finished, dynamite the shaft."

[LS]: "What!"

Bang! Bang!

[Goon] "On it. {mutters} Fucking Egg-heads."

{BS gets on his phone and calls his/her direct superior}

"Sorry Ma'am, he was dead from the Plague when we got here. I've searched his home and workplace thoroughly - no leads. I'm afraid this is another dead end."

[Superior] "Dead?"

[BS] "Very."

[S] "Very well. Clean everything up. I'll see you when you get back."

[BS] "Yes. Ma'am."

In a way I feel that would stay true to the heart of the story. It wasn't like the creators of the Gender Plague were cackling villains wanting to exterminate all human life, or even all male human life, on Earth. They were knowledgeable people doing wrong for people in power with ill intent. They knew they were doing dangerous things - wrong things - but they ignored their moral warnings for very human reasons. It wasn't "their fault". They weren't killing anybody.

And time and time again, that is really all it takes for evil things to happen to people - for the people around the perpetrator and victim to not get involved; to not make that morally difficult stand for what they know is right.

There are evil people out there.

And they rely on power, influence, greed, fear, or indifference to get away with what they do.

Again, it is so very easy to do nothing, to pass the buck, or to dodge responsibility yet we are appalled when we, or someone we care for, gets treated this way.

As I was once told, "you can do worse in the World than treating every woman as if she was your Mother, sister, or daughter and every man as if he were your Father, brother, or son."

James aka FinalStand

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago
@ FinalStand 10/05/16

You'll never lose betting the over on human stupidity, that is true.

But then there are those like the operators at Chernobyl, who padlocked valves and safety mechanisms so that they would not work, just to see how bad bad could be.

FinalStandFinalStandover 7 years agoAuthor

Did that really happen? Holy Crap!

From what I understand a huge problem was a lack of adequate training. Too few people at the plant had any real idea how the systems worked and were supposed to work. Still ... you know ... at some point, some junior employee had to ask a senior employee:

"Are we supposed to do this?" when they padlocked something that wasn't designed to be padlocked.

And the senior person probably said,

"Eh, it is what I was taught to do."

What we do know is no one jumped up and said "Its my fault." I doubt anyone is surprised about that either.

And, as often is the case, other people had to step into the breech and pay with their well being and even their lives from stopping the disaster from becoming even worse. Sometimes people can surprise you with their selflessness and bravery too.

aaroraarorover 7 years ago
Nuclear testing

My understanding is that what happened at Chernobyl was an attempt to prove that even in the worst circumstances that nothing could go wrong, so they set up a lot of simultaneous disasters to show the reactor would be fine, including cutting off the water (coolant, steam, etc). They were still able to drop inthe graphite control rods that affect how fast the reaction is going, aka how hot it is.

Interesting factoid, if a nuclear reactor is critical then everything is ok. If the reactor is sub critical, the reaction is slowing down, cooling. Super critical is speeding up. At least according to my understanding of what one if the reactor officers on a cvn I served on explained to me.

Anyway, at Chernobyl they dropped a bunch of control rods, and the reactor went sub critical, very sub critical. Now if they had a time machine they would have let that alone, but they panicked, pulled out all but 3 of the rods (I think there were 100, and normally about half were in place? I could be way off). They have no coolant, the power comes from the reactor they are fucking with, and now they just poured gasoline on the fire because they were afraid the fire would go out. After all, if the reaction gets too cold the plant stops providing power and takes a while to safety restart, they couldn't have that.

On the plus side they figured out what it would take for that design reactor to melt down.

User_029User_029over 7 years ago

Its good to see the anti Kael back in action. I actually had to go back and re-read the whole series it had been so long I forgot some of the plot points . Worth the read though thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
great story.

I can't wait for the next installment of the war and evac of the group to the next area. I know it will probally be awhileor manifest as a completly new story, and thats ok

sali6435sali6435over 7 years ago
@ FinalStand

An amazing literary read, Deffinatly my top 5 stories on literotica, of which 3 are now yours. And with out a doubt one i pray that it doesnt die off. Please keep up the great efforts you have been performing at.

RaptorPilotRaptorPilotover 7 years ago

I'm glad to see this story come back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thank you for hanging in there

I know what you are going through and how hard it is to get creative thoughts down into a coherent form. While it's a struggle, and the issues seem insurmountable at times, keep up the hope that at some point down the line circumstances will be different. If you look back at the prolific explosion you cranked out 2012 to 2015, you will see that this is true.

For those of you out there that enjoy this thoughtful exercise in gender reversal, I encourage you to get a copy of Thomas Berger's "Regiment of Women", I think published in 1973. Out of print last time I checked, but it's certainly available used. It is just as offensive (to men) and thought provoking to all those interested in gender power politics.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago
things in the real world

There are 'scientists' working on making sperm (or a functional equivalent) out of female sourced bone marrow.

The plan is to make men unnecessary for human reproduction.

Part of the intended feminist utopia.

FinalStandFinalStandover 7 years agoAuthor
The funny thing about any 'Utopia' ...

... is that one group's Utopia usually excludes numerous other aspect of an existing society without going into the moral cost of all those said 'exclusions'.


"What happened to all those crippled with the Y-chromosome deficiency, Mama?" the little girl asked one of her genetic contributors.

"We cured them," Mama lied, "so no one is so afflicted anymore."

"But what happened to those ... born ... is born the correct word? Born that way?"

"Yes, Honey ~ back then children were 'born' and those creatures were called 'men'. They stopped being created and all eventually died out."

"Okay, Mama," the offspring smiles.

After she left, the 'Mother' made a notation to double-check all records her 'child' could access to 'scrub' any mention of the brutal extermination of all the males of the species. There was no need to trouble her young mind about the cost of this new, male-free Utopia. After all, they'd demolished the death camps after they'd processed the lasted Y-cursed human and built pleasing park lands over them, removing all signs of their Elders' 'Necessary Action'.


James aka FinalStand

J_Reader_ComicsJ_Reader_Comicsabout 7 years ago
Question Regarding Israel's Children

He knocked up 18 of the Sorority Sisters, ending up with 3 boys and 13 daughters, since 2 of the sons died. Post-Sorority he had 5 additional children, 1 daughter and 4 boys. Bringing his totals to 7 boys and 14 daughters. First off, he is definitely pulling his own breeding weight. If i had 21 kids, i might shoot my testicals off all the while saying "Bad baby makers." That said, this chapter divulges that Dr. Fremont has all but 2 of his sons and 3 of his daughters. So meaning she has 5 of the sons and 11 of the girls. With sons being so rare statistically, what mother would gice up their child outside of the sorority groupies? Maybe others were part that we dont know yet? Since that would mean she probably has all of the sorority 3 and 2 of the post-gangbang. So thought I would post and see what clarification you could give.

FinalStandFinalStandabout 7 years agoAuthor
Dr. Delilah Fremont and Israel's Children

Consider Maria Keverich's assement:

"a definite She-Wolf ~ a soldier, or mercenary of some ability" along with the She-Wolf's reply when asking about her relationship with Dr. Fremont ~ "We have worked together for years.”

Dr. Delilah Fremont is not some Ivory Tower intellectual. She is the ruthless Mistress of a multi-national Mega-Corporation which employs a small army of security including professional, well-trained and equipped mercenaries. Why? Because Delilah has known this day was coming eventually. Her parents knew and schooled her in this fatalistic vision.

Getting hold of the Sorority kids was easy ~ Bethany lied to her 'sisters' so they cooperated. 'Bad things' were happening and Bethany was 'helping them out'. By the time they realized their lives depended on the sufferance of their 'minders' (who were not 'sisters', or sympathetic to their 'elite' social status) it was too late.

For the others: women in finely-tailored suits showed up late at night and politely informed them there was a plot to harm them and their children, flashed some impressive looking ID's and hustled them away. By the time they realized they had been kidnapped, what could they do?

Why would Delilah Fremont break the law? Why not? She has broken so many already in so many other places and buried plenty of bodies in the process. You think Maria Keverich is dangerous? OH FUCKING GOD! Delilah Fremont is far more monstrous in the scope of the crimes she has committed.

Do you think Dr. Delilah Fremont has stopped experimenting with the Gender Plague, looking for a cure? No. Do you think she has broken all sorts of UN and national regulations in doing so? Absolutely. Does she care? No. The rest of womanhood has their collective heads up their cunts and have for the past 20 years. What possible reason would she have had to join them in their denial of the inevitable?

There are places in Old Brazil, Siberia, Central Asia and Central Africa where there is no law. There are islands in the Indonesia/Philippine archipelago as well as the Caribbean which are deserted and off limits. When the 'Civilized World' decided "enough was enough" after Carabolix-37, she simply moved her research to other, less monitored areas.

Her problem there was ~ "good help is hard to find" ~ as in finding scientific minds bright enough to be useful yet morally malleable enough to not mind 'bending the rules' in a manner she felt necessary. Under such limitations, she hasn't had much success finding a cure, or vaccine, for the Gender Plague. Then Israel Jensen shows up with his phenomenal impregnation and survival rates.

Suddenly she is back, re-examining Carabolix-37 ... then the Shanghai outbreak of the T2 Plague happens (which she learns from sources inside the WHO) and Delilah has to scramble. She already had contingencies for getting the women and children, but finding Israel was impossible after the Arena Riot and the destruction of his band.

Dr. Fremont has also figured out what Israel and his current companions now know; it was the Aurora Slasher who discovered the proper drug combination which led to the cure for the Gender Plague currently inside Israel. The Aurora Slasher is the only OTHER person who recalls what Israel went through and no one has bothered to suppress her memories, now have they? And she has OCD, now doesn't she?

Of course, what would be the price of the Aurora Slasher's cooperation? The only thing in this world she wants?

J_Reader_ComicsJ_Reader_Comicsabout 7 years ago
Asking you questions ...

... Is so fun because not only do you answer them, you extrapolate by a thousand. Thanks James.

FinalStandFinalStandabout 7 years agoAuthor
J_Reader_Comics ...

... I feel if I am asked an intelligent question I should attempt to provide a well-reasoned response.

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago


I really enjoy your writing. And I decided to read this after I read LaNH.

This story is good as well. I do have one question though. How does Israel learn about the new plague? You give the reader the parallel story arcs. But I don't see where anybody tells Israel that the plague is real, or that it crossed genders.

Did that happen when they tested his blood? I thought it incredibly quick for them to have a sample of the new plague to test against already, but wasn't wuite clear on the timing.

Keep up the good work, and continue to fight the good fight. I hope your health is getting better.

Best wishes,


FinalStandFinalStandabout 7 years agoAuthor
Glad you are enjoying this story ...

By my timeline:

On the Sunday after Isobel's party, the Vanishers first became aware of the T2 Plague in China via Federation Ministry of Security intercepts of coded Chinese orders to various internal agencies initiating their 'Bunker Strategy'.


It is the National Security Adviser, not the President of the Federation, who hears about this at Monday morning's briefing. She orders the other Intelligence chiefs to gather "more compelling data" before the brings this to the attention of "The Boss".

She isn't doing this as part of the larger Vanisher plot. No - she is doing this to ensure the MAL rallies happen. If there is fear of a pandemic, the MAL rallies would have to be cancelled. She does not know precisely what the Vanishers will do, only that arenas packed with men will be a perfect target for the Vanishers to strike at.


On Tuesday, the Vanishers were able to obtain samples of contaminated blood from victims in San Francisco. After some hesitation and serious consideration, the leadership of the Vanishers decide to send a small jet to 'the City' with a sample to see if Israel's blood offers a possible cure.

The Federation intelligence services still don't have enough data out of Shanghai until the Chinese allow the WHO representative to start communicating with Geneva once more. By the time the Federation President has been both briefed on the crisis and decided to call an emergency cabinet meeting, it is already late Tuesday night. The MAL rallies are either in progress, or about to start.

The ones on the East Coast have ended before the one in the City erupts into violence. The other ones in the Central Time Zone as well as the ones in the Mountain TZ are still in progress. The rallies in Pacific Time Zones are just starting to fill up with men. As you might imagine, things became very tense as news of what happened in the City flooded to those other sites.

[What did Israel know?]

Israel actually 'figured things out' as the information was being divulged to him. He understood the Vanishers had some long term plan to collapse civilization though he didn't know what it was. Since they were coming to him to see if his blood was a cure for the T2, he doubted they created this second plague. Taking into account the normal caution and discipline of the Vanishers, their risky appearance at his abode and the visual he and Brandi witnessed ... the T2 coming to obliterate all Sentiency was his deduction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Another chapter?

Hello finalstand, this book of yours is one of the best i have ever read and deserves to be made into a movie(i would love to watch that movie), you have a lotta fans over here and they all wanna know, i included, are there going to be more chapters? chapter 12?, this chapter 11 isnt the end of the story, is it? hope we wont have to wait 2years, thanks for one in ten, hope to read more.

JDDRIVERJDDRIVERover 6 years ago

Please continue!!!!

ThejmanltThejmanltabout 6 years ago
Bethany is most likely insane...

I find it hard to believe that Bethany would truly still believes that Israel is still her boyfriend. After all she put him through, mentally and physically, there is no way she honestly believes he still tolerates her, let alone loves her, unless she is a psychopath that is obsessed with him. If you killed her off in the next chapter, I guarantee no one, not even her mother would mourn her death. Israel already mourned the death of their shared love and trust, so her physically dying wouldn't do anything. The plague should be the thing to kill her. Israel and his loves shouldn't have to go through bethany kidnapping him in some way. Or if she does kidnap him, I would want him to loudly state the amount of abhoration he has for her. I would want him to state that in front of her mother and Maria and who ever else she lied to and said that they were dating. She needs to be thrown down several pegs before she dies. Sorry for the paragraph, you probably didn't want to read this whole thing, but I hope you at least consider adding this to the story.

FinalStandFinalStandabout 6 years agoAuthor
Thejmanlt ...

... some of the most crippling lies women tell are the lies they tell themselves.

The source of her delusion where Israel is concerned is three-fold; two issues which should be obvious in hindsight and one which isn't. The non-obvious one is Bethany is a rather unspectacular child in a rather brilliant and driven family. Her older sisters and mother are all brighter and more accomplished yet, in the story, we never got into that. The only hint is the wealth her mother has and the relatively simple job Bethany holds in comparison.

The second factor is Bethany's lack of introspection.

The final factor is the desperate intensity and empathy Israel gives to all his lovemaking ~ just ask Kuiko.

For Bethany, Israel was absolutely the most phenomenal fuck she ever had. Her lack of introspection meant she never wondered where his intensity came from as well as never wondering if she gave as good in bed as she got. She assumed she was just as good. She assumed he missed sex with her as much as she missed it with him. She never bothered to wonder how an 18 year old boy became so skilled, or why he tried so damn hard to make her happy. She took both those things for granted.

As of Chapter 11 she doesn't believe she and Israel are boyfriend-girlfriend. She thinks Israel is still 'confused' and that if they can just spend time together again, it will be just like old (college days) times. She even has a new excuse ~ Israel's clear insanity ~ to explain to herself why they aren't currently partners. 'He' needs her help and once she shows up to 'rescue' him, he'll see 'straight' once more.

I hope this helps,

James aka FinalStand

ThejmanltThejmanltabout 6 years ago
Thanks for clarifying...

Thanks for responding. I now have a better understanding to Bethany's "logic". And yes do more harem stories. That is my favorite tag. I love stories where one man is able to love and protect more than one woman. You are an amazing writer, and I would love and appreciate if you were to post more harem stories. I just ask to keep away from the cuckold tag. I hate stories where one man is forced to watch and or listen to his love fucking another man or woman. That is just one cruelty that i detest the most. Its right at the top of my lists of things i hate, right next to rape. I love stories where the man refuses to be cucked and leaves and finds more than one woman willing to love him unconditionally. Thank you again for responding, and i hope you consider writing more harem stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I'm with JDDRIVER...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
How long will your writers block persit?

You certainly have got to finish this one. The group has got to get chased across the Mississippi, fight of the Mob Boss, find the sanctuary in Wyoming only to be surrounded by the CSA and have a final stand. That's got to be worth at lease another 6 chapters. ;- )

I enjoyed the read. Thank you.

dante_1_23dante_1_23about 6 years ago
Thaks for the story

Thaks for the story so far, there are some political parts I did not get, but i can not stop reading so please kep wrighting ps: I am not Bery good with my english sorry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Brilliant story

James aka Finalstand,

Absolutely brilliant story, thank you so much for sharing you writing, imagination and storytelling abilities with us.

Hope your health issues are resolved satisfactorily and you are able to return to finish this story.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Please continue the series

Thanks so much for sharing this story. Such a vivid world you have created for the reader. I have really enjoyed reading it. Hope you will continue with more chapters on Israel and his friends.

loragassloragassalmost 6 years ago
Still Waiting

On more!

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 5 years ago
Freaking Aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!

Please tell me I wasn't just cheated out of the end of a decent tale...?????

I sure as hell hope this will continue...

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
Ambivalence ...

... sorry about that. I got this far when my health collapsed back in 2016. I am starting to feel better now and hope to be working on more stories soon. Of all my 'old tales' this one has the second best development those hope for a chapter soon. Keep after me if you will. It helps.

Thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome as this can add so much to an existing storyline ~ I don't believe I can think of everything, or even the best angle to continue a story on ~ so keep them coming. The race to the Cody Ranch is on!

Also, thank you for engaging with this tale.

Take care and I hope the above helps,

James aka FinalStand

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 5 years ago

Sorry to hear about your health problems but glad to hear it has improved... While I know part of that is selfish, I'd not trade the health of someone I have nothing against for the entertainment of their writing...

I know when I've had poor mental health, writing was one of the things that kept me going... I don't know if that holds true for you and physical health...

I don't recall reading it in your stories, but was there a reason artificial insemination was not used to improve the population...?

And does the benefit of "love conquering all" for the sperm apply to frozen sperm...?

Wonder if the whole "stress factor" will apply to the women's eggs after the new strain, assuming enough survive it to make it even matter... pretty sure you didn't say 100% fatal but rather almost 100%...

Unrelated, I find two things humorous...

One, while people blame men for all of the world's ills, at the same time they say behind every great man is a woman. Curious whether they mean great as in good or great as in powerful...

And two, everyone has heard the stories of how American Indian tribes when they want to be REAL nasty give their enemies to their women...

Eh... best to you...

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor

"I don't recall reading it in your stories, but was there a reason artificial insemination was not used to improve the population...?"

I didn't go into too much, but the Plague affected IV fetuses much worse than natural birth ones so, in the end, it was abandoned as a means of male replacement ~ something like fatal mutations and a lack of survivability less than 1 in 100 - beyond the normal failures in the IV process. While the numbers game still suggests an attempt should have been, the mental affects on women suffering through those miscarriages and dead sons was not deemed worth it.

Artificial wombs gave an even less impressive survival rate ... so Society invested in a search for a cure instead.

Mind you, women weren't stupid. They simply thought they had more time and the politicians at the time making those judgment calls didn't want to accept the situation with declining male infant survival rates would escalate the way they did.

40 years ago, things stabilized and the Gender Plague stopped killing adult males and "allowed" 10% of male babies to survive. Their "answer" was to have men perform a lot more sex instead ... which sort of worked for forty years. Who paid the greatest burden of this policy? The voiceless, politically-powerless men ...

"And does the benefit of "love conquering all" for the sperm apply to frozen sperm...?"

Sorry, but no. Pre-Plague sperm had a 0.5% survival rate (the 95% fatality rate for the uninfected then the 1 in 10 for newborns). Post-Plague sperm would have the 'stress effect', but then suffer the pitfalls of regular IV procedures.

"Wonder if the whole "stress factor" will apply to the women's eggs after the new strain, assuming enough survive it to make it even matter... pretty sure you didn't say 100% fatal but rather almost 100% ..."

I am toying with two ideas:

1) it has the same effect on the female embryos ... thus dooming human civilization to a slow, final extinction as groups of survivors war over the dwindling technological resources - and the semi-mythical "CURE" aka Java fetus-boy, Israel and his Israel's sons.

The foremost and latter will only start creating a viable amount of antibodies when they hit puberty. Efforts to create a large-scale cure before then from those boys will result in their deaths ~ thus a temporary, short-term and short-sighted response to warding off death.

2) or the Israel/Java cure is found to work on a larger scale (soon) and the Gender Plague is eradicated. Billions still die, but civilization will soldiers on ... with greater equality as the next generation has the 'normal' gender survival rate.

Neither answer saves the greater portion of civilization as systems collapse, civil disorder explodes and most of the survivors simply die from other means from normally treatable diseases/infections, a bullet to the head, or the unleashing of the space satellite arrays on population centers by vengeful government leaders.

"Unrelated, I find two things humorous...

One, while people blame men for all of the world's ills, at the same time they say behind every great man is a woman. Curious whether they mean great as in good or great as in powerful ..."

My guess is they mean 'powerful' as in 'possessing superior capabilities ~ superb intelligence, unbeatable drive & tenacious mental endurance'.

"And two, everyone has heard the stories of how American Indian tribes when they want to be REAL nasty give their enemies to their women ..."

Tribesmen did that to their enemies in Afghanistan too ... and much more recently ;)

I hope this has helps. Take care,

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

One of the best conceived stories I have found on here and it doesn’t conclude???

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
Anonymous ...

I apologize, but I'm somewhat bound by the mental and physical pain I live with. I have recently began to feel better physically (which equates to better sleep) and I am aware of continued interest in this tale.

My condition has been so poor I have abstained from publishing ANYTHING for two years. Don't give up hope. I have just reopened the file for Chapter 12. I need to get back in the 'Israel' mindset because that is how I write ~ from the psyche of the protagonist. As you might imagine, Israel is a grinding persona to assume, but I remain positive I'll get Chapter 12 done at some point.

I wish I had more constructive, positive news. Take care,

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
cant wait anylonger

i hope your well mr. final stand i always look here hoping one day ill see (one in ten chapter 12) knowing that you actually reply our comments means a lot and you didnt leave us hanging ive read the whole story like 4 times over now best story ive read so far ......... please keep up the good work cant wait for chapter 12

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
Anonymous ...

... I apologize, but I'm not close to ready to submit Chapter 12 yet. I've got too many other story ideas beating around my noggin. At this point 12 is just a hodge-podge of scenes and story ideas. Again, I apologize for the hideously long wait between chapters. I wish I could be more reliable.

James aka FinalStand

MonkeyboyliveMonkeyboyliveover 5 years ago
Glad you are feeling better

This is one of my favorite stories. I have read it start to 'finish' (well start to Chapter 11 anyway) multiple times, and every time thoroughly enjoying my ride along with Israel and his group. I come back every few weeks to check to see if there has been an update, and read the comments to see how Mr. FinalStand is doing. When I saw that you had updated another story recently I was excited to see you had also updated us on the status of One in Ten Ch 12 !!! I wish you the best for your health, and that you may soon find the motivation and mindset to continue work on this tale. Oh, and thank you so much for sharing it with us.

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
Monkeyboylive ...

I've got some bad news ~ I am NOT currently making any headway on Chapter 12 ~ and good news ~ I AM writing again.

I have started physical therapy to better deal with my foot pain and swelling which is great news for me as I am looking forward to exercising and losing a long of the weight I've put on during my illness (I peaked at 288 lbs., I am now only down to 264 and my target weight is 178). Less weight will result in all-around better health, or so I'm told.

Mentally, I'm so-so. Certainly less constant pain and better sleep patterns have helped my moods and increased my energy. I wish I could say I was 'getting better', but all I can promise you it doesn't look like I'll get any worse anytime soon. That translates over to me writing nothing but a bunch of crap when I'm either too manic, or too depressed. Then, when sanity comes creeping back, I've got to edit all I have done, or totally scrap it and start over.

I don't like to think I'm a perfectionist. I know I desperately need both my editors. I simply want to create something worth reading and which leaves the reader not wondering what better use they could have made of their time. Maybe that's just part of my nuttiness.

And this has been a whole lot of word spaghetti to say I don't know when I will have the next chapter out. I apologize for the hideously long wait and I wish I had better news.

Thank you all for your patience,

James aka FinalStand

MonkeyboyliveMonkeyboyliveover 5 years ago
Happy New Year

Hi FinalStand (aka James), Thank you for sharing the latest on the story and your personal life. While you ponder the direction for OIT I will have to keep myself entertained with some of your other fabulous works. I wish you a happy New Year, and selfishly wish you are able to return to writing soon and share your gift with us all.

"Get some rest, if you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything"

- Monkeyboylive

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
love your book.

Hey Mr finalstand I just wanna say I love this book. Wish it could be made into a movie or a television series, it would be awesome, it's a thousand times better that most series or movies out there.

Also is there going to be a chapter 12? And is there any possibility we can see more chapters this year. Thanks for your reply and your book. You are awesome

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 5 years ago
I knew I read this before but forgot how it "ended"...

Interesting thought, people are used to the idea of using a loom to create something - say a blanket with a spectacular picture as part of it...

How much more bizarre to think that life involves the threads of the blanket wearing themselves together to form the picture...

And then how much harder to be a writer doing what life does everyday...

-->FinalStand... hope your health is doing well - a bonus for you - and hope it does well enough that you manage to write more - a bonus for us...

cybrpyrocybrpyroalmost 5 years ago
Finish it!

Wow, the second of your stories I have read that have not reached a conclusion. Please take it to the finish...all of them!

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyalmost 5 years ago

I really like this story, it's setting after a global catastrophe and leading up to more. Breaking up an unjust society into a broken and desperate panicking mass just adds to the unpredictability. There's so many directions it could go. It reminds me of your story 'Life as a new hire' in some ways, especially these last few chapters and your method of describing global events happening whilst we've been concentrating on events surrounding Israel.

I hope at some point you continue this story (and others) but I understand what depression does and I just appreciate that you are continuing to write for us to enjoy.

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago

Very good story, it's just enough off the beaten typical trail of falling civilization that it's a fresh look. Please finish this story, I have very much enjoyed watch this broken man start to pull himself back together. 5 stars.

Flymaster60Flymaster60about 4 years ago
funny things ring true

Funny how he wrote this story a while ago.... how it seems to ring true about the events of today. WONDER how close we will come to this???? I am praying mankind, womankind see what a terrible this would be. I read this story when it first posted.. still great after all these years... GREAT JOB ANOTHER 10 STARS if they would let me give them

FinalStandFinalStandabout 4 years agoAuthor
Flymaster60 ...

... thank you and I hope we survive much better than we do in this tale. I too have been watching the world unfold, the creeping tide of death, and recalled One in Ten. I so need to get back to this story. Right now, I'm healthy (enough for my circumstances) but incapable of doing more than scribbling on some new stuff without having the capacity to finish off either this story, or Life as a New Hire. It galls me a lot to leave Israel and Cael (along with their readers) hanging. If only my mind could write on demand.

Take care now and stay safe,

James aka FinalStand

P.S. I have written seven chapters in a super hero yarn which I hope to be releasing soon. It is not quite to this caliber, but hopefully a fun read none the less.

Flymaster60Flymaster60about 4 years ago
I am with you

I have been a loyal reader of your stories for a long time. I won't say I know how you feel, but I can say I have had many of the same type of fights you have had. I understand .... I am sure anything you write will be great. I have had to move to Georgia and now I am in locked in the house so I may stay healthy for the next few months. Please stay safe and healthy as possible. When and if you finish Cael or Israel journeys I will be waiting....

Thank you again for your stories and your time responding to your readers....

Flymaster60 (Mike)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
best wishes James

Great to hear you are well. Long may it continue. I look forward to your new story as well as more Cael and Israel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
i would dearly love to know where this one finally ends up

i have often mused over this story - having read it chapter by chapter when it was first written and still it resonates. I love the role reversal (which is far more effective at pointing at the flaws in the patriarchal society we currently inhabit than merely ranting about inequality), and the intelligence behind this doomsday piece and the fact that there is very little hope in the dystopian viewpoint - i think this rings far truer than the "they all lived happily ever after" that is often thrown out there to wrap up a story - it reminds me of a book i once read - one of the best reads i can remember (obviously barring this one!! :P ) - The Earth Abides - dont know the author sadly but i'm sure its possible to find quite easily.

Humanity will survive of that i have no doubt - the level of its civility and/or capability of not falling prey to its basic instincts after a catastrophic event is way more tenuous. In the mean time it's good to realise that our attitudes are often learnt and detrimental to others and that the status quo is not always the best outcome for all concerned and should be questioned every step of the way.

thanks for a bloody good read - still brilliant!

AssLover88AssLover88over 3 years ago

Anyone else make it this far just hoping for a good Israel/Capri sex scene? To me, Capri seems like the most compatible companion for Israel by far, but they never did it?! Just that one nipple lick?! Maybe it's just me...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

One of the best dystopic stories ever....Period.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

Other some proofing, it was a well thought out plot and story was gripping. If that was the final chapter then I'm disappointed. The lack of sex as a theme was a bit refreshing and made the story more fulfilling. Writing style has improved since the early stories you published and this story I believe is very publishable. I would love to see the conclusion..*hint*

Well done.

CaedynCaedynover 3 years ago
Extremely Creative Concept

I enjoyed this immensely. It was as “dark” as the author promised. The dystopian future, the surveillance “big brother (sister) 1984-type government, the gender role reversal culture, the detailed description of politics/government agencies and the military; it was all very impressive. I felt the main character was a little tiresome at times with his “insanity” and/or rants which prevented him from participating in more sexual encounters - there could have been a bit more sex (given the premise of less than 10% of the population is men and there is a push to repopulate). Sadly, the author didn’t even make time for the MC to have encounters with everyone in the harem/MC group, especially Capri, who I really enjoyed as a character. However, the strong plot and imaginative world-building made up for it. Finally, I think the ending was abrupt and there is room for several more chapters. I hope there will be more, but given that this was written seven years ago I doubt we will get more. Highest compliments to the author and thank you for sharing your work!

MindOverMattersMindOverMattersover 3 years ago
One of The Best

This is, without a doubt, one the best written, plotted, and executed stories I have ever read. The whole turn society in it's head, then burn the world down due to ignorance, is well thought out and we'll handled. Can not wait to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

For a story published several years ago about a world changing virus and mutations altering the effects of a virus this series is amazingly predictive and is a great example of why everybody should read science fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

About 40 years ago I read a book called '5 to 12' by Edmund Cooper. The premise of the book is also the title, where the population ratio is 5 men to 12 women. While the book was a good read (I do still remember it), the ending is far more realistic than I would have liked, in that it did not end well for the male character. I'm hoping this story has a much more positive ending, should the author be able to continue it.

Side note: I have a habit of abandoning authors who kill off good guys arbitrarily, which to be a thing in printed media these days. This author doesn't seem to do this, at least in the three series I've read so far. It makes me hopeful that his writing continues.

ScaliaScaliaalmost 3 years ago

There is a new book out called The End of Men which uses basically the same premise. A virus wipes out the men.

But more to the point. Your disease, would have lasted only one or two generation . Those males who were genetically immune to it would procreate. Their offspring, would inherit their genetic immunity and in turn pass it on to their progeny. With in two or three generations, the sex ratios would be back to pre-pandemic levels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Has this author ever finished a story? Ever?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have never commented on a story, but wow, what an amazing read. There are times I didn't like the way it was going, but eventually kept into it.

WolfkittyWolfkittyover 2 years ago

This is one of the best stories on this website... It makes you feel for those who will die from this new virus. It also makes you hope for a cure for those that he/they left behind. Now that the world knows that stress makes the virus stronger, surely, women will treat men differectly? One male could have multiple mates that all live together as a famiy. Which would stop most of the abuse males were suffering from.

DucatastiDucatastiover 2 years ago

Definitely a great read and interesting until the last chapter, then nothing for a conclusion - another unfinished work that really deserves a finale. A shame but I guess that we’ll never get to find out what happens

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Couple questions. Do you plan to release this story as is or will it be rewritten/touched up when published? And are you just publishing what you have here or do we get the epic conclusion :) ?

FinalStandFinalStandover 2 years agoAuthor


I will be publishing a cleaned up version of this tale. The first book will include the first four chapters of the series, the second book will contain chapters five through eight and book three will go up to the new chapter twelve ... and then I will have to finish up the conclusion in book four ... roughly 100,000 words of new material which should conclude the series. After all, Israel has so much left to do.

Thank you for your interest,

James aka FinalStand

gunbladegunbladeover 2 years ago

I couldn't find you on Amazon, where can I find the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this story. I plan to buy it wherever you publish it. Please let us know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Will you be posting the link to buy in your profile?

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 2 years ago
Amazing Series - Prophetic in Many Ways

Reading this series again after COVID - the virus from Wuhan - has been out two years - uncanny how this series was prophetic in so many ways… the turf wars and politicization of medicine and law enforcement, the Chinese govt response to COVID, the virus itself, the tromping of individual rights by govt all over the world, et cetera. James aka FS your series is simply brilliant. I don’t envy the task of tying up all the loose ends though.

golasgilgolasgilover 2 years ago

The premise is outstanding. The detail around Israel is great. But I found myself skipping huge wordy tracts about the rest of the world and the politics. I'm interested in the characters and their story. The more detail about the government and how stuff happened, the more I was bored. A shame as I'd really enjoyed your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm surprised this is the story you would choose to sell, Israel is a bit of a whiny bitch all the way through

ChopinesqueChopinesqueover 1 year ago

My second reading, a bit slower than last time. You labored well over the details!

You create unique plots, ok with some general characteristics, but for sheer creativity you are champion sir!

It's an epic, very original plot and remarkably populated with humans - still human - in a bizarre situation. Best of luck!

leeanna19leeanna19over 1 year ago

Brilliantly written story. I would have thought the shortcut back to "normality" would be compulsory sperm donations. The resultant babies would have to be tracked to make sure there was not too much half sibling interbreeding.

One thing that is always hard to cover with this sort of story is that without the huge amount men that keep the infrastructure going, civilization fails. Women would have to build houses, dig holes, run powerplants, drive trucks. While some women do these jobs, It is a tiny minority. In the UK 98.5% of car mechanics are men. So if men died off , good luck fixing your car.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey James,

Hope life is improving for you and your family

My third time through. Just gets better.

Anyway, do you plan a chapter, or a follow up story, on Israel’s Boys from Brazil/Bolivia? I’m assuming that’s where Delilah scooted them off to.


MaleSlutSubMaleSlutSubover 1 year ago

Hi FinalStand,

Best wishes for you and your family in the New Year and all future years.

Thanks for this story. I'm going to check your other stories out. Please tell us where we can buy your books. Great authors must be paid for their efforts!

About the concept. If, when the Warlord of Kwaritistan situation were discovered, the powers that be had altered the society to match, wouldn't the world be stable? I'm thinking a mandate that marriages only last a year, up the number of times the male must have sex to at least once a week, and to make sure the woman is at the right time in her cycle. That is the world I'd like to see explored. More sex! And I would think all males would get trained to be great at sex. That might be easier to write, since the male protagonists would not be so tortured.

All the best,


MwestohioMwestohio2 months ago

I wonder why your nom de plume is Final Stand when you don't finish your stories? Great writing but unfinshed

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Will you continue with the mad adventures of Israel? Will Israel escape from Brittany? Will all or the people trying to escape the plaque, be able to? Will the world be saved, that's what I would like to know! Will you continue on Literotica or somewhere else. Also I found this story to be a quick read even though it became verbose in spots. Skipped on to find out how the people would be able to escape their peril. Continue the good work and keep on writing!

JohnBJohnJohnBJohn9 days ago

As always, a very good story. If you squint a lot, turn your head and fudge some (a lot) of the details, this could almost be a successor story to CorruptingPower's Quaranteam stories about a male-killing plague. In this line of stories, there are hints of the government limiting male rights, which could lead to the current story here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 hours ago

Five stars for the story, but I HATE the many authors on this site that write good stories but don't finish them.

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