All Comments on 'Plaid Ties and Neon Lace'

by MSTarot

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Really really. GOOD!

MrmacjrMrmacjrover 7 years ago

Hopefully we learn of their time in the road. Does Jim use the internet and do his accounting on the road freelance?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great story,many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
How do you get to your 40's and not understand

Just plain depressing that he had to climb back in to pit to feel life. Doesn't know that that life is as dead ended as the corporate immersion. Know yourself, not carpe diem

Please use the category "Depressing" instead of Mature.

Crusader235Crusader235over 7 years ago

Ahh the memories your story invoked. The good, bad, loving, and sickening. Home December '68 after 18 months in Nam, the music, booze, drugs, and women that kept me from going totally insane, is all in this story. Thank you it. Hope some more their story will follow.

Today is my Birthday, Semper Fi.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ha! A fairy tale for losers!

You don't need drugs and booze to have fun. Passing out, puking and hangovers aren't fun. Only idiot children think they are.

This story reads like an ad for alcohol companies and drug pushers. "Bored? Don't try anything fun or creative. Simply take these pills and all your troubles will go away. Just give us your wallet and enjoy!"

BaddGrrlBaddGrrlover 7 years ago
To the Anonymouses putting Jim's choices down

Kindly drop dead of a heart attack at your nine-to-five dead-end desks.

I never went that way - i could have; i certainly knew enough people who would have hooked me up.

It was, indeed, (and still is) a dead-end lifestyle. But so are all the other lifestyles - they all end up the same place. Paul Sanchez of the New Orleans band Cowboy Mouth and his friend, black bluesman John Boute, were sitting around reminiscing and discovered that both of their fathers were buried in the same NOLa cemetery. And Paul said Boute said "You know, Paul - rich or poor, black or white, sooner or later we all end up at the foot of Canal Street." And they wrote a song. (

Shel SIlverstein meditated on that same thought in another song. (

You make the choices for you - nobody else does. And if they're bad choices, then you live with the consequences. And if you choose "Live fast, die young, and leave a dead-looking corpse", well, it's on you.

But did you enjoy the trip?

Some of the best damned music, art and literature came from people who burned the candle at both ends (and in the middle, belike).

But never make fun of a man who's living with the consequences of his life choices, no matter what they are. (

Jin Carroll knew that life, and what came of it, and he produced more of value than either of you two ever will. (

You know what? I wouldn't trade one Jim Morrison, or Lou Reed, or Keith Moon or one Roky Erikson for a hundred of you two useless, puling miserable ball-less fucks.

St0fFSt0fFalmost 6 years ago
Thanks MST and BaddGrrl

This story just shows what I'd like to do but cannot, yet. I guess my midlife crisis just started a bit early in my late 30's, but also after 10 wasted years of work, pseudo-family and building a house.

To you Anons BaddGrrl addressed: if you're too uptight to notice your own midlife crisis starting, feeling the need to do crazy shit, feeling the loss of time and experiences, then it's pretty hilarious of you to try and judge stuff. You're obviously not in a position for any judgement lacking the experience necessary for it.

PeterPumaPeterPumaalmost 5 years ago

Enjoyed this immensely, wasnt really expecting such a moving story... Yeah i have been there and ibhave the t shirt too

bigreddog543bigreddog543over 4 years ago

this seems to be your last story, at least on this site. A fitting end, maybe.

Growing up is a bitch, and it never ends. Sometimes its hard to hear the music that's hiding in all the noise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What a couple of pathetic, sick, druggies. Lousy story of forgettable characters.

mdwdirectmdwdirectalmost 4 years ago

Loved this story. So accurate. So honest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

From someone who "is" and "was" a wannabe this story resonates at the highest level. "FIVE STARS"

chasbo38chasbo387 days ago

Good first half of a novel.

What happened to the second half ?

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