Sable Island


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"But you don't seem bothered by about how or what I feel for Joe."

"Do you feel jealous when I'm flirting with Charlie and teasing him? Will it worry you to have him see me almost naked in a few minutes?"

She looked at Marcie in silence as she realized that she felt nothing but happiness for Marcie and Charlie. "You know I really don't feel jealousy at all. I should and I know that and I used to get jealous when Charlie made over you."

As Marcie stripped and put on her bikini she said, " of the things that we haven't told you or Charlie is I watched Joe as he made love to Meredith in our bed."

Gail was standing there in just her panties and didn't move. Marcie gave Gail time to absorb what she had just said and then added, "Gail I not only didn't mind it I had a lot to do with it happening. I also liked watching them very much. Don't get me wrong, I'm not immune to jealousy at all. I wanted to tell you that to show you that what we're doing doesn't bother me at all. I'm anxious to watch you and Joe together." Gail continued to stand there staring at Marcie as she tried to take in what she had just been told but it wasn't easy for her.

Gail did her best to put that information aside and stripped and put on her bikini and then studied herself in the mirror. As she turned and saw her exposed butt she said, "God I'm so close to being naked, I don't know if I can go out there like this. I used to get flushed when Joe kissed my cheek or held me too close and now I'm going to go out there this? What if he puts his hands on my naked butt? Oh God I'm so nervous Marcie." Then as she studied herself in the mirror again and added, "Oh my God, Marcie are you sure you want Joe to see me like this?"

"Of course I am but what Joe would really like to see of course is you naked."

"And you're sure you would be okay with that?"

"You know I would. Gail how would it be for you to have Joe see you naked?"

"I don't that's not true, I'd...God I wish I was more brave because I'd like that to happen."

"And then what?"

"That's where I get confused, frustrated and afraid. Marcie I like Joe so very much and I think he's so sexy."

"I feel the same way about Charlie."

"Would you really get naked for him?"

"In a heartbeat Gail." Marcie looked at herself in her bikini and said, "It feels so good to have it on again but I also get the urge to take it off and be naked."

"Wouldn't that about blow Charlie away."

"I don't think he's ready for that."

"I think he's past ready for that Marcie. I'll even go one step further. I think he's ready for something to happen, for us to move on and quit being so careful. I just have to find the courage to do that. I have to figure out what is happening to me that makes me want Joe to see me naked and to feel his hands on me."

"Let's go out and just see where everything goes."

Gail was the first to emerge and she came out of the bedroom like a little girl going on stage for the first time. Her cheeks were rosy and her chest rose and fell in deep breaths as she tried to control her emotions. She took short tentative steps and she was unsure where to look or what to do. Joe was still on his feet so he turned and said, "Oh Gail I thought I knew how you would look in that but I underestimated you big time. Damn you take my breath away honey."

She licked her lips and studying him asked, "Are you being honest with me?"
He went over to her and he embraced her and whispered into her ear, "Gail I mean this in the most flattering way and I'm not being vulgar as I say I think you are so hot and you make me want you so much more just standing there. I just can't stop staring at you."

Her hands had gone to his arms and then, though only lightly, she embraced him. His hands had a slightly rough texture to them and she almost held her breath as they moved down her back and to the top of her exposed ass. Her voice stayed soft as she said, "Thank you Joe. Did you really see a lot of women like this?"

His hands didn't move any lower but they didn't stop moving as he said, "Dozens Gail but none that could surpass you."

"God I can't believe I'm standing here almost naked with your arms around me Joe."

"I can't either but once again I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Gail love you have so much more to offer that even if you were naked I'd still want more and more of you. You could become so addicting." That wasn't quite what he wanted to say but he was getting tongue tied. He tried again and said, "Gail I spent a week seeing and doing more than you can imagine with women that can only be called beautiful and sexy but you're the first one to make me stumble with my words."

"Thank you Joe, I really do believe you mean that."

"I really do mean that. Now I wish even more that you would have been on the island with us."

"Oh God so do I."

Marcie appeared then and smiled at Charlie and said, "Well here I am Charlie good, bad or indifferent."

His eyes left Joe and Gail and he stood up and said, "God Marcie you...I don't know what to say, you are gorgeous, sexy and so desirable."

She moved over to him as she said, "Thank you. Are you ready to hear more about our adventures?"

"Yes, I want to hear it all."

"Are you sure that's what you want Charlie? You may end up thinking less of me when we're done."

"Nothing in the world would change the fact that I love you."


Chapter Forty Four

Gail looked down at herself and said, "Marcie you wore the bikini skirt with nothing under it and a tiny top like this and walked on the beach?"

"Yes I did and I loved doing that for Joe."

Charlie didn't miss that opportunity and said, "Yes honey she did that for Joe so why don't you do that for me? You'll be more covered than you are now."

"I agree I would be but then why would you want me to put the skirt on?"

"It's hard to's me out here Joe."

"Gail it's just the idea that he would know that you are naked under the skirt again and nearly exposed."

She looked over at Marcie and got nothing more than a smile so as she retreated Gail said, "Well if that's what you want." Marcie followed her back to the bedroom and said, "I also narrowed the patches on the bra to tease Joe just a little more."

She looked down at her breasts and said, "You mean you pinched the fabric together? What...what didn't you show?"

"Not much that's for sure and remember we were on a public beach."

"Oh my God." Once again what Marcie didn't remind her of was it was dark out at the time and she also was saving the fact that it wasn't long before her top came off for Joe. Gail seemed to like the idea that less of her would be on display if she put on the skirt so it didn't take her long to slip off the tiny patch of material that was her bikini bottom and narrowed the strips of fabric of her top but when she did that the only part of her breasts not on display were her nipples and her areole were plainly visible on both sides of each fabric triangle. A minute later Gail was in front of the mirror with her bikini bottoms off and her skirt on and she was experimenting with her bra. "Marcie if I pinch the bra narrower I'm all but naked on top."

"I know isn't it sinful? It felt so good to do that for Joe."

Gail looked at Marcie and said, "Then you have to do the same thing because I'm not going out there unless you do." As Marcie happily narrowed her bra and put her areole on display she said, "Gail I thought I told you on the phone but if I didn't, what we haven't said yet is it wasn't long before I just took the top off."

As she watched Marcie adjust her bikini top she said, "I'm not going to do that...I mean I don't think I can God do you realize what we're naked we are?"

"Gail I love what we're doing. I love knowing the guys are lusting after us."

"But...what has happened to you, I mean to us?"

Marcie smiled and said, "I don't know. I know what Joe and I suspect and it sounds too much like science fiction even for us but we have no other explanation. But think about this. Yesterday would you have considered being nearly naked in front of Joe?"

She looked at Marcie and then at her self in the mirror again. There was a long pause and then with a thin smile she said, "I can't believe I'm doing it even now. What's almost more frightening is I'm really enjoying all of this more and more. I thought everything I was doing was for Charlie at first but I have to admit I'm doing it for Joe even more. For his approval and to tease him... and to tease myself. Marcie I'm driving myself crazy."

"I know exactly what you're saying because it was the same way for me. It is the same for me in fact. I love teasing Charlie. Gail we have much more to tell you and Charlie but...well lets wait and see how things go. If you can't go out there like that then trust me you aren't ready to hear the rest either. Do what you can deal with Gail. If you won't enjoy having Charlie see you like this in front of Joe then don't do it. If it will be unpleasant for you to tease Joe then don't do it. But if that part of you wants to please and tease the guys then there can be no better opportunity than right now."

"Did you really lift your skirt and walk down the beach like that?"

"Yes I did do it and I loved it. Remember I even took it off and walked the beach. But like they say, wait there's more and there is more to the story."

She raised her skirt to her waist and studied herself in the mirror again. "I really wish we could have been there with you and Joe. My God Marcie I'm as nervous as a virgin bride. Joe might even see know..."

Yes I know and you're right he probably will if you're not very careful and he'd love that to happen of course but doesn't all of this give you an awesome feeling? I'll go out and you take a minute to decide what you want to do Gail. This is your call to make and we'll love you and go along with whatever you decide."

"Okay I'll be out in a minute." Marcie went out and stood there and gave Charlie plenty of time to stare at her. His eyes went to her breasts first and he tried to memorize how she looked as she stood there with only her nipples covered. Marcie was feeling like she was still on the island and started to toy with the bottom of her bikini skirt and inched it up as Charlie watched and tried to will her to pull it up and show her nakedness to him. After a minute of that she smiled and took her hand away but left her skirt higher than it was when she came into the room.

As they were talking Gail had come out and was standing several feet away. Charlie saw her first and smiled. She was wearing the skirt so he was pretty sure she was naked underneath it again. Then his eyes went to her breasts. She could have just taken it off and it wouldn't have made much difference. The only thing still in hiding were her nipples and his erection was almost painful. He was still in awe of Gail's transformation and how sexy she looked. Gail's eyes were on Charlie first as she neared them and then she looked at Joe. He had seen more naked breasts in the last week than in his life but this was special. This was his very good friend, his best friend's wife. This was Gail that was on display and he couldn't stop staring at her. Like Charlie he knew that she was naked under the bikini skirt and that added so much to the whole feeling of the moment. Joe finally broke the silence and said, "You are so sexy Gail, thank you." To her it was like she could feel the heat on her breasts from Joe's gaze and she loved the sensation. She smiled at him and sat down trying to keep her knees together so he couldn't see those few inches up to her sex. Joe was having trouble controlling his eyes so looking into her eyes he picked up their tale and said, "We learned that there were no police on the island so we didn't have to worry about being arrested for being naked in public. I'm getting the exact sequence mixed up because so much had happened but it really doesn't matter anyway."

Charlie found his voice and said to Marcie, "So you were like this when you and Joe walked the beach and then pulled your skirt up?"

"Yes and not much farther along I took my top off too." Once again they didn't mention that it was dark out as she continued. "That's right Charlie. From then on the only time we wore anything at all was when we went to the restaurant or rode in Ki's electric car. Oh and if we walked the beach in front of our cottage during the day. Then I just wore my micro bikini. We're leaving things out but that should give you an idea of what it was like."

"You can't be leaving much out because I don't know when you would have had time to do more."

Marcie laughed and said, "Oh we had time for more believe me, a lot more. For example as we walked and talked our way down the beach a couple came toward us. We don't know where they came from but there they were maybe a hundred feet or whatever away from us."

"Where did you go, did you run to the nearest tree or what?"

"We just put our arms around each other and kept walking toward them. Joe said hi to them and they walked past us but then the guy came back and asked us where our clothes were. It was so funny to watch them as I told them we threw them away. Anyway he went back to his wife and they both came back. We talked about walking naked. You won't believe this but a second later he started to undress her right there while she stared at us. Then he got naked too and he told us he had been trying to get her to take her clothes off and that her husband had given up on her the day before."

"You mean that wasn't his wife?"

"No it turned out we had assumed wrong. It was his friend's wife and she was standing there naked and glowing. She loved how it felt to be naked I guess. That's when we decided to bring home some of the sand, the sand that you've been running your fingers through." That wasn't quite accurate but it played well with the story. When we got back we called you two."

Gail looked at Joe and Marcie and asked, "You were naked when we talked?"

Charlie laughed and said, "Hell you couldn't see them so what's the difference?"

"I don't know it just surprised me. I remember us talking and I even pictured you two on the island. I just didn't picture you naked I guess."


Chapter Forty Five

Joe said, "It was the next day when we...remember we mentioned Meredith awhile ago, the skater that I almost stripped naked?"

Gail's eyes bored into Joe as she remembered what Marcie had told her no more than ten minutes earlier. "Yes we remember."

"We were on our way to the beach for a walk when we saw her again and I introduced her to Marcie."

Marcie looked at Gail briefly and then said, "Of course the first thing I thought of was the torn bikini thing. But the one she had on was as tiny as mine if not smaller so what did it matter? Anyway she is a very attractive women, very sexy too. I even liked her almost immediately."

Charlie said, "No pictures right?"

"We have a lot of pictures of her and I'll show you in a few minutes. So the three of us became almost instant friends and we spent quite awhile at the cottage talking. We ended up inviting her to join us on our nightly beach walk and to join us at the isolated beach on Thursday as well. It was right after that when Marcie...well that's something she can tell you about later Gail." She smiled and her eyes jumped to Marcie and then back to Joe again.

Charlie said, "Wait a sec here. You two are walking the beach naked and you invite her to join you? Why would you do that and give up being on the beach naked?"

Marcie looked at him and with a sexy smile said, "We didn't give it up."

"You and front of her?"

"She joined us Charlie."

"I'm getting dizzy. This very good looking woman stripped naked with both of you?"

"And we walked for miles, held hands and put our arms around each other, kissed and...well and had a great time."

Charlie said, "I'll ask this but I know the answer. Are you telling us the whole story?"

Marcie said, "Well most of it. There are some things that...well the story for now at least, will have to wait until another day."

"But you said we'd hear the whole story tonight so what gives?"

" Let's stop and we'll show you some pictures and then we'll tell you about our afternoon on the private beach with Meredith." Marcie moved over to sit on the floor between Charlie's legs again and when Charlie saw Meredith in her bikini he said, "I still don't believe this, even with photographic proof. She is good looking."

Joe put his arm around Gail and looking at her as he savored the feeling of her warmth said, "Meredith is very attractive but not as good looking as Marcie or Gail.'

Marcie took over and said, "Okay so here's the truth. Joe show them the pictures of the three of us at the beach."

He looked at her and asked, "All of them?"

"All of them honey."

"You do remember that you were..."
She smiled at him and said, "Of course I remember every detail honey."

It was only a few images later when Charlie got his wish and saw Marcie standing naked next to naked Meredith in the bright island sun. Marcie felt Charlie's hands on her neck and shoulders again and bent down to kiss Marcie's cheek and softly said, "You take my breath away." Gail's eyes went almost as wide as Charlie's had and Joe paused to give them ample time to absorb it all. Then Joe moved on giving them time to study the naked women from different angles. When the photos that Joe had taken of Marcie and Meredith kissing came up Gail and Charlie were silent. Joe said, "I asked them to do that for me for the picture." Charlie was having trouble talking and he nearly mumbled as he said, "Damn that is so sexy."

Gail looked at Marcie and asked, "Did you two really kiss?"

"Yes we did and it wasn't bad at all. In fact it was very pleasant. Not you know, sexy feeling exactly but very nice."

Gail changed the subject then and asked, "Joe since you aren't in the pictures I'm going to assume you were naked too."

"I was. In fact our suits were back with our cooler about a mile or so down the beach." Then they saw the nude woman tied to the stakes and that set off more questions and comments. Joe felt Gail's hand tighten on his bare leg as she studied the images closely as her cheeks flushed. Joe noticed her reaction and had to wonder if bondage was something that she was into or at least curious about. His mind was already working on that possibility as he moved on to the next photo of the woman in bondage and the two guys seeing to her needs.

Gail just whispered, "Oh my God," as they saw more photos of the woman. As they moved on to other things and through more images Gail would glance down at herself and try to imagine being naked in front of others like that. As much as she wanted to do something like that she wondered if she would ever have the nerve. Then no sooner than she'd had that thought, as soft and comforting as a warm gentle breeze she felt a change wash over her. Now instead of feeling near panic from how she was changing she felt a new urge, a new and powerful temptation and a strong determination to see it through. Then the pictures that the photographer had taken of the three of them came up. As soon as she saw Joe standing there with a solid erection between Marcie and Meredith her hand went to her breasts and she felt her own near nakedness.

Her voice was getting shaky as she asked Joe, "So what else happened on the island that you haven't told us. Remember I'm not supposed to kiss you until you've told me everything."

Joe hesitated for just a second and then said, "A lot more happened love, but are you sure you want to see and hear more?"
