All Comments on 'Tricia: Settling the Score'

by jack_straw

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I liked the original JPB story more than any of his others and I am an admirer. This seems an excellent continuation.

I like it that you begin by admitting that revenge is wrong but I'm also well aware that most of us could be tempted.

Obviously the size and irresistible attraction of black cock is a male fantasy but it makes a good story – probably not for black readers who would surely feel pretty uncomfortable about a lot of the stories on this site. Curiously two (white) women have commented to me on how much gentler and better mannered black Americans tend to be than whites of any nationality.

Blue88Blue88over 17 years ago
Well Done

I enjoyed this - a well written, well plotted story with believable characters. Sometimes you do reap what you sow.

Thanks to the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
An excellent sequel

To be honest, I was expecting a much more psycho revenge. As it was, the murder was fairly tame compared to other revenge stories I have read. Nice work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Good Sequel

Enjoyed it...only flaw was Tricia's background into the seems to have excused her...and that she had no choice in the rape...makes a guy wonder when does "NO" mean "NO"...

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
A good read...

Logical followup to JPB's story. Too bad Tricia didn't just call the cops after she'd been raped...both times. Sure messed up a good family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

great ending,belivable,altough wife would need counsling to deal with her reaction to backs were greatly needed!I hate wimp stories

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Nicely told

That was twisted, Jack, and nicely so. The interesting thing about the story is that there is no actual proof that Rob murdered Archie. We don't really know if the brakes on Archie's truck failed or not. Perhaps he hit a slick spot on a curve or one of the old tires blew out and he just lost control of his vehicle. Either way, Rob got his revenge. It's a dark and evil form of closure, a hint at the madness which lurks in his soul. He was willing to kill once. When will he do so again?

Good prose and excellent characterizations lay the foundation for a great tale. jack_straw does a good job moving the characters through the scenes in the story, showing us Rob's anger and Tricia's remorse as the marriage blows apart. Archie as the impact character is too lightly handled to make us interested in him and the authorship falters a bit here. Why was he a rapist? Why did he like to target white women? Why didn't prison rehabilitate him? Yes, I know all these are ancillary questions to the main plot but they're good questions and I wouldn't have been put off to see jack explore them.

Excellent fiction this is. This 100's for you, jack_straw, for a story well-told. I thank you.

shangoshangoover 17 years ago
white male BS

The oversexed "Black animal", Das Bestie"! Gimme a break.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The story did need a conclusion

and this was pretty well done.

Thanks for the completion.

Regards, DJ

DREMANDREMANover 17 years ago
Thanks, Jack!

Finally, a story that gets it right! Great story. Well written. Justice was served.

Rapists deserve anything that happens to them and I feel no remorse or pitty on their behalf. Keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
i am a black male and your story was great

raping a woman is wrong,what color you're.the story was great and plot was write good stories and i don't know what color you're.i think if we stop looking at color and look at the problems there will be a lot taking care write your stories your way and forget the people will small minds.i think that is the logic of the whole picture for us to focus on color and not the reading your work you sound like a smart man,so how about dealing with problems and forget the color.that will help this country grow.sorry got carried away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great ending!

Bravo-finally a near-perfect ending to a sad fictional story. The revenge on wife was minimal but effective. Thanks for your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
racism? sexism? or just unequal justice?

lets see, they both betrayed the hubby, but how different the reaction.

the white woman is treated with hugs, and a fair divorce after she betrayed hubby and their marriage. her excuses for rough sex is accepted bespite the betrayal. she is comforted because of the high school incident. all in the end is nearly forgiven.

but the black man is coldly murdered. after all, he is a "rabid dog, a predator who needed to be taken out permanently." not a human being.

a bit unequal. i wonder how much the acceptance here is because he is black? or because she is a woman?

RicticRicticover 17 years ago
Great Story

A great story. Thanks for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Too Much Fluff

Jack, you fell into the too often used theme of "guy gets betrayed, guy finds other women, guy does ex again." Look your story over. None of that was necessary to get your point across. In fact, it could be said it got in the way of telling your story. Also, I didn't see any support in the story for the "hero" not taking quick, direct action right from the start. It was missing in the original JPB thing, but you’re a much better writer. I expected more from you. Next time, Jack, please don’t rush your story into print. The haste shows.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Good Entertainment

Pretty good story enjoyable read.

DREMANDREMANover 17 years ago
My Apologies

I don't know what happened but when I copied and pasted your story into MSWord, I lost everything after "I never heard anything more about it." I thought that was the end, but I found that there was more when I went back to read the ending again.

What a shock! Reading the rest changed my attitude and my appreciation of the story somewhat but not enough to change my rating. The ending was weak and indecisive in my estimation. Everything turned out to be "NoWheresVille," and now he's thinking of taking the cheater back because (at least it sounds this way to me) he cannot find anyone else. That's pathetic in my book. There is always someone else somewhere. If not, singleness is better than living with a cheating broad who has a serious character flaw (as in she repeatedly fucks every black man that comes along and rapes her first).

sanman52sanman52over 17 years ago
Excellent conclusion

I enjoyed the story thoroughly. It was literate, well written and well thought out.

The fact that the rapist was black, seems immaterial to me. He could have been any race, JPB made him black and I think that jack_straw was just continuing on with that story line.

The relationship with the realtor seemed to be filler to me. It could have been left out and the story would not have suffered.

The one thing that I would have liked to have seen, especially since the ex wife and husband appeared to be reconnecting at the end, was the wife getting some counselling concerning how she reacts to being physically, sexually assaulted. She admitted that her slut behavior after such an attack was something she couldn't control and thought it might happen again. To me this would help in the husband's regaining some trust in her, knowing that she is addressing the issue that split them up.

sherlock40sherlock40over 17 years ago
Wow, what a great ending to one of JPB's stories

Too bad some of his other stories couldn't end like this one. It didn't matter about the guys color to me, it just mattered that he paid for his rape of the wife. I don't think I could have gotten back with the wife. What would happen when she encountered another black guy?

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago

You did a great job on that story and what happened to Archie thats life I`m shure you Tricia and Rob will get past there problems now that Archie is out of the picture.

I hope you continue with more great stories like this .

Pat Murray


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Sequel!

Perhaps there should be a JPB Story Completion Contest for various authors to develop sequels. I do not think that JPB would mind and it could bring some closure to some of his best stories. When you look at the collection of JPB stories you have to admit that he is one of the most creative authors on this site. Unfortunately, many of his stories leave the reader hanging.

You did an outstanding job adding flavor to the characters especially when you detailed Tricia's first submission to a dominant lover. I do not think it has anything to do with the color of her rapist. Tricia started a pattern of sexual submissiveness to any dominant lover. That is why the divorce was a good idea.

Thanks for writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
how to finish JPB stories with a 100 % rating

you should give JPB a lesson on how to finish a story.

JPB know how to write a story and have it just half finished you should end all of his stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Jack Ploughs Bob

You should have built a better story in hubster tracking down the first rapist too and whacking him. Your method though was simply boring with no imagination.

If you are going to bother to create a new centaur of Bob and Jack, you need to come up with a better storyline for revenge for the character to enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Hole Lotta Dancin Goin On Here

While I am mostly pleased with the story's consequential resolution and have strong respect for the Authors ability, I am surprised by the exhibited dancelike attitude towards bobie by most offering thoughts.

Prolific without a doubt, however while semi-talented above average bobie's constant refrain of human self disrespect and particularly male self disrespect through wife and cock watching and self cuckolding is insulting to 99.9% but exciting to but a few into the worst male humiliation fetish.

His talent is over rated and quirky. Frankly Author, he couldn't carry your keyboard talent-wise or credibility wise. He is innovative and certainly has more time and self incentive to write than most authors here.

His voiced opinions of only writing for himself so go to hell with reader feelings and emotions not even read are well known as well as in his bio.

So is it any real surprise that most feel he is a train-wreck of dead babies going to happen in spite of his more current reversal of 5 to 1 respect vs wimpy cuckster?

Who knows or really cares. But he does provide fodder for healthy writers to humanely and realistically close what he purposely leaves open for the worse contemplated conclusions by the sick and to avoid criticism from the healthy semi-normals.

Look, it is easier to write a story cutely carried by the male self administered humiliation depravity than to write a story of real people in erotic and sensual and arousing scenarios. It's hard to be human-like and entertaining in an arousing way.

So to be clear thanks for cleaning up his mess in a way most understand in an entertaining manner. It was largely like life and therefore credibile but not your best in view of what you had to write from.

Thanks Author

fdkman262fdkman262over 17 years ago
Revenge of the Cuckold???

Why is it, that after taking care of Tricia's lover does good old Rob feel he has to take up with the slut that caused him to commit murder?

Tricia told him she'd done this before, did it with Archie and would most likely do this again given half a chance and the right circumstances. Is he a man or a cuckold?? Is he so desperate that he feels there are no women in the world he can love but the woman who claims to love him but is a slut for every black guy with confidence to try to pick her up?

I was rooting right up to the end for Rob. He took a bad situation and did his best to get his confidence back. He even got into a friendly situation with his ex, which is more than I would have done. Then he goes and gets stupid and admits at the end that he's actually considering marrying the slut AGAIN! All I have to say is if she does it again he's got no one to blame but himself and I hope this time her black boyfriend really cuckolds him. Who know maybe he could get her boyfriend hard with his mouth for their second go-round.

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
A Bit Light

Shoulda made the nigger suffer more. Then to wimp out and crawl back to the slut when he was off to such a great new start in life. Otherwise a pretty good yarn

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
killing a nigger isn't murder

Killing a black man would be murder but a NIGGER ....naw...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A decent story...

It was a good story, I agree about the cabin solicitor being a filler but I thought it was well written. On another note, Zed or Jed(Whatever his name is) you had better keep the NIGGER comments to yourself. More than likely you are nothing but a NIGGER anyways. There are those out there of all different ethnic backgrounds who are predators. The truth is his wife had slut in her to begin with, and predators can pick up on it. Its all in the eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Ending

Wonderful ending to an excellent story. Any chance you could entertain us with an alternative ending or two?

zed0zed0over 17 years ago

I re-read the story & want to recast my vote to 100. It's true killing the nigger out right would have caused him to go to jail needlessly, sabotaging his brakes was perfect. He should let the slut wife know, or at least dropped a hint or two to make her nervous. I was a little surprised she wasn't killed in the accident with the nigger. (Yes you anonymous moron from texASS, I do know the difference between a black and a nigger, you need to learn the difference between your ass & a hole in the ground). Keeping the slut around as a fuck buddy is always good policy, but re-marring the slut would be a definite case of closet cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
If there was a contest for the best revenge story!

If such a contest was viable, this is a dead-ringer to finish in the top 5 spots. Author: please take the time to finish any of the vast number of JPB's half-finished stories that need a respectable revenge ending. It would most likely would be worth paying for. Well done and thank you from the realistic group of readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Dull Plot But Pretty Well Written

I thought the story seemed contrived, but that the author composes and structures better than most I've read at this site. It was a wimp's revenge, with the only balls to be seen on the man who stole his wife. Even the main character's bravado when sending a warning to Archie lacked virility. If you're going to call a man out, then call him out. Don't make vague threats and try to scare him.

"Ooh, I'm so scared," Archie grins as he mocks my sissy boy threats. He turns to me and gloats, "I been fucking your wife like can't never have done. Man, I turned that bitch from being a uptight church lady type into a nasty whore in one day. How's that make you feel, Robbie? And I did it right under your muthafuckin' nose! But now you've got me so scared, Mr. Little Dicked White Motherfucking Loser, talkin' that bad shit about what you gonna do to that mystery dude who been fuckin' your woman, that I might just ball up right here and die from fright."

I think the author is probably a meek little guy who had something like this happen to him --- probably his old lady getting pipe from his best friend who's a bigger wank than he is --- and this is the best he could come up with in the form of vengeance. Pitiful, but not badly written.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago

I guess this last poster is just a killer, a murderer, if you can do it without balls. To kill anyone takes a great deal of balls. Even with the best of plans you can wind up in prison which, unless you're psycho, is not where you want to be.

But, it's all relative, isn't it. Some have lives far above that of a prisoner, others maybe not so good.

I was thinking all along it was too bad she didn't shoot him before he left the place. Woulda been a little messy but I doubt there would have been ANY problem. Rape leaves tears of the vagina that a casual exam at the hospital would verify. The sheriff could verify he was dead[they're usually the coroner in small towns]. Case closed.

I think they could very well get married again and live out their lives very happily. The trust could be built, like two people who didn't know each other. Tell each other their life histories and go from there.

Noone said it would be easy, though.

Works for me. I always like the baseball routine for that type but, whatever works.

Good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
sort of agree with the "dull plot" guy

even if not all the way.

I mean, for two such supposedly thoughtful and educated people, I would have thought that the first thing after hearing something like from Tricia, the husband would say something like,

"Tricia, WHY do you subject yourself to BEING RAPED and still being giddy DURING the rape and AFTER it and continued to subject yourself to it and NEVER even reported it,,, the rape that got your all bloody? Do you see it is NOT WHAT WE CALL A NORMAL BEHAVIOR for you to subject yourself to subh VICIOUS acts from men, whether they are balck or white?

"Do you know that as human beings, we --- both you and I and all others --- that we have PERSONAL, PRIVATE bounderies that NO OTHER human beings may cross? That even me, as you husband, MAY NOT cross a certain boundery of yours,,, by forcing you to do any thing?

"What you need to do is to get professional help; I will be there for you, now that I know your strange story about you yourselfing feeling like you MUST ALLOW yourself to be raped, if an aggressive black male is sniffing after you for NOTHING BUT SEX. It's too weird, and yet I know you for these 17 years as an honest to god good person; you are a loving mother and wife, all these years... I can not just walk away, however torn and hurt I am, and not giving you the support that BOTH OF US, especially you, know you need..."

DOESN'T THAT make more sense than the husband's blah, blah, about

"I love you, still love you, but you hurt me too much and I will probably never trust you again, at least not now,,, perhaps in 2, 3, or 5 years? But even then I doubt it,,,"?? ,,,, And then reporting to us, some years later, that they have now started dating and having sex again and it's great mature sex,,,, but that he doesn't think he could totally trust her????

Whta's that? Shouldn't that ISSUE about Tricia feeling like it WAS okay and it IS going to be OKAY, in the future, ULTIMATELY, that she be RAPED being EXPLORED with a mental health expert?

Why? Because Tricaia sasys that no matter how she would initially protest, SOON she would enjoy and it and WOULD COME TO ORGASM BIG TIME AND WOULD NEVER REPORT IT,,,, and it is OKAY for a rapist to come back, with whole chain of thought and event being re-run again, and again,,, without her EVER either wanting or WILLING to do any thing other than struggling initially and then ENJOYING it once it's gotten started...... even if she's bleeding, etc.

Shouldn't THAT bizaare belief and behavior of Tricia's being DEALT with, by a MENTAL EXPERT, IMMEDIATELY after she told him,,, as happened those years ago in college by that slow black man, and then Richie, the criminal/rapist, up by their cabin??

Tricia does NOT seem to be lacking some "self-protective" and over-riding hardwiring in the head. For her IT IS OKAY if she is sniffed out by a dominating rapist, no if's, what's about it. She KNOWS she would soon submit and have orgasms,,, so it is OKAY. EVEN if it is NOT OKAY, at the sart of the ASSULT, it is going to be okay in a few moments, once the raping is well on its way.....

That is too weird to be accepted, whether verbally articulated or not. Tricia is a good mother and wife, and she's even honest, when confronted.

But it is just too bizaare that she thinks a raping, HER OWN RAPE, even if it is NOT okay and even if she initially struggles against a big black man who's sniffed out her wants and needs to be submissive, that SOON once the raping happens, IT IS OKAY and she would NEVER report it as a crime!

But that the seemingly caring and educated husband does not SEEM to know that, and mostly OR ALL he's concerned about is just afraid to "trust" her in the future where infedility is concerned,,,, that's even MORE WEIRD still! It makes no sense..........

hansbwlhansbwlover 17 years ago

Not a very good revenge. He had a few seconds to regrette what he did, and then no more. A truely good revenge will be for the wrong doer to live and know the pain (mentally) and why he have it.

The sad thing is the murderer will have to live the rest of his life knowing he did commit murder. If he doesn't feel remorse he is a mentally inadequate person, Poor sod.

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago

Quite a bit of raw emotion between husband and wife. Very well done. I'm not a big fan of revenge stories but this one was written with nice pace and pretty well thought out so it gets a high vote.****If Tricia and Rob were a real life couple my advice to Rob would be to get Tricia into counseling or treatment to work out why she behaved as she did and to do so before he remarries her. Otherwise he will have to be a constant watchdog which is no way to live.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
a lot of men love revenge or justice stories

most men hate it when someone betray them or bother their family.adultery is a real revenge or justice like story.

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
Settling the score: but not evenly

Both in “The Best Man” and in this story I found an unsettling gender bias tilted against women not blatantly -but it’s there. (Dear author, Allow me an aside. Hallo feminists writers and readers. Are you sometimes noting issues of relevance in on going good literature or are you just jumping in on pretend stories made for provocation and pamphlets only?). Ok. I am back. Don’t get me wrong, this neighbor was abhorrent to me, but why should the ‘Agent provocateur’ - the man who seduced the wife be executed and the wife should get all the respect and understanding due to her teenaged experience. Was she robbed off her judgment; sense of reality; impulse control once she gets raped? I could understand (with a lot of difficulty) the onslaught of primary instincts -whatever, WHILE she was having sex. Now what was her redeeming condition after she cooled of and decided not to tell about that experience? No responsibility for a loving husband? no second consideration for the implication on their son? What about expecting the second day tryst? No culpability there either? Even after the end of it and still no disclosure? Sounds to me like a mild to moderate level of sexism by the implied author (I would not extrapolate from one or two stories to the author). Are we putting women again on somewhat lower level of responsibility than men? Why?

If on the other hand a full Psychological consideration should be given to every scoundrel (count me out) why not send to the neighbor a surprise packet notifying him of a surprise winning of a free full battery of psychological tests! No tricks and at no cost, to be administered at your local mental health center. Let the husband assess the neighbor’s childhood and adolescence developmental frustrations! Maybe his are worse than the wife’s! This half way justice can not work because the culpability, at least on the second day is evenly distributed. Plus, I have to add, this ‘small’ inconvenient truth - only the wife, NOT the neighbor, had the emotional, moral, not to mention the contractual obligation not to cheat on her husband. The neighbor? He was an equal opportunity fornicator; Not a nice guy for sure, but frankly, in my book if any one (but not one of them really) deserved to be thrown from a high mountain it was the wife for her brazen lying and disrespect of her loyal husband. She kept at it all the way to herself up until the husband TELLS her in so many words: ‘HALLO I SAW EVERY THING’. EVEN THEN, she still, pathetically, tries to lie her way out with a partial truth (=a lie). <P>

So the story starts with a series of the wife’s lies, continues with the husband lying to himself (about the wife’s culpability vs. the neighbor’s) and ends with the husband denial (another form of removing oneself from the truth) as the issue of the wife’s lying and lack of any effort to treat her “sexual weakness towards big aggressive African American men” (has she somehow gone through spontaneous healing?) are all swiftly pushed under the rug. <P>

Again it’s ok to show weak unaware sexist characters; god knows we are all perfect - right? The problem is that none of these problems is highlighted nor acknowledged by the implied author; that omission I could not celebrate. <P>

With all the above problems the WONDERFUL narrative style came to save the day. It allowed me to enjoy the story much more than I would have been able to otherwise. Take for example the unforgettable scene between the husband and nervous neighbor – read the story, if just for this one dialog: “BAM!”

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It's always nice to get revenge on someone that

ruins your life. The only thing is ...revenge isn't worth a damn unless the person knows why he is dying. It would have been so much better if old Archie had not been killed right off by the accident but instead was thrown from the car, broken and bleeding to death. Rob could have come along then and played the hero in everyone else's eyes..."Hey...I really tried to save him,,,sob sob...but it was hopeless." Of course Archie would have looked u to see Rob scrambling down the embankment and thought..."oh Lordie me...I'm saved." Then Rob could have looked him in the eyes and said..."You know you're dying you black nigger. You are dying because you raped my wife and fucked my life and my kid's life up. You are dying so that you can never rape a white woman with that rancid black cock. You are dying because I hate you you black bastard...and you know what? everyone will think I tried to save and think of me as a hero..." Then I would look at him with cold steel in my eye's and describe to him just what was happening to him as life sipped away. I would have told him that I could have used my cell phone to summon help but I forgot it that morning...Then as his eyes dimmed I would tell him that Satan had a special hot lace for rapist where he would get pounded by white men with cocks the size of horses and that they would fuck his worthless black ass for an eternity...That's what I would have done...Hey it's just a story so you could have made it happen any way you wanted to. But you copped out and acted like a civilized wimpy man...May God have mercy on your soul.

J_OralJ_Oralabout 15 years ago
Score not settled

Any man who takes his wife back after an incident like that deserves every bit of pain he gets when she kicks him in the teeth again, and you know she will. Once a cheater alweays a cheater.

roadbirdroadbirdabout 15 years ago
ok story

and i agree about killing a rabid animal and a nigger tha tdoes what he did sure deserves death but still what he got was probably to fast unless when he was thrown out he had to lay theer awake for a cpl of hours slowly feeling his life fade away and screaming in agony and remembering what he had done to cause such misery...but he had the chance to learn his lesson from when he was in bad he was so ignorant like many niggers and didnt learn a thing...oh well we can now say lesson learned...still he cant take the bitch back and has he cleaned that pussy yet ...only way is with a branding iron or acid to get rid of the nigger stench...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
An all time great story - thank you author!

Perfect revenge on the nigger and the slut wife got away with it [again] but the plot held true to the revenge/consequence theme. Well done!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 15 years ago
A really good story

One of the few stories where the husband isn't a wimp. The writing is exceptional and the story line was very good. All of the characters were true to life and the ending was good. Thanks for the really good story....Rich

ddpmanddpmanabout 15 years ago
A Good Tale :-)

Jack Straw is always a plus for me for his tales. I was sorry he didn't send Trica to a shrink or marriage counsler. JS lead us in that direction when he revealed some of Archie's backgound. Pleas keep writing so I can keep reading :-)

bruce22bruce22about 15 years ago
Really good Consequences Story

Jack Straw is a master. Smoothly structured.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
One problem: what about all the toxic problems?

On my second read of this beautifully narrated story, I was left with the feeling that the author have expanded and elaborated on the original by JPB -but after a lot of shifts and turns he ends up as if he made a huge loop, not too far from where JPB had ended his story... <P>

How could this happen? Well, as far as the one sided revenge on the non married partner to the cheating; I have already expressed my opinion in my first comment. To me, the main offender is the wife, the one who had violated -at least as of the second day, her life long commitment to her husband, and with it his ability to trust her. True, trust could be rebuilt - over many years, with tight accountability (for one's whereabouts - time and place, at any moment, and with intense therapy); none was mentioned here. <P>

Add to this the particular pathology, specifically mentioned by the author -regarding the wife's vulnerability to aggressive black men. Now, how and when had all of that 'toxic material' disappeared? Could it be that the author forgot what he had written about the prospects of remarrying earlier in the story? I mean, just ignoring those parts in the story does not mean that the readers have forgotten all about it...

vietvetvietvetover 14 years ago

Your statement about civilized society is just an excuse for people not to take a stand and protect, avenge, and/or take the steps necessary to correct a situation.

I liked the way your character settled his problem. It is the way a real man, not a pussyfied wimpish 'civilized' man would cry and simper about a wrong done to them.

Please pass this along to other authors of these stories and we will have much better stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
I agree!

I agree with the vet, people who take things or wives from others commit a personal violation that calls for imediate action. If not the law will protect them instead of allowing proper punishment, and women have definatly got the law on their side no matter what they do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Weak Ending

You kind of got side-tracked in the end as your story lost its intensity. Maybe a segue into Archie's mind would have been in order in order for the reader to obtain more vicarious thrills at the moment that justice was being accomplished.

Also, I think your overly-simplistic dismissal of Tricia from the main character's life was at the very least premature, and logically, with victim counseling, things COULD have been worked out.

In the end, although our character says he was satisfied with his revenge, in actuality he was living a hollow shell of a life at best. Victory would have best been achieved had Tricia gotten fixed by a shrink, and then our hero could have completely vanquished his usurper by accepting her back. When he "didn't get the girl", as they say, he lost the duel which Archie had challenged him to when, by raping his wife, he had thrown down the gauntlet. By not realizing the prize, our hero still lost the joust.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Very Good Ending!

To a J.P.B. try at a stroke story, which really bothered me till you wrote this. A lot of writers do rape and non consent and cheating stories with no reguard to what would really happen, when you have husbands, familys, lives, ect. there is a price to pay. Fantasy is great, but always, when you play you pay, one way or another. Great writing, thanks.

oldwayneoldwaynealmost 14 years ago
I liked it.

I had hopes for him and Carla. She was hot to trot. But you gave it a good ending. Thanks for the tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I was 24, a 3 tour mud marine in Viet Nam. 3 Months after I returned home I had found out that 21 animals had raped and tried to make a close friend of mine thier whore. I enjoyed watching each qnd every one of them die in a very aonful and slow manner. As with Archie they were all black. and as I did each one of them , as in Viet Nam , the only thing I felt was recoil.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Great story...very well written and extremely well plotted

I was thrilled with story and thrilled that the author did not succumb to having the wife ironically killed by the Ford. That would have been too easy and in reality very predictable. Fantastic story!

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754over 13 years ago
Enjoyed this ending.

I found JPB ending to be very abrupt and unfullfilling. This was justice, not revenge. The only thing that was not addressed was Tricia's need for counseling. It is well known the first sexual encounter has a huge life long impact on everyone. She really needs to come to terms with what happened and then she can truly heal and become the whole person she could be. Sometimes, we need help overcoming our demons. And Rob is not the cold hearted prick to not be there for her. He needs to be in some of the counselling sessions since he was directly affected by the scare in her emotional well-being.

Thanks for the story. So far, I have enjoyed all the stories I've read of yours.


racoon1174racoon1174about 13 years ago
Guilty Pleasure?

I'm not a big fan of JPB and I agree with the previous comment I also found his ending rather abrupt. He's got some great idea's not a fan of where he takes them.

This was good (not your best but better then much I've read on this site). I did find it a bit strange how cool and calmly he took the incident as well as how guiltlessly he became a killer.

huedogghuedoggabout 13 years ago
fuck all you racist bastards

so every black guy want a white wife slut, that bullshit. White men raped black women for 200 years and yet you find a way to make a few bad apples out of some. If that's the case maybe I should stop serving my country and say fuck all bigots. And let you bastards protect yourselves.

allsop72allsop72almost 13 years ago
no differant from jpb

the revenge on the duch bag was ok....taking up with whore wife un excuseable jpb wanta be.......expected better js

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307over 12 years ago
Close to a 5 star but no cigar!

The semi-reconciliation at the end knocked this one out of the 5 star category but, all in all, a pretty good story. Oh yeah, it shouldn't be called murder to kill a man who fucked your wife, it should be called justice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

No revenge on the wife and quasi-reconciliation at the end ruined this story. It did have a JPB feel to it and that made it worse. I completely skipped over the stuff about the wife's high school experience. No interest in reading garbage like that.

juanviejojuanviejoover 12 years ago
I read it man. It was okay I guess.

It seemed more like a JPB story than a JPB story, I don't know how I feel about that, so I gave it Three Stars, my man.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

be accepted as an alibi. TK U MLJ LV NV

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
I gave this a five.

Basically for two reason, one is that it was well written, and I definatly believe in the right of blood when this kind offence is occured. No if ands or buts, and so did God.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Certainly NOT a 5 or 4 or 3 star!

Really is just a JPB clone tale. She cheats, he divorces, they reconcile. Oh hum, just like JPB.

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago
So so

The story was so so, I wouldn't rate it 5 stars , there's women out there who actually have rape fantasies or gets turned out being raped, it has to do with domination; the desire to be captured, taken, used and abused, it's all about humiliation & domination. These types of individuals should seek professional help, the wife in this case realized this problem when it first happened, she might've been confused as to why she became aroused at being attacked but she didn't try to find the root of this destructive behavior, she didn't even tell her husband. I personally can't fathom any woman enjoying being raped, the wife is a bit of a sadist & I strongly believe that it would happen again, perverts have a way of detecting these type of things in an individual such as this nutcase wife, someone raped me I'd want them dead but not before I cut of their dick & balls & feed it to them. The wife is a sadist & the husband is a murderer , I don't condone this type of behavior because the wife will just find another dick to suck & fuck; the husband would have to kill all the men's population to save the sluts virtue-- which is not worth it. I don't understand why he's dating her again? She clearly warned him that her sadism can & will flare up again, so why would he put himself through that bullshit over again? Fine if he wants to continue to fuck her but to date her is nuts .. Archie needed to be punished but not like that, if the wife would've told her husband what happened & how she was aroused by the intrusion maybe they could've punished him together & got the wife some much needed help, but instead she fucked him a couple of more times & if the idiot husband didn't find out who knows how long it would've lasted, she has a disorder that's not going to vanish just because she's married to a wonderful man who love & respect her, so the last thing this wife needs is to start up a relationship because she likes to be dominated & humiliated too much... She likes pain... The story was ok but I'm not into being tied up, humiliated, dominated & used.. So that's probably why I didn't like it much, just plain bob stories or ok but in most of his stories of revenge he's eating the cum soaked sluts swamp pussy just to have his revenge & I can never understand why this would be necessary to inflict revenge. Eating some guys cum out of a sluts pussy isn't a turn on for me either I find it disgusting & I'm a woman ..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I Gave

I gave it a 3 because he did get a small amount of retribution. Like he says in the end he should've just put a bullet in the guys head or shotgun to his face. As far as the ex-wife there would be no reconciliation, there are literally millions of available women out there he could trust and be happy with.

catphan8catphan8over 11 years ago

I'd hate to see how boring a normal day is for this guy if that is the best revenge he could come up with!

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Waste of time.

Once a slut always and how easy did old Archie get off. Less than a minute of terror and pain. True revenge lasts for decades.

DB71DB71about 11 years ago
I liked it.

I think you did a good job. I can see that actually happening. I would have liked more in the ending, like what she learned about herself, did she learn control her actions. Also, how did the divorce affect the kids. You mentioned Rob and Charlie butting heads and Charlie going to live with his mom. Did Rob's expiences with dating teach him anything. Overall I liked it. I agree with the last paragraph completely.

Tim413Tim413almost 11 years ago
Is Rob a better man than I am?

It took me at a lot more than a decade to stop being mad at my former wife. (And I never actually saw her in the act.)

I hope Tricia got some seriously therapy.

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago
Excellent writing.

I can kind of see how Tricia could get a sort of pseudo-Stockholm Syndrome, due to what happened to her in High School. Now, I'm NOT one for reconciliation. Once a cheater, always a cheater. However, that being said, I believe there were mitigating circumstances with Wifey's submission to Asshole.

The main problem I had was the revenge, or lack thereof. Ok, tampering with brakes. So what? Not very satisfying when you can't even see the results. Trust me, it's cathartic to look the sonuvabitch in the eyes and see the fear there, and the inevitability of what's about to happen to him.

Some call me a caveman, or a savage, or whatthefuckever. I'm a normal man who takes betrayal seriously. God forgives, but that's way above my pay grade.

4 Stars

illjoyilljoyalmost 11 years ago
Jack Straw 101

Always forgive the wife

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
well writen but

kill the guy and she gets off scot-free really. racest much? Those darkies gotta watch them around our white women foke..da da ding ding de banjo music, she never wanted to fuck she was enslaved by the darkie.. with a great big back story to boot that explains why she is not a slut. I have no problem with the response killing that fucker but i would killed her as well in the story.. white women just cant trust them and they are a dime a dozen.(next time admit she is just a slut..they do exist)

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago
Not Quite

A great tale, but it just misses the mark. The revenge should have been face to face and the cheating wife should have had her affair brought out in public. Getting back to fuck her isn't a bad thing as long as it's just screwing, with no love. It would have been great if he married the realtor but it was not to be.

Could have been excellent. Still a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
gelding brigade

Holy fuck, betrayed is the ultimate no-life loser on this board by sheer volume of comments/time, but those other geldings are making a play! but, you gotta go 24/7 to beat betrayed you useless fucking eunuchs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Kill him and forgive the wife?

That's just too much of a turnaround for me. I can see the killing. Having your wife cheat on you brings most men's blood to a boil. That's why I can never understand all the weak willed, spineless men that some authors portray. Men that want to "watch" their wives or be dominated by them. What a load of horse manure. SO this guy kills his wifes lover. How can he fell that much rage and then turn around later and be willing to forgive his cheating, slut wife? Nope. Never remarry the whore.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Great drama in a complex story

This story is not a simplistic cheaters story. A sexual predator with a criminal record raped Tricia. Tricia was traumatized by a rape early in her life and she never learned how to deal with it. Judging Tricia can be easy if you eliminate both rapes but that is the point; you can't. Her learned coping mechanism was to acquiesce to her sexual assailants and they faded away eventually and it worked for her til her husband found out. Reporting the incidents to the authorities seemed the most logical path but then this would've been a boring story. Archie got his just desserts but Tricia was after all the victim of his crime. This story is a classic example of blame the victim.

colddayscolddaysover 10 years ago
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

She had a PTSD episode and needs treatment. She did not willinglt cheat.

Also, any man who watches his wife be raped and does not attempt to intervene is worthless. She sould be happy to be rid of him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Next Time, Try Harder

A reconciliation? Not a bad story until the last page. Wonder if he could still taste Archie's cum in the whore's pussy? Fucking wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Man, that's cold. First psychological warfare and then murdering him.

ramonbrookramonbrookabout 10 years ago
I feel the Same way about JPB as you do

Love his work but sometimes don't like his endings! And TRICIA was one of those unresolved stories that always troubled me. I really don't care about other commenters I loved your ending! The only thing I didn't like is that Archie didn't really know the truth about the revenge!

And as far as getting back together with Tricia, I get that too! And agreed with his attitude! He was NOT being a wimp in my opinion!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
another raac story

What shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
white wimp cumsucker

You fucking wimp!

Remember every time you kiss her lips you are tasting the niggers cock.

Eat her pussy and drink down his sickle cell infected hiv prison cum.

Then top it off by giving her the coupon section of the sunday paper so she can make the grocery list while you pump your ass off in her in her nigger loving pussyal the while thinking she can feel you inside her..... what a laugh !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Weak Spots

Hey Jack... Some observations:- The opportunity for psychological warfare against Archie was almost totally overlooked. You really could have had fun with that.

Tricia should have fought like mad to get him into counselling - She had a big chance to get herself & her marriage sorted, but lay down & rolled into a corner. He could still have had a relationship with Carla and discovered he still had Tricia 'on his mind'.

Then,sure if Archie was a sex offender it would not have been difficult to discover his record & why didn't the local sheriff know about him?

So, at the end the vengeful 'hero' folds into a 'sorta' wimp.

SplitAcesSplitAcesover 9 years ago
Irrational rage against Archie?

Are you nuts? It was totally rational!

gdjohn52gdjohn52about 9 years ago

Well done, It would have been nice if you took us through Archies last ride and the moment he realized who did it to him. Otherwise nice ending

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and now he is gone did the past ever happen. TK U MLJ LV NV

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
I have mixed feelings about the way the score was settled

Once he learned about her high school experience he (and she) could have reacted several different ways. But the most obvious would have been some counseling. She has some serious trauma to deal with! She certainly did not come away from her weekend experience without consequences.

That he doesn't know for certain whether Archie knew the reason his brakes failed takes a bit of the dirty pleasure out of the "accident". Yes, he might have been uncomfortable in his uncertainty, but not enough to leave the area. It is too bad Archie had not been required to report and notify the neighbours as a registered sex offender.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Any body who felt like raping her could have her

Forcible ,she responds, not a prayer of her staying faithful as written if the right guy comes along.

retmstrretmstrabout 9 years ago

Tricia is just as guilty as Archie if not more so for not screaming rape. If she had half a brain she'd not have submitted. Women are in much more control of the sex act than men. He should have let her continue her sluttish life and gotten photos. Sue for adulterous activity divorce and exposed her to the world. BTB! Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well he put down Archie

That's some revenge. But why would he even consider dating Tricia again? She did what she did and nothing is going to change that. The images in his mind will never go away and he'll always be reminded that, at the core of things, she's a cheater. And he'll always look at her and be reminded that he killed a man. That image and those memories will never go away. Why would he want to have anything to do with a woman that brings those memories to mind? It makes no sense, even for fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
can't rape the willing

was a gun held to her head? Was a gun held on the kids or the husband? Where was the threats? None were made, he just walks in fucks her and walks out, then comes back the next day and fucks her again. So where was the rape? And all the cuckold lovers loved this one don't you. Because in the end he took a used whore back. I wonder would the outcome have been different if she was fucking a wetback or a kike or a jew?

jackfrostedjackfrostedover 8 years ago
good story

J-S Thanks for story. Break job ok, but slower method preferred. :)

Again good story, plot and characters, etc.

My major gripe is the asinine ANON who add stupid, juvenile, comments and leave no way for authors and others to respond. LITEROTICA - I believe you should address this issue. Freedom of speech is guaranteed NOT stupidity and the harm it causes. Note # of GOOD writers leaving the LW category. Thanks for letting me vent!

Jack Frosted

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
He lost his manhood the second

H watched another man rape his wife and did nothing, and he lost his humanity the second he decided to pkay games.

I cant see why you bothered with JPB, his characters are irredeemable fuckheads. Stang writes male saints, JPB writes assho l es who dont deserve to be married.

Pappy7Pappy7over 8 years ago
Story was written well

and not a bad finish to a story by bob. Not much to recommend most of his stories. His men are almost all cucks and the women are crazy as hell to boot. Now he did good by getting rid of the neighbor but all he did really is take some pussy that was probably begging him to do it. She was the one who let her husband and kids down. Should have been her going off the mountain, if that's what he had to do. I can already see that he will take her back and that she will let herself get "raped" again and not say a word to him about it. He was a pussy for letting it go. He should have confronted the both of them and actually put an attitude adjustment on the neighbor. Probably too late for the wife by then because she had probably done it before and will almost certainly do it again. He fucked up taking her back in any capacity. Also, the same pussy attitude he had towards the fucking is the one that allowed the oldest son to run rampant with his discipline. I would bet that the mood swings would have stopped if he would have beat the boy's ass a time or two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

So "the three hole, cum dump, cheating Black Cock WHORE" not only gets off but manages to reunite with her limp dick, Cuck husband! RAAC a Doddle Do!!!

ONE positive note ..... Jack"OFF"Straw has "NOT" posted one of his "cheating WHORE wife APOLOGIST" PIECE OF SHIT STORIES in a "LONG" time!! Good Riddance ASSHOLE!!!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Only Fair

“but I thought I heard a soft gasp, and maybe a stifled cry.” – Why are these cheating wives so upset when they get caught? Did they expect their husbands to say, “Oh, that’s okay, Honey, I just LOVE eating other men’s cream pies out of your cunt.”? You CHEATED on him, you HAD to expect that there was at least a POSSIBILITY of getting caught, and your husband being mad about it! If that happening upsets you, then guess what? DON’T CHEAT!

While a part of me would like to see them get back together, another part remembers her confession that she can't guarantee that another BBC won't capture her lust.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Letting The Cheater Off The Hook

Yes, I've read some of the comments about how Archie was killed and she was more or less forgiven, even if he DID divorce her.

What many authors seem to forget is that in at least some cases, like here, the other man may be a rapist/predator (though not always!), the fact remains that HE never made a vow to the husband, but the WIFE did, and she has a responsibility to say "NO" wherever possible.

ohyessssssohyessssssalmost 8 years ago

Your description of the rape is so patently offensive to any woman who has ever been raped or forced to perform a sex act against her will, I refused to read any further

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Good sequel.

I think Tricia should have underwent therapy to fix her broken, cheating ass so she could be a healthy individual again and I wish you would have explored that aspect and the details of how they were getting back together. That doesn't just happen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A racist redneck fantasy. Would cuck have acted any different if the rapist had been white? I think so.

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