
Ever watched the film or series FARGO? No? then go do a search for "Was Fargo a true story" because in the opening scenes it says it's a true story. But all the Coen brothers wanted to do was pull us into the lie that was a fictional tale, because it said it was real, it must be real.

I took a leaf from their book. As soon as I typed the letter "I" as I formed my pseudonym, and every other single character I've typed since then on my keyboard is designed to pull you in hopefully adding to the story you are about to read. Please, if you take one thing away, you are simply reading a fictitious group of words which make a story. And not just the story, every other piece of info attached to my identity is, most likely, fiction. Simple as that.

I travel a fair amount for my business and frequently use that time to create a story in my mind to pass the time away. Usually there’ll be someone that’ll catch my eye – maybe the way they dress, the half a conversation you’ll hear on a phone or with the person they are with, sometimes even the expression on their face as it’s obvious they are pondering something. I’ll use those fleeting moments to weave a story in my mind.

Some of what I’ve written are based on real life events, I’ll admit I’ve not led a vanilla life to date and have no wish to step from the path I’ve chosen yet onto the one that’s more typical in our society.

I've read many of the stories on here and it's time I gave something back. I plan to continue to writing, turning many of the virtual stories in my head into stories to share. Hopefully you’ll find something in there you’ll enjoy.





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