
My name is Mediocre, (my friends call me M) but I try my absolute best make my stories are anything but that... I've been writing for years, but I only recently started sharing my sex stories online.

Want early access to my stories? I'm currently selling early viewings. Email me or contact me on Discord for more information. 😁

[This new Discord link should work!]
I've created a Discord server where you can stop by with questions, requests, or anything else. Come stop by and say hello!

I've also just started taking commissions. You can request one at: or on Discord

Disclaimer: My stories come from an alternate reality, devoid of the morals which I personally hold to in the real world. No one should ever emulate the actions or morals that my characters exhibit.

My stories will often feature people who are forced into compromising situations where they have no choice but to do things against their will/desires. In reality, forcing someone into such a compromised situation is very wrong. No one should ever do anything of the sort. Duh.


About the (Mediocre) Author:

So a fellow female author suggested that I should put myself out there a little more, in my attempt to increase my following. I’ve been hesitant for a number of reasons, because the internet is creepy, and I want fans to follow me for my ART and not for any other reason. But I have decided to post a bit of information about myself. I really hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass. You are welcome to ask me more about myself, as long as the questions don't get too personal or creepy.

Ultimately, I am a very private person. The only information that I am willing to openly share about myself is the following:

Yes, my profile picture is a photo of me, albeit with an artsy filter (and I only wear those glasses at home… I'm really hoping I won't get recognized on the street 😆).
Yes, I am heterosexual, married, and incredibly monogamous.
Yes, I am American. (Please don’t ask what part)
Yes, I do indeed have fantasies about being ravished and used. (It’s only a fantasy though… I know that it’d be horrific in real life)
Yes, I also have fantasies about being dominant (apparently that makes me a "switch"? I'm new to the D/s culture, so I'm still learning).
Yes, I do have a fascination with oral sex, particularly deepthroating that I should probably see a psychiatrist about (I'm not claiming I can do it, but I find it infinitely fascinating).

No, I am not interested in meeting with my fans in person. Afterall, the only thing that we know for sure about one another is that we both find the idea of nonconsensual sex intriguing. How could meeting with a fan possibly turn out well for me?

No, I am not interested in sexting or erotic roleplay with fans. I do occasionally enjoy text-based RP, but it is almost all non-erotic. If I meet you through RP, then we can RP. Not vice versa.

Any other personal information that I share with you is subject to being a fib to keep my privacy intact. I’m sorry, but the internet is full of creepy stalkers, and I’m not trying to get raped (as much as my writings might suggest otherwise) ;)

One last thing I feel I might need to explain. To me, Rescuing the Fallen (and the entire Fall of Women universe, by extension) is erotic HORROR! Basically all the men within it are disgusting and repellent. And their views on women are just as terrible. If you find yourself agreeing with the evil views featured within, then you need to get psychiatric help and go to church or something. Because the whole point of that RtF is to highlight the evil of humanity… not to support it. Okay, rant over ;)



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