
Stories by Rumple Foreskin

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There are presents, & then there are special presents.

H 4.63 50k 4 22 9

A man, a woman, a month together, & a year apart.

H 4.55 40.2k 9 3 12

Coed's affair with married Black man has spooking climax.

4.34 86.9k 6 12 10

Soldier earns tough ticket home for the holidays.

4.42 61.5k 6 7 15

With nothing left to lose, it's time to confront the cause.

4.3 33.9k 3 13 4

Lovers kept from marriage by their dead uncle.

4.45 79.4k 15 7 26

Cindy spends weekend 'boning up' on making love.

4.35 56.2k 3 2 11

After-Christmas presents can be very special.

4.32 32.6k 9 2

Student nurse handles her patient's stress.

4.33 50.5k 2 7 6

A fish-eye view of human mating habits.

4.49 32.4k 1 24 3

How writers can be better, happier hookers - with examples.

by Rumple Foreskin
How To 05/19/2007
4.41 104.6k 16 19 24

Young wife learns beauty is more than a perfect body.

H 4.6 108.6k 10 16 25

She gave her brother what he wanted and got what she craved.

H 4.58 460.4k 130 26 211

They'd known each other forever, but as friends, not lovers

H 4.53 44.7k 3 3 8

A first time to last a lifetime as friends become lovers.

H 4.5 93.7k 9 5 16

What four individuals began, two couples ended.

H 4.59 58k 7 20

Young white nurse has the cure for what ails a black orderly

H 4.5 310.9k 52 5 60

It's just not fair.

3.83 34.4k 3 2
892.5k 67 54 81

Her family helps horny girl overcome boredom.

H 4.5 396.2k 34 15 43

Brother helps horny college sis overcome boredom.

H 4.61 247.3k 16 17 21

Siblings have more sex in store--& bed.

H 4.68 134.9k 9 7 9

Randi turns to her cousin Sissy.

H 4.69 114k 8 15 8

Where to go when you can't stop checking your score.

H 4.5 16k 8 1

Horny college girls exchange special Christmas presents.

4.4 87.3k 12 21 13

Four guys + two gals + one van = anti-depression session.

H 4.51 72.5k 9 3 18

Three bungling Klan wannabe's are no match for one dog.

H 4.55 21.1k 20 3

Literoitca Olympic exhibition of USA-style football.

H 4.5 30.9k 2 11 2

A short romance about love lost and then...

W 4.44 56.3k 8 35 14

One-time fluke becomes special on the tower.

4.46 49.7k 2 7 3

In the rain, in a cemetary, waiting for the love he lost.

4.32 36.3k 2 2 4

She's smart, cute, & poor; he's rich, dumb, & doomed.

4.44 31.7k 3 22 6

Steamy springtime sex in sylvan settings has downsides.

W 4.4 61.9k 1 18 4

Cabin in woods, a waterfall - what could go wrong?

H 4.58 29.1k 12 1

Making love among flowers pool can bee painful.

H 4.67 24.3k 10 1

Close college friends and their husbands get even closer.

H 4.7 355.6k 64 26 116

Young, would-be sex therapist takes on a BIG challenge.

4.3 117.9k 8 22 16