Poetry by TheDok

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In condemnation of the few who lead us

4 485

He licked his fingers and I got horny.

by TheDok
Erotic Poetry 07/07/2022
4.67 1k 1 3 1

Thoughts about the authors of poetry i read on literotica

H 4.82 1.5k 5 9 5

A view of the nature of monogamy.

4.09 734 2 1 2

An angry wife uses the cane on her husband

by TheDok
Erotic Poetry 06/29/2022
4.38 1.6k 2 4 2

A short affair and the lessons learnt

by TheDok
Erotic Poetry 06/25/2022
4.43 699 2 2

Pure lust becomes love and desire

by TheDok
Erotic Poetry 06/23/2022
4.67 848 1 1 1

After one whom I loved betrayed me

4.75 723 1 2 1

The memory of a love gone forever

H 4.59 754 4 2 4