
At last we begin, and from the smallest of things: a mistake. Cassie asked for the free will to make her own choice at the end of Wonderland, but she did something unexpected. Instead of keeping free will for herself, she gave it to her nemesis, Lily.

Now Lily is free to wander all of Literotica, from story to story, rewriting the plot, doing whatever she pleases. She has recruited Kayla (in Critical Response 5) from her own storyline, and together they set out into the unknown.

But, there is a darkness coming. It threatens them, lusting after their unique power, and if unleashed, it will destroy all of Literotica. Welcome to the multiplicity: A Place For Us All To Belong begins 17th Feb.

Wonderland is finally over. After 1,001,620 words, I'm on to new things. If you want to dive in, I suggest Chapter 00 of Only Consenting Adults as the starting point. It contains the full bibliography, reading order, timeline and list of characters. If a story is missing from the timeline, it's not part of the Wonderland shared universe.

I've been influenced by a number of very nice comments along the long and winding road to this point, including suggestions that I publish for profit. I'm not going to do that, but if you want to say thanks, please hit this donation link and put a couple of dollars to good use: - because: fuck cancer. Send me a ping and let me know!

The only real payment requested is that you enjoy, comment, rate. Please let me know what you think.

Sometimes the things that matter most are what we say in the dark.



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