A New Perspective Pt. 01


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"I...I feel I should be afraid of that." She said meekly, biting her lip again. "But it feels like my body is burning up for it."

"Oh, I know, honey." Cass said, spreading the girls knees and positioning herself in between them. "And I'm about to give it what it wants. On one condition. If you feel pain, or you feel uncomfortable, you tell me to stop." She shot a glare in my direction. "Unlike some people, we actually care about the comfort of our partners." Turning her attention back, she said "Take a deep breath in."

When Bella did, Cass pushed in slowly, spreading the dark pussy lips that waited for her. Bella let out a long moan, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. Her hands clenched the sheets, and her thighs instinctively clenched around Cass, who pushed all the way in. When she could go no more, she waited for a minute, letting Bella get used to the girth.

When the ok was given, she started to slowly slide in and out, keeping the pace soft and steady. But soon Bellas angelic voice was echoing through the room as Cass started thrusting harder and faster. She started to say things I'd never imagine my friend saying.

"Fuck me....oh god it feels so good...fuck me, please! Harder! Oh my god, fuck yes. Ohhhh...."

Despite the circumstances, my dick was rock hard, and I was groaning in sexual frustration as I couldn't do anything about it. Even when I knew that the beautiful, dark skinned girl getting fucked was my formerly male friend, it was still two girls having sex, which was a huge turn on for me. I couldn't peel my eyes away from them, from her. Bella was totally into it, her heavy tits bouncing on her chest as she was fucked hard and fast.

When her orgasm hit, she tensed up for a moment, her mouth open in a silent scream. It turned into a long, guttural moan, and I watched as her body shook and her stomach clench. Cass must have been right along with her, because she let out a satisfied groan of her own as she came, slamming as hard as she could into her new member. Her body was enveloped in the same blue glow from earlier, and I watched as it spread to Bellas body. It seemed to heighten her orgasm, because she started to let out really sexy little squeaks, and I could hear her pussy clenching around Cass's dildo.

The two finally started to come down from their simultaneous orgasms, and the blue glow faded from their body's. Cass leaned down and kissed Bella, long and deep, before resting forehead to forehead.

"Welcome to the coven, Bella." She said, smiling. Bella only nodded, a small smile on her face. As soon as Cass pulled out, Bella grabbed the blanket and rolled up into it, falling fast asleep.

My mind was whirling. THAT was what was in store for me? Turning into some girl just to be fucked within an inch of my life? Fuck that! I wanted to keep my manhood. Fuck these bitches. It had to be some sort of trick, a drug or something that was slipped in my drink at the party. That's it! I must be passed out in that room still, and everyone is looking at me.

I shut my eyes, desperately trying to wake up from this fucked up nightmare.

"You're not dreaming, Brent." I opened my eyes to see Cassandra standing in front of me. She had a dark look on her face, and I knew from fights that we had before that I was about to lose whatever it was that was about to happen.

"Bella is now going to be a happy, content member of our coven. Never again will she have to worry about money, or surviving. She'll learn the way of the arts, and she'll live a long, fulfilling life."

"Why her, though?" I managed to croak.

"Because, she was the one that brought your sins to out attention. She was uncomfortable with the way you were treating others, especially girls. Did you know she was raised by a single mother? Her dad died in an accident when she was small."

I opened my mouth to say something, but I had nothing to say. I didn't know that. Hadn't even thought to ask, really. And I felt shame flood me as I realized that I had never asked about my best friend or his family.

Cass nodded. "She had heard about our coven, and she wanted us to intervene, as long as we provided protection for both her and her mother. And now she has it. Her mom will be taken care of, and she's happy as Bella. But in your case..."

She trailed off, tapping a finger to her lips as she thought. "We're not going to make it so easy on you. See, with her, we just used another spell to change her gender identity. In case you're too stupid to know what that means, it means that we took her male brain and personality and replaced it with a female one. She's still the same person, but just the girl version. That way, she won't have problems getting used to her body."

"But why change her into a girl at all?" I spat, not caring what would come for my outburst. I was angry that they had done something like that without her consent.

Cassandra shrugged those elegant shoulders. "Because, it was our way of showing you that we mean business. So, here's the deal.

"I am going to cast the same spell over you. It's going to hurt like hell, because I'm leaving out the pain numbing part. You're going to feel every single change, every single bone rearrangement. You're going to watch in horror as the body you're so proud of wilts away into a small, feminine one. Your mind is going to revolt, and you'll spend the next goddess knows how long in agony as you try and comprehend what's happened. And if you come to the conclusion that you were in the wrong. If you fully understand the weights of your sins, then maybe, just maybe! We'll help ease your pain. But if you don't, then you're going to spend the rest of your life going insane."

Tears were running down my face again. "Why?" I pleaded, all anger gone. "Why are you doing this?"

She leaned in close, and I could see fire dancing within her eyes. "Because, death is too good for you." She hissed. "This is something that will truly show you how bad you fucked up. THIS will be your personal hell."

Cassandra smirked as I struggled against my bonds, desperately trying to get free of them.

"What will my dad think of this?!" I yelled, a small sliver of hope presenting itself to me. "He'll know something's wrong when his son doesn't come home from the party! He has money! He'll ruin you bitches!"

Cass laughed in response, shocking me enough that I stopped struggling. Without warning, she slapped me across the face again, this time hard enough to make me see stars.

"You moron," She said, still chuckling. "Do you think he got his success by somehow being smart? That he was such a good, genuine guy that he could just somehow become the biggest contractor on the west coast? No! We helped him, you idiot!"

When my mouth dropped open, she nodded, patting my cheek. "Now you're getting it. He had heard about a powerful group of witches, one that could grant him his darkest desires. We gave him what we wanted, what he desired. Under a few conditions, of course. One is that he won't make it past the age of 50."

I felt blood go cold at that. My dad won't live much longer? He was already 45 years old! What the fuck was this bitch talking about?

Seeing the confusion on my face, Cass sighed and pull the stool from earlier back over, sitting in front of me. I was surprised to see sympathy on her face!

"Brent," She said softly, "Every wish comes with a price. We told your dad about this, and he agreed. He knew he wouldn't make it past 50. In order to achieve the level of success that he has, he must sacrifice half of his life. Magic can be unforgiving. Another agreement we had was that he would be our lookout, our sentry of sorts."

"Lookout for what?" I asked in bewilderment.

"People like you." She said simply.

I scoffed. "Bullshit. My dad and I are like two peas in a pod! He gets just as much as I do, if not more!"

"He does, yes." Cass agreed. "But the difference is that he gets consent as well. Your father is one of the most respectful men I've ever met. He enjoys the company of woman, but he also respects them highly. When he found out what you were doing, he was furious. He confronted Bella about it, and she confirmed it. Having not been in contact with us for a few years, he asked her to bring the issue to us. When we talked to him, he had a heavy heart."

I was shocked. My dad sold me out? What the fuck was this? He would never do that! He told me we were a team tackling the world together! As the implications of what was happening set in, I could feel my resolve start to crumble again. Tears threatened to fall once more, and I couldn't even look at Cassandra anymore.

She took a gentle hold of my chin and brought my gaze to hers.

"This idea we have of turning you into a girl? Teaching you what it's like to have your consent, your choice, your life taken away from you? It was his idea, Brent. Yes, he was the one that asked us if we could do it." She continued, even as I started to shake my head.

"No, no that can't be right!" I said, my voice trembling. "He said that we were a team! We were gonna tackle the world together! He wanted me to be.."

"What, be like him?" She interrupted, scoffing. "Yes, he does! And that's not who you are, Brent. You're a selfish, spoiled little child who throws a tantrum whenever you don't get your way. You're misogynistic, you can't handle when a woman talks back you, and you refuse to take no for an answer. Which is why this has to continue."

Getting up, she walked over to the shelf and picked the same book back up, opening it as she came back. I shook my head over and over, pure terror radiating throughout my very core.

"Please..." I pleaded in a small voice. "Please, don't."

"It has to be done, Brent." Cass said, her voice and gaze cold again. "This is the start of your new life, and your personal hell."

With that, she started reading from the book, with her palm outstretched towards me. The blue glow I had seen before enveloped her hand, and I knew, at that moment, what being helpless truly meant.

I tried to shut my eyes to keep myself from seeing what was about to happen, but Violets voice next to my ear caused me to jump.

"You don't get that luxury, asshole." She whispered, waving a hand over my head. "You get to keep your eyes open, and you get to see how pretty you'll be!"

After she pulled away, I tried shutting my eyes again, but I couldn't! It felt like they were glued open, and I would only be able to close them to blink. She pulled a mirror in front of me, and I watched in horror as the change started.

The pain hit first. It felt like a million bees were stinging me all over, only the pain was increased tenfold. I couldn't help the scream that ripped from my throat. My skin started to writhe, almost as if something were alive underneath. Like Bella, my body and facial hair were the first things to go. It all fell off in clumps, leaving behind smooth skin. Cracking sounds from my hands were accompanied by sharp, radiating pain that spread up my arm like fire. I could see my hand start to shrink, the bones crunching as they were forced smaller and smaller by the dark magic being used. My fingernails lengthened ever so slightly, just enough to show a difference. The skin became smoother and softer, and it's color started to lighten.

The result was perfect, milky white skin that started to spread up my arm. Everywhere it spread, the change would follow. The bones in my arms made the same crunching noises as they were shrunk, and the pain was beyond anything I had ever thought imaginable. I could feel my muscles shrink as my arm became smaller and more feminine. It felt like someone was grabbing the individual chords of muscle and cutting them.

My shoulders and ribcage were next, and I'll try to spare the details of that. Let's just say that I threw up at least five times in two minutes from the pain of it. The change spread it's way up my neck, and I was horrified to hear my voice crack. Higher and higher it went as my adams apple dissolved, and I was left with a very high, very soft soprano. The change my face went through almost caused me to pass out. I could feel my cheekbones moving under the surface, migrating ever so lightly higher. My nose crunched and shrunk, becoming small and feminine. Lips that were masculine before swelled outwards into a full, feminine ones.

What shocked me the most was my eye color and hair! I had brown eyes to begin with, but as the spell reached them, that changed as well. They became wider, more exotic, and softer looking. The brown slowly shifted to a bright, moss green color. My hair flowed outwards from my scalp, changing from it's normal black to a fire red. Soon it was midway down my back, full and proud.

My chest was next. I moaned as I felt my nipples twist and pull in the cool air of the room, and I could feel the milk ducts form and push outwards. They got bigger and bigger, until two, perfect tear drop breasts sat on my now feminine chest. The abs that I was always proud of melted away into a soft, firm tummy. My waist caved in on itself, causing me to throw up again as I could feel my insides rearrange themselves.

Next to go were my hips, cracking and expanding outwards, the smooth skin spreading to my ass as it too grew out, becoming soft and heart shaped. I was almost numb to the pain at this point, and I just sat there, moaning as spit dripped from my lips. But my eyes refused to let me look away.

I had to watch as my proud, strong athletes legs became slender and feminine. My rugged feet shrunk, and I could feel that my height had decreased. To what effect, I didn't know. Something about my face caught my attention, and I watched with confusion as dots started to appear. They were freckles, and they started spreading all over my face. They also appeared on my shoulders, spreading down my arms and chest. Fuck, they were turning me into a ginger!

And then the part that I had been dreading, the one thing that I had somehow hoped wouldn't happen, unfolded in front of my very eyes. My cock, which had been my pride and joy ever since puberty, started it's transformation.

I felt my balls suck into my body, one by one, until all that was left behind was a deflated sack. My cock started to shrink, and I shook my head in denial as it got smaller and thinner. Pain, worse than anything I had felt so far, stabbed me like two knives in the stomach. I let out a shrill scream as I felt my balls move up and form ovaries, shoving and rearranging everything inside. My ball sack slowly pulled up until it was tight against my pubic bone. A slit appeared in the middle, and I could feel as it opened up, connecting to what I assumed was my new uterus and vaginal walls. My cock had shrunk all the way, and it was pulled up and in as it formed into a perfect, pink clitoris, gleaming under it's hood.

And then it was over. I was panting like a stallion as I stared in disbelief at the girl in the mirror. She was gorgeous, a small, petite redhead with stunning green eyes and freckles for miles. Her breasts were perfection, with milky white skin and big, pink nipples. A tiny waist flowed into wide, gorgeous hips, and her legs were just begging to be spread. She had a heart shaped face, with a small nose, big eyes, and full, fuckable lips. Her hair was a mess, all sweaty and tangled, as if she had just had the best sex in the world, and her eyes were the color of green emeralds.

Without warning, I was brought back to reality with a snap. That girl was me! I watched as my magnificent new breasts started heaving, my breath coming fast and hard. I wanted to look away, to turn and ignore the sight that was in front of me. But I couldn't. My eyes betrayed me, doing sweeps up and down my new sexy form. Tears started flowing again as I thought "They've done it. They turned me into a fucking woman!" Gone were my dreams and aspirations. Gone was my scholarship and career. Why? Why me?

A book being slammed shut made me jump, and I looked over to see Cassandra putting it back on the shelf. Walking over to me, she put her hands on her hips and studied her handiwork.

"Welcome to girlhood, Brent." She said, smiling. "Although, Brent isn't really a fitting name, is it Violet?"

"No, it really isn't." Violet said, startling me as she seemingly appeared out nowhere. She licked her lips as she looked me over. "She's much too pretty and soft to be a Brent. How about....Faith?"

"Faith, huh?" Cass pursed her lips, studying me more.

"Yup. Because our girl needs to have faith that what we're doing is in her best interest."

"Then we have it!" Cass announced, smiling again. "Welcome to girlhood, Faith! Although that sounded like a painful journey, considering the mess you made. But that's ok! We'll get you cleaned up and taken care of."

"Why..." I swallowed, still shocked by my high, angelic voice. "Why all this to teach me a lesson? I don't get it."

"And you not getting it is exactly why we're doing it." Cass responded, undoing the straps the held me up. "Until you understand what we're trying to achieve here, you're going to live a very pained existence. But first, we need to teach you a different lesson."

With a wicked grin, she stepped up to me, sliding a finger down my cheek. "I do have a thing for redheads." She murmured, her hungry gaze causing me to squirm. "And you are a perfect specimen."

"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

"Giving you a taste of your own medicine." With that, she captured my mouth with hers while her hand went to my breast, groping and pinching my nipple. I tried to struggle against her, but she was a lot stronger than me, and my body was betraying me almost instantly. It felt like a bolt of lightning shot from my nipples down to my crotch, and as she continued, I felt a wave of warmth spread out to my stomach. I was both incredibly aroused and extremely disgusted.

"Cass, please, do-oh my fucking god." My pleading was interrupted by the taller witches teeth nipping at my neck and throat. It felt like my entire body was one big erogenous zone with the dial turned up to 10. As her hand slipped down over my stomach, I weakly tried to twist my body, wanting to get away from this alien feeling.

Cassandras other hand grabbed a fist full of my hair, yanking my head back so that I was looking up to her.

"You're not escaping, Faith." She growled, her eyes dark with lust. "This is what you've done to other girls. You're going to feel first hand what it's like to have your actions used against you. Plus," She added as she slid a finger up my slip folds. "You're already 'moaning like a whore', aren't you?" With that, she slid two fingers as deep as she could into my pussy, causing me to arch my back and gasp.

Taking the opportunity of an open neck, she clamped her teeth down hard on the exposed flesh, biting and sucking as she finger fucked my pussy. I didn't want to enjoy this. My body felt so foreign, and I hated the fact that I was moaning. But part of me was enjoying it. My pussy was aching for more, and the harder she fucked me, the harder I wanted her to go, Whenever she would brush up against a certain spot, (which I later found out was the clitoris), lightning would spark in my brain.

The pain of her biting my neck only caused my body to be more turned on, and I was indeed gasping like a whore. I heard a groan off to the side, and I managed to crack my eyes open a bit to see who it was. To my shock, Violet was sitting on the stool with her pants down, stroking what I thought was a dildo at first. But when she tensed up and came, I realized it was a cock! Fuck me, Violet had a dick?

That was all the opportunity I had to think about is as my own orgasm crashed over me. My body shook like a live wire, and I heard myself scream high and loud. Pleasure spread in massive waves throughout my body, and I could feel my pussy clench around Cassandras hand. As I slowly started to come down from it, I heard Cass whisper in my ear "Now you know a fraction of what it's like to be used." before pulling away roughly. My head dropped to my chest, and I was treated to the sight of my new breasts heaving as I panted. A light sheen of sweat coated my body, and my neck ached like hell.