A New Perspective Pt. 01


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"God, she tastes fucking good." Cassandra said, licking her lips as she looked at her handiwork. Violet just laughed.

"I bet she does. Fuck, I wish I could have had a go at it."

"You will soon, Vi. You like my little present on her neck? It's my mark on her, to show her I mean business. You hear that, Faith?"

Cass knelt down so I could see her. "That mark on your neck is magic bound. It'll stay there until you show us that you've learned. And until that time, you're my little slut. I get to use you, fuck you, and do whatever I want to you, got it? You're mine, bitch."

I couldn't respond with how weak I was. I felt used and violated, and I just wanted to wash my body with as much soap as I could. I cam when I didn't want to! What the fuck was wrong with me?

Standing up, Cassandra undid my bonds. I fell into her arms, and she picked me up as if I were as light as a feather. "I'm going to go clean her up." She called back as we exited the room.

Cass took a turn down the hall and led me into a bathroom. A marble tub with steaming, hot water sat in the middle of the room, with mirrors on every wall. I knew what they were trying to do. They wanted me to watch as she washed me, a sort of final hurrah in "Hey, you're a fucking girl now!" Fuck them if they thought I'd comply.

Gently lowering me into a hot bath, Cassandra washed my hair and body, making sure to clean me up. All I could do was stare straight ahead, my mind numb at what was happening. Cass was talking to me throughout the whole thing, but I didn't listen. Couldn't listen. Words didn't make sense to me. Nothing made sense anymore. The world started to fade in and out, like cut scenes from a movie.

One minute I was in the bathtub, and the next minute I was being led down a hall in a bathrobe, looking at everything with eyes a little too wide. I must have shrunk quite a bit, because I was considerably shorter than Cass, who stood at 5'5. I would later be told that I was 5' even. A fifteen inch loss in height.

Then I was in a bedroom, being led to the bed that took up a good portion of space. After sitting me on the edge of it, Cassandra pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. I wouldn't look at her. I could only stare straight down, my still wet hair covering part of my face.

"Faith." She said softly, resting a hand on my knee. "This is all for the greater good. You've experienced the first part of the lesson: Having your choice taken away from you. That's what you did to all those girls by raping them. You took away part of who they were. You took any dreams that they had away by stealing their confidence. Some of them will never recover from what you did. You're lucky, in that you'll at least have a chance of gaining a new life, a new start. Some of them feel like they don't have a choice in the matter."

I said nothing, sitting perfectly still as her words floated through my mind. I heard her sigh and get up.

"Get some sleep, Faith." She said, walking to the door. "Your body is exhausted from the change, and you're going to be sore for a few days. Don't try and leave. The door will be locked, and food will be brought to you when necessary. There is a bathroom in here for you to use, with all of the necessary hygiene products you need. But you won't be able to escape through the windows, either. The room is warded with strong magic, so it'll be useless. Bella will be by soon to help you, ok? I promise that everything will make sense soon."

And with that, she left, shutting and locking the door behind her.

I don't know how long I sat there, staring at god knows what. It's almost as if my mind was shutdown, with only the basics to keep me alive functioning.

And then it wasn't. Everything came into sharp focus all at once, and with it came anger. Unbridled, red visioned rage swept through me. I let out a scream, not even caring about how high my voice. I found the nearest thing to me, which happened to be a lamp, and I slammed it against the wall. It only seemed to set me off even more. I rampaged through the room, smashing and destroying everything that I could, not caring that the glass and shards from whatever I broke were cutting into my palms.

When I could destroy no more, I collapsed into a heap on the floor. The anger had passed, leaving an emptiness in it's wake. I stared at my hands, which were bloody from deep slices. Rocking back and forth, I let out one final scream, but this was one of pain and sorrow. And when I could scream no more, I simply curled into a ball and wept. The full weight of what had happened was settling in, and I was hyper aware of everything now. Of how my breasts softly bounced on my chest with each breath, how my hair pooled around my head. I could feel the softness of my skin as I pulled my legs to my chest.

And I could feel myself lose all hope that I was going to make it out of this. This nightmare that had descended upon me.

The door opened, and I heard a voice call out softly. "Faith? Are you ok?"

It was Bella. She must have spotted me lying in a pool of my own tears and blood, because I heard her shout down the hallway. She rushed over to me, sitting me up and pulling me into her chest.

"Faith, sweetheart." She murmured as she pressed her lips to my hair. I tried pulling away for a few seconds, and then I buried myself into her, my tears back in full force. I wrapped my arms around her, weeping into her chest as she softly comforted me. Other voices entered the room, including Cassandra and Violet.

"Jesus, she sure fucked this place up, huh?" I heard Violet say.

"It was to be expected." Cass responded, kneeling down next to me. "It was a lot of emotion to get out."

"She's hurt bad, Cass." Bella said, still rocking me.

"Show me your hands, Faith." Cass ordered gently. I tried to fight her, but she just pulled my hands from around Bella gently. Studying them, she winced in sympathy.

"You sure did a number to your hands, girl." She said. "We'll take care of you, alright? Violet, go grab the med kit."

"You're not going to use magic to heal her?" Bella asked in confusion.

"We can't. Using any sort of spell this soon after her change would be dangerous. The magic is still doing it's job, making small changes here and there within her body. So we have to do this the old fashion way."

She stood up and moved out of the way for Violet, who knelt down next to me. Opening the kit, she pulled out some supplies and got to work. I was so emotionally numb at this point that the sting of the alcohol didn't even register as she cleaned my wounds. After examining them briefly, she concluded that I probably wouldn't need any stitches, and proceeded to wrap my hands in bandages.

When she finished, Bella asked "Do you want me to help clean up the room?"

Cassandra shook her head. "No, we expected this to happen. It's another reason we had the room so strongly warded, so that we could protect the walls from any damage. I'll take care of it, dear."

She said a few words and waved her hand in an intricate pattern. A wave of magic swept throughout the room, and even in my numbed state I was amazed to see all of the damage fade away. Objects that were shattered reappeared on the shelves, mirrors put themselves back together, and furniture righted itself. After a couple of minutes, the room looked exactly the way it did when I first came in. The only evidence of my breakdown was the pool of blood next to me, which Violet was currently cleaning.

"Get her washed again, Bella." Cass ordered. "I'll have some food ready when you're done. See to it that she eats and sleeps without hurting herself again." Putting a hand on Bellas shoulder, she said "You're her caretaker now. Make sure she stays safe, alright?"

Bella nodded, and with that everyone filed out of the room.

"Come on, Faith." Bella said gently, pulling me to my feet. "Let's get you washed up. You're covered in blood, and while it's a good look with your red hair, I don't think it'll feel good when it dries."

I nodded timidly, letting her guide me to the bathroom. For the second time in an hour, I got into a hot bath. Bella was gentler as she cleaned me, almost as if she could sense my fragility.

"Faith, I know everything is hard right now." She said, cleaning the blood off of my arms. "Even after changing stuff in my mind for me, I'm still overwhelmed by what happened. But it'll be ok."

"How?" I asked bitterly. "I got turned into a girl against my will, with order from my father to do so. My life is ruined, Bella."

"Is it really?" She took a moment as she rinsed my hair. "Yeah, that happened. But you're still alive. They could have killed you, or sent you to prison, or any other number of things. Instead, they're giving you a chance to start a new life!"

"Yeah, some new life." I scoffed.

Bella sighed, pausing her washing of me. "Faith, listen. Remember when we were like, 14? And we got caught lifting those boards from the skate shop?"

I laughed weakly. "How could I forget? It was fun as hell!"

"It was," She agreed. "But then we got taken down to the station, so they could scare the crap out of us."

"Did you really just say crap?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She blushed, which was a feat because she never blushed before, and because I could see it under her light chocolate skin.

"Yeah, so? I can't bring myself to say....that other word. Don't ask." She waved it away, going back to washing me. "Anyway, I remember when they booked us, that you were so scared about what your dad was gonna say. You had made up this huge scenario about how you were gonna get grounded for years, you would be locked in your room with no food or water, and a lot of other stuff."

"I don't remember any of this." I said, frowning at her, and she laughed. God, that laugh was adorable! Wait, did I really just think that?

"I didn't think you would. But it didn't turn out how you expected. It turned out just fine, with nobody getting locked in their rooms and food being passed around."

"Bella, what are you getting at?" I asked impatiently.

"What I'm saying is, maybe this situation isn't as bad as you're making it. It's an opportunity to learn, and to grow as a person."

I didn't respond, looking away from her as she finished up. When she was done, she stood me up slowly, drying me off and fetching some underwear and pajamas. When she went to put them on me, I swatted her away.

"I'm not a baby!" I snapped. "I know how to dress myself."

"I don't doubt it." She said, unaffected by my anger. "But right now, you're weak from the change, and you have yet to eat. Also, I'm pretty sure I outweigh you and I'm taller than you. So you can try and fight and exhaust yourself, or you can swallow your still very male ego and let me help."

I paused, taken aback at how brash she was being.

"Regardless of how I look," She said quietly, "I'm still your friend. And I care deeply about you. Please, let me help you."

I felt shame rush up and douse the anger, and I nodded meekly. "I'm sorry." I whispered, looking down.

Instead of responding, Bella drew me into her chest, wrapping her arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"We'll get through this together, Faith. Just like we have everything else, alright?"

I nodded, tears welling up once more. God, I need to stop doing that. Why am I wanting to cry so much over stupid shit? I thought I was tougher than that! And yet, here I am, wanting to bawl like a bitch at stuff that shouldn't even be effecting me. It was showing weakness, and I knew that weakness was wrong.

As if she sensed my inner turmoil, Bella made comforting noises, rocking both of us back and forth gently on our feet. It did the trick, and I started to calm in increments.

With that, she dressed me and led me back to the bed. A tray was sitting there with a silver dome on it, and I looked at it curiously as I sat down. Bella fetched a couple of plates and forks, setting them up on the bed. When she lifted the lid, I almost moaned at the aroma that met me.

Steam rose in lazy curls off of fresh pasta with herbs, and crispy garlic bread accompanied the meal.

"That smells amazing." I said, my mouth watering.

Bella just giggled and forked up servings onto both of our plates. As soon as she set it in front of me, I dug in like a ravenous animal. I'd never tasted anything this good in my life, and I briefly wondered if the change had altered my taste buds in some sort of way. As I ate, I let my mind wander a little bit.

Why did my dad give the order to do this to me? It was something that I couldn't wrap my head around. I mean, did he want a daughter instead of a son? Did he care that his strapping young man was now a petite little redhead? I mean, in the end, I was just trying to be like him. He always bragged about the women that he brought home. Girls twenty years younger than him that always left the next morning looking happy and refreshed. The nice cars and mansion that he owned. I wanted all of that, and so I tried my hardest to achieve it. But I still couldn't get it! Did he understand the pain that I went through? What dreams were lost?? Did any of that even matter to him?

Probably not, I concluded. Maybe he was just being a selfish prick with his own end goal or something. I mean, nobody deserved this type of treatment. Although, after looking down at the gourmet meal sitting in front of me, I had to admit this type of treatment had it's perks. Whoever cooked this knew what they were doing.

And then there was Bella, formerly Brady. She ratted me out, huh? I thought we were best buds, in it till the end! Apparently not. I was the one that had helped her get laid, although it seems she's the one that enjoys laying down and taking it now. I stole a glance at her as she ate. She was focused on her phone, scrolling and eating. I will say this, whatever spell they put on us made her really hot. Sometime in between her waking up and coming to my room, she had changed into a pair of boy shorts and a tank top that barely contained her magnificent breasts.

Then again, I noticed that my shirt wasn't much better. At any rate, she had betrayed me. And all for what?

A promise for her mom. My anger died a little when I thought of that, replaced by guilt. I had never thought to ask her about her family. She never said anything about them, and when we were kids, she was the one that'd always come over to my place and hang. Had I been so wrapped up in myself that I didn't even think to ask about something so basic? Fuck.

She looked up at me, sensing my stare. I was going to look away in embarrassment, but her gaze seemed to lock me in place. Her eyes had gone from the cloudy gray to a chestnut brown, and they were so full of detail.

"You ok, Faith?" She asked, concern in her voice. I nodded quickly, blushing furiously at being caught.

"Yeah, just....lost in thought is all." I said with a nervous chuckle. I quickly looked back down at my food, muttering a sorry. Fuck, what was wrong with me? If she had asked me that when we were still Brent and Brady, I would have come back with some smart ass remark on the fly. Now I felt like a mouse startled by her own squeak.

Did I really just refer to myself as her? Fuck me. I've gotta figure a way out of this situation and quick.

When I finally felt full, I pushed the plate back with a satisfied groan. "That was so good." I said with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head. I cracked an eye open to see Bella staring with wide eyes at my chest. Confused, I glanced down as well and realized that my shirt had ridden up, showing my midriff, and my breasts were even more pronounced than they normally were. I quickly dropped them with a yelp, covering myself as best as I could.

Bella laughed, clapping her hands together. "Girl, you're going to have to get used to stuff like that." She managed. "Welcome to womanhood."

I wanted to say something, snap something at her like I would before. But yet again, I just felt my face get red, and I dropped my head forward, using my hair to cover my face.

"Looks like your stomach got smaller, too." She said, still chuckling a little.

"What?" I parted my hair and looked at my plate. Damn, only half of it was eaten! I felt like I had eaten a marathon worth of food! I know as a guy, I would have eaten two of those plates and still had ample room for thirds and dessert.

"I guess so." I murmured, shaking my head. "Listen, I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna hit the sack."

"Oh yeah, of course!" Bella quickly cleared the bed, setting the dishes off to the side. Sliding under the covers, it took me a minute to find a comfortable position with my new body. Different curves, a smaller frame, and a chest way bigger than what I was used to made it a little difficult.

Feeling the mattress depress a little next to me caused me to look over, and I was surprised to see Bella settling in as well.

"What are you doing?" I asked, irritated.

"I'm your caretaker." She said, using a remote to turn the lights down. "Wherever you go, I go. That goes for everything. And don't worry, I'm sure this king size bed can handle a couple of girls."

"Don't call me that." I snapped. "I'm not a fucking girl!"

Once again, she was unaffected by my anger. "You are a girl now, Faith. Whether you like it or not. You best start getting used to it, or you'll be in for a long journey. And you can snap at me all you want, but all it's going to do is make you look like a little girl who isn't getting her way."

With that, she flipped over and got comfortable, leaving me in stunned silence at her words. A little girl who isn't getting her way? I scowled as I burrowed under the covers, trying in vain to find the spot that I was comfortable in earlier.

I didn't know what to make of that statement. All I had said was that I didn't want to be called a girl! Why was that such a bad thing? I mean, yeah, I probably shouldn't have snapped at her, but I just got....angry! Shaking my head, I closed my eyes, fully expecting sleep to be an evasive beast tonight. And instead, I plunged straight under in less than ten seconds.

The dreams came slowly, like a thief tip toeing through the night. I was standing in the school gymnasium with my coaches and teachers, accepting my scholarship for the college I'd be attending. My dad was in the crowd, a proud smile on his face. People were congratulating me, and I felt like I was king of the world. But then a voice cut through the crowd.

"I bet you thought you earned that scholarship, huh?" People parted out of the way, and a woman that looked familiar strolled up to me. Grinning, she stuck out her hand, saying "I wanted to congratulate you personally!"

My smile was nervous, because something about this girl set alarm bells off in my head, but I took it anyway. "Uh, thank you, miss!" I said, not thinking much about it. But when her hand started to glow blue, it all hit me at once. That was Cassandra! Fuck, what was she doing here?!

I tried pulling my hand away, but I couldn't. It felt glued to her palm, and a warmth started spreading up my arm. I stared in horror as my hand and arm shrunk, becoming more dainty and feminine. Two growths appeared on my chest, blossoming out into tremendous breasts as my body shrunk. When I let out a scream, it was that of a woman. Cassandra was laughing as she watched.

"This will teach you, Faith." She sneered as the change completed. I could only stare down at my now girly body. "Now it's time to also teach you the pleasures of being a girl." Glancing around, I now saw that the crowd of mostly men around me had their dicks out, stroking them as they gazed in hunger at me. I tried backing away, but Cass just held me firm.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" She whispered in my ear as the men neared me. "Girls are usually moaning by the end of it, right? Come on, Faith. It's just once!" With that, the crowd of men swarmed me, groping me and shoving their cocks onto my body. I let out a scream of terror as I was overwhelmed.