A Night With Rachel Ch. 00


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"Maybe so," she smiled. She looked at the clock on my wall, "Wow, it's getting late."

"Yeah, it is. We should probably start walking you home," I offered.

"What," she asked.

"I was going to walk you home."

"Can't I just stay here? I've drank too much to walk two miles in the heels, and you've had too much to drive. Even as big as you are," 'Drea said.

"'Drea, you just met me. You hardly know me, you can't spend the night with me," I said, even though I was dying to tell the guys in the morning she'd spent the night with me, even if I slept on the couch.

"You have told me a lot about you by your actions. You didn't rush things at the party. You took your time. You haven't jumped on me since we've been here either. I think I can trust you. I'm not saying we're going to have sex. I'm just saying I don't want you to have to walk me all the way back to the dorms tonight. Your bed big enough for two or do I need to sleep on the couch," she asked.

"I have plenty of room," I nodded.

"Good," she smiled. "I like that idea a lot."

She stood up, grabbing her empty glass and her heels.

"Let's go to bed. I'm tired," she said.

"All right," I said, watching as she walked into the kitchen.

We walked back to my room. I was glad I'd picked up my dirty clothes that morning and my room actually looked presentable.

"Do you have a t-shirt I could sleep in," she asked.

"Yeah, let me get you one," I offered.

I grabbed a t-shirt out of my dresser and handed it to her.

"Would you unzip my dress for me," she smiled.

"Sure," I said.

She walked over to me and turned around. I slid the zipper down past her shoulder blades and bra strap. It was black and looked very lacy. I paused to look and she looked back over her shoulder at me. Her brown eyes indicated that I should go further. I continued down to the small of her back to where her garter belt started. It looked to be made of the same lacy material as her bra.

"I'll be right back," she said. She walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I usually just slept in a pair of shorts so I thought I should change as well. I was sitting on the edge of the bed when she walked back in.

She was wearing my t-shirt and it fit her like a dress.

"How do I look," she asked.

"You're still gorgeous," I replied. She smiled deliciously before she placed her clothes on top of my dresser. Everything was neatly folded. Her stockings were on top. She crawled on to my bed patting a spot next to her, and I laid down.

"I've had a lot of fun tonight, Brad."

"Yeah me too. I'm really glad we met. Would you want to have dinner with me later this weekend or maybe sometime next week," I asked.

"Next week? Who can wait until next week," she asked. We both laughed at that. "No, I think maybe Sunday night would be fine. I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow, but I would like to at least talk to you tomorrow night."

"Okay, so would I."

I leaned towards her and we kissed. She put her hand on my face.

"Mmmm, thanks. I like that," she smiled.

"Yeah, me too, 'Drea."

"I like the way you say my name," she said.

"You do," I asked. She nodded.

We kissed again several more times. She was running her hands over my shoulders and arms.

"I could tell when I first saw you that you were fairly well built but you're just so big and solid."


"You don't take any of those performance enhancing drugs, do you?"

"No, I don't."

"Good. They affect your performance elsewhere, don't they?"

"Yeah, supposedly," I laughed. "Depends on who wrote the study you read."

"The time will come when I may need you to perform," she said, winking at me.

"I'll be ready," I assured her.

"Let's get some rest."

I laid back and put my head on my pillow. She scooted next to me and wrapped her arm across my chest.

I turned off the light and wrapped my arm around her. I was thinking about what a night it had been when the alcohol overtook me, and I quickly drifted off to sleep.


When I awoke the next morning, she still had her arm wrapped around me. I gently slipped her arm off me so I could go to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and slipped back into bed beside her. It was only 8:30, so I still had plenty of time before I had to go to the gym. She was stirring and she slipped her arm back over me.

"Mmm, I like sleeping here," she purred as she woke.


"Because you're like a big stuffed animal," she replied.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It is. It felt really good all night holding onto you," she added.

"I'm glad."

"What time is it?"

"About 8:30," I replied.

"Shit, I need you to take me back. I have to meet a couple girls from my physics class at 9:30 to study."

"Okay. We better go then," I said.

She got up and grabbed her stuff. "Let me use the restroom really quick, okay?"

"Sure," I replied.

I thought she would put her dress back on, but she came out of the bathroom in my shirt and her sexy heels. "You don't mind if I keep the shirt for a little while, do you?"

"No, I don't."

"I didn't want to put the dress back on. Besides, I feel really comfortable in it," she said. I nodded and we left my apartment.

"Brad, thanks again for such a good time last night. I feel a connection between us. I want you to know that," she said as I drove.

"Yeah me too," I agreed.

"I know I may seem pretty forward, but I'm not. I'm pretty reserved. But I feel really comfortable with you."

"I'm glad you are," I smiled.

She smiled back at me as we continued to drive. "You're so different from other guys I've met. I feel weird saying that since we've only known one another for a night. But I think you are. I was crazy for staying at your apartment last night. I'll admit that. But you didn't try to take advantage of the situation. You didn't immediately try to get into my pants. I can tell that you're interested in me, but you don't want to rush things, do you?"

"No, I feel like there is a chance for something between us maybe. I think that's pretty fucked up too since we just met last night, but I think that there is." I agreed.

We got to her building and I felt disappointed that I was going to have to tell her goodbye. I was really enjoying her company. When I parked, she leaned over and gave me a slow wonderful kiss.

"I left you a little something in the bathroom. I hope you like it," she smiled mischievously.

"What? What is it," I asked.

"You'll just have to wait until you get home to find out. Don't stare too hard at the girls in the gym this morning!"

"I won't. I'm sorry," I said still embarrassed by my actions.

"Don't be. If we didn't want anyone to notice, we would wear baggy pants and sweat shirts. I'll make sure from now on when I'm in there your attention is solely on me. Bye and thanks again. I had a great time," she said.

"Yeah. Me too. Bye 'Drea," I said.

She hopped out and walked in the building. When she got to the door, she turned around and gave me a big smile and waved.

"Wow", I thought to myself as I pulled away. I stopped my truck suddenly. Damn it. I realized I hadn't even gotten her phone number. Shit. I hoped she was listed in the campus directory. In the back of my mind, I wondered if it had been intentional. I had reasons to be suspicious of pretty girls.


When I got to the gym, everyone in the crew was already there, even though I was 15 minutes early. There were a lot of wolf whistles and crude comments thrown my way as I walked towards the group. I was happy to see we were the only ones there at that time of the morning, as I knew I was in for a grilling.

"So, stud, how was last night," Moose asked, lighting the fire.

"Amazing," I replied.

"Really? Let's here all about it then. What did she look like naked," Steve asked.

"I didn't see her naked," I answered.

"What did you do, just yank up that sexy dress she was in and give it to her without bothering to undress her," Mike asked.

"No, I didn't do that," I replied.

"You did sleep with her, didn't you," asked Steve. The suspicious look on his face was almost comical for its intensity.

"Yeah, I slept with her," I answered.

"But you didn't see her naked," Moose asked, obviously he'd been ready for a curve by curve description.

"You didn't fucking do anything with her, did you," Steve fumed. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Mike and Moose were both shaking their heads. In almost unison, they asked, "What are you, queer?"

"No, it's just, I, fuck I don't know what I'm thinking. She's different," I tried to explain.

"You're trying to be all sweet with her man," Steve cautioned. "We all know what happened the last time you were sweet with one of these little tramps."

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"Dude, she went home with you. She slept with you in the same bed. You don't even have the fucking decency to lie and say she jerked you off or something," Moose said incredulously.

"Goddamn man. I can't fucking believe you. All the times we stared at her right here when she was working out. Watching that fucking ass in those spandex shorts and you come in here and tell us this shit. I don't even fucking know you anymore," Mike added.

I knew immediately I was never going to live this down. "Well, I'm taking her to dinner tomorrow," I said.

"Oh yeah, that fucking makes us feel better", Steve said sarcastically. "If you don't come in Monday and tell us that you fucking tore her up after dinner, you're going to have to work out with those fucking pencil-necked frat fuckers that always get in our way. That would probably be better for you anyway. You could all hold hands and talk about feelings and shit."

"Okay, now that we know we have a sensitive queer in our midst, let's get to work", Moose said.

I took a lot more abuse throughout the workout, both verbal and physical.

Every time it was my set, they would make a comment about my little girlfriend. How she'd be fucking a pretty frat boy in no time, too. That I was being sweet, and I had no business being sweet. I was going to get kicked in the balls again. When I would near the end of my set, they would egg me on, and say things like "Show us you're not a sensitive pussy. Show us you're going to be a man and bang that sexy little bitch."

As I got under the bar again for my last set of squats, Moose said, "It's just a matter of time before I hear about your new little cutie and a group of those fags at Phi Delta Whatever, you know."

Moose was the one that had learned about my ex-girlfriend Lori's infidelities. He had a finance class with a couple of dudes from the same frat and they were talking about this little blonde they'd met the previous weekend. Her name was Lori and she was a crazy slut. Moose was just halfheartedly listening to them until they started talking about this tattoo she had. It was of a tiger and it was just above her ass. Moose knew it had to be the same girl. So, he played up to the two guys and started asking them questions. Pretty soon he found out she'd sucked and fucked half the frat house. The weekend before she had been in room with about six of them taking turns on her. We'd been out of town for a meet and I'd been none the wiser.

Of course, Moose being the guy he was played it cool, until he got to the gym later that day and told me. I was beyond devastated. I really loved her and had even began thinking about a life with her after college. The crew. of course, wanted to go fight the whole frat house and then burn it down. Fortunately, we just went out and got falling in the gutters, pissing on the sidewalk drunk and I told Lori to fuck off the next morning when she came to my place.

As I got onto my second rep, Mike chimed in "Yeah, Brad will be down there licking lil' cutie's snatch not even knowing he's licking some frat fuck's cum!"

"Fuck you, Mike," I managed to groan.

"Shut up and get your set finished, pussy," Moose commanded. "This is good therapy for you. Maybe it will keep you from getting fucked over again. You probably think she's special, don't you?"

I continued to grind out the last few reps. Squat day with Moose was always hell, even without the verbal abuse of that morning. As I finished my last rep, Moose moved closer to me and said "You're not done. You got two more."

My legs felt like gelatin. "I don't know man," I replied.

"You're going to do it, or I'll beat the shit out of you for quitting on all of us. You've got a national qualifier coming in a month. You want to miss out because somebody who has their shit together worked harder than you," Moose asked. The other guys all started yelling too.

"Come on, get it done!" "Forget about your new girlfriend!" "Quit being a pussy," they yelled at me.

The few other patrons in the gym were probably staring as I let out a war whoop and finished the last two. I couldn't tell for sure since I was about to blackout. After I racked the bar and got the obligatory back slaps, Moose grabbed my shoulder and stuck his finger in my face. "Good set, but you better keep your head on straight for next month. We're all going to Nationals in Vegas or none of us are going. And you don't want to the guy that keeps us all from going!"

"I won't be, Moose. I'll get it done," I managed to say despite my dizziness.

"All right, let's finish up and get the fuck out of here. Some of these little bodybuilder fuckers may want to use some of this shit," Moose bellowed. The gym monitor cringed, but as usual he never bothered asking Moose to keep it down. "We got another party at Bryan's tonight. He's not going to let the cops keep him from having another big blowout."

"Fuckin' Bryan is crazy, man," I said.

"Yeah, I just wish his old man was a little firmer with him. He's about to flunk out again," Moose added. "He can always go to work the old man. I just hope my Dad keeps an eye on him, or else they'll be having nightly keggers and drunk sluts hanging out at the office all day."

We finished up our workout and headed for the door. There were a few more suggestions of what to do with the little brunette, and what not to do. I took it all in stride.

"You going to be at Bry's place tonight, or you going to be holding hands somewhere," Steve asked.

"No, I'll be there. I'm going to miss pizza and football night tomorrow though. We're going to dinner," I said.

"Goddamn, man. I can't believe you're already taking her to dinner. You better come home with more than a goodnight kiss," Mike groaned.

"Yeah," Moose said as he gave me his customary one finger goodbye. I had to grin as they walked off together. They all lived in a big house right across the street from campus. It would have been the party house except they all knew Bryan was always happy to have 400 people in and around his place every weekend.

I staggered to my truck on my freshly destroyed legs and headed home. I began to wonder what the surprise 'Drea left was.

When I got there, I immediately went to the bathroom. On the mirror, in red lipstick was her phone number and hanging from the faucet were her lacy black panties. I got a big smile on my face. That was so fucking hot. I picked them up and brought them to my face. I could still smell her and the perfume she'd worn on them. That was too fucking sexy. Maybe the crew was right, maybe I should have gone further the previous night. She was obviously interested in me. But then again, I knew that it was going to be more than worth the wait. She seemed like someone I never imagined walking in my life.

I thought briefly about calling her but remembered she was going to be out for a while. Besides I had to eat, get cleaned up, and go to work. I would call her when I got home.

As I was leaving for work, I walked back by my dresser where I'd laid her panties. On impulse I picked them up and put them in my pocket. I chuckled to myself after I did it. That would definitely get the crew on my ass knowing I was carrying her panties around with me.


My shift at the local home improvement store that afternoon was uneventful. Move this here, load that for this customer. I got along great with the manager as she liked how polite I was with the customers, and the other college kids I worked with were all good people. My shift ended at 7 and I hopped in my truck to drive back to my apartment. My first act was to grab my cordless phone and walk to the bathroom. I dialed the number and it began to ring. After a few rings a female voice answered.

"Hello," she said.

"'Drea," I asked.

"No, this is Julie," came the reply.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is 'Drea in," I asked.

"No, she's not. She went to grab some dinner," Julie replied.

"Oh, okay. Can you tell her I called," I asked.

"I'd be happy to, but who are you," she laughed.

"That would help, I guess," I laughed. "This is Brad."

"Oh, Brad," she said. "I heard a little about you this morning."

"I hope it was good," I said.

"It was," she said. I gave her my number. "I'll let her know. She should be back soon."

"Okay, thanks Julie," I said.

"You're welcome. Bye," she said.

I decided to take a shower, as a sack of mortar mix broke when I was loading it and I spilled all over me. My hair was full of shampoo when I heard the phone ring. I washed it out as quickly as I could as I knew who it might be. I answered it just before the answering machine picked up.

"Hello," I answered.

"Did I catch you at a bad time," 'Drea asked.

"No, I just got out of the shower," I said.

"Mmmm, so you're naked perhaps," she said.

"I might be," I replied.

"Pity I'm not there to see this," she giggled.

"Yes, it is," I said.

"How was your day," she asked. I quickly told her about my day. "So, did the guys tease you?"

"You could say that," I said.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Whatever," I said. "They're just jealous the prettiest girl on campus spent the night with me."

"Whatever, yourself. I'm not the prettiest girl on campus," she laughed.

"I think you are," I said.

"I think you might need your eyes checked," she said.

"I did a month ago," I said. "My vision is perfect."

"Uh huh," she said. "So, what are you doing tonight?"

"I think we're going back across the street," I said.

"Will he ever learn," she asked.

"No, Bryan knows every cop on the force by their first name," I said. "They fine him and he pays them and has another party to celebrate. What are your plans tonight?"

"Not much, I have a paper to write and since I've got plans tomorrow night, I thought I should probably work on it," she said.

"Yeah, you should. We're going to be having a good time tomorrow night," I laughed.

"I'm really looking forward to that," she replied.

"Yeah, me too," I agreed.

"I don't want to keep you on the phone all night," she said.

"You're not, I'm enjoying talking to you. I just wish we were face to face," I said.

"That might not be a very constructive conversation if you're naked," she laughed.

"Maybe not, but we can try some time," I offered.

"Oh, I think we will," she said. I'd moved to my bed and laid back on it as we continued to talk. We talked about all sorts of things. Music, life, places we'd been. She was by far much more traveled than me, but despite her family's situation, she was modest, even humble. My only other frame of references for someone from a well-to-do family were Moose and Bryan. Moose was similar to 'Drea, Bryan on the other hand...

"So, what do you want to do with your life," she asked.

"I don't know for sure," I said. "I'm taking a course on groundwater this semester and I think I might think about something in that field. Maybe cleaning up contaminated places and making them better."