A Night With Rachel Ch. 00


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"That would be good. I'm sure my family has contaminated a few over the years," she said.

"Maybe, honey," I said.

"Honey, huh," she asked.

"Yeah, sorry. Is it too soon," I asked in reply.

"No, it's okay," she laughed. "It's cute and I love it."

"Good," I replied.

"So, it's like 8:30, do you need to go," she asked.

"No, as long as I'm not keeping you from your paper," I said.

"You are not. I have it outlined, it won't me long to write," she said.

"I still can't believe you just walked in last night," I said.

"Things happen," she said.

"They do," I replied.

"Did you like my gift," she asked.

"I loved it. I kept them with me all day," I replied.

"You did not," she gasped.

"I did," I said.

"That's a little kinky," she laughed. "But also pretty damn cute."

"Thanks," I said. "So, what do you want to do with your life?"

"I want to be happy and fulfilled," she said.

"That's all," I asked.

"Yeah, that's a lot on its own," she said.

She was so different than any girl I'd ever met. Her answer to my question blew me away. That was so perfect. She simply wanted to be happy.

"It is," I replied.

"What are you thinking over there, big boy. Am I freaking you out," she asked.

"No, of course not. I'm just thinking how damn lucky I am that you walked in my life last night," I said.

"I'm glad you feel that way," she said. "I haven't even known you 24 hours and I can already tell you're different than any guy I've ever met. Why are you single?"

"That's a story all its own," I said.

"I'm listening," she said. I told her the abridged version of Lori and all that happened there. She was quiet until I finished.

"That sounds awful," she said.

"It was rough," I said.

"I like the way your guys stood behind you though. Maybe a little extreme, but touching none the less," she laughed.

"That's their way," I laughed.

"I should really let you go. This paper won't write itself," she said.

"No, it won't. I'll call you later and if you're done you could come to the party," I said.

"We'll see," she said. "You should call me later either way."

"Should I," I asked.

"Yes, I'd like to know you're not with some drunk slut," she laughed.

"I think my last drunk slut cured me of them once and for all," I said.

"I understand. Now get some clothes on. Call me later," she said.

"I will sweetie," I said. "Bye for now."

"Yes, bye," she said.

I hung up the phone and smiled to myself. Holy shit. Who had I met the previous night?? She was just amazing. I knew the guys were going to give me piles of shit, but fuck them. They were just jealous. I smiled so broadly as I dressed it felt like my face began to cramp. This was going to be great I told myself.

I walked downstairs and across the street. There were already people everywhere and it was barely 10 o'clock. I saw Moose sitting by the kegs.

"Where the fuck you been," he asked handing me a cup of beer.

"I had a phone call," I said.

"You let her kick you in the nuts, you're on your own," he growled.

"I know. It won't come to that, though," I said.

"It better not," he said before he punched me in the shoulder.

"Damn, man," I said.

"That's just a reminder," he said.

The rest of the guys filtered by and they had to give me shit, as well. They were good dudes, but damn they could be too much. We stood around talking and making jokes. I was trying to have a good time, but I had only one thing on my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I went easy on the beer just in case I needed to go pick her up. The guys noticed and I took a bunch of shit for that, too.

"You've already given her your manhood and haven't got any yet," Steve teased.

"Hey, fuck off. I'm just staying sober so I can get some tonight," I joked.

"She's probably going to bring you sloppy seconds like that other cunt did," Moose laughed.

"No. She's not like that. She's different," I persisted. That got them fired up and the ball breaking continued. I finally had to take a leak and walked in the house. When I finished, I saw Bryan, the host, come out of his bedroom.

"Hey man. You having a good time," he asked me.

"Yeah dude, like always," I replied. "You mind if I use your phone?"

"Mi casa es su casa," he said. I opened the door and saw the phone by the bed. I picked it up and dialed the number.

"Hello," 'Drea answered.

"Hi, how's the paper going," I asked.

"I just printed it," she replied.

"Great," I said.

"Having fun over there," she asked.

"A little. It would be a lot more fun if you were here," I said.

"You think so, do you," she asked.

"I know so. Do you want me to come pick you up," I replied.

"I don't feel like getting dressed up," she said.

"Oh, okay," I said, more than a little disappointed.

"I said I didn't want to get dressed up. That doesn't mean I don't want you to come pick me up," she said.

"Oh, okay," I replied with a lot more enthusiasm. "I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

"I'll be waiting," 'Drea replied. I hung up the phone and walked out of the house. As I walked out on the front porch, I told the guys I'd see them at the gym Monday afternoon. There were a few crude jokes made at my expense, but I didn't care. I ran across the street to the parking garage and hopped in my truck thankful that I'd limited myself to two beers. I made my way to 'Drea's dorm and saw her standing outside the door with a little bag. She got in and kissed me immediately.

"Hi," she said.

"Yeah, hi," I replied.

"I'm glad you called. I was thinking about getting ready for bed," she said.

"That would have been a shame," I smiled.

"Yes. I'll get ready for bed at your place instead," she smiled. I drove back to my apartment building and she took my hand as we walked in. My heart was beating like I'd been running. I couldn't believe this gorgeous girl was going to spend the night with me for the second night in a row. I kept thinking this had to be a dream. When we got in the elevator, she kissed me passionately, reminding me that it wasn't. We walked into my apartment and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me," she said.

"Why would I do that," I asked.

"Because I'm back in your apartment again and we've hardly known one another 24 hours," she smiled.

"I don't think anything of that," I said. "I'm just really glad that you're here."

"So, am I," she said. We kissed and caressed one another. It was still a warm night and she was wearing a zipup hoodie and denim shorts. She unzipped the hoodie and shrugged it off to reveal a white tank top. She looked amazing standing there in front of me. I took her back in my arms and we kissed again. My hands roamed up and down her back revealing she wasn't wearing a bra. I pulled her to couch and I sat down. I expected her to sit next to me but she surprised me by straddling me. She quickly kicked off the sandals she was wearing.

I looked up at her and smiled.

"What," she asked.

"This is really happening, isn't it," I said.

"What's happening," she replied.

"This. You're here with me," I answered.

"Yeah it is. You don't believe it," she asked.

"Not really," I said.

"It is," she smiled and kissed me again. I hugged her close to me and we snuggled as we continued to kiss. Normally, I'd have been a little more 'hands on', but I hesitated with her. She'd said she was acting out of character, and I didn't want to press matters. She settled the matter for me by peeling her tank top off. I looked at bare breasts in admiration. They were just the perfect size and capped by beautiful, hard nipples. Her hands reached for my shirt and she quickly pulled it up and off.

"Mmmm," she purred. "I just love how big and strong you are."

"Thanks. You're pretty fucking amazing yourself," I replied.

"You think so," she said.

"Yes, I do," I replied.

"Good," she said as she resumed kissing me. The thrill of her bare breasts rubbing against my chest was wonderful. My hands roamed over her back, reveling in the pleasure of touching her soft smooth skin. I couldn't get enough of it. I was very aroused and did my best to remain calm. I needed to just enjoy the situation and know that the future would be wonderful. She paused her kissing onslaught and looked at me seriously.

"Brad, things are going pretty fast," she said.

"Yeah, they are babe," I agreed.

"Should we let them," she continued.

"It's up to you. I don't want you to feel like that's all I'm interested in, because it's not," I replied.

"I know it's not, but will you look at me differently if I tell you that I want I want to make love with you," she asked.

"You do," I replied. She simply nodded. "'Drea, I won't think any differently of you, but we can wait if you want."

"I don't want to wait. It feels like it's going to be right with you. I haven't been able to think of anything else all day," she said. I stared at her in disbelief. I felt my chest tighten as those words rang in my ears. I pulled her against me and kissed her.

"Mmmm," she said. "I want you Brad."

"I want you too, 'Drea," I agreed. I stood up with her, supporting her by her beautiful ass. Her arms and legs instinctively wrapped around me. I walked to my bedroom and laid her on the bed. I knelt over her, continuing to kiss her. My hand roamed over her tender breasts causing her to moan and squirm.

"Damn, you seem to know what to do to me," she cooed.

"I'm trying," I said as my mouth moved down to suckle her hard nipples. Her hands held my head as I alternated between the two. My hand roamed down her flat abdomen to the button of her shorts. I quickly had them open and my hand ventured inside. Her panties felt very lacy and exquisite. My fingers traced their way down and I cupped her sex in my hand.

"Mmmm," she moaned. "That's really nice."

"Uh huh," I agreed, continuing to suck her nipples.

"Touch me," she pleaded. I placed my hand inside her panties and was amazed by the fact that she was completely bare. I looked up at her and smiled.

"What," she asked nervously.

"You're bare," I said.

"Yes. You've never seen that before," she asked.

"No, just in Playboy," I laughed.

"Just in Playboy, huh," she said shaking her head.

I resumed my enjoyment of her breasts as my fingers trailed through her wet sex. I loved the smoothness I was feeling. In truth, I'd only seen two other women, so my frame of reference was limited. The first had been Lisa, a 35-year-old divorcee that lived across the street from my parents. I'd taken care of her lawn work since her husband left her for his secretary. The summer after I graduated high school, Lisa took care of my virginity. The things she'd taught me that summer were valuable life lessons for a young man. The other had been Lori. Neither had excited me like 'Drea, though. I felt like I was floating on a cloud as I touched her. I was dying to do something else for her.

I raised up from her and reached for the waist of her shorts. I slowly pulled them down, as her hips rose from the bed making it easier for me. I looked at her lying there completely naked. I couldn't help but smile.

"Why do you keep smiling," 'Drea asked.

"Because you're so gorgeous," I replied. I moved around on the bed and positioned myself between her feet. She looked at me suspiciously.

"What are you doing," she asked.

"I'm going to go down on you," I said.

"What," she asked incredulous. "I've never had someone do that."

"Never," I asked.

"No. I've only been with two guys," she said.

"I've only been with two girls," I replied.

"Are you clean," she asked. "I'm sorry to kill the mood, but the girl you were telling me about."

"Yeah, I'm clean. I can show you my paperwork, even," I said with a smile.

"No, that's fine. It's just moving so fast. I can't believe I'm naked," she laughed.

"We can go slow, babe. There's no rush if you're uncomfortable," I offered. Granted I was going to have to go to the bathroom and relieve myself if that was the case.

"I love that you call me babe," she smiled. She seemed to hesitate momentarily, but then her mood changed completely. "Brad, I want this. I want to feel that. I've always wondered what that was like."

"Wonder no longer," I said. I laid down on my belly and began kissing my way up her thighs. I looked up and watched her staring at me. She was biting her lower lip as I moved ever closer. I studied her sex intently. It glistened with excitement, her lips puffy and full. I could see her clit clearly. I could not wait to show her what I could do to her. My mouth made it to the tops of her thighs, and I could clearly smell her desire. It was intoxicating, knowing she was excited for me, that she wanted to make love with me. We'd moved pretty fast, but as she said, it felt right. I look a long lick up her slit as the first step, stopping just short of her clit. She moaned lightly as my lips and tongue roamed around getting to know her. My experiences with Lisa had taught me to be patient when pleasuring a woman orally.

I lapped and kissed 'Drea, tasting and savoring her nectar. Her moans grew louder, and her body moved under me. I loved doing this and who I was doing it for drove me to even greater heights. She was so beautiful and perfect. I was having these crazy thoughts about us falling in love, getting married, and spending the rest of our lives together. I smiled to myself as I licked her wet sex. All in due time, I reminded myself.

Her hands found my head and she held me against her. Her passionate cries had increased even further. I couldn't wait to hear her when I was inside her.

"Oh, Brad that feels so good," 'Drea purred. "It's even better than I imagined."

"Mmmm," I agreed. Her taste was unbelievable. I teased her clit, but my tongue lingered in her slit gathering more of her honey. I took my time. I wanted her to enjoy it and come back to me again and again.

"Oh, I think I'm really close," she panted. "Lick me up here." She pulled on my head for emphasis. I worked my way up and twirled my tongue around her hard clit. She tensed and I heard her squeal. "That's it. Right there. Oh!!"

I circled her clit again and again with tongue. I felt the tension in her continue to build, almost like a spring being compressed. I wanted her to cum. I wanted her to cum on my tongue for the first time. I loved being the one to show her what this was like.

"Uggghhh, don't stop, baby. Don't stop," she groaned. Her fingers held my head tightly, her fingers tugged at my hair. "Mmmmm, that's it. Oh, baby. You're going to make me...Oh!!"

I felt the tension in her body release. Her breath was rapid and throaty. Her hands rubbed my head.

"Holy shit," she moaned. "That was unbelievable."

"Good," I replied. I moved up next to her and pulled her to me. We kissed gently. Thankfully, she was not put off by her own taste and smell. Lori would insist that I brush my teeth afterwards. That should have been a sign.

"I see what I've been missing," 'Drea continued.

"Yes. I bet so," I said. "I'll do that whenever you want."

"I'll be taking you up on that offer," she replied.

"I hope you do," I smiled.

"So, what about you," she asked. Her hand moved down my chest and across my abs.

"I thought we could kiss and cuddle a little. I didn't want to be Mr. Lick It and Stick It," I laughed.

"You could probably get away with that right now," she said. "My body is still tingling. I've never cum like that before."

Her hand reached the front of my shorts. I watched her face for her reaction to touching me. She got a very curious look on her face when her small hand made contact with me through my shorts. She squeezed it and smiled.

"Wow," 'Drea said. I'd been blessed in the manhood department, but never realized it until the first time Lisa pulled it out of my shorts and gasped. Lori's reaction had been much the same, even though she'd probably seen more meat than a butcher.

"Thanks," I replied. She sat up and unbuttoned my shorts. I never liked wearing underwear, so I was immediately on display. Her hand grabbed me and squeezed me lightly.

"This is pretty nice," she said stroking me.

"Yeah, that feels really good," I smiled.

"You're okay with this," she asked.

"Of course, as long as you are," I replied.

"I am. I want to make love with you," she said.

"So, do I," I smiled. I stood and dropped my shorts and took off my shoes. She scooted back on the bed and motioned with her finger. I knelt on the bed and crawled to her, positioning myself between her welcoming thighs. "Fuck, I don't have any condoms."

"You said you're safe," she said.

"I am, but I always use them. I don't want to be a daddy," I said.

"I'm on the pill and I'm probably never going to be able to have children anyway," she said.

"Why," I asked.

"It's a long story. Come on, I've been wanting it to try it without a condom, might as well be with a guy I hardly know, right," she smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so," I laughed. I reached between and lined myself up with her wetness. Her hands gripped my shoulders as I pushed forward entering her. I watched her eyes get wider as pushed in further.

"Oh, wow. I've never felt like this before," she said. "You're so much bigger than I've ever felt."

"Thanks. I was lucky I guess," I said.

"So, was I," she smiled. I thrust in and out of her slowly. It felt so amazing without a condom, so tight and wet. I briefly worried about doing it, but I trusted she knew what she was talking about. I looked in those big, beautiful brown eyes as I slid in and out of her. This felt so right with her, not like it had before.

"Mmmm, baby. That's just so good," she moaned. "You're just so big and sexy. I love your big arms and shoulders."

"Thanks, babe. You're so fucking sexy," I said. "This feels so right."

"Yes, it does. I knew it would and that's why I decided to just do it," she said.

I increased my tempo and she nodded to me in response. Her beautiful lips parted as her breathing quickened. I leaned down and kissed her vigorously. She wrapped her arms around me holding me tight against her. My hips drove my cock in and out of her wetness quickly. I heard her panting in my ear.

"Oh, Brad. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me. You feel so fucking good inside me," she moaned.

"Mmmm, you too, 'Drea. I love it," I said. "So, fucking good."

"Unnggghhh, oh god. That's good. Oh baby, you're going to make me cu...," she moaned. "Oh, fuck. Oh, that was so good."

"Wow. What have I gotten myself into," I smiled.

"Whatever! I could ask you the same thing," she gasped. "I've had a guy make me cum one time, and he was using his fingers."

"I'll try to do better than that," I replied.

"You already have," she smiled. I put my arm under her and rolled over on my shoulder pulling her with me. She had a look of alarm on her face with my sudden movement. She landed on top of me and I was still inside her. "I've never been tossed around like that."

"That's too bad," I said. "You're the perfect size for tossing."

"What am I supposed to do now," she asked.

"Whatever comes naturally," I smiled. Her hips started to move, and she put her hands on my chest.

"How's that," she asked.

"Perfect," I replied.

"I'm thinking I'm not as advanced as you are," she said.

"Baby, that's okay," I said taking her face in my hands. "I've still got a lot to learn. I want it to be with someone special."

"Yes. Me too," she said. "Oh, this is really nice. I've never got to be on top."

"It's my favorite," I said.

"Why," she asked.

"Because I can watch you and run my hands all over you," I said. My hands grazed over her hard nipples for emphasis.