All Comments on 'A Slave to the Servants Ch. 32'

by DoctorWolf

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This is the best chapter yet. Please tell me this isn't ending soon! I loved the ending! Keep up the good work!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


loranaloranaabout 12 years ago

I am so ridiculously happy for Ciara and the Boys right now :D

I am really curious about Fuji though. Does she talk to her family? It's never really discussed if she was actually in love with them Like Ciara and Rose were with their own families. Hopefully it will be discussed later on :)

asunalanasunalanabout 12 years ago
i cried

b'coz i'm so very happy right now.

i had been very patiently waiting for this chapter that i keep refreshing the page every 4 -5 mins for 2

Now they all can be together. 1 big happy family. only Jonathans rescue left,

wonderful job as always DW and Steve

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
it can't be that easy...

Everyone's all happy that they can be a family again, but I don't think it will be that easy, particulary when DW has so many twists in her head. They'll have to prove that they're mates to the administrators. Can't wait to see Ciara tell their asses off.

Curiously_LookingCuriously_Lookingabout 12 years ago
God, That Was Awesome!

I love your story so much. In the beginning it was different and alien and you were building a new world for your readers. Now it's the alien meeting the normal, and you're exploring human, (for lack of a more appropriate term), interactions, feelings and relationships. You don't make it seem as if things can change overnight.

I was so glad that Ciara got angry with them. Every time in the past when they did something, I waited for her to get angry, if only in her own mind. But she pushed it down so far, that it never happened. It's gratifying to finally see her express it. I was also pleased that she realized that she wasn't helping matters by not asserting herself more. In the end, she made a REAL choice to be with them. She looked at everything that happened, how she felt about it, what the future might bring, and she made a decision.

It took the men longer to get there, but they've only known one way their entire lives. As Ciara said, it was huge that they even thought about changing, much less actually tried to before they got here.

And now they have this bond. I can't wait to see what will come out of this new development. And I want to inquire about how it's even possible. I hope you will explain DW, but you haven't let me down so far so I have faith and will wait patiently. How exactly will this all end?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I've been reading this story for months now, and I am continually astonished at the skill you have in world-building and character development, as well as in story-telling and plotting. Your descriptive writing is great: you give just enough detail that I know how things are laid out, but there's still the freedom to add my own touches to my mental painting of the scenes and people involved. You also do a remarkable job at writing convincingly in first-person.

This truly is the best chapter yet. You've obviously researched indoctrination/de-indoctrination procedures and mentality, and it all rings authentic and true. I respect and commend your decision not to let things "go easy" with the men, or with Ciara and Rose. The struggles are there, but there is extra sweetness in winning through them.

My favorite part has to be when she fully comprehends on what a rotten core her initial feelings of love were based --and then makes the choice to start fresh, with forgiveness.

Masterfully done. I await the next installment eagerly. Thank you.

lgspearmanlgspearmanabout 12 years ago
Truly amazing...

Once again, you've hit it out of the park. I came to the series recently, maybe a month or so ago, but I didn't fave it and then it took me forever to find again! But once I did, I read almost non-stop all weekend. Imagine my excitement to learn I only had a handful of days to wait for Ch. 32. And now I'll be eagerly awaiting each new installment until the (very far in the future, please God!) last chapter.

I've seen others comment on the feasibility of making this a novel, and I completely agree that this could go mainstream. I tore through this series with the same voracity that I attack a new installment of Kim Harrison or Laurell K. Hamilton. I truly believe that this body of work would need minimal reworking to make it best-seller material. DrWolf, if you continue to have such vivid worlds living in your head, you've got a long, lucrative career as a professional author in your future. Hell, even if you only have this world living in your head, I'd love to read the stories of Rose and Fuji! Especially Fuji because her backstory is so very different from Ciara and Rose, and the changes she's undergone since the rescue would be well worth exploring further. KUDOS!!!

MissEmMissEmabout 12 years ago

Yea really cool chapter, I and I'm sure like many others who have been refrashering the page to see if it's been posted have been anticipating the next chapter and wondering what new twist DW springs on us, and gods it was not a disappointment... The 'mate' bond was an interesting twist to end the chapter can't wait to see where that leads... And my heart is breaking thinking about them still be separated from Jonathan...

Thank you DW for sharing this world

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't end. Let Ciara & Kein share a child.

I love this series. Would make a great book. I want the family to rebuild, & Ciara plus Kein to have a child. He is the only Brother without a child as part of the story. Don't end. Keep writing.

MetalMommaKy78MetalMommaKy78about 12 years ago

This would have to be my favorite chapter! Words can't express how much I loved this!

dragonkittydragonkittyabout 12 years ago
Awesome as always!

I have been reading this for a few months now and I LOVE it! You have such a way with words and plot lines its amazing. I will continue to look forward to reading further installments with glee and hope that even if you do end this story that you start another. While waiting for this chapter I read your other story chain, Bound to my Mate, and that was great! My only recommendation is always utilize an editor! As long as you are posting on Literotica I will be reading! Thanks so much for sharing your literary brilliance with us.

Gamergirl10Gamergirl10about 12 years ago
Please don't ever let this end!!

I agree with the other comments wholly, I love this series so much, and I know it will have to come to an end eventually, but I never want it to! You paint such a beautiful world, DW, even though it was harsh and evil at first, I love how it's changed. Ciara finally gets that bond with her family, now I just hope she & Rose can continue to change the other men's ideas about Damien's, Basin's, and Stayne's family.

Stellar chapter! I stopped doing everything when I saw this chapter was up. Brilliant as always! Please continue!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Thank you

As a new mum your work really touches me. I can't imagine being separated from my child. Thank you so much for sharing this literary baby with us - even though it's keeping me up at night!

donaldedonaldeabout 12 years ago
super chapter

excellent chapter it is nice the men finally accepted her as their equal i can not wait for more

JulianaHopeJulianaHopeabout 12 years ago

I agree, it's the best chapter so far . I can hardly believe I've been reading this for nearly a year. When you are finally done I will be a little bit lost without Ciara to visit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Can I say that i just nearly cried when Ciara yelled at Damien and her family. Finally after all this time, she really lets loose. She tells them exactly what they did to her, and how it made her feel, and it was so emotionally beautiful.

Loved the interaction with Fuji. For all that she was: born and bred a slave, Fuji seems to have integrated nicely with the camp, and in some ways better than Ciara and Rose have. Loved the sort of reverse Hobson's Choice (you can have any horse in the barn as long as it's closest to the door), instead here it's: take only food from the brown bowls, when 90% of the bowl were brown. Awesome! And she's taking down racks! Wonder if she's spearing them with her tail...

And I am going to second what someone said earlier: give Ciara and Kein a child!

Thank you DW for continuously sharing your world with us, looking forward to the next chapter and early May!

willieonewillieoneabout 12 years ago
Absolutely bloody brilliant!

You already know how much I love this story so won't bore you with how wonderful,fantastic,awesome and great this chapter was to read.LOL

Loved that you described Fugi's change in detail and her hunting racks was cool. Love the bond.

Can't wait for the next chapters!!!

DW you are amazing.

wildsoulwildsoulabout 12 years ago

Ho-ray for the girls!!! The have grown so much this chapter!! I'm also glad that Ciara finally straighten it out with the brothers. Thank you so much for updating.

GrumpyGambyGrumpyGambyabout 12 years ago

I am so impressed with how you managed to redeem the Damien brothers for all the beatings and the treatment they dished out. Whipping her clit had been an unconscionable act. I lost interest in the sex scenes from that point on. I skipped over every single scene and was actually really bothered by how LONG they were. I thought Ciara/Rachel was far too passive, far too avoidant, far too afraid of confrontation. You know that Irish saying, "the only truly happy man is always the village idiot!" That was Ciara, as far as I was concerned. But you have completely redeemed her and through that growth her forgiveness of the men is acceptable.

Really well done! Bravo again!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Just Excellent

Really that is all there is to say, but I cannot wait to see how NuRe is brought back into this story. Somehow I see her on their side really. Her sister is and sisters share don't they? :)

As a guy, the thing I like is the turning of things upside down, with the predictable but fascinating result that things don't change as much as we would expect. You do such a wonderful job creating this world and the beings that populate it. It is really an amazing story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
so is this the last chapter?

We must be getting close to the end, now. Almost all the loose ends are coming together. But, what about Jonathon? And what about Fugi's family? Or Nu-Reah? Will they ever understand that Slavery is wrong? Will Rose find her own happy ending? WOW. What a story. You have real gold here!

MygypsyMygypsyabout 12 years ago

Don't you dare finish the story here!

Each of Ciara's 'Mates' deserve a child. Even though this story has gone through a lot of different phases I believe there is still a long way to go!

I also love watching Rose and Fuji (hope I spelled it right) change. It is also obvious to me that most of the free population need to be retrained as well.

chibicakeschibicakesabout 12 years ago

I have loved every chapter of this story and look forward to the next one that you said would be coming May 2nd ish. I can't wait for the reactions of colony and to see the Mate bond work out. I'm sure Kennedy and Hanna will be very proud and I hope the other men will come to accept Damien and his brothers now that he has truly proven that she is family.

Great job as always. Thank you for sharing this story with us I know many of us wait with bated breath for the next chapter. I, myself don't care how long the story goes. I love learning about the world you created and the characters in it.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Another great Chapter. I'm really looking forward for the next one. However it saddens me that this story is reaching its end. What are my going to do when its over?sniff sniff I'm already addicted to this story; learning about the lives and struggle of Ciara/ Rachel.

fruitloverfruitloverabout 12 years ago

Best chapter yet!!!!!! I am looking forwards to may 2

CRNA5CRNA5about 12 years ago

Thank you. Thank you, Steve150177.

sylentpoetsylentpoetabout 12 years ago

As always you had my heart pounding the entire time reading this chapter. Like the other readers I do not want this story to end. I am so glad the Ciara and her family were able to bond as they have, expecially with all the diversity they have had to overcome in their changing relationship. I really want to see them reunited with Jonathan though. I anxiously await the next chapter.

huntersangelhuntersangelabout 12 years ago
oh my gosh!

that was such a moving ending to this chapter! i'm so in love with this story dw, you just don't know how much i appreciate your efforts here. wow, i'm going to be so sad when this story ends, and i can feel it's coming soon. oh man, then what? i hope you do publish this in book form. i will definetly buy it, but i want an autographed copy, so you're not done writing yet! excellent work dw, just excellent!

GlosUKGlosUKabout 12 years ago

Ypu are a talented writer and I am looking forward to the next installments and future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I dont want this to end

Ever! :)

christyw744christyw744about 12 years ago

That is truly all I can say. Simply beautiful!!!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 12 years ago

Finally, Ciara is loved and appreciated for who she truly is. It's a beautiful thing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
stupendous chapter BW!

i love the way you are able to smoothly blend plot, characters, description with all your great ideas into a wonderful read for us. thank you BW! must be published!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Beyond words

Wow!!!!!just wow.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This was such a beautiful chapter. It is easy, in the face of their overwhelming attractiveness, to forget the awful things Damien and the brothers did, I love that you addressed them while still allowing Ciara to love her men. This series has truly moved me so many times :)

NicoleAmyNicoleAmyabout 12 years ago
Amazing writing as always!

The 'mate' bond was a perfect ending, big warm fuzzies inside :) Im so proud of Damien and his brothers, they finally get it ... I wonder if having the bond will change how they are viewed in the camp?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

OMG, if you don't love this story, you really have no taste, what a absolutely stunning chapter. This is my book of the year, and it's not even finished yet.

Stunning Dr. Wofl, stunning

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
loved this chapter!

Wonderful read as always!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

First, I do live the unique world they live in and how you tell it. I agree with what others have voiced, this can be a fantastic published book! Heck, after fixing a few typos, you could look into making it an ebook in amazon. Now I do realize she came from white neighborhood, but you can eat bamboo. It is actually something I look forward to when we eat out. :).

slave2threeslave2threeabout 12 years ago

I've read through this whole series in one sitting and can't wait for it to continue! That being said, I love seeing the growth in Rachel/Ciara, but feel like I've missed out on her "boys." Just "we've talked to Hannah and Kennedy" isn't enough. Just talking is not enough for Warriors who aren't used to it! I want to see the internal conflict between all 5 of them. I need to see their growth, their anger and blame at Nu-Reah for having this system in place. They wanted to be free, they acted out against the "system" by their little rebellious acts in the compound, until she made them not only accept it but REINFORCE it by what they did to Ciara. That realization is what is needed to see them truly understand and beg Rachel's forgiveness. We already know they can emphasize some with Ciara, but they're still of two minds about it. Until we see complete understanding its going to feel too "Easy." Would also LOVE to know what they're doing during the days away from Rachel and how much they pine away for her. I think it'd be interesting to see the free community be privy to this information and see how they react to it.

Would also LOVE to learn more about Fuji, her home planet, and her growth. I think this story would also show more depth and variety to the frightening native women of this world.

As for Kein, I feel sorry for him... he seems left out. While it would be tempting for me to say, "Please give him and Rachel a Sweet boy to raise free!", I feel for "freedom" to be truly recognized and earned there has to be more choices involved. I'd love to see him choose to pursue another mate for the group. Do a group of men only stick to one female "group"? Since there's 5 of them and only one Human Rachel, don't they have the instinctual need to have more females? Or does it take 5 men to satiate one of that worlds females? While that's the feeling I initially gotten from Nu-Reah, I don't feel that as prevalently in the free camp. With how much they love to expand their family, I can't see them wanting to limit themselves with this new found freedom. They seem to have so much love to give!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Love the plot, but... (wait for it) we need sexsexsexsexsex

Please and thank you :)

popparazzipopparazziabout 12 years ago

This is an emotional chapter. I loved it.

PS I nominated DoctorWolf for Most Influential Writer for this story in the The 13th Annual Literotica Award contest. I hope everyone who loves this excellent story as I do, do the same thing.

19Kitten1919Kitten19about 12 years ago
Love it!

I've spent the last little while reading the last few chapters. I am very pleased to see the way your story is progressing. Quite enjoyable, well thought out, and very imaginative! I agree you should receive the aforementioned recognition, although I don't know how to nominate/vote for you. I can't wait for the next chapters.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenabout 12 years ago
What I hate...

... About this chapter is that I know it's one of the last you'll write in this story.

What a ride this has been. I've said it many times before: the doc is good.

However, I can't see how this story counts as being influential. I've never read anything else like this. Bound To My Mate, yes, was very influential, but was not nearly as unique as this one.

If we see lots more professional quality sci-fi where the authors have something important to say on a still-relevant topic (not necessarily slavery), and express it in a clear, strong voice itch a compelling story, then I cold see the "most influential" award being justified. Not yet, though. For now this just gets the coveted Hak's All Time Favorite award. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I've been reading from the beginning and have experienced a lot of emotions with Ciara and because of what happened to her, anger, sadness, happiness and am glad I didn't stop reading this. It has come together very well. awesome job!

NchantaNchantaabout 12 years ago
Re: Annony Bamboo

There are only certain varieties of bamboo people can digest, and the shoots have to be young also.

RukaTurtleRukaTurtleabout 12 years ago

Im so happy now! I was starting to feel angry and raged when Ciara did and I thought the men would never learn, they were so stubborn. I am glad to be proven otherwise. I have to say though, I WAS kind of hopeful that Ciara might find interest in other males as well. Afterall its not like the the guys have stayed faithful to only her. Theyv mated other women so it seems only fare that she should too. I do understand that she hasn't found any yet but I do hope she has an interest at least. GREAT JOB THOUGH! AS ALWAYS I LOVE IT!

KrazyWhiteBoyKrazyWhiteBoyabout 12 years ago

OUTSTANDING!! PHENOMENAL!! FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!! You are an amazing writer! The depth and evolution of your characters astounds me!

RubySorceressRubySorceressabout 12 years ago

... for this wonderful new episode!

I am really impressed with the way you described the process Ciara has been going through: coming to learn and accept her own hidden emotions, growing to REAL forgiveness (because that must be given from an acceptance and understanding of the wrongdoings, and from a free heart).

And I hadn't really expected it in an emotional-loaden chapter as this one, but the part where she dares pleasure herself, fantasizing just for herself and her own pleasure, fantasizing of being in charge even (I would really like it if she tried that out for real ;-) ), was beautifully erotic and strong.

nicintasnicintasabout 12 years ago

Just.....Wow :0)

LadySilverBellsLadySilverBellsabout 12 years ago
Wow, just LOVE IT!

Wow this chapter was just so fantastic! I loved how you showed the progression of Rose and Ciara, poor Rose, not even sure if she could touch herself to wash. And then Fuji--wow--she really changed. With her appearance, the thick lush hair, her shiny glowing skin, being free really agreed with her far more than being a slave ever did.

I loved the end. Throughout the entire chapter it is the other men who believe Ciara can be on her own, make her own decisions, and want to know her thoughts and opinions. Yet in the end, when it matters most, it is her family, Damien and his brothers who trust in her capabilities to know what she is doing to save the scar bitten man and his entire family.

And the end was one of the most potent scenes of love I have ever read. To feel the mate bond and to feel her son through the bond, just stunning. Keep it up DW, you are truly fantastic at your craft!

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 12 years ago
Thank goodness!

I thought I might have to slap Ciara in the beginning, as she seemed to lose her common sense and logical thinking for the first time in the entire story; however, she recovered and I'm happy with how things turned out.

Steve's note about the passage of time was really helpful. Part of my annoyance over the past few chapters was that Ciara wasn't standing up for herself; that she was letting the free people control and enslave her. It makes so much more sense now, knowing that she had only been there for a day and had already spoken up once.

Looking forward to the next chapter and seeing all of our favorite characters grow and evolve.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I have been reading all the chapters religiously. You are a great and very talented writer. I can't wait for the next and hope and pray that there will be more.

beibeegyrl_109beibeegyrl_109about 12 years ago
Thank You...

You have no idea how often i check ur page for new submissions. You re one of my favorite authors on the site and i truly look forward to the day when u become published. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

All I can say is Wow!!

PandemosPandemosabout 12 years ago
Too busy reading to Vote!!!!

I love your writing and your stories. Such imagination in creating this world. Who wouldn't want to be enslaved for just a day by Damien and his brothers with their fantastic builds and cat-like eyes! But I'm loving the new found independence of Rachel. Can't wait for their next reunion - I know it will be so steamy...

Ready_N_WillingReady_N_Willingabout 12 years ago

I have only "favorited" two authors here, and you are one DW. I'm picky. :) I have LOVED this story since chapter one, and bite my nails waiting for each new chapter. I just know you will have some twist to surprise and intrigue me. I knew Ciara has that fighting spirit in her that would allow her to blow up like that, I just wasn't sure who would be the recipient of her tirade. :) I was VERY happy to read about her outing Rue and his brothers as "keepers", they were rude and needed to be taken down a peg.

I hadn't read the note before the story until after I read the story, and had a momentary panic when I read the end thinking that was going to be the end of the story. I am ecstatic knowing that this isn't over yet, but know it must eventually end. Keep up the good work.

I hope we see more of Fuji and how she may or may not choose to be with her old Masters again. Sounds like it would totally be her choice, with her new found strength she could kick their asses!

Can't wait for the next Chapter in the beginning of May!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

What an amazing story!! Your story stands out greatly from the other submissions - its so well developed: i've grown to really care about and empathise with Ciara. The part where she finally exploded and felt truly angry at Damien and his brothers was so moving! Thank you for writing such a captivating story!!

momz2manymomz2manyabout 12 years ago
I keep telling myself no more 500 word comments!

I can't help it. I have to read the pages over and over to absorb it all. Dr. Wolf, you have played with my emotions again. I walked around for two days elated before I even made it past the Fiji and Rose comming into their own part. I am SO proud. I'm also proud of the guys for stepping in and helping save to other family. I mean I know that they are good and honorable men; but it must be pretty scary to be out of control of the one you love and feel responsible for. It must also feel pretty shitty to have that person you love reinforce all the accusations that everyone else say make you a worthless being. To then claim your darkness and still fight to be with that person you wronged and stay where people judge you is what makes these men so incredible.

I don't know how it will work with mating being "administrated." How will bonding be recognized or regulated? A lot to mull over with this chapter. I thought the families saved would have to work it out with the administraters that Damian's and his friends' family is different from other slavers. I'm in love with fictional men and women and I'm afraid it's not just a fling. I cracked up at Ciara comming into her sexuality and trying to date. That was so cute. Perfect.


I'm going to come up with fourteen other fictional alias identities so I can 5 star every chapter with them. That would almost be enough. I sent this story to my Mom. (the chick leaning on my sholder in my pic) That's how much I love it. Thank you. You are amazing. LMAO at Steve. That was VERY funny to me. You're lucky to have each other. You two are the perfect team, and make my addiction so delicious. Did I say thank you? It just doesn't seem enough.

avrgblkgrlavrgblkgrlabout 12 years ago
This chapter is amazing...

You really have done an excellent job with this story--so many well developed characters. Everything came full circle. I especially appreciate the play on emotion. I can remember being angry at Ciara for not making a bigger issue out of being so intimately abused in an earlier chapter. In a sense, I understood her amazing ability to adapt and survive. I had not realized until now how valuable that scene and her reaction are to the complete story. I had not realized how important my reaction at that time was to the story as well. Without feeling what I felt at that time, I could not have truly appreciated what this chapter has done. This, my friend, is story telling at its finest. I love it. I’m in awe. Your story has taught me. Hopefully, I’ll be a better writer for it.

This is a good story and you are a good story teller. The combination is amazing.

~ AvrgBlkGrl

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
great story!

I want to thank you for your ability to tell an amazing story.


- nadali

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Wow, i feel as if i have just been retrained myself. I used to accept the things that happened to ciara with 'they love her so its ok'. Im surprised that I got to the point where i wouldn't have minded if she found a different family in her newly truly free state, although I'm very happy with the way it has turned out !!!! :) Amazing writing, I'm so drawn in :P Thankyou DW

victoriabucklevictoriabuckleabout 12 years ago
Oh My GOSH!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!

took me 3 days and several hrs of reading and I have just now finished this chapter but am already craving the next..... It's like a drug.... Please,Please,Please hurry with the next, I need my next fix!!!

P.S. still seeing some odd placements of punctuations, added words and missing words, but all told you are doing a fine job.... still confused as to why the notation for English words being in italics when the entire story is but don't see anyone else complaining so I'll hush up. ;0)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
you need to write a book

how many of you out there think DW needs to write a book? you are a great writer and hiding your gift on here. all I ask is when or if you do write a book to leave your pin name. so we know who to look for....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Great piece, and amazing chapter here! I've long thought Ciara is too passive but I like she changes and becomes more real and self-assured! Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Absolutely amazing story! I just couldn't stop reading. have you considered making it a series? Maybe Hannah becoming an administrator and finding a mate? And what finally happens to nu reeh? your imagination and writing style is brilliant, i would hate to see it end there. thankyou and looking forward to reading more.

shannyannieshannyannieabout 12 years ago

I have started reading this story and I couldn't stop I have been driving my husband crazy with wanting to keep on read, but you story is so hard to stop reading. You should really think of writing a book.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY IT IS RIDICULLLLOUUUSSSSSSS!!!!! i am so happy that things are finally coming together. While i do agree with most commenters on here that you should write a book,is it bad that i want to be selfish and keep you to myself on this site? LOL i can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I am obsessed with this story. I swear I've read it about 3 times and it just keeps getting better and better. I am sooo honored that DW decided to share her stories for free with us. I love both of them and I kind of wish she was a published author so I could search out ALL her books and purchase them, complete and all. I am tortured that I have to wait for the next chapter, but I can also understand why I must wait. Best wishes on your pregnancy DW.

If I like an author's writing style on Lit I tend look at who they favorited and I must say that I've enjoyed reading some of the authors and stories from DW's favorite list during the downtime with ASttS. It helps with my 2-3 week withdrawal symptoms. Thanx again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Love this!

When i first started reading this I thought it would be another erotic story but now I'm hooked on the story itself! You're a great writer, keep it up. Can't wait for the next installment.

IsanaIsanaabout 12 years ago
Story/Author Alert

I wish Lit had a story alert like Fictionpress that would email me every time a new chapter gets uploaded. Or maybe I just haven't found it yet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I would love to see another chapter were they finally get to be with Jonathan again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I loved this chapter so much that I didn't want it to end. Am so looking forward to the rest of the story. DW you are an amazing storyteller!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I'm addicted

Please don't stop writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I can honestly say that this is on of the best stories that i've ever read on this site. The character development is amazing. I love how detailed the lifestyles and how creative you've been with the world structure. I would love to see this in print one day. I would purchase the ebook for sure. Thank you for indulging the needs of so many (and the hunger within as well) by sharing such a wonderful experience with the world. Your an amazing writer with an enate ability to draw an audience deep into the realm of your imagination. Thankfully your imagination has proved to be a wonderful, scary, exciting place filled with interesting characters. People we can relate to and wish to meet. Over the course of the last two days, I can say that you have garned a fan for life. Please keep us updated on your progress, and keep this site updated if you create a website. If you ever decide to make ebooks and/or sell your work, I would be interested in knowing how to do so.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Love your writing style!!

I absolutely love your stories and writing style!!! I can not wait until the next entry. Keep up the amazing work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
next installment?

oh please please please can someone say when the next installment is due to be published. i was hoping it would be today.

it is feasible that its been delayed for any possible number of reasons but an eta would be divine. many thanks in advance :)

DoctorWolfDoctorWolfabout 12 years agoAuthor
Lit has it!!! I swear

Chapter 33 is in line- at least according to my homepage. Hopefully tomorrow!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

The breaking of an addiction is very hard to do. The transformation in Fuji is a very amazing and wonderful, if not frightening, thing. The breaking of her addiction is a testament to her inner strength

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
You are gifted!

I have no words to describe your marvelous writing. It's amazing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I had just spent the last few days reading these chapters from beginning to this last one now Ch. 32. I can honestly say wonderful job. I can count on one hand how many writters I can actually sit and read and keep reading over and over my waking hours. I can say finally I can count a full 5 writters. I look forward to starting on your next. Please keep up the good work. you are wonderful you could feel the emotions everything within this as if you were there. again wonderful work keep it up

QueenSparrowQueenSparrowabout 12 years ago

Great work! Keep going! and thank you for clearing up the whole Rue thing! I guess reading your story in a very long succession has kind of muddled my memories a bit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

i just reread everything up to now waiting for chapter 32, and i'm thinking about doing it again - it's that good!

let me just say, 50 shades of gray has NOTHING on you! if you ever publish a book PLEASE put notice on here so we know!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Yeah....ditto on the above kudos.....

I LOVED this damn series of chapters and storyline,. I know you're wrapping it up so I just wanted to tell you...YOU JUST PLAIN DO IT FOR ME! I mean, FUCK....I LOVE sci-fi and sex (go figure) but this story is a winner. Thanks for the ride DocWolf....please try out anything you want on us poor perverted persons *primarily me) via Literotica ANYTIME. I mean....DON"T STOP WRI'TING. It's your damn universe and I"m just a Peeping Tom. Hell of a ride....thanks~

SurprisingMyselfSurprisingMyselfabout 12 years ago
The End Feels Close. No-o-o-o!

What a journey. I realized as Rose was learning her lessons that I had gotten caught up in okaying some of the brothers' controlling actions also. So there was an awakening along with Rose. However, I still don't understand why the "slavers" weren't given some sort of break given the conditioning they had received and the horrible lives they had been forced into as slaves themselves. That is one part of the story that I don't feel resolved about. But this has been such a brilliant, unique, touching, gut-wrenching, etc. journey that you have taken us on. Thank you. I will be so sad to see it end and hope to read much more from you in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great Story!

This is easily the best story series I've read here so far... Had me hooked until I got to Ch. 34 - Can't wait to see how the rest of the story goes!

One thing I thought was interesting, though, and what brings me to comment on this chapter in specific is that while, in a sense, the way everything goes between Ciara and her family is the best, and couldn't really go any other way, the chapter highlighted to me the one thing Ciara (still) hasn't experienced on this world: sexual freedom.

Through her search for other potential partners, she is always comparing them to her family - but she's never experienced any real sort of sexual relationship outside of them. In a very clear fashion, even after she's found her freedom and independence, she's still their sex slave... Still dependent on them to provide her intimate contact and pleasure outside of herself - she always ducked out or never really pushed to experience anything beyond them. It wasn't like her first experience with her now-family was. In a free setting where she gotto choose - it stood out to me that even as she found independence, her sexual perception was still constrained to Damien and his brothers,her experiences with them (her slavery) unconsciously making her filter and judge others without even remotely relating to them in any lasting, friendly or sexual, fashion.

Again, I love the way it worked out in the end - this was just a thought that stood out to me when I read this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Woot Woot!!!

I'm so happy after finishing this chapter! It's so amazing! I think it's my favorite one right now... :) I literally smiled when they bonded! I'm so excited its more permanent!!!!!

And I'm really happy she didn't actually hook up with another family. At least she tried though so that's something I think I liked. I always felt like Ciara and her men were already like husbands and wife so I would have been so devastated if she were to actually hook up with another family.

Thank you for all the hard work! Truly amazing! ~<3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Finally lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I was so happy I fought to those really uncomfortable chapters!! Now I feel so super relieved everythign is going to be okay!! Im so happy. I love this series. I really dont want it to end. The world you created is so unique. I never knew anything this awesome evr existed! I love this chapter especialy the end!! i cant wait to read the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Really impressed!

I really loved the way Ciarra was first at war, and then made peace with herself and the Brothers, brilliantly done!

sashaalenasashaalenaover 11 years ago
happy happy happy!

God, I never thought it would come to this. I kept hoping and hoping and wondering how it would play out, but I never could image it like this.

I said it before, I'll say it again, DW you are totally gifted, I'm so glad I stuck to the story! (although my laundry is REALLY screaming at me for ignoring it the third day straight :)

LynnMckLynnMckover 11 years ago
Good Job Dr. W.

I didn't see a lot of people forecasting this turn of events :) Nicely done. Now am energized and can read on. I had used up most of my accumulated energy from this story and was beginning to trudge; thank you.


spearishspearishover 11 years ago
Save the children !

What excellent child keepers for the youngsters sold in to slavery Ciara and Rose would make for freed child slaves.It seems illogical to wait until they have been conditioned by the women slavers before saving them .Get Jonathon back ! Wonderful wonderful writing Doctor Wolf :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Thank you for going into detail about the relationship to power the "family" has... Im glad that Ciara got so angry and Kennedy talked her through it. I've had similar times understanding child abuse; rage is a very difficult emotion and you nailed it. I loved when she tried to mate with others (kind of wish she had, because that would have been very powerful, too). I am so happy she has been able to realize her power to choose. Thank you for the inspiration of something based on respect and care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I made the right choice reading one more chapter of this series, I was angered by the free people and the brothers choices before but now I understand. This has always been an amazing work of art DWolf. :)

mila_22mila_22about 11 years ago

"You are free to come and go as you wish."

Umm... Excuse me, can I go see my lovely Damien, since that is my wish?

Scratch what I said in the last chapter. Now Rose and Ciara are starting to piss me off.

Don't even get me started when Ciara was flirting with other men and trying to get a "connection" to feel free to screw them! I bet she would hate seeing Damien and his brothers with another woman. But NOOO... she had to go and "feel free" because she is now "free" and poor her had been kept "oppressed" and "controlled" before. What a load of bull.

*Rant Alert*

They were "beaten", but they were slaves. I don't get how everyone feels so damn bad for Ciara and Rose because they were slaves, when Damien, Basin, and the guys were slaves to! The Paterian women had them as slaves. They even controlled their mind when need be, which was something that never happened to Ciara and Rose. How come no one is coming to Damien's defense on that? For all we know, the women also whispered in their ears about most of the crazy ideas the men had... and honestly, I wouldn't doubt it. See? No one sees that point of view. How come no one hates the Paterian women that are now freeing the men or helping the men? Because they.. changed? That hardly seems like an excuse. They are allowed to change their way of thinking yet Damien and his brothers aren't? That seems very unfair... extremely biased... and all in all, very oppressive.

And no offense to them, but the men's situation was much worse. Damien and his brothers got BEATEN for Ciara and her carelessness and this wasn't just a one time thing. They got beaten several times for her. They freaken love her. How dare she say "I was fearful they would hurt me again, because they could." HOW DARE SHE!!!!

Also, I feel like Damien and the guys have apologized enough. When is SHE going to apologize. She's been a brat too.

On another note... Yeah yeah I get it, they are "free" and I dunno what else... I am also bothered with how freely these people... uh... Paterians choose to have sex and move on. They don't have a relationship. And I get it, they seem to not want one, but for some reason, it bothers me. Like Damien and his brothers had the whole mating with the women thing when they were with Ciara, but it was something they HAD to do. Otherwise, they were committed to Ciara. Over here, no one has this. It makes me feel weird.

With that said, the ending of the chapter was very satisfying. I loved that, and I hope she gets some sense. Damien and his brothers haven't been all wrong.

I'm sure it's obvious by now, but in case it isn't clear enough... I just freaken LOVE Damien, Christof, Bane, Kein, and Evan<3

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedabout 11 years ago

Wow mila u had a lot to say and I have one thing to add that always bugged me why did thy have to apoligize again for the beaing I thought thy covered that when she burned the whips and all that.

Ps I love. Damien and his brothers tooo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Beautiful Chapter are talented and blessed, Doc Wolf !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I still don't know how I feel about this story it's good don't get me wrong but its so conflicting I still think Ciara gave in to fast she shud have played the feild more I mean the guys mated with women she shud have tried seeing how it would be like to be with other guys I know she attempted but I kind of feel like everything she does she does for her men I'm glad their all happy now but still felt like the guys didn't suffer enough would have liked to see them more jealous

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