A Taste of Slavery Ch. 09


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"I did not bring panties for my own slave," Master said. "If we choose to stay past the hour, I'd like her attired in them. Lisa, you're going there to practice sucking real male cocks, but I leave a decision as to whether or not you can be fully fucked up to you. Do you want to be white or red silk tonight?"

"How long will we remain there?" Lisa asked.

"Two hours past the board meetings conclusion," Mistress Dark replied. "One hour in which either you or Scott can refuse an offer of sex or punishment, one hour of which you'll be fair game for anyone who wants you. I can provide clean panties for Julia."

Lisa thought for a moment. "I'll go as red silk." Lisa would be fucked today by strangers.

"What of the plug in Lisa's ass?" Master asked. "We haven't fully prepared her ass for fucking yet?"

"Members will respect the plug and won't remove it except at the request of the slave or her owner."

"How do we let members know what type of marking is being allowed on the slaves?" Master asked.

"It's written on their tits and asses with a black marker which washes off with a special soap," Mistress responded. "Of course, with unlimited, there needs to be no writing. It's assumed a slave without writing is available for unlimited punishment."

"What if we wish to leave the club before the timer expires?" Master asked. "Maybe it's not for us."

"I'll give you a spare key to my vehicle and you can wait out there. I only plan on staying for the two hours after the board meeting, so you'd have to find some way to amuse yourselves while waiting outside. I don't foresee that being a problem with a beautiful naked slave at your beck and call."

"Do either of you have any further questions?" Master asked Lisa and I.

"I believe Master asked all the questions this slave might have had," I said, Lisa nodding in agreement.

Master looked at both of his slaves, a questioning look in his eyes. "I'd like to go, sir, if only to see what a BDSM club is like. We can choose to stay or not once we've seen it," I said.

"It's part of my training, sir," Lisa said. "I might as well see what I'm getting myself into."

"Very well," Master said. "What time do we leave?"

"At four. Expect approximately 45 minutes driving time. There will be food and refreshments served, so you don't need to worry about nourishment or washing the cum from your mouth. Rose, please get Julia some white panties. Lisa will be naked."

Rose jumped up in response and soon returned with my panties. They were sheer. Even if I could not be used, Masters would want to see. Of course, I wouldn't be putting them on until we reached the club, so Master put them in his pocket.

"While you're waiting to leave, why don't you take a look around," Mistress said.

I hadn't seen much yesterday while I was here, so I took her offer to wander. Rose went with me to answer any questions. Master remained talking to Lisa about her training thus far. Mistress needed to dress to leave the residence, Slut going to assist her as needed.

As I wandered around, I asked questions about what I was looking at, though Master had included many furniture items in his own creation. I also asked Rose questions about herself and the club.

"You're very good at licking cunt," I said. "You gave me four wonderful orgasms. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I enjoyed it."

"Do you consider yourself bisexual? Master said you were offered to him when he came here to learn."

"No, I'm definitely a lesbian. If given a choice by my Mistress, I would never touch a real cock. I'm not given a choice."

"Why aren't you bisexual then?"

"Because I'm not and never have been attracted to men. I mean, I know your Master is handsome, but I'd never want him to fuck me. I'd much prefer to fuck you. Sexuality isn't really determined by who you have sex with, but by who you want to have sex with. Take people in prison for instance. I'm sure men have sex with other men in prison, only because there aren't women there to have sex with. They still have sexual needs and so they use other men to satisfy them. Once they leave prison, they won't have sex with men again. They have no desire to. You've licked cunt now. Are you a lesbian because you've licked cunt?"

"I guess not."

"Are you bisexual?"

"I thought I must be, as I'm doing both."

"Do you want to lick my cunt as much as you want your Master to fuck you?"


"Then I doubt you're a true bisexual. You're going to be sharing your Master with another female slave. Your Master will probably allow you or make you have sex with her. Most men like seeing two women engaged in sex; twice as many cunts and boobs to watch. If it reaches the point where you crave her cunt as much as your Master's cock, I would call you bisexual, otherwise you're just a heterosexual made to have sex with women. As a sex slave, you will find your arousal increasing and sometimes another female may be what gets you across the line and anything that gets you off will be something you crave. But even wanting a girl to give you an orgasm is not the same as choosing one over a man if given the choice. If I need to cum bad, and all Mistress will allow is a cock, I'll take the cock, but I'd prefer the cunt. It's why I know I'm a lesbian."

"I see. Have you been to the club before?"

"Many times."

"Do you like it?"

"On the whole, I do. Sometimes, some of the members are too focused on punishment and I've come home much too bruised for my taste. It hasn't happened often, but it does happen. Of course, I must satisfy the men as well as the women, which is not my preference. But I'm much better at licking cunt than sucking cock, so I'll tend to get more women using me than men. They prefer to have an expert cock sucker working them over. But some men like the humiliation and punishment angle of making me suck their prick or fucking me in the cunt or ass. It gives them pleasure to make me do so because I'd prefer not to, whether or not I'm very good at it."

"How do they know you'd prefer a woman?"

"I have a Mistress. If I preferred men, I'd have a Master." This made sense to me. I would not have wanted a Mistress. I only dreamed about strong Masters, not strong women.

"How do you like punishment in general?" I asked.

"I enjoy a light spanking or even a whipping. Something that gets my ass a little red and warmed up. I doubt you can enter a submissive relationship without enjoying punishment to some extent. I don't like the Enforcer, and I hate the cane, but I don't give Mistress an excuse to use it on me. Some men at the club love the cane. Those are the worst times I've been there. It can be days before I can sit down again. What about you?"

"Last night, I purposely orgasmed three times without Master's permission. Something about being here yesterday triggered it. I received thirty swats for each offense, thirty with his hand, thirty with the whip, and thirty with the Enforcer. I kept urging him to hit me harder until I could barely stand it. I climaxed while he used the whip on me," I said.

"Does he like to punish you?"

"I don't know if he likes it, as much as he's using it to give me the full experience. Until last night, he's never struck me particularly hard. It hurts, but a couple hours is usually the longest I've still felt it."

"That's the way I prefer it," Rose said. "Couple hours, boom, done. Mistress said you're doing this temporarily. Three or four weeks, something like that. How do you like it so far?"

"I've loved everything that's happened so far."

"If you've loved everything, you'll probably want it to continue. It gets in your blood. It's hard to stop once you start if you like it."

"It's one of the things I worried about before I started. That I'd want it to continue when it was done. I think it would be hard to do full time though. We have a normal life otherwise."

"Maybe not as hard as you think. Of course with Mistress doing this all the time, using us as part of her business, it's relatively easy for us, but I know of others in more normal situations who still exist as full time slaves."

"Thank you, Rose, for showing me around and talking to me about your experiences. Would it be okay if I kissed you?"

"I would love a kiss," Rose said.

"So far, I've really only licked women's cunts. I've never really kissed a woman but a couple times in college and neither of us knew what we were doing. I want to know what it's like."

Rose enfolded me in her arms and we kissed breast to breast as her tongue took my mouth the way she took my pussy. It was very nice. Her lips were soft and moist and more gentle in a way. I was breathless when we stopped.

"You've still got some of my cum around your mouth," I said. I licked my thumb and started to wipe some away.

"Don't," she said. "I like it there. It smells faintly of you."

I blushed and she laughed.

"It's time to leave, girls, come along," Mistress Dark said.

Rose led me to the garage, where Mistress had a large panel van. It had seats in the front, but no seats other than those. Instead, Slut and Rose climbed in the back and there was a contraption for each of them. Mistress fastened their necks, wrists and legs down in a crouching, hands and knees position. When they were fastened down, she swiveled an arm with a penis gag into their mouths, and adjusted another arm in the back which inserted a big dildo into their cunts. They couldn't move forward or back more than an inch due to being stuffed at both ends. Mistress put Lisa there too, explaining it was still part of her training.

"What is this thing? Master asked. I wanted to know too.

"It's a type of stockade," Mistress Dark said. "I call it the Stuffed and Stuck Stockade and I use it primarily for transporting my slaves. The vibrations of travel are quite stimulating to them." I could see why. "Would you like your own slave in one? There's no seat for her otherwise."

"By all means," he said.

I got wet again, instantly. I climbed in and Mistress fastened me down, Master watching with interest. I wondered if this was another device he intended to build soon. The penis gag went into my mouth, about five inches long and an inch and a half wide. My mouth started watering and I realized I'd probably spend much of the trip drooling.

"If you suck on the penis, dear," Mistress Dark said, "you'll get some nice cold water through it for when you get thirsty."

I tried it and did indeed, get a cool drink. Much cooler than cum anyways.

Mistress Dark asked, "Do you want her stuffed in one or both?"

I couldn't turn my head to see what she was doing, but Master said, "Both." I felt lubricant being spread on the puckered star of my ass, and shortly thereafter, two dildo's penetrated me, one in my cunt, the other in my ass. Stuffed and Stuck for sure. If I didn't have the penis gag in me, I could have really fucked myself, but not much movement was allowed in my position, so I could move little more than an inch either forward or back. Still, I knew I was in for an interesting ride. Master and Mistress got in the van and I heard Mistress tell Master to put on a mask I assumed she handed him.

We set out and during the 45 minute drive, I orgasmed six times. From the sounds of the other slaves around me, I wasn't the only one to be enjoying the ride. The road vibrations and every movement and turn caused sensual sensations to swirl throughout my body. I found myself sucking on the cock more when I had my orgasms, trained by the Slave Trainer to be pleasuring someone when I had an orgasm. I wasn't pleasuring the fake cock, but sucking on it was the natural tendency when I climaxed. It kept me from getting too dry as I drooled on the chubby gag.

After we arrived, Mistress Dark released us, back end first, then the front, finally the straps around our necks, wrists and ankle. All of us had cum running down our legs. Master smiled at me. I suspected a Stuffed and Stuck Stockade was in my future, though not so much for transportation as much as to keep me in place.

Master handed me my sheer white panties and I knew many new strangers would be seeing me naked for the first time, and unless Master left early, I would be subject to sucking many more cocks and spanked by hands other than his. When we were all standing outside the van, she handed all the slaves a harness of some type. Lisa and I watched as Rose and Slut fastened it around their necks and then down their backs, then we did the same. Mistress fastened their wrist cuffs to the lowest D ring on the harness. There were several others extending up their backs so our wrists could be fastened higher. Master had to ask Mistress Dark for additional leather cuffs for me, since Lisa had mine. All I had were my gold bracelets. Mistress Dark was always well prepared and had black leather cuffs in a bin in the back. She also gave me cuffs for my ankles. Master fastened my wrist cuffs to the back of the harness. Apparently, slaves had no need of hands.

"These are nice harnesses," Mistress Dark said. "They can go in the back or front, allow you to hook wrist and ankle cuffs at various positions, essentially trussing the slave up like a turkey. You'll see all the slaves wearing one of these, though some may be in the front depending upon what the owner intends doing with the slave."

She led us to the door of the establishment, a quite imposing Victorian style house. Knocking, she waited for the door to be opened, and it was, by another naked slave girl, she only had one hand hooked to her harness so she could open and close the door.

"Mistress Dark with one guest and four slaves," she said.

"Please make your way to intake, Mistress."

"Thank you, slave."

Mistress led us to a window. A naked male at the window took Master's cell phone and personal information. He gave him a receipt. "Don't lose this receipt, sir. It's difficult to reclaim your phone unless you have it." All of the slaves were given a small square box that hung from a ring on the neck collar of our harness.

"This is the timer," Mistress Dark said. "It's blank now because the timer doesn't start until the end of the board meeting. When it goes down to zero, your slave will be instantly available to anyone who wants her, subject only to the restrictions I discussed earlier and who's got her first. Use this marker please, to identify the restrictions of your slaves."

Master took the marker and wrote 'No marking' in large letters on my breasts. He pulled down my panties and wrote the same thing on my ass, pulling them back up after. Since the panties were sheer, you could read the letters right through the material. He did the same for Lisa.

Mistress led us to a room filled with lockers, and told Master he could put his clothes in one if he wanted, and wear the key to the locker around his neck. "Some of the dominants maintain one item of clothing to identify their status, but I think it's foolish, since all the slaves have harnesses." She removed all of her clothes and Master chose to do the same. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

Mistress Dark led us to a room where we could wait until the meeting concluded. She asked Master to look after her slaves in the interim. She told us we could wander around if we wished, but keep her slaves nearby. She said people might ask to use her slaves prior to the timers starting, and she had no objection to her slaves being used if they wished. It was up to them, but most of the members wouldn't be showing up for another hour. I suggested to Master that since Rose and Slut had been here before, we use them as guides to show us around. Master thought it was an excellent suggestion.

So Slut and Rose led us to various rooms in the house and explained the functions they were primarily used for. There were obvious punishment rooms where whips and chains abounded, everything need to secure a slave and punish them severely. I noticed it was not just female slaves either. There weren't many people here, but some of the members had male slaves only, their owners either male or female. Some had both female and male slaves. Some of the males had something on their cocks. I asked Slut what they were.

"Those are cock cages. They prevent the slave from having an erection without suffering a great deal of pain. It would be similar to a chastity belt for females."

I winced, imagining Master's magnificent cock trapped in one of those contraptions. Master winced as well. I noticed more female owners of male slaves kept their cocks in cages than male owners. I supposed the female owners didn't want their slaves sticking their cocks in anything they didn't want them to.

There were also rooms designed primarily for fucking, with beds, or sex slings or other furniture designed to present the slave in the best position for sex. One room had wall-to-wall mattresses which Rose said was primarily used for orgies. She said if you were in the room, you could essentially be fucked by anyone, male or female.

"Remind me to stay out of that room," Master said. I laughed. I couldn't picture Master with another man. He was definitely female centric. There was a room with glory holes, where men could stick their cocks through a hole and have it sucked by an anonymous slave. Rose said some owners used the holes to punish their slaves. She said you wouldn't know whether it was a man or woman sucking your cock. It could be either. She also said she heard some of the male slaves were the best cock suckers.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they understand cocks better than we do. Just as I understand cunts because I have one. You'd be hard pressed to find any man who can lick cunt as well as I do, but half the women slaves here can do as well as I can. I'm sure if your Master lets you have enough practice, you'll be a special cunt licker because you know what it's like to have one and what feels good to you. The same with the male slaves. They understand cocks."

We went to another punishment specific room. There were a couple devices in there I didn't understand. I asked Rose about one of them.

"That's a horse," she said. "Stay away from it and owners who like to use it."

"What does it do?" I asked.

"A female slave is placed over the bar and it's adjusted so she can barely touch the floor on tiptoe. Of course, your legs get tired from standing on tiptoe for too long and you have to rest, but only by putting your weight on the bar, which crushes your cunt. It's quite painful. As soon as you can't take it any longer, you stand on your toes again, but you can't for long, so you go back and forth between aching legs and feet and a sore cunt. Fortunately, most people here are unwilling to use it, but there are some. At least this bar is flat on the top. I understand some have a beveled edge. In the Middle Ages, they used these with blades on the top to torture and kill women."

I shuddered, as did Lisa. Slut didn't seem nearly as revolted as the rest of us; Master said she tolerated pain quite well. Master was scowling as well, so I doubted this would be anything I'd ever have to face. Of course, if I couldn't trust him to love and care for me, I would never have agreed to be his slave.

At some point, I had a moment alone with Rose and asked her if she would ask my Master to fuck her.

"Why?" She asked.

"He won't ask you. He doesn't want my slavery to be an excuse to fuck other women. I've convinced him that fucking a slave isn't being unfaithful to me, which is why he's considered accepting Lisa. He still won't ask you, so I'd like you to ask him. I'll tell him it's okay. I'd like him to fuck you if he fucks anyone else here."

Rose considered my request. "I'll likely end up fucking some man after the timer goes off, and I would prefer your Master to many others. I'll ask him to take me as soon as the timer ends. In return, I want to spend some time with you, with our owners permission. At least two hours. Do you agree?"