A Taste of Slavery Ch. 23


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"If we'd cleansed her ass, I'd be sucking your cock and her asshole, Master. As it is, I guess a washcloth will have to do."

Julia got up and soon returned with a warm washcloth, carefully cleaning us both. I told Lisa she could relax and she settled onto her belly.

"Just perfect," Lisa whispered. "Thank you, Julia, for sharing your husband."

"Thank you for fucking him so nicely. From the look on his face, he enjoyed himself immensely."

"I did. I couldn't ask for anything more than I have right now," I chuckled.

"Remember that if you see any other cute slaves you'd like to fuck, sir," Julia said. "We're more than enough for you to handle."

"You certainly are," I laughed. "Any more might kill me."

"I'd like a cuddle now, please, sir," Julia said.

"Me too," Lisa added.

Hey, I'm a big guy with two healthy arms. I lay down between them and pulled them in tight, kissing both of them. Julia pulled the covers over all of us and that's the way we went to sleep.



We shared Master in the morning before he went to work, Lisa collecting his offering today. We went to sleep for another hour afterwards as we didn't have to go to the gym today, which saved us traffic time. After came yoga and laps, and a light lunch, then back to the lists again. I took the kitchen table today, Lisa took the couch. By three, I'd pretty much finished my list except for one thing. I wanted Master to brand me. He told me he didn't want me to ask him about it anymore, but this was my fucking list, what I wanted in this relationship, and I wanted to be branded. If it's what I wanted, I was going to put it down and he could shoot it down or not, but it was going in there. Monique had mentioned some websites where it was talked about and a YouTube video of a guy getting branded with a cauterizing tool.

I looked up the information, finding out everything I could about it. Actually branding seemed to be fairly common anymore. Not as popular as tattooing, but more and more people were doing it, and most were not submissive. They were doing it as a form of body decoration. I watched the video and it showed a previously tattooed fellow getting his brand on his leg. When it was finished, he said the pain was different from a tattoo, but no worse, just different. You weren't capable of the fine design work of a tattoo, more like a general outline, but I didn't want a picture. I wanted something to show my ownership by Scott. I wrote down the information so Master could check it out himself if he didn't dismiss it out of hand. I also made a mental note to speak to my obstetrician tomorrow. If she didn't have an issue with it, it would be harder for Master to write it off.

Since we had to talk tonight, we cut up the leftover steak from last night and put it in a salad. Easy to eat and clean up afterward. Master got home at quarter after six. We offered to suck his cock, but Master said we had a lot to do today, and he'd prefer to get on with it. Sex could wait until afterward.

"Master, your slaves haven't cum since last night. We are becoming quite desperate."

"Fine, you may each masturbate to orgasm three times during supper. I'll need one hour after eating to finish up my stuff. We'll begin our meeting at eight. Good?"

"Yes, Master. Fine. But there had better be some fucking tonight," Julia said.

"And what did I say last night about my slaves trying to decide when and where we have sex. For that, you may reduce your number of orgasms by one. If you have more to say, it won't be any."

I gave Master a look which could peel paint, but quickly said, "Yes, Master."

"I'm sorry, but we need to get this done and we have an important reason for doing so."

"What would that be, Master?"

"Your ultrasound is tomorrow. I believe Lisa should come with us and be involved in all baby activities from now on, but this is a decision involving all of us and it should be made tonight before the appointment."

"You want me to come to the ultrasound tomorrow, Master?" Lisa asked.

"I think it's appropriate. I think we should be a full blown family, but it's not solely up to me. This is why decisions need to be made."

"I'm sorry, Master. I wasn't thinking," I said. "You're right, of course, and I agree. Lisa should attend with us. I apologize to you both. We need to get this over with."

"I'm also giving you a quick spanking of six swats, three per cheek. You need to stop questioning my decisions."

"Yes, Master. Right now, or later?"

"Right now. I want you uncomfortable eating," Master said.

So I placed myself over his knees and he gave me six of the hardest spanks I've ever received. Harder than the one Sunday night, though far fewer. Then he told me to sit down and it was extremely painful, and I ended up rocking from one side to the other, trying to avoid putting my weight on both. Lisa served us all. Master told me my orgasms might help with the hell I'd experienced on my bum, so I spent the first part of my supper cumming as quickly as possible. Whether from the time passed or the orgasms, I was able to sit more comfortably after my climaxes. Lisa ate first before she masturbated, licking her fingers off afterward. Master ate quickly, then disappeared into his home office again while we cleaned up. Then we got our own lists and waited for him on the couch, a much softer surface for my pained posterior.



I went to my office, mostly to touch up what I'd put together. I know this was supposed to be what I wanted out of this relationship, but I couldn't separate my responsibilities as owner of two delicious slaves from simple wants and needs, most of which seemed well satisfied anyway as long as it continued. It didn't take too long.

I found my slaves waiting for me on the couch. Before we started, I asked them if they wished to have a drink and I would make them.

Julia said, "A cup of hot tea for me, Master. No alcohol, remember?"

"Of course, thanks for reminding me, Julia. Lisa, what would you like?"

"I should have tea in sympathy with my sister slave, Master, but I'm so nervous. Can I have a glass of wine?"

"Of course. I'll have wine too."

I made a pot of tea and opened a bottle, bringing them to the living room and sitting on the couch with them, pouring their beverages and handing them a glass with their choice. Lisa took two quick swallows.

"Lisa why don't you start as the relatively new outsider to this relationship, and we'll question and comment as we go along. Circle everything we all agree on, put a box around anything two out of three agree on, cross off anything two people can't agree on. Agreed?"

"Yes, Master." She cleared her throat. "I want to be a full time member of this relationship. I'd like to move in permanently. I know you're married to each other, but as much as can be expected, I want to be a part of your lives."

"What say you, Julia?" I asked.

"I agree whole heartedly, Master. She should be a full member of our lives together." She squeezed Lisa's hand.

"You may circle this item, Lisa, as I'm also in total agreement. From now on, you'll be a full partner in our relationship, as much as the law allows. I talked to Zoe about this. No state of the union allows bigamy. Neither I nor Julia can marry you while we're married to each other. There's nothing prohibiting you from living with us forever. It's even possible to have children with you without violating the law. My suggestion would be to sell your house, put the money into an account for you alone, but giving us certain rights to the money if you become incapacitated or die. It would have to be a joint survivorship account so it doesn't have to go through probate as a will, where it will get taxed again. Because we can't marry you, you don't have the rights Julia has as my spouse, but I'm willing to make you a beneficiary of my will and life insurance, and sign a contract expressly giving you some rights. Hopefully, the contract will consist of some of what we decide here tonight. We'll make you a signatory on our checking and savings accounts. Since it's unlikely you'll get married as my slave, I think I should take responsibility for your upkeep and tell Jack he's off the hook for further alimony."

"You've already thought of this, Master?" Lisa asked.

"Of course, Lisa. You're both my beloved slaves. You should be treated as such, as much as we can. Zoe mentioned Brianna had a bonding ceremony with her slaves after she married Monique to memorialize her continuing commitment to them. I understand Sam, Marcia and Brianna did the same after they became a throuple. I'd like to do the same with you both."

"A throuple, Master?" Julia asked.

"It's a term that's sprung up in polyamorous relationship involving three people, a three person couple, or throuple. It's essentially three couple relationships, one to each of you and one to each other." They looked at each other. "I don't expect you to use the term, but it's quite descriptive in a short word. What's next?"

"Children," Lisa said. "I'd like to be a full partner in raising your children; I'd like to have my own, and I'd fully expect both of you to be a full partner in their upbringing. I know it's a lot to ask, Julia, but I really want a child or two of my own."

"I'm willing for Scott to give you children, Lisa. In for a penny, in for a pound. If I'm going to share his cock, I should be willing to share his seed. It sounds as if it wouldn't be a problem with California Law, so I'm all in. Master?"

"Circle that one as well, Lisa. We're all in agreement."

"I was so worried," Lisa said. "I distressed about this the most, wondering if I was asking too much."

"I would only have one restriction on children," I said. "Don't all get pregnant at once. Spread it out a little. You can decide between yourselves who gets a bun in the oven when, but let's not overburden ourselves with multiple rug rats at once. The contract will also spell out visitation rights with mutual children. I always have some as the father, but you two could conceivably lose rights to the others children. By contractualizing it, hopefully it never becomes a problem."

"You've already started a lot of work in formalizing this, Master. I'm impressed. Lisa should get the next baby, and maybe two if she wants them, because she's older, but I'd like two as well," Julia said before kissing her sister slave.

"I have no problem with four or five kids," I said. "We can discuss more once we know what we're getting into. But speaking about kids brings up another point. I'm selling part of my business to Jerry. You two want to run a bondage furniture business. If I'm going to add Julia and multiple children, I think we should run the bondage business like Brianna does. Mistress Dark takes what she takes for selling, and the supplies come out of the balance. I keep 50% of the profits for supporting two slaves and children. The remainder goes into investment accounts for you two. If, and I use the word with great regret, if something should happen to our happy relationship and it breaks down, you have the money set aside from the business to set yourself up. Lisa, you'd also have the money from the sale of your home, and Julia, you'd also get community property assets if we divorce, which could include our home. If we truly work on this, hopefully it will never happen, but we are doing something new for all three of us and I don't want to make assumptions as to how well it works. Would you agree?"

"I don't see any problem with that arrangement, sir. It's prudent and financially sound," Julia said. "If you agree Lisa, circle it, else box it. What else, Lisa?"

"I want everyone to know we consider ourselves a 'throuple', was it? Our parents and friends should all know we're doing this and establish ourselves as such."

"I don't care if the whole world knows. You can stick it on your FaceBook page if you want, Lisa. I'd leave off the slavery details, but we can definitely be an item," Julia said.

"Agreed, circle away," I said.

"In light of that, I'd like to do everything together as a throuple. Go out to dinner, the beach, vacations, everything except when someone is working or ill," Lisa added.

"I'm willing to do so as long as it's just us," I replied, "but I'd like to make a suggestion about having kids. Lots of times, some romance is lost in the hustle bustle of raising them. Since there are three of us; once children are born; what I'd like to do is have one person stay home with the kids on a Friday or Saturday night, while two of us had a date once a week. Julia and I would go out one week while Lisa watches the brood, Lisa and I would go out one week while Julia watches the kids, and you two slaves would go out one week while I watch the little ragamuffins. Everyone gets a chance to romance everyone else, to keep their romantic bonds alive. Then once a month, we'd hire a baby sitter and go out as a throuple."

"I'm with Master on this, Lisa. His is the better idea."

"It is. He is the romantic among us. I will change my list to conform to his suggestion and circle it. That's really all I had. They were all big asks on my part as I'm jumping into your marriage."

"Remember, it's been suggested to us, this is not holy writ," I reminded them. "It should be a living document we should be able to change. We need to keep expressing our thoughts and desires to each other and make changes and modifications as needed. Julia, what would you like to add?"

"I had all the items Lisa had in one form or another, and I'm perfectly content to go with her versions for now. There are a few other items I'd like to add, though not necessarily all contractually."

"We're listening," I said.

"I think every slave Master has sex with is worthy of having sex with us and vice versa. They don't have to happen all at the same time. Master will be in control of our sexuality and I will stop arguing with him regarding this control as I did tonight. If he doesn't want me to orgasm for a week, that is his prerogative and I'm willing to abide by his decisions. But, I do feel some equality needs to be maintained in regards to sex to avoid resentment festering. So if a slave is good enough for Master to fuck, she should be good enough for us."

"I would tend to agree with Julia, Master. If it's going to be a communal thing, then what's good for the gander should be good for the geese. The times and locations should remain under his control."

"I can agree with that. You may circle it. We may not always have sex with them at the same time for whatever reason, but once I've fucked someone, they should be available to you too."

"This specifically includes your old girlfriend, Master. Zoe is a slave and available to fuck if her Mistress allows it. I want to fuck her too, if you do. I know you had a romantic relationship previously and despite being a lesbian, she's shown a willingness to accept cocks for specific purposes. If she wants yours, we, as your slaves, should be present and participating on a somewhat regular basis."

"I don't anticipate much of it since she lives 3-4 or more hours away."

"She's doing a contract and other paperwork. It's not beyond the realm of probability we'll meet again. I'd certainly like to get together again just to visit after we've all had our children. I enjoy her company, and I don't mean just sexually. I consider her a friend."

"I understand. What else?"

"I know sharing your slaves with men is not in your plans for the future, Master, and I have no problem with it if you don't. But if things should change and you consider it again, I want you to give it a week of deep thought from the time you talk to us about it before making any decision. I know you have nothing to fear from it, but I'm not sure you understand as well as you should. If you think about it a week and still want to do it, I'm game, but otherwise I'll say Alpha. You are more important to me than anyone. Until you know it in your heart, I'm refusing any other men."

"I would agree with Julia, Master," Lisa said. "We're both satisfied with you as our Master and don't need other men, but it's your choice to share us and if you should choose, you should think long and hard about it before doing so."

"I don't see too much of a problem with this. I'm not planning on sharing you with any other male."

"You said yourself our relationship is not engraved in stone like the Ten Commandments and is subject to change. Sam doesn't like sharing his wife with men either, yet by his own admission, has shared his wife with two and half men. I want to allow for the possibility of change, should you, as our Master, want to change it."

"Circle it then. I'll agree and so does Lisa. What else have you got?"

"I'd like to get an Alaskan king sized bed like Brianna. Not only does it comfortably allow for four people, I'm going to take up more space the deeper I go into pregnancy, plus if we're going to sell our bondage furniture due to the baby, I'd like you to design a bed frame which we can secretly use as bondage furniture."

"I would agree to that. Brianna was wishing for the same type of furniture. There might be business sales opportunities in doing so. Lisa, what say you?"

"Circle it, Julia. Even if we never used it, which I don't foresee happening, it might be good for the business."

"Next, I want to stop sucking Master every day for clothes. It was a good way to teach me to swallow every day, but that's no longer an issue. As Master, you can still require us to suck your cock every morning and I have no objection to that. Our clothes should not be dependent on it. As your slaves, we know your taste in slave clothing. Let us wear what's appropriate for the tasks at hand, shopping, having company, without having to earn it. I don't want my shopping to be dependent on how tired I am in the morning. Master may always change the clothing we wear, but if he's got no problems with our attire, leave it alone. As Master is reluctant to share his slaves services, we should dress appropriately to every occasion he doesn't want to flaunt our slave status, which may include wearing underwear, like to the gym. We can still make sure we're instantly available when Master is around to use us."

"I want to agree with Julia's suggestion, sir. I'm willing to suck you every day, but for the most part, leave our clothing up to us, so we may dress appropriately for any need. I know you like us naked around the house, which we both love, so I don't anticipate our nudity at home changing except for company."

"Circle it. I'm willing to abide by this suggestion."

"No more fucking Lisa's parents or her fucking mine. I wouldn't normally anticipate your willingness to do so, but if we're doing this relationship as we expect, they're going to feel more like in-laws, not neighbors parents. I won't fuck yours, so I shouldn't have to fuck hers either, nor should she ever have sex with yours. You can't marry Lisa, but your parents become her children's grandparents, so no fucking way."

"I wasn't planning on it, but it should be written down. Lisa, I'm assuming you agree as well."

"Yes, Master. Julia can circle that one."

"As long as Master remains unwilling to share his slaves with men, Lisa and I should remain clothed and uncollared around the poker group until such time as they no longer have expectations of sex with your slaves. Depending on our attire, this may include underwear. I do not want to flaunt my slave status around people who have previously fucked us, so they don't take liberties Master is unwilling to grant. I want Master to know I intend to comply with his desires for us to remain solely his, and it will be easier not serving others as naked, collared slaves."