A Taste of Slavery Ch. 23


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"Those would be the only ones who already know and understand, sir," I said. "Anyone else can find out the normal ways; social media or phone calls, casual conversation."

"What are you celebrating?" Sharon asked.

"We're becoming a throuple," I said. "Lisa is going to be joining our household in a polyamory relationship. Neither of us can marry her but we'd like to signify our bond with each other in a ceremony expressing our commitment to each other."

"The three of you, together. One big happy family?" Sharon asked.

"Four, including my baby," I said. "I'm pregnant. Had our first ultrasound today."

"You're having a baby and letting another woman into your marriage?"

"Yes," I said, taking Lisa's hand. "My best friend, lover and sister sex slave to my Master."

"Are you hypnotizing these women?" Sharon asked, speaking to Master.

Master laughed. "No, but I'm happy they're willing to join with me."

"Just need to know if I need to avoid looking into your eyes. What happened to the other woman who was here last time?"

"Happily renewing her relationship to her husband. She was married."

"You were with a married woman?"

"It's a long story," Master said. "She wasn't doing well with her husband at the time. We might have helped their marriage."

Sharon raised her eyebrows. It was complicated explaining how when he realized he could fuck a lowly slave, he could also fuck his own wife the same way.

"We do have a room available which can do up to forty people comfortably," Sharon said. "The manager is off today. I'll let him know you're interested in the room and let him talk to you. Let me have your phone number please."

"Thank you, Sharon." Master gave her his number, writing it down on a blank sheet in her order pad. We ordered for today. Master skipped the wine because I couldn't drink.

We had a lovely meal, and no one went under the table this time. We returned home and immediately stripped off our clothes. They were becoming amazingly uncomfortable to be wearing all day.

"Let's get our phone calls out of the way before we have sex. Lisa, you're up for a fuck."

I started to say something but shut up before a word crossed my lips. Demanding sex from my Master was what got me into trouble with him last night.

"You fucked me last night, Master. It's Julia's turn." Thank you, Lisa.

"I offered to fuck her this morning and she declined," Master said. "It's your turn again."

"She didn't really decline, sir. It was impractical. I wouldn't want to go for an OB/GYN appointment with a cunt full of cum either. It would be embarrassing."

Lisa understood these things. She was a woman.

"Nevertheless," Master said, "she had an opportunity and she refused it."

"It's not fair. Say something, Julia."

"My Master is in charge of my sex, Lisa. If he says it's your turn, it's your turn. I'm but a lowly slave who must do as her Master commands."

"Fuck!" Lisa said. "This will never work if Master's unfair about it. I refuse. I won't have sex with him either. He can have sex with you or no one."

"You're his sex slave, Lisa. You can't refuse to fuck him. He's your Master."

"I don't care. He can punish me if he wants. I want our relationship to work and if he treats either of us unfairly, it won't. It's your fucking turn for fucking. Spank me if you wish, Master. I won't open my legs for you if Julia doesn't get fucked first."

"It's okay, Lisa; really. I'll be fine. It's not like I'll die if I don't get fucked tonight."

"I know how much you need it, Julia. The same as I would."

I glanced at Master and he had a big smile on his face, grinning from ear to ear. Lisa saw me looking and turned to him too.

"Looks like one of my slaves learned her lesson about who's in charge here. The other one still hasn't. I guess she has to do without any orgasms tonight. I'm happy to see you're willing to look after each other, though. Makes me quite hopeful about the future."

"It was a test?" Lisa asked.

"One which you both failed and passed, Lisa. Failed because you still question your Master's decisions and passed because you are caring for your sister slave's welfare. For the first, no orgasms tonight. For the second, your punishment won't be worse. You may have them again tomorrow." He kissed her, softly, then hard, a slave's kiss, caressing her cunt, though not enough to let her cum. Just enough to leave her hungry for more. "Good girl," Master said. Then Master fed me his fingers, slick with her fluids, before kissing me, while he stroked my cunt to orgasm, his slave, shuddering through her passion on his strong digits. "Good girl," he whispered as I writhed on his hand, panting.

I was such a slave. In less time than it took to say it, he'd made me cum. When he'd finished with me, leaving a gasping, weak kneed slave girl who wanted nothing more than to drop to the floor and suck his cock, he released me. I reached for Lisa's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you," I mouthed, not even a whisper. She squeezed my hand back. "You're welcome," she breathed back. I had no doubt in my mind at that moment how much I loved them both.

Master called his parents first.

"Do we tell them about the baby?" Master asked as the phone was ringing.

"We might as well, sir," I replied. "It's part of the news."

"Hello, son," Dan said when he picked up the phone. "What's up?"

"Hey, Dad, we've got some big news. Is Mom there so we can tell you together?"

"Sure, give me a minute to round her up." He set the phone down.

A few minutes later, he said. "We've got you on speaker and she's with me."

Master took a deep breath and said, "Julia and Lisa are with me. In roughly seven months, you can expect another addition to the family. You're going to be grandparents."

"Julia, you're pregnant? That's wonderful," Sandy said.

"Yes, Mom, I am."

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" Sandra inquired.

"Too early to tell on the ultrasound today," I said, "but you have another member of the family as of yesterday."

"Did you adopt, too?" Dan asked.

"Not quite," Master said. "Lisa is going to be joining us as an equal member of our relationship. She's selling her house and moving in with us."

"Lisa is moving in with you?" Dan asked. "Equal member, what does that mean?" Sandy added.

"We're all going to be together," I said. "One family, three adults and one child. And Lisa wants to have children too. So you may have grandchildren from more than one source."

"Is that even legal?" Dan asked.

"According to Zoe," Master said, "it is, as long as neither one of us marries her. We'll be having a ceremony of some sort to commemorate our union. Plus, both of them intend to remain my submissives, which will be part of our bonding ceremony. We will be changing the dynamics of the slavery, however. No sharing for the most part. Nothing like Memorial Day again."

"Zoe, your old girlfriend?" Sandy asked.

"Yes, the attorney."

"I hate to be a wet blanket," Sandra said, "but isn't this pretty strange. You're having a baby and moving another woman into your house. No offense, Lisa. You're a lovely woman, but this is kind of crazy. You're not worried you're going to fuck up Scott's and Julia's marriage?"

"I suppose it's possible, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers, but if that starts to happen, I'll remove myself from their lives. This is not only something I wanted, it's something Julia wanted as well. Scott was the most reluctant of all to do this because he didn't want to jeopardize his marriage, but if the other two parties are convinced we can make it work, he was willing to proceed under adjusted rules."

"Julia," Sandra said, "are you certain? This is a big step for you, having children and opening your marriage up to others."

"Yes, Sandy. I've never been more certain of anything in my life other than marrying your son. It feels very right to me. These are the two people I care about more than anyone. We actually spent the last three days working out how we can best make this work. I'm not only fine with it, I want this."

"Well," Dan said, "I can't say you chose poorly when you decided to add Lisa. She's a lovely woman. I hope it works out for you."

"Thanks, Dad, Mom," Master said. "We're happy to share the news with you. We're thinking a couple months, three months for the ceremony. I hope you'll be there."

"Come hell or high water," Dan said, "we'll support you on this. We love you. Take care of yourselves." They hung up.

"That actually went easier than I expected," Master said.

"Might have been easier to accept after Memorial Day, Master," I said. "Anything had to be less strange than that."

"You may be right. Who do we call next?"

"I'm not sure it makes a difference. Given what we know about Lisa's and my parents, I think both of them will accept it. Your parents were the ones I worried about the most. Could call mine first because of the pregnancy, but I'm sure it won't be an issue."

Master handed me the phone. "You're up then."

I dialed my parents.

"Hey, pumpkin, what's up?" Harold said.

"Is Mom there. I have some news for you both."

"Your Mom is on a date. I don't expect her back until tomorrow morning. I was just getting ready to go out myself. You can tell me the news. I'll let her know when I see her tomorrow."

I looked at Master and he shrugged his shoulders. It was up to me.

Might as well tell him. We could always talk later. "A couple things really," I said. "You're going to be a grandfather."

"Honey, that's marvelous news. We were wondering when you were going to have kids. It is Scott's right? None of the stuff you were doing during your slavery had anything to do with it?"

"No, Dad. It's Scott's. I was pregnant before I started playing with slavery. It's why I had to do it then."

"Oh, good. That's a relief."

"Bringing up the second bit of news. Lisa is going to be joining us on a permanent basis. She's moving in with us and will become our lover and co-equal in our relationship."

"Co-equal, you say? Like a triad?"

"Yes. Scott calls it a throuple, but yes; one, big, happy family."

"I've got to say I never expected this from you. You were always so straight, so serious. Not saying it's bad or anything, but out of character for you."

"Any more out of character than finding out you and Mom are in an open marriage, Dad? I can't even give both of you the news because Mom's on a date. My marriage is more restrictive than yours. I won't be having sex with anyone regularly except my husband and friend. Do you even know who Mom's having sex with?"

"Not really. None of my business, but I think it's a woman tonight. Your Memorial Day barbecue might have loosened the knots a little. Like I said; I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Lisa's a wonderful girl and you guys have always been close. I'm happy for all of you and wish you well. Just unexpected like. Course, I didn't know about the submissive thing either. Sounds like it sort of came up suddenly. Anyway, I'll tell your Mom. I'm sure she'll want to talk to you, especially about the baby. We'll probably call tomorrow. I wish you the best. Take care, pumpkin. I love you."

"Bye, Dad. I love you, too."

We hung up.

"You sounded a little defensive," Lisa said. "I don't think he was criticizing. Actually seemed to take all the news quite well."

"I know. I'll apologize when we talk again. I still have a hard time believing they're in an open marriage. Mom's on a date and it might be with a woman?"

"You opened that door first," Master said.

I kissed Lisa. "I did, though I seem to recall it was with a huge push from you, sir. Having me trained to please a woman because you weren't quite ready to share me with a man. I'm not complaining. I love my life right now. Just hard to believe how different everything is from a month ago."

"We're not moving too fast for you?" Master asked.

"No, sir." I kissed him, then Lisa again. "I'm perfectly content."

"Your turn, Lisa." Master handed her the phone. Lisa dialed and put it on speaker.

"Hello, Scott," Marjorie said.

"It's not Scott, Mom. It's Lisa. I'm calling on Scott's phone."

"Lisa, honey; we haven't heard from you since the big shindig last week. Is everything okay?"

"Great, Mom. Better than great. Is Dad around? I wanted to talk to him too."

"Sure. Give me a sec." She held her hand over the mouthpiece, but we still heard her calling, "Reggie! Lisa's on the phone. Pick up on the extension."

About ten seconds later, we heard Reginald say, "Lisa, baby. How are you? What can I do for you?"

"Mom, Dad, Scott and Julia are on the phone with me. I wanted you to know that I'm going to be moving in with them. We're going to become what Scott calls a throuple. I'm going to sell the house and we'll live together."

"I can't say I'm surprised," Marge said. "Are you surprised, Reggie?"

"Not much," Reggie said. "They've always been pretty close. After Memorial Day, I kind of expected it. They all seemed pretty close and into the whole thing."

"You're not upset?" Lisa asked.

"Hell, no!" Reggie replied. "Both of them are decent people. I always liked Scott better than that damn husband of yours who always struck me as a shifty bastard. Julia's a sweetie. If you're going to do something like this, no one better to do it with."

"Like Reggie said, honey," Margie added. "I know you'll be happy. Scott and Julia are very nice. I'm sure you'll get along."

"Another item to tell you," Lisa said. "Julia's pregnant and due in like seven months."

"That's wonderful news. Congratulations, you two," Marjorie said.

"We wanted you to know that since we're going to be living together as a family unit," Master said, "we'll consider you to be grandparents as much as Julia's and mine are. Additionally, Lisa has expressed an interest in having her own children and we're willing to accommodate her wishes."

"Thank you, Scott," Reginald said. "We appreciate that. It's the reason I feel good about you doing this together."

"By law, neither of us may marry your daughter without becoming bigamists, but we intend to have a ceremony commemorating our union together in the near future," Master said. "We hope you'll join us."

"We wouldn't miss it," Margie said. "I feel a whole lot better about Lisa now than I did a month ago. She was quite unhappy with her circumstances. Thank you."

"Goodbye, Mom, Dad. Thanks for understanding," Lisa said. "Take care."

"You too, honey. Give everyone a kiss for us."

"Don't worry. I'm sure I'll have many to give them."

Reggie laughed. "You bet. Especially that cutie, Julia." They both hung up.

"Only one more," Master said.

"Jack," Lisa responded, "and I'll use my phone to call him."

Lisa took out her phone and made the call.

"What do you want, Lisa? I'm not going to give you any more money this month," Jack said.

"Hello to you too, Jack. Actually, I'm calling for a totally different reason. You've given me your last dime. I don't need you to pay alimony anymore."

"Why? Are you getting married again?"

"In a manner of speaking."

"What's that mean; a manner of speaking."

"Means I'm not exactly getting married, but you're off the hook, finito, done, keep your damn money and I don't need to speak to you again. Have a good life, Jack. Goodbye."

"Wait! What's going on? Why don't you need money anymore?"

"Because I'll be taken care of by someone who loves me, and you don't need to know more than that. You can stop sending money. I'll be good without it and you. Don't bother contacting me again. We're finished."

Lisa ended the call. Have I mentioned their marriage didn't end on the best of terms?

"Oh, that felt good," Lisa said. "I've never felt as good about a phone call in my life. He took pleasure in my misery, you know. Always twisting the knife when we spoke. He was married again and I was sitting at home miserable. I'm not sure he's all that happy, but he made sure to tell me how happy he was."

I knelt down at Master's feet. "Master, forgive your slave, but I humbly beg you to fuck Lisa tonight, or at least let her have an orgasm. A phone call like that one deserves a climax."

Master pulled me to my feet and kissed me. "You're right; it does. You may give her an orgasm, slave, while I fuck you."

"Thank you, Master," I said, melting into him. "Don't forget, sir. You and Lisa are playing poker tomorrow night."

"I haven't forgotten. It's been a long day. Let's take a shower before going to bed."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," Lisa said, realizing she would get to cum tonight; on my tongue instead of Master's cock, but it was better than nothing.

We took a lovely shower together, lovingly soaping and rinsing everyone as a team. Master didn't let us cum, but he brought us close each time. To the point we were desperate when we got into bed. While Master fucked his lowly slave, I ate out my sister slave, giving her many orgasms on my tongue. Everyone was sated with pleasure when we stopped. Lisa and Master licked her cum off my face and Lisa and I licked my cum and Master's from his cock. I was a very happy slave girl when we finished.


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Second time thru. . . . .DEAR AUTHOR, you covered a lot in this chapter. FINALLY ! MASTER is beginning to sound like a DOM. JULIA, I believe is a SWITCH. Guessed that in first reading. Interesting LOVE STORY. Take away all the slave / master trappings and a LOVE STORY is left.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another story on Lit ('Text Message'?) solved the 'can't marry two' problem differently: the Dom ordered the two female subs to marry each other to establish parental rights to each other's children. Being the father, the Dom's paternal rights did not depend on marriage. Not applicable in this case because of the pre-existing marriage, but I thought it was a clever solution.

Every chapter so far - 5*

mustelamustelaover 4 years ago
In fact, it's finished.

Il ne se passera plus rien que des variations sur les chapitres précédents.

L'acceptation de Scott de voir sa femme baisée devant lui, son plaisir et surtout la possibilité de d'être baisée par d'autres hommes parce que ce n'est pas elle qui le choisit, mais son mari, qui n'est pas pour autant un cocu pour autant, était la vraie part intéressante de l'histoire. La vraie difficulté.

Trop facile.

Nothing will happen but variations on the previous chapters. Too bad.

The ""acceptance" of Scott to see his wife fucked in front of him, her pleasure and mostly possibility to be fucked by other men because it is her choose, but her husband's choose, who is not a cuckold so far, was the real interesting part of the history. The real difficulty to overcome for the couple, the throuple, and …the author.

A quick reading up to chapter 36 confirms what I feared.

Good luck, nonetheless.

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67almost 5 years ago
I like it, I love it, I want more of it

Please don't end the story here.

Btw, I love small tasteful tattoos, not so much on large tacky tats. Never seen a brand that looked good.

kiteareskitearesalmost 5 years ago
It only took 23 chapters :)

Finally they sat down a talked...properly. 3 Cheers for Sam and Marcia \o/

Julia was worried about putting her need to think of other's needs on her list. Yet this is one of her needs so should definitely be put on the list. If you get my drift. But she should have also included her concern about her need to put this need on the list, so that Lisa and Scott could put her mind at ease about her need to put other's needs first being a legitimate need of hers. (Yes the last bit was done to fuck with you :P)

I see the branding as a potential issue, Julia really has it in her head, I think, that she needs this. Is it an underlying question over her security in the relationship? She was still not convinced after the Dr said about a child being a better sign.

I saw no reason to stop Lisa's alimony, especially so quickly, let the fucker pay. They can use it to top up her escrow account. Talking of which, will they be asking Sam to manage the money?

I love Throuple!!

Now onto the poker game, it must be at someone else's house, it's been at Scott's for 3 weeks now. It'll be interesting to see how the wankers react to Scott and Lisa (has Julia ever gone to away games?) and the change in situation.

Look a whole page and not one tirade about Jerry, aren't I a good boy :D

Thanks TF

Couple of niggles:

1/2 way down page 2 - Sam Marcia and CHANTELLE not Brianna had the bonding ceremony

Multiple pregnancies is a bit like twins - instant playmates (or antagonists), but the job is done in 18 years rather than the 25 it took my parents with three over 7 years. That said some costs double, 2 cots, 2 sets of everything, no hand me downs unless you have more after and I didn't have enough hair left. Do you have scan's monthly in the US, it's reserved for special cases (such as twins) over here, the rest usually only get 2, but then the service is paid for by tax payers.

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