All Comments on 'Ain't Talkin' Bout Love'

by StangStar06

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well done


sugnasugnaover 9 years ago

It was a very sad story. Valerie never had a clue. The pain she caused herself and those who loved her was terrible. I would love to know what went wrong in her head, why couldn't she get it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another epic tale from the stang

I especially love the way you are able to create characters with distinct personalities and make them come alive in your stories. A great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Short Story

My college English professor said, “I am writing you a long letter because I don’t have time to write a short letter.” Please take the time to write a short story.

MattressThrasherMattressThrasherover 9 years ago
Damn you.....

You write the way I wish I could write. You do tell a good tale.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 9 years ago

For God's sake, learn some restraint. These characters are unappealing and the story is unreadable. I lost interest after page one. You have talent but you need to please your readers not yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
5 for reality

5 because I know women who think like this and lived like this maybe not to the extreme as the story but close enough that they hate/dislike their husbands, kids and life all because of a choice they made thinking they were getting back and/or making someone jealous

cpetecpeteover 9 years ago
Great tale because

it is so close to the truth of how some women place some much value on looks

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Once again you miss the fact that the only way a person could be married to and feel bonded with such a self-absorbed woman for that long is if they were too stupid or too self-absorbed to notice it. And once again you cover by just rambling about what a great guy he is (snore).

8,000,000 stories, and all of them brutally the same. What purpose will 8,000,001 have? What will it add or hone about your craft, except that you love to submit the same story over and over again so the same people can tell you your great over and over again. You have more in common with a faded-glory greatest hits tour than anything in this story did.

When you start the next one, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE, ask yourself, "how will this story challenge my ability to create characters? What will I do differently than I have before?" I'm begging you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stang pounds out another one.

This was a little different, in that the women around Josh told more of his story than he did. While it was obviously set up to have two women for the reader to compare and contrast against, I fear your detractors will STILL say that you haven't changed your views on women being stupid. If Sylina was supposed to be the perfect alternative to the loveless Val, somehow she still had to be presented as having a lot of baggage and ultimately represented an unnatural, or forced, introduction into Josh's life. I really wanted to like Sylina, (hey she was great with the kids), but PARTS of her characterization seemed artificial as well, (or at least too-good-to-be-true). As far as Val, she represents the same vapid, shallow, husk of person who is a disgrace to womanhood everywhere, that Stang features in EVERY story he writes.

It is has become part of his signature, but now disturbingly, even more so than the mandatory mustang.

Now so far, you might think that I didn't enjoy this story. Actually, quite the opposite. I think that by Stang standards, this was pretty good. I liked the Van Halen imagery. I liked that you didn't go overboard with his engineering career details. I liked the scene where the son kicks bio-mom in the shin. I REALLY liked your cautionary warning about the dangers of plastic surgery.

But as much as you have improved on giving us better and more complete character development (thanks, by the way!), I, as well as other readers I'd suppose. are still waiting for you to develop more likeable, less plasticized people, for a change. It just might be the thing to help push your stories into a new direction. You can still keep your signatures, and write the stories you want to tell. But I just had to share this confession. The character in this story that I liked the best...... was Val's cousin. She is the only one (however brief her cameo was) whose EVERY action and bit of dialogue seemed the most realistic, and reasonable. She was the only portrayal that made sense when viewed in a full 360 degree spectrum.

May be my frustrations can be summed up like this:

One can write a story that says: "bad things can happen to good people"

You always seem to write stories that say: "since bad things have happened to good people, NOW we can realize that they were bad people all along, and deserved it"!

It would be interesting for you to try an approach with your characters that attempted: "since bad things happened to good people, they had to work twice as hard to STAY good people" or even....

"Since bad things happened to bad people, here is how they ended the cycle and became good people"

Unfortunately, Nearly every Stang ex-wife starts out as bad people, becomes even worse people, and even following the consequences, stays bad people.

I guess they say that you can't cure stupid, but how stupid does that make every Stang hubby, who remains blinded by love until he can't ignore the abuse anymore?

I dunno, Stang. These are your stories, and I will keep reading them, accepting them such as they are. As always, thanks for what you do. Your efforts are always appreciated! 4 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Please no 1-dimensional characters

The basic plot was fine in terms of introducing an event to challenge a marriage, but please give us some more plausible characters and a resolution less trivial than the white hat hero completely vanquishes the evil bitch. Josh is pure as the driven snow and does absolutely nothing wrong (aside from being clueless for the better part of a decade). He is only outshone by Sylvina who is obviously an angel purpose-sent to earth for Josh as a reward for being perfect. Valerie the first was also close to perfect before she was somehow possessed by Valerie II who became suddenly stupid, venal, narcissistic and cruel. And Screamin' Steve had to be portrayed as a total loser who couldn't even sing.

I'm also troubled by our hero being rewarded with the absolute perfect life while Valerie the Bitch is condemned to a horrible end and convenient death. Is this really necessary?

How about the same scenario but without Sylvina and a now brain-undead and contrite Valerie coming back to attempt to somehow reconcile with her abandoned family? Or even a now gorgeous Valerie coming back to see the family with her millionaire husband and then trying to re-connect.

Stangstar06, you do have a gift for story-telling. Please paint your characters with colors other than black and white and give us something to really enjoy.

jasonnhjasonnhover 9 years ago

Sorry I found the story tedious. It was readable and written OK. The problem is the characters, especially Valerie. Valerie is relentlessly stupid, self centered, vain, delusional, nasty, cruel, etc., etc., etc. I GOT it when she leaves her husband to go with her obviously loser "rock god". The rest of the story becomes tedious as it is demonstrated over, and over, and over, and over, and over what a waste of skin she is. Everyone else is just trying to get on with their happy lives. In a sense, that is tedious too. It's nice but Pollyanna-ish. There really isn't much happening there.

Into this mix is dropped the stereotypical music star lifestyle; sex,drugs, and rock n roll. Sure the loser is married. Who cares?

Then we get the stereotypical useless counselor. Love the emotional bullshit. Valarie steps it up a slight notch and becomes more than just clueless but also manipulatively evil. The typical lawyer games. It is a little puzzling that Josh and Sylina both have a lot of money yet seem to only be able to a bad lawyer who sits around and does nothing? Valerie has NO money and seems to get a good lawyer? In the real world, that's kind of unlikely. Josh agrees to counseling? With the very public hate filled dismissal of all on her life by Valerie they couldn't get around counseling? Josh has no balls to move this forward? He wants to waste his time talking with a self centered delusional moron? He might as well have been in counseling with a rock.

The only thing that keeps this story going is that the good people seem helplessly buffeted along by Valerie, who has the brains of a turnip.

We get a very simple solution, pay her to go away. It's almost like pest control.

But then, she comes back, like cockroaches or bedbugs. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Valerie now that she has inflicted her banality on herself? I sure don't. Valerie gives a nice little speech indicating that she somewhat understands how she went wrong. At this point, who cares? If you watch an alcoholic drink themselves to death, at the end it's no longer emoional, it's just a relief that it's over.

And so it was for this story.

Richie4110Richie4110over 9 years ago
One of your best!

Loved it. You handled the re entry well and Val's basic sense of contempt and narcissism was central to the plot.

I look forward to your next effort. Thanks for sharing it.

dmhackdmhackover 9 years ago
Nine pages of lazy

Same old crap with different wrapping paper--the saintly man, the retarded wife, and the goddess replacement.

Nine pages not only tells me you're lazy because you could have tightened up the story with a little effort, it also tells me you still mistake quantity for quality.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

Then Nothing Always Happens. TK U MLJ LV NV

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Agree with jasonh

While Stangstar tells a pretty good story, his characters seem extremely unrealistic. Selfish people become over the top narcissists. Marriage counselors become bleeding heart idiots who can't distinguish between a loving wife and a manipulative woman. Judges come to extremely irrational rulings that make no sense. Husbands are snow white perfect saints who don't realize how ugly and evil their wives are until she suddenly drops the hammer on them. The rebound girl is ALWAYS perfect.

People don't read a Stangstar story because it reminds them of real life drama. They read it to feel better. If you look at it as a fairy tale (The villain dies, the hero prevails, he marries the beautiful princess and lives happily ever after) then you will get much enjoyment out of it.

I will say though that I enjoyed this fairy tale more than some of the others. I gave it four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Oh why oh why oh why Does SS always make the leading lady an idiot. SS you are a brilliant writer BUT you write without soul! You write commercial stories and this pisses me off. Its like you just want to write pages and pages of drivel. A sane woman? No not a SS woman! A woman who has morals, strength, conviction, belief? Oh no, not a SS woman. Its like you take sick pleasure in writing pages of pages of pages of the nothingness of a woman? I stopped reading your stories for months but sine I found nothing else that caught my fancy, I decided to give you another try. What a mistake! Its like you take no pride in your writing. Are my comments unfair? You have lost your Quality, now you just churn out pages of reading spew!!! Come on SS, you know you can write, I mean really write quality, do some soulsearching, even take a break, but come back with a real winner. All your stories are basically the same. This is NOT a winning formula. You are now writing just for the sake of writing. Please show us the class, quality and superiority I know you once possessed.

SgtmjrSgtmjrover 9 years ago
loved it.

Loved it . As for your critics-- If you think that this story line " isn't real or can't happen in real life " SO WHAT. I enjoyed the read and was entertained. After all isn't that why we read stories? Besides this story comes close to my children's God-Parents

lives. So, SS06 please keep writing and well keep reading, really did enjoy this one

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Typical 'stang fodder

It's quite boring to see the "cheater painted as a delusional, egocentric maniac while the hubby is purer than snow" formula used repeatedly. It's rote beyond all recogntion. A husband who is apparently the innocent victim of his wife's adultery is a crock of shit; I mean why the fuck would he not go out and fuck everything with a vagina after learning what is wife really thought of him, their kids and and their marriage. But no, Stang's burned protagonists are always depicted as holier than thou saints who refuse to stoop to the level of their fallen wives. Like I said, a crock of shit coz this doesn't happen in real life and therefore cannot be something average readers can relate to.

Secondly, why does the "cheater" need constant reminders about her actions from foils of sudden wisdom when she clearly made them of her own volition; she's a goddamn adult who doesn't need babysitting and who sure as hell doesn't deserve constant nudges towards righteousness. It's like Stang's antagonists are really infantile children who never developed sensible rationale. The spurned spouse's judgement is fallible if he chose to spend his life with such a volatile character, so why does his post-split decisions become perfect all of a sudden? It's as though the idiot deserved to have his first wife cheat on him to get it out of his system...

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
This can happen...

This can happen...I know the writer showed how some people prefer fame to a life with love in an exaggerated way, but it's real, yes...Good story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Maybe Stang needs an oil change?

Better yet a tune up. This was rough. But what can you do when you've got a writer with 100+ stories in basically one category? There's not much you can do, especially when Stang has even said he writes a certain kind of character and story. Eventually, its just change the names, date, and location.

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 9 years ago

I'm sure glad this was just a story. Valerie was made out to be such a stupid shallow slut. Josh had a relatively small part in the tale. Sylina and the Grandfather had more common sense than any of the characters. Cheers! (P.S. - you take too much shit from the anonymous crowd)

dinkymacdinkymacover 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

WriteOnGuyWriteOnGuyover 9 years ago
Thanks for Sharing - Really Enjoyed it!

I've read the previous comments. Some had some valid points that I agree with. But, there seems to be a growing crowd of Anony reviewers (Not to be confused with genuine thoughtful critics) who just want to Dis the work of writers like yourself who set out to entertain themselves and their public.

I don't think the Anony's are on the same page as I am. I enjoy reading lengthy stories like yours are, Stang, precisely because of what you write and the way that you write it. I like to while away some time in a fantasy world, reading about the trials and tribulations of imaginary people and knowing that by the conclusion the universe will have been set right side up again; the bad people will be punished and the good people will live happily ever after.

As for the Anony's, let me distill the jist of just about every LW plot - and then they will never have to read (or spew) on any other story posted here.

Here you have it: Boy meets girl; They fall in love; Get married; Have wonderful life until - Stuff happens; They get over stuff - or they don't. The End.

Sorry, I digressed. As I mentioned before, I really enjoyed reading your story. It was a very good way to spend some time. Please keep that Mustang roaring our way!


cap5356cap5356over 9 years ago

great story and told just like it is things always look greener on the other side until you get to the other side.

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 9 years ago
Be careful what you wish for...

As always, a good story from SS06. One thing I found difficult to accept was how quickly Josh got together with Sylina. OK it's a story and has to move on, but two strangers meet in a supermarket and the next minute they are at home together enjoying family life !

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Valerie is so bad ...

that the outcome of this tale is glaringly obvious, which is a bore.

LaneBagginsLaneBagginsover 9 years ago
Good Solid Read

Great to see you back and in good form. Story was enjoyable to read. Appreciate your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I did not like it

Another dumb wife story, is it possible for a women to be that stupid .it just makes no sense. A farce of a story. All you seem to write are educated but dumber than dumb wives. Then he miraculous finds his new soul mate in a supper market , and she is willing to give up 2 million dollars to get rid of her. The divorce would have been over in 6 months. Plus she could have used the evidence she got on her to end it quicker. Makes it to unreal but some your readers love it. We know you can write but can't you change those dumb wives stories. 70% of your stories are so predicable !

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
@Anon from Anon

I've met women this stupid. My own mother would qualify as pretty damn stupid when it comes to life decisions. I blame it on the "little princess" syndrome. Fathers raising their girls like they're perfect little princesses and never teaching them anything about the real world. Those "little princesses" then go on to spread the disease to all their friends and all their friends' friends like a plague.

@StandStar I quite enjoyed this romp, though the legality stuff at the end was frustrating. Still, $2 million to completely erase such a toxic influence from your life may just be worth it.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 9 years ago
Amazing - SS06 writes yet another Psycho First Wife Story - and it is interesting!

Don't know how SS06 does it. Psycho First Wife number 593. And the story is fascinating. And has a great ending. Enjoyed your work as always StangMonster!

katranmankatranmanover 9 years ago
Good One

Always glad to see you back and writing SS06! A nice entertaining story -- a bit over the top as usual but I like them that way! *****

killerwhale681killerwhale681over 9 years ago
Another bad bitch bites the dust!

All hail the Stangster! She had so much plastic the mortician didn't have much to do......oh, sides hurt. Roth vs Hagar......Boy that didn't turn out the way Roth thought, did it? Balding with a pot belly......and a small tally whacker to boot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
loved it BUT....

I was pulling for her tirade was recorded on the office phone as almost all calls to companies are these days. Get to the lawyers office and let her sign then rip up the check, use the call as supporting evidence in any lawsuits.

looking4itlooking4itover 9 years ago

Every time I think you've created the ultimate in shallow women you write another story with a new "queen" of the hill. This one wasn't borderline insane, she was so far beyond she couldn't see the border if she had to.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 9 years ago
Good Job

I don't like all of mustang man's stories. However, there is a lot of truth in this story. Granted, the wife's character was exaggerated but held the essence of many self centered selfish people. I like to think that eventually karma deals a well deserved bad card to all of them.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
this was a tough one

Val was, under the bottom,

the four kids were uber adorable

while Josh coasted through life blissfully while the women around him worshiped his naïveté.

and the family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thank You very much for a fine story.

I had to stop by page 6. I was tired and knew by the end Val would suffer a terrible fate. Josh and Sy would be happy ever after, etc.

The really interesting and original story is never told. Steve and Briana ! A smart woman like that. How did she hook up with Steve ?Why does she stay with Steve ?

What happened to her now that Steve' music career is crashing? Does she BTB and takes the last of his money?? What is her life like, post Steve ?

Now that would be an original story for you


stout1759stout1759over 9 years ago
Liked it

Always a pleasure to take a ride with the Stang. I thought it was a bit short. I just like reading a good story.

I have read all his stories and I believe he loves to write and is having fun writing. He is experimenting with with styles and plots. I like seeing where all that is taking him.

Write on Stang, write on. Ignore the small minded detractors. I'm positive they can't write. Most of them can hardly spell and they don't have to read what they apparently don't like.


sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Syl being fabulously wealthy kind of jumped the shark a bit

But otherwise, a good tale about people who value love above all else winning in the end while those whose values are poor end up with nothing. Would be nice if that was how things always turned out in real life, wouldn't it?

Alaska84Alaska84over 9 years ago

SS06, loved reading your story. Thanks for sharing it with us! Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So well written.....

SS6 another knock out....I must say you are an awesome writer.

My favorite author.


Annette74Annette74over 9 years ago

As always, your stories are excellent and spot on. Great job. xoxo Annette

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This is a cartoon.

I think you know why.

bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Still another with the same characters.

Replay with a slight alteration in the scenario. He would have to be super stupid to put up with such a narcisstic selfcentered woman. Her declaration at the beginning of her trip should have been recorded and played incourt. Thanks for your work SS but work on characters and filling out the personalities.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Ahhhhhhh..........And you got me to drop a tear at the end.......(whatever...LOL)


calflashcalflashover 9 years ago

I think Sylina could have easily reneged on her "bribe" based on Val's offensive statements about the kids. As always another good read from the 'Stang

phil2213phil2213over 9 years ago
Interesting entertaining and fun story.

Thank you for your five stars effort. Perhaps you could had Valerie run over by a Mustang perhaps in a future story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

- the stupid writer wrote another disgusting story. People can be this stupid and corny only in DungStar06Ville.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Just another SS6 story? whoops- forgot to look at the author

I randomly picked this story to read without noticing the author. My bad. I was half way through it and found myself thinking: 'no one is this dumb except the women in Stangstar stories'. So I rolled back to the top, and sure enough it was.

I had promised myself that my life was way too short to waste it reading another Stangstar story.

I'm sure there are women this dumb, somewhere in the world. But Stangstar must have written 200 of these stories, all of which feature women this dumb. It defies logic that there are that many women this stupid in the world.

I promise I'll be more careful in the future and always look at the author before I begin to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great read

Keep up the good work pay no attention to the haters they dont have to read your stories if they they dont like them they do so its there problem Like i said keep up the good work. The Texas Rattle Snake

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

and love taking a back seat. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
There are plenty of women like Valerie in the world.

I was stupid enough to marry two of them. Blood sucking leaches that blead you dry always needing more and never considering anybody's feelings or needs.

Yes I know that it was my own damned fault for marrying them but I was young and foolish. Now I'm old and foolish but I did finally learn.


mewanglongmewanglongalmost 9 years ago
gave it a two

She and her sallow mind got what she deserved, but a little bit hooky and far fitched.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 9 years ago
good story

besides the confusion every once in awhile, in the dialogue, it flowed well. to think that stuff like this happens every day, is a step in making everyone aware, seeing it in print.

jimbo103jimbo103over 8 years ago
pls see below link, may give you ideas to work on.

sorry, just did not read this story yet, i find your story development enthralling hence had to share this link to your latest story. pls all check it out as i see real potential.

you authors here live for comments & votes, right? guess what, in my book stangstar is an immortal, my dear good sir, you tap the nerve of the prob, & build on it realistically, atleast to me. i do not wish to trivialise your efforts by using meagre epithets of praise, but would offer the only constructive criticism this unskilled mongrel may have observed, i see a sense of joy in your writing by showing us true human nature, but there in lies the rub (maybe its only me) i feel a Je ne sais quoi sort of lacking, i wish to explicitly imply that simply by dragging a story to make it longer wont make the cut, but god i wish to read a 50+ plus pg story by you here, alas that too is not right, all i can say its about the journey(quality/substance) & not the destination, do not bend for us the readers, just evolve with us on this journey, i never misunderstood the name of this site & very few authors showed us erotic literature, smut for a rub & tug can be found dime a dozen, but gold never needed praise its eternal, may be a bit of tinkering(editing/proofreading) shaping(conceptualisation) thats all your golden talent ever needs.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 8 years ago
Obviously I am unable... find even one story you wrote that does not keep me occupied reading to the end. So I give up. I surrender. No matter which topic you chose for your stories - scientific, philosophic, religious and what else there is: You always appear prepared and convincing with thorough background-knowledge, paired with a rare talent to visualize your stories, involving your reader as deep as possible.

Thank you for writing those stories in past, present and (I hope) in future.

15* ...(if I could as I would like to)..Your stories are somehow magical.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Kept me reading

I usually avoid stories this long. It kept my interest.

But did you really have to stick Van Halen in the story? That is the only thing that I thought was lame.


davwoodavwooover 8 years ago
Fact or fiction

Can people really behave like Val? Yes they can! I've been divorced 18 months and my ex wife's only vocation is to make my life hell. Good story from a man who has incredible imagination and writing talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
thank you

There is a God and some whore got what she deserved Great writing and story with this one

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

God, I’m only half-way through Page 2, and if this turns into a RAAC rather than a BTB, I’m gonna be pissed! She obviously doesn’t love Josh, has been using him ever since they met, and from the descriptions here and on the other site she’s gonna cheat on him! And this being Lit LW, you KNOW it’s going to backfire on her and she’s going to want him back.

“I should have been there. I would have been there if it hadn't been for Josh.” – First of all, if you were there, Steve would have been cheating on YOU! And second, Josh was there because YOU were using HIM!

"Angie, stay away from my husband!” – LOL, THAT took a lot of nerve!

“I was beginning to think that I had made a mistake.” – Um, ya think?

“The primary thing I needed to do was to find out where I had gone wrong.” – She HAS to be kidding!

“I needed to think up some reason to explain what I had done. I had a handful of likely reasons.” – Um, you were VERY clear with your reasons when you left.

“He'd take me back as long as he never found out that I'd had sex with Steve.” – I think he can figure out that you weren’t with Steve for six weeks playing Scrabble!

“He had set up an appointment schedule for Sylina and me.” – First, shouldn’t that be “Val and me”? And here you say he, but at the appointment the counselor is a woman.

“I had no idea that your husband disagreed with it” – You couldn’t tell from his reactions at the sessions? It never occurred to you to ASK him?

Why didn’t Josh and the kids just move in with Sylina and leave Val all alone in the house?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Thank you!!

I almost quit reading early on because Val had no redeeming social value, but the way you finished it was really great. I was hoping screaming Steve would give her an std also, but having her ruin her whole body all by herself was too much to ask fot. Keep on writing. Your editor is worth every bit. I've read a number off your stories, and you ,like some others need to keep track of your characters names during writing. Maybe a spreadsheet would help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
sorry, I've just started reading

but have to comment. Val looks like a chunky Kim Kardashian? Is she morbidly obese? KK has enough ass for 4 women! There are cattle in fields that are jealous of her! Yuck!!

MaFreplerMaFreplerover 7 years ago
Problem at the start.

You start with an interesting premise. We should never have gone to the concert. But then you break up the good narrative flow by talking about how they met? We don't need to know that right away, if at all. The drama starts at the concert, so take us to that right away.

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
Be Careful What You Wish For.... the sad truth of Val's sorry life. You've done a terrific job creating such a shallow, delusional, offensive character! Thanks so much for balancing her off with the genuine goodness and love of Josh and Sylina.

Well done in all respects, another 5* offering!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You know what made this story Great""MUSTANGS"" DON'T YOU LOVE EM



Love you all! GREG.


ChuckEPooChuckEPooabout 7 years ago
Good but unrealistic

I enjoyed the story but you kinda overdid how rotten Valerie was. I believe everyone has some redeeming things about them. You stripped her of anything even slightly positive. Still got my five.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
fyi-olive skin is ugly and

kardashian asses are sickening .

otherwise , fun story !


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Over the top but still entertaining

SS06 sure can describe a selfish woman. Very entertaining story.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 6 years ago
Long but very good, worth the read

Another great story. Sometimes the ultimate revenge is just moving on with your life once the freak realizes what she lost lol.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago

There are too many cliches that would describe Val. Ultimately she was just a lousy person, with a huge sense of entitlement. The surprise was how Josh recovered and moved on so quickly.... then held his ground. Really well done, I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Hubby Feels sry for himself ... Phathetic

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
A Big Missing For Me

Val is a caricature of a human being. The way she is described is she is extremely selfish and stupid to the degree of being semi-retarded. Also, likely a sociopath as she tells Sylina that she thinks she's never loved anybody, very easily exemplified by how she treated her own kids (forget about Josh and parents).

So how does Josh not recognize all this in the 14 years he's been involved with her, including 13 years of marriage? People can hide who they are for a few months, but 14 years of intimately living with them? When Val left it wasn't as if Josh was fed up with her and putting up with her because he had made a commitment and she was the mother of his children. According to the story he completely loved and worshipped her.

So when you depict a character like Val, don't give a reasoning for a sudden transformation but make it seem like that's who she always was then it begs the question what is wrong with Josh.

WordcraftWordcraftabout 5 years ago

Valerie is a caricature of the Kardashians. 'Nuf said.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Six weeks

Biggest problems

Broke where money for a good attorney


Not up to your average even

But I will hope for better next story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

"Women are like cats. They just do whatever the fuck they want and their logic defies reason." Ain't that the truth. But, did you have to make Valerie from Michigan? Shit, things are bad enough back home. Does anyone know how we spell cunt in Michigan? That's right, it's Valerie; that's Cunt with a capital C. Now thanks to SS06 when you see any program on the Travel Channel or National Geographic you're going to see her in the opening scenes and her name in the ending credits. Hell, now I'm never going to be able to go home again. Thanks a lot, pal. ;-{ Other than that Mrs. Lincoln I really did enjoy the play. Signed: BTW

PaddyyddaPPaddyyddaPalmost 5 years ago

That was a bit of fun, even if it was utterly ridiculous. I liked Sylina. I kinda liked Brianna too.

Needlessly drawn out and silly, but thats ok.

The whole moving the ex back into the house was awful writing, and very poorly thought out. No judge would order that. Especially when she had a serious drugs conviction. That goes on her record, so it's not as if she could hide it. And no judge would order the break up of a stable and happy family unit and endanger the kids to accommodate an angry felon, that abandoned her kids. Especially with the levels of hostility floating around.

As I said, poor writing and downright silly, but I still enjoyed it somewhat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Record the Phone Conversation

I just thought that if they can secure video and audio from Steve's trailer, they could have easily recorded the phone call from Valerie to Josh saying that she would choke the bastard kids as she call them. My 2 cent. Your story. Your call. I do plan to read ALL of the stories. Will be a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

When returning from Steve she was such a broke she had to travel back in an overcrowded bus, she didn't have her own car, and her parents'don't give her shelter! Then where from the money for lawyer's fee and counselling come from? And Josh too have overreacted, it had been only 6 weeks of abandonment, why do he need to throw away her clothes and give away her car? On her return it was only gentle man like to return her car and stuff even if he doesn't want to be with her which is natural given the circumstances!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Hilarious nonsense. Just like the rock star lifestyle. Nothing is real.

I really liked Sylina and Briana, could put up with Josh but it doesn’t really matter because it was all so delightfully overblown.

It was like a Pantomime, cheer the goodies and boo the baddies !

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

This is a funny, but sad commentary on celebrity worship. Loved the whole David Lee Roth vs. Van Halen aspect!!!

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
What a sleazy bitch

Valerie died and went to hell and Satan met her at the gates of hell and told her she was not coming in.

superdandy123superdandy123over 3 years ago

Loved the story but had some inconsistencies. Sylina was a great character, kinda wish her happy ending had a bigger section.

Josh mentioned Sylina was paid out but Sylina later mentioned that he didn't know she was rich and he loved her for her.

After Val's talk with Amy, she realises about her genetics, he wasn't to be blamed but then later blames him again.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Poor Valerie, she was the epitome of stupidity. What level of education did she have?

Lower primary school?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A few inconsistencies here and there but

A very good, darkly haunting story. This guy is definitely one of Lit's best. Does anyone know why he stopped posting?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really, giving the slut 2million for signing the divorce....Josh had the most useless lawyers....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Compared to the lawyers I had ... Josh had Great Lawyers

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story but i don't like how they kept taking her in. When the trash takes itself out you don't invite it back in after its already started smelling

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story. Like your writing, however counseling may be in order for your fricking Mustang obsession. It's old!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Decent first half, but once she told Josh to leave her be and take his kids and in-laws with him , we all knew we were simply waiting to figure out not if, but how, Val would make her exit.

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941about 2 years ago

Good story but a little bit erratic, good premise but way too extreme to even border on being realistic. Maybe a rewrite is in order.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

If Val go to South Korea all those plastic surgery would be worth the money.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Heck 5 Stars on this one . My last 2 Lawyers were as worthless as Josh's lawyer . I went to school with a really rich kid and he never made fun of Us for being poor .. I served my country in the middle east and made it home OK . Some of my friends did not make it home . I hate the Sound of Taps as it is the saddest song ever . Taps was played for my Grandfather and Father and 1 of my Uncles . Yes I Cried at all of those Funerals . My Lady says it will be played for Me also .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 stars .

fun story with a lot of detail .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am really enjoying your reads. Various outcomes, so you haven’t become a predictability.....keep that up. I don’ t necessarily like how Valerie, kind of got her way, but her outcome, while not a BTB, was satisfying. Thank you....I’m moving through your list with enjoyment!

MarrttyMarrttyover 1 year ago

You write crazy women very well. Thanks for the story

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

To say that Josh is a fuckmg moron would be a disservice to morons

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Negative 3 stars. Not only was the plot beyond stupid and inane, the writing set a new low for pure incompetence: at one point the wife had been gone for 6 weeks, then a few pages later she had been gone for 7 months, and the author manages to use the wrong name for the woman who was in counseling. There is just no excuse for these kind of errors, except the author is too lazy to proofread, or find an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


SeaChangerSeaChangerabout 1 year ago

Good story, but not realistic.

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