Amor Prohibetur Ch. 21


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"Mi cool-oh, mi cool-oh." I kept saying, distracting Dad from understanding that he'd really gone all the way with me. That he'd nutted in me.

When he wilted away, I turned over and lay on top of him. At first, he was nervous because of what we'd done, more anxious than anything else that had come before. I had to pacify him with my kisses, and also, because, you know, I wanted some more of him on a future occasion.

Jack and Tom, those guys I could flush down the toilet! Sorry, Mr. Hairbrush! There is a new guy in town, and he's the one I want!

I think we kissed for like an entire hour. The smoke detector in my room almost went off, seriously. After all that, I noticed that Dad had gotten hard again. I rolled around on my bed until I was on my back, and I waited. He looked at me like he wanted round two.

"Choo-pah meese chee-chees." I started wiggling for him. "Ching-ah meese pahn-oh-cha! Ay, papi! Ching-ah, ching-ah!"

Well, wouldn't you know it; Dad understood everything I said. He was bilingual now!

I swear, I had not forgotten about Mom. I really felt guilty sometimes! I looked at her and I thought, shit, she must have figured it out by now! But she hadn't. She would go on about her day obliviously like she always did. Mom would sit across from me and we would get our box of supplies out and we'd create jewelry. She would talk about the usual: how things were going at work, how somebody might have won a jackpot, what some crazy drunk guy had done the night before, stuff like that.

I had this idea that maybe I could bring Mom into this happy little world Dad and I had gotten into. She was standing up one day, jabbering on like she normally did, when I decided to give it a try. I walked up behind Mom and hugged her. She thought it was a typical embrace, and that I would let her go after a couple of seconds, but I didn't. I nuzzled my mouth up against her cheek and started kissing her. At first, Mom figured they were my regular pecks, but as I kept doing it, the idea that I was being romantic with her must have sunk in.

Abruptly, Mom pulled away and literally tossed the necklace she was making onto the table. Then she hurried all the way across the room before she turned to face me. The look on her face told me I had made a very bad error in judgment. She looked disgusted.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say, so I just shrugged.

"You must be messing around with another girl." Mom assumed.

Mom and I were pretty open with each other. I always told her about my boyfriends. When I got on the wrong side of the street, as she might put it, I had told her about that, too. This new thing was a lie, but I went with it. "Yes."

"You keep your weird ideas away from me!"

"I just thought it would be nice to kiss you. I'm sorry!"

"Don't ever do that to me again!"

Mom stormed off. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

Dad had never been my confidant, not until that night when Mom was gone. I went and sat next to him in the living room, while he was looking for an old movie to put on.

"I have to tell you something." I started.

"Sure, honey. Did you come to your senses yet?"

I thought that was a funny question. Dad was asking me very politely if he should stop fucking me. I almost laughed, but then I sucked it up and got serious again.

"It's about Mom." I said, and I told him.

"Oh." Dad said, when he'd heard the story. He set his hand over mine to console me. "She was something else when she was younger, I'll tell you that much. Maybe all that errant behavior stayed in the past. I understand how you feel. I've felt the same way a few times myself. If she reacted that way with you, she'll probably do a Mt. Saint Helens with me. Let's just not mention it to her. I know. We can sit here and watch a movie together and we don't have to do anything else. You can pick the movie, okay?"

That wasn't how Dad usually talked. He was nervous about getting caught, and he felt as guilty as I did, but he also understood what I was going through. I found a movie for us to watch. It was a light comedy. When I sat down next to Dad, I put my hand on his. That movie turned out to be a good selection, because we both got into it. Halfway through it, Dad put his arm around me and held me like a girlfriend. He didn't push me in any way; he just held me like that until the movie was over.

I don't think I ever loved him emotionally as much as I did that night. If Dad were my age, he would have been perfect for me, even more perfect than he was for Mom.

My Sabbatical lasted all of two days. When Mom and I started talking normally again, I got all wiggly with Dad. I couldn't help showing off for him and trying to entice him into my room. One night, he sat before the TV and waggled his finger side to side.

"Not tonight, honey." He said, in what I would call a prissy way. "I haven't seen this specific movie in years. I really want to watch it! Go play with your hairbrush!"

I told him about Mr. Blue Hairbrush. I had whispered it into his ear one time when we were on my bed. I said I sometimes used it while thinking of him, especially on nights when Mom was home.

That's when I went on an impassioned tear. "I don't give a shit about your movie! Ching-ah may! Ching-ah may!"

Dad could only take so much. I bagged him. Twice.

He loved playing with my ass. There were times when Dad would have me lie on my bed, on my stomach. He would spend half the night kissing my body, from the back of my neck and all the way down to the soles of my feet. His favorite bus stop was my ass. He put his mouth on it, and he ran his tongue down the middle, and he squeezed it so much he left it sore sometimes. Dad liked watching me lying that way and wiggling around so my ass would shake. He said it looked like gelatin when I did that.

I guess!

One night, he tried something different. Maybe I should have expected this, because Dad turned out to be such an ass freak. He had been playing with my big butt so much I stopped paying attention. I know he left my room for about a minute, and then he came back and resumed his frolic. Everything was going fine until I felt his slippery finger heading in a direction I did not expect.

I turned on my side to look at him. "Excuse me?"

Dad had that feverish look on his face that he got whenever we messed around.

"Where exactly were you planning on sticking that finger?"

"I just wanted to try it."

"In my butt, you mean?" I sat up, spotting the little plastic bottle he'd come in with. "What is that?"


"Why do you have lubricant?"

"It's for your mother. Sometimes we use it when she goes dry."

That was something unexpected for me. I always assumed that Mom and Dad had a healthy, normal sex life, just like everybody else. These were all weird revelations for me. My Dad was smaller than average for a man, and Mom got so dry sometimes that she needed lube. "Does Mom let you put your finger in her butt?"

"No." Dad shook his head. "She would never do that."

"But you think I would be okay with it? Why?"

Dad shrugged.


"Because in some ways, you're wilder than she is."

"Really?" I wondered. That was fascinating for me; the idea that Mom who liked to brag so much about the good old days wasn't as reckless as she made out to be. "How am I more wild than Mom?"

"When we first met, we would pull over at some random spot on the road and have sex right there. She hasn't done that with me in almost two decades. Fiona doesn't wear any bikinis in the house, and she certainly does not pull the fabric between her butt like you do. I don't think she's worn a bikini at all in the last ten years. Fiona never walks around the house naked, we only have sex once or twice a week, she never wants to try anything new anymore..."

"Okay, I get it." I cut him off.

Was I really that much wilder than Mom? Was Dad that much wilder than Mom? Are you serious? Major Wow!

Dad's finger was still covered in slippery gooey stuff. I'd watched that kind of porn before. I knew that when girls had things in their butts, they always masturbated.

"Okay." I said. "We'll try it."

I let Dad get beside me. He put his finger in me, while I raised my leg and rubbed my pussy. It was totally fantastic! I came like thirty seconds later, and then I got on all fours and Dad made me come a second time.

"Mom, what do you think about anal?"

We were making jewelry together, on her day off.

"What?" Mom blurted out. She actually jumped to her feet when I asked that. "Why would you bring something like that up?"

"I thought I could ask you anything." I replied. "Some of my friends were talking about it, that's all."

"Your guy friends?"

"No, it was girl talk." I admitted. It wasn't really a lie. My girlfriends and I really had talked about it, after I had brought it up to them. "I was just wondering if you and Dad ever tried it."

"Your father and I have never done that together. You know, you've been getting some really weird ideas from your friends lately."

"Just forget I said it. Forget I brought it up."

"I never want to hear that word come out of your mouth again!"

"This is a whole new generation, Mom. Even people on TV are talking about it."

"There is something very wrong with this country today!"

That's it. That's all Mom said, before she stormed off and left me there creating jewelry by myself. She'd flown off the handle and now she was gone.

I couldn't sleep that night, because I was thinking about Dad. I used my hairbrush to help satiate me, and it did for a while. It wasn't enough.

The next time, I went into my cosmetics and found something that I could use as lube. I smeared it on my brush handle. I got on my bed and stuck the brush in my butt while I played with myself. That's what I needed to put myself to sleep.

You know that thinking too much gets me in trouble. What I was thinking that night was that Dad was just a little bit bigger than Mr. Hairbrush.

"Dad, this time you're getting my finger." I said, the next time Mom was out at work. I thought for sure that Dad might run out of the room when I said that, but he hadn't done a whole lot of running lately, had he?

"I don't want your finger in my butt."

"This is a whole new generation, where we have this thing called equal opportunity. Go get your lube."

No way, I thought. No way Dad will go for that. He did it. Right in front of my eyes, he got up and went to get what I asked for. I ran off this time, into my room. When he got there, I was already naked.

"This is highly confidential between us." Dad said.

"I know. It's Top Secret!"

I told him about Mom's reaction the time I mentioned anal sex. He wasn't surprised. He said Mom had always been repulsed by the mention of it.

"We need to start being more careful." He said.

Dad took off his clothes. He lay on his side, and he let me stick my finger in his butt. After that, he started masturbating until he came. I can't say he was louder than the times when we had sex, but he was pretty loud.

"Did you think it was another man?" I teased him.

"No! Absolutely not! I knew it was you the entire time!"

"But you liked it, didn't you?"

"As much as you do. Sure, I liked it."

"When you do it to me, I'll do it to you." I resolved. "That's equal opportunity. Deal?"

He agreed, because he couldn't get enough of me, just like I couldn't get enough of him. In fact, we were so enraptured with one another that we kissed and touched until he was hard again.

"It must be your turn now." I said, reaching over to get the lubricant. He held his hand out, assuming he was about to smear it on his finger. "No, I'll do it this time."

Dad's hand hovered in the air, waiting for the cream to arrive, but it never did. That was because I didn't put it there. I rubbed it all over his dick instead.

He didn't say anything when I mounted him in reverse, but he did gasp. I held his dick up so I could sit on it. I had a little trouble aiming it, but like I said, it wasn't that much bigger than my brush handle. I got it in there.

Maybe it would be just like Dad's finger, I had figured before I did it, where I could keep it in place while I rubbed myself. That's not how it turned out. Dad was big enough that I felt like riding him for a while. It was a new ay caramba for me. I really got into it, feeling that little rolled taco going into my butt where it wasn't supposed to go.

I thought I could lean forward, but no, it popped out a couple of times and I had to put it back in. My mind, my wicked mind, went back to the associated press porn I'd seen before. Instead of leaning forward, I leaned back and locked out my arms. This was something different for me. I was hovering over Dad, raising and lowering my hips on him, while he was stuck inside my butt.

Dad held me up from my waist, otherwise I would have fallen on him. When I settled on him to catch my breath, he put a hand on my chest and sent me into overload. My arms and legs were tired by then, since I wasn't used to holding my entire weight up in the air like that. I got off, pun not intended this time, and I rolled over on my stomach.

"I can't do it anymore. I'm too tired." I panted. "You have to finish it."

Dad got on my back. His dick pushed its way past my cheeks, into that dark and forbidden place. Not the finger this time, and not my brush, but his supreme manliness! I keep telling you about the most erotic moment ever. With Dad's body over mine, and his hips slapping against my ass, this was the new epic. There was no need for me to use my fingers, because my mind was bringing me up to the point of bliss contact.

My groans were venting out through gritted teeth. "Ching-ah mee cool-oh! Ching-ah mee cool-oh!"

I heard Dad come. His arms were stretched out at my sides, with his body weight not as heavy as before. This game me the space I needed to push my hand down there. While Dad was quivering in my butt, I gave myself the last few crucial rubs so that we could come together.

It was the most amazing feeling in the world, to have Dad panting on the back of my head, and later kissing my neck, while he petered out inside of me.

I could go on. There is so much more I could say. Dad was the best lover I've ever had, end of story and despite his physical shortcoming.

We almost got caught one time, when Mom had a headache at work and got her butt send home early. If we hadn't seen her headlights flashing by through the window, there was a very good chance that she would have seen us having sex. Dad was behind me, with his hands on my chest and his cock in my butt, while I had my leg raised high and was busy rubbing my pussy raw.

We would have gotten caught, if I'd stayed living there. That's why I moved out. Not to worry, because I know Mom's schedule and I do visit Dad quite often. Maybe this is all, like, wickedness, as Mom might say.

I disagree. Guys like Jack and Tom ended up with my other girlfriends, thank goodness, and not me. They were ultimate boring.

Dad, on the other hand, was perfect for me.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Cinco estrellas

Superbly crafted story and highly erotic. Five stars!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 5 years ago
Quality Story with Multiple Main Character Quirks that Complicated & Complimented the Main Carnal Entree

This isn't the best of the author's entries in this series but still easy peasy five star quality. The first person female POV was hit and miss in terms of authenticity outside of first rate erotic forays detailed . But nuances like father not being stereotype alpha , yet owning low key strengths were well conceived and executed, far beyond ability and imagination of average author in this genre.

Ergo the obvious score

Full marks *****

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