An Overnight Hike in the Hills


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We walked out of the hills and down to Nine Mile Creek, as it was called. The creek was flowing briskly. A stunningly pretty meadow ran alongside it.

"I'm going to catch some rays while I still can," I announced. I lay down on the soft grass of the meadow. I felt like I had found my place in heaven. The sun felt great on my face so I stripped down to my bra and panties for maximal exposure, and I lay on my stomach.

I had bought bikini lace panties and a matching lace bra for what I had planned to be The Great Seduction of Brian, or GSB as I referred to it to myself. I knew the guys could see the crack of my ass right through the lace panties.

The sexy lingerie was really for me, of course. Brian would only care when the lingerie came off. Before I lay down on my stomach you could see my nipples poking through the lace of my bra. I had opened the lace a bit to ensure that very phenomenon would happen. I knew of course that this was like throwing red meat to the lions, the two lions named Brian and Zack, but I was enjoying teasing them.

I couldn't see the two guys, but I could almost feel their eyes all over me, and I imagined their raised eyebrows as they looked at each other, both smiling. I loved being desired and being the center of attention of two strapping young men was thrilling. Yes, it was dangerous, but it was so much fun! The danger just added to the fun.

After around ten minutes Brian said I was going to get tan lines from my bra straps. I ignored him. He then unhooked my bra. Brian had done this many times before. At this point in our relationship he was something of an expert at removing my bra. This would have been fine if we had been alone, as I had originally planned, but Zack was there too. Still, it was nicer to lie there without my bra strap across my back. I decided to be passive and let things happen.

I think I fell asleep for a bit, and when I awoke I rolled over onto my back. When I did my bra stayed behind, and suddenly I was topless in front of the two men. I'm sure I blushed, but seeing their two faces I decided fuck it, so what. So they both see my boobs. Big deal.

Of course, the three of us being high school seniors meant that casually exposing my bare breasts to the two guys actually was kind of a big deal. Brian knew my boobs only too well of course, but Zack had never seen them before, and he had no reason to see them now. Yet, there they were. It is what it is I said to myself, even though I hate that phrase.

Zack's face was to die for. The man was surprised and -- dare I say -- delighted. Brian's expression was more complicated and difficult for me to understand. It also kept changing. It finally settled on pride. He was proud of my boobs, even though they were my boobs and not his -- but I was his girl, after all.

"You can look, but no touching," I said, trying to establish a reality principle. Both guys readily agreed. They were fibbing of course, and I knew that, and they knew that I knew it, and I knew that they knew that I knew they were fibbing. I closed my eyes and felt the sun gloriously soaking into my boobs as the guys spoke as if I weren't there. I was listening for all I was worth.

"Joanie has gorgeous boobs," I heard Zack saying.

"She sure does. How do they compare to Mary's?" Mary's boobs are bigger, so I was sure she would win any boobs competition.

"Joanie's are prettier," Zack replied. I smiled internally at that remark, even if it had to be false.

"I love their soft pink color, the way they relax their shape when she's on her back, the gorgeous valley between them, but best of all are her spectacular nipples! Mary has tiny nipples and little areolas. How can you resist fondling Joanie's boobs constantly?"

Okay, I wasn't expecting anything like that, especially not from a man of the world like Zack. I wondered just how many girls' boobs he had seen? Were mine the second set or were they the twenty-second? I was smiling broadly inside, trying not to let myself visibly smile. The guys were standing a bit far away, and speaking almost in a whisper, but they were speaking about me so my bionic hearing was scaled up to the max.

Then the two began to whisper really softly, and damn it to hell I couldn't hear! Finally I heard Brian's voice, "Go for it," and then Zack instantly said, "Joanie, you look so pretty, may I kiss you again?"

I let my eyes flutter open, and I said, "Sure, Zack." After all, we were trying to cheer him up, right? And he did have a crush on me, right? I wasn't thinking well, however, since I was almost naked and highly vulnerable just then. Of course, I had Brian to protect me, right? Right?

Zack kissed me tenderly for a little while and then the inevitable happened as his hand tentatively touched my boobs. I moaned softly. Quite naturally that only served to encourage him. He stroked my boobs, pushed them together, and when he began to caress my nipples I gave a soft, erotic groan.

That was a mistake if I wanted to remain loyal to Brian. My one single groan changed everything. Zack's mouth went to my nipples, and I groaned some more. As he kissed my nipples his hands began to stroke the sides of my body, stopping at the waistband of my little panties.

"My turn," Brian said and Zack left my body. I felt lucky I didn't have to slap away Zack's hands because we all three knew they were about to go under my panties, and we also all knew exactly what treat awaited them down there. I suspect that's why Brian said it was his turn. And since it was his turn he took over molesting my near-naked body as only Brian can. He kissed me all over, played extensively with my boobs and especially my nipples, and then began stroking my flat tummy with his hands. As if by momentum his hands entered the forbidden area hidden by my panties.

Knowing Zack was intently watching Brian play with my body got me so turned on that I lost focus. I was producing pussy juice like crazy. I called the fun and games to a halt for the second time today. Luckily I am a woman, and so I have a reality principle.

We decided to set up camp right there, around ten feet away from Nine Mile Creek and its babbling brook noises that seemed so ultra-romantic just then. If only I were alone with Brian I thought for like the 36th time.

We sat around singing songs for a while, and then Brian and Zack set up a campfire surrounded by stones retrieved from the creek. Brian picked up the heavy, four-person tent he had schlepped all afternoon, and he set it up.

I made the brazen hussy move and stayed in only my panties, my almost naked body on constant display. I was amused to see that both guys had erections in their pants. It was perhaps cruel to be giving Zack blue balls, but I thought it was a nice punishment for Brian to have them.

I knew I was playing with fire, but at least I was now on the pill, and if I got burned I would deal with it. I might even enjoy getting burned. Who knew? I loved that these two handsome men were kind of competing for me.

Zack produced three plastic glasses and Brian produced the bottle of Russian vodka he had brought along. I contributed my pot-infused edibles. Brian had orange juice and he made us screwdrivers. We roasted the hot dogs and for dessert we toasted marshmallows over the open flames. The guys kept letting their marshmallows catch fire, and they would ask me to blow out the flames.

The guys made a game of it and each time I'd lean over to blow out their marshmallow, they'd fondle one of my boobs, including pulling gently on my nipple. I was getting aroused from the intimate play, and quite obviously so too were they.

The vodka as well as the edibles -- of which I'd had quite a lot -- helped to dim any sense of alarm I might have otherwise quite sensibly experienced. The vodka combined with the pot was definitely going to my head. I suspected Brian of too heavily spiking my drinks. He was going to get a piece of my mind once I'd sobered up.

Then I heard the call of nature. It was a rather loud and insistent call. It was a long walk across the meadow to find the cover of trees and shrubs so that I could pee in privacy. I barely made it. In fact, toward the end I was almost running. I threw off my panties, went into a squat, and had an immense and thoroughly satisfying pee. Niagara Falls came to mind.

When I looked up and around for my panties, I saw four eyes checking me out. The guys had apparently followed me and watched me pee. I was humiliated. Even Brian had never before seen me pee. Nobody had.

Brian had my panties and an evil smile on his face. I went to grab my panties and he tossed them to Zack. Zack mimicked Brian's evil smile and it was a game of monkey-in-the-middle-keep-away. I'm sure the guys enjoyed seeing me jump for the panties as they were tossed over my head. My boobs were bouncing up a storm.

Giving up, I ran back towards our fire and tent seeking the cover of the tent and some clothes. Being drunk I of course tripped over something, probably the root of a long-dead tree; I never did learn exactly what, and I fell flat on my tummy onto the ground.

There I was, maybe fifteen yards from the cover of our tent and the warmth of the fire, but flat on the ground and naked, with two men standing over me, and what did I do? I giggled. The men sunk to the ground on either side of me. Zack began to kiss me and to fondle my boobs yet again, while Brian spread my legs, sticking his head between them.

For the first time in my life, a man began to eat me out. I forgot about everything and just moaned. Between Zack at my lips and my boobs, Brian's tongue at my pussy, and my new Russian friend Stolichnaya sloshing around in my tummy, I was a moaning, happy mess.

It was Brian's first-ever attempt at cunnilingus, at least with me, and since I had just peed I was self-conscious, but if it was gross it was his own goddam fault. I let it go and tried to concentrate on the rather spectacular sensations.

Then the escalation I had feared arrived. Zack replaced Brian at my cunt, and he was no naïve innocent when it came to eating out a woman. I imagine he had perfected the craft on Mary. I made a mental note to ask her sometime. He knew just what to do to turn me into a submissive bowl of jello.

Five minutes later I was screaming loud enough to wake the dead, as the climax to end all climaxes arrived and overwhelmed me. Zack's head left and Brian once again loomed over me. I was played out.

Then to my shock, right there in the open meadow, in front of God, some birds, a deer or two, and most importantly right in front of Zack, Brian's cock slipped into the world's most lubricated pussy. I moaned as I received it. I didn't just moan; I moaned to the high heavens above. Deer scampered away, and pheasants took flight.

I half expected the hunting club to materialize and shoot at the pheasants. I hadn't even known there were pheasants there, hiding in the tall grass. Maybe they weren't pheasants. Maybe they were wild turkeys? Ducks? Geese? Doves? Who the fuck knows, and who the double fuck cares? They were birds; that much was certain.

I stopped speculating about the type of birds taking flight and as I regained my wits I realized the wonderful sensations inside me were from Brian's lovely cock pumping in and out. Brian's cock was driving me to the edge of sanity.

OMG, I was fucking for the first time! This was the great moment of my dreams and I had lost focus. Damn it to hell. I had to remember this moment forever. I was in the very process of losing my virginity. How about that?

For one thing, I was drunk out of my mind. For another I was naked in a large meadow, affording privacy only because it was remote. I wasn't sure there weren't people looking down from the hills at that very moment, perhaps birders startled by my screams, watching us fuck, maybe using binoculars or cameras with telephoto lenses.

Worst of all, there was an interested witness named Zack, Brian's best friend whom we were supposed to be cheering up to help him to forget about Mary, his former true love and sexpot extraordinaire.

Zack was right there, staring at Brian and me going at it. Zack was staring with all the intensity of the criminally insane. My arousal was intense. I had never before been this turned on. We were being watched, and not only watched but watched by the one man I wanted almost as much as Brian. Nobody had ever lost her virginity like this.

I was so hot, so on fire, that I began to cry. My body rose to meet every thrust of Brian's small, cute, and highly effective cock. I was overloaded with sensations. It was too much, being fucked for the first time and doing it in front of Zack.

I'll deal with it all later I thought to myself. Right now I'm getting my first-ever fuck. Time to concentrate on that and... whoops! Brian pulled out and squirted all over my tummy and my boobs. My first fuck was much too short. I didn't even climax. It was nice, though. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and now my pesky virginity was gone, along with my hymen. If losing my hymen had hurt, I was too wound up to have noticed. I did check, though, and there was a little blood stain on the grass as testimony to innocence lost. Hooray to that.

Damn it all but I hadn't told Brian I was on the pill. He wasn't using a rubber, so pulling out and squirting all over me was the considerate thing to do. It was frustrating, though. I wanted to feel Brian squirt inside me. That was a key part of my Great Deflowering Scenario.

As my vodka-addled mind was coming to terms with everything, I thought I'd heard Zack quietly ask Brian if he could have "sloppy seconds."

Say, what?

"Go for it, bro," I heard Brian reply as if he was saying kill me now because that's what I felt like doing to him. After my earlier lecture he was nevertheless giving away my body in the most intimate way possible and at the most intimate time. Really? Seriously? Did the man have a death wish?

Zack loomed over me on his knees. He was kneeling between my legs. He was gently spreading my legs further apart, encountering absolutely no resistance. That was only because I was in a stoned and drunken state of shock, or so I told myself. Looking back, I have to admit I was super turned on that Zack had been watching (with great interest!) my first-ever fuck.

Then Zack turned me over and lifted me onto all fours. He got behind me. I knew what was coming. I was not about to fuck Zack; especially not immediately following fucking Brian. I had just that moment lost my virginity for Pete's sake!

It was only thanks to a supreme effort that I managed to say, just in time too, "No, Zack." After all, we had been taught in Sex Ed ad infinitum that "No means NO." That particular lesson had been stressed to no end. And I had just said "no" to Zack, so that ended it. Right?

Zack said, "Okay, Joanie, whatever you want. I try to please. God, you're pretty." Good for Zack, I naively thought.

He turned me over so that I was again flat on my back, once again with him between my legs, and before I could marshal my forces to react, his cock was inside me.

Anyway, it no longer mattered. I was getting the second fuck of my life right after the first fuck of my life, and goddam it but it felt wonderful. Back-to-back fucks on my birthday hike. Jesus.

Plus, after Brian had said "Go for it, bro," I was so pissed off at him that he deserved to lose me to Zack. I know, I know; that's vodka doing the reasoning, right? I was a little disturbed by the flagrant immorality of it all. Letting another man watch me fuck, and getting back-to-back fucks by two different men had not been explicitly covered either in Sunday School nor in Sex Ed. I'm not a rocket scientist like Zack is, but even I knew one is not supposed to be doing stuff like this. It was forbidden, and perhaps that's what made it so appealing. I'll bet I'm the only girl in my school to get laid by two men at once. Plus, it's my first time. Wow.

Zack's fuck was different from Brian's. He fucked me more powerfully, really thrusting into me with force. My legs rose up and rested on his ass seemingly of their own free will. This pulled him a little deeper inside me, or at least it seemed like it. I was moaning continuously and occasionally I gasped when after a really powerful thrust, I felt as if Zack had pushed the air out of my lungs.

I could feel Zack's cock inside me and I knew I had lived my first eighteen years in part simply to understand fully how wonderful this was. If I died tomorrow I would be happy for having experienced this fuck. It was that good.

Zack began to kiss me as he fucked me and I melted. I moaned out my pleasure right through the kisses. I raised my hips to hasten the climax which was clearly coming.

I visualized my impending climax as a shape, as a woman actually, as the vision focused itself. The personification of my climax was on the top of yonder hill and it was racing downhill to engulf me in bliss. It got closer and closer, gathering speed and momentum as it raced and as Zack pounded away faster and faster, and Boom! It was there, as my head went from side to side while I once again screamed to the high heavens.

The orgasm really and truly did have a corporeal form as it turned out, presenting itself in incarnation as Zack's on-again, off-again girlfriend Mary. "I decided to join the hike," the incarnation of my orgasm said.

"Hi Mary," I heard Brian say. I could see Zack turning his head. He was naked with his cock still buried inside me.

"Nice of you to join," I said weakly. Zack was still fucking me, although he was trying to be subtle.

Mary went over and kissed my naked boyfriend Brian and then sunk to her knees and swallowed his cock, which had been rapidly growing back to its full erect size. I stopped paying attention as Zack resumed fucking me, but now in earnest.

It was as if Zack were showing off for Mary. The fact that he was fucking me, the girl who was a virgin just this morning, was incidental. He was punishing Mary. I suddenly felt like I was being used. Zack was punishing Mary by flagrantly fucking me almost angrily. I was fucking Zack because I was mad at Brian for ruining my carefully planned deflowering. And in short order now Mary was naked and offering herself to Brian to get revenge on Zack. That left Brian as the only one without a motive.

A teenage guy when confronted with a naked, pretty girl who wants to fuck him doesn't need a rationale. Still, to Brian's credit, he looked over at me as if to ask my permission. I smiled at the thought only to realize he was actually looking at Zack -- not me -- for permission.

I felt like what was I? Last week's soggy French toast? Soggy French toast you'd love to fuck? Where was the genuine New Hampshire maple syrup when you needed it? My anger at Brian rose to new heights.

I became vocal. "C'mon Zack. Give it to me. Fuck me hard. You can do it. Yes, yes, yes, like that!" I called out for the benefit of both Mary and Brian. Especially for Brian.

"Oh God, Zack, you're so good. That's it: Fuck me like you mean it. Oh yes, oh yes, ooooohhhhh gawd." Then to turn the knife, "Come inside me, Zack. I need to feel you send your sperm up inside me!" Zack did not need to be told twice.

I had come twice in that glorious fuck. Zack still had not cum. He was still pumping away and groaning sexily as he did so. I summoned my will, screwed my courage to the sticking place, and looked over at Brian and Mary. Mary looked hopelessly sexy as Brian plowed her. Except for her big boobs, is that how I looked under Brian as he fucked me earlier, I wondered? Is that how I look now? Not bad!

Zack finally shot his load into me. It felt wonderful: a man was squirting his spunk inside me for the first time in my life. Moreover, it was not just any man but the man I had had a crush on since I was 16. I realized it was Zack, not Brian, who was the first man to coat the insides of my cunt with his seed.