Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 04


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What Mistress said next made me light up like a Christmas tree. She still cared for me.

"You know what, Stan? Richard was right. You are an asshole. He submitted to me because he loves me and I'm the only one who gets to degrade and humiliate him. Get the fuck out."

"Listen bitch, you invited me over here because your man's a dickless wonder who doesn't know how to fuck you happy. You ain't sending me away."

He ripped Mistress's negligee off, leaving her naked.

"You animal," Mistress screamed. "Leave now."

"Who's going to make me? You?"

"No, my husband."

"That faggot? He's going to watch me rape you up one side and down the other. You invited me here for sex. All the other guys know it. I'm free and clear, baby. No jury in the world would convict me."

He grabbed her and put his arms around her trying to kiss her.

"Richard, Black."

Mistress had never changed her safe word from the ship. Black was 'stop now, don't do anything else, I'm finished playing'. Oh, this was going to be so much fun. I'd taken Aikido from the time I was seven until I was eighteen and graduated from high school. I hadn't been able to keep up with it through college, but it's not like I didn't remember loads of what I'd practiced for eleven years.

I walked over to him, hit him in the nerve nexus in his armpit, put him in an arm bar with his wrist bent down so far, I was a fraction of an inch from snapping it. The pain of that particular hold is excruciating. You go to your knees trying to take the pressure off. He started to react, thinking of going for my bare nuts. I added more pressure and he squealed.

"You try that, I'm going to snap your wrist. It will be useless for at least six months. Any further trouble, then I'll walk you out onto the balcony of this apartment and throw you off it, twelve whole flights, roughly 170 feet. Your head will splatter like a watermelon, and we'll be forced to tell the police you attempted raping my wife, so I had to kill you in her defense. Since you won't be alive to counter our story, I'm pretty sure, the police will accept it, but regardless, you'll be dead. She asked you to leave. I realize it wasn't politely, so I'll ask politely. Please, get the fuck out of our apartment, before I kill you. Mistress, check his wallet to see if he has enough money to pay for your ruined negligee?"

"Just get him out of here. That one was pretty cheap anyway."

I walked him over to the door and Mistress opened it. I released his arm with a kick in the stomach, taking the wind out of him and knocking him on his keister.

"No one ever taught you that 'no' means 'no'? I'm informing you now. A woman can change her mind in mid-fuck. She says you're done, you're done."

"I'll be back, asshole."

"If you show up again, I'll break both your wrists, and take out your knees. You'll be a cripple for the rest of your life, and if you should happen to succeed in getting your revenge for this fucking fag knocking the wind out of you and tossing you on your ass, there are twenty or so ex-military bad asses that will make you wish you were never born. One former British Special Air Services guy broke both of a guys arms so bad, he'll never regain use of one of them and held off four big bouncers. If you're feeling really lucky, come back again. By the way. You don't have a job anymore."

"Who says?"


"Who are you?"

"The guy getting you fired. Go."

He got up and left. Good thing there was only one other apartment on the twelfth floor and we didn't have a bunch of neighbors staring out their doors at me standing in mine with nothing but a cock cage on. I closed and locked the door.

Mistress took the key off from around her neck and removed my cage. She took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

"Fuck me, Richard."

I admit I was a little wound up, a lot of adrenaline coursing through my veins, and generally pissed. I took Mistress at her word. I throat fucked her, cunt fucked her, then ass fucked her, cumming in all three holes. It took around two hours. We were lying in our bed after the last one, both of us breathing pretty hard.

"Richard, do you remember what I told you when we were in the Jacuzzi soaking my ravaged ass after my train. I said you needed to figure out what I needed and give it to me, and if you did, neither of us would need to become submissives and I could be happy."

"I remember, Mistress."

"If you'd fucked me that night or the next morning the way you just fucked me, neither of us would be submissives today. You fucked me today like you owned me. You took possession of my mouth, ass and cunt and fucked me ragged. That's what I was looking for that night. This is what I wanted."

"Are you saying we can give this up, Mistress?"

"Can you fuck me like this every day? Turn me into your fucking sex toy?"

I thought about that for quite some time. Maybe some caveman came out of me when my mate was threatened, but I'm not sure I could do it every time. Not unless she was threatened all the time and I'd saved her. I really did prefer to treat her gently, to make sweet love and not nail her like a board to a wall.

"I don't know if I can do it all the time, Mistress. It's not me. I know it isn't. I could maybe do it every so often, but not every day."

"The more you can fuck me like that, the less I'll need to fuck other men, but answer another question. Has it been all bad for you?"

"Not all bad. Getting more sex every day is nice, Mistress. I wasn't happy with that part of our marriage before. Fucking Cheryl has been a treat. I could do with less gay sex, but Andre was okay as gay sex went. I'd have bitten Stan's prick off. Talk about a dickless wonder; he'd have been one for sure."

Mistress laughed. "Yeah, I won't be trying to fuck men I know nothing about anymore. I'll be a little more selective than I was when I picked him, do a little more vetting before I invite someone else into our bed, male or female. It was nice knowing I could count on you to throw out the trash. I wanted to fuck you so bad when you did that. Could you tell how wet I was?"

"A leaking faucet had nothing on you, Mistress."

"As I said, the more you fuck me like you did today, the less interest I'll have in fucking other men. Less gay sex for you, so that should make you happy. But I'll be honest. The life we've had for the last month has been the best month of our marriage. I've liked it, both the men and the women. I think it helped get you your fancy new job with Mr. Thornhill and put us in the very nice apartment we're in now. I'd prefer we remain this way, but you saved me from a very unpleasant situation, so I feel I owe you something. I'm certainly willing to listen to any suggestions about changes you want to make. All I ask is you decide if going backwards will make you happier than you are now."

"I'll sleep on it, Mistress."

"Thank you, Richard."

I was awake quite late pondering that question.


I was Mr. Thornhill's residence at seven the next morning, trying to set a good precedent for my desire to do a good job. I had my briefcase and laptop. I was in my cock cage.

"Richard, you're early," Evelyn said, opening the door. She was naked. Blood tried flowing to my cock and I experienced a twinge of pain.

"I wanted to make a good impression on my first day. How are you, Mrs. Thornhill?"

"I'm fine, come on in. We're just finishing up breakfast. You can have some coffee or fruit if you'd like."

"I should have realized this is also your home and not just my workspace. Would you like me to come back when you're dressed?"

"No matter what time you come back, I wouldn't be dressed. This is the reason you were chosen for this job, to overlook my lack of clothing."

She led me to the dining room and Mr. Thornhill was there with a woman without any hair on her head, shaved bald, sitting in his lap and being fed. His hand was in her lap, teasing and playing with her pussy as he fed her, sometimes with food, sometimes her own pussy juices. My eye was drawn to her pussy and she had a small tattoo on her mons, saying 'whore'. My cock tried growing again. Shit.

"Richard, the other naked slave is Master's other possession, Regina King. Regina, this is Richard Farber, Master's new Personal Assistant."

"Hello, Regina," I said politely.

She couldn't answer, having a powerful orgasm suddenly, fucking against Mr. Thornhill's fingers. When it was over, he fed her his fingers again, making her lick them clean.

"I apologize, Mr. Thornhill. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day. I kind of forgot this is your home as well as where you wanted me to work."

"No apologies necessary. Perhaps I'll give you a key so you don't need to ring when you arrive. Did you have a chance to read everything you've been sent?"

"Yes, sir. I understand most of it. I'll have some questions later. I wrote them down."

"You've got my schedules for the next couple weeks? Any questions about any of it? You'll be attending some of the events with me."

"Yes, sir. I have your schedule, and no questions at the moment except what you'd like me to attend with you."

"All of the board meetings, most of the negotiations, a few of the charity events. Your wife may attend any of the charity events with you. You'll both need to be appropriately dressed. I'm going to send both of you out clothing shopping with Evelyn tomorrow afternoon. If it has anything to do with clothing, she's the expert."

"I did get a tuxedo for my mother's wedding, sir."

"You'll need more than one, plus a number of other suits. Marnie should have about a half dozen nice frocks to dress up in. What kind of car would you like me to get for you?"


"Your company car, do you have a preference? Anything less than $70,000."

"I'm concerned for the environment. Would an electric car be out of the question?"

"Not at all. Tesla okay with you? I think your apartment building is set up to charge electric cars."

"A Tesla would be wonderful, sir. Their least expensive model. I don't need anything fancy."

"I've noticed you address me as sir all the time. Any reason for that?"

"Well, you are my boss and I thought it appropriate until you tell me how you'd like me to address you. Plus, I know as a submissive, I'm supposed to address other Dominants as Master, but I didn't know if you wished me to do so. Sir seemed appropriate until I know."

"You can address me as Master in private, but publicly, I'd prefer sir or Mr. Thornhill. Would you have any confusion not addressing me as Master in public if I allow you to do so in private?"

"I don't believe so, Master." He smiled. "How would you like me to address Mrs. Thornhill and Ms. King?"

"Evelyn and Regina are fine in private. Mrs. and Ms. will do in public."

"Yes, Master."

"Would you like to meet my daughter before we start business for the day?"

"Yes, thank you, sir."

He led me to their living quarters on the next floor up. His daughter, Madeline, was a lovely child of about four years of age. She was in her room along with a governess or nanny, who Mr. Thornhill also introduced.

"This is my daughter, Madeline, and her governess, Consuela. She's here on a temporary work visa from Spain. She's beginning to teach Madeline Spanish. This is my new Personal Assistant, Richard, Consuela. Madeline, can you say hello to Richard in Spanish?"

"Hola, señor Richard. Buen día."

"Hola, Madeline. Eres muy guapa."

Madeline looked at me questioning. "She doesn't know guapa yet, señor," Consuela said. "Just rough basics thus far. Madeline, Richard said you're very pretty. What do you say back?"

"Gracias, señor."

"De nada."

"We'll see you at lunch time, Madeline. Say goodbye until then."

"Adiós, señor."

"Adiós, señorita."

William next led me to his office, down on the same floor as the kitchen, dining room and other public spaces.

"This is where you'll be most of the time when I'm in town. Your desk is in the next room. I'll give you a moment to set up. Is there anything else you'd like to ask before we get started?"

"Yes, Master. I'd like to get some bastard fired from the moving crew which moved us on Saturday. I didn't want to use your name and influence without your permission, sir. May I have it?"

He sat down on the edge of his desk. "Depends, why do you want him fired?"

I explained about Stan and how Mistress had asked him to come over on Sunday for sex to reinforce my submission, how she'd changed her mind and asked him to leave because he was rude to me, and how he'd started to rape her.

"What did you do?"

"I had eleven years of aikido through high school, Master. I gave him a hard jab in the nerve bundle in his arm pit as he was grabbing my Mistress. While he was distracted, I put him in an arm bar wrist lock, marched him to the front door, kicked him in the stomach, knocking him on his ass outside the apartment. He threatened to come back and get even, but I think I discouraged that. I did tell him I'd get him fired though and I don't want to make empty threats."

"That sounds like reasonable grounds. Here's their number; give them a call. I'd like to see how you handle it."

"Thank you, Master, but I already have the phone number programmed in my phone."

I called and asked to speak to the owner or manager if the owner wasn't available. When he answered, I said, "Hello, my name is Richard Farber, personal assistant to William Thornhill. I'd like to lodge a complaint against a guy named Stan, who was involved in a move of my possessions from Brooklyn to Manhattan on Saturday. Young, cocky asshole with brown hair."

"What's the complaint?"

"He tried to rape my wife on Sunday. My wife and I are in an open marriage. She was flirting with him on Saturday and asked him to come over for sex on Sunday. When he arrived, he was rude to both my wife and myself, thinking that because I was okay with him having sex with my wife, I wasn't a man and she was a whore. When she told him to leave because he was an asshole, he ripped her clothes off and attempted to take by force what she refused to willingly give. He was mistaken about my manhood and I threw him out on his ear. Just because he was invited into my home for sex, he had no right to attack her once that invite was withdrawn. No means no, and I want him fired."

"Let me get this straight. Your wife invites him to your house for sex and when she changes her mind, he's a rapist?"

"Sir, let me put it another way. You invite me to your home for a barbecue. I'm expecting to eat. I've got my mouth set on barbecue. When I get there, I'm a total ass to you and all your other guests. You ask me to leave, but I stay, take all of the barbecue you're cooking, eat it or piss on what I can't eat. Am I not a thief or vandal for taking all of your barbecue or ruining it for everyone else? Would you feel justified in throwing me out and getting me fired?

"Just because we're talking about sex instead of barbecue, doesn't change the circumstances of what he did. If successful, he would have been a rapist, just as I would have been a thief or vandal. The original invite gives him no justification to do what he did. If you think otherwise, you're just as guilty as he is. If you want to continue doing business with William Thornhill and all the other people in this city he has influence over, you'll fire that asshole and educate your staff that women are allowed to change their mind, especially, but not exclusively, before anything has happened. Fair warning. Give me a call and let me know what you decided to do. Your business might depend on it."

"Hand me the phone," Master said. I handed him the phone.

"This is William Thornhill. You have until the end of the day to fire him or you'll soon find a competitor buying up what's left of your company. Good day."

He handed me the phone. "People should have a timetable for when you expect things to get done. Don't leave it open ended. I liked your analogy."

"Thank you, sir."

"Have a seat in your office and I'll let you know what I want you to attend with me. Finish whatever you're reading up on now and we'll get you started."

"I actually read it all, sir."

"In four days?"

"I spent nine to ten hours a day on it, Master. Wanted to be ready for anything when I showed up today."

"Are you in your cock cage today?"

"Every day, Master, when I'm away from Mistress. I have no reason to use my cock if she's not around."

"How was it for you at breakfast?"

"Painful, Master. Both of those women are quite lovely. May I ask why Regina's head is shaved, sir."

"I wanted to make sure she was really submissive, and not just attracted to my wealth, although she was fairly wealthy in her own right. Plus, I wanted something to make her stand apart from my wife, to put Regina on a lower rung, shall we say. We had a wig made of her hair which she can put on before we do something where running around bald might be an issue."

"And the 'whore' tattoo on her mons, Master?"

"Her initial slave name after I won her services for a week. She'd hurt a friend of mine. I bet her a week of slavery against $100,000. If she didn't submit completely during her week, I'd bankrupt her. You can guess from your own experiences what happened to her. Apparently, the week wasn't long enough. She begged for my collar about eight weeks ago at a house warming I had for my new home in California. Same thing as the hair, figured she wouldn't get it if she wasn't serious. I'll leave it on her for about a year, then remove it by laser or tattoo over it, something more tasteful.

"You'll probably meet the friend she hurt in a couple weeks. I'm having her, her mother and her son over around the holidays. Taking them around New York. You'll be making the arrangements."

"Yes, sir. Looking forward to meeting your friends, Master."

"She won't be able to bring her own slave. Perhaps I should speak to your Mistress about providing sexual services."

"Would my Mistress's services be required as well?"

"Shasta isn't really into women, although I know she's been with a few. We'll see."

"Yes, sir. Thanks for everything, Master."

I went to my cubbyhole and got to work doing whatever I could to be helpful. I was given the sign on to Master's business correspondence and he had me doing what I could to respond, or forwarding it to his personal attention if I couldn't. A lot of it was setting up meetings, which given access to his calendar, I could now arrange for him. We broke for lunch and because his daughter was there, both of his slaves were dressed. My dick thanked him.

That afternoon, I spent the day with Mr. Thornhill discussing general things. He said he was getting me access to certain accounts so I could purchase items at his request. Around three, I received a call that Stan had been fired. I said I appreciated his doing the right thing and Mr. Thornhill thanked him as well. Before I left for the day, he told me my new Tesla would be delivered tomorrow morning and asked if Mistress would be home to take delivery.

"She'd probably appreciate a break in unpacking, Master."

"Then she'll probably love the clothes shopping tomorrow afternoon. Evelyn will take good care of you. Good day today, Richard. You're a hard worker and I think I made a good decision hiring you."

"Thank you, Master. I won't let you down."

"One more thing, I'm thinking of buying a yacht similar to Joshua's. Why don't you do some preliminary investigation and let me know what's out there and at what price. I probably won't pull the trigger until next year, but if it needs to be built or outfitted, it will take a while to do."

"I'll get right on it and give you some preliminary information by next week, sir."

"Why don't you and the wife plan for a trip out to California in a couple weeks. Plan on being gone for two weeks. I want to go spend some time out there now the weather's getting shitty here. We'll bring Shasta and her family back to New York on my private jet."