Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 06


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"You didn't kiss me goodbye when you left this morning," Andre said. "I was hurt. Your wife is making up for it though."

"We need both you and Marnie at Mr. Thornhill's immediately. Don't even shower. Just throw something on and get over here. It's urgent."

"We'll be right there," Andre said. "Get dressed, Marnie, we need to leave immediately." He hung up.

"Didn't even ask questions," Bill said. "Very decisive. I think he might work. How did you foresee him having ten million dollars to spend on slave purchases?"

"Blackmail, Master. He's got the client list for it."

"Quick thinking. Good job, Richard."

Andre and Mistress were there in ten minutes. Mistress had a just fucked look and scent to her since she hadn't had time to shower. Andre looked a little more put together since his short hair couldn't be mussed. Evelyn showed them in.

"Andre, can you clear your calendar for the next three or four days? There's fifty thousand dollars for you if you can," William said.

"For that amount of money, it's not a problem. What's up?"

"Go ahead and clear it. We don't have a lot of time."

He waited for Andre to contact his bookers and clear his schedule through Sunday. When he was done he looked at us. "What's going on?"

"We have reason to think there's going to be an illegal slave auction in New York on Saturday. We want you to get into the auction to get evidence against the people selling the slaves and the people buying them."

"I heard something about it through the grapevine. They don't let people in those things unless they have beaucoup bucks."

"You'll have at least ten million dollars in your bank account today if you agree to do it. You'll return all but what you've spent to gather evidence and the fifty thousand I promised you when you're done. Richard thought you might be able to pass off your sudden wealth by saying you'd blackmailed one of your clients. You could use my name as the client if you need to. I certainly have the wherewithal to pay you ten million for your silence."

"I understand the security is pretty tight for those sales. Searches and the like when you enter. How do you expect to get evidence?"

William looked at me. "What were you thinking when you thought of Andre?"

"Asshole cameras. It's why Marnie and I need to go."

"Asshole cameras?" Andre asked.

"Yeah, a camera in a butt plug. They have models with crystals on the bottom. That could cover up the lenses while still allowing them to record visual evidence. Now normally, you wouldn't be able to see anything useful in a butt plug camera, but if someone were bent over sucking your cock, the camera could be pointed at anything of interest. Marnie and I could go as your current slaves. You could be looking to buy more. We'd be on leashes and collars We should probably have some welts on our backsides to show you're a tough disciplinarian. We're owned, not voluntary. The fact you have a criminal record already makes it more real."

"That could definitely work. Even if you're searched naked, they'd expect slaves might have butt plugs in them," Bill said. "Andre wouldn't have to carry anything on him at all. No wires or recording devices. How close are you both to accepting Andre as your Master?"

"Marnie is ready to accept him now. I was getting close." Andre flashed a grin at me. "There's still details to be worked out, but we could use this as a trial run."

"Good, because I need to spend the next couple days getting Andre ready to be a full Dominant/Owner," Bill said, "and you have to get in full submissive mode to him. You can't slip up and call Marnie your Mistress. You have to be ready for Andre to be your full owner."

"I'm aware. We'll be in full submission to him from now through the slave auction. If it works out, I suppose he'll be our Master from then on." Marnie squeezed my hand. I looked at her and squeezed back.

Andre kissed me. I kissed him back. If he was my owner, I couldn't hesitate.

"You'll need some clothes to wear. Something a young, black, nouveau rich pimp might wear. I'll take care of the tab for it. Consider it expenses," Bill said. "We need to call Congressman Ward back. As soon as we've told her the plan, we need to head back upstairs."

I called Miranda back, asking to speak to the Congresswoman. "Tell her William Thornhill is on the line." She picked up within the minute. I put the phone on speaker again.

"Congresswoman, I've got William, Marnie and our friend, Andre on speaker with you this morning," I said. "Andre is a sex worker who Marnie and I know, who we're considering as our new Master."

"Does Lynn know that?"

"I don't know for sure, although I floated the idea with Alexandra a couple days ago, so it's possible. We believe, due to his bearing, a minor criminal record and his Dominant personality, Andre could portray someone looking to buy slaves for himself. He can bring Marnie and me there as his current slaves and we could have cameras installed in butt plugs to record anything of interest."

"How would a butt plug camera record anything of interest?"

"If we were bent over servicing his cock."

A moment of silence. "I see."

"We need you to send the FBI agent you trust to New York no later than tomorrow," William said. "If they don't have a camera which can do the job, I can have someone up here fabricate what we need. It should be wireless, and I suspect they'll be swept for bugs when they enter, so inert until they're inside. In fact, I know exactly what I want, so let me take care of it. I know a guy."

"Of course, you know a guy," Miranda said. "No offense, Andre, but can we trust you."

"I think so," Andre said, "though William sticking ten million dollars into my bank account is awfully tempting. You wouldn't believe the amount of information he gathered on me in a couple days. I don't think I want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder for whoever he sent after me."

William laughed as Andre smiled.

"I did a thorough background check on him, Miranda, and despite his unsavory profession, Andre strikes me as a man of rather high moral character. Enough so, I felt I could let him in on Evelyn's and my little secret. It does give him an opportunity to have gotten a large chunk of cash recently. He could have blackmailed someone for it."

"It certainly seems as though you put a lot together very quickly," Miranda said. "I'm impressed."

"Most of it is Richard's idea. He's very intelligent. I made a very good choice when I picked him as my Personal Assistant," Bill said. "He's been an asset already."

I blushed. Marnie squeezed my hand again.

"The FBI agent coming to see you is Winston Thatcher. He'll go over everything he needs. We'd especially like to catch the Assistant District Attorney and Deputy Police Chief if they're involved in this."

"Congresswoman, Master Thornhill," I said, "If it doesn't cost too much, I think Andre should buy a slave or two as part of his cover. I think it would be nice if he could buy some of Mahmoud's slaves if any are up for sale."

"Who is Mahmoud?" William asked.

"Mahmoud is a North African slaver who's been taking young Muslim women virgins, training them, branding them and selling them all over the world," Miranda said. "He also kidnapped the young American Peace Corps volunteer, Johanna Hoffler, that Joshua helped recover. So far, Joshua has managed to free a number of the young women. You can't believe how badly they've been treated. I think that would be a wonderful idea, if you don't mind putting some of your money to a good cause, Bill. They'll need lots of psychiatric help. Beth has been working with our lot. It's pretty pitiful. Their vaginal virginity is usually saved for their first owner, so if we could buy them before that's taken, it might help them immensely. A lot of them don't feel they can find husbands if they're impure."

"I've never minded giving money to good causes. Andre, feel free to spend up to three million dollars acquiring any of Mahmoud's slaves. Any slaves really if there aren't enough of Mahmoud's in the auction."

"You're joking."

"I'm really not."

"Thank you, Master Thornhill," I said. "I've met some of them and I think we'd be doing a lot of good."

"You're welcome, Richard. I'm glad I can help. Miranda, we have a lot of things to do to get ready. Send Mr. Thatcher to my home address. Have him call first so we know when to expect him. I'll need to make sure Evelyn and Regina are dressed."

"Thanks so much for helping, everyone."

William made one more phone call before we all went back to his playroom.


Marnie and I both stripped in the playroom. William talked a lot about the differences between voluntary submission and ownership.

"A real slave won't have safe words to protect them and their hard limits. You'll need to develop silent ways of communicating if you need Andre to back off. Whether it be pounding the floor in a certain pattern, or patting a leg, or showing crossed fingers. You'll need to develop whatever works for you and practice it so you know and recognize it when you see it.

"Another thing to keep in mind is you can't just have fresh welts when you walk into the place. There should be older ones and fresher ones. I suggest getting some now, some more tomorrow, then fresh ones on Saturday. I hate to say it, but some of them should have drawn blood."

"Give those to me," I said. "Don't give Marnie any of those."

"That's not a good idea, Richard. Andre shouldn't be showing favoritism to one or the other. Marnie can have fewer, but not none. We'll ensure you're filled with endorphins before giving them to you. We'll make sure Andre has a punishment instrument with him to inflict more on you there. It will be more realistic."

We nodded, reluctantly. He was right.

"I suggest both of you undergo cleansing before hand. Real slaves will probably go ass to mouth without an issue, but unless you want to eat shit, be cleansed first. It's possible they'll do a cavity search on you. If they do, remove the butt plug from their asses, Andre, and stick it in their mouths. It will be an extra indication to make them seem like owned slaves, and not merely submissives."

"Is that okay with you two?" Andre asked.

"We've done similar before," I reminded him. "If you fuck one of our asses, we can also clean off your cock without throwing up. If you do yours, we'll have no problem eating and licking your ass as well."

"If they serve food or beverages, Andre, either hand feed your slaves while caressing them, or put their food and drink in a bowl and have them eat it off the floor," Bill said. "Unless you're busy with someone else, you should always feed them this way. You could put Marnie's food in a bowl and feed Richard, or vice versa. Feel free to fuck them when you want. If they're auctioning off naked slaves, they'll be doing what they can to make the audience aroused and increase the slave's prices. Take advantage of that to use your slaves so they know you like using them."

"What should I do with the ones we purchase?" Andre said.

"You probably won't get them until the end of the auction. I'd be surprised if you did. If I'm wrong, don't use them. You're buying them because they are likely virgins and you want to keep them that way until you can get the right price for their virginity. I can arrange for a big van or bus to be waiting for slave transport. Bring them back here. I'll have a doctor here to check on their condition and the FBI agent to question them. We'll probably need interpreters too. Likely Arabic, but it's possible they'll speak other languages."

"I speak French, Master" Marnie said.

"I speak passable Spanish," I said, "but Joshua gave all of the slaves he freed iPads with a translation program on it, and earphones so they could listen without others hearing a jumble of languages. We might want to consider doing the same."

"Good idea, Richard. You're chock full of them today. Why don't we give Marnie and Richard their first welts. I can get Evelyn and Regina in here to help give them orgasms."

"That's not necessary," Andre said. "I can give Richard his. You can give Marnie hers. I wouldn't mind eating something when we're done with the punishment though."

Bill called down to ask for food to be delivered in about an hour. William fondled my wife to three orgasms in the same time Andre gave me one. He kissed me and stroked my cock until I was nice and hard, then he went down on me until I climaxed in his mouth. Again, no hesitation. If he was my owner, I couldn't pause when he wanted to pleasure me or use me. I had to surrender, obey, and give up my ego. I looked at it as training for if he became my Master. More likely, when he became my Master. I was ninety percent certain he would be soon.

Bill locked us into stocks for the first time. "It's important you don't jump around," he said. "Remain as still as possible so if we're aiming for your buttocks, we don't hit your cock or cunt instead."

Made sense to me. Again, he told Andre he'd have to try the instrument on himself. "You can't give yourself welts, or you give yourself away, but be aware how much it's going to hurt. Would either of you like something to bite down on or go with it as is?"

Marnie chose to bite down on something. I decided to go without. "Practice on me first," I said, "so you'll have a better idea of what you're doing when you do my Mistress."

"Don't call her your Mistress anymore. From now on, she's just another slave. Call Andre Master. Andre, you may want to give them slave names like Man Whore or Slut. Calling either of them a bitch is fine. They're nothing more than pets. Treat them as such."

Andre stroked my butt. He was using what what Master Thornhill called a cane, like a thin, flexible switch which he said did a good job of leaving welts. "You can start off a little lighter," Bill said. "You don't have to give a welt with the first blow. Do a good whack, check for what you're looking for. Keep going until you get a good welt, do two more just as hard as that one. Then two more that break the skin. Then do the same for Marnie, but only break skin on one of hers."

Andre hit me with the first and I sucked in my breath. That was maybe as bad as The Enforcer in terms of initial sting, but it seemed to linger longer. He hit me a second time. I was more prepared for the second, even if it was harder, so I panted through it. He hit me a third time and I groaned. "Oh, fuck!"

"You got a welt on that one. Two more just like it," Bill said.

I braced myself for the pain. Whack, whack, one after the other, almost blending into one. "The next two, you have to break skin," Bill said.

I howled when he struck me. I hope I didn't scare Madeline. Andre delivered the last one, and knowing it was over, I practically collapsed. Knowing I'd have to go through two more punishments like that almost more than I could bear. Bill released me and gave Andre some cream he could spread on my tortured ass while he gave me his aftercare. It deadened about half of the pain immediately.

"Now suck my cock," Andre said, in owner mode.

"Yes, Master," dropping to my knees and engulfing his big dick.

"Give me a good one," Andre said. "Suck me like it's the greatest treat in the world for you to suck me off."

I gave him one of Beth's special blow jobs, taking fifteen to twenty minutes to get him off, licking his balls, kissing his thighs, doing whatever I could to build and extend his pleasure. I sucked the cum from his balls when he climaxed, getting every drop.

"If I have to give you to someone at the auction, that's the blow job you give them, Richard. Nothing less."

"Yes, Master. I understand."

It was Marnie's turn next. William gave her another orgasm before fastening her in the stocks since it was so long since the first orgasms she'd received. Having practiced on me already, the first three swats Andre gave her were welts. Of course Marnie wasn't prepared for the first one. He didn't build up to it. It was a good thing she had a bite stick in her mouth. Then, he gave her the one that broke her skin. Marnie howled as much as I did.

"I hope we're not scaring Madeline, Master Thornhill" I said.

"This room is well soundproofed," William said, "though it's never been tested as much as it was today. You've taken more than my slaves ever had to."

Andre was releasing Mistress and spreading the salve on her wounds. After giving her the aftercare, Andre fucked her in the cunt, giving her more orgasms to help with her pain, though as his hips smacked against her inflamed buttocks, it was a combination of pleasure and pain she felt. It didn't stop her from climaxing. She always climaxed when Andre fucked her.

Our food was delivered and Marnie and I ate standing up, not yet ready to sit down on our bloodied posteriors. I knew Bill appreciated how much we were willing to do to pull this off. He told us so in no uncertain terms.

"There will be a special bonus for you when this is over," he said. "Congresswoman Ward should give you a medal."


Master Thornhill's last phone call he made that morning arrived at three PM. Evelyn let him in. He was a tiny, skinny guy, maybe 5-3, 120 pounds, glasses, long hair.

"What did you need Mr. Thornhill?"

William handed him a couple different anal plugs with jeweled ends. "I'd like spy cameras inserted in these anal plugs, or ones like them. How big would they need to be in diameter?" Bill asked.

"Two inches might be doable, but two and a half would be preferable, sir."

"They can't look like cameras. They should have jewels on the end, like these. Wireless, but able to be turned off and on as I expect they will sweep for bugs when they enter the building, so they need to avoid the initial sweep."

"How soon do you need them done?"

"Saturday morning for sure. Tomorrow morning would be better. We're meeting an FBI agent and he should know what we're going to be using."

"You're going to tell the FBI you're spying on someone?"

"It's at the behest of the government. We're not doing anything illegal."

"Don't tell them who made it for you. I can get them to you sometime tomorrow, but it may not be the morning."


Bill talked to Andre the rest of the afternoon. Marnie and I mostly stood around, listening, as we didn't want to sit down yet. Andre put more of the cream on our buttocks before we went home. We ordered in Chinese, unwilling to cook tonight. Andre practiced his Dominant behaviors, feeding us, making us wait on him. We developed silent safe signals and practiced them until we all recognized them. When we went to bed, Master fucked my ass while I licked Marnie's pussy. I was starting to think of them in those terms, Andre as Master, Marnie, just another slave. While Master fucked me, I got hard.

"Permission to cum, Master," I gasped, seconds away.

"Catch his cum, bitch," Master told Marnie.

"Yes, Master." She scrambled beneath me.

Marnie wrapped her lips around my cock catching my sperm when it shot out of my dick. We settled in to sleep.

"Marnie, I'm sorry I got you involved in this," I said. "I was thinking if Master was going to be looking for female slaves, he should have one. I didn't want to see you get punished so hard."

"It's okay, Richard. I think it's good practice if Andre remains our Dominant. I'm kind of excited. I really haven't done anything important since graduating. This has been fun. I can live with the welts."

"Let's cool the D/s shit for a minute. Marnie, why don't you sleep between us tonight, so your husband can hold you," Master said.

Good, I didn't have to spend every night hugging Andre.

"Listen, I really want to thank you both for the trust you and Mr. Thornhill have shown in me," Andre said. "Being a sex worker, I don't get a lot of credit for being a regular person with a different sort of job. It's almost as if I'm invisible when the gig is over. Pay the man and get him the fuck out. No matter what happens, whether you choose me as your Dominant or not, I consider you both to be friends.